/* @license Rollup.js v1.28.0 Sat, 04 Jan 2020 20:12:15 GMT - commit b99758b3a4617769f2371540e530536d5c246692 https://github.com/rollup/rollup Released under the MIT License. */ 'use strict'; var path = require('path'); var module$1 = require('module'); /*! ***************************************************************************** Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 THIS CODE IS PROVIDED ON AN *AS IS* BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF TITLE, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, MERCHANTABLITY OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. See the Apache Version 2.0 License for specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. ***************************************************************************** */ function __awaiter(thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) { return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) { function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } } function rejected(value) { try { step(generator["throw"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } } function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(result.value); }).then(fulfilled, rejected); } step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next()); }); } var version = "1.28.0"; function createCommonjsModule(fn, module) { return module = { exports: {} }, fn(module, module.exports), module.exports; } const absolutePath = /^(?:\/|(?:[A-Za-z]:)?[\\|/])/; const relativePath = /^\.?\.\//; function isAbsolute(path) { return absolutePath.test(path); } function isRelative(path) { return relativePath.test(path); } function normalize(path) { if (path.indexOf('\\') == -1) return path; return path.replace(/\\/g, '/'); } function sanitizeFileName(name) { return name.replace(/[\0?*]/g, '_'); } function getAliasName(id) { const base = path.basename(id); return base.substr(0, base.length - path.extname(id).length); } function relativeId(id) { if (typeof process === 'undefined' || !isAbsolute(id)) return id; return path.relative(process.cwd(), id); } function isPlainPathFragment(name) { // not starting with "/", "./", "../" return (name[0] !== '/' && !(name[0] === '.' && (name[1] === '/' || name[1] === '.')) && sanitizeFileName(name) === name); } const createGetOption = (config, command) => (name, defaultValue) => command[name] !== undefined ? command[name] : config[name] !== undefined ? config[name] : defaultValue; const normalizeObjectOptionValue = (optionValue) => { if (!optionValue) { return optionValue; } if (typeof optionValue !== 'object') { return {}; } return optionValue; }; const getObjectOption = (config, command, name) => { const commandOption = normalizeObjectOptionValue(command[name]); const configOption = normalizeObjectOptionValue(config[name]); if (commandOption !== undefined) { return commandOption && configOption ? Object.assign(Object.assign({}, configOption), commandOption) : commandOption; } return configOption; }; function ensureArray(items) { if (Array.isArray(items)) { return items.filter(Boolean); } if (items) { return [items]; } return []; } const defaultOnWarn = warning => { if (typeof warning === 'string') { console.warn(warning); } else { console.warn(warning.message); } }; const getOnWarn = (config, defaultOnWarnHandler = defaultOnWarn) => config.onwarn ? warning => config.onwarn(warning, defaultOnWarnHandler) : defaultOnWarnHandler; const getExternal = (config, command) => { const configExternal = config.external; return typeof configExternal === 'function' ? (id, ...rest) => configExternal(id, ...rest) || command.external.indexOf(id) !== -1 : (typeof config.external === 'string' ? [configExternal] : Array.isArray(configExternal) ? configExternal : []).concat(command.external); }; const commandAliases = { c: 'config', d: 'dir', e: 'external', f: 'format', g: 'globals', h: 'help', i: 'input', m: 'sourcemap', n: 'name', o: 'file', v: 'version', w: 'watch' }; function mergeOptions({ config = {}, command: rawCommandOptions = {}, defaultOnWarnHandler }) { const command = getCommandOptions(rawCommandOptions); const inputOptions = getInputOptions(config, command, defaultOnWarnHandler); if (command.output) { Object.assign(command, command.output); } const output = config.output; const normalizedOutputOptions = Array.isArray(output) ? output : output ? [output] : []; if (normalizedOutputOptions.length === 0) normalizedOutputOptions.push({}); const outputOptions = normalizedOutputOptions.map(singleOutputOptions => getOutputOptions(singleOutputOptions, command)); const unknownOptionErrors = []; const validInputOptions = Object.keys(inputOptions); addUnknownOptionErrors(unknownOptionErrors, Object.keys(config), validInputOptions, 'input option', /^output$/); const validOutputOptions = Object.keys(outputOptions[0]); addUnknownOptionErrors(unknownOptionErrors, outputOptions.reduce((allKeys, options) => allKeys.concat(Object.keys(options)), []), validOutputOptions, 'output option'); const validCliOutputOptions = validOutputOptions.filter(option => option !== 'sourcemapPathTransform'); addUnknownOptionErrors(unknownOptionErrors, Object.keys(command), validInputOptions.concat(validCliOutputOptions, Object.keys(commandAliases), 'config', 'environment', 'silent', 'stdin'), 'CLI flag', /^_|output|(config.*)$/); return { inputOptions, optionError: unknownOptionErrors.length > 0 ? unknownOptionErrors.join('\n') : null, outputOptions }; } function addUnknownOptionErrors(errors, options, validOptions, optionType, ignoredKeys = /$./) { const validOptionSet = new Set(validOptions); const unknownOptions = options.filter(key => !validOptionSet.has(key) && !ignoredKeys.test(key)); if (unknownOptions.length > 0) errors.push(`Unknown ${optionType}: ${unknownOptions.join(', ')}. Allowed options: ${Array.from(validOptionSet) .sort() .join(', ')}`); } function getCommandOptions(rawCommandOptions) { const external = rawCommandOptions.external && typeof rawCommandOptions.external === 'string' ? rawCommandOptions.external.split(',') : []; return Object.assign(Object.assign({}, rawCommandOptions), { external, globals: typeof rawCommandOptions.globals === 'string' ? rawCommandOptions.globals.split(',').reduce((globals, globalDefinition) => { const [id, variableName] = globalDefinition.split(':'); globals[id] = variableName; if (external.indexOf(id) === -1) { external.push(id); } return globals; }, Object.create(null)) : undefined }); } function getInputOptions(config, command = { external: [], globals: undefined }, defaultOnWarnHandler) { const getOption = createGetOption(config, command); const inputOptions = { acorn: config.acorn, acornInjectPlugins: config.acornInjectPlugins, cache: getOption('cache'), chunkGroupingSize: getOption('chunkGroupingSize', 5000), context: getOption('context'), experimentalCacheExpiry: getOption('experimentalCacheExpiry', 10), experimentalOptimizeChunks: getOption('experimentalOptimizeChunks'), experimentalTopLevelAwait: getOption('experimentalTopLevelAwait'), external: getExternal(config, command), inlineDynamicImports: getOption('inlineDynamicImports', false), input: getOption('input', []), manualChunks: getOption('manualChunks'), moduleContext: config.moduleContext, onwarn: getOnWarn(config, defaultOnWarnHandler), perf: getOption('perf', false), plugins: ensureArray(config.plugins), preserveModules: getOption('preserveModules'), preserveSymlinks: getOption('preserveSymlinks'), shimMissingExports: getOption('shimMissingExports'), strictDeprecations: getOption('strictDeprecations', false), treeshake: getObjectOption(config, command, 'treeshake'), watch: config.watch }; // support rollup({ cache: prevBuildObject }) if (inputOptions.cache && inputOptions.cache.cache) inputOptions.cache = inputOptions.cache.cache; return inputOptions; } function getOutputOptions(config, command = {}) { const getOption = createGetOption(config, command); let format = getOption('format'); // Handle format aliases switch (format) { case undefined: case 'esm': case 'module': format = 'es'; break; case 'commonjs': format = 'cjs'; } return { amd: Object.assign(Object.assign({}, config.amd), command.amd), assetFileNames: getOption('assetFileNames'), banner: getOption('banner'), chunkFileNames: getOption('chunkFileNames'), compact: getOption('compact', false), dir: getOption('dir'), dynamicImportFunction: getOption('dynamicImportFunction'), entryFileNames: getOption('entryFileNames'), esModule: getOption('esModule', true), exports: getOption('exports'), extend: getOption('extend'), externalLiveBindings: getOption('externalLiveBindings', true), file: getOption('file'), footer: getOption('footer'), format, freeze: getOption('freeze', true), globals: getOption('globals'), indent: getOption('indent', true), interop: getOption('interop', true), intro: getOption('intro'), name: getOption('name'), namespaceToStringTag: getOption('namespaceToStringTag', false), noConflict: getOption('noConflict'), outro: getOption('outro'), paths: getOption('paths'), plugins: ensureArray(config.plugins), preferConst: getOption('preferConst'), sourcemap: getOption('sourcemap'), sourcemapExcludeSources: getOption('sourcemapExcludeSources'), sourcemapFile: getOption('sourcemapFile'), sourcemapPathTransform: getOption('sourcemapPathTransform'), strict: getOption('strict', true) }; } var modules = {}; var getModule = function (dir) { var rootPath = dir ? path.resolve(dir) : process.cwd(); var rootName = path.join(rootPath, '@root'); var root = modules[rootName]; if (!root) { root = new module$1(rootName); root.filename = rootName; root.paths = module$1._nodeModulePaths(rootPath); modules[rootName] = root; } return root; }; var requireRelative = function (requested, relativeTo) { var root = getModule(relativeTo); return root.require(requested); }; requireRelative.resolve = function (requested, relativeTo) { var root = getModule(relativeTo); return module$1._resolveFilename(requested, root); }; var requireRelative_1 = requireRelative; exports.__awaiter = __awaiter; exports.commandAliases = commandAliases; exports.createCommonjsModule = createCommonjsModule; exports.ensureArray = ensureArray; exports.getAliasName = getAliasName; exports.isAbsolute = isAbsolute; exports.isPlainPathFragment = isPlainPathFragment; exports.isRelative = isRelative; exports.mergeOptions = mergeOptions; exports.normalize = normalize; exports.path = path; exports.relative = requireRelative_1; exports.relativeId = relativeId; exports.sanitizeFileName = sanitizeFileName; exports.version = version; //# sourceMappingURL=index.js.map