FullContact Ruby Gem ==================== A Ruby wrapper for the [FullContact API](http://www.fullcontact.com/) Changes ------- 0.7.0 - Faraday 0.9.0 0.6.0 - Removal of timeoutSeconds parameter. This parameter is automatically stripped from your request if included. Installation ------------ gem install fullcontact Documentation ------------- [http://rdoc.info/gems/fullcontact](http://rdoc.info/gems/fullcontact) Usage Examples -------------- ```ruby require "fullcontact" # This could go in an initializer FullContact.configure do |config| config.api_key = "fullcontact_api_key_goes_here" end # Get information about an email address person = FullContact.person(email: "brawest@gmail.com") # Get information about an email address, organized by hashes vs. lists person2 = FullContact.person(email: "bart@fullcontact.com", style: "dictionary") # You can pass in any arbitrary parameters the Person API supports person3 = FullContact.person(email: "bart@fullcontact.com", style: "dictionary", webhookUrl: "https://...") # Get information about a twitter handle person4 = FullContact.person(twitter: "brawest") # Get information about a facebook username person5 = FullContact.person(facebookUsername: "bart.lorang") # Get information from a phone number person6 = FullContact.person(phone:13037170414) # Get information about a twitter and ensure a 30s socket open timeout and a 15s socket read timeout # Can throw a Faraday::Error::TimeoutError if timeouts are exceeded person7 = FullContact.person({:twitter => "brawest"}, {:request => {:timeout => 15, :open_timeout => 30}}) # Get person's family_name puts person.contact_info.family_name ``` Contributions ------------- - Michael Rose (Xorlev) - Ian Fisher (i-taptera) - Scott Watermasysk (scottwater) - Stefano Fontanelli (stefanofontanelli) - John Bachir (jjb) Copyright --------- Copyright (c) 2014 FullContact, Brandon West See [LICENSE](https://github.com/brandonmwest/rainmaker/blob/master/LICENSE.md) for details.