module Cadenero # Helper Methods for testing module TestingSupport # RSpec Helper for subdomains module AuthenticationHelpers include Warden::Test::Helpers # creates a dummy user for testing # @return a dummy user JSON parameters for sign up def create_user_params_json(suffix = nil) @user = { email: "user#{suffix}", password: "password", password_confirmation: "password" } end # @param user [Cadenero::User] # @return [JSON] a dummy user JSON parameters for sign in def account_user_params_json(user) @user = { email:, password: "password" } end # find an account in the Database using the email of the owner # @return [Cadenero::V1::Account] the corresponding account that was founded def find_account_by_email @account = Cadenero::V1::Account.where(name: create_user_params_json[:email]).first end # find an account in the Database using the name of the owner # @return [Cadenero::V1::Account] the corresponding account that was founded def find_account_by_name @account = Cadenero::V1::Account.where(name: @visitor[:name]).first end # sing in a user sending a POST # @param url [String] the URL to be POSTed # @param user [Cadenero::User] to be POSTed # @return [Cadenero::V1::Account] the corresponding account that was founded def sign_in_user(url, user) post "#{url}", format: :json, user: user find_account_by_email end # Expect that the JSON response from the server corresponds to the provided msg # @param msg [JSON] the errors: as JSON def expected_json_errors(msg) expect(last_response.body).to eql(msg) expect(last_response.status).to eq 422 end # Expect that the JSON response will be a default error message when the user has not signed in yet # the errors_redirect_ro_sign_in is defined if was not previously defined is a Spec def check_error_for_not_signed_in_yet errors_redirect_ro_sign_in ||= {errors: %Q{Please sign in. posting the user json credentials as: {"user": {"email": "", "password": "changeme"}} or {"user": {"auth_token": d8Ff8uvupXQfChangeMe}} to /v1/sessions}, links: "/v1/sessions"}.to_json get cadenero.v1_root_url(:subdomain => account.subdomain) expected_json_errors(errors_redirect_ro_sign_in) end # Sign up a dummy user for testing # @return [Cadenero::V1::Account] the corresponding account that was founded def sign_up_user(url, suffix=nil) post "#{url}/v1/users", format: :json, user: create_user_params_json(suffix) find_account_by_email end # Expect that the last_response JSON to have an auth_token and that should equal to the provided auth_token # @param [String] subject # @param [Array] auth_token def expect_auth_token(subject, auth_token) expect(json_last_response_body).to have_content "auth_token" expect(json_last_response_body[subject]["auth_token"]).to eq auth_token end # Expect that the last_response JSON key subject for the ids_key to have the ids_values # @param [String] subject The key to look in the JSON # @param [String] ids_key THe key for the subject that identify the ids # @param [Array] ids_values THe array of expected ids values # @param [Integer] http_code Optional expected returned HTTP Code from last_response def expect_subject_ids_to_have(subject, ids_key, ids_values, http_code=201) expect(last_response.status).to eq http_code expect(json_last_response_body[subject][ids_key].sort).to eq ids_values.sort end # Expect that a owner sign in successfuly to one of his accounts creating a session # @param [Cadenero::V1::Account] account # @return [String] email for the last response user def successful_sign_in_owner_with_session(account) sign_in_user sessions_url, account_user_params_json(account.owner) expect_subject_ids_to_have("user", "account_ids", []) expect_auth_token("user", account.owner.auth_token) return json_last_response_body["user"]["email"] end # Expect that a user sign in successfuly to an account # @param [Cadenero::V1::Account] account # @return [String] email for the last response user def successful_sign_in_user_with_session(account, user) sign_in_user sessions_url, user expect_subject_ids_to_have("user", "membership_ids", []) return json_last_response_body["user"]["email"] end # Expect that a user sign in successfuly to an account # @param [Cadenero::V1::Account] account # @return [String] email for the last response user def successful_sign_up_user_in_existing_account_with_session(account, suffix=nil) url = "http://#{account.subdomain}" sign_up_user url, suffix expect(last_request.url).to eq "#{url}v1/users" get "#{url}v1/users/#{json_last_response_body['user']['id']}" expect_subject_ids_to_have("user", "membership_ids", [], 200) return json_last_response_body["user"]["email"] end # creates a dummy account for testing # @return [JSON] a dummy account JSON parameters def create_account_params_json @visitor ||= { name: "Testy", subdomain: "test", owner_attributes: {email: "", password: "changeme", password_confirmation: "changeme"} } end # Sign up a dummy account for testing # @return [Cadenero::V1::Account] the corresponding account that was founded def sign_up_account post "/v1/accounts", format: :json, account: create_account_params_json find_account_by_name end # Parse the last_response.body as JSON # @return [JSON] for the last_response.body def json_last_response_body JSON.parse(last_response.body) end end end end