#!/usr/bin/env ruby -w require 'rmagick' imgl = Magick::ImageList.new imgl.new_image(275, 170) { self.background_color = 'white' } gc = Magick::Draw.new gc.fill('black') gc.stroke('transparent') if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /mswin32/ gc.font_family('Georgia') gc.pointsize(152) else gc.font_family('courier') gc.pointsize(200) end gc.font_weight(Magick::BoldWeight) # Turn off antialiasing gc.text_antialias(false) gc.text(15, 145, 'A') # Turn it back on gc.text_antialias(true) gc.text(145, 145, 'A') gc.draw(imgl) # Blow up the image so we can # easily see the image, then # crop to a representative portion. imgl.resize!(3).crop!(235,270, 365,180) imgl.page = Magick::Rectangle.new(365, 180) imgl.border!(1,1,'black') imgl.write('text_antialias.gif') exit