require "spec_helper" require "you_shall_not_pass/authorizator" scope YouShallNotPass::Authorizator do scope "#can?" do scope "no policies" do spec "no policies defined" do @ex = capture_exception(KeyError) do end @ex.class == KeyError end end scope "lambdas, procs and other callables" do class Action def initialize(val) @val = val end def call(*) @val end end class MyAuthorizator < YouShallNotPass::Authorizator def policies { can_lambda: -> (*) { true }, cant_lambda: -> (*) { false }, can_proc: proc { true }, cant_proc: proc { false }, can_action:, cant_action:, can_true: true, cant_false: false, can_array: [ true, proc { true }, true ], cant_array: [ true, false, true ], } end end let(:authorizator) { } spec "allow lambda" do authorizator.can?(:can_lambda) end spec "reject lambda" do ! authorizator.can?(:cant_lambda) end spec "allow proc" do authorizator.can?(:can_proc) end spec "reject proc" do ! authorizator.can?(:cant_proc) end spec "allow action" do authorizator.can?(:can_action) end spec "reject action" do ! authorizator.can?(:cant_action) end spec "allow true" do authorizator.can?(:can_true) end spec "reject false" do ! authorizator.can?(:cant_false) end spec "allow array" do authorizator.can?(:can_array) end spec "reject array" do ! authorizator.can?(:cant_array) end end end scope "arguments" do class MyAuthorizatorWithArgs < YouShallNotPass::Authorizator def policies { lambda: -> (a:, b:) { a == b }, proc: proc { |a:, b:| a == b }, splat: -> (**args) { args.all? { |k, v| k == v} }, } end end let(:authorizator) { } spec "allow lambda" do authorizator.can?(:lambda, a: 1, b: 1) end spec "reject lambda" do ! authorizator.can?(:lambda, a: 1, b: 2) end spec "allow proc" do authorizator.can?(:proc, a: 1, b: 1) end spec "reject proc" do ! authorizator.can?(:proc, a: 1, b: 2) end spec "allow splat" do authorizator.can?(:splat, a: :a , b: :b , c: :c ) end spec "reject splat" do ! authorizator.can?(:splat, a: :a, b: :b, c: :a) end end scope "#perform_for" do class BasicAuthorizator < YouShallNotPass::Authorizator def policies { can: true, cant: false, use_args: -> (**args) { args.all? { |k, v| k == v } } } end end let(:authorizator) { } spec "executes the block if it is allowed" do authorizator.perform_for(:can) do @i_can = true end !! defined? @i_can end spec "doesn't execute the block if it isn't allowed" do authorizator.perform_for(:cant) do @i_can = true end ! defined? @i_can end spec "passes the arguments" do authorizator.perform_for(:use_args, a: :a, b: :b) do @i_can = true end !! defined? @i_can end end scope "conditional policies" do class NumberAuthorizator < YouShallNotPass::Authorizator def policies { one: true, two: true, three: false, four: false, } end end let(:authorizator) { } spec "allow _and_" do authorizator.can?(:one_and_two) end spec "reject _and_" do ! authorizator.can?(:one_and_three) end spec "allow _or_" do authorizator.can?(:one_or_two) end spec "reject _or_" do ! authorizator.can?(:three_or_four) end spec "allow not_" do authorizator.can?(:not_three) end spec "reject not_" do ! authorizator.can?(:not_one) end spec "allow _and_or_" do authorizator.can?(:one_and_two_or_three) end spec "reject _and_or_" do ! authorizator.can?(:one_and_three_or_four) end scope "regular policies vs conditional policies" do class ConditionalAuthorizator < YouShallNotPass::Authorizator def policies { one: true, two: true, one_and_two: false, one_or_two: false } end end let(:authorizator) { } spec "_and_" do ! authorizator.can?(:one_and_two) end spec "_or_" do ! authorizator.can?(:one_or_two) end end end scope "#polices" do class MergePolicies < YouShallNotPass::Authorizator def action_policies { create_user: true, update_user: true, } end def role_policies { admin: true, editor: true, } end def feature_policies { avatars: true, random_player: true, } end end spec do == {} end let(:authorizator) { } spec "merges all the policies" do @expected = { create_user: true, update_user: true, admin: true, editor: true, avatars: true, random_player: true, } authorizator.policies == @expected end end scope ".attribute" do class UserAuthorizator < YouShallNotPass::Authorizator attribute :user attribute :role def policies { something: proc { user == "Me" && role == :admin } } end end spec "can initialize with attributes" do authorizator = "Me", role: :admin) authorizator.can?(:something) end spec "can initialize with attributes" do authorizator = "Me", role: :user) ! authorizator.can?(:something) end end scope "dsl" do class DslAuthorizator < YouShallNotPass::Authorizator attribute :user attribute :pass authorize(:true) { true } authorize(:false) { false } authorize(:login) { user == pass} end let(:authorizator) { "fede", pass: "fede") } spec "authorizes true" do authorizator.can?(:true) end spec "rejects false" do authorizator.can?(:false) == false end spec do authorizator.can?(:login) end end end