# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # frozen_string_literal: true module Rouge module Lexers class C < RegexLexer tag 'c' filenames '*.c', '*.h', '*.idc' mimetypes 'text/x-chdr', 'text/x-csrc' title "C" desc "The C programming language" # optional comment or whitespace ws = %r((?:\s|//.*?\n|/[*].*?[*]/)+) id = /[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*/ def self.keywords @keywords ||= Set.new %w( auto break case const continue default do else enum extern for goto if register restricted return sizeof static struct switch typedef union volatile virtual while _Alignas _Alignof _Atomic _Generic _Imaginary _Noreturn _Static_assert _Thread_local ) end def self.keywords_type @keywords_type ||= Set.new %w( int long float short double char unsigned signed void jmp_buf FILE DIR div_t ldiv_t mbstate_t sig_atomic_t fpos_t clock_t time_t va_list size_t ssize_t off_t wchar_t ptrdiff_t wctrans_t wint_t wctype_t _Bool _Complex int8_t int16_t int32_t int64_t uint8_t uint16_t uint32_t uint64_t int_least8_t int_least16_t int_least32_t int_least64_t uint_least8_t uint_least16_t uint_least32_t uint_least64_t int_fast8_t int_fast16_t int_fast32_t int_fast64_t uint_fast8_t uint_fast16_t uint_fast32_t uint_fast64_t intptr_t uintptr_t intmax_t uintmax_t char16_t char32_t ) end def self.reserved @reserved ||= Set.new %w( __asm __int8 __based __except __int16 __stdcall __cdecl __fastcall __int32 __declspec __finally __int61 __try __leave inline _inline __inline naked _naked __naked restrict _restrict __restrict thread _thread __thread typename _typename __typename ) end def self.builtins @builtins ||= [] end start { push :bol } state :expr_bol do mixin :inline_whitespace rule %r/#if\s0/, Comment, :if_0 rule %r/#/, Comment::Preproc, :macro rule(//) { pop! } end # :expr_bol is the same as :bol but without labels, since # labels can only appear at the beginning of a statement. state :bol do rule %r/#{id}:(?!:)/, Name::Label mixin :expr_bol end state :inline_whitespace do rule %r/[ \t\r]+/, Text rule %r/\\\n/, Text # line continuation rule %r(/(\\\n)?[*].*?[*](\\\n)?/)m, Comment::Multiline end state :whitespace do rule %r/\n+/m, Text, :bol rule %r(//(\\.|.)*?$), Comment::Single, :bol mixin :inline_whitespace end state :expr_whitespace do rule %r/\n+/m, Text, :expr_bol mixin :whitespace end state :statements do mixin :whitespace rule %r/(u8|u|U|L)?"/, Str, :string rule %r((u8|u|U|L)?'(\\.|\\[0-7]{1,3}|\\x[a-f0-9]{1,2}|[^\\'\n])')i, Str::Char rule %r((\d+[.]\d*|[.]?\d+)e[+-]?\d+[lu]*)i, Num::Float rule %r(\d+e[+-]?\d+[lu]*)i, Num::Float rule %r/0x[0-9a-f]+[lu]*/i, Num::Hex rule %r/0[0-7]+[lu]*/i, Num::Oct rule %r/\d+[lu]*/i, Num::Integer rule %r(\*/), Error rule %r([~!%^&*+=\|?:<>/-]), Operator rule %r/[()\[\],.;]/, Punctuation rule %r/\bcase\b/, Keyword, :case rule %r/(?:true|false|NULL)\b/, Name::Builtin rule id do |m| name = m[0] if self.class.keywords.include? name token Keyword elsif self.class.keywords_type.include? name token Keyword::Type elsif self.class.reserved.include? name token Keyword::Reserved elsif self.class.builtins.include? name token Name::Builtin else token Name end end end state :case do rule %r/:/, Punctuation, :pop! mixin :statements end state :root do mixin :expr_whitespace rule %r( ([\w*\s]+?[\s*]) # return arguments (#{id}) # function name (\s*\([^;]*?\)) # signature (#{ws}?)({|;) # open brace or semicolon )mx do |m| # TODO: do this better. recurse m[1] token Name::Function, m[2] recurse m[3] recurse m[4] token Punctuation, m[5] if m[5] == ?{ push :function end end rule %r/\{/, Punctuation, :function mixin :statements end state :function do mixin :whitespace mixin :statements rule %r/;/, Punctuation rule %r/{/, Punctuation, :function rule %r/}/, Punctuation, :pop! end state :string do rule %r/"/, Str, :pop! rule %r/\\([\\abfnrtv"']|x[a-fA-F0-9]{2,4}|[0-7]{1,3})/, Str::Escape rule %r/[^\\"\n]+/, Str rule %r/\\\n/, Str rule %r/\\/, Str # stray backslash end state :macro do # NB: pop! goes back to :bol rule %r/\n/, Comment::Preproc, :pop! rule %r([^/\n\\]+), Comment::Preproc rule %r/\\./m, Comment::Preproc mixin :inline_whitespace rule %r(/), Comment::Preproc end state :if_0 do # NB: no \b here, to cover #ifdef and #ifndef rule %r/^\s*#if/, Comment, :if_0 rule %r/^\s*#\s*el(?:se|if)/, Comment, :pop! rule %r/^\s*#\s*endif\b.*?(?<!\\)\n/m, Comment, :pop! rule %r/.*?\n/, Comment end end end end