module Pione module Location # LocalLocation represents local disk locations. class LocalLocation < DataLocation set_scheme "local" define(:need_caching, false) define(:real_appendable, true) define(:writable, true) def initialize(uri) super(uri.absolute) end def rebuild(path) scheme = @uri.scheme path = path.expand_path.to_s Location["%s:%s" % [scheme, path]] end def create(data) if @path.exist? raise else @path.dirname.mkpath unless @path.dirname.exist?"w"){|f| f.write(data)} end return self end def append(data) if exist?"a"){|f| f.write(data)} else create(data) end return self end def read @path.exist? ? : (raise end def update(data) if @path.exist?"w"){|file| file.write(data)} else raise end end def delete if @path.exist? if @path.file? @path.delete else FileUtils.remove_entry_secure(@path) end end end def mkdir @path.mkpath unless exist? end def ctime @path.exist? ? @path.ctime : (raise end def mtime @path.exist? ? @path.mtime : (raise end def mtime=(time) @path.utime(@path.atime, time) end def size @path.exist? ? @path.size : (raise end def entries(option={rec: false}) rel_entries(option).map do |entry| Location["local:%s" % (@path + entry).expand_path] end rescue Errno::ENOENT raise end def rel_entries(option={rec: false}) list = [] @path.entries.each do |entry| if not(entry.to_s == "." or entry.to_s == "..") list << entry entry_location = self + entry if option[:rec] and _list = entry_location.rel_entries(option).map {|subentry| entry + subentry} list = list + _list end end end return list rescue Errno::ENOENT raise end def each_entry(option={rec: false}, &b) each_rel_entry(option) do |entry| yield Location["local:%s" % (@path + entry).expand_path] end rescue Errno::ENOENT raise end def each_rel_entry(option={rec: false}, &b) if block_given? @path.each_entry do |entry| # ignore current or parent directory next if entry.to_s == "." or entry.to_s == ".." # call the block yield entry # recursion mode entry_location = self + entry if option[:rec] and entry_location.rel_entries(option) do |subentry| yield File.join(entry, subentry) end end end else return, :foreach) end rescue Errno::ENOENT raise end def file? @path.file? end def directory? end def exist? @path.exist? end def move(dest) raise unless exist? if dest.kind_of?(LocalLocation) dest.path.dirname.mkpath unless dest.path.dirname.exist?, dest.path, force: true) else copy(dest) delete end end def copy(dest, option={}) # setup options option[:keep_mtime] ||= true if dest.kind_of?(LocalLocation) # make parent directories dest.path.dirname.mkpath unless dest.path.dirname.exist? # copy IO.copy_stream(, dest.path) else dest.write(read) end # modify mtime begin dest.mtime = self.mtime if option[:keep_mtime] rescue NotImplementedError msg = "the location operation faild to keep mtime: copy from %s to %s" Log::SystemLog.debug(msg % [address, dest.address]) end end def link(orig) if orig.kind_of?(LocalLocation) @path.make_symlink(orig.path) else orig.copy(self) end end def turn(dest) if Global.file_sliding and dest.kind_of?(LocalLocation) move(dest) link(dest) else copy(dest) end end end end end