## v0.2.0 [2018-08-08] Michael Granger Breaking: - Collapse startup event into the heartbeat event - Rename some actions in the Tree API for clarity * Rename `list` to `fetch` * Rename `fetch` to `search` - Don't let #add_node automatically replace nodes with the same identifier, instead leaving the remove step to the caller. Enhancements: - Add acknowledgement changes to delta events. - Add batching to the socket monitor - Add a --path argument to the 'tree' command, that displays parents to the root when specified. - Add a DSL method for returning a Client singleton. - Provide a way to disable colors for misbehaving terms. - Allow ack/unack on the root node to quiet and re-enable the tree. - Retain the previous time a node's status changed, for easy time deltas between state transitions. - Add the node type as additional metadata to node events. - Add node parent to the default node event class, stick to symbols for hash keys. - Allow "OR-ing" of statuses/identifiers/types when matching. - Make the default node search return all nodes All nodes in the tree are returned by default now. You can omit unreachable nodes with the `exclude_down` option/method. - Add a warning state to nodes - Add an optional 'hostname' label to the host node DSL. This is a convenience matcher for selecting by host, since identifiers are designed to be opaque, and description fields are more human readable. - Add a configurable default splay for all instantiated Monitors. - Allow separate monitors to run in parallel. - Make ack friendlier for batch updates, prompt for missing values. - Add a 'summary' command, for quick display of existing problems. - Use the uid instead of gecos for default ack sender. - Add a "reset" command to the client. - Add wildcard matching to node events. - Add introspection on secondary dependencies to the Tree API - Add an `ack` command - Convert to CZTop for ZeroMQ - Add a block to Node.parent_type to allow for more-expressive declarations - Normalize and emit better error messages from client commands. Bugfixes: - Fix behavior for child nodes whose parent transitions from 'down' to 'warn'. - Don't make loading config conditional, so loading config path from ENV works as intended. - Propagate ack and unack events to parent nodes. - Keep the observer daemon running if observer action blocks raise exceptions. - Throw a client error if attempting to graft over a pre-existing node. - Re-arrange constants to avoid Ruby 2.4 refinement warnings. Lower debug output when loading nodes. - Fix the signature of Arborist::Client#fetch It was defaulting trailing-hash arguments to options, which made the typical case of fetching with only criteria awkward. This makes the atypical case (fetching with options but empty criteria) the awkward case instead. # v0.1.0 [2017-01-01] Michael Granger Initial release.