Welcome to Edge Framework ========================== Edge is a unobtrusive Sass framework. It is based on [Foundation by ZURB](http://www.zurb.com). Edge is MIT-licensed and absolutely free to use. Installation ============= gem install edge_framework Windows PC doesn't come with Ruby pre-installed, so you can follow [this Ruby installation guide](https://docs.google.com/document/d/155e-Dx4SnQj_bMrM24kI4_ZEmBp-TQ_tuinhMvZsIhM/edit?usp=sharing) we wrote. After you installed Ruby, type in the command above on `cmd` (command prompt). CLI - Template Generator ==================== Edge can generate basic template for your project. Open `cmd` or `terminal` in your project directory and type in one of these commands: 1. Static HTML `edge create html` 2. Standard PHP `edge create php` 3. Wordpress `edge create wordpress` 4. Coming soon: Rails, Sinatra, Django, Flask