- if @error .alert.alert-danger= @error.first(200) - elsif !@success - if @only_chart %p.text-muted Select variables - else .alert.alert-info Can’t preview queries with variables...yet! - else - unless @only_chart - if @cached_at || @just_cached %p.text-muted{style: "float: right;"} - if @cached_at Cached #{time_ago_in_words(@cached_at, include_seconds: true)} ago - elsif !params[:data_source] Cached just now - if @data_source.cache_mode == "slow" (over #{"%g" % @data_source.cache_slow_threshold}s) - if @query && !params[:data_source] = link_to "Refresh", refresh_query_path(@query, variable_params), method: :post - if @forecast_error .alert.alert-danger= @forecast_error - if @rows.any? - values = @rows.first - chart_id = SecureRandom.hex - column_types = @result.column_types - chart_type = @result.chart_type - chart_options = {id: chart_id} - if ["line", "line2"].include?(chart_type) - chart_options.merge!(min: nil) - if chart_type == "scatter" - chart_options.merge!(library: {tooltips: {intersect: false}}) - elsif ["bar", "bar2"].include?(chart_type) - chart_options.merge!(library: {tooltips: {intersect: false, axis: 'x'}}) - elsif chart_type != "pie" - if column_types.size == 2 || @forecast - chart_options.merge!(library: {tooltips: {intersect: false, axis: 'x'}}) - else - chart_options.merge!(library: {tooltips: {intersect: false}}) - series_library = {} - target_index = @columns.index { |k| k.downcase == "target" } - if target_index - series_library[target_index - 1] = {pointStyle: "line", hitRadius: 5, borderColor: "#109618", pointBackgroundColor: "#109618", backgroundColor: "#109618"} - if @forecast - color = "#54a3ee" - series_library[1] = {borderDash: [8], borderColor: color, pointBackgroundColor: color, backgroundColor: color, pointHoverBackgroundColor: color} - if blazer_maps? && @markers.any? #map{style: "height: #{@only_chart ? 300 : 500}px;"} :javascript L.mapbox.accessToken = '#{Blazer.mapbox_access_token}'; var map = L.mapbox.map('map', 'ankane.ioo8nki0'); #{blazer_js_var "markers", @markers} var featureLayer = L.mapbox.featureLayer().addTo(map); var geojson = []; for (var i = 0; i < markers.length; i++) { var marker = markers[i]; geojson.push({ type: 'Feature', geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [ marker.longitude, marker.latitude ] }, properties: { description: marker.title, 'marker-color': '#f86767', 'marker-size': 'medium' } }); } featureLayer.setGeoJSON(geojson); map.fitBounds(featureLayer.getBounds()); - elsif chart_type == "line" - chart_data = @columns[1..-1].each_with_index.map{ |k, i| {name: blazer_series_name(k), data: @rows.map{ |r| [r[0], r[i + 1]] }, library: series_library[i]} } = line_chart chart_data, chart_options - elsif chart_type == "line2" = line_chart @rows.group_by { |r| v = r[1]; (@boom[@columns[1]] || {})[v.to_s] || v }.each_with_index.map { |(name, v), i| {name: blazer_series_name(name), data: v.map { |v2| [v2[0], v2[2]] }, library: series_library[i]} }, chart_options - elsif chart_type == "pie" = pie_chart @rows.map { |r| [(@boom[@columns[0]] || {})[r[0].to_s] || r[0], r[1]] }, chart_options - elsif chart_type == "bar" = column_chart (values.size - 1).times.map { |i| name = @columns[i + 1]; {name: blazer_series_name(name), data: @rows.first(20).map { |r| [(@boom[@columns[0]] || {})[r[0].to_s] || r[0], r[i + 1]] } } }, chart_options - elsif chart_type == "bar2" - first_20 = @rows.group_by { |r| r[0] }.values.first(20).flatten(1) - labels = first_20.map { |r| r[0] }.uniq - series = first_20.map { |r| r[1] }.uniq - labels.each do |l| - series.each do |s| - first_20 << [l, s, 0] unless first_20.find { |r| r[0] == l && r[1] == s } = column_chart first_20.group_by { |r| v = r[1]; (@boom[@columns[1]] || {})[v.to_s] || v }.each_with_index.map { |(name, v), i| {name: blazer_series_name(name), data: v.sort_by { |r2| labels.index(r2[0]) }.map { |v2| v3 = v2[0]; [(@boom[@columns[0]] || {})[v3.to_s] || v3, v2[2]] }} }, chart_options - elsif chart_type == "scatter" = scatter_chart @rows, xtitle: @columns[0], ytitle: @columns[1], **chart_options - elsif @only_chart - if @rows.size == 1 && @rows.first.size == 1 - v = @rows.first.first - if v.is_a?(String) && v == "" .text-muted empty string - else %p{style: "font-size: 160px;"}= blazer_format_value(@columns.first, v) - else - @no_chart = true - unless @only_chart && !@no_chart - header_width = 100 / @columns.size.to_f .results-container - if @columns == ["QUERY PLAN"] %pre %code= @rows.map { |r| r[0] }.join("\n") - elsif @columns == ["PLAN"] && @data_source.adapter == "druid" %pre %code= @rows[0][0] - else %p.text-muted{style: "margin-bottom: 10px; margin-top: 15px"} = pluralize(@rows.size, "row") - @checks.select(&:state).each do |check| · %small{:class => "check-state #{check.state.parameterize.gsub("-", "_")}"}= link_to check.state.upcase, edit_check_path(check) - if check.try(:message) · #{check.message} - if @query && @result.forecastable? && !params[:forecast] · \#{link_to "Forecast", query_path(@query, {forecast: "t"}.merge(variable_params))} %span.pull-right - if @rows.size > 0 = link_to 'Copy to clipboard', '#results-table', class: 'click2CopyTable btn btn-xs btn-info' .scroll-content %table#results-table.table.results-table %thead %tr - @columns.each_with_index do |key, i| - type = @column_types[i] - summany_popup = type.in?(['float', 'int']) && !key.end_with?('id') %th{"data-popup" => summany_popup, "data-sort" => type, style: "width: #{header_width}%;"} %div{style: "min-width: #{@min_width_types.include?(i) ? 180 : 60}px;"} = key %tbody - @rows.each do |row| %tr - row.each_with_index do |v, i| - k = @columns[i] %td - if v.is_a?(Time) - v = blazer_time_value(@data_source, k, v) - unless v.nil? - if v.is_a?(String) && v == "" .text-muted empty string - elsif @linked_columns[k] = link_to blazer_format_value(k, v), @linked_columns[k].gsub("{value}", u(v.to_s)), target: "_blank" - else = blazer_format_value(k, v) - if v2 = (@boom[k] || {})[v.nil? ? v : v.to_s] .text-muted= v2 - else %p.text-muted.text-center{style: "margin-top: 15px"} No rows