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EsetE)Mۛ 7-oE/EdelegateEDelegation needs a target. Supply a keyword argument 'to' (e.g. delegate :hello, to: :greeter).ECan only automatically set the delegation prefix when delegating to a method.E_EE self.E;E'delegate_missing_toE def respond_to_missing?(name, include_private = false) # It may look like an oversight, but we deliberately do not pass # +include_private+, because they do not get delegated. return false if name == :marshal_dump || name == :_dump E.respond_to?(name) || super end def method_missing(method, *args, &block) if E?.respond_to?(method) E.public_send(method, *args, &block) else begin super rescue NoMethodError if E/.nil? if E nil else raise DelegationError, "#{method} delegated to E , but E is nil" end else raise end end end end ruby2_keywords(:method_missing) KE#block in delegateEargE...E def E(E)E _ = EC if !_.nil? || nil.respond_to?(:E _.E endEendE _.E3rescue NoMethodError => eE5 if _.nil? && == :E7 raise DelegationError, "E#E delegated to E.E3 is nil: #{self.inspect}"E elseE raiseE ModuleErequireENoMethodErrorEDelegationErrorE aliasEandE BEGINE beginE breakE caseE classEdefEdefined?EdoE elseE elsifEENDE ensureE falseEforEifEinE moduleE nextEnilEnotEorE redoE rescueE retryE returnE selfE superE thenE trueE undefE unlessE untilE whenE whileE yieldE-RUBY_RESERVED_KEYWORDSE argsE blockE9DELEGATION_RESERVED_KEYWORDSESetEADELEGATION_RESERVED_METHOD_NAMESE+EnewE freezeEArgumentErrorE^[^a-z_]EtoE prefixEallow_nilEprivateEmethodsEmethod_prefixElocationE fileE lineEmethod_defEmethod_namesE raiseE==E match?E to_sE!caller_locationsE firstE pathE linenoEinclude?EmapE joinEmodule_evalE targetE[^\]]=\zE methodEmethod_nameEdefinitionE to_symE<<       < H L      $ ( , 0 4 8 < @ D H L P T X \ ` d h l p t x 0 @L $(,8\hpx ,048<@LXh|  (08@HT\hpx48@L\hp|$,4@LT\lx