# frozen_string_literal: true require 'json' # Public: Allows to resolve configuration sourced from `config/vite.json` and # environment variables, combining them with the default options. class ViteRuby::Config def origin "#{ protocol }://#{ host_with_port }" end def protocol https ? 'https' : 'http' end def host_with_port "#{ host }:#{ port }" end # Internal: Path to the manifest files generated by Vite and vite-plugin-ruby. def known_manifest_paths [ # NOTE: Generated by Vite when `manifest: true`, which vite-plugin-ruby enables. build_output_dir.join('.vite/manifest.json'), # NOTE: Path where vite-plugin-ruby outputs the assets manifest file. build_output_dir.join('.vite/manifest-assets.json'), ] end # Internal: Path to the manifest files generated by Vite and vite-plugin-ruby. def manifest_paths known_manifest_paths.select(&:exist?) end # Public: The directory where Vite will store the built assets. def build_output_dir root.join(public_dir, public_output_dir) end # Public: The directory where the entries are located. def resolved_entrypoints_dir vite_root_dir.join(entrypoints_dir) end # Internal: The directory where Vite stores its processing cache. def vite_cache_dir root.join('node_modules/.vite') end # Public: The directory that Vite uses as root. def vite_root_dir root.join(source_code_dir) end # Public: Loads an optional config/vite.rb file that can modify ViteRuby.env def load_ruby_config rb_config_path = File.expand_path(config_path.sub(/.json$/, '.rb'), root) load rb_config_path if File.exist?(rb_config_path) end # Public: Sets additional environment variables for vite-plugin-ruby. def to_env(env_vars = ViteRuby.env) CONFIGURABLE_WITH_ENV.each_with_object({}) do |option, env| unless (value = @config[option]).nil? env["#{ ViteRuby::ENV_PREFIX }_#{ option.upcase }"] = value.to_s end end.merge(env_vars) end # Internal: Files and directories that should be watched for changes. def watched_paths [ *(watch_additional_paths + additional_entrypoints).reject { |dir| dir.start_with?('~/') || dir.start_with?(source_code_dir) }, "#{ source_code_dir }/**/*", config_path.sub(/.json$/, '.{rb,json}'), *DEFAULT_WATCHED_PATHS, ].freeze end # Internal: Changes the current directory to the root dir. def within_root(&block) Dir.chdir(File.expand_path(root), &block) end private # Internal: Coerces all the configuration values, in case they were passed # as environment variables which are always strings. def coerce_values(config) config['mode'] = config['mode'].to_s config['port'] = config['port'].to_i config['root'] = root = Pathname.new(config['root']) config['build_cache_dir'] = root.join(config['build_cache_dir']) config['ssr_output_dir'] = root.join(config['ssr_output_dir']) coerce_booleans(config, 'auto_build', 'hide_build_console_output', 'https', 'skip_compatibility_check', 'skip_proxy') config['package_manager'] ||= detect_package_manager(root) end # Internal: Coerces configuration options to boolean. def coerce_booleans(config, *names) names.each { |name| config[name] = [true, 'true'].include?(config[name]) } end def detect_package_manager(root) return 'npm' if root.join('package-lock.json').exist? return 'pnpm' if root.join('pnpm-lock.yaml').exist? return 'bun' if root.join('bun.lockb').exist? return 'yarn' if root.join('yarn.lock').exist? 'npm' end def initialize(attrs) @config = attrs.tap { |config| coerce_values(config) }.freeze ViteRuby::CompatibilityCheck.verify_plugin_version(root) unless skip_compatibility_check end class << self private :new # Public: Returns the project configuration for Vite. def resolve_config(**attrs) config = config_defaults.merge(attrs.transform_keys(&:to_s)) file_path = File.join(config['root'], config['config_path']) file_config = config_from_file(file_path, mode: config['mode']) new DEFAULT_CONFIG.merge(file_config).merge(config_from_env).merge(config) end private # Internal: Converts camelCase to snake_case. SNAKE_CASE = ->(camel_cased_word) { camel_cased_word.to_s.gsub(/::/, '/') .gsub(/([A-Z]+)([A-Z][a-z])/, '\1_\2') .gsub(/([a-z\d])([A-Z])/, '\1_\2') .tr('-', '_') .downcase } # Internal: Default values for a Ruby application. def config_defaults(asset_host: nil, mode: ENV.fetch('RACK_ENV', 'development'), root: Dir.pwd) { 'asset_host' => option_from_env('asset_host') || asset_host, 'config_path' => option_from_env('config_path') || DEFAULT_CONFIG.fetch('config_path'), 'mode' => option_from_env('mode') || mode, 'root' => option_from_env('root') || root, }.select { |_, value| value } end # Internal: Used to load a JSON file from the specified path. def load_json(path) JSON.parse(File.read(File.expand_path(path))).each do |_env, config| config.transform_keys!(&SNAKE_CASE) if config.is_a?(Hash) end.tap do |config| config.transform_keys!(&SNAKE_CASE) end end # Internal: Retrieves a configuration option from environment variables. def option_from_env(name) ViteRuby.env["#{ ViteRuby::ENV_PREFIX }_#{ name.upcase }"] end # Internal: Extracts the configuration options provided as env vars. def config_from_env CONFIGURABLE_WITH_ENV.each_with_object({}) do |option, env_vars| if value = option_from_env(option) env_vars[option] = value end end end # Internal: Loads the configuration options provided in a JSON file. def config_from_file(path, mode:) multi_env_config = load_json(path) multi_env_config.fetch('all', {}) .merge(multi_env_config.fetch(mode, {})) rescue Errno::ENOENT => error $stderr << "Check that your vite.json configuration file is available in the load path:\n\n\t#{ error.message }\n\n" {} end end # Internal: Shared configuration with the Vite plugin for Ruby. DEFAULT_CONFIG = load_json("#{ __dir__ }/../../default.vite.json").freeze # Internal: Configuration options that can not be provided as env vars. NOT_CONFIGURABLE_WITH_ENV = %w[additional_entrypoints watch_additional_paths].freeze # Internal: Configuration options that can be provided as env vars. CONFIGURABLE_WITH_ENV = (DEFAULT_CONFIG.keys + %w[mode root] - NOT_CONFIGURABLE_WITH_ENV).freeze # Internal: If any of these files is modified the build won't be skipped. DEFAULT_WATCHED_PATHS = %w[ bun.lockb package-lock.json package.json pnpm-lock.yaml postcss.config.js tailwind.config.js vite.config.js vite.config.mjs vite.config.mts vite.config.ts windi.config.ts yarn.lock ].freeze public # Define getters for the configuration options. (CONFIGURABLE_WITH_ENV + NOT_CONFIGURABLE_WITH_ENV).each do |option| define_method(option) { @config[option] } end end