// Welcome to Gumby 2.0 Settings. // Happy Tinkering! // Grid Settings $row-max-width: 940px !default; // 940px $gutter-in-px: 20px !default; // 20px $cols: 12 !default; // 12 Column Default Grid $hybrid: 16 !default; // 16 Column Default Hybrid Grid // Responsiveness Settings $min-device-width: 320px; // iPhone Portrait $tablet-device-width: 768px; // iPad Portrait $document-width: $row-max-width; // Default Document $max-device-width: 2880px; // Max Document Size // Spacing $nav-distance: 0px; // Navigation distance from the top of the viewport // Typography $font-family: "Open Sans"; $font-style-italic: italic; $icons: entypo; $font-smoothing: antialiased; // Font Weights $font-weight-bold: 700; $font-weight-semibold: 600; $font-weight-medium: 400; $font-weight-regular: 400; $font-weight-light: 300; $font-weight-thin: 300; $header-font-weight: $font-weight-thin; $body-font-weight: $font-weight-regular; $type-font-weight: $font-weight-regular; $link-font-weight: $font-weight-regular; $button-font-weight: $font-weight-semibold; $tabs-font-weight: $font-weight-semibold; // Vertical Rhythm Spacing $base-line-height: ms(1) !default; $rhythm-spacing: .168; $rhythm-height: .711; // Modular Scale Settings // http://www.modularscale.com by Tim Brown // https://github.com/scottkellum/modular-scale $ratio: golden(); // Ratio for Modular Scale $base-font-size: 16px !default; $importantNum: 78px !default; $base-size: $base-font-size $importantNum; // Gumby Default Scale Values: 16, 18, 26, 30, 42, 48, 68, 78, 110, 126; // Sizing $xsmall: ms(-2); $small: ms(-1); $norm: ms(0); // $base-font-size (16px == default) $med: ms(1); $large: ms(2); $larger: ms(3); $xlarge: ms(4); $xxlarge: ms(5); $xxxlarge: ms(6); $reallybig: ms(8); $tremendous: ms(9); $absurd: ms(10); // Typography Colors $header-font-color: #444444 !default; $header-link-color: #d04526 !default; $header-link-hover-color: #c03d20 !default; $body-font-color: #555555 !default; $body-link-color: #d04526 !default; $body-link-hover-color: #c03d20 !default; // User Interface Colors $global-bg-color: #fff; $navbar-color: #4a4d50; $navbar-link-color: #fff; $primary-color: #3085d6; $secondary-color: #42a35a; $default-color: #f2f2f2; $info-color: #4a4d50; $danger-color: #ca3838; $warning-color: #f6b83f; $success-color: #58c026; $primary-hover-color: #58b2fa; $secondary-hover-color: #6dbb80; $default-hover-color: #ffffff; $info-hover-color: #868d92; $danger-hover-color: #f14f4f; $warning-hover-color: #fdd27f; $success-hover-color: #66d92f; $horizontal-rule-color: #ccc !default; $black: #000; $white: #fff; // Borders $button-radius: 4px !default; $metro-radius: 0 !default; $bigger-radius: 8px; // Buttons // Font Sizing $xlarge-button-font-size: $larger; $large-button-font-size: $large; $medium-button-font-size: $norm; $small-button-font-size: $small; // Padding $default-button-padding: $med; // Height $default-button-height: 36px; // Tabs $tab-height: 42px; // Drawers & Modals $modal-overlay-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8); $modal-window-color: $white; $drawer-background-color: #3e4144; $drawer-inner-shadow-x-offset: 0; $drawer-inner-shadow-y-offset: 2px; $drawer-inner-shadow-blur: 5px; $drawer-inner-shadow-color: #313436; // Tables $table-bgcolor: #fff; $table-thead-bgcolor: $primary-color; $table-row-first-cell-font-weight: bold; $table-border-size: 1px; $table-border-style: solid; $table-border-color: #e5e5e5; $table-cell-border-size: 1px; $table-cell-border-color: #e5e5e5; $table-cell-border-style: solid; // .rounded $table-border-radius: 4px; // .striped $table-stripe-bgcolor: #e5e5e5; // Floats $default-float: left; $switch-float: right;