module Marty; class DataGridView < McflyGridPanel has_marty_permissions create: [:admin, :dev], read: :any, update: [:admin, :dev], delete: [:admin, :dev] include Extras::Layout # show_grid_js and client_show_grid_js have specific # handles so they can be used by various other components # FIXME: add the ability to pull specific functions # from other component javascripts or add a base to pull from def self.show_grid_js(options = {}) dg = options[:data_grid] || 'data_grid' title_str = options[:title_str] || 'Data Grid' javascript = l(<<-JS) function() { var sel = this.getSelectionModel().getSelection()[0]; var record_id = sel && sel.getId(); this.server.showGrid({record_id: record_id, data_grid: "#{dg}", title_str: "#{title_str}"}); } JS javascript end def self.client_show_grid_js javascript = l(<<-JS) function(count, data, title_str) { var columns = []; var fields = []; for (var i=0; i e client.netzke_notify(e.to_s) end end endpoint :edit_window__edit_form__submit do |params| data = ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(params[:data]) dg = DataGrid.find_by(id: data['id']) begin dg.update_from_import(data['name'], data['export']) set_perms(dg, data) client.success = true client.netzke_on_submit_success rescue StandardError => e client.netzke_notify(e.to_s) end end action :show_grid do |a| a.text = 'Show Grid' a.icon_cls = 'fa fa-th-large glyph' a.handler = :netzke_show_grid end action :edit_grid do |a| a.text = 'Edit Grid' a.icon_cls = 'fa fa-th-large glyph' a.handler = :netzke_edit_grid end endpoint :show_grid do |params| record_id = params[:record_id] dg = DataGrid.find_by(id: record_id) return client.netzke_notify('No data grid.') unless dg meta_rows_raw, h_key_rows, data_rows = dg.export_array meta_rows = do |row| # need to escape for HTML, otherwise characters such as >, <, # etc. not displayed properly. { |field| CGI::escapeHTML(field) } end res = meta_rows + [[]] + h_key_rows + data_rows maxcount = client.netzke_client_show_grid maxcount, res, 'Data Grid' end def self.get_edit_permission(_permissions) 'edit_all' end endpoint :edit_grid do |params| record_id = params[:record_id] dg = DataGrid.find_by(id: record_id) return client.netzke_notify('No data grid.') unless dg meta_rows_raw, h_key_rows, data_rows = dg.export_array res = h_key_rows + data_rows md = dg.metadata hdim = { |m| m['dir'] == 'h' && m['attr'] }.select { |v| v } vdim = { |m| m['dir'] == 'v' && m['attr'] }.select { |v| v } hdim_en = { |d| I18n.t('attributes.' + d, default: d) } vdim_en = { |d| I18n.t('attributes.' + d, default: d) } perm = self.class.get_edit_permission(dg.permissions) # should never happen return client.netzke_notify('No permission to edit/view grid.') unless perm doing = case perm when 'view' 'Viewing' when 'edit_all' 'Editing (all)' when 'edit_data' 'Editing (data only)' end name = "#{doing} Data Grid '#{}'" client.edit_grid(record_id, hdim_en, vdim_en, res, name, perm) end endpoint :save_grid do |params| end def default_bbar [:show_grid, :edit_grid] + super end def default_context_menu [] end def default_form_items [ :name, :perm_view, :perm_edit_data, :perm_edit_all, textarea_field(:export, height: 300, hide_label: true), ] end ['view', 'edit_data', 'edit_all'].each do |p| s = ('perm_' + p).to_s attribute s do |c| c.width = 100 c.flex = 1 c.label = I18n.t("data_grid_view_perms.#{s}") c.type = :string c.getter = lambda do |r| Marty::RoleType.to_nice_names(r.permissions[p].sort) end store = Marty::RoleType.to_nice_names( # edit does not work without this dummy setter c.setter = ->(r, v) {} c.editor_config = { multi_select: true, empty_text: I18n.t('user_grid.select_roles'), store: store, type: :string, xtype: :combo, } end end component :edit_window do |c| super(c) c.width = 700 end component :add_window do |c| super(c) c.width = 700 end attribute :name do |c| c.width = 400 end attribute :constraint do |c| c.width = 150 end attribute :hcols do |c| c.label = 'Horizontal Attrs' c.width = 200 c.getter = lambda { |r| r.dir_infos('h').map { |inf| inf['attr'] }.join(', ') } end attribute :vcols do |c| c.label = 'Vertical Attrs' c.width = 200 c.getter = lambda { |r| r.dir_infos('v').map { |inf| inf['attr'] }.join(', ') } end attribute :lenient do |c| c.width = 75 end attribute :data_type do |c| c.label = 'Data Type' c.width = 200 end attribute :created_dt do |c| c.label = I18n.t('updated_at') c.format = 'Y-m-d H:i' c.read_only = true end end; end DataGridView = Marty::DataGridView