{ "curve_cubics": [ { "name": "BOILER-EFFFPLR-NECB2011", "coeff_1": 0.2901, "coeff_2": 2.6664, "coeff_3": -3.764, "coeff_4": 1.82, "min_x": 0.0, "max_x": 1.0, "min_out": null, "max_out": null, "notes": "From NECB 2011" }, { "name": "Boiler Constant Efficiency Curve", "coeff_1": 1.0, "coeff_2": 0.0, "coeff_3": 0.0, "coeff_4": 0.0, "min_x": 0.0, "max_x": 1.0, "min_out": null, "max_out": null, "notes": "From DOE Reference Building" }, { "name": "Boiler with Minimum Turndown", "coeff_1": 0.7791, "coeff_2": 1.4745, "coeff_3": -2.5795, "coeff_4": 1.3467, "min_x": 0.0, "max_x": 1.3, "min_out": null, "max_out": null, "notes": "From Regression of Prototype Building EMS" }, { "name": "Boiler with No Minimum Turndown", "coeff_1": 0.7463, "coeff_2": 1.3196, "coeff_3": -2.2154, "coeff_4": 1.1674, "min_x": 0.0, "max_x": 1.3, "min_out": null, "max_out": null, "notes": "From Regression of Prototype Building EMS" }, { "name": "CoilClgDXDblEIRRatio_fCFMRatio", "coeff_1": 1.007948, "coeff_2": 0.345441, "coeff_3": -0.692289, "coeff_4": 0.338899, "min_x": 0.0, "max_x": 1.0, "min_out": null, "max_out": null, "notes": "From CBECC Appendix_3.7_PerformanceCurves-S901G.xlsx" }, { "name": "CoilClgDXDblQRatio_fCFMRatio", "coeff_1": 0.472786, "coeff_2": 1.243342, "coeff_3": -1.038706, "coeff_4": 0.322578, "min_x": -100.0, "max_x": 100.0, "min_out": 0.47, "max_out": null, "notes": "From CBECC Appendix_3.7_PerformanceCurves-S901G.xlsx" }, { "name": "CoilClgDXEIRRatio_fQFrac", "coeff_1": 0.0, "coeff_2": 5.1091, "coeff_3": -8.5515, "coeff_4": 4.4744, "min_x": 0.7, "max_x": 1.0, "min_out": 0.92, "max_out": 1.0, "notes": "From CBECC Appendix_3.7_PerformanceCurves-S901G.xlsx" }, { "name": "CoilClgDXSEEREIRRatio_fQFrac", "coeff_1": 1.0, "coeff_2": 0.0, "coeff_3": 0.0, "coeff_4": 0.0, "min_x": 0.7, "max_x": 1.0, "min_out": 1.0, "max_out": 1.0, "notes": "From CBECC Appendix_3.7_PerformanceCurves-S901G.xlsx" }, { "name": "CoilClgPTACEIRRatio_fQFrac", "coeff_1": 0.85, "coeff_2": 0.15, "coeff_3": 0.0, "coeff_4": 0.0, "min_x": 0.7, "max_x": 1.0, "min_out": 0.96, "max_out": 1.0, "notes": "From CBECC Appendix_3.7_PerformanceCurves-S901G.xlsx" }, { "name": "ConstantCubic", "coeff_1": 1.0, "coeff_2": 0.0, "coeff_3": 0.0, "coeff_4": 0.0, "min_x": -100.0, "max_x": 100.0, "min_out": null, "max_out": null, "notes": "From Reference Buildings" }, { "name": "DOE Ref DX Clg Coil Cool-CAP-fFlow", "coeff_1": 1.0, "coeff_2": 0.0, "coeff_3": 0.0, "coeff_4": 0.0, "min_x": -100.0, "max_x": 100.0, "min_out": null, "max_out": null, "notes": "From DOE Pre-1980 Reference Building" }, { "name": "DOE Ref DX Clg Coil Cool-EIR-fFlow", "coeff_1": 1.0, "coeff_2": 0.0, "coeff_3": 0.0, "coeff_4": 0.0, "min_x": -100.0, "max_x": 100.0, "min_out": null, "max_out": null, "notes": "From DOE Pre-1980 Reference Building" }, { "name": "DXCOOL-NECB2011-REF-COOLPLFFPLR", "coeff_1": 0.0277, "coeff_2": 4.9151, "coeff_3": -8.184, "coeff_4": 4.2702, "min_x": 0.7, "max_x": 1.0, "min_out": null, "max_out": null, "notes": "From NECB, curve modified to take into account how PLF is used in E+, and PLF ranges (> 0.7)" }, { "name": "DXHEAT-NECB2011-REF-CAPFFLOW", "coeff_1": 0.84, "coeff_2": 0.16, "coeff_3": 0.0, "coeff_4": 0.0, "min_x": 0.5, "max_x": 1.5, "min_out": null, "max_out": null, "notes": "From NECB 2011" }, { "name": "DXHEAT-NECB2011-REF-CAPFT", "coeff_1": 0.729, "coeff_2": 0.0319, "coeff_3": 0.000136, "coeff_4": -8.75e-06, "min_x": -20.0, "max_x": 20.0, "min_out": null, "max_out": null, "notes": "From NECB 2011" }, { "name": "DXHEAT-NECB2011-REF-EIRFT", "coeff_1": 1.2183, "coeff_2": -0.03612, "coeff_3": 0.00142, "coeff_4": -2.68e-05, "min_x": -20.0, "max_x": 20.0, "min_out": null, "max_out": null, "notes": "From NECB 2011" }, { "name": "DXHEAT-NECB2011-REF-PLFFPLR", "coeff_1": 0.3696, "coeff_2": 2.3362, "coeff_3": -2.9577, "coeff_4": 1.2596, "min_x": 0.7, "max_x": 1.0, "min_out": null, "max_out": null, "notes": "From NECB 2011" }, { "name": "FURNACE-EFFPLR-NECB2011", "coeff_1": 0.7277, "coeff_2": 1.0667, "coeff_3": -1.5174, "coeff_4": 0.7282, "min_x": 0.0, "max_x": 1.0, "min_out": null, "max_out": null, "notes": "From NECB 2011" }, { "name": "HPACHeatCapFFF", "coeff_1": 0.84, "coeff_2": 0.16, "coeff_3": 0.0, "coeff_4": 0.0, "min_x": 0.5, "max_x": 1.5, "min_out": null, "max_out": null, "notes": "From Prototype Buildings" }, { "name": "HPACHeatCapFT", "coeff_1": 0.758746, "coeff_2": 0.027626, "coeff_3": 0.000148716, "coeff_4": 3.4992e-06, "min_x": -20.0, "max_x": 20.0, "min_out": null, "max_out": null, "notes": "From Prototype Buildings" }, { "name": "HPACHeatEIRFT", "coeff_1": 1.19248, "coeff_2": -0.0300438, "coeff_3": 0.00103745, "coeff_4": -2.3328e-05, "min_x": -20.0, "max_x": 20.0, "min_out": null, "max_out": null, "notes": "From Prototype Buildings" }, { "name": "HeatSys1 Boiler Non-Condensing Boiler Curve", "coeff_1": 0.626428326, "coeff_2": 0.645643582, "coeff_3": -0.77720685, "coeff_4": 0.313806701, "min_x": 0.1, "max_x": 1.0, "min_out": null, "max_out": null, "notes": "From Prototype Buildings" }, { "name": "Hospital Kitchen_Flr_5_Case:1_WALKINFREEZERSingleShelfHorizontal_LatentEnergyMult", "coeff_1": 0.0236, "coeff_2": 0.0006, "coeff_3": 0.0, "coeff_4": 0.0, "min_x": -35.0, "max_x": 20.0, "min_out": null, "max_out": null, "notes": "From Prototype Buildings" }, { "name": "Hospital Kitchen_Flr_5_Case:2_SELFCONTAINEDDISPLAYCASEMultiShelfVertical_LatentEnergyMult", "coeff_1": 0.026526281, "coeff_2": 0.001078032, "coeff_3": 6.02558e-05, "coeff_4": 1.23732e-06, "min_x": -35.0, "max_x": 20.0, "min_out": null, "max_out": null, "notes": "From Prototype Buildings" }, { "name": "HotelLarge Kitchen_Flr_6_Case:1_WALKINFREEZERSingleShelfHorizontal_LatentEnergyMult", "coeff_1": 0.0236, "coeff_2": 0.0006, "coeff_3": 0.0, "coeff_4": 0.0, "min_x": -35.0, "max_x": 20.0, "min_out": null, "max_out": null, "notes": "From Prototype Buildings" }, { "name": "HotelLarge Kitchen_Flr_6_Case:2_SELFCONTAINEDDISPLAYCASEMultiShelfVertical_LatentEnergyMult", "coeff_1": 0.026526281, "coeff_2": 0.001078032, "coeff_3": 6.02558e-05, "coeff_4": 1.23732e-06, "min_x": -35.0, "max_x": 20.0, "min_out": null, "max_out": null, "notes": "From Prototype Buildings" }, { "name": "Multi Shelf Vertical Latent Energy Multiplier", "coeff_1": 0.026526281, "coeff_2": 0.001078032, "coeff_3": -6.02558e-05, "coeff_4": 1.23732e-06, "min_x": -35.0, "max_x": 20.0, "min_out": null, "max_out": null, "notes": "From Reference Buildings" }, { "name": "PSZ-Fine Storage Heating Coil PLF-FPLR", "coeff_1": 0.8, "coeff_2": 0.2, "coeff_3": 0.0, "coeff_4": 0.0, "min_x": 0.0, "max_x": 1.0, "min_out": null, "max_out": null, "notes": "From Prototype Buildings" }, { "name": "PSZ-Office Heating Coil PLF-FPLR", "coeff_1": 0.8, "coeff_2": 0.2, "coeff_3": 0.0, "coeff_4": 0.0, "min_x": 0.0, "max_x": 1.0, "min_out": null, "max_out": null, "notes": "From Prototype Buildings" }, { "name": "RestaurantFastFood Kitchen_Case:1_WALKINFREEZERSingleShelfHorizontal_LatentEnergyMult", "coeff_1": 0.0236, "coeff_2": 0.0006, "coeff_3": 0.0, "coeff_4": 0.0, "min_x": -35.0, "max_x": 20.0, "min_out": null, "max_out": null, "notes": "From Prototype Buildings" }, { "name": "RestaurantFastFood Kitchen_Case:2_SELFCONTAINEDDISPLAYCASEMultiShelfVertical_LatentEnergyMult", "coeff_1": 0.026526281, "coeff_2": 0.001078032, "coeff_3": 6.02558e-05, "coeff_4": 1.23732e-06, "min_x": -35.0, "max_x": 20.0, "min_out": null, "max_out": null, "notes": "From Prototype Buildings" }, { "name": "SAC Heating Coil PLF-FPLR", "coeff_1": 0.8, "coeff_2": 0.2, "coeff_3": 0.0, "coeff_4": 0.0, "min_x": 0.0, "max_x": 1.0, "min_out": null, "max_out": null, "notes": "From Prototype Buildings" }, { "name": "SchoolPrimary Kitchen_ZN_1_FLR_1_Case:1_WALKINFREEZERSingleShelfHorizontal_LatentEnergyMult", "coeff_1": 0.0236, "coeff_2": 0.0006, "coeff_3": 0.0, "coeff_4": 0.0, "min_x": -35.0, "max_x": 20.0, "min_out": null, "max_out": null, "notes": "From Prototype Buildings" }, { "name": "SchoolPrimary Kitchen_ZN_1_FLR_1_Case:2_SELFCONTAINEDDISPLAYCASEMultiShelfVertical_LatentEnergyMult", "coeff_1": 0.026526281, "coeff_2": 0.001078032, "coeff_3": 6.02558e-05, "coeff_4": 1.23732e-06, "min_x": -35.0, "max_x": 20.0, "min_out": null, "max_out": null, "notes": "From Prototype Buildings" }, { "name": "Single Shelf Horizontal Latent Energy Multiplier_After2004", "coeff_1": 0.0236, "coeff_2": 0.0006, "coeff_3": 0.0, "coeff_4": 0.0, "min_x": -35.0, "max_x": 20.0, "min_out": null, "max_out": null, "notes": "From Reference Buildings" }, { "name": "Single Shelf Horizontal Latent Energy Multiplier_Pre2004", "coeff_1": 0.020376, "coeff_2": 0.00024378, "coeff_3": 1.14e-05, "coeff_4": 1.811e-07, "min_x": -35.0, "max_x": 20.0, "min_out": null, "max_out": null, "notes": "From Reference Buildings" }, { "name": "Tower_Fan_Curve", "coeff_1": 0.0, "coeff_2": 0.0, "coeff_3": 0.0, "coeff_4": 1.0, "min_x": 0.0, "max_x": 1.0, "min_out": null, "max_out": null, "notes": "From Prototype Buildings" }, { "name": "VSD-TWR-FAN-FPLR", "coeff_1": 0.33162901, "coeff_2": -0.88567609, "coeff_3": 0.60556507, "coeff_4": 0.9484823, "min_x": 0.0, "max_x": 1.0, "min_out": null, "max_out": null, "notes": "From PNNL PRM Reference Manual" }, { "name": "VarVolFan-AFBIFanCurve-NECB2011-FPLR", "coeff_1": -2.4176, "coeff_2": 9.5874, "coeff_3": -11.559, "coeff_4": 5.4009, "min_x": 0.68, "max_x": 1.0, "min_out": null, "max_out": null, "notes": "From NECB 2011" }, { "name": "VarVolFan-AFBIInletVanes-NECB2011-FPLR", "coeff_1": -4.1457, "coeff_2": 16.803, "coeff_3": -19.471, "coeff_4": 7.8488, "min_x": 0.5, "max_x": 1.0, "min_out": null, "max_out": null, "notes": "From NECB 2011" }, { "name": "VarVolFan-FCInletVanes-NECB2011-FPLR", "coeff_1": -0.3477, "coeff_2": 4.0976, "coeff_3": -5.0024, "coeff_4": 2.268, "min_x": 0.22, "max_x": 1.0, "min_out": null, "max_out": null, "notes": "From NECB 2011" }, { "name": "VarVolFan-VSD-NECB2011-FPLR", "coeff_1": 0.1389, "coeff_2": 1.7699, "coeff_3": -1.615, "coeff_4": 0.6996, "min_x": 0.04, "max_x": 1.0, "min_out": null, "max_out": null, "notes": "From NECB 2011" } ] }