require 'vagrant' require 'pe_build/archive' require 'pe_build/util/config' require 'pe_build/util/versioned_path' require 'pe_build/util/version_string' require 'log4r' require 'fileutils' require 'uri' module PEBuild module Provisioner class PEBootstrap < Vagrant.plugin('2', :provisioner) require 'pe_build/provisioner/pe_bootstrap/answers_file' require 'pe_build/provisioner/pe_bootstrap/post_install' class UnsetVersionError < Vagrant::Errors::VagrantError error_key(:unset_version, 'pebuild.provisioner.pe_bootstrap.errors') end class AgentRoleRemovedError < Vagrant::Errors::VagrantError error_key(:agent_role_removed, 'pebuild.provisioner.pe_bootstrap.errors') end # @!attribute [r] work_dir # @return [String] The path to the machine pe_build working directory attr_reader :work_dir # @!attribute [r] answer_dir # @return [String] The path to the default answer file template dir attr_reader :answer_dir # @!attribute [r] answer_file # @return [String] The path to the answer file for this machine. attr_reader :answer_file def initialize(machine, config) super @logger ='vagrant::provisioners::pe_bootstrap') @work_dir = File.join(@machine.env.root_path.join, PEBuild::WORK_DIR) @answer_dir = File.join(work_dir, 'answers') end # Instantiate all working directory content and stage the PE installer. # # @param root_config [Object] ??? # @return [void] def configure(root_config) late_config_merge(root_config) unless work_dir FileUtils.mkdir_p work_dir end end def provision load_archive if pe_installed? machine.ui.warn I18n.t('pebuild.provisioner.pe_bootstrap.already_installed'), :name => else prepare_answers_file fetch_installer run_install run_postinstall_tasks end end private def pe_installed? case machine.guest.capability_host_chain.first.first when :windows gt_win2k3_path = '${Env:ALLUSERSPROFILE}\\PuppetLabs' le_win2k3_path = '${Env:ALLUSERSPROFILE}\\Application Data\\PuppetLabs' testpath = "(Test-Path \"#{gt_win2k3_path}\") -or (Test-Path \"#{le_win2k3_path}\")" machine.communicate.test("If (#{testpath}) { Exit 0 } Else { Exit 1 }") else machine.communicate.test('test -f /opt/puppet/pe_version || test -f /opt/puppetlabs/server/pe_version') end end def late_config_merge(root_config) provision = @config global = root_config.pe_build # We don't necessarily know if the configs have been merged. If a config # is being used for default values and was never directly touched then it # may have bad values, so we re-finalize everything. This may not be # generally safe but inside of this plugin it should be ok. global.finalize! provision.finalize! @config = PEBuild::Util::Config.local_merge(provision, global) # If a version file is set, use its contents to specify the PE version. unless @config.version_file.nil? if URI.parse(@config.version_file).scheme.nil? # Non-URI paths are joined to the download root. path = "#{@config.download_root}/#{@config.version_file}" else path = @config.version_file end path = PEBuild::Util::VersionedPath.versioned_path(path, @config.version, @config.series) @config.version = end raise UnsetVersionError if @config.version.nil? if (, '2016.2.0') >= 0) @config.role ||= :master else @config.role ||= :agent end if (@config.role == :agent) && (, '2016.2.0') >= 0) raise AgentRoleRemovedError, machine_name: elsif (@config.role == :agent) && (, '2015.2.0') >= 0) @machine.ui.warn I18n.t( 'pebuild.provisioner.pe_bootstrap.warnings.agent_role_deprecated', machine_name: end end def prepare_answers_file @answer_template =, @config, @work_dir) @answer_template.generate unless @config.shared_installer @machine.communicate.upload(File.join(@answer_dir, "#{}.txt"), "#{}.txt") end end def load_archive if @config.suffix == :detect and @config.filename.nil? filename = @machine.guest.capability('detect_installer', @config.version) else filename = @config.filename end @archive =, @machine.env) @archive.series = @config.series @archive.version = @config.version end # @todo panic if @config.download_root is undefined def fetch_installer if @config.shared_installer uri = @config.download_root @archive.fetch(@config.download_root) @archive.unpack_to(@work_dir) else @machine.guest.capability(:stage_installer, @archive.source_uri(@config.download_root), '.') end end def run_install case machine.guest.capability_host_chain.first.first when :windows if @config.shared_installer drive ='ECHO %SYSTEMDRIVE%')[:data][0][:stdout].chomp installer_dir = File.join(drive, 'vagrant', PEBuild::WORK_DIR) installer_path = File.join(installer_dir, @archive.filename) else installer_path = @archive.filename end # Windows installations don't use answer files. answers = { 'PUPPET_MASTER_SERVER' => @config.master, 'PUPPET_AGENT_CERTNAME' =>, } use_pem = false else if @config.shared_installer root = File.join('/vagrant', PEBuild::WORK_DIR) installer_path = File.join(root, @archive.installer_dir, 'puppet-enterprise-installer') answers = File.join(root, 'answers', "#{}.txt") else installer_path = File.join(@archive.installer_dir, 'puppet-enterprise-installer') answers = File.join("#{}.txt") end # Run a PEM install if the PE version is 2016.2.0 or newer. use_pem = (, '2016.2.0') >= 0) end machine.guest.capability('run_install', installer_path, answers, use_pem: use_pem) end def run_postinstall_tasks postinstall =, @config, @work_dir) end end end end