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[Contribute!](https://github.com/FontCustom/fontcustom/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md) ### Installation Requires **Ruby 1.9.2+**, **FontForge** with Python scripting. ```sh # On Mac brew install fontforge --with-python brew install eot-utils gem install fontcustom # On Linux sudo apt-get install fontforge wget http://people.mozilla.com/~jkew/woff/woff-code-latest.zip unzip woff-code-latest.zip -d sfnt2woff && cd sfnt2woff && make && sudo mv sfnt2woff /usr/local/bin/ gem install fontcustom ``` ### Quick Start ```sh fontcustom compile my/vectors # Compiles icons into `fontcustom/` fontcustom watch my/vectors # Compiles when vectors are changed/added/removed fontcustom compile # Uses options from `./fontcustom.yml` or `config/fontcustom.yml` fontcustom config # Generate a blank a config file fontcustom help # See all options ``` ### Configuration To manage settings between compiles, run `fontcustom config` to generate a config file. Inside, you'll find a list of [**all possible options**](https://github.com/FontCustom/fontcustom/blob/master/lib/fontcustom/templates/fontcustom.yml). Each option is also available as a dash-case command line flag (e.g. `--css-selector`) that overrides the config file. ### SVG Guidelines * All colors will be rendered identically. Watch out for white fills! * Use only solid colors. SVGs with transparency will be skipped. * For greater precision in curved icons, use fills instead strokes and [try these solutions](https://github.com/FontCustom/fontcustom/issues/85). * Activating `autowidth` trims horizontal white space from each glyph. This can be much easier than centering dozens of SVGs by hand. ### Advanced **For use with Compass and/or Rails** Set `templates` to include `scss-rails` to generate a SCSS partial with the compatible font-url() helper. You'll most likely also need to set `preprocessor_path` as the relative path from your compiled CSS to your output directory. **Save CSS and fonts to different locations** You can save generated fonts, CSS, and other files to different locations by using `fontcustom.yml`. Font Custom can also read input vectors and templates from different places. Just edit the `input` and `output` YAML hashes and their corresponding keys. **Tweak font settings** By default, Font Custom assumes a square viewBox, 512 by 512, and 16 pica points. Change `font_design_size`, `font_em`, `font_ascent`, `font_descent`, and `autowidth` to suit your own needs. **Generate LESS, Stylus, and other text files** Custom templates give you the flexibility to generate just about anything you want with Font Custom's output data. Any non-SVG file in your input directory (or input:templates directory if you set it in `fontcustom.yml`) will be available as a custom template to copy into the output directory after compilation. You just need to specify the file name under the `templates` hash. Any embedded ruby in the templates will be processed, along with the following helpers: * `font_name` * `font_face`: [FontSpring's Bulletproof @Font-Face Syntax](http://www.fontspring.com/blog/further-hardening-of-the-bulletproof-syntax) * `glyph_selectors`: comma-separated list of all icon CSS selectors * `glyphs`: all selectors and their codepoint assignments (`.icon-example:before { content: "\f103"; }`) * `@options`: a hash of options used during compilation * `@manifest`: a hash of options, generated file paths, code points, and just about everything else Font Custom knows. * `@font_path`: the path from CSS to font files (without an extension) * `@font_path_alt`: if `preprocessor_path` was set, this is the modified path `font_face` accepts a hash that modifies the CSS url() function and the path of the font files (`font_face(url: "font-url", path: @font_path_alt)`). --- [Licenses](https://github.com/FontCustom/fontcustom/blob/master/LICENSES.txt) Brought to you by [@endtwist](https://github.com/endtwist) and [@kaizau](https://github.com/kaizau)