Then /^I enter the break point$/ do debugger p 'debugger' end Given /^this scenario is pending$/ do pending # always end When /^I wait for (\d+) second$/ do |n| sleep(n.to_i) end # TODO dry this steps When /^I wait for load the page$/ do condition = lambda { page.all('div.ext-el-mask-msg', :visible => true).empty? rescue true } sleep 0.5 # wait for the mask unless Then %{I should see "Loading page:" within "div.ext-el-mask-msg"} wait_until(10, &condition) end sleep 0.5 # wait for insert the page to the DOM end When /^I wait for save the page$/ do condition = lambda { page.all('div.ext-el-mask-msg', :visible => true).empty? rescue true } sleep 0.5 # wait for the mask unless Then %{I should see "Saving page:" within "div.ext-el-mask-msg"} wait_until(10, &condition) end sleep 0.5 # wait for insert the page to the DOM end When /^I wait for create the page$/ do condition = lambda { page.all('div.ext-el-mask-msg', :visible => true).empty? rescue true } sleep 0.5 # wait for the mask unless Then %{I should see "Creating page:" within "div.ext-el-mask-msg"} wait_until(10, &condition) end sleep 0.5 # wait for insert the page to the DOM end When /^I open the application$/ do When %Q{I go to the home page} Then %{I should see disabled "Edit page" toolbar button} And %{I should see disabled "Print page" toolbar button} Given %{the connection is slow} end When /^the connection is slow$/ do Capybara.current_session.execute_script <<-JS Rwiki.Debug.emulateSlowConnection(true); JS end When /^I reload the application$/ do Capybara.current_session.execute_script <<-JS window.location.reload(); JS end When /^I open the application for page "([^"]*)"$/ do |path| visit('/page/' + path) And %{I wait for load the page} end Then /^I should see dialog box titled "([^"]*)"$/ do |title| %Q{Then I should see "#{title}" within "span.x-window-header-text"} end Then /^I should see the application title "([^"]*)"$/ do |title| find("title").text.should == title end When /^I create a new page titled "([^"]*)" for the parent "([^"]*)"$/ do |title, path| When %{I right click the tree node "#{path}"} And %{I follow "Add page"} Then %{I should see dialog box titled "Add page"} When %{I fill in the input with "#{title}" within the dialog box} And %{I press "OK" within the dialog box} And %{I wait for load the page} Then %{I should see the page titled "#{title}"} end Then /^I should see a content for the page "([^"]*)"$/ do |path| require 'lorax' require 'ap' expected_html = expected_html = "
" actual_html = Nokogiri::HTML(page.body).css('').first.inner_html actual_html = "
" result = Lorax.diff(expected_html, actual_html) unless result.deltas.empty? ap result.deltas end result.deltas.should be_empty end