module Gorillib module Model module ClassMethods # Defines a new field # # For each field that is defined, a getter and setter will be added as # an instance method to the model. An Field instance will be added to # result of the fields class method. # # @example # field :height, Integer # # @param [Symbol] field_name The field name. Must start with `[A-Za-z_]` and subsequently contain only `[A-Za-z0-9_]` # @param [Class] type The field's type (required) # @option options [String] doc Documentation string for the field (optional) # @option options [Proc, Object] default Default value, or proc that instance can evaluate to find default value # # @return Gorillib::Model::Field def field(field_name, type, options={}) options = options.symbolize_keys field_type = options.delete(:field_type){ ::Gorillib::Model::Field } fld =, field_name, type, options) @_own_fields[] = fld _reset_descendant_fields fld.send(:inscribe_methods, self) fld end def collection(field_name, collection_type, options={}) options[:item_type] = options[:of] if options.has_key?(:of) field(field_name, collection_type, { field_type: ::Gorillib::Model::SimpleCollectionField}.merge(options)) end # @return [{Symbol => Gorillib::Model::Field}] def fields return @_fields if defined?(@_fields) @_fields = ancestors.reverse.inject({}){|acc, ancestor| acc.merge!(ancestor.try(:_own_fields) || {}) } end # @return [true, false] true if the field is defined on this class def has_field?(field_name) fields.has_key?(field_name) end # @return [Array] The attribute names def field_names @_field_names ||= fields.keys end def positionals @_positionals ||= assemble_positionals end def assemble_positionals positionals = fields.values.keep_if{|fld| fld.position? }.sort_by!{|fld| fld.position } return [] if positionals.empty? if ( != (0..positionals.length-1).to_a) then raise ConflictingPositionError, "field positions #{",")} for #{",")} aren't in strict minimal order" ; end!(&:name) end # turn model constructor args (`*positional_args, {attrs}`) into a combined # attrs hash. positional_args are mapped to the set of attribute names in # order -- by default, the class' field names. # # Notes: # # * Positional args always clobber elements of the attribute hash. # * Nil positional args are treated as present-and-nil (this might change). # * Raises an error if positional args # # @param [Array[Symbol]] args list of attributes, in order, to map. # # @return [Hash] a combined, reconciled hash of attributes to set def attrs_hash_from_args(args) attrs = args.extract_options! if args.present? ArgumentError.check_arity!(args, 0..positionals.length){ "extracting args #{args} for #{self}" } positionals_to_map = positionals[0..(args.length-1)] attrs = attrs.merge(Hash[]) end attrs end protected attr_reader :_own_fields # Ensure that classes inherit all their parents' fields, even if fields # are added after the child class is defined. def _reset_descendant_fields ObjectSpace.each_object(::Class) do |klass| klass.__send__(:remove_instance_variable, '@_fields') if (klass <= self) && klass.instance_variable_defined?('@_fields') klass.__send__(:remove_instance_variable, '@_field_names') if (klass <= self) && klass.instance_variable_defined?('@_field_names') klass.__send__(:remove_instance_variable, '@_positionals') if (klass <= self) && klass.instance_variable_defined?('@_positionals') end end # define the reader method `#foo` for a field named `:foo` def define_attribute_reader(field_name, field_type, visibility) define_meta_module_method(field_name, visibility) do begin read_attribute(field_name) rescue StandardError => err ; err.polish("#{self.class}.#{field_name}") rescue nil ; raise ; end end end # define the writer method `#foo=` for a field named `:foo` def define_attribute_writer(field_name, field_type, visibility) define_meta_module_method("#{field_name}=", visibility) do |val| write_attribute(field_name, val) end end # define the present method `#foo?` for a field named `:foo` def define_attribute_tester(field_name, field_type, visibility) field = fields[field_name] define_meta_module_method("#{field_name}?", visibility) do attribute_set?(field_name) || field.has_default? end end def define_attribute_receiver(field_name, field_type, visibility) # @param [Object] val the raw value to type-convert and adopt # @return [Object] the attribute's new value define_meta_module_method("receive_#{field_name}", visibility) do |val| begin val = field_type.receive(val) write_attribute(field_name, val) rescue StandardError => err ; err.polish("#{self.class}.#{field_name} type #{type} on #{val}") rescue nil ; raise ; end end end # # Collection receiver -- # def define_collection_receiver(field) collection_field_name =; collection_type = field.type # @param [Array[Object],Hash[Object]] the collection to merge # @return [Gorillib::Collection] the updated collection define_meta_module_method("receive_#{collection_field_name}", true) do |coll, &block| begin if collection_type.native?(coll) write_attribute(collection_field_name, coll) else read_attribute(collection_field_name).receive!(coll, &block) end rescue StandardError => err ; err.polish("#{self.class} #{collection_field_name} collection on #{args}'") rescue nil ; raise ; end end end def inherited(base) base.instance_eval do self.meta_module @_own_fields ||= {} end super end end end end