require File.expand_path("spec_helper", File.dirname(File.dirname(__FILE__))) begin require 'rack/csrf' rescue LoadError warn "rack_csrf not installed, skipping csrf plugin test" else describe "csrf plugin" do it "adds csrf protection and csrf helper methods" do app(:bare) do use Rack::Session::Cookie, :secret=>'1' plugin :csrf, :skip=>['POST:/foo'] route do |r| r.get do response['TAG'] = csrf_tag response['METATAG'] = csrf_metatag response['TOKEN'] = csrf_token response['FIELD'] = csrf_field response['HEADER'] = csrf_header 'g' end 'foo' do 'bar' end do 'p' end end end io = status('REQUEST_METHOD'=>'POST', 'rack.input'=>io).must_equal 403 body('/foo', 'REQUEST_METHOD'=>'POST', 'rack.input'=>io).must_equal 'bar' env = proc{|h| h['Set-Cookie'] ? {'HTTP_COOKIE'=>h['Set-Cookie'].sub("; path=/; HttpOnly", '')} : {}} s, h, b = req s.must_equal 200 field = h['FIELD'] token = Regexp.escape(h['TOKEN']) h['TAG'].must_match(/\A<input type="hidden" name="#{field}" value="#{token}" \/>\z/) h['METATAG'].must_match(/\A<meta name="#{field}" content="#{token}" \/>\z/) b.must_equal ['g'] s, _, b = req('/', env[h].merge('REQUEST_METHOD'=>'POST', 'rack.input'=>io, "HTTP_#{h['HEADER']}"=>h['TOKEN'])) s.must_equal 200 b.must_equal ['p'] app.plugin :csrf body('/foo', 'REQUEST_METHOD'=>'POST', 'rack.input'=>io).must_equal 'bar' end it "can optionally skip setting up the middleware" do sub_app = sub_app.class_eval do plugin :csrf, :skip_middleware=>true route do |r| r.get do response['TAG'] = csrf_tag response['METATAG'] = csrf_metatag response['TOKEN'] = csrf_token response['FIELD'] = csrf_field response['HEADER'] = csrf_header 'g' end 'bar' do 'foobar' end do 'p' end end end app(:bare) do use Rack::Session::Cookie, :secret=>'1' plugin :csrf, :skip=>['POST:/foo/bar'] route do |r| r.on 'foo' do sub_app end end end io = status('/foo', 'REQUEST_METHOD'=>'POST', 'rack.input'=>io).must_equal 403 body('/foo/bar', 'REQUEST_METHOD'=>'POST', 'rack.input'=>io).must_equal 'foobar' env = proc{|h| h['Set-Cookie'] ? {'HTTP_COOKIE'=>h['Set-Cookie'].sub("; path=/; HttpOnly", '')} : {}} s, h, b = req('/foo') s.must_equal 200 field = h['FIELD'] token = Regexp.escape(h['TOKEN']) h['TAG'].must_match(/\A<input type="hidden" name="#{field}" value="#{token}" \/>\z/) h['METATAG'].must_match(/\A<meta name="#{field}" content="#{token}" \/>\z/) b.must_equal ['g'] s, _, b = req('/foo', env[h].merge('REQUEST_METHOD'=>'POST', 'rack.input'=>io, "HTTP_#{h['HEADER']}"=>h['TOKEN'])) s.must_equal 200 b.must_equal ['p'] sub_app.plugin :csrf, :skip_middleware=>true body('/foo/bar', 'REQUEST_METHOD'=>'POST', 'rack.input'=>io).must_equal 'foobar' @app = sub_app s, _, b = req('/bar', 'REQUEST_METHOD'=>'POST', 'rack.input'=>io) s.must_equal 200 b.must_equal ['foobar'] end end end