begin require 'bundler/setup' rescue LoadError puts 'You must `gem install bundler` and `bundle install` to run rake tasks' end require 'rdoc/task' do |rdoc| rdoc.rdoc_dir = 'rdoc' rdoc.title = 'Spotlight' rdoc.options << '--line-numbers' rdoc.rdoc_files.include('README.rdoc') rdoc.rdoc_files.include('lib/**/*.rb') end Bundler::GemHelper.install_tasks require 'solr_wrapper' require 'rspec/core/rake_task' require 'rubocop/rake_task' require 'engine_cart/rake_task' require 'spotlight/version' task ci: ['engine_cart:generate'] do ENV['environment'] = 'test' SolrWrapper.wrap(port: '8983') do |solr| solr.with_collection(name: 'blacklight-core', dir: File.join(File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)), 'solr_conf', 'conf')) do within_test_app do system 'bundle install' system 'bundle exec rake db:migrate' end Rake::Task['spotlight:fixtures'].invoke # run the tests Rake::Task['spec'].invoke end end end namespace :spotlight do desc 'Load fixtures' task fixtures: ['engine_cart:generate'] do within_test_app do system 'rake spotlight_test:solr:seed RAILS_ENV=test' abort 'Error running fixtures' unless $?.success? end end desc 'Start the test application for Spotlight' task :server do Rake::Task['engine_cart:generate'].invoke SolrWrapper.wrap(port: '8983') do |solr| solr.with_collection(name: 'blacklight-core', dir: File.join(File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)), 'solr_conf', 'conf')) do within_test_app do unless File.exist? '.initialized' system 'bundle exec rake spotlight:initialize' system 'bundle exec rake spotlight_test:solr:seed''.initialized', 'w') {} end system 'bundle exec rails s' end end end end namespace :template do desc 'Start a brand new Spotlight application using the Rails template' task :server do require 'tmpdir' require 'fileutils' template_path = File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'template.rb')) Dir.mktmpdir do |dir| Dir.chdir(dir) do Bundler.with_clean_env do version = "_#{Gem.loaded_specs['rails'].version}_" if Gem.loaded_specs['rails'] Bundler.with_clean_env do IO.popen({ 'SPOTLIGHT_GEM' => File.dirname(__FILE__) }, ['rails', version, 'new', 'internal', '--skip-spring', '-m', template_path] + [err: [:child, :out]]) do |io| IO.copy_stream(io, $stderr) _, exit_status = Process.wait2( raise 'Failed to generate spotlight' if exit_status.nonzero? end end Bundler.with_clean_env do Dir.chdir('internal') do APP_ROOT = Dir.pwd SolrWrapper.wrap(port: '8983') do |solr| solr.with_collection(name: 'blacklight-core', dir: File.join(File.expand_path('..', File.dirname(__FILE__)), 'solr', 'conf')) do system 'bundle exec rails s' end end end end end end end end end end task default: [:rubocop, :ci]