module Sufia module SufiaHelperBehavior def orcid_label(style_class='') "#{image_tag 'orcid.png', { alt: t('sufia.user_profile.orcid.alt'), class: style_class }} #{t('sufia.user_profile.orcid.label')}".html_safe end def error_messages_for(object) if object.try(:errors) and object.errors.full_messages.any? content_tag(:div, class: 'alert alert-block alert-error validation-errors') do content_tag(:h4, I18n.t('sufia.errors.header', model: object.class.model_name.human.downcase), class: 'alert-heading') + content_tag(:ul) do do |message| content_tag(:li, message) end.join('').html_safe end end else '' # return empty string end end def show_transfer_request_title(req) if req.deleted_file? req.title else link_to(req.title, sufia.generic_file_path(req['pid'].split(':').last)) end end # You can configure blacklight to use this as the thumbnail # example: # config.index.thumbnail_method = :sufia_thumbnail_tag def sufia_thumbnail_tag(document, options) # collection if (document.collection?) content_tag(:span, "", class: "glyphicon glyphicon-th collection-icon-search") # file else path = if document.image? || document.pdf? || || document.office_document? sufia.download_path document, file: 'thumbnail' elsif "audio.png" else "default.png" end image_tag path, options end end # Create a link back to the dashboard screen, keeping the user's facet, query and paging choices intact by using session. def link_back_to_dashboard(opts = { label: 'Back to Search' }) query_params = session[:search] ? session[:search].dup : {} query_params.delete :counter query_params.delete :total link_url = dashboard_index_path + "?" + query_params.to_query link_to opts[:label], link_url end def link_to_dashboard_query(query) p = params.dup p.delete :page p.delete :action p[:q] = query link_url = dashboard_index_path(p) link_to(query, link_url) end def has_collection_search_parameters? !params[:cq].blank? end def display_user_name(recent_document) return "no display name" unless recent_document.depositor ::User.find_by_user_key(recent_document.depositor).name rescue recent_document.depositor end def number_of_deposits(user) ActiveFedora::Base.where(Solrizer.solr_name('depositor', :symbol) => user.user_key).count end def link_to_facet(field, field_string) link_to(field, add_facet_params(field_string, field).merge!(controller: "catalog", action: "index")) end # @param values [Array] The values to display # @param solr_field [String] The name of the solr field to link to without its suffix (:facetable) # @param empty_message [String] ('No value entered') The message to display if no values are passed in. # @param separator [String] (', ') The value to join with. def link_to_facet_list(values, solr_field, empty_message="No value entered", separator=", ") return empty_message if values.blank? facet_field = Solrizer.solr_name(solr_field, :facetable) safe_join({ |item| link_to_facet(item, facet_field) }, separator) end def link_to_field(fieldname, fieldvalue, displayvalue = nil) p = { search_field: 'advanced', fieldname => '"'+fieldvalue+'"' } link_url = catalog_index_path(p) display = displayvalue.blank? ? fieldvalue : displayvalue link_to(display, link_url) end def iconify_auto_link(text, showLink = true) auto_link(text) do |value| " #{value if showLink}
" end end def link_to_profile(login) user = ::User.find_by_user_key(login) return login if user.nil? text = if user.respond_to? :name else login end link_to text, Sufia::Engine.routes.url_helpers.profile_path(user) end def linkify_chat_id(chat_id) if chat_id.end_with? '' "#{chat_id}" else chat_id end end def link_to_telephone(user = nil) @user ||= user link_to @user.telephone, "wtai://wp/mc;#{@user.telephone}" if @user.telephone end # Only display the current search parameters if the user is not in the dashboard. # If they are in the dashboard, then the search defaults to the user's files and not # all of Sufia. def current_search_parameters if on_the_dashboard? return nil else return params[:q] end end # Depending on which page we're landed on, we'll need to set the appropriate action url for # our search form. def search_form_action if on_the_dashboard? search_action_for_dashboard else catalog_index_path end end def render_visibility_link document link_to render_visibility_label(document), sufia.edit_generic_file_path(document, {anchor: "permissions_display"}), id: "permission_", class: "visibility-link" end def render_visibility_label document if document.registered? content_tag :span, t('sufia.institution_name'), class: "label label-info", title: t('sufia.institution_name') elsif document.public? content_tag :span, t(''), class: "label label-success", title: t('') else content_tag :span, t('sufia.visibility.private'), class: "label label-danger", title: t('sufia.visibility.private') end end def user_display_name_and_key(user_key) user = ::User.find_by_user_key(user_key) return user_key if user.nil? user.respond_to?(:name) ? "#{} (#{user_key})" : user_key end private def search_action_for_dashboard case params[:controller] when "my/files" sufia.dashboard_files_path when "my/collections" sufia.dashboard_collections_path when "my/shares" sufia.dashboard_shares_path when "my/highlights" sufia.dashboard_highlights_path else sufia.dashboard_files_path end end end end