include Rake::DSL require 'bundler' Bundler::GemHelper.install_tasks require 'rake/testtask' do |test| test.libs << 'lib' << 'test' test.pattern = 'test/*_test.rb' test.warning = true test.verbose = true if RUBY_VERSION < "1.9.0" # -rubygems isn't needed as of 1.9, and is gone as of 2.5 # test.ruby_opts = ['-rubygems'] end end # Running integration tests # rake test:clean # rake test:setup # rake test:full fixture_list = "{padrino_test,sinatra_test,rails2,rails3,rails3_2,rails4,rails5,rails5_api}" desc "Clean up the fixtures being tested by cleaning and installing dependencies" task "test:clean" do Dir[File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/fixtures/#{fixture_list}"].each do |fixture| puts "\n*** Cleaning up for #{File.basename(fixture)} tests ***\n" Dir.chdir(fixture) { puts `rm Gemfile.lock` } end end desc "Prepares the fixtures being tested by installing dependencies" task "test:setup" do Dir[File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/fixtures/#{fixture_list}"].each do |fixture| puts "\n*** Setting up for #{File.basename(fixture)} tests ***\n" `export BUNDLE_GEMFILE="#{fixture}/Gemfile"` if ENV["TRAVIS"] Bundler.with_clean_env { Dir.chdir(fixture) { puts `mkdir -p tmp/cache; bundle install --gemfile="#{fixture}/Gemfile"` if fixture.include? 'rails' puts `bundle exec rake db:reset` end } } end end desc "Executes the fixture tests" task "test:fixtures" do Dir[File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/fixtures/#{fixture_list}"].each do |fixture| puts "\n*** Running tests for #{File.basename(fixture)}... ***\n" Bundler.with_clean_env { Dir.chdir(fixture) { puts `bundle check; bundle exec rake test:rabl` } } end end task "test:full" => [:test, "test:fixtures"] desc "Run tests for rabl" task :default => :test