#!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'rubygems' require 'optparse' code = nil copy_databases = nil dump_migration = nil dump_schema = nil env = nil migrate_dir = nil migrate_ver = nil backtrace = nil show_version = false test = true load_dirs = [] exclusive_options = [] loggers = [] options = OptionParser.new do |opts| opts.banner = "Sequel: The Database Toolkit for Ruby" opts.define_head "Usage: sequel [options] [file]" opts.separator "" opts.separator "Examples:" opts.separator " sequel sqlite://blog.db" opts.separator " sequel postgres://localhost/my_blog" opts.separator " sequel config/database.yml" opts.separator "" opts.separator "For more information see http://sequel.jeremyevans.net" opts.separator "" opts.separator "Options:" opts.on_tail("-h", "-?", "--help", "Show this message") do puts opts exit end opts.on("-c", "--code CODE", "run the given code and exit") do |v| code = v exclusive_options << :c end opts.on("-C", "--copy-databases", "copy one database to another") do copy_databases = true exclusive_options << :C end opts.on("-d", "--dump-migration", "print database migration to STDOUT") do dump_migration = true exclusive_options << :d end opts.on("-D", "--dump-migration-same-db", "print database migration to STDOUT without type translation") do dump_migration = :same_db exclusive_options << :D end opts.on("-e", "--env ENV", "use environment config for database") do |v| env = v end opts.on("-E", "--echo", "echo SQL statements") do require 'logger' loggers << Logger.new($stdout) end opts.on("-I", "--include dir", "specify $LOAD_PATH directory") do |v| $: << v end opts.on("-l", "--log logfile", "log SQL statements to log file") do |v| require 'logger' loggers << Logger.new(v) end opts.on("-L", "--load-dir DIR", "loads all *.rb under specifed directory") do |v| load_dirs << v end opts.on("-m", "--migrate-directory DIR", "run the migrations in directory") do |v| migrate_dir = v exclusive_options << :m end opts.on("-M", "--migrate-version VER", "migrate the database to version given") do |v| migrate_ver = Integer(v) end opts.on("-N", "--no-test-connection", "do not test the connection") do test = false end opts.on("-r", "--require LIB", "require the library, before executing your script") do |v| load_dirs << [v] end opts.on("-S", "--dump-schema filename", "dump the schema for all tables to the file") do |v| dump_schema = v exclusive_options << :S end opts.on("-t", "--trace", "Output the full backtrace if an exception is raised") do backtrace = true end opts.on_tail("-v", "--version", "Show version") do show_version = true end end opts = options opts.parse! db = ARGV.shift error_proc = lambda do |msg| $stderr.puts(msg) exit 1 end error_proc["Error: Must specify -m if using -M"] if migrate_ver && !migrate_dir error_proc["Error: Cannot specify #{exclusive_options.map{|v| "-#{v}"}.join(' and ')} together"] if exclusive_options.length > 1 connect_proc = lambda do |database| db = if database.nil? || database.empty? Sequel.connect('mock:///') elsif File.exist?(database) require 'yaml' env ||= "development" db_config = YAML.load_file(database) db_config = db_config[env] || db_config[env.to_sym] || db_config db_config.keys.each{|k| db_config[k.to_sym] = db_config.delete(k)} Sequel.connect(db_config) else Sequel.connect(database) end db.loggers = loggers db.test_connection if test db end begin $:.unshift(File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'lib'))) require 'sequel' if show_version puts "sequel #{Sequel.version}" unless db || code exit end end DB = connect_proc[db] load_dirs.each{|d| d.is_a?(Array) ? require(d.first) : Dir["#{d}/**/*.rb"].each{|f| load(f)}} if migrate_dir Sequel.extension :migration, :core_extensions Sequel::Migrator.apply(DB, migrate_dir, migrate_ver) exit end if dump_migration DB.extension :schema_dumper puts DB.dump_schema_migration(:same_db=>dump_migration==:same_db) exit end if dump_schema DB.extension :schema_caching DB.tables.each{|t| DB.schema(Sequel::SQL::Identifier.new(t))} DB.dump_schema_cache(dump_schema) exit end if copy_databases Sequel.extension :migration DB.extension :schema_dumper db2 = ARGV.shift error_proc["Error: Must specify database connection string or path to yaml file as second argument for database you want to copy to"] if db2.nil? || db2.empty? start_time = Time.now TO_DB = connect_proc[db2] same_db = DB.database_type==TO_DB.database_type index_opts = {:same_db=>same_db} index_opts[:index_names] = :namespace if !DB.global_index_namespace? && TO_DB.global_index_namespace? puts "Databases connections successful" schema_migration = eval(DB.dump_schema_migration(:indexes=>false, :same_db=>same_db)) index_migration = eval(DB.dump_indexes_migration(index_opts)) fk_migration = eval(DB.dump_foreign_key_migration(:same_db=>same_db)) puts "Migrations dumped successfully" schema_migration.apply(TO_DB, :up) puts "Tables created" puts "Begin copying data" DB.transaction do TO_DB.transaction do DB.tables.each do |table| puts "Begin copying records for table: #{table}" time = Time.now to_ds = TO_DB.from(table) j = 0 DB.from(table).each do |record| if Time.now - time > 5 puts "Status: #{j} records copied" time = Time.now end to_ds.insert(record) j += 1 end puts "Finished copying #{j} records for table: #{table}" end end end puts "Finished copying data" puts "Begin creating indexes" index_migration.apply(TO_DB, :up) puts "Finished creating indexes" puts "Begin adding foreign key constraints" fk_migration.apply(TO_DB, :up) puts "Finished adding foreign key constraints" if TO_DB.database_type == :postgres TO_DB.tables.each{|t| TO_DB.reset_primary_key_sequence(t)} puts "Primary key sequences reset successfully" end puts "Database copy finished in #{Time.now - start_time} seconds" exit end if code eval(code) exit end rescue => e raise e if backtrace error_proc["Error: #{e.class}: #{e.message}\n#{e.backtrace.first}"] end if !ARGV.empty? ARGV.each{|v| load(v)} elsif !$stdin.isatty eval($stdin.read) else require 'irb' puts "Your database is stored in DB..." IRB.start end