class String def to_bool return true if self == true || self =~ (/(true|t|yes|y|1)$/i) return false if self == false || blank? || self =~ (/(false|f|no|n|0)$/i) raise ArgumentError, "invalid value for Boolean: \"#{self}\"" end def strip_tags ActionController::Base.helpers.strip_tags(self) end def is_float? to_f.to_s == to_s end def is_number? to_f.to_s == to_s || to_i.to_s == to_s end def is_bool? self == 'false' || self == 'true' end # check if current string is true or false # cases for true: '1' | 'true' # cases for false: '0' | 'false' | '' # return boolean def cama_true? self == 'true' || self == '1' end def to_var if is_float? to_f elsif is_number? to_i elsif is_bool? to_bool else self end end # parse string into slug format def slug # strip the string ret = strip # blow away apostrophes ret.gsub!(/['`]/, '') # @ --> at, and & --> and ret.gsub!(/\s*@\s*/, ' at ') ret.gsub!(/\s*&\s*/, ' and ') # replace all non alphanumeric, underscore or periods with underscore ret.gsub!(/\s*[^A-Za-z0-9.-]\s*/, '_') # convert double underscores to single ret.gsub!(/_+/, '_') # strip off leading/trailing underscore ret.gsub!(/\A[_.]+|[_.]+\z/, '') ret end # parse string into domain # into def parse_domain url = self uri = URI.parse(url) uri = URI.parse("https://#{url}") if uri.scheme.nil? host = ( || self).downcase h = host.start_with?('www.') ? host[4..] : host "#{h}#{":#{uri.port}" unless [80, 443].include?(uri.port)}" end # parse all codes in current text to replace with values # sample: "Hello [c1]".cama_replace_codes({c1: 'World'}) ==> Hello World def cama_replace_codes(values, format_code = '[') res = self values.each do |k, v| v = v.join(',') if v.is_a?(Array) res = res.gsub("[#{k}]", v.to_s) if format_code == '[' res = res.gsub("{#{k}}", v.to_s) if format_code == '{' res = res.gsub("%{#{k}}", v.to_s) if format_code == '%{' end res end # remove double or more secuencial slashes, like: '/a//b/c/d///abs'.cama_fix_slash => /a/b/c/d/abs def cama_fix_slash gsub(%r{(/){2,}}, '/') end # fix file media keys: avoid duplicated slashes and force to start with slash def cama_fix_media_key res = gsub('../', '/').gsub('./', '/').gsub(%r{(/){2,}}, '/') res = "/#{res}" unless res.start_with?('/') res = res.slice(0...-1) if res.end_with?('/') && res.length > 1 res end def cama_fix_filename # Sanitize the filename, to prevent hacking # sanitize_regexp = /[^[:word:].\-+]/ name = tr('\\', '/') # work-around for IE name = File.basename(name) name = name.gsub(sanitize_regexp, '_') name = "_#{name}" if name =~ /\A\.+\z/ name = 'unnamed' if name.empty? name.mb_chars.to_s end # return cleaned model class name # remove decorate # remove Cama prefix def parseCamaClass gsub('Decorator', '').gsub('CamaleonCms::', '') end # convert url into custom url with postfix, # sample: "http://localhost/company/rack_multipart20160124_2288_8xcdjs.jpg".cama_add_postfix_url('thumbs/') into http://localhost/company/thumbs/rack_multipart20160124_2288_8xcdjs.jpg def cama_add_postfix_url(postfix) File.join(File.dirname(self), "#{postfix}#{File.basename(self)}") end # Sample: # '/var/www/media/132/logo.png'.cama_add_postfix_file_name('_2') ==> /var/www/media/132/logo_2.png def cama_add_postfix_file_name(postfix) File.join(File.dirname(self), "#{File.basename(self, File.extname(self))}#{postfix}#{File.extname(self)}") end # Parse the url to get the image version # version_name: (String, default empty) version name, # if this is empty, this will return the image version for thumb of the image, sample: 'http://localhost/my_image.png'.cama_parse_image_version('') => http://localhost/thumb/my_image.png # if this is present, this will return the image version generated, sample: , sample: 'http://localhost/my_image.png'.cama_parse_image_version('200x200') => http://localhost/thumb/my_image_200x200.png # check_url: (boolean, default false) if true the image version will be verified, i.e. if the url exist will return version url, if not will return current url def cama_parse_image_version(version_name = '', check_url = false) res = File.join(File.dirname(self), 'thumb', "#{File.basename(self).parameterize}#{File.extname(self)}") res = res.cama_add_postfix_file_name("_#{version_name}") if version_name.present? return self if check_url && !res.cama_url_exist? res end # check if the url exist # sample: "".cama_url_exist? # return (Boolean) true if the url exist def cama_url_exist? Net::HTTP.get_response(URI.parse(self)).is_a?(Net::HTTPSuccess) rescue StandardError false end # Colorized Ruby output # color: (:red, :green, :blue, :pink, :light_blue, :yellow) def cama_log_style(color = :red) colors = { red: 31, green: 32, blue: 34, pink: 35, light_blue: 36, yellow: 33 } "\e[#{colors[color]}m#{self}\e[0m" end end