require_relative '../cvss_property' require_relative '../cvss_metric' ## # This class represents a CVSS Base metric in version 2. class Cvss2Base < CvssMetric ## # Property of this metric attr_reader :access_vector, :access_complexity, :authentication, :confidentiality_impact, :integrity_impact, :availability_impact ## # Returns the base score of the CVSS vector. The calculation is based on formula version 2.10 . # See CVSS documentation for further information . # # Takes +Security+ +Requirement+ +Impacts+ for calculating environmental score. def score(sr_cr_score = 1, sr_ir_score = 1, sr_ar_score = 1) impact = calc_impact sr_cr_score, sr_ir_score, sr_ar_score exploitability = calc_exploitability additional_impact = (impact == 0 ? 0 : 1.176) ((0.6 * impact) + (0.4 * exploitability) - 1.5) * additional_impact end private def init_properties @properties.push(@access_vector = 'Access Vector', abbreviation: 'AV', position: [0], choices: [{ name: 'Network', abbreviation: 'N', weight: 1.0 }, { name: 'Adjacent Network', abbreviation: 'A', weight: 0.646 }, { name: 'Local', abbreviation: 'L', weight: 0.395 }])) @properties.push(@access_complexity = 'Access Complexity', abbreviation: 'AC', position: [1], choices: [{ name: 'Low', abbreviation: 'L', weight: 0.71 }, { name: 'Medium', abbreviation: 'M', weight: 0.61 }, { name: 'High', abbreviation: 'H', weight: 0.35 }])) @properties.push(@authentication = 'Authentication', abbreviation: 'Au', position: [2], choices: [{ name: 'None', abbreviation: 'N', weight: 0.704 }, { name: 'Single', abbreviation: 'S', weight: 0.56 }, { name: 'Multiple', abbreviation: 'M', weight: 0.45 }])) @properties.push(@confidentiality_impact = 'Confidentiality Impact', abbreviation: 'C', position: [3], choices: [{ name: 'None', abbreviation: 'N', weight: 0.0 }, { name: 'Partial', abbreviation: 'P', weight: 0.275 }, { name: 'Complete', abbreviation: 'C', weight: 0.66 }])) @properties.push(@integrity_impact = 'Integrity Impact', abbreviation: 'I', position: [4], choices: [{ name: 'None', abbreviation: 'N', weight: 0.0 }, { name: 'Partial', abbreviation: 'P', weight: 0.275 }, { name: 'Complete', abbreviation: 'C', weight: 0.66 }])) @properties.push(@availability_impact = 'Availability Impact', abbreviation: 'A', position: [5], choices: [{ name: 'None', abbreviation: 'N', weight: 0.0}, { name: 'Partial', abbreviation: 'P', weight: 0.275}, { name: 'Complete', abbreviation: 'C', weight: 0.66}])) end def calc_impact(sr_cr_score, sr_ir_score, sr_ar_score) confidentiality_score = 1 - @confidentiality_impact.score * sr_cr_score integrity_score = 1 - @integrity_impact.score * sr_ir_score availability_score = 1 - @availability_impact.score * sr_ar_score [10, 10.41 * (1-confidentiality_score*integrity_score*availability_score)].min end def calc_exploitability 20 * @access_vector.score * @access_complexity.score * @authentication.score end end