require 'logger' require 'active_support/core_ext/string/inflections' module ExceptionNotifier autoload :Notifier, 'exception_notifier/notifier' autoload :EmailNotifier, 'exception_notifier/email_notifier' autoload :CampfireNotifier, 'exception_notifier/campfire_notifier' autoload :WebhookNotifier, 'exception_notifier/webhook_notifier' class UndefinedNotifierError < StandardError; end # Define logger mattr_accessor :logger @@logger = # Define a set of exceptions to be ignored, ie, dont send notifications when any of them are raised. mattr_accessor :ignored_exceptions @@ignored_exceptions = %w{ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound AbstractController::ActionNotFound ActionController::RoutingError} class << self # Store conditions that decide when exceptions must be ignored or not. @@ignores = [] # Store notifiers that send notifications when exceptions are raised. @@notifiers = {} def notify_exception(exception, options={}) return false if ignored_exception?(options[:ignore_exceptions], exception) return false if ignored?(exception, options) selected_notifiers = options.delete(:notifiers) || notifiers [*selected_notifiers].each do |notifier| fire_notification(notifier, exception, options.dup) end true end def register_exception_notifier(name, notifier_or_options) if notifier_or_options.respond_to?(:call) @@notifiers[name] = notifier_or_options elsif notifier_or_options.is_a?(Hash) create_and_register_notifier(name, notifier_or_options) else raise ArgumentError, "Invalid notifier '#{name}' defined as #{notifier_or_options.inspect}" end end alias add_notifier register_exception_notifier def unregister_exception_notifier(name) @@notifiers.delete(name) end def registered_exception_notifier(name) @@notifiers[name] end def notifiers @@notifiers.keys end # Adds a condition to decide when an exception must be ignored or not. # # ExceptionNotifier.ignore_if do |exception, options| # not Rails.env.production? # end def ignore_if(&block) @@ignores << block end def clear_ignore_conditions! @@ignores.clear end private def ignored?(exception, options) @@ignores.any?{ |condition|, options) } rescue Exception => e logger.warn "An error occurred when evaluating an ignore condition. #{e.class}: #{e.message}" false end def ignored_exception?(ignore_array, exception) (Array(ignored_exceptions) + Array(ignore_array)).map(&:to_s).include?( end def fire_notification(notifier_name, exception, options) notifier = registered_exception_notifier(notifier_name), options) rescue Exception => e logger.warn "An error occurred when sending a notification using '#{notifier_name}' notifier. #{e.class}: #{e.message}" false end def create_and_register_notifier(name, options) notifier_classname = "#{name}_notifier".camelize notifier_class = ExceptionNotifier.const_get(notifier_classname) notifier = register_exception_notifier(name, notifier) rescue NameError => e raise UndefinedNotifierError, "No notifier named '#{name}' was found. Please, revise your configuration options. Cause: #{e.message}" end end end