module ChunkyPNG class PixelMatrix module Decoding def decode(ds) raise "Only 8-bit color depth is currently supported by ChunkyPNG!" unless ds.header_chunk.depth == 8 stream = Zlib::Inflate.inflate('')) width = ds.header_chunk.width height = ds.header_chunk.height color_mode = ds.header_chunk.color interlace = ds.header_chunk.interlace palette = ChunkyPNG::Palette.from_chunks(ds.palette_chunk, ds.transparency_chunk) decode_pixelstream(stream, width, height, color_mode, palette, interlace) end def decode_pixelstream(stream, width, height, color_mode = ChunkyPNG::COLOR_TRUECOLOR, palette = nil, interlace = ChunkyPNG::INTERLACING_NONE) raise "This palette is not suitable for decoding!" if palette && !palette.can_decode? pixel_size = Pixel.bytesize(color_mode) pixel_decoder = case color_mode when ChunkyPNG::COLOR_TRUECOLOR then lambda { |bytes| ChunkyPNG::Pixel.rgb(*bytes) } when ChunkyPNG::COLOR_TRUECOLOR_ALPHA then lambda { |bytes| ChunkyPNG::Pixel.rgba(*bytes) } when ChunkyPNG::COLOR_INDEXED then lambda { |bytes| palette[bytes.first] } when ChunkyPNG::COLOR_GRAYSCALE then lambda { |bytes| ChunkyPNG::Pixel.grayscale(*bytes) } when ChunkyPNG::COLOR_GRAYSCALE_ALPHA then lambda { |bytes| ChunkyPNG::Pixel.grayscale(*bytes) } else raise "No suitable pixel decoder found for color mode #{color_mode}!" end pixels = case interlace when ChunkyPNG::INTERLACING_NONE then decode_interlacing_none(stream, width, height, pixel_size, pixel_decoder) when ChunkyPNG::INTERLACING_ADAM7 then decode_interlacing_adam7(stream, width, height, pixel_size, pixel_decoder) else raise "Don't know how the handle interlacing method #{interlace}!" end return, height, pixels) end protected def decode_image_pass(stream, width, height, pixel_size, pixel_decoder, start_pos = 0) pixels = [] decoded_bytes = * pixel_size, 0) height.times do |line_no| if width > 0 # get bytes of scanline position = start_pos + line_no * (width * pixel_size + 1) line_length = width * pixel_size bytes = stream.unpack("@#{position}CC#{line_length}") filter = bytes.shift decoded_bytes = decode_scanline(filter, bytes, decoded_bytes, pixel_size) # decode bytes into colors decoded_bytes.each_slice(pixel_size) { |bytes| pixels << } end end pixels end def decode_interlacing_none(stream, width, height, pixel_size, pixel_decoder) raise "Invalid stream length!" unless stream.length == width * height * pixel_size + height decode_image_pass(stream, width, height, pixel_size, pixel_decoder) end def decode_interlacing_adam7(stream, width, height, pixel_size, pixel_decoder) start_pos = 0 sub_matrices = adam7_pass_sizes(width, height).map do |(pass_width, pass_height)| pixels = decode_image_pass(stream, pass_width, pass_height, pixel_size, pixel_decoder, start_pos) start_pos += (pass_width * pass_height * pixel_size) + pass_height [pass_width, pass_height, pixels] end pixels = * height, ChunkyPNG::Pixel::TRANSPARENT) 0.upto(6) { |pass| adam7_merge_pass(pass, width, height, pixels, *sub_matrices[pass]) } pixels end def adam7_multiplier_offset(pass) { :x_multiplier => 8 >> (pass >> 1), :x_offset => (pass & 1 == 0) ? 0 : 8 >> ((pass + 1) >> 1), :y_multiplier => pass == 0 ? 8 : 8 >> ((pass - 1) >> 1), :y_offset => (pass == 0 || pass & 1 == 1) ? 0 : 8 >> (pass >> 1) } end def adam7_merge_pass(pass, width, height, pixels, sm_width, sm_height, sm_pixels) m_o = adam7_multiplier_offset(pass) 0.upto(sm_height - 1) do |y| 0.upto(sm_width - 1) do |x| new_x = x * m_o[:x_multiplier] + m_o[:x_offset] new_y = y * m_o[:y_multiplier] + m_o[:y_offset] pixels[width * new_y + new_x] = sm_pixels[sm_width * y + x] end end pixels end def adam7_pass_sizes(width, height) (0...7).map do |pass| m_o = adam7_multiplier_offset(pass) [ ((width - m_o[:x_offset] ) / m_o[:x_multiplier].to_f).ceil, ((height - m_o[:y_offset] ) / m_o[:y_multiplier].to_f).ceil,] end end def decode_scanline(filter, bytes, previous_bytes, pixelsize = 3) case filter when ChunkyPNG::FILTER_NONE then decode_scanline_none( bytes, previous_bytes, pixelsize) when ChunkyPNG::FILTER_SUB then decode_scanline_sub( bytes, previous_bytes, pixelsize) when ChunkyPNG::FILTER_UP then decode_scanline_up( bytes, previous_bytes, pixelsize) when ChunkyPNG::FILTER_AVERAGE then decode_scanline_average( bytes, previous_bytes, pixelsize) when ChunkyPNG::FILTER_PAETH then decode_scanline_paeth( bytes, previous_bytes, pixelsize) else raise "Unknown filter type" end end def decode_scanline_none(bytes, previous_bytes, pixelsize = 3) bytes end def decode_scanline_sub(bytes, previous_bytes, pixelsize = 3) bytes.each_with_index { |b, i| bytes[i] = (b + (i >= pixelsize ? bytes[i-pixelsize] : 0)) % 256 } bytes end def decode_scanline_up(bytes, previous_bytes, pixelsize = 3) bytes.each_with_index { |b, i| bytes[i] = (b + previous_bytes[i]) % 256 } bytes end def decode_scanline_average(bytes, previous_bytes, pixelsize = 3) bytes.each_with_index do |byte, i| a = (i >= pixelsize) ? bytes[i - pixelsize] : 0 b = previous_bytes[i] bytes[i] = (byte + (a + b / 2).floor) % 256 end bytes end def decode_scanline_paeth(bytes, previous_bytes, pixelsize = 3) bytes.each_with_index do |byte, i| a = (i >= pixelsize) ? bytes[i - pixelsize] : 0 b = previous_bytes[i] c = (i >= pixelsize) ? previous_bytes[i - pixelsize] : 0 p = a + b - c pa = (p - a).abs pb = (p - b).abs pc = (p - c).abs pr = (pa <= pb && pa <= pc) ? a : (pb <= pc ? b : c) bytes[i] = (byte + pr) % 256 end bytes end end end end