# Copyright 2021 Google LLC # # Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style # license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at # https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT. # frozen_string_literal: true # ActiveRecord 7.1 introduced native support for composite primary keys. # This deprecates the https://github.com/composite-primary-keys/composite_primary_keys gem that was previously used in # this library to support composite primary keys, which again are needed for interleaved tables. These tests use the # third-party composite primary key gem and are therefore not executed for Rails 7.1 and higher. return if ActiveRecord::gem_version >= Gem::Version.create('7.1.0') require "test_helper" require "models/singer" require "models/album" require "models/track" module ActiveRecord module Associations class HasManyUsingInterleavedTest < SpannerAdapter::TestCase include SpannerAdapter::Associations::TestHelper attr_accessor :singer, :album1, :album2 def setup super @original_verbosity = $VERBOSE $VERBOSE = nil @singer = Singer.create first_name: "FirstName1", last_name: "LastName1" @album2 = Album.create title: "Title2", singer: singer @album1 = Album.create title: "Title1", singer: singer @track2_1 = Track.create title: "Title2_1", album: album2, duration: 3.6 @track2_2 = Track.create title: "Title2_2", album: album2, duration: 3.3 @track1_1 = Track.create title: "Title1_1", album: album1, duration: 4.5 @track1_2 = Track.create title: "Title1_2", album: album1 end def teardown Album.destroy_all Singer.destroy_all $VERBOSE = @original_verbosity end def test_has_many assert_equal 2, singer.albums.count assert_equal singer.albums.pluck(:title).sort, %w[Title1 Title2] assert_equal 4, singer.tracks.count assert_equal singer.tracks.pluck(:title).sort, %w[Title1_1 Title1_2 Title2_1 Title2_2] assert_equal 2, album1.tracks.count assert_equal album1.tracks.pluck(:title).sort, %w[Title1_1 Title1_2] assert_equal 2, album2.tracks.count assert_equal album2.tracks.pluck(:title).sort, %w[Title2_1 Title2_2] end def test_finding_using_associated_fields assert_equal Album.where(singerid: singer.id).to_a, singer.albums.to_a assert_equal Track.where(singerid: singer.id).to_a, singer.tracks.to_a end def test_successful_build_association album = singer.albums.build title: "New Title" assert album.save singer.reload assert_equal album, singer.albums.find(album.id) end def test_successful_build_nested_association track = album1.tracks.build title: "New Title", duration: 4.45 assert track.save album1.reload assert_equal track, album1.tracks.find(track.id) end def test_create_and_destroy_associated_records singer2 = Singer.new first_name: "First", last_name: "Last" singer2.albums.build title: "New Title 1", albumid: Album.next_sequence_value singer2.albums.build title: "New Title 2", albumid: Album.next_sequence_value singer2.save! singer2.reload assert_equal 2, singer2.albums.count assert_equal 4, Album.count singer2.albums.destroy_all singer2.reload assert_equal 0, singer2.albums.count assert_equal 2, Album.count end def test_create_and_destroy_nested_associated_records album3 = Album.new singer: singer, title: "Title 3" album3.tracks.build title: "Title3_1", duration: 2.5, singer: singer, trackid: Track.next_sequence_value album3.tracks.build title: "Title3_2", singer: singer, trackid: Track.next_sequence_value album3.save! album3.reload assert_equal 2, album3.tracks.count assert_equal 6, singer.tracks.count assert_equal 6, Track.count album3.tracks.destroy_all album3.reload assert_equal 0, album3.tracks.count assert_equal 4, Track.count end def test_create_and_delete_associated_records singer2 = Singer.new first_name: "First", last_name: "Last" singer2.albums.build title: "Album - 11", albumid: Album.next_sequence_value singer2.albums.build title: "Album - 12", albumid: Album.next_sequence_value singer2.save! singer2.reload assert_equal 2, singer2.albums.count assert_equal 4, Album.count assert_equal 2, singer2.albums.delete_all singer2.reload assert_equal 0, singer2.albums.count assert_equal 2, Album.count end def test_create_and_delete_nested_associated_records album3 = Album.new title: "Album 3", singer: singer album3.tracks.build title: "Track - 31", singer: singer, trackid: Track.next_sequence_value album3.tracks.build title: "Track - 32", singer: singer, trackid: Track.next_sequence_value album3.save! album3.reload assert_equal 2, album3.tracks.count assert_equal 6, Track.count assert_equal 2, album3.tracks.delete_all album3.reload assert_equal 0, album3.tracks.count assert_equal 4, Track.count end def test_update_associated_records count = singer.albums.update_all title: "Title - Update" assert_equal singer.albums.count, count singer.reload singer.albums.each do |album| assert_equal "Title - Update", album.title end end def test_update_nested_associated_records count = album1.tracks.update_all title: "Title - Update", duration: 6.626 assert_equal album1.tracks.count, count album1.reload album1.tracks.each do |track| assert_equal "Title - Update", track.title assert_equal 6.626, track.duration end end def test_fetch_associated_record_with_order albums = singer.albums.order title: :desc assert_equal %w[Title2 Title1], albums.pluck(:title) albums = singer.albums.order title: :asc assert_equal %w[Title1 Title2], albums.pluck(:title) end def test_fetch_nested_associated_record_with_order tracks = album1.tracks.order duration: :desc assert_equal [4.5, nil], tracks.pluck(:duration) tracks = album1.tracks.order duration: :asc assert_equal [nil, 4.5], tracks.pluck(:duration) end def test_set_counter_cache singer.tracks.create! title: "New Title 1", album: album1 singer.tracks.create! title: "New Title 2", album: album2 singer.reload assert_equal 6, singer.tracks_count end def test_cascade_destroy assert_equal 4, singer.tracks.count assert album1.destroy singer.reload assert_equal 2, singer.tracks.count end def test_cascade_delete assert_equal 4, singer.tracks.count assert album1.delete singer.reload assert_equal 2, singer.tracks.count end end end end