require 'rust/cppifaceparser' if __FILE__ == $0 def usage puts "Use: #{File.basename($0)} [header] [module name] [output file]" end parser = if ARGV.size != 3 or not File.exists?(ARGV[0].to_s) usage exit 0 end header = ARGV[0] namespace = ARGV[1] outputfile = ARGV[2] outputfile += ".rb" if not outputfile =~ /\.rb$/ classes = parser.parseFile(header) rust = %@ require 'rust' Rust::Bindings::create_bindings Rust::Bindings::LangCxx, "#{namespace}" do |b| b.include_header '#{header}', Rust::Bindings::HeaderGlobal b.add_namespace "#{namespace}", "" do |ns| @ classes.each { |klass| rust += %@ ns.add_cxx_class "#{klass[:name]}" do |klass|\n@ klass[:constructors].each { |constructor| rust += " klass.add_constructor " if not constructor[:params].empty? and not constructor[:params].detect { |p| p[:type] =~ /void/ } rust += "do |method|\n" constructor[:params].each { |param| rust += %@ method.add_parameter "#{param[:type]}", "#{param[:name]}"\n@ } rust += " end" end rust += "\n" } klass[:methods].each { |method| comment_method = false if method[:params].detect { |p| p[:type] =~ /\s*\*\s*\*/ } $stderr << "Ignoring method: #{method[:name]}\n" comment_method = true end rust += "# " if comment_method rust += %@ klass.add_method "#{method[:name]}", "#{method[:type]}"@ if not method[:params].empty? and not method[:params].detect { |p| p[:type] =~ /void/ } rust += " do |method|\n" if not method[:params].empty? method[:params].each { |param| rust += "# " if comment_method rust += %@ method.add_parameter "#{param[:type]}", "#{param[:name]}"\n@ } rust += "# " if comment_method rust += " end" end rust += "\n" } rust += " end\n" } rust += %@ end end @ outputfile, "w" ) { |f| f << rust << "\n" } # Create configure.rb File.dirname(outputfile)+"/configure.rb", "w" ) { |f| f << %@ require 'mkmf' find_header("rust_conversions.hh", "./include" ) eval"#{File.basename(outputfile)}").readlines.to_s create_makefile("#{namespace}") @ } end