module RDF ## # A {Vocabulary} represents an RDFS or OWL vocabulary. # # A {Vocabulary} can also serve as a Domain Specific Language (DSL) for generating an RDF Graph definition for the vocabulary (see {RDF::Vocabulary#to_enum}). # # ### Defining a vocabulary using the DSL # Vocabularies can be defined based on {RDF::Vocabulary} or {RDF::StrictVocabulary} using a simple Domain Specific Language (DSL). Terms of the vocabulary are specified using either `property` or `term` (alias), with the attributes of the term listed in a hash. See {property} for description of the hash. # # ### Vocabularies: # # The following vocabularies are pre-defined for your convenience: # # * {RDF} - Resource Description Framework (RDF) # * {RDF::OWL} - Web Ontology Language (OWL) # * {RDF::RDFS} - RDF Schema (RDFS) # * {RDF::XSD} - XML Schema (XSD) # # Other vocabularies are defined in the [rdf-vocab]( gem # # @example Using pre-defined RDF vocabularies # include RDF # # RDF.type #=> RDF::URI("") # RDFS.seeAlso #=> RDF::URI("") # OWL.sameAs #=> RDF::URI("") # XSD.dateTime #=> RDF::URI("") # # @example Using ad-hoc RDF vocabularies # foaf ="") # foaf.knows #=> RDF::URI("") # foaf[:name] #=> RDF::URI("") # foaf['mbox'] #=> RDF::URI("") # # @example Method calls are converted to the typical RDF camelcase convention # foaf ="") # foaf.family_name #=> RDF::URI("") # owl.same_as #=> RDF::URI("") # # []-style access is left as is # foaf['family_name'] #=> RDF::URI("") # foaf[:family_name] #=> RDF::URI("") # # @example Generating RDF from a vocabulary definition # graph = << RDF::RDFS.to_enum # graph.dump(:ntriples) # # @example Defining a simple vocabulary # class EX < RDF::StrictVocabulay("http://example/ns#") # term :Class, # label: "My Class", # comment: "Good to use as an example", # "rdf:type" => "rdfs:Class", # "rdfs:subClassOf" => "http://example/SuperClass" # end # # @see # @see class Vocabulary extend ::Enumerable class << self ## # Enumerates known RDF vocabulary classes. # # @yield [klass] # @yieldparam [Class] klass # @return [Enumerator] def each(&block) if self.equal?(Vocabulary) # This is needed since all vocabulary classes are defined using # Ruby's autoloading facility, meaning that `@@subclasses` will be # empty until each subclass has been touched or require'd. RDF::VOCABS.each { |v| require "rdf/vocab/#{v}" unless v == :rdf } else __properties__.each(&block) end end ## # Is this a strict vocabulary, or a liberal vocabulary allowing arbitrary properties? def strict?; false; end ## # @overload property # Returns `property` in the current vocabulary # @return [RDF::Vocabulary::Term] # # @overload property(name, options) # Defines a new property or class in the vocabulary. # # @example A simple term definition # property :domain, # comment: %(A domain of the subject property.).freeze, # domain: "rdf:Property".freeze, # label: "domain".freeze, # range: "rdfs:Class".freeze, # isDefinedBy: %(rdfs:).freeze, # type: "rdf:Property".freeze # # @example A SKOS term with anonymous values # term: :af, # type: "jur:Country", # isDefinedBy: "", # "skos:exactMatch": [ # # type: "skos:Concept", # inScheme: "iso3166-1-alpha-2", # notation: "ax"), # # type: "skos:Concept", # inScheme: "iso3166-1-alpha-3", # notation: "ala") # ], # "foaf:name": "Aland Islands" # # @param [String, #to_s] name # @param [Hash{Symbol=>String,Array}] options # Any other values are expected to expands to a {URI} using built-in vocabulary prefixes. The value is a `String`, `Array` or `Array` which is interpreted according to the `range` of the associated property. # @option options [String, Array] :type # Shortcut for `rdf:type`, values are interpreted as a {Term}. # @option options [String, Array] :comment # Shortcut for `rdfs:comment`, values are interpreted as a {Literal}. # @option options [String, Array] :domain # Shortcut for `rdfs:domain`, values are interpreted as a {Term}. # @option options [String, Array] :isDefinedBy # Shortcut for `rdfs:isDefinedBy`, values are interpreted as a {Term}. # @option options [String, Array] :label # Shortcut for `rdfs:label`, values are interpreted as a {Literal}. # @option options [String, Array] :range # Shortcut for `rdfs:range`, values are interpreted as a {Term}. # @option options [String, Array] :subClassOf # Shortcut for `rdfs:subClassOf`, values are interpreted as a {Term}. # @option options [String, Array] :subPropertyOf # Shortcut for `rdfs:subPropertyOf`, values are interpreted as a {Term}. # @option options [String, Array] :allValuesFrom # Shortcut for `owl:allValuesFrom`, values are interpreted as a {Term}. # @option options [String, Array] :cardinality # Shortcut for `owl:cardinality`, values are interpreted as a {Literal}. # @option options [String, Array] :equivalentClass # Shortcut for `owl:equivalentClass`, values are interpreted as a {Term}. # @option options [String, Array] :equivalentProperty # Shortcut for `owl:equivalentProperty`, values are interpreted as a {Term}. # @option options [String, Array] :intersectionOf # Shortcut for `owl:intersectionOf`, values are interpreted as a {Term}. # @option options [String, Array] :inverseOf # Shortcut for `owl:inverseOf`, values are interpreted as a {Term}. # @option options [String, Array] :maxCardinality # Shortcut for `owl:maxCardinality`, values are interpreted as a {Literal}. # @option options [String, Array] :minCardinality # Shortcut for `owl:minCardinality`, values are interpreted as a {Literal}. # @option options [String, Array] :onProperty # Shortcut for `owl:onProperty`, values are interpreted as a {Term}. # @option options [String, Array] :someValuesFrom # Shortcut for `owl:someValuesFrom`, values are interpreted as a {Term}. # @option options [String, Array] :unionOf # Shortcut for `owl:unionOf`, values are interpreted as a {Term}. # @option options [String, Array] :domainIncludes # Shortcut for `schema:domainIncludes`, values are interpreted as a {Term}. # @option options [String, Array] :rangeIncludes # Shortcut for `schema:rangeIncludes`, values are interpreted as a {Term}. # @option options [String, Array] :altLabel # Shortcut for `skos:altLabel`, values are interpreted as a {Literal}. # @option options [String, Array] :broader # Shortcut for `skos:broader`, values are interpreted as a {Term}. # @option options [String, Array] :definition # Shortcut for `skos:definition`, values are interpreted as a {Literal}. # @option options [String, Array] :editorialNote # Shortcut for `skos:editorialNote`, values are interpreted as a {Literal}. # @option options [String, Array] :exactMatch # Shortcut for `skos:exactMatch`, values are interpreted as a {Term}. # @option options [String, Array] :hasTopConcept # Shortcut for `skos:hasTopConcept`, values are interpreted as a {Term}. # @option options [String, Array] :inScheme # Shortcut for `skos:inScheme`, values are interpreted as a {Term}. # @option options [String, Array] :member # Shortcut for `skos:member`, values are interpreted as a {Term}. # @option options [String, Array] :narrower # Shortcut for `skos:narrower`, values are interpreted as a {Term}. # @option options [String, Array] :notation # Shortcut for `skos:notation`, values are interpreted as a {Literal}. # @option options [String, Array] :note # Shortcut for `skos:note`, values are interpreted as a {Literal}. # @option options [String, Array] :prefLabel # Shortcut for `skos:prefLabel`, values are interpreted as a {Literal}. # @option options [String, Array] :related # Shortcut for `skos:related`, values are interpreted as a {Term}. # @return [RDF::Vocabulary::Term] def property(*args) case args.length when 0 Term.intern("#{self}property", vocab: self, attributes: {}) else name = args.shift unless args.first.is_a?(Hash) options = args.last if name uri_str = [to_s, name.to_s].join('') URI.cache.delete(uri_str.to_sym) # Clear any previous entry # Term attributes passed in a block for lazy evaluation. This helps to avoid load-time circular dependencies prop = Term.intern(uri_str, vocab: self, attributes: options) props[name.to_sym] = prop # If name is empty, also treat it as the ontology @ontology ||= prop if name.to_s.empty? # Define an accessor, except for problematic properties (class << self; self; end).send(:define_method, name) { prop } unless %w(property hash).include?(name.to_s) else # Define the term without a name # Term attributes passed in a block for lazy evaluation. This helps to avoid load-time circular dependencies prop = self, attributes: options) end prop end end # Alternate use for vocabulary terms, functionally equivalent to {#property}. alias_method :term, :property alias_method :__property__, :property ## # @overload ontology # Returns the ontology definition of the current vocabulary as a term. # @return [RDF::Vocabulary::Term] # # @overload ontology(name, options) # Defines the vocabulary ontology. # # @param [String, #to_s] uri # The URI of the ontology. # @param [Hash{Symbol => Object}] options # See {property} # @param [Hash{Symbol=>String,Array}] options # Any other values are expected to expands to a {URI} using built-in vocabulary prefixes. The value is a `String`, `Array` or `Array` which is interpreted according to the `range` of the associated property. # @option options [String, Array] :type # Shortcut for `rdf:type`, values are interpreted as a {Term}. # @option options [String, Array] :comment # Shortcut for `rdfs:comment`, values are interpreted as a {Literal}. # @option options [String, Array] :isDefinedBy # Shortcut for `rdfs:isDefinedBy`, values are interpreted as a {Term}. # @option options [String, Array] :label # Shortcut for `rdfs:label`, values are interpreted as a {Literal}. # @option options [String, Array] :altLabel # Shortcut for `skos:altLabel`, values are interpreted as a {Literal}. # @option options [String, Array] :definition # Shortcut for `skos:definition`, values are interpreted as a {Literal}. # @option options [String, Array] :editorialNote # Shortcut for `skos:editorialNote`, values are interpreted as a {Literal}. # @option options [String, Array] :note # Shortcut for `skos:note`, values are interpreted as a {Literal}. # @option options [String, Array] :prefLabel # Shortcut for `skos:prefLabel`, values are interpreted as a {Literal}. # @return [RDF::Vocabulary::Term] # # @note If the ontology URI has the vocabulary namespace URI as a prefix, it may also be defined using `#property` or `#term` def ontology(*args) case args.length when 0 @ontology else uri, options = args URI.cache.delete(uri.to_s.to_sym) # Clear any previous entry # Term attributes passed in a block for lazy evaluation. This helps to avoid load-time circular dependencies @ontology = Term.intern(uri.to_s, vocab: self, attributes: options) # If the URI is the same as the vocabulary namespace, also define it as a term props[:""] ||= @ontology if self.to_s == uri.to_s @ontology end end alias_method :__ontology__, :ontology ## # @return [Array] a list of properties in the current vocabulary def properties props.values end alias_method :__properties__, :properties ## # Attempt to expand a Compact IRI/PName/QName using loaded vocabularies # # @param [String, #to_s] pname # @return [Term] # @raise [KeyError] if pname suffix not found in identified vocabulary # @raise [ArgumentError] if resulting URI is not valid def expand_pname(pname) return pname unless pname.is_a?(String) || pname.is_a?(Symbol) prefix, suffix = pname.to_s.split(":", 2) if prefix == "rdf" RDF[suffix] elsif vocab = RDF::Vocabulary.each.detect {|v| v.__name__ && v.__prefix__ == prefix.to_sym} suffix.to_s.empty? ? vocab.to_uri : vocab[suffix] else (RDF::Vocabulary.find_term(pname) rescue nil) || RDF::URI(pname, validate: true) end end ## # Return the Vocabulary associated with a URI. Allows the trailing '/' or '#' to be excluded # # @param [RDF::URI] uri # @return [Vocabulary] def find(uri) uri = RDF::URI(uri) if uri.is_a?(String) return nil unless uri.uri? && uri.valid? RDF::Vocabulary.detect do |v| if uri.length >= v.to_uri.length uri.start_with?(v.to_uri) else v.to_uri.to_s.sub(%r([/#]$), '') == uri.to_s end end end ## # Return the Vocabulary term associated with a URI # # @param [RDF::URI] uri # @return [Vocabulary::Term] def find_term(uri) uri = RDF::URI(uri) return uri if uri.is_a?(Vocabulary::Term) if vocab = find(uri) if vocab.ontology == uri vocab.ontology else vocab[uri.to_s[vocab.to_uri.to_s.length..-1].to_s] end end end ## # Returns the URI for the term `property` in this vocabulary. # # @param [#to_s] property # @return [RDF::URI] def [](property) if props.has_key?(property.to_sym) props[property.to_sym] else Term.intern([to_s, property.to_s].join(''), vocab: self, attributes: {}) end end ## # List of vocabularies this vocabulary `owl:imports` # # @note the alias {__imports__} guards against `RDF::OWL.imports` returning a term, rather than an array of vocabularies # @return [Array] def imports return [] unless self.ontology @imports ||= begin Array(self.ontology.attributes[:"owl:imports"]).map do |pn| find(expand_pname(pn)) rescue nil end.compact rescue KeyError [] end end alias_method :__imports__, :imports ## # List of vocabularies which import this vocabulary # @return [Array] def imported_from @imported_from ||= begin {|v| v.__imports__.include?(self)} end end ## # Returns the base URI for this vocabulary class. # # @return [RDF::URI] def to_uri RDF::URI.intern(@@uris[self].to_s) end # For IRI compatibility alias_method :to_iri, :to_uri ## # Return an enumerator over {RDF::Statement} defined for this vocabulary. # @return [RDF::Enumerable::Enumerator] # @see Object#enum_for def enum_for(method = :each_statement, *args) # Ensure that enumerators are, themselves, queryable this = self do |yielder| this.send(method, *args) {|*y| yielder << (y.length > 1 ? y : y.first)} end end alias_method :to_enum, :enum_for ## # Enumerate each statement constructed from the defined vocabulary terms # # If a property value is known to be a {URI}, or expands to a {URI}, the `object` is a URI, otherwise, it will be a {Literal}. # # @yield statement # @yieldparam [RDF::Statement] def each_statement(&block) props.each do |name, subject| subject.each_statement(&block) end # Also include the ontology, if it's not also a property @ontology.each_statement(&block) if @ontology && @ontology != self end ## # Returns a string representation of this vocabulary class. # # @return [String] def to_s @@uris.has_key?(self) ? @@uris[self].to_s : super end ## # Create a vocabulary from a graph or enumerable # # @param [RDF::Enumerable] graph # @param [URI, #to_s] url # @param [RDF::Vocabulary, String] class_name # The class_name associated with the vocabulary, used for creating the class name of the vocabulary. This will create a new class named with a top-level constant based on `class_name`. If given an existing vocabulary, it replaces the existing definitions for that vocabulary with those from the graph. # @param [Array, Hash{Symbol => Hash}] extra # Extra terms to add to the vocabulary. In the first form, it is an array of symbols, for which terms are created. In the second, it is a Hash mapping symbols to property attributes, as described in {}. # @return [RDF::Vocabulary] the loaded vocabulary def from_graph(graph, url: nil, class_name: nil, extra: nil) vocab = case class_name when RDF::Vocabulary class_name.instance_variable_set(:@ontology, nil) class_name.instance_variable_set(:@properties, nil) class_name when String Object.const_set(class_name, else end ont_url = url.to_s.sub(%r([/#]$), '') term_defs = {} embedded_defs = {} graph.each do |statement| #next unless statement.subject.uri? if statement.subject.start_with?(url) || statement.subject == ont_url name = statement.subject.to_s[url.to_s.length..-1].to_s term = (term_defs[name.to_sym] ||= {}) else # subject is not a URI or is not associated with the vocabulary term = (embedded_defs[statement.subject] ||= {}) end key = case statement.predicate when RDF.type then :type when RDF::RDFS.comment then :comment when RDF::RDFS.domain then :domain when RDF::RDFS.isDefinedBy then :isDefinedBy when RDF::RDFS.label then :label when RDF::RDFS.range then :range when RDF::RDFS.subClassOf then :subClassOf when RDF::RDFS.subPropertyOf then :subPropertyOf when RDF::URI("") then :domainIncludes when RDF::URI("") then :rangeIncludes when RDF::URI("") then :allValuesFrom when RDF::URI("") then :cardinality when RDF::URI("") then :equivalentClass when RDF::URI("") then :equivalentProperty when RDF::URI("") then :intersectionOf when RDF::URI("") then :inverseOf when RDF::URI("") then :maxCardinality when RDF::URI("") then :minCardinality when RDF::URI("") then :onProperty when RDF::URI("") then :someValuesFrom when RDF::URI("") then :unionOf when RDF::URI("") then :altLabel when RDF::URI("") then :broader when RDF::URI("") then :definition when RDF::URI("") then :editorialNote when RDF::URI("") then :exactMatch when RDF::URI("") then :hasTopConcept when RDF::URI("") then :inScheme when RDF::URI("") then :member when RDF::URI("") then :narrower when RDF::URI("") then :notation when RDF::URI("") then :note when RDF::URI("") then :prefLabel when RDF::URI("") then :related else statement.predicate.pname.to_sym end # Skip literals other than plain or english # This is because the ruby representation does not preserve language next if statement.object.literal? && (statement.object.language || :en).to_s !~ /^en-?/ (term[key] ||= []) << statement.object end # Create extra terms term_defs = case extra when Array extra.inject({}) {|memo, s| memo[s.to_sym] = {}; memo}.merge(term_defs) when Hash extra.merge(term_defs) else term_defs end # Pass over embedded_defs with anonymous references, once embedded_defs.each do |term, attributes| attributes.each do |ak, avs| # Turn embedded BNodes into either their Term definition or a List avs = [avs] unless avs.is_a?(Array) attributes[ak] = do |av| l = av, graph: graph) if l.valid? av) do |nl| l.each do |lv| nl << (embedded_defs[lv] ? vocab, attributes: embedded_defs[lv]) : lv) end end elsif av.is_a?(RDF::Node) vocab, attributes: embedded_defs[av]) if embedded_defs[av] else av end end.compact end end term_defs.each do |term, attributes| # Turn embedded BNodes into either their Term definition or a List attributes.each do |ak, avs| attributes[ak] = avs.is_a?(Array) ? do |av| l = av, graph: graph) if l.valid? av) do |nl| l.each do |lv| nl << (embedded_defs[lv] ? vocab, attributes: embedded_defs[lv]) : lv) end end elsif av.is_a?(RDF::Node) vocab, attributes: embedded_defs[av]) if embedded_defs[av] else av end end.compact : avs end if term == :"" vocab.__ontology__ vocab, attributes else vocab.__property__ term, attributes end end vocab end ## # Returns a developer-friendly representation of this vocabulary class. # # @return [String] def inspect if self == Vocabulary self.to_s else sprintf("%s(%s)", superclass.to_s, to_s) end end # Preserve the class name so that it can be obtained even for # vocabularies that define a `name` property: alias_method :__name__, :name ## # Returns a suggested CURIE/PName prefix for this vocabulary class. # # @return [Symbol] # @since 0.3.0 def __prefix__ __name__.split('::').last.downcase.to_sym end protected def inherited(subclass) # @private unless @@uri.nil? @@subclasses << subclass unless %w( subclass.send(:private_class_method, :new) @@uris[subclass] = @@uri @@uri = nil end super end def method_missing(property, *args, &block) property = RDF::Vocabulary.camelize(property.to_s) if args.empty? && !to_s.empty? Term.intern([to_s, property.to_s].join(''), vocab: self, attributes: {}) else super end end # Create a list of terms # @param [Array] values # Each value treated as a URI or PName # @return [RDF::List] def list(*values) RDF::List[* {|v| expand_pname(v) rescue RDF::Literal(v)}] end private def props; @properties ||= {}; end end # Undefine all superfluous instance methods: undef_method(*instance_methods. map(&:to_s). select {|m| m =~ /^\w+$/}. reject {|m| %w(object_id dup instance_eval inspect to_s class send public_send).include?(m) || m[0,2] == '__'}. map(&:to_sym)) ## # @param [RDF::URI, String, #to_s] uri def initialize(uri) @uri = case uri when RDF::URI then uri.to_s else RDF::URI.parse(uri.to_s) ? uri.to_s : nil end end ## # Returns the URI for the term `property` in this vocabulary. # # @param [#to_s] property # @return [URI] def [](property) Term.intern([to_s, property.to_s].join(''), vocab: self.class, attributes: {}) end ## # Returns the base URI for this vocabulary. # # @return [URI] def to_uri RDF::URI.intern(to_s) end # For IRI compatibility alias_method :to_iri, :to_uri ## # Returns a string representation of this vocabulary. # # @return [String] def to_s @uri.to_s end ## # Returns a developer-friendly representation of this vocabulary. # # @return [String] def inspect sprintf("#<%s:%#0x(%s)>",, __id__, to_s) end protected def self.create(uri) # @private @@uri = uri self end def method_missing(property, *args, &block) property = self.class.camelize(property.to_s) if %w(to_ary).include?(property.to_s) super elsif args.empty? self[property] else super end end def self.camelize(str) str.split('_').inject([]) do |buffer, e| buffer.push(buffer.empty? ? e : e.capitalize) end.join end private @@subclasses = [::RDF] # @private @@uris = {} # @private @@uri = nil # @private # A Vocabulary Term is a {RDF::Resource} that can also act as an {Enumerable} to generate the RDF definition of vocabulary terms as defined within the vocabulary definition. # # Terms include `attributes` where values a embedded resources, lists or other terms. This allows, for example, navigation of a concept heirarchy. module Term include RDF::Resource # @!attribute [r] comment # `rdfs:comment` accessor # @return [Literal, Array] # @!attribute [r] label # `rdfs:label` accessor # @return [Literal] # @!attribute [r] type # `rdf:type` accessor # @return [Array] # @!attribute [r] subClassOf # `rdfs:subClassOf` accessor # @return [Array] # @!attribute [r] subPropertyOf # `rdfs:subPropertyOf` accessor # @return [Array] # @!attribute [r] domain # `rdfs:domain` accessor # @return [Array] # @!attribute [r] range # `rdfs:range` accessor # @return [Array] # @!attribute [r] isDefinedBy # `rdfs:isDefinedBy` accessor # @return [Array] # @!attribute [r] allValuesFrom # `owl:allValuesFrom` accessor # @return [Array] # @!attribute [r] cardinality # `owl:cardinality` accessor # @return [Array] # @!attribute [r] equivalentClass # `owl:equivalentClass` accessor # @return [Array] # @!attribute [r] equivalentProperty # `owl:equivalentProperty` accessor # @return [Array] # @!attribute [r] intersectionOf # `owl:intersectionOf` accessor # @return [Array] # @!attribute [r] inverseOf # `owl:inverseOf` accessor # @return [Array] # @!attribute [r] maxCardinality # `owl:maxCardinality` accessor # @return [Array] # @!attribute [r] minCardinality # `owl:minCardinality` accessor # @return [Array] # @!attribute [r] onProperty # `owl:onProperty` accessor # @return [Array] # @!attribute [r] someValuesFrom # `owl:someValuesFrom` accessor # @return [Array] # @!attribute [r] unionOf # `owl:unionOf` accessor # @return [List, Array] # @!attribute [r] domainIncludes # `schema:domainIncludes` accessor # @return [Array] # @!attribute [r] rangeIncludes # `schema:rangeIncludes` accessor # @return [Array] # @!attribute [r] altLabel # `skos:altLabel` accessor # @return [Literal, Array] # @!attribute [r] broader # `skos:broader` accessor # @return [Array] # @!attribute [r] definition # `skos:definition` accessor # @return [Literal, Array] # @!attribute [r] editorialNote # `skos:editorialNote` accessor # @return [Literal, Array] # @!attribute [r] exactMatch # `skos:exactMatch` accessor # @return [Array] # @!attribute [r] hasTopConcept # `skos:hasTopConcept` accessor # @return [Array] # @!attribute [r] inScheme # `skos:inScheme` accessor # @return [Array] # @!attribute [r] member # `skos:member` accessor # @return [Array] # @!attribute [r] narrower # `skos:narrower` accessor # @return [Array] # @!attribute [r] notation # `skos:notation` accessor # @return [Literal, Array] # @!attribute [r] note # `skos:note` accessor # @return [Literal, Array] # @!attribute [r] prefLabel # `skos:prefLabel` accessor # @return [Literal] # @!attribute [r] related # `skos:related` accessor # @return [Array] ## # Vocabulary of this term. # # @return [RDF::Vocabulary] attr_reader :vocab # Attributes of this vocabulary term, used for finding `label` and `comment` and to serialize the term back to RDF. # @return [Hash{Symbol,Resource => Term, #to_s}] attr_reader :attributes ## # @overload new(uri, attributes:, **options) # @param [URI, String, #to_s] uri # @param [Vocabulary] vocab Vocabulary of this term. # @param [Hash{Symbol,Resource => Term, #to_s}] attributes # Attributes of this vocabulary term, used for finding `label` and `comment` and to serialize the term back to RDF # @param [Hash{Symbol => Object}] options # Options from {URI#initialize} # # @overload new(attributes:, **options) # @param [Hash{Symbol => Object}] options # @param [Vocabulary] vocab Vocabulary of this term. # @param [Hash{Symbol => String,Array}] attributes # Attributes of this vocabulary term, used for finding `label` and `comment` and to serialize the term back to RDF. # @param [Hash{Symbol => Object}] options # Options from {URI#initialize} def*args, vocab: nil, attributes: {}, **options) klass = if args.first.nil? RDF::Node elsif args.first.is_a?(Hash) args.unshift(nil) RDF::Node elsif args.first.to_s.start_with?("_:") args = args[1..-1].unshift($1) RDF::Node else RDF::URI end term = klass.allocate.extend(Term) term.send(:initialize, *args) term.instance_variable_set(:@vocab, vocab) term.instance_variable_set(:@attributes, attributes) term end ## # Returns an interned `RDF::URI` instance based on the given `uri` # string. # # The maximum number of cached interned URI references is given by the # `CACHE_SIZE` constant. This value is unlimited by default, in which # case an interned URI object will be purged only when the last strong # reference to it is garbage collected (i.e., when its finalizer runs). # # Excepting special memory-limited circumstances, it should always be # safe and preferred to construct new URI references using # `RDF::URI.intern` instead of ``, since if an interned # object can't be returned for some reason, this method will fall back # to returning a freshly-allocated one. # # @param (see #initialize) # @return [RDF::URI] an immutable, frozen URI object def self.intern(str, *args) (URI.cache[(str = str.to_s).to_sym] ||=, *args)).freeze end ## # Returns a duplicate copy of `self`. # # @return [RDF::URI] def dup || @object).dup, attributes: attributes).extend(Term) end ## # Determine if the URI is a valid according to RFC3987 # # @return [Boolean] `true` or `false` # @since 0.3.9 def valid? # Validate relative to RFC3987 node? || RDF::URI::IRI.match(to_s) || false end ## # Is this a class term? # @return [Boolean] def class? Array(self.type).any? {|t| t.to_s.include?('Class')} end ## # Is this a class term? # @return [Boolean] def property? Array(self.type).any? {|t| t.to_s.include?('Property')} end ## # Is this a class term? # @return [Boolean] def datatype? Array(self.type).any? {|t| t.to_s.include?('Datatype')} end ## # Is this a Restriction term? # @return [Boolean] def restriction? Array(self.type).any? {|t| t.to_s.include?('Restriction')} end ## # Is this neither a class, property or datatype term? # @return [Boolean] def other? Array(self.type).none? {|t| t.to_s =~ /(Class|Property|Datatype|Restriction)/} end ## # Enumerate attributes with values transformed into {RDF::Value} instances # # @return [Hash{Symbol => Array}] def properties attributes.keys.inject({}) do |memo, p| memo.merge(p => attribute_value(p)) end end ## # Values of an attributes as {RDF::Value} # # @property [Symbol] prop # @return [RDF::Value, Array] def attribute_value(prop) values = attributes[prop] values = [values].compact unless values.is_a?(Array) prop_values = do |value| v = value.is_a?(Symbol) ? value.to_s : value value = (RDF::Vocabulary.expand_pname(v) rescue nil) if v.is_a?(String) && v.include?(':') value = value.to_uri if value.respond_to?(:to_uri) unless value.is_a?(RDF::Value) && value.valid? # Use as most appropriate literal value = [ RDF::Literal::Date, RDF::Literal::DateTime, RDF::Literal::Integer, RDF::Literal::Decimal, RDF::Literal::Double, RDF::Literal::Boolean, RDF::Literal ].inject(nil) do |m, klass| m || begin l = l if l.valid? end end end value end prop_values.length <= 1 ? prop_values.first : prop_values end ## # Enumerate each statement constructed from the defined vocabulary terms # # If a property value is known to be a {URI}, or expands to a {URI}, the `object` is a URI, otherwise, it will be a {Literal}. # # @yield statement # @yieldparam [RDF::Statement] def each_statement attributes.keys.each do |p| values = attribute_value(p) values = [values].compact unless values.is_a?(Array) values.each do |value| begin prop = case p when :type RDF::RDFV[p] when :subClassOf, :subPropertyOf, :domain, :range, :isDefinedBy, :label, :comment RDF::RDFS[p] when :allValuesFrom, :cardinality, :equivalentClass, :equivalentProperty, :intersectionOf, :inverseOf, :maxCardinality, :minCardinality, :onProperty, :someValuesFrom, :unionOf RDF::OWL[p] when :domainIncludes, :rangeIncludes RDF::Vocabulary.find_term("{p}") when :broader, :definition, :exactMatch, :hasTopConcept, :inScheme, :member, :narrower, :related, :altLabel, :definition, :editorialNote, :notation, :note, :prefLabel RDF::Vocabulary.find_term("{p}") else RDF::Vocabulary.expand_pname(p) end yield RDF::Statement(self, prop, value) if prop.is_a?(RDF::URI) # Enumerate over value statements, if enumerable if value.is_a?(RDF::Enumerable) || (value.is_a?(Term) && value.node?) value.each_statement {|s| yield s} end rescue KeyError # Skip things eroneously defined in the vocabulary end end end end ## # Return an enumerator over {RDF::Statement} defined for this vocabulary. # @return [RDF::Enumerable::Enumerator] # @see Object#enum_for def enum_for(method = :each_statement, *args) # Ensure that enumerators are, themselves, queryable this = self do |yielder| this.send(method, *args) {|*y| yielder << (y.length > 1 ? y : y.first)} end end alias_method :to_enum, :enum_for ## # Returns a String representation of the URI object's state. # # @return [String] The URI object's state, as a String. def inspect sprintf("#<%s:%#0x ID:%s>", Term.to_s, self.object_id, self.to_s) end # Implement accessor to symbol attributes def respond_to?(method, include_all = false) case method when :comment, :notation, :note, :editorialNote, :definition, :label, :altLabel, :prefLabel, :type, :isDefinedBy true when :subClassOf, :subPropertyOf, :domainIncludes, :rangeIncludes, :equivalentClass, :intersectionOf, :unionOf self.class? when :domain, :range, :equivalentProperty, :inverseOf when :allValuesFrom, :cardinality, :maxCardinality, :minCardinality, :onProperty, :someValuesFrom self.restriction? when :broader, :exactMatch, :hasTopConcept, :inScheme, :member, :narrower, :related @attributes.has_key?(method) else super end end # Accessor for `schema:domainIncludes` # @return [RDF::URI] def domain_includes domainIncludes end # Accessor for `schema:rangeIncludes` # @return [RDF::URI] def range_includes rangeIncludes end # Serialize back to a Ruby source initializer # @param [String] indent # @return [String] def to_ruby(indent: "") "term(" + (self.uri? ? self.to_s.inspect + ",\n" : "\n") + "#{indent} " + do |k| values = attribute_value(k) values = [values].compact unless values.is_a?(Array) values = do |value| if value.is_a?(Literal) && %w(: comment definition notation note editorialNote).include?(k.to_s) "%(#{value.to_s.gsub('(', '\(').gsub(')', '\)')}).freeze" elsif value.is_a?(RDF::URI) "#{value.pname.inspect}.freeze" elsif value.is_a?(RDF::Vocabulary::Term) value.to_ruby(indent: indent + " ") elsif value.is_a?(RDF::Term) "#{value.to_s.inspect}.freeze" elsif value.is_a?(RDF::List) list_elements = do |u| if u.uri? "#{u.pname.inspect}.freeze" elsif u.respond_to?(:to_ruby) u.to_ruby(indent: indent + " ") else "#{u.to_s.inspect}.freeze" end end "list(#{list_elements.join(', ')})" else "#{value.inspect}.freeze" end end "#{k.to_s.include?(':') ? k.to_s.inspect : k}: " + (values.length == 1 ? values.first : ('[' + values.join(',') + ']')) end.join(",\n#{indent} ") + "\n#{indent})" end protected # Implement accessor to symbol attributes def method_missing(method, *args, &block) case method when :comment, :notation, :note, :editorialNote, :definition attribute_value(method) when :label, :altLabel, :prefLabel # Defaults to URI fragment or path tail begin attribute_value(method) rescue KeyError to_s.split(/[\/\#]/).last end when :type, :subClassOf, :subPropertyOf, :domain, :range, :isDefinedBy, :allValuesFrom, :cardinality, :equivalentClass, :equivalentProperty, :intersectionOf, :inverseOf, :maxCardinality, :minCardinality, :onProperty, :someValuesFrom, :unionOf, :domainIncludes, :rangeIncludes, :broader, :exactMatch, :hasTopConcept, :inScheme, :member, :narrower, :related # Return value as an Array, unless it is a list case value = attribute_value(method) when Array, RDF::List then value else [value].compact end else super end end end # Term end # Vocabulary # Represents an RDF Vocabulary. The difference from {RDF::Vocabulary} is that # that every concept in the vocabulary is required to be declared. To assist # in this, an existing RDF representation of the vocabulary can be loaded as # the basis for concepts being available class StrictVocabulary < Vocabulary class << self # Redefines method_missing to the original definition # By remaining a subclass of Vocabulary, we remain available to # Vocabulary::each etc. define_method(:method_missing, BasicObject.instance_method(:method_missing)) ## # Is this a strict vocabulary, or a liberal vocabulary allowing arbitrary properties? def strict?; true; end ## # Returns the URI for the term `property` in this vocabulary. # # @param [#to_s] name # @return [RDF::URI] # @raise [KeyError] if property not defined in vocabulary def [](name) props.fetch(name.to_sym) rescue KeyError raise KeyError, "#{name} not found in vocabulary #{self.__name__}" end end end # StrictVocabulary end # RDF