require "lab_tech/engine" require "scientist" module LabTech extend self ######################################################################## # # So, you've come here for science? EXCELLENT. # # TL;DR: # # "experiment-name" do |exp| # exp.use { STABLE_CODE } # this is the "control" # exp.try { BETTER_CODE } # this is the "candidate" # # # Optional, but often useful: # exp.context foo: "spam", bar: "eggs", yak: "bacon" # {|control, candidate| == } # exp.clean { |records| } # end # # See for an *extremely* detailed # README that explains how to use this. For those purposes, the thing # passed to the block as `exp` is a Scientist::Experiment. # # NOTE: You'll probably want to check out the .enable and .disable methods # below if you want your candidate code to actually *run*... # ######################################################################## def science(experiment_name, opts = {}, &block) experiment = Experiment.named( experiment_name ) yield experiment candidate_name = opts[:run] end ######################################################################## # # This here is how you turn individual experiments on and off... # ######################################################################## def self.enable(*experiment_names, percent: 100) experiments_named( experiment_names ) do |exp| exp.enable percent_enabled: percent end end def self.disable(*experiment_names) experiments_named( experiment_names, &:disable ) end ######################################################################## # # ...with an additional step if you want to record results in the Rails # test environment. # ######################################################################## def self.publish_results_in_test_mode? ; !!@publish_results_in_test_mode ; end def self.publish_results_in_test_mode=(value) ; @publish_results_in_test_mode = !!value ; end def self.publish_results_in_test_mode fail ArgumentError, "a block is required for this method" unless block_given? old_value = self.publish_results_in_test_mode? self.publish_results_in_test_mode = true yield ensure self.publish_results_in_test_mode = old_value end ######################################################################## # # You'll probably want to see how your experiments are doing... # ######################################################################## def self.summarize_results(*experiment_names) experiments_named( experiment_names, &:summarize_results ) end ######################################################################## # # ...and be annoyed when they're not 100% correct... # ######################################################################## # # By default, this will simply print the values of all mismatches. # However, if you'd like to pass a block that returns arguments to # IO#puts, you can probably get more useful results. # # Here's one example based on an experiment that records the IDs # returned from a search: # # comparison = ->(cont, cand) { # cont_ids, cand_ids = cont.value, cand.value # case # when cont_ids == cand_ids ; "EVERYTHING IS FINE" # if this were true, it wouldn't be a mismatch # when cont_ids.sort == cand_ids.sort ; "ORDER DIFFERS" # else # [ # "CONTROL length: #{ cont_ids.length }", # "CANDIDATE length: #{ cand_ids.length }", # " missing: #{ (cont_ids - cand_ids).inspect }", # " extra: #{ (cand_ids - cont_ids).inspect }", # ] # end # } # e = Experiment.named "isolate-lead-activities-in-lead-search" # e.compare_mismatches limit: 10, &comparison # # And here's another one that assumes you've recorded a hash of the form: # { ids: [ 1, 2, ... ], sql: "SELECT FROM ..." } # # comparison = ->(cont, cand) { # cont_ids, cand_ids = cont.value.fetch(:ids), cand.value.fetch(:ids) # cont_sql, cand_sql = cont.value.fetch(:sql), cand.value.fetch(:sql) # sql_strings = [ "", "CONTROL SQL", cont_sql, "", "CANDIDATE SQL", cand_sql ] # case # when cont_ids == cand_ids ; "EVERYTHING IS FINE" # if this were true, it wouldn't be a mismatch # when cont_ids.sort == cand_ids.sort ; [ "ORDER DIFFERS" ] + sql_strings # else # [ # "CONTROL length: #{ cont_ids.length }", # "CANDIDATE length: #{ cand_ids.length }", # " missing: #{ (cont_ids - cand_ids).inspect }", # " extra: #{ (cand_ids - cont_ids).inspect }", # ] + sql_strings # end # } # e = Experiment.named "isolate-lead-activities-in-lead-search" # e.compare_mismatches limit: 10, &comparison # ######################################################################## def self.compare_mismatches(experiment_name, limit: nil, io: $stdout, &block) exp = LabTech::Experiment.named( experiment_name ) exp.compare_mismatches limit: limit, io: io, &block end ######################################################################## # # ...and be curious about the errors... # ######################################################################## def self.summarize_errors(experiment_name, limit: nil, io: $stdout) exp = LabTech::Experiment.named( experiment_name ) exp.summarize_errors( limit: limit, io: io ) end ######################################################################## # # Sometimes specs might want to see that an experiment ran, the silly paranoid things # ######################################################################## def self.reset_run_count! run_count.clear end def self.run_count @_experiment_run_count ||= end ######################################################################## # # Sometimes we want to act on a batch of experiments # (this is mostly just plumbing; feel free to ignore it) # ######################################################################## def self.experiments_named(*experiment_names, &block) names = experiment_names.flatten.compact names.each do |exp_name| LabTech::Experiment.named(exp_name, &block) end end end