# # NOTE: This is an example of Cuken usage. Assuming: # - A Chef server on localhost:4000 (point to yours) # - An admin client named bobo exists on that Chef server # # If you wish to mock a Chef server, see the Chef project's # features setup. # @announce @knife @cookbook_upload Feature: Reusable Chef Knife steps In order to write Chef features describing post-convergence system integration As a Chef user I want to describe features without having to implement Knife steps Background: Given the Chef server URI "http://localhost:4000" And the Chef admin client "bobo-admin" exists And a directory named "foo/bar" And a file named "foo/bar/bobo-admin.pem" with: """ -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- MIIEogIBAAKCAQEA2iu6ETTD3Ig/0dlbbQSPsVcSUGQ3O3Kgt+6h6OwD1HnQUHge NEdVwiGXuICSlRAJMHCmgy5+f/Wl3ic2yCfFrQwNG4zkD/lfM9fSsIfPsQcUoe5i 9xJTbtpT26Y5bkBqynHYOxtZTVZmxzA/XKZ+PvrBc0lU9FMx6P6F3bDo1SB3ZU3M zzJ/a1Owyu20qXSwjKYmr2MlU/0Abf/gOyghl1evljkZ5VOS721DVw0vjbgSx+Sp cyOFmKEnwMp6QBZTdak271D6/zJHFIUaCc4MLTXlchdZFOUUxF+GdlbxS+iEjX8q MnIxP9ZFIcTw26i+MTeNEjTQ9G3nAv/l0AymDQIDAQABAoIBAHY0gteXsxbla06T aYmjkwcOmgmcgqBe9t0xGeBNH7YbWdZ/fj3s+HX6JW39m23QBmqMXmts4XUK7xdy P6gqhFvBz8hBib9t6Tr5kFm8+7Z6k584vb4H29SPzieP5EXr+PA+xl0f8D6KtZzu cyYLvxL4YZ/I95J5EO2gGX+Hvl7Z+/VguyyagApZqZPCh3tQMKNRInFlqUV9VFXa g8+EFwPfTqfHg/gWIBU36weAsZHOTP/Oeh00fbaSXeQD/BJImqnJB3Vlb++bQIRF OI1SuttkNHTPRx8Ma4/3I/4GK6GhIyFh247T0MrmW+Zi7gQQ8UvYdzf/nlPvdWHP ak50GzECgYEA99E+5QdUkVDX29gFPOSxJ4IlAFydEjL9+WcmTCESkLgRi+QfDX8l vhssdwm6pHiH4x9xkUbjQ7WSFrVGK19zyZBuK9OcS9wGHf2AE8D7yB4nQcDVY4yT sLRmBRWtCxksj5jrQm1jAwF1/eWwYF5lyGZzX7UfxISZ24o6IVUiSFcCgYEA4V/i X+mf84w9VtPZIZXurZylRZDri64kavy0/8yf4uOrZvuRGIsFBghOhf9uc4hQD7fw jqTdLQO7fTOH/7MB5qbiRPDfwmTfZC8AM9wiSqXGOhQIHAPk/ydJGaMI0ugYLVhw SG6E7meBiaxi27UhH2aCv81yGAh8oCd/6211ljsCgYAMHJLpWKFedMgH+5fN8RNj be3nBZ+7mvhkrxDlGZyxq/1Xi++kljk/AE79BmGz1hw2EnxXcFJ9JaudJoDmb8TV 7hQkWjRCVN+Lqa8PyBfGIQskIIuNUPqK4VY3G2cYqsNNxViCJ5x2MiUVIpurKhHp aHBtFgoWbbCjVS8gH+wMAwKBgFs5M2j9KHgtOJrPjyDQDlcJg8Afw6e7KhSAC0dK 7SCqZLN/eiCEDNl/PUFxvaRX9YgXPPCP/NJ+o0IvPIocS9WvkQC0uu11ZRKpD5zu KpcqeI0DlLC6RtOcdDNDUYwE09xu4qv+yCGzlbRDKZSiwTBzjtLR9q+Rp9gvhNCn cqQHAoGAaW+Ve4BxC+/eyZ5yOPqp4IJDZuXQR/45zyUc+JNFSxIzg6W650JlK/Q6 Rr9nYisbBdjVA38WzK+aOm1bs+yCzepDNa+QDrtIvuuKUHP2XWLGa2kpAD95K5du osFXY7fq6Hd9CEFLcDacyxXShu095MPJGTSBwwykWo+C+DUC5ts= -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY----- """ And a file named "foo/bar/.chef/knife.rb" with: """ current_dir = File.dirname(__FILE__) log_level :debug log_location $stdout node_name "bobo-admin" client_key "#{File.dirname(current_dir)}/bobo-admin.pem" chef_server_url "http://localhost:4000" cache_type 'Memory' cache_options( :path => "#{ENV['HOME']}/.chef/checksums" ) cookbook_path ["#{current_dir}/../cookbooks","#{current_dir}/../site-cookbooks"] """ Scenario: Knife steps default knife.rb path Given I cd to "foo/bar" When I successfully run `knife node list` Then the output should contain: """ DEBUG: Signing the request as bobo-admin DEBUG: Sending HTTP Request via GET to localhost:4000/nodes [ """ Scenario: Knife steps with path to knife.rb created earlier Given the Knife file "foo/bar/.chef/knife.rb" And Explanation: to check a list of Chef nodes When the Nodes are: | node | | | Then the output should contain: """ DEBUG: Signing the request as bobo-admin DEBUG: Sending HTTP Request via GET to localhost:4000/nodes [ """ Scenario: Upload a non-Git managed cookbook with path to knife.rb created earlier Given the Knife file "foo/bar/.chef/knife.rb" And I cd to "./../../" And a Cookbook path "features/data/cookbooks_not_uploaded_at_feature_start" When I successfully run Knife's "cookbook upload version_updated" Then the output should contain: """ ERROR: Could not find cookbook version_updated in your cookbook path, skipping it """ Scenario: Upload a Git managed cookbook with path to knife.rb created earlier Given the Knife file "foo/bar/.chef/knife.rb" And I cd to "./../../" And a Cookbook path "features/data/repositories/cookbooks_not_uploaded_at_feature_start/version_updated" When I successfully run Knife's "cookbook upload version_updated" Then the output should contain "INFO: Uploading files" And the output should contain "DEBUG: Committing sandbox" And the output should contain "INFO: Upload complete!" Scenario: Verify a cookbook with path to knife.rb created earlier Given the Knife file "foo/bar/.chef/knife.rb" And I successfully run Knife's "cookbook show version_updated" And the output should contain: """ DEBUG: Signing the request as bobo-admin DEBUG: Sending HTTP Request via GET to localhost:4000/cookbooks/version_updated { "version_updated": [ "2.0.0" ] } """ Scenario: Delete a cookbook with path to knife.rb created earlier Given the Knife file "foo/bar/.chef/knife.rb" When I interactively run Knife's "cookbook delete version_updated" And I type "Y" And wait "5" seconds Then the output should contain: """ DEBUG: Signing the request as bobo-admin DEBUG: Sending HTTP Request via GET to localhost:4000/cookbooks/version_updated Do you really want to delete version_updated version 2.0.0? (Y/N) DEBUG: Signing the request as bobo-admin DEBUG: Sending HTTP Request via DELETE to localhost:4000/cookbooks/version_updated/2.0.0 Deleted cookbook[version_updated version 2.0.0]! """ Scenario: Auto upload and Delete a cookbook with path to knife.rb created earlier Given the Knife file "foo/bar/.chef/knife.rb" And I cd to "./../../" And a Cookbooks path "features/data/repositories/cookbooks_not_uploaded_at_feature_start" When I successfully run Knife's "cookbook upload version_updated" And I interactively run Knife's "cookbook delete version_updated 2.0.0" And I type "Y" And wait "5" seconds Then the output should contain: """ Do you really want to delete version_updated version 2.0.0? (Y/N) DEBUG: Signing the request as bobo-admin DEBUG: Sending HTTP Request via DELETE to localhost:4000/cookbooks/version_updated/2.0.0 Deleted cookbook[version_updated version 2.0.0]! """