# frozen_string_literal: true module Kadmin # Provide helpers for displaying alerts, as well as matching those alerts to # different flash keys. module AlertHelper # Generates HTML for a bootstrap alert message, optionally closable. # @param [String] type the type of the alert: danger, success, info, warning, or any alert- defined in your CSS # @param [Hash] options options to customize the alert # @option options [String] content ('') text to show if you're not going to pass a block # @option options [Boolean] dismissible (true) if true, adds a close button to the alert. Requires JS enabled # @param [Proc] block optional block to pass if you want add more complex HTML inside def alert(type, options = {}, &block) dismissible = options.fetch(:dismissible, true) text_content = options.fetch(:content, '') css_classes = %W[alert alert-#{type}] css_classes << 'alert-dismissible' if options.fetch(:dismissible, true) block_content = capture(&block) if block_given? return content_tag(:div, '', class: css_classes.join(' '), role: 'alert') do content = text_content.html_safe if dismissible button = button_tag(type: 'button', class: 'close', 'data-dismiss': 'alert') do content_tag(:span, '×', {}, false) end content.concat(button) end content.concat(block_content.html_safe) if block_content.present? content end end Type = Struct.new(:flash_keys, :css_class, :glyphicon) TYPES = [ Type.new(%w[danger alert], 'danger', 'exclamation-sign'), Type.new(['success'], 'success', 'ok-sign'), Type.new(%w[notice info], 'info', 'info-sign'), Type.new(%w[warn warning], 'warning', 'question-sign') ].freeze def render_flash_alerts alerts = AlertHelper::TYPES.map do |type| next unless type.flash_keys.any? { |key| flash[key].present? } render_flash_alert(type) end.compact return safe_join(alerts) end def render_flash_alert(type) messages = type.flash_keys.map { |key| Array.wrap(flash[key]).compact }.flatten return '' if messages.blank? wrapped = messages.map { |message| content_tag(:p, glyphicon(type.glyphicon) + " #{message}".html_safe) }.join('') return alert(type.css_class, content: wrapped) end end end