# encoding: utf-8 Given(/^I have a file to compile$/) do add_run_input SAMPLE_COMPILE end Given(/^I have a file to compile with ccache$/) do add_run_input SAMPLE_COMPILE_CCACHE end Given(/^I have a xib to compile$/) do add_run_input SAMPLE_COMPILE_XIB end Given(/^I have a storyboard to compile$/) do add_run_input SAMPLE_COMPILE_STORYBOARD end Given(/^I have a precompiled header$/) do add_run_input SAMPLE_PRECOMPILE end Given(/^I have an aggregate target to build$/) do add_run_input SAMPLE_AGGREGATE_TARGET end Given(/^I have a file to analyze$/) do add_run_input SAMPLE_ANALYZE end Given(/^I have a file to shallow analyze$/) do add_run_input SAMPLE_ANALYZE_SHALLOW end Given(/^I have a failing test in my suite$/) do add_run_input SAMPLE_OLD_SPECTA_FAILURE end Given(/^I have a swift fatal error in a test in my suite$/) do add_run_input SAMPLE_SWIFT_FATAL_ERROR_IN_TEST_MAKE_TESTS_RESTARTING end Given(/^all of my tests will pass in my suite$/) do 3.times { add_run_input SAMPLE_OCUNIT_TEST } end Given(/^I have a passing test in my suite$/) do add_run_input SAMPLE_OCUNIT_TEST end Given(/^I have a slow\-ish test in my suite$/) do add_run_input SAMPLE_SLOWISH_TEST end Given(/^I have a slow test in my suite$/) do add_run_input SAMPLE_SLOW_TEST end Given(/^the tests have started running$/) do add_run_input SAMPLE_OCUNIT_TEST_RUN_BEGINNING end Given(/^I start a test suite$/) do add_run_input SAMPLE_OCUNIT_SUITE_BEGINNING end Given(/^the test suite has finished$/) do add_run_input SAMPLE_OCUNIT_SUITE_COMPLETION add_run_input SAMPLE_EXECUTED_TESTS end Given(/^I have a file to code sign$/) do add_run_input SAMPLE_CODESIGN end Given(/^I have a framework to code sign$/) do add_run_input SAMPLE_CODESIGN_FRAMEWORK end Given(/^I have a target which will not be code signed$/) do add_run_input SAMPLE_WILL_NOT_BE_CODE_SIGNED end Given(/^I have a file to preprocess$/) do add_run_input SAMPLE_PREPROCESS end Given(/^I have a file to copy with PBXCp/) do add_run_input SAMPLE_PBXCP end Given(/^podfile.lock wasn't in sync$/) do add_run_input SAMPLE_PODS_ERROR end Given(/^there was a syntax error$/) do add_run_input SAMPLE_COMPILE_ERROR end Given(/^there was a missing file$/) do add_run_input SAMPLE_FILE_MISSING_ERROR end Given(/^there were warnings in the code$/) do add_run_input SAMPLE_FORMAT_WARNING end Given(/^the linker has failed with undefined symbols$/) do add_run_input SAMPLE_UNDEFINED_SYMBOLS end Given(/^I have a pending test in my suite$/) do add_run_input SAMPLE_PENDING_KIWI_TEST end Given(/^I have a measuring test in my suite$/) do add_run_input SAMPLE_MEASURING_TEST end Given(/^I have a tiff file to validate$/) do add_run_input SAMPLE_TIFFUTIL end Given(/^I have a file to touch$/) do add_run_input SAMPLE_TOUCH end Given(/^I have a screenshot in the output folder/) do copy_file_to_screenshot_dir(SAMPLE_SCREENSHOT_FILE) end Given(/^I have an unrelated image in the output folder/) do copy_file_to_screenshot_dir(SAMPLE_UNRELATED_IMAGE_FILE) end Given(/^I have completed a build$/) do add_run_input SAMPLE_BUILD_SUCCEEDED end Given(/^I have completed a clean$/) do add_run_input SAMPLE_CLEAN_SUCCEEDED end Given(/^the provisioning profile doesn't support capability$/) do add_run_input SAMPLE_PROFILE_DOESNT_SUPPORT_CAPABILITY_ERROR end Given(/^the provisioning profile doesn't include entitlement$/) do add_run_input SAMPLE_PROFILE_DOESNT_INCLUDE_ENTITLEMENT_ERROR end Given(/^the target requires code signing$/) do add_run_input SAMPLE_CODE_SIGNING_IS_REQUIRED_ERROR end Given(/^the matching profile is missing$/) do add_run_input SAMPLE_NO_PROFILE_MATCHING_ERROR end Then(/^I should see a "(\w+)" completion message$/) do |phase| run_output.should start_with("▸ #{phase.capitalize} Succeeded") end Then(/^I should see text beginning with "(.*?)"$/) do |text| run_output.lines.to_a.detect { |line| line.start_with? text }.should_not be_nil end Then(/^I should see text containing "(.*?)" and beginning with "(.*?)"$/) do |inner, start| run_output.lines.to_a.detect { |line| line.start_with?(start) && line.include?(inner) }.should_not be_nil end Then(/^I should (green|red) text beginning with "(.*?)"$/) do |color, text| run_output.should start_with(send(color.to_sym, text)) end Then(/^I should see a successful tiff validation message$/) do run_output.should start_with("▸ Validating") end Then(/^I should see a successful touch message$/) do run_output.should start_with("▸ Touching") end When(/^I pipe to xcpretty with "(.*?)"$/) do |flags| run_xcpretty(flags) end When(/^I pipe to xcpretty with a custom formatter$/) do formatter_path = File.expand_path('../../../spec/fixtures/custom_formatter.rb', __FILE__) run_xcpretty("-f #{formatter_path}") end Then(/^I should see a custom compilation message$/) do run_output.should start_with("😎 Compilation party time") end Then(/^I should see a successful compilation message$/) do run_output.should start_with("▸ Compiling") end Then(/^I should see a successful precompilation message$/) do run_output.should start_with("▸ Precompiling") end Then(/^I should see an aggregate target message$/) do run_output.should start_with("▸ Aggregate") end Then(/^I should see a successful analyze message$/) do run_output.should start_with("▸ Analyzing") end Then(/^I should see a successful code signing message$/) do run_output.should start_with("▸ Signing") end Then(/^I should see a target will not be code signed warning$/) do run_output.should include(yellow("⚠️ FrameworkName will not be code signed because its settings don't specify a development team.")) end Then(/^I should see a successful preprocessing message$/) do run_output.should start_with("▸ Preprocessing") end Then(/^I should see a successful copying message$/) do run_output.should start_with("▸ Copying") end Then(/^I should see a yellow completion icon$/) do run_output.should start_with(yellow("▸")) end Then(/^I should see a failed test icon$/) do run_output.should start_with("F") end Then(/^I should see a passing test icon in ASCII$/) do run_output.should start_with(".") end Then(/^I should see a red failed test icon$/) do run_output.should include(red("F")) end Then(/^I should see a pending test icon in ASCII$/) do run_output.should start_with("P") end Then(/^I should see a yellow pending test icon$/) do run_output.should start_with(yellow("P")) end Then(/^I should see a measuring test icon in ASCII$/) do run_output.should start_with('T') end Then(/^I should see a yellow measuring test icon$/) do run_output.should start_with(yellow('T')) end Then(/^the final execution message should be (red|green)$/) do |color| last_line = run_output.lines.to_a.last last_line.should be_colored(color.to_sym) end Then(/^I should see a green passing test icon$/) do run_output.should include(green(".")) end Then(/^I should see the name of a failed test$/) do run_output.should =~ FAILING_TEST_NAME_MATCHER end Then(/^I should see the path of a failed test$/) do run_output.should =~ TEST_PATH_MATCHER end Then(/^I should see the name of a passing test$/) do run_output.should =~ PASSING_TEST_NAME_MATCHER end Then(/^I should not see the path of a passing test$/) do run_output.should_not =~ TEST_PATH_MATCHER end Then(/^I should see that test suite has started$/) do run_output.should =~ TEST_RUN_START_MATCHER end Then(/^I should see the name of suite only$/) do run_output.should =~ TEST_SUITE_START_MATCHER end Then(/^I should see that the test suite finished$/) do run_output.strip.should =~ TEST_SUITE_COMPLETION_MATCHER end Then(/^I should see a red failed test mark$/) do run_output.should include(red("✗")) end Then(/^I should see a green passing test mark$/) do run_output.should include(green("✓")) end Then(/^I should see a non-utf prefixed output$/) do run_output.should start_with(" " + green(".")) end Then(/^I should not see the name of the test group$/) do run_output.should_not include("RACTupleSpec") end Then(/^I should see a red error message$/) do run_output.should include(red("❌ error: ")[0..-5]) # trim \e[0m end Then(/^I should see that sandbox is not in sync with Podfile.lock$/) do run_output.should include("The sandbox is not in sync with the Podfile.lock") end Then(/^I should see which file is missing$/) do run_output.should include(SAMPLE_FILE_MISSING_ERROR.split('directory: ')[1].delete("'")) end Then(/^I should see a yellow warning message$/) do run_output.should include("#{yellow('⚠️ ')}/Users/supermarin/code/oss/ObjectiveSugar/Example/ObjectiveSugar/AppDelegate.m:19:31:") run_output.should include(yellow("format specifies type 'id' but the argument has type 'int' [-Wformat]")) end Then(/^I should see a red compilation error$/) do run_output.should include(red("expected identifier")) end Then(/^I should see a failed line$/) do run_output.should include("[[thread.lastMessage should] equal:thread.];") end Then(/^I should see a cyan cursor$/) do run_output.should include(cyan(" ^")) end Then(/^I should see the undefined symbold message$/) do run_output.should include(red("❌ Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64")) end Then(/^I should see the symbol and reference that caused failure$/) do run_output.should include("_OBJC_CLASS_$_CABasicAnimation") run_output.should include("objc-class-ref in ATZRadialProgressControl.o") end Then(/^I should see the name of a pending test$/) do run_output.should =~ PENDING_TEST_NAME_MATCHER end Then(/^I should see the name of a measuring test$/) do run_output.should =~ MEASURING_TEST_NAME_MATCHER end Then(/^I should see the test time in yellow$/) do run_output.should include("#{yellow("0.026")}") end Then(/^I should see the test time in red$/) do run_output.should include("#{red("0.101")}") end Then(/^I should see text matching "(.*?)"$/) do |text| run_output.lines.to_a.last.strip.should == text end Then(/^I should see the profile doesn't support capability message$/) do run_output.should include("Provisioning profile \"Profile Name\" doesn't support the Push Notifications capability.") end Then(/^I should see the profile doesn't include entitlement message$/) do run_output.should include("Provisioning profile \"Profile Name\" doesn't include the aps-environment entitlement.") end Then(/^I should see the code signing is requried message$/) do run_output.should include("Code signing is required for product type 'Application' in SDK 'iOS 10.0'") end Then(/^I should see the no profile matching message$/) do run_output.should include("No profile matching 'TargetName' found: Xcode couldn't find a profile matching 'TargetName'. Install the profile (by dragging and dropping it onto Xcode's dock item) or select a different one in the General tab of the target editor.") end