module Napa class Middleware class RequestStats def initialize(app) @app = app end def normalize_path(path) case when path == '/' 'root' else path.start_with?('/') ? path[1..-1] : path end end def call(env) # Mark the request time start = # Process the request status, headers, body = # Mark the response time stop = # Calculate total response time response_time = (stop - start) * 1000 request = path = normalize_path(request.path_info) Thread.current[:stats_context] = "#{}.http.#{request.request_method.downcase}.#{path}".gsub('/', '.') # Emit stats to StatsD Napa::Stats.emitter.increment(Thread.current[:stats_context] + '.requests') Napa::Stats.emitter.timing(Thread.current[:stats_context] + '.response_time', response_time) # Return the results [status, headers, body] end end end end