require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../spec_helper') require "dynport_tools/redis_dumper" describe "DynportTools::RedisDumper" do let(:redis) { double("redis", :type => "zset") } let(:dumper) { } describe "#initialize" do it "can be initialized with redis" do redis = double("redis") dumper = dumper.redis.should == redis end end describe "#zset_to_hash" do it "calls zrevrange the correct number of times" do redis.should_receive(:zrevrange).with("redis_key", 0, 1, :with_scores => true).and_return(["1", "2", "2", "4"]) redis.should_receive(:zrevrange).with("redis_key", 2, 3, :with_scores => true).and_return(["3", "2"]) dumper.zset_to_hash("redis_key", 2).should == { "1" => "2", "2" => "4", "3" => "2" } end it "only calls once when window is big enough" do redis.should_receive(:zrevrange).with("redis_key", 0, 9999, :with_scores => true).and_return(["1", "2", "2", "4"]) dumper.zset_to_hash("redis_key").should == { "1" => "2", "2" => "4" } end end describe "#dump_hash" do it "calls puts the correct lines" do dumper.should_receive(:puts).with("a\t1") dumper.should_receive(:puts).with("b\t3") dumper.dump_hash("a" => "1", "b" => "3") end end describe "#run_from_args" do before(:each) do Redis.stub!(:new).and_return redis dumper.stub(:zset_to_hash).and_return({}) dumper.stub(:dump_hash).and_return true end it "initializes a new redis instance" do Redis.should_receive(:new).with(:host => "host", :port => "port").and_return redis dumper.redis = nil dumper.run_from_args(["host", "port", "key"]) dumper.redis.should == redis end it "calls dump_hash with zset_to_hash when type is zset" do redis.should_receive(:type).with("key").and_return "zset" hash = { "a" => 1 } dumper.should_receive(:zset_to_hash).and_return(hash) dumper.should_receive(:dump_hash).with(hash) dumper.should_not_receive(:exit) dumper.run_from_args(["host", "port", "key"]) end it "prints a message when type is not zset" do redis.should_receive(:type).with("key").and_return "hash" dumper.should_receive(:exit).with(1) $stderr.should_receive(:puts).with("only zsets are supported for now") dumper.run_from_args(["host", "port", "key"]) end it "calls print_usage when not enough parameters" do dumper.should_receive(:print_usage_and_die) dumper.run_from_args(["host", "port"]) end it "calls exit(1) when not enough parameters" do $stderr.stub(:puts) dumper.should_receive(:exit).with(1) dumper.run_from_args(["host", "port"]) end end describe "#print_usage_and_die" do before(:each) do dumper.stub!(:exit) end it "writes to $stderr" do $stderr.should_receive(:puts).with("USAGE: redis_dumper <redis_host> <redis_port> <key>") dumper.print_usage_and_die end end end