require "tempfile" require "parse_fasta" module BigSimon class Runners # @note To match the other things, you'd like them to be key'd on the file name. def self.mummer exe, vir_dir, host_dir, outdir, threads klass = Rya::CoreExtensions::Math FileUtils.mkdir_p outdir mummer_outfname = File.join outdir, "mummer_out.txt" virus_fnames = Dir.glob(vir_dir + "/*") host_fnames = Dir.glob(host_dir + "/*") hit_table = {} do |vir_f| do |host_f| virus_fnames.each do |fname| Rya::AbortIf.assert fname.match(/.fa$/), "bad fname: #{fname}" do |rec| # id needs to be the file name new_id = File.basename fname.sub(/.fa$/, "") hit_table[new_id] = {} vir_f.puts ">#{new_id}\n#{rec.seq}" vir_f.puts ">#{new_id}___reverse\n#{rec.seq.reverse}" end end host_fnames.each do |fname| Rya::AbortIf.assert fname.match(/.fa$/), "bad fname: #{fname}" do |rec| new_id = File.basename fname.sub(/.fa$/, "") # Add this host to each virus in the hit_table hit_table.each do |virus, host_table| host_table[new_id] = 0 # set it to defualt score of 0 end host_f.puts ">#{new_id}\n#{rec.seq}" host_f.puts ">#{new_id}___reverse\n#{rec.seq.reverse}" end end vir_f.fsync host_f.fsync cmd = "mummer -threads #{threads} -qthreads #{threads} -maxmatch -l 15 #{host_f.path} #{vir_f.path} > #{mummer_outfname}" Process.run_and_time_it! "MUMMER", cmd end end virus = nil overall_max_score = 0, "rt").each_line.with_index do |line, idx| line.chomp! unless line.empty? if line.start_with? ">" virus = line.chomp.sub(/^>/, "").sub(/___reverse$/, "").strip # It can be duplicated as there are forward and reverse for each sequence (in case they're contigs.) Rya::AbortIf.assert hit_table.has_key?(virus) # unless hit_table.has_key? virus # hit_table[virus] = {} # end else ary = line.strip.split " " host = ary[0].sub(/___reverse$/, "").strip score = ary[3].to_i Rya::AbortIf.assert hit_table[virus].has_key?(host) # unless hit_table[virus].has_key? host # hit_table[virus][host] = -1 # end # We only want the longest hit. hit_table[virus][host] = score if score > hit_table[virus][host] # Track the overall max for scaling. overall_max_score = score if score > overall_max_score end end end results_table = {} min, max, from, to = 0, overall_max_score, 1, 0 hit_table.each do |virus, host_table| results_table[virus] = [] host_table.each do |host, score| scaled_score = klass.scale score, min, max, from, to results_table[virus] << { host: host, score: score, scaled_score: scaled_score } end end results_table end # This one's a bit different as it parses as well and returns original names. # @todo Also do the reverse of each genome in case it's a contig. def self.mummer2 exe, vir_dir, host_dir, outdir, threads klass = Rya::CoreExtensions::Math FileUtils.mkdir_p outdir # TODO put these all in one file then do it? results = {} # Takes names in files and puts them to the file names name_map = {} Dir.glob(vir_dir + "/*").each do |vir_fname| this_virus_scores = [] virus = nil Dir.glob(host_dir + "/*").each do |host_fname| vir_base = File.basename vir_fname host_base = File.basename host_fname outfname = File.join outdir, "#{vir_base}___#{host_base}.mummer" # -l is min length of a match TODO pull this into a const # -F to force 4 columns cmd = "#{exe} -F " \ "-maxmatch " \ "-l 15 " \ "#{host_fname} " \ "#{vir_fname} " \ "> #{outfname}" Process.run_and_time_it! "Calculating matches", cmd # Note there should only be one '>' per file here. host = nil score = 0, "rt").each_line.with_index do |line, idx| if this_virus = line.chomp.sub(/^>/, "").sub(/___reverse$/, "").strip Rya::AbortIf::abort_unless(this_virus == virus, "OOPS") if virus virus ||= this_virus else ary = line.chomp.strip.split(" ") Rya::AbortIf.abort_unless ary.count == 4, "Problem parsing #{outfname} (mummer output)" host = ary[0].sub(/___reverse$/, "").strip len = ary[3].to_i score = len if len > score end end this_virus_scores << score unless results.has_key? virus results[virus] = [] end results[virus] << { host: host, score: score, scaled_score: nil } FileUtils.rm outfname end # This was the original scaling, i.e. per virus # min = 0 # this_virus_scores.min # Technically, this should range from 0 to 15. Any data missing from this table would give a zero. TODO we don't actually account for this though. # max = this_virus_scores.max # from = 1 # to = 0 # # results[virus].each do |host_table| # host_table[:scaled_score] = klass.scale host_table[:score], min, max, from, to # end end all_scores = [] results.each do |virus, host_tables| all_scores << { |table| table[:score] } end all_scores.flatten! max = all_scores.max results.each do |virus, host_tables| host_tables.each do |host_table| host_table[:scaled_score] = klass.scale host_table[:score], 0, max, 1, 0 end end results end def self.vir_host_matcher exe, vir_dir, host_dir, outdir FileUtils.mkdir_p outdir cmd = "python #{exe} " \ "-v #{vir_dir} " \ "-b #{host_dir} " \ "-o #{outdir} " \ "-d 1" # only compute d2star dissimilarity Process.run_and_time_it! "Computing d2star dissimilarity", cmd tmp_dir = File.join outdir, "tmp" FileUtils.rm_r tmp_dir if Dir.exist? tmp_dir bad_files = %w[d2star_k6_main.html hostTaxa.txt_new.txt] bad_files.each do |fname| path = File.join outdir, fname FileUtils.rm path if File.exist? path end outf = File.join outdir, "d2star_k6.csv" new_outf = File.join outdir, "vir_host_matcher.txt" outf, new_outf new_outf end # Runs the WIsH program # # @raise [AbortIf::Exit] if commands fail def self.wish exe, vir_dir, host_dir, outdir, threads model_dir = File.join outdir, "model" FileUtils.mkdir_p model_dir build_model = "#{exe} " \ "-t #{threads} " \ "-c build " \ "-g #{host_dir} " \ "-m #{model_dir}" predict = "#{exe} " \ "-t #{threads} " \ "-c predict " \ "-g #{vir_dir} " \ "-m #{model_dir} " \ "-r #{outdir}" Process.run_and_time_it! "Building model", build_model Process.run_and_time_it! "Predicting host", predict FileUtils.rm_r model_dir if Dir.exist? model_dir outf = File.join outdir, "llikelihood.matrix" new_outf = File.join outdir, "wish.txt" outf, new_outf new_outf end def self.heatmaps exe, indir, outdir FileUtils.mkdir_p outdir fnames = Dir.glob("#{indir}/scores*.txt").map do |in_fname| extname = File.extname in_fname basename = File.basename in_fname, extname out_fname = File.join outdir, "#{basename}.heatmap.pdf" [in_fname, out_fname] end rcode_str = BigSimon::Utils.rcode fnames do |f| f.puts rcode_str f.fsync # ensure no data is buffered cmd = "#{exe} #{f.path}" Process.run_and_time_it! "Drawing heatmaps", cmd end out_fnames = end end end