--- # mdJson codelists # base codelist for mdEditor codelistType: "staticList" codelistName: "adiwg_dataType" source: "Alaska Data Integration working group" sourceName: "ADIwg_DataType" extensible: true description: "ANSI and SQL dataTypes" codelist: - {code: "char01", codeName: character, description: "fixed length character strings"} - {code: "char03", codeName: character varying", description: "variable length character strings"} - {code: "char06", codeName: character large object, description: "character large object"} - {code: "nchar01", codeName: national character, description: "fixed length national character strings (2 byte unicode)"} - {code: "nchar04", codeName: national character varying, description: "variable length national character strings (2 byte unicode)"} - {code: "nchar07", codeName: national character large object, description: "national character (2 byte unicode) large object"} - {code: "text01", codeName: text, description: "variable string to maximum of 65K characters"} - {code: "text02", codeName: tinytext, description: "variable string to maximum of 255 characters"} - {code: "text03", codeName: mediumtext, description: "variable string to maximum of 16M characters"} - {code: "text04", codeName: longtext, description: "variable string to maximum of 4G characters"} - {code: "bin01", codeName: binary, description: "fixed length binary"} - {code: "bin02", codeName: binary varying, description: "variable length binary"} - {code: "bin03", codeName: binary large object, description: "binary large object to maximum of 65K bytes"} - {code: "bin05", codeName: mediumblob, description: "binary large object to maximum of 16M bytes"} - {code: "bin06", codeName: longblob, description: "binary large object to maximum of 4G bytes"} - {code: "int01", codeName: integer, description: "integers number (+-2B)"} - {code: "int03", codeName: tinyint, description: "integer numbers (+-128)"} - {code: "int04", codeName: mediumint, description: "integer numbers (+-16K)"} - {code: "int05", codeName: smallint, description: "integer numbers (+-32K)"} - {code: "int06", codeName: bigint, description: "integer numbers (+-1e27)"} - {code: "num01", codeName: float, description: "floating point numbers"} - {code: "num02", codeName: real, description: "low precision floating point numbers"} - {code: "num03", codeName: double precision, description: "high precision floating point numbers"} - {code: "num04", codeName: numeric, description: "fixed precision and scale decimal numbers"} - {code: "num05", codeName: decimal, description: "fixed precision and scale decimal numbers (numeric alternate)"} - {code: "bit01", codeName: bit, description: "fixed length bit strings"} - {code: "bit02", codeName: bit varying, description: "variable length bit strings"} - {code: "date01", codeName: date, description: "calendar date"} - {code: "date02", codeName: time, description: "clock time"} - {code: "date03", codeName: datetime, description: "date and time"} - {code: "date04", codeName: timestamp, description: "number of seconds since the Unix epoch (1970-01-01T00:00:00 UTC)"} - {code: "date05", codeName: year, description: "year"} - {code: "date06", codeName: interval, description: "time intervals"} - {code: "date07", codeName: interval day, description: "day intervals"} - {code: "date08", codeName: interval year, description: "year intervals"} - {code: "money01", codeName: currency, description: "monetary value"} - {code: "money02", codeName: money, description: "monetary value"} - {code: "bool01", codeName: boolean, description: "Boolean value (true/false)"} - {code: "xml01", codeName: xml, description: "xml formatted data"} - {code: "enum01", codeName: enum, description: "list of possible values: enum('a','b','c')"}