require_relative "spec_helper" describe Mirror::Api::Client do before do @token = "my-token" @api = end describe "timeline" do describe "create" do describe "inserting" do context "with valid params" do before do @msg = "Hello world" stub_request(:post, ""). with(body: {text: @msg}, headers: json_post_request_headers). to_return(status: 200, body: fixture("timeline_item.json", true), headers: JSON.parse(fixture("timeline_item_response_headers.json", true))) end it "should insert plain text items", :focus => true do item = @api.timeline.create({text: @msg}) item.should_not be_nil item.created.should == "2012-09-25T23:28:43.192Z" # see fixture item.text.should == @msg end end context "with invalid params" do before do @msg = "Hello world" # TODO: Verify error code is 422 stub_request(:post, ""). with(body: {random: "123"}, headers: json_get_request_headers). to_return(status: 422, body: {}.to_json, headers: {}) end it "should not insert the item" do item = @api.timeline.create({random: "123"}) item.should be_nil end end end end end describe "locations" do describe "get" do context "with valid params" do before do @id = "0987" stub_request(:get, "{@id}"). with(headers: json_get_request_headers). to_return(status: 200, body: fixture("locations_item.json", true), headers: {}) end it "should get the location for @id", :focus => true do location = @api.locations.get(@id) location.should_not be_nil location.displayName.should == "Home" # see fixture end end context "with invalid params" do before do @id = "0987asdasds" # TODO: Verify error code is 422 stub_request(:get, ""). with(headers: json_post_request_headers). to_return(status: 422, body: {}.to_json, headers: {}) end it "should not get the item" do item = @api.timeline.create({random: "123"}) item.should be_nil end end end describe "list" do context "with valid params" do before do stub_request(:get, ""). with(headers: json_get_request_headers). to_return(status: 200, body: fixture("locations_list.json", true), headers: {}) end it "should return a list of ids", :focus => true do locations = @api.locations.list() locations.should_not be_nil locations.items.count.should == 2 # see fixture end end end end def json_post_request_headers { 'Accept'=>'application/json', 'Accept-Encoding'=>'gzip, deflate', 'Authorization'=>"Bearer #{@token}", 'Content-Length'=>/\d+/, 'Content-Type'=>'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'User-Agent'=>'Ruby' } end def json_get_request_headers { 'Accept'=>'application/json', 'Accept-Encoding'=>'gzip, deflate', 'Authorization'=>"Bearer #{@token}", 'Content-Type'=>'application/json', 'User-Agent'=>'Ruby' } end end