# # Hawkfile # # # XCode project information - used to configure how your app is built and signed # # The signing identity to sign your app with. Defaults to 'iPhone Distribution' #signing_identity 'iPhone Distribution' # # The project file to load (this is usually found automatically) #project 'SampleProject.xcodeproj' # # The workspace file to use (like project, this is usually found automatically) #workspace 'SampleWorkspace.xcworkspace' # # The scheme to build (required when building a workspace). # Run 'xcodebuild --workspace -list' to see available schemes #scheme 'SampleApplication' # # The configuration to build. Defaults to 'Release' #configuration 'Release' # # AWS Credentials - used to upload your app and associated metadata into S3 so # that users can download and install your app # # Note that if you don't want to check your key material into source control, # you can erase the two access key lines from this file and set some environment # variables instead. See http://amazon.rubyforge.org/doc/files/README.html for # details. Note that the bucket name is always required # #access_key_id 'AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA' #secret_access_key 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' #bucket_name 'mah-bukkit' # # How many days to wait before deleting the files from S3. Defaults to 30 days #delete_after 30 # # Bundle ID Fix - enable a workaround that causes OTA install to fail on certain # ios8 devices. See http://stackoverflow.com/questions/25772664/enterprise-app-update-distribution-on-ios-8 # for more information. Disabled by default #bundle_id_fix false # # Vendor name - an optional value to be displayed alongside the app name during # the install process # #vendor_name "ABC Co" # # Icon path - the path (relative to this Hawkfile) that a 57x57px PNG formatted # app icon can be found, to be used during the app install. This is optional, # and if omitted a plain white icon will be used in its stead # #icon_path 'path/to/icon.png' # # Full size icon image path - the path (relative to this Hawkfile) that # a 512x512x PNG formatted app icon can be found. to be used during the app # install. This is optional, and if omitted a plain white icon will be used in # its stead # #fullsize_image_path 'path/to/fullsize_image.png' # # User list - a list of users to send emails to upon successsful upload of a new # version of your app. Specified one email address per line, to keep diffs sane # #user 'alice@example.com' #user 'bob@example.com' #user 'claire@example.com' # # Notification settings - parameters describing the email to be sent out. This # email will be opened locally on this machine by invoking a 'mailto:' url. Your # default mail application will open, allowing you to review and edit the email # before sending it. This is usually a good time to describe changes to the app, # or to suggest areas for testing and review. # # The following tags are allowed for replacement. In addition to these tags, any # ERB compliant tags will be replaced as well. # # <%= app_name %> : The name of the application, taken from the project # <%= app_version %> : The current version of the project, taken from the project's # Info.plist file # <%= repo_version %> : An SCM specific version number taken from the current state # of the project # <%= webpage_url %> : The url of an S3 hosted page which will redirect the user to # install the application when opened on an iOS device # email_subject "A new update of <%= app_name %> is available for download" email_body < is ready to install. Click the following link on your iOS device to install it: <%= webpage_url %> Please reference '<%= repo_version %>' in any bug reports to help us out. Thanks! -- Distributed by hawk [http://github.com/mtrudel/hawk] EOF