module Repor module Serializers class HighchartsSerializer < TableSerializer def colors ['#7cb5ec', '#434348', '#90ed7d', '#f7a35c', '#8085e9', '#f15c80', '#e4d354', '#2b908f', '#f45b5b', '#91e8e1'] end def color_hash # ensure we consistently assign the same color to the same dimension- # value pair @color_hash ||= do |h, key| color_cycle = colors.cycle h[key] = do |hh, value| hh[value] = end end end def color_for(dimension, value) # override this if the values of a particular dimension can take on # meaningful colors color_hash[][value] end def series case report.groupers.count when 3 dim1, dim2, dim3 = report.groupers do |d3, i| d3[:values].map { |d2| { stack: human_dimension_value_label(dim3, d3[:key]), name: human_dimension_value_label(dim2, d2[:key]), (i == 0 ? :id : :linkedTo) => human_dimension_value_label(dim2, d2[:key]), color: color_for(dim2, d2[:key]), data: d2[:values].map { |d1| { y: d1[:value].to_f, tooltip: tooltip_for(dim1 => d1, dim2 => d2, dim3 => d3), filters: filters_for(dim1 => d1, dim2 => d2, dim3 => d3) }} }} end when 2 dim1, dim2 = report.groupers { |d2| { name: human_dimension_value_label(dim2, d2[:key]), color: color_for(dim2, d2[:key]), data: d2[:values].map { |d1| { y: d1[:value].to_f, tooltip: tooltip_for(dim1 => d1, dim2 => d2), filters: filters_for(dim1 => d1, dim2 => d2) }} }} when 1 dim1 = report.groupers.first [{ name: human_aggregator_label(report.aggregator), data: { |d1| { y: d1[:value].to_f, tooltip: tooltip_for(dim1 => d1), filters: filters_for(dim1 => d1) }} }] else raise Repor::InvalidParamsError, "report must have <= 3 groupers" end end def tooltip_for(xes) lines = [] xes.each do |dim, d| lines << [ human_dimension_label(dim), human_dimension_value_label(dim, d[:key]) ] end lines << [ human_aggregator_label(report.aggregator), human_aggregator_value_label(report.aggregator, xes[report.groupers.first][:value]) ] { |k, v| "<b>#{k}:</b> #{v}" }.join('<br/>') end def filters_for(xes) xes.each_with_object({}) do |(dim, d), h| h[] = d[:key] end end def categories dimension = report.groupers.first do |value| human_dimension_value_label(dimension, value) end end def chart_title axis_summary end def chart_subtitle filter_summary end def x_axis_title human_dimension_label(report.groupers.first) end def y_axis_title human_aggregator_label(report.aggregator) end def highcharts_options { chart: { type: 'column' }, colors: colors, title: { text: chart_title }, subtitle: { text: chart_subtitle }, series: series, xAxis: { categories: categories, title: { text: x_axis_title } }, yAxis: { allowDecimals: true, title: { text: y_axis_title }, stackLabels: { enabled: report.groupers.length >= 3, format: '{stack}', rotation: -45, textAlign: 'left' } }, legend: { enabled: report.groupers.length >= 2 }, tooltip: {}, plotOptions: { series: { events: {} }, column: { stacking: ('normal' if report.groupers.length >= 2) } } } end end end end