AboveGradeFinishedArea Finished area within the structure that is at or above the surface of the ground. Property Resource Structure Group Number 14 Active Location = "Above grade" Finished Status = "Finished" Area = [value] Silver 100311 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> 2 No RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM ÁreaCompletadaPorEncimaDelPiso 20111109T0000 20120420T0000 20120420T0000 AboveGradeFinishedAreaSource The source of the measurements. This is a pick list of options showing the source of the measurement. i.e. Agent, Assessor, Estimate, etc. Property Resource Structure Group String List, Single 50 Active Origin = [value] Silver 100820 Open with Enumerations AreaSource Lookups <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM FuenteDelÁreaCompletadaPorEncimaDelPiso 20160621T0000 20160111T0000 20160528T1200 AboveGradeFinishedAreaUnits A pick list of the unit of measurement for the area. i.e. Square Feet, Square Meters, Acres, etc. Property Resource Structure Group String List, Single 25 Active Silver 100821 Open with Enumerations AreaUnits Lookups <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM UnidadesDeÁreaCompletadaPorEncimaDelPiso 20160621T0000 20160111T0000 20180725T0000 AccessCode If the property is located behind an unmanned security gate such as in a Gated Community, what is the code to gain access through the secured gate. Property Resource Listing Group Showing Group String 25 GateCode Active Bronze 100860 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM CódigoDeAcceso 20140703T0000 20131121T0000 20160615T0000 AccessibilityFeatures A list or description of the accessibility features included in the sale/lease. Property Resource Structure Group String List, Multi 1024 Active Silver 100407 Open AccessibilityFeatures Lookups <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML IDX_Blank CaracterísticasDeAccesibilidad 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 AdditionalParcelsDescription If additional parcels are included in the sale, a list of those parcel's IDs separated by commas. Do not include the first or primary parcel number, that should be located in the Parcel Number field. Property Resource Tax Group String 255 Active Bronze 100282 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML DescripciónAdicionalDeParcelas 20111109T0000 20130422T0000 20130422T0000 AdditionalParcelsYN Are there more than one parcel or lot included in the sale? Property Resource Tax Group Boolean Active Bronze 100281 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML ParcelasAdicionalesSN 20140703T0000 20131121T0000 20180809T0000 AnchorsCoTenants The main or most notable tenants as well as other tenants of the shopping center or mall in which the commercial property is located. Property Resource Characteristics Group String 1024 Active Platinum 100922 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No COMS COML CoInquilinosAncla 20140703T0000 20131204T0000 20180725T0000 Appliances A list of the appliances that will be included in the sale/lease of the property. Property Resource Equipment Group String List, Multi 1024 Active Platinum 100361 Open with Enumerations Appliances Lookups <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML IDX_Blank Electrodomésticos 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 ArchitecturalStyle A list describing the style of the structure. For example, Victorian, Ranch, Craftsman, etc. Property Resource Structure Group String List, Multi 1024 Style Active Silver 100345 Open <not to be enumerated by RESO> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM IDX_Blank EstiloArquitectónico 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 AssociationAmenities Amenities provided by the Home Owners Association, Mobile Park or Complex. For example Pool, Clubhouse, etc. Property Resource HOA Group String List, Multi 1024 AssociationRules, AssociationInfo, HOAAmenities Active Platinum 100228 Open with Enumerations AssociationAmenities Lookups <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI IDX_Blank ServiciosDeLaAsociación 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 AssociationFee A fee paid by the homeowner to the Home Owners Association which is used for the upkeep of the common area, neighborhood or other association related benefits. Property Resource HOA Group Number 14 HOAFee, CAM Charge, Condo Charge Active Bronze 100223 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> 2 No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI IDX_Blank TarifaDeAsociación 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 AssociationFee2 A fee paid by the homeowner to the second of two Home Owners Associations, which is used for the upkeep of the common area, neighborhood or other association related benefits. Property Resource HOA Group Number 14 HOAFee2 Active Bronze 100225 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> 2 No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI TarifaDeAsociación2 20111109T0000 20120222T0000 20120222T0000 AssociationFee2Frequency The frequency the association fee is paid. For example, Weekly, Monthly, Annually, Bi-Monthly, One Time, etc. Property Resource HOA Group String List, Single 25 HOAFeeFrequency2 Active Bronze 100226 Open with Enumerations FeeFrequency Lookups <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FrecuenciaDeTarifaDeAsociación2 20111109T0000 20111110T0000 20160404T0000 AssociationFeeFrequency The frequency the association fee is paid. For example, Weekly, Monthly, Annually, Bi-Monthly, One Time, etc. Property Resource HOA Group String List, Single 25 HOAFeeFrequency Active Bronze 100224 Open with Enumerations FeeFrequency Lookups <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI IDX_Blank FrecuenciaDeTarifaDeAsociación 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 AssociationFeeIncludes Services included with the association fee. For example Landscaping, Trash, Water, etc. Property Resource HOA Group String List, Multi 1024 HOAFeeIncludes Active Bronze 100227 Open with Enumerations AssociationFeeIncludes Lookups <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI IDX_Blank InclusionesDeTarifaDeAsociación 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 AssociationName The name of the Home Owners Association. Property Resource HOA Group String 50 HOAName Active Bronze 100869 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI NombreDeAsociación 20131119T0000 20130710T0000 20131119T0000 AssociationName2 The name of the second of two Home Owners Association. Property Resource HOA Group String 50 HOAName2 Active Bronze 100867 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI NombreDeAsociación2 20131119T0000 20130710T0000 20131119T0000 AssociationPhone The phone number of the Home Owners Association. North American 10 digit phone numbers should be in the format of ###-###-#### (separated by hyphens). Other conventions should use the common local standard. International numbers should be preceded by a plus symbol. Property Resource HOA Group String 16 HOAPhone Active Bronze 100229 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI TeléfonoDeLaAsociación 20131119T0000 20130710T0000 20180724T0000 AssociationPhone2 The phone number of the second of two Home Owners Association. North American 10 digit phone numbers should be in the format of ###-###-#### (separated by hyphens). Other conventions should use the common local standard. International numbers should be preceded by a plus symbol. Property Resource HOA Group String 16 HOAPhone2 Active Bronze 100868 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI TeléfonoDeLaAsociación2 20131119T0000 20130710T0000 20180724T0000 AssociationYN Is there a Home Owners Association. A separate Y/N field is needed because not all associations have dues. Property Resource HOA Group Boolean HOAYN Active Bronze 100230 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI IDX_Blank AsociaciónSN 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 AttachedGarageYN A flag indicating that the garage attached to the dwelling. Property Resource Structure Group Boolean Active Location = "Garage"If AttachedGarageYN == 'Y' then Vertical Surroundings = "Attached", Else Vertical Surroundings = "Stand-alone" Silver 100319 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM IDX_Blank GarajeAdjuntoSN 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 AvailabilityDate The date the property will be available for possession/occupation. Property Resource Listing Group Closing Group Date 10 Active Silver 100926 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RLSE COMS COML FechaDeDisponibilidad 20160621T0000 20151118T0000 20160528T1200 Basement A list of information and features about the basement. i.e. None/Slab, Finished, Partially Finished, Crawl Space, Dirt, Outside Entrance, Radon Mitigation Property Resource Structure Group String List, Multi 1024 Active Platinum 100892 Open with Enumerations Basement Lookups <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM IDX_Blank Sótano 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 BasementYN Does the property have a basement? Property Resource Structure Group Boolean Active Platinum 101012 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Sótano Si or No 20181226T0000 20190202T0000 1.7.0 20190202T0000 BathroomsFull A room containing all 4 of the 4 elements constituting a bath, which are; Toilet, Sink, Bathtub or Shower Head. A Full Bath will typically contain four elements; Sink, Toilet, Tub and Shower Head (in tub or stall). However, some may considered a Sink, Toilet and Tub (without a shower) a Full Bath, others consider this to be a Three Quarter Bath. In the event that BathroomsThreeQuarter is not in use, this field may represent the sum of all Full and Three Quarter bathrooms. Property Resource Structure Group Number 3 BathroomsFull, FullBaths Active Core 100306 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM IDX_Blank BañosCompletos 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 BathroomsHalf A room containing 2 of the 4 elements constituting a bath, which are; Toilet, Sink, Bathtub or Shower Head. A Half Bath will typically contain a Sink and Toilet. Property Resource Structure Group Number 3 BathroomsHalf, HalfBaths Active Core 100307 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM IDX_Blank BañosMedios 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 BathroomsOneQuarter A room containing 1 of the 4 elements constituting a bath which are; Toilet, Sink, Bathtub or Shower Head. Examples are a vanity with a sink or a WC (Water Closet, which is a room with only a toilet). Property Resource Structure Group Number 3 BathroomsOneQuarter, QuarterBaths Active Core 100309 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM IDX_Blank BañosUnCuarto 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 BathroomsPartial The number of partial bathrooms in the property being sold/leased. When used in combination with the BathroomsFull field, this replaces (or is the sum of) all Half and One Quarter bathrooms; and in the event BathroomsThreeQuarter is not used, BathroomsFull replaces (or is the sum of) all Full and Three Quarter baths. This field should not be used in combination with the BathroomsOneQuarter or the BathroomsHalf. Property Resource Structure Group Number 3 Active Silver 100943 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM IDX_Blank BañosParciales 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 1.4.0 20181226T0000 BathroomsThreeQuarter A room containing 3 of the 4 elements constituting a bath, which are; Toilet, Sink, Bathtub or Shower Head. A typical Three Quarter Bath will contain Sink, Toilet and Shower. Some may considered a Sink, Toilet and Tub (without a shower) a Three Quarter Bath, others consider this to be a Full Bath. Property Resource Structure Group Number 3 BathroomsThreeQuarter, ThreeQuarterBaths Active Core 100308 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM IDX_Blank BañosTresCuartos 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 BathroomsTotalInteger The simple sum of the number of bathrooms. For example for a property with two Full Bathrooms and one Half Bathroom, the Bathrooms Total Integer will be 3. Expressing this example as 2.5, you will need to use a non-standard field name. Decimal based bathrooms are not recommended but possible via the Dictionary's extensibility. Property Resource Structure Group Number 3 Active Spatial Unit Type = "Restroom" Quantity = [value] Core 100928 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM IDX_Blank BañosIntegralTotal 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 BedroomsPossible The sum of BedroomsTotal plus other rooms that may be used as a bedroom but are not defined as bedroom per local policy. Property Resource Structure Group Number 3 BedroomsTotal Active Silver 100889 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM HabitacionesPosibles 20150902T0000 20150902T0000 20180725T0000 BedroomsTotal The total number of bedrooms in the dwelling. Property Resource Structure Group Number 3 BedroomsTotal Active Spatial Unit Type = "Bedroom"Quantity = [value] Core 100304 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM IDX_Blank HabitacionesTotal 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 BelowGradeFinishedArea Finished area within the structure that is below ground. Property Resource Structure Group Number 14 Active Location = "Below grade"Finished Status = "Finished"Area = [value] Silver 100312 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> 2 No RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM ÁreaCompletadaPorEncimaDelPiso 20111109T0000 20120420T0000 20120420T0000 BelowGradeFinishedAreaSource The source of the measurements. This is a pick list of options showing the source of the measurement. i.e. Agent, Assessor, Estimate, etc. Property Resource Structure Group String List, Single 50 Active Origin = [value] Silver 100822 Open with Enumerations AreaSource Lookups <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM FuenteDelÁreaCompletadaPorEncimaDelPiso 20160621T0000 20160111T0000 20160528T1200 BelowGradeFinishedAreaUnits A pick list of the unit of measurement for the area. i.e. Square Feet, Square Meters, Acres, etc. Property Resource Structure Group String List, Single 25 Active Silver 100823 Open with Enumerations AreaUnits Lookups <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM UnidadesDeÁreaCompletadaPorEncimaDelPiso 20160621T0000 20160111T0000 20160528T1200 BodyType Type of mobile home. Property Resource Structure Group String List, Multi 1024 Active Silver 100385 Open with Enumerations BodyType Lookups <n/a> No MOBI IDX_Blank TipoDeConjunto 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 BuilderModel The builders model name or number for the property. Property Resource Structure Group String 50 Active Builder Model = [value] Gold 100339 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC FARM ModeloConstructor 20160621T0000 20160219T0000 20160528T1200 BuilderName Name of the builder of the property or builder's tract. Property Resource Structure Group String 50 Active Contact Label = "Builder"Company Name = [value] Gold 100338 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML NombreConstructor 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 BuildingAreaSource The source of the measurements. This is a pick list of options showing the source of the measurement. i.e. Agent, Assessor, Estimate, etc. Property Resource Structure Group String List, Single 50 Active Origin = [value] Silver 100314 Open with Enumerations AreaSource Lookups <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML FuenteDeÁreaDeConstrucción 20160621T0000 20160111T0000 20160528T1200 BuildingAreaTotal Total area of the structure. Includes both finished and unfinished areas. Property Resource Structure Group Number 14 Active Interval Measure = "Total"Premises Level = "Building"Area = [value] Silver 100313 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> 2 No RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML ÁreaTotalDeConstrucción 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 BuildingAreaUnits A pick list of the unit of measurement for the area. i.e. Square Feet, Square Meters, Acres, etc. Property Resource Structure Group String List, Single 25 Active Silver 100404 Open with Enumerations AreaUnits Lookups <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML UnidadesDeÁreaDeConstrucción 20160621T0000 20160111T0000 20160528T1200 BuildingFeatures Features or amenities of the building or business park. Property Resource Structure Group String List, Multi 1024 Active Platinum 100903 Open <Not Defined> <n/a> No COMS COML CaracterísticasDeConstrucción 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 BuildingName Name of the building or business park. Property Resource Structure Group String 50 Active Premises Level = "Building"Identifier Label = "Name"Identifier = [value] Gold 100902 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No COMS COML NombreDeEdificio 20140703T0000 20131204T0000 20140703T0000 BusinessName Name of the business being sold. Property Resource Business Group String 255 Active Contact Label = "Business"Company Name = [value] Bronze 100921 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No BUSO NombreDeNegocio 20150721T0000 20150319T0000 20150721T0000 BusinessType The type of business being sold. Retail, Wholesale, Grocery, Food & Bev, etc. Property Resource Business Group String List, Multi 1024 PropertySubType Active Contact Label = "Business" Occupancy Classification = [value] Core 100906 Open with Enumerations BusinessType Lookups <n/a> No COMS COML BUSO IDX_Blank TipoDeNegocio 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 BuyerAgencyCompensation The total commission to be paid for this sale, expressed as either a percentage or a constant currency amount. Property Resource Listing Group Compensation Group String 25 SOComp, SellingOfficeCompensation, BuyerBrokerCompensation, SOC, Commission Active Core 100032 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO CompensaciónDeAgenciaDeComprador 20111109T0000 20111109T0000 20111109T0000 BuyerAgencyCompensationType A list of types to clarify the value entered in the BuyerAgencyCompensation field. For example $, % or some other clarification of the BuyerAgencyCompensation. Property Resource Listing Group Compensation Group String List, Single 25 SOCompType, SellingOfficeCompensationType, BuyerBrokerCompensationType, SOCType, CommissionType Active Core 100033 Open with Enumerations CompensationType Lookups <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO TipoDeCompensaciónDeAgenciaDeComprador 20160621T0000 20151110T0000 20160528T1200 BuyerAgentAOR The Buyer's Agent's Board or Association of REALTORS. Property Resource Listing Group AgentOffice Group BuyerAgent Group String List, Single 50 BuyerMemberAOR Active Bronze 100805 Open <not to be enumerated by RESO> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO AgenteComprandorDeAOR 20170809T0000 20170109T0000 20170809T0000 BuyerAgentDesignation Designations and certifications acknowledging experience and expertise in various real estate sectors are awarded by NAR and each affiliated group upon completion of required courses. Property Resource Listing Group AgentOffice Group BuyerAgent Group String List, Multi 50 BuyerMemberDesignation Active Bronze 100181 Open BuyerAgentDesignation Lookups <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO DenominaciónDeAgenteComprador 20170809T0000 20180602T0000 20180602T0000 BuyerAgentDirectPhone North American 10 digit phone numbers should be in the format of ###-###-#### (separated by hyphens). Other conventions should use the common local standard. International numbers should be preceded by a plus symbol. Property Resource Listing Group AgentOffice Group BuyerAgent Group String 16 BuyerMemberDirectPhone Active Bronze 100169 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO TeléfonoDirectoDeAgenteComprador 20170809T0000 20170109T0000 20170809T0000 BuyerAgentEmail The email address of the Buyer's Agent. Property Resource Listing Group AgentOffice Group BuyerAgent Group String 80 BuyerMemberEmail Active Core 100176 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO EmailDeAgenteComprador 20170809T0000 20170109T0000 20170809T0000 BuyerAgentFax North American 10 digit phone numbers should be in the format of ###-###-#### (separated by hyphens). Other conventions should use the common local standard. International numbers should be preceded by a plus symbol. Property Resource Listing Group AgentOffice Group BuyerAgent Group String 16 BuyerMemberFax Active Bronze 100171 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO FaxDeAgenteComprador 20170809T0000 20170109T0000 20180801T0000 BuyerAgentFirstName The first name of the buyer's agent. Property Resource Listing Group AgentOffice Group BuyerAgent Group String 50 BuyerMemberFirstName Active Core 100160 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO IDX_Optional NombreDeAgenteComprador 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 BuyerAgentFullName The full name of the buyer's agent. (First Middle Last) Property Resource Listing Group AgentOffice Group BuyerAgent Group String 150 BuyerMemberFullName Active Bronze 100163 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO IDX_Optional NombreCompletoDeAgenteComprador 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 BuyerAgentHomePhone North American 10 digit phone numbers should be in the format of ###-###-#### (separated by hyphens). Other conventions should use the common local standard. International numbers should be preceded by a plus symbol. Property Resource Listing Group AgentOffice Group BuyerAgent Group String 16 BuyerMemberHomePhone Active Bronze 100170 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO TeléfonoDeCasaDeAgenteComprador 20170809T0000 20170109T0000 20170809T0000 BuyerAgentKey A system unique identifier. Specifically, in aggregation systems, the Key is the system unique identifier from the system that the record was just retrieved. This may be identical to the related xxxId identifier, but the key is guaranteed unique for this record set. This is a foreign key relating to the Member resource's MemberKey. Property Resource Listing Group AgentOffice Group BuyerAgent Group String 255 BuyerMemberKey Active Core 100178 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO ClaveDeAgenteComprador 20170809T0000 20170109T0000 20170809T0000 BuyerAgentKeyNumeric A system unique identifier. Specifically, in aggregation systems, the Key is the system unique identifier from the system that the record was just retrieved. This may be identical to the related xxxId identifier, but the key is guaranteed unique for this record set. This is a foreign key relating to the Member resource's MemberKey. This is the numeric only key and used as an alternative to the BuyerAgentKey field. Property Resource Listing Group AgentOffice Group BuyerAgent Group Number 255 BuyerMemberKeyNumeric Active Platinum 100984 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO ClaveNuméricaDeAgenteComprador 20170809T0000 20170109T0000 1.5.0 20170809T0000 BuyerAgentLastName The last name of the buyer's agent. Property Resource Listing Group AgentOffice Group BuyerAgent Group String 50 BuyerMemberLastName Active Core 100162 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO IDX_Optional ApellidoDeAgenteComprador 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 BuyerAgentMiddleName The middle name of the buyer's agent. Property Resource Listing Group AgentOffice Group BuyerAgent Group String 50 BuyerMemberMiddleName Active Core 100161 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO SegundoNombreDeAgenteComprador 20170809T0000 20170109T0000 20170809T0000 BuyerAgentMlsId The local, well-known identifier. This value may not be unique, specifically in the case of aggregation systems, this value should be the identifier from the original system. Property Resource Listing Group AgentOffice Group BuyerAgent Group String 25 BuyerMemberMlsId Active Core 100179 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO IDX_Optional IdDeMlsDeAgenteComprador 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 BuyerAgentMobilePhone North American 10 digit phone numbers should be in the format of ###-###-#### (separated by hyphens). Other conventions should use the common local standard. International numbers should be preceded by a plus symbol. Property Resource Listing Group AgentOffice Group BuyerAgent Group String 16 BuyerMemberMobilePhone Active Core 100168 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO TeléfonoMóvilDeAgenteComprador 20170809T0000 20170109T0000 20170809T0000 BuyerAgentNamePrefix Prefix to the name (e.g. Dr. Mr. Ms. etc.) Property Resource Listing Group AgentOffice Group BuyerAgent Group String 10 BuyerMemberNamePrefix Active Bronze 100792 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO PrefijoDeAgenteComprador 20170809T0000 20170109T0000 20170809T0000 BuyerAgentNameSuffix Suffix to the BuyerAgentLastName (e.g. Esq., Jr., III etc.) Property Resource Listing Group AgentOffice Group BuyerAgent Group String 10 BuyerMemberNameSuffix Active Bronze 100796 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO SufijoDeAgenteComprador 20170809T0000 20170109T0000 20170809T0000 BuyerAgentOfficePhone North American 10 digit phone numbers should be in the format of ###-###-#### (separated by hyphens). Other conventions should use the common local standard. International numbers should be preceded by a plus symbol. Property Resource Listing Group AgentOffice Group BuyerAgent Group String 16 BuyerMemberOfficePhone Active Core 100166 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO TeléfonoDeDespachoDeAgenteComprador 20170809T0000 20170109T0000 20170809T0000 BuyerAgentOfficePhoneExt The extension of the given phone number (if applicable). Property Resource Listing Group AgentOffice Group BuyerAgent Group String 10 BuyerMemberOfficePhoneExt Active Core 100167 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO ExtensiónTelefónicaDeAgenteComprador 20170809T0000 20170109T0000 20170809T0000 BuyerAgentPager North American 10 digit phone numbers should be in the format of ###-###-#### (separated by hyphens). Other conventions should use the common local standard. International numbers should be preceded by a plus symbol. Property Resource Listing Group AgentOffice Group BuyerAgent Group String 16 BuyerMemberPager Active Bronze 100172 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO BuscapersonasDeAgenteComprador 20170809T0000 20170109T0000 20170809T0000 BuyerAgentPreferredPhone North American 10 digit phone numbers should be in the format of ###-###-#### (separated by hyphens). Other conventions should use the common local standard. International numbers should be preceded by a plus symbol. Property Resource Listing Group AgentOffice Group BuyerAgent Group String 16 BuyerMemberPreferredPhone Active Core 100164 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO TeléfonoPreferidoDeAgenteComprador 20170809T0000 20170109T0000 20170809T0000 BuyerAgentPreferredPhoneExt The extension of the given phone number (if applicable). Property Resource Listing Group AgentOffice Group BuyerAgent Group String 10 BuyerMemberPreferredPhoneExt Active Core 100165 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO ExtensiónDeTeléfonoPreferidoDeAgenteComprador 20170809T0000 20170109T0000 20170809T0000 BuyerAgentStateLicense The license of the buyers agent. Separate multiple licenses with a comma and space. Property Resource Listing Group AgentOffice Group BuyerAgent Group String 50 BuyerMemberStateLicense Active Core 100180 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO LicenciaEstatalDeAgenteComprador 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 BuyerAgentTollFreePhone North American 10 digit phone numbers should be in the format of ###-###-#### (separated by hyphens). Other conventions should use the common local standard. International numbers should be preceded by a plus symbol. Property Resource Listing Group AgentOffice Group BuyerAgent Group String 16 BuyerMemberTollFreePhone Active Bronze 100175 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO TeléfonoGratuitoDeAgenteComprador 20170809T0000 20170109T0000 20170809T0000 BuyerAgentURL The website URI of the buyers agent. Property Resource Listing Group AgentOffice Group BuyerAgent Group String 8000 BuyerMemberURL Active Bronze 100177 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO URLDeAgenteComprador 20170809T0000 20170109T0000 20170809T0000 BuyerAgentVoiceMail North American 10 digit phone numbers should be in the format of ###-###-#### (separated by hyphens). Other conventions should use the common local standard. International numbers should be preceded by a plus symbol. Property Resource Listing Group AgentOffice Group BuyerAgent Group String 16 BuyerMembervoiceMail Active Bronze 100173 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO BuzónDeVozDeAgenteComprador 20170809T0000 20170109T0000 20170809T0000 BuyerAgentVoiceMailExt The extension of the given phone number (if applicable). Property Resource Listing Group AgentOffice Group BuyerAgent Group String 10 BuyerMemberVoiceMailExt Active Bronze 100174 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO ExtDeBuzónDeVozDeAgenteComprador 20170809T0000 20170109T0000 20170809T0000 BuyerFinancing A list of options that describe the type of financing used. This field is used when setting a listing to Closed. i.e. cash, FHA loan, etc. Property Resource Listing Group Closing Group String List, Multi 1024 Active Bronze 100061 Open with Enumerations BuyerFinancing Lookups <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO FinanciamientoDeComprador 20111109T0000 20150812T0000 20160404T0000 BuyerOfficeAOR The Buyer's Office's Board or Association of REALTORS. Property Resource Listing Group AgentOffice Group BuyerOffice Group String List, Single 50 Active Bronze 100807 Open <not to be enumerated by RESO> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO DespachoDeCompradorDeAOR 20120420T0000 20120420T0000 20160119T0000 BuyerOfficeEmail The email address of the Buyer's Office. Property Resource Listing Group AgentOffice Group BuyerOffice Group String 80 Active Bronze 100186 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO EmailDeDespachoDeComprador 20111109T0000 20130625T0000 20130625T0000 BuyerOfficeFax North American 10 digit phone numbers should be in the format of ###-###-#### (separated by hyphens). Other conventions should use the common local standard. International numbers should be preceded by a plus symbol. Property Resource Listing Group AgentOffice Group BuyerOffice Group String 16 Active Bronze 100185 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO FaxDeDespachoDeComprador 20111109T0000 20111110T0000 20111110T0000 BuyerOfficeKey A system unique identifier. Specifically, in aggregation systems, the Key is the system unique identifier from the system that the record was just retrieved. This may be identical to the related xxxId identifier, but the key is guaranteed unique for this record set. This is a foreign key relating to the Office resource's OfficeKey. Property Resource Listing Group AgentOffice Group BuyerOffice Group String 255 Active Core 100188 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO ClaveDeDespachoDeComprador 20150721T0000 20150201T0000 20150721T0000 BuyerOfficeKeyNumeric A system unique identifier. Specifically, in aggregation systems, the Key is the system unique identifier from the system that the record was just retrieved. This may be identical to the related xxxId identifier, but the key is guaranteed unique for this record set. This is a foreign key relating to the Office resource's OfficeKey. This is the numeric only key and used as an alternative to the BuyerOfficeKey field. Property Resource Listing Group AgentOffice Group BuyerOffice Group Number 255 Active Platinum 100985 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO ClaveNuméricaDeDespachoDeComprador 20160621T0000 20160317T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 BuyerOfficeMlsId The local, well-known identifier. This value may not be unique, specifically in the case of aggregation systems, this value should be the identifier from the original system. Property Resource Listing Group AgentOffice Group BuyerOffice Group String 25 Active Core 100189 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO IDX_Optional IdDeMlsDeDespachoDeComprador 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 BuyerOfficeName The legal name of the brokerage representing the buyer. Property Resource Listing Group AgentOffice Group BuyerOffice Group String 255 Active Core 100182 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO IDX_Optional NombreDeDespachoDeComprador 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 BuyerOfficePhone North American 10 digit phone numbers should be in the format of ###-###-#### (separated by hyphens). Other conventions should use the common local standard. International numbers should be preceded by a plus symbol. Property Resource Listing Group AgentOffice Group BuyerOffice Group String 16 Active Core 100183 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO TeléfonoDeDespachoDeComprador 20111109T0000 20111110T0000 20111110T0000 BuyerOfficePhoneExt The extension of the given phone number (if applicable). Property Resource Listing Group AgentOffice Group BuyerOffice Group String 10 Active Core 100184 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO ExtensiónDeDespachoDeComprador 20150721T0000 20150305T0000 20150721T0000 BuyerOfficeURL The website URI for the buyers office. Property Resource Listing Group AgentOffice Group BuyerOffice Group String 8000 Active Bronze 100187 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO URLDeDespachoDeComprador 20111109T0000 20130710T0000 20130710T0000 BuyerTeamKey A system unique identifier. Specifically, in aggregation systems, the Key is the system unique identifier from the system that the record was just retrieved. This may be identical to the related xxxId identifier, but the key is guaranteed unique for this record set. This is a foreign key relating to the Teams resource's TeamKey. Property Resource Listing Group AgentOffice Group Team Group String 255 Active Silver 100941 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO ClaveDeEquipoComprador 20150721T0000 20150506T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 BuyerTeamKeyNumeric A system unique identifier. Specifically, in aggregation systems, the Key is the system unique identifier from the system that the record was just retrieved. This may be identical to the related xxxId identifier, but the key is guaranteed unique for this record set. This is a foreign key relating to the Teams resource's TeamKey. This is the numeric only key and used as an alternative to the BuyerTeamKey field. Property Resource Listing Group AgentOffice Group Team Group Number 255 Active Platinum 100989 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO ClaveNuméricaDeEquipoComprador 20160621T0000 20160317T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 BuyerTeamName The name of the team representing the buyer. Property Resource Listing Group AgentOffice Group Team Group String 50 Active Silver 100221 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO NombreDeEquipoComprador 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 1.4.0 20181226T0000 CableTvExpense The annual expense that is not paid directly by the tenant and is included in the Operating Expense calculations. Property Resource Financial Group Number 14 Active Silver 100262 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> 2 No RINC GastoDeTVporCable 20111109T0000 20120420T0000 20120420T0000 CancellationDate Date the listing contract between the seller and listing agent was cancelled. This is the date entered by the agent reflecting when the change occurred contractually, not a timestamp of when the change was made in the MLS. Property Resource Listing Group Dates Group Date 10 Active Core 100768 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO FechaDeCancelación 20181226T0000 20180822T0000 20181226T0000 CapRate Cap Rate is equivalent to the return on investment you would receive if you pay cash for a property. The ratio between the net operating income produced by an asset and its capital cost (the original price paid to buy the asset) or alternatively its current market value. Property Resource Financial Group Number 5 CapitalizationRate Active Core 100757 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> 2 No RINC COMS COML TasaMáxima 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 CarportSpaces The number of carport spaces included in the sale. Property Resource Structure Group Number 14 Active Premises Enclosure = "Non enclosed"Spatial Unit Type = "Parking space"Quantity = [value] Silver 100320 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> 2 No RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM IDX_Blank EspaciosDeGaraje 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 CarportYN A flag indicating that the listing has a car port. This flag may be T/F, Y/N or other true, false or unknown indicator. As with all flags, the field may be null. Property Resource Structure Group Boolean Active Silver 100321 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM GarajeSN 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 CarrierRoute The group of addresses to which the USPS assigns the same code to aid in mail delivery. For the USPS, these codes are 9 digits: 5 numbers for the ZIP Code, one letter for the carrier route type, and 3 numbers for the carrier route number. Property Resource Location Group Address Group String 9 RR, CR Active Bronze 100077 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO RutaTransportista 20111109T0000 20111109T0000 20111109T0000 City The city in listing address. Property Resource Location Group Address Group String List, Single 50 Active City = [value] Core 100072 Open <not to be enumerated by RESO> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO IDX_Must Ciudad 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 CityRegion A sub-section or area of a defined city. Examples would be SOHO in New York, NY, Ironbound in Newark, NJ or Inside the Beltway. Property Resource Location Group Area Group String 150 Active Platinum 100945 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO CiudadRegión 20160621T0000 20150815T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 CloseDate With for-sale listings, the date the purchase agreement was fulfilled. With lease listings, the date the requirements were fulfilled, such as contract and/or deposit. This is the date entered by the agent reflecting when the change occurred contractually, not a timestamp of when the change was made in the MLS. Property Resource Listing Group Dates Group Date 10 SoldDate, DateSold, COE, COEDate, CloseDate, DateLeased, DateRented, DateLeaseBegins, EffectiveLeaseDate Active Core 100018 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO IDX_Optional FechaDeCierre 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 ClosePrice The amount of money paid by the purchaser to the seller for the property under the agreement. Property Resource Listing Group Price Group Number 14 SellingPrice, SoldPrice, SalePrice, PriceSold, LeasePrice, RentalPrice, PurchasePrice, CurrentPrice Active Core 100026 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> 2 No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO IDX_Optional PrecioDeCierre 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 CoBuyerAgentAOR The Co Buyer's Agent's Board or Association of REALTORS. Property Resource Listing Group AgentOffice Group CoBuyerAgent Group String List, Single 50 CoBuyerMemberAOR Active Bronze 100806 Open <not to be enumerated by RESO> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO AgenteCo-ComprandorDeAOR 20170809T0000 20170109T0000 20170809T0000 CoBuyerAgentDesignation Designations and certifications acknowledging experience and expertise in various real estate sectors are awarded by NAR and each affiliated group upon completion of required courses. Property Resource Listing Group AgentOffice Group CoBuyerAgent Group String List, Multi 50 CoBuyerMemberDesignation Active Bronze 100211 Open CoBuyerAgentDesignation Lookups <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO DenominaciónDeAgenteCo-Comprador 20170809T0000 20180602T0000 20180602T0000 CoBuyerAgentDirectPhone North American 10 digit phone numbers should be in the format of ###-###-#### (separated by hyphens). Other conventions should use the common local standard. International numbers should be preceded by a plus symbol. Property Resource Listing Group AgentOffice Group CoBuyerAgent Group String 16 CoBuyerMemberDirectPhone Active Bronze 100199 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO TeléfonoDirectoDeAgenteCo-Comprador 20170809T0000 20170109T0000 20170809T0000 CoBuyerAgentEmail The email address of the Buyer's Co Agent. Property Resource Listing Group AgentOffice Group CoBuyerAgent Group String 80 CoBuyerMemberEmail Active Core 100206 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO EmailDeAgenteCo-Comprador 20170809T0000 20170109T0000 20170809T0000 CoBuyerAgentFax North American 10 digit phone numbers should be in the format of ###-###-#### (separated by hyphens). Other conventions should use the common local standard. International numbers should be preceded by a plus symbol. Property Resource Listing Group AgentOffice Group CoBuyerAgent Group String 16 CoBuyerMemberFax Active Bronze 100201 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO FaxDeAgenteCo-Comprador 20170809T0000 20170109T0000 20170809T0000 CoBuyerAgentFirstName The first name of the buyer's co-agent. Property Resource Listing Group AgentOffice Group CoBuyerAgent Group String 50 CoBuyerMemberFirstName Active Core 100190 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO IDX_Optional NombreDeAgenteCo-Comprador 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 CoBuyerAgentFullName The full name of the buyer's co-agent. (First Middle Last) Property Resource Listing Group AgentOffice Group CoBuyerAgent Group String 150 CoBuyerMemberFullName Active Bronze 100193 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO IDX_Optional NombreCompletoDeAgenteCo-Comprador 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 CoBuyerAgentHomePhone North American 10 digit phone numbers should be in the format of ###-###-#### (separated by hyphens). Other conventions should use the common local standard. International numbers should be preceded by a plus symbol. Property Resource Listing Group AgentOffice Group CoBuyerAgent Group String 16 CoBuyerMemberHomePhone Active Bronze 100200 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO TeléfonoDeCasaDeAgenteCo-Comprador 20170809T0000 20170109T0000 20170809T0000 CoBuyerAgentKey A system unique identifier. Specifically, in aggregation systems, the Key is the system unique identifier from the system that the record was just retrieved. This may be identical to the related xxxId identifier, but the key is guaranteed unique for this record set. This is a foreign key relating to the Member resource's MemberKey. Property Resource Listing Group AgentOffice Group CoBuyerAgent Group String 255 CoBuyerMemberKey Active Core 100208 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO ClaveDeAgenteCo-Comprador 20170809T0000 20170109T0000 20170809T0000 CoBuyerAgentKeyNumeric A system unique identifier. Specifically, in aggregation systems, the Key is the system unique identifier from the system that the record was just retrieved. This may be identical to the related xxxId identifier, but the key is guaranteed unique for this record set. This is a foreign key relating to the Member resource's MemberKey. This is the numeric only key and used as an alternative to the CoBuyerAgentKey field. Property Resource Listing Group AgentOffice Group CoBuyerAgent Group Number 255 CoBuyerMemberKeyNumeric Active Platinum 100986 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO ClaveNuméricaDeAgenteCo-Comprador 20170809T0000 20170109T0000 1.5.0 20170809T0000 CoBuyerAgentLastName The last name of the buyer's co-agent. Property Resource Listing Group AgentOffice Group CoBuyerAgent Group String 50 CoBuyerMemberLastName Active Core 100192 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO IDX_Optional ApellidoDeAgenteCo-Comprador 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 CoBuyerAgentMiddleName The middle name of the buyer's co-agent. Property Resource Listing Group AgentOffice Group CoBuyerAgent Group String 50 CoBuyerMemberMiddleName Active Core 100191 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO SegundoNombreDeAgenteCo-Comprador 20170809T0000 20170109T0000 20170809T0000 CoBuyerAgentMlsId The local, well-known identifier. This value may not be unique, specifically in the case of aggregation systems, this value should be the identifier from the original system. Property Resource Listing Group AgentOffice Group CoBuyerAgent Group String 25 CoBuyerMemberMlsId Active Core 100209 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO IDX_Optional IdDeMlsDeAgenteCo-Comprador 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 CoBuyerAgentMobilePhone North American 10 digit phone numbers should be in the format of ###-###-#### (separated by hyphens). Other conventions should use the common local standard. International numbers should be preceded by a plus symbol. Property Resource Listing Group AgentOffice Group CoBuyerAgent Group String 16 CoBuyerMemberMobilePhone Active Core 100198 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO TeléfonoMóvilDeAgenteCo-Comprador 20170809T0000 20170109T0000 20170809T0000 CoBuyerAgentNamePrefix Prefix to the name (e.g. Dr. Mr. Ms. etc.) Property Resource Listing Group AgentOffice Group CoBuyerAgent Group String 10 CoBuyerMemberNamePrefix Active Bronze 100793 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO PrefijoDeAgenteCo-Comprador 20170809T0000 20170109T0000 20170809T0000 CoBuyerAgentNameSuffix Suffix to the CoBuyerAgentLastName (e.g. Esq., Jr., III etc.) Property Resource Listing Group AgentOffice Group CoBuyerAgent Group String 10 CoBuyerMemberNameSuffix Active Bronze 100797 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO SufijoDeAgenteCo-Comprador 20170809T0000 20170109T0000 20170809T0000 CoBuyerAgentOfficePhone North American 10 digit phone numbers should be in the format of ###-###-#### (separated by hyphens). Other conventions should use the common local standard. International numbers should be preceded by a plus symbol. Property Resource Listing Group AgentOffice Group CoBuyerAgent Group String 16 CoBuyerMemberOfficePhone Active Core 100196 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO TeléfonoDeDespachoDeAgenteCo-Comprador 20170809T0000 20170109T0000 20170809T0000 CoBuyerAgentOfficePhoneExt The extension of the given phone number (if applicable). Property Resource Listing Group AgentOffice Group CoBuyerAgent Group String 10 CoBuyerMemberOfficePhoneExt Active Core 100197 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO ExtensiónTelefónicaDeDespachoDeAgenteCo-Comprador 20170809T0000 20170109T0000 20170809T0000 CoBuyerAgentPager North American 10 digit phone numbers should be in the format of ###-###-#### (separated by hyphens). Other conventions should use the common local standard. International numbers should be preceded by a plus symbol. Property Resource Listing Group AgentOffice Group CoBuyerAgent Group String 16 CoBuyerMemberPager Active Bronze 100202 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO BuscapersonasDeAgenteCo-Comprador 20170809T0000 20170109T0000 20170809T0000 CoBuyerAgentPreferredPhone North American 10 digit phone numbers should be in the format of ###-###-#### (separated by hyphens). Other conventions should use the common local standard. International numbers should be preceded by a plus symbol. Property Resource Listing Group AgentOffice Group CoBuyerAgent Group String 16 CoBuyerMemberPreferredPhone Active Core 100194 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO TeléfonoPreferidoDeAgenteCo-Comprador 20170809T0000 20170109T0000 20170809T0000 CoBuyerAgentPreferredPhoneExt The extension of the given phone number (if applicable). Property Resource Listing Group AgentOffice Group CoBuyerAgent Group String 10 CoBuyerMemberPreferredPhoneExt Active Core 100195 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO ExtensiónDeTeléfonoPreferidoDeAgenteCo-Comprador 20170809T0000 20170109T0000 20170809T0000 CoBuyerAgentStateLicense The license of the co-buyers agent. Separate multiple licenses with a comma and space. Property Resource Listing Group AgentOffice Group CoBuyerAgent Group String 50 CoBuyerMemberStateLicense Active Bronze 100210 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO LicenciaEstatalDeAgenteCo-Comprador 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 CoBuyerAgentTollFreePhone North American 10 digit phone numbers should be in the format of ###-###-#### (separated by hyphens). Other conventions should use the common local standard. International numbers should be preceded by a plus symbol. Property Resource Listing Group AgentOffice Group CoBuyerAgent Group String 16 CoBuyerMemberTollFreePhone Active Bronze 100205 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO TeléfonoGratuitoDeAgenteCo-Comprador 20170809T0000 20170109T0000 20170809T0000 CoBuyerAgentURL The website URI of the co-buyers agent. Property Resource Listing Group AgentOffice Group CoBuyerAgent Group String 8000 CoBuyerMemberURL Active Bronze 100207 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO URLDeAgenteCo-Comprador 20170809T0000 20170109T0000 20170809T0000 CoBuyerAgentVoiceMail North American 10 digit phone numbers should be in the format of ###-###-#### (separated by hyphens). Other conventions should use the common local standard. International numbers should be preceded by a plus symbol. Property Resource Listing Group AgentOffice Group CoBuyerAgent Group String 16 CoBuyerMemberVoiceMail Active Bronze 100203 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO BuzónDeVozDeAgenteCo-Comprador 20170809T0000 20170109T0000 20170809T0000 CoBuyerAgentVoiceMailExt The extension of the given phone number (if applicable). Property Resource Listing Group AgentOffice Group CoBuyerAgent Group String 10 CoBuyerMemberVoiceMailExt Active Bronze 100204 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO ExtDeBuzónDeVozDeAgenteCo-Comprador 20170809T0000 20170109T0000 20170809T0000 CoBuyerOfficeAOR The Co Buyer's Office's Board or Association of REALTORS. Property Resource Listing Group AgentOffice Group CoBuyerOffice Group String List, Single 50 Active Bronze 100808 Open <not to be enumerated by RESO> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO DespachoDeCo-CompradorDeAOR 20120420T0000 20120420T0000 20160119T0000 CoBuyerOfficeEmail The email address of the Buyer's Co Office. Property Resource Listing Group AgentOffice Group CoBuyerOffice Group String 80 Active Bronze 100216 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO EmailDeDespachoDeCo-Comprador 20111109T0000 20130625T0000 20130625T0000 CoBuyerOfficeFax North American 10 digit phone numbers should be in the format of ###-###-#### (separated by hyphens). Other conventions should use the common local standard. International numbers should be preceded by a plus symbol. Property Resource Listing Group AgentOffice Group CoBuyerOffice Group String 16 Active Bronze 100215 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO FaxDeDespachoDeCo-Comprador 20111109T0000 20111110T0000 20111110T0000 CoBuyerOfficeKey A system unique identifier. Specifically, in aggregation systems, the Key is the system unique identifier from the system that the record was just retrieved. This may be identical to the related xxxId identifier, but the key is guaranteed unique for this record set. This is a foreign key relating to the Office resource's OfficeKey. Property Resource Listing Group AgentOffice Group CoBuyerOffice Group String 255 Active Core 100218 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO ClaveDeDespachoDeCo-Comprador 20150721T0000 20150201T0000 20150721T0000 CoBuyerOfficeKeyNumeric A system unique identifier. Specifically, in aggregation systems, the Key is the system unique identifier from the system that the record was just retrieved. This may be identical to the related xxxId identifier, but the key is guaranteed unique for this record set. This is a foreign key relating to the Office resource's OfficeKey. This is the numeric only key and used as an alternative to the CoBuyerOfficeKey field. Property Resource Listing Group AgentOffice Group CoBuyerOffice Group Number 255 Active Platinum 100987 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO ClaveNuméricaDeDespachoDeCo-Comprador 20160621T0000 20160317T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 CoBuyerOfficeMlsId The local, well-known identifier. This value may not be unique, specifically in the case of aggregation systems, this value should be the identifier from the original system. Property Resource Listing Group AgentOffice Group CoBuyerOffice Group String 25 Active Core 100219 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO IDX_Optional IdDeMlsDeDespachoDeCo-Comprador 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 CoBuyerOfficeName The legal name of the brokerage co-representing the buyer. Property Resource Listing Group AgentOffice Group CoBuyerOffice Group String 255 Active Core 100212 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO IDX_Optional NombreDeDespachoDeCo-Comprador 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 CoBuyerOfficePhone North American 10 digit phone numbers should be in the format of ###-###-#### (separated by hyphens). Other conventions should use the common local standard. International numbers should be preceded by a plus symbol. Property Resource Listing Group AgentOffice Group CoBuyerOffice Group String 16 Active Core 100213 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO TeléfonoDeDespachoDeCo-Comprador 20111109T0000 20111110T0000 20111110T0000 CoBuyerOfficePhoneExt The extension of the given phone number (if applicable). Property Resource Listing Group AgentOffice Group CoBuyerOffice Group String 10 Active Core 100214 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO ExtensiónDeDespachoDeCo-Comprador 20150721T0000 20150305T0000 20150721T0000 CoBuyerOfficeURL The website URI for the co-buyers office. Property Resource Listing Group AgentOffice Group CoBuyerOffice Group String 8000 Active Bronze 100217 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO URLDeDespachoDeCo-Comprador 20111109T0000 20130710T0000 20130710T0000 CoListAgentAOR The Co Listing Agent's Board or Association of REALTORS. Property Resource Listing Group AgentOffice Group CoListAgent Group String List, Single 50 CoListMemberAOR Active Bronze 100802 Open <not to be enumerated by RESO> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO AgenteCo-EnlistadoDeAOR 20170809T0000 20170109T0000 20170809T0000 CoListAgentDesignation Designations and certifications acknowledging experience and expertise in various real estate sectors are awarded by NAR and each affiliated group upon completion of required courses. Property Resource Listing Group AgentOffice Group CoListAgent Group String List, Multi 50 CoListMemberDesignation Active Bronze 100151 Open CoListAgentDesignation Lookups <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO DenominaciónDeAgenteCo-Enlistado 20170809T0000 20180602T0000 20180602T0000 CoListAgentDirectPhone North American 10 digit phone numbers should be in the format of ###-###-#### (separated by hyphens). Other conventions should use the common local standard. International numbers should be preceded by a plus symbol. Property Resource Listing Group AgentOffice Group CoListAgent Group String 16 CoListMemberDirectPhone Active Bronze 100139 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO TeléfonoDirectoDeAgenteCo-Enlistado 20170809T0000 20170109T0000 20170809T0000 CoListAgentEmail The email address of the Co Listing Agent. Property Resource Listing Group AgentOffice Group CoListAgent Group String 80 CoListMemberEmail Active Core 100146 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO EmailDeAgenteCo-Enlistado 20170809T0000 20170109T0000 20180724T0000 CoListAgentFax North American 10 digit phone numbers should be in the format of ###-###-#### (separated by hyphens). Other conventions should use the common local standard. International numbers should be preceded by a plus symbol. Property Resource Listing Group AgentOffice Group CoListAgent Group String 16 CoListMemberFax Active Bronze 100141 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO FaxDeAgenteCo-Enlistado 20170809T0000 20170109T0000 20180724T0000 CoListAgentFirstName The first name of the co-listing agent. Property Resource Listing Group AgentOffice Group CoListAgent Group String 50 CoListMemberFirstName Active Core 100130 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO IDX_Blank NombreDeAgenteCo-Enlistado 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 CoListAgentFullName The full name of the co-listing agent. (First Middle Last) Property Resource Listing Group AgentOffice Group CoListAgent Group String 150 CoListMemberFullName Active Bronze 100133 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO IDX_Blank NombreCompletoDeAgenteCo-Enlistado 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 CoListAgentHomePhone North American 10 digit phone numbers should be in the format of ###-###-#### (separated by hyphens). Other conventions should use the common local standard. International numbers should be preceded by a plus symbol. Property Resource Listing Group AgentOffice Group CoListAgent Group String 16 CoListMemberHomePhone Active Bronze 100140 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO TeléfonoDeCasaDeAgenteCo-Enlistado 20170809T0000 20170109T0000 20180724T0000 CoListAgentKey A system unique identifier. Specifically, in aggregation systems, the Key is the system unique identifier from the system that the record was just retrieved. This may be identical to the related xxxId identifier, but the key is guaranteed unique for this record set. This is a foreign key relating to the Member resource's MemberKey. Property Resource Listing Group AgentOffice Group CoListAgent Group String 255 CoListMemberKey Active Core 100148 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO ClaveDeAgenteCo-Enlistado 20170809T0000 20170109T0000 20170809T0000 CoListAgentKeyNumeric A system unique identifier. Specifically, in aggregation systems, the Key is the system unique identifier from the system that the record was just retrieved. This may be identical to the related xxxId identifier, but the key is guaranteed unique for this record set. This is a foreign key relating to the Member resource's MemberKey. This is the numeric only key and used as an alternative to the CoListAgentKey field. Property Resource Listing Group AgentOffice Group CoListAgent Group Number 255 CoListMemberKey Active Platinum 100982 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO ClaveNuméricaDeAgenteCo-Enlistado 20170809T0000 20170113T0000 1.5.0 20170809T0000 CoListAgentLastName The last name of the co-listing agent. Property Resource Listing Group AgentOffice Group CoListAgent Group String 50 CoListMemberLastName Active Core 100132 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO IDX_Blank ApellidoDeAgenteCo-Enlistado 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 CoListAgentMiddleName The middle name of the co-listing agent. Property Resource Listing Group AgentOffice Group CoListAgent Group String 50 CoListMemberMiddleName Active Core 100131 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO SegundoNombreDeAgenteCo-Enlistado 20170809T0000 20170113T0000 20170809T0000 CoListAgentMlsId The local, well-known identifier. This value may not be unique, specifically in the case of aggregation systems, this value should be the identifier from the original system. Property Resource Listing Group AgentOffice Group CoListAgent Group String 25 CoListMemberMlsld Active Core 100149 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO IDX_Blank IdDeMlsDeAgenteCo-Enlistado 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 CoListAgentMobilePhone North American 10 digit phone numbers should be in the format of ###-###-#### (separated by hyphens). Other conventions should use the common local standard. International numbers should be preceded by a plus symbol. Property Resource Listing Group AgentOffice Group CoListAgent Group String 16 CoListMemberMobilePhone Active Core 100138 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO TeléfonoMóvilDeAgenteCo-Enlistado 20170809T0000 20170113T0000 20170809T0000 CoListAgentNamePrefix Prefix to the name (e.g. Dr. Mr. Ms. etc.) Property Resource Listing Group AgentOffice Group CoListAgent Group String 10 CoListMemberNamePrefix Active Bronze 100791 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO PrefijoDeAgenteCo-Enlistado 20170809T0000 20170113T0000 20170809T0000 CoListAgentNameSuffix Suffix to the CoListAgentLastName (e.g. Esq., Jr., III etc.) Property Resource Listing Group AgentOffice Group CoListAgent Group String 10 CoListMemberNameSuffix Active Bronze 100795 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO SufijoDeAgenteCo-Enlistado 20170809T0000 20170113T0000 20170809T0000 CoListAgentOfficePhone North American 10 digit phone numbers should be in the format of ###-###-#### (separated by hyphens). Other conventions should use the common local standard. International numbers should be preceded by a plus symbol. Property Resource Listing Group AgentOffice Group CoListAgent Group String 16 CoListMemberOfficePhone Active Core 100136 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO TeléfonoDeOficinaDeAgenteCo-Enlistado 20170809T0000 20170113T0000 20170809T0000 CoListAgentOfficePhoneExt The extension of the given phone number (if applicable). Property Resource Listing Group AgentOffice Group CoListAgent Group String 10 CoListMemberOfficePhoneExt Active Core 100137 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO ExtensiónTelefónicaDeAgenteCo-Enlistado 20170113T0000 20170113T0000 20170113T0000 CoListAgentPager North American 10 digit phone numbers should be in the format of ###-###-#### (separated by hyphens). Other conventions should use the common local standard. International numbers should be preceded by a plus symbol. Property Resource Listing Group AgentOffice Group CoListAgent Group String 16 CoListMemberPager Active Bronze 100142 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO BuscapersonasDeAgenteCo-Enlistado 20170809T0000 20170113T0000 20170809T0000 CoListAgentPreferredPhone North American 10 digit phone numbers should be in the format of ###-###-#### (separated by hyphens). Other conventions should use the common local standard. International numbers should be preceded by a plus symbol. Property Resource Listing Group AgentOffice Group CoListAgent Group String 16 CoListMemberPreferredPhone Active Core 100134 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO TeléfonoPreferidoDeAgenteCo-Enlistado 20170809T0000 20170113T0000 20170809T0000 CoListAgentPreferredPhoneExt The extension of the given phone number (if applicable). Property Resource Listing Group AgentOffice Group CoListAgent Group String 10 CoListMemberPreferredPhoneExt Active Core 100135 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO ExtensiónDeTeléfonoPreferidoDeAgenteCo-Enlistado 20170809T0000 20170113T0000 20170809T0000 CoListAgentStateLicense The license of the co-listing agent. Separate multiple licenses with a comma and space. Property Resource Listing Group AgentOffice Group CoListAgent Group String 50 CoListMemberStateLicense Active Core 100150 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO LicenciaEstatalDeAgenteCo-Enlistado 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 CoListAgentTollFreePhone North American 10 digit phone numbers should be in the format of ###-###-#### (separated by hyphens). Other conventions should use the common local standard. International numbers should be preceded by a plus symbol. Property Resource Listing Group AgentOffice Group CoListAgent Group String 16 CoListMemberTollFreePhone Active Bronze 100145 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO TeléfonoGratuitoDeAgenteCo-Enlistado 20170809T0000 20170113T0000 20170809T0000 CoListAgentURL The website URI of the co-listing agent. Property Resource Listing Group AgentOffice Group CoListAgent Group String 8000 CoListMemberURL Active Bronze 100147 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO URLDeAgenteCo-Enlistado 20170809T0000 20170113T0000 20170809T0000 CoListAgentVoiceMail North American 10 digit phone numbers should be in the format of ###-###-#### (separated by hyphens). Other conventions should use the common local standard. International numbers should be preceded by a plus symbol. Property Resource Listing Group AgentOffice Group CoListAgent Group String 16 CoListMemberVoiceMail Active Bronze 100143 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO BuzónDeVozDeAgenteCo-Enlistado 20170809T0000 20170113T0000 20180724T0000 CoListAgentVoiceMailExt The extension of the given phone number (if applicable). Property Resource Listing Group AgentOffice Group CoListAgent Group String 10 CoListMemberVoiceMailExt Active Bronze 100144 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO ExtDeBuzónDeVozDeAgenteCo-Enlistado 20170809T0000 20170113T0000 20180724T0000 CoListOfficeAOR The Co Listing Office's Board or Association of REALTORS. Property Resource Listing Group AgentOffice Group CoListOffice Group String List, Single 50 Active Bronze 100804 Open <not to be enumerated by RESO> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO DespachoDeCo-EnlistadoDeAOR 20120420T0000 20120420T0000 20160119T0000 CoListOfficeEmail The email address of the Co Listing Office. Property Resource Listing Group AgentOffice Group CoListOffice Group String 80 Active Bronze 100156 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO EmailDeDespachoDeCo-Enlistado 20111109T0000 20130625T0000 20130625T0000 CoListOfficeFax North American 10 digit phone numbers should be in the format of ###-###-#### (separated by hyphens). Other conventions should use the common local standard. International numbers should be preceded by a plus symbol. Property Resource Listing Group AgentOffice Group CoListOffice Group String 16 Active Bronze 100155 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO FaxDeDespachoDeCo-Enlistado 20111109T0000 20111110T0000 20111110T0000 CoListOfficeKey A system unique identifier. Specifically, in aggregation systems, the Key is the system unique identifier from the system that the record was just retrieved. This may be identical to the related xxxId identifier, but the key is guaranteed unique for this record set. This is a foreign key relating to the Office resource's OfficeKey. Property Resource Listing Group AgentOffice Group CoListOffice Group String 255 Active Core 100158 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO ClaveDeDespachoDeCo-Enlistado 20150721T0000 20150201T0000 20150721T0000 CoListOfficeKeyNumeric A system unique identifier. Specifically, in aggregation systems, the Key is the system unique identifier from the system that the record was just retrieved. This may be identical to the related xxxId identifier, but the key is guaranteed unique for this record set. This is a foreign key relating to the Office resource's OfficeKey. This is the numeric only key and used as an alternative to the CoListOfficeKey field. Property Resource Listing Group AgentOffice Group CoListOffice Group Number 255 Active Platinum 100983 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO ClaveNuméricaDeDespachoDeCo-Enlistado 20160621T0000 20160317T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 CoListOfficeMlsId The local, well-known identifier. This value may not be unique, specifically in the case of aggregation systems, this value should be the identifier from the original system. Property Resource Listing Group AgentOffice Group CoListOffice Group String 25 Active Core 100159 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO IDX_Blank IdDeMlsDeDespachoDeCo-Enlistado 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 CoListOfficeName The legal name of the brokerage co-representing the seller. Property Resource Listing Group AgentOffice Group CoListOffice Group String 255 Active Core 100152 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO IDX_Blank NombreDeDespachoDeCo-Enlistado 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 CoListOfficePhone North American 10 digit phone numbers should be in the format of ###-###-#### (separated by hyphens). Other conventions should use the common local standard. International numbers should be preceded by a plus symbol. Property Resource Listing Group AgentOffice Group CoListOffice Group String 16 Active Core 100153 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO TeléfonoDeDespachoDeCo-Enlistado 20111109T0000 20111110T0000 20111110T0000 CoListOfficePhoneExt The extension of the given phone number (if applicable). Property Resource Listing Group AgentOffice Group CoListOffice Group String 10 Active Core 100154 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO ExtensiónTelefónicaDeDespachoDeCo-Enlistado 20150721T0000 20150305T0000 20150721T0000 CoListOfficeURL The website URI for the co-listing office. Property Resource Listing Group AgentOffice Group CoListOffice Group String 8000 Active Bronze 100157 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO URLDeDespachoDeCo-Enlistado 20111109T0000 20130710T0000 20130710T0000 CommonInterest Common Interest is a type of ownership in a property that is composed of an individual lot or unit and a share of the ownership or use of common areas. A Common Interest Development (CID) is usually governed by a recorded set of Covenants, Conditions & Restrictions (CC&Rs). Property Resource Listing Group Contract Group String List, Single 25 Active Platinum 101005 Open with Enumerations CommonInterest Lookups <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML InterésComún 20170809T0000 20180602T0000 1.6.0 20180602T0000 CommonWalls A multi select list with options like 1 Common Wall, 2 Common Walls, No Common Walls, No One Above, No One Below. Implementation should include rules preventing illogical selection combinations and to ensure consistency with the Property Attached Y/N field. Property Resource Structure Group String List, Multi 1024 Active Bronze 100856 Open with Enumerations CommonWalls Lookups <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM ParedesComunales 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 CommunityFeatures A list of features related to, or available within, the community. Property Resource Characteristics Group String List, Multi 1024 Active Platinum 100247 Open with Enumerations CommunityFeatures Lookups <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM CaracterísticasDeComunidad 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 Concessions Are there concessions included in the sales agreement? Yes, No or Call Listing Agent Property Resource Listing Group Closing Group String List, Single 25 Active Silver 100932 Open with Enumerations Concessions Lookups <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Concesiones 20160621T0000 20160111T0000 1.4.0 20160528T1200 ConcessionsAmount The dollar amount of the concessions. If the concessions are made by the seller, some may subtract this value from the sales price as a means of calculating their own true price. If concessions are made by the buyer, some may add this amount to the sale price to create their own true price. Concessions made by both buyer and seller should be subtracted from each other providing a net value. Details of this calculation should be added to the Concessions Comments field. Property Resource Listing Group Closing Group Number 11 Active Silver 100934 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO MontoDeConcesiones 20150721T0000 20150219T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 ConcessionsComments Comments describing the concessions made by the buyer or the seller. Property Resource Listing Group Closing Group String 200 Active Silver 100933 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO ComentariosDeConcesiones 20160621T0000 20150820T0000 1.4.0 20160528T1200 ConstructionMaterials A list of the materials that were used in the construction of the property. Property Resource Structure Group String List, Multi 1024 Active Material = [value] Silver 100352 Open with Enumerations ConstructionMaterials Lookups <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML IDX_Blank MaterialesDeConcesiones 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 ContinentRegion A sub-section or area of a continent. Examples would be Southern Europe or Scandinavia. Property Resource Location Group Area Group String 150 Active Platinum 100948 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO RegiónContinente 20160621T0000 20150815T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Contingency A list of contingencies that must be satisfied in order to complete the transaction. Property Resource Listing Group Closing Group String 1024 Contingencies Active Bronze 100062 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Contingencia 20111109T0000 20111109T0000 20111109T0000 ContingentDate The date an offer was made with a contingency. The Listing remains On Market. This is the date entered by the agent reflecting when the change occurred contractually, not a timestamp of when the change was made in the MLS. Property Resource Listing Group Dates Group Date 10 Active Core 100873 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM FechaDeContingencia 20160621T0000 20151118T0000 20160528T1200 ContractStatusChangeDate The date of the listings contractual status change. This is not necessarily the time the agent made the change in the MLS system, but rather the date of the contractual change. Property Resource Listing Group Dates Group Date 10 StatusDate, StatusChange Active Core 100015 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO CambioDeFechaDeEstadoDeContrato 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 Cooling A list describing the cooling or air conditioning features of the property. Property Resource Structure Group String List, Multi 1024 Active Cooling Type = [value] Platinum 100342 Open with Enumerations Cooling Lookups <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML IDX_Blank Climatización 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 CoolingYN The property has cooling or Air Conditioning. Property Resource Structure Group Boolean Active Conditioning Status = "Cooled" Conditioning Status = "Uncooled" Platinum 100814 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML IDX_Blank ClimatizaciónSN 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 CopyrightNotice Notice of the legal rights of the owner of the information or data. Property Resource Listing Group String 500 Copyright Active Bronze 100009 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO AvisoDeDerechosDeAutor 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 1.5.0 20181226T0000 Country The country abbreviation in a postal address. Property Resource Location Group Address Group String List, Single 2 Active Country Name = [value] Core 100074 Open with Enumerations Country Lookups <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO País 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 CountryRegion A sub-section or area of a defined country. Examples would be Napa Valley in the US, or the Amalfi Coast in Italy. Property Resource Location Group Area Group String 150 Active Platinum 100947 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO PaísRegión 20160621T0000 20150815T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 CountyOrParish The County, Parish or other regional authority Property Resource Location Group Address Group String List, Single 50 County Active County = [value] Core 100080 Open <not to be enumerated by RESO> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO IDX_Blank CondadoODistrito 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 CoveredSpaces The total number of garage and carport spaces. Property Resource Structure Group Number 14 Active Bronze 100324 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> 2 No RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML EspaciosCubiertos 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 CropsIncludedYN Are crops included in the sale of the property. Property Resource Farming Group Boolean Active Gold 100289 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No FARM CultivosIncluidosSN 20140703T0000 20131121T0000 20160615T0000 CrossStreet Nearest cross streets to the property. This field is in addition to, and independent of, the driving directions field. Property Resource Location Group GIS Group String 50 Active Corner Of = [value] Silver 100092 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO CalleTransversal 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 CultivatedArea Measurement or percentage of the property that has been cultivated. Property Resource Farming Group Number 14 Active Gold 100293 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> 2 No FARM ÁreaCultivada 20111109T0000 20120420T0000 20120420T0000 CumulativeDaysOnMarket The number of days the property is on market, as defined by the MLS business rules. Property Resource Listing Group Dates Group Number 4 CDOM, PropertyDaysOnMarket, DOMP, PDOM Active Bronze 100025 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO DíasAcumuladosEnElMercado 20111109T0000 20111109T0000 20111109T0000 CurrentFinancing A list of options that describe the type of financing that the seller currently has in place for the property being sold. i.e. cash, assumable, FHA loan, etc. Property Resource Listing Group Contract Group String List, Multi 1024 Active Bronze 100931 Open with Enumerations CurrentFinancing Lookups <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO FinanciaciónActual 20150721T0000 20150812T0000 1.4.0 20160404T0000 CurrentUse A list of the type(s) of current use of the property. The current use of the property is an important factor in understanding the overall condition of the land and determining it's appropriateness for intended use. Property Resource Characteristics Group String List, Multi 1024 Active Gold 100874 Open CurrentUse Lookups <n/a> No LAND IDX_Blank UsoActual 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 DOH1 Department of Housing decal number for the mobile or manufactured home. For the first or only unit/section use DOH 1 over DOH 2 or 3. Property Resource Structure Group String 25 Unit1HCDHUDDECAL Active Silver 100396 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE MOBI DOH1 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 DOH2 Department of Housing decal number for the mobile or manufactured home. For two units/sections use DOH 1 and 2 over DOH 3. Property Resource Structure Group String 25 Unit2HCDHUDDECAL Active Silver 100399 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE MOBI DOH2 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 DOH3 Department of Housing decal number for the mobile or manufactured home. For two units/sections use DOH 1 and 2 over DOH 3. Property Resource Structure Group String 25 Unit3HCDHUDDECAL Active Silver 100402 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE MOBI DOH3 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 DaysOnMarket The number of days the listing is on market, as defined by the MLS business rules. Property Resource Listing Group Dates Group Number 4 DOM, ListingDaysOnMarket, DOML, LDOM, ADOM, ActiveDaysOnMarket, AgentDaysOnMarket Active Bronze 100024 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO DíasEnElMercado 20111109T0000 20111109T0000 20111109T0000 DevelopmentStatus A list of the Development Status of the property. The developmental status of land is an important factor in selling, purchasing and developing of land properties. Property Resource Characteristics Group String List, Multi 1024 Active Gold 100876 Open DevelopmentStatus Lookups <n/a> No LAND EstadoDeDesarrollo 20170809T0000 20180602T0000 20180602T0000 DirectionFaces The compass direction that the main entrance to the building faces. For example, North, South, East, West, South-West, etc. It may also be known as the building exposure. Property Resource Structure Group String List, Single 25 BuildingExposure Active Location = "Public entrance"Cardinal Orientation = [value] Silver 100358 Open with Enumerations DirectionFaces Lookups <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML IDX_Blank OrientaciónDeSuperficies 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 Directions Driving directions to the property. Property Resource Location Group GIS Group String 1024 Active Silver 100088 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO IDX_Optional Orientaciones 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 Disclaimer Text that serves as the negation or limitation of the rights under a warranty given by a seller to a buyer. Property Resource Listing Group String 500 Active Bronze 100010 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO AvisoLegal 20111109T0000 20111109T0000 20180724T0000 Disclosures Legal or pertinent information that should be disclosed to potential buyer's agents. Property Resource Listing Group Contract Group String List, Multi 4000 Legal, LegalDisclosures Active Bronze 100058 Open <not to be enumerated by RESO> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Divulgaciones 20111109T0000 20111129T0000 20160404T0000 DistanceToBusComments A textual description of the distance to local bus stops. Property Resource Utilities Group String 255 Active Distance To Public Transportation = [value] Silver 100766 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No LAND FARM ComentariosDistanciaABus 20160621T0000 20160121T0000 20160528T1200 DistanceToBusNumeric Numeric distance from the property to the nearest bus stop. Property Resource Utilities Group Number 16 Active Platinum 100972 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No LAND FARM NúmericoDistanciaABus 20160621T0000 20160121T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 DistanceToBusUnits A pick list of the unit linear measurement. i.e. feed, meters, yards, kilometers, miles, etc. Property Resource Utilities Group String List, Single 25 Active Platinum 100973 Open with Enumerations LinearUnits Lookups <n/a> No LAND FARM UnidadesDistanciaABus 20160621T0000 20160121T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 DistanceToElectricComments If the property does not currently have electrical utility, is service available and if so, what is the distance. Property Resource Utilities Group String 255 Active Bronze 100288 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No LAND FARM ComentariosDistanciaAElectricidad 20160621T0000 20160121T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 DistanceToElectricNumeric Numeric distance from the property to the electrical utility. Property Resource Utilities Group Number 16 Active Platinum 100956 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No LAND FARM NuméricoDistanciaAElectricidad 20160621T0000 20160121T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 DistanceToElectricUnits A pick list of the unit linear measurement. i.e. feed, meters, yards, kilometers, miles, etc. Property Resource Utilities Group String List, Single 25 Active Platinum 100957 Open with Enumerations LinearUnits Lookups <n/a> No LAND FARM UnidadesDistanciaAElectricidad 20160621T0000 20160121T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 DistanceToFreewayComments A textual description of the distance to freeways. Property Resource Utilities Group String 255 Active Silver 100767 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No LAND FARM ComentariosDistanciaAAutopista 20160621T0000 20160121T0000 20160528T1200 DistanceToFreewayNumeric Numeric distance from the property to the nearest freeway. Property Resource Utilities Group Number 16 Active Platinum 100976 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No LAND FARM NuméricoDistanciaAAutopista 20160621T0000 20160121T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 DistanceToFreewayUnits A pick list of the unit linear measurement. i.e. feed, meters, yards, kilometers, miles, etc. Property Resource Utilities Group String List, Single 25 Active Platinum 100977 Open with Enumerations LinearUnits Lookups <n/a> No LAND FARM UnidadesDistanciaAAutopista 20160621T0000 20160121T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 DistanceToGasComments If the property does not currently have natural gas utility, is service available and if so, what is the distance. Property Resource Utilities Group String 255 Active Silver 100760 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No LAND FARM ComentariosDistanciaAGasolinera 20160621T0000 20160121T0000 20160528T1200 DistanceToGasNumeric Numeric distance from the property to the gas utility. Property Resource Utilities Group Number 16 Active Platinum 100960 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No LAND FARM NúmericoDistanciaAGasolinera 20160621T0000 20160121T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 DistanceToGasUnits A pick list of the unit linear measurement. i.e. feed, meters, yards, kilometers, miles, etc. Property Resource Utilities Group String List, Single 25 Active Platinum 100961 Open with Enumerations LinearUnits Lookups <n/a> No LAND FARM UnidadesDistanciaAGasolinera 20160621T0000 20160324T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 DistanceToPhoneServiceComments If the property does not currently have phone service, is service available and if so, what is the distance. Property Resource Utilities Group String 255 Active Silver 100762 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No LAND FARM ComentariosDistanciaAServiciosTelefónicos 20160621T0000 20160121T0000 20160528T1200 DistanceToPhoneServiceNumeric Numeric distance from the property to the phone utility. Property Resource Utilities Group Number 16 Active Platinum 100962 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No LAND FARM IDX_Blank NuméricoDistanciaAServiciosTelefónicos 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 1.5.0 20181226T0000 DistanceToPhoneServiceUnits A pick list of the unit linear measurement. i.e. feet, meters, yards, kilometers, miles, etc. Property Resource Utilities Group String List, Single 25 Proposed Platinum 100963 Open with Enumerations LinearUnits Lookups <n/a> No LAND FARM IDX_Blank UnidadesDistanciaAServiciosTelefónicos 20190124T0000 20190124T0000 1.5.0 20190124T0000 DistanceToPlaceofWorshipComments A textual description of the distance to local places of worship. Property Resource Utilities Group String 255 Active Silver 100765 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No LAND FARM ComentariosDistanciaATemploReligioso 20160621T0000 20160121T0000 20160528T1200 DistanceToPlaceofWorshipNumeric Numeric distance from the property to the nearest place of worship. Property Resource Utilities Group Number 16 Active Platinum 100970 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No LAND FARM NuméricoDistanciaATemploReligioso 20160621T0000 20160121T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 DistanceToPlaceofWorshipUnits A pick list of the unit linear measurement. i.e. feed, meters, yards, kilometers, miles, etc. Property Resource Utilities Group String List, Single 25 Active Platinum 100971 Open with Enumerations LinearUnits Lookups <n/a> No LAND FARM UnidadesDistanciaATemploReligioso 20160621T0000 20160121T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 DistanceToSchoolBusComments Distance from the property to the nearest school bus pickup point. Property Resource Utilities Group String 255 Active Silver 100298 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No LAND FARM ComentariosDistanciaABusEscolar 20160621T0000 20160121T0000 20160528T1200 DistanceToSchoolBusNumeric Numeric distance from the property to the nearest school bus pickup point. Property Resource Utilities Group Number 16 Active Platinum 100974 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No LAND FARM NúmericoDistanciaABusEscolar 20160621T0000 20160121T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 DistanceToSchoolBusUnits A pick list of the unit linear measurement. i.e. feed, meters, yards, kilometers, miles, etc. Property Resource Utilities Group String List, Single 25 Active Platinum 100975 Open with Enumerations LinearUnits Lookups <n/a> No LAND FARM UnidadesDistanciaABusEscolar 20160621T0000 20160121T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 DistanceToSchoolsComments A textual description of the distance to local schools. Property Resource Utilities Group String 255 Active Silver 100764 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No LAND FARM ComentariosDistanciaAEscuelas 20160621T0000 20160121T0000 20160528T1200 DistanceToSchoolsNumeric Numeric distance from the property to the nearest school. Property Resource Utilities Group Number 16 Active Platinum 100966 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No LAND FARM NúmericoDistanciaAEscuelas 20160621T0000 20160121T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 DistanceToSchoolsUnits A pick list of the unit linear measurement. i.e. feed, meters, yards, kilometers, miles, etc. Property Resource Utilities Group String List, Single 25 Active Platinum 100967 Open with Enumerations LinearUnits Lookups <n/a> No LAND FARM UnidadesDistanciaAEscuelas 20160621T0000 20160121T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 DistanceToSewerComments If the property does not currently have sewer or septic, is sewer service available and if so, what is the distance. Property Resource Utilities Group String 255 Active Silver 100759 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No LAND FARM ComentariosDistanciaAAlcantarillado 20160621T0000 20160121T0000 20160528T1200 DistanceToSewerNumeric Numeric distance from the property to the sewer utility. Property Resource Utilities Group Number 16 Active Platinum 100958 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No LAND FARM NuméricoDistanciaAAlcantarillado 20160621T0000 20160121T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 DistanceToSewerUnits A pick list of the unit linear measurement. i.e. feed, meters, yards, kilometers, miles, etc. Property Resource Utilities Group String List, Single 25 Active Platinum 100959 Open with Enumerations LinearUnits Lookups <n/a> No LAND FARM UnidadesDistanciaAAlcantarillado 20160621T0000 20160121T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 DistanceToShoppingComments A description of the distance to primary shopping sources such as groceries, gasoline, clothing or department stores. Property Resource Utilities Group String 255 Active Silver 100286 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No LAND FARM ComentariosDistanciaACentroComercial 20160621T0000 20160121T0000 20160528T1200 DistanceToShoppingNumeric Numeric distance from the property to the nearest shopping. Property Resource Utilities Group Number 16 Active Platinum 100968 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No LAND FARM NuméricoDistanciaACentroComercial 20160621T0000 20160121T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 DistanceToShoppingUnits A pick list of the unit linear measurement. i.e. feed, meters, yards, kilometers, miles, etc. Property Resource Utilities Group String List, Single 25 Active Platinum 100969 Open with Enumerations LinearUnits Lookups <n/a> No LAND FARM UnidadesDistanciaACentroComercial 20160621T0000 20160121T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 DistanceToStreetComments If the property does not have a maintained road or street adjacent to the lot, what are the conditions of access and distance to a maintained road. Property Resource Utilities Group String 255 Active Silver 100763 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No LAND FARM ComentariosDistanciaACalle 20160621T0000 20160121T0000 20160528T1200 DistanceToStreetNumeric Numeric distance from the property to the street. Property Resource Utilities Group Number 16 Active Platinum 100964 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No LAND FARM NuméricoDistanciaACalle 20160621T0000 20160121T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 DistanceToStreetUnits A pick list of the unit linear measurement. i.e. feed, meters, yards, kilometers, miles, etc. Property Resource Utilities Group String List, Single 25 Active Platinum 100965 Open with Enumerations LinearUnits Lookups <n/a> No LAND FARM UnidadesDistanciaACalle 20160621T0000 20160121T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 DistanceToWaterComments If the property does not currently have water utility, is service available and if so, what is the distance. Property Resource Utilities Group String 255 Active Silver 100758 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No LAND FARM ComentariosDistanciaAAgua 20160621T0000 20160121T0000 20160528T1200 DistanceToWaterNumeric Numeric distance from the property to the water utility. Property Resource Utilities Group Number 16 Active Platinum 100954 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No LAND FARM NuméricoDistanciaAAgua 20160621T0000 20160121T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 DistanceToWaterUnits A pick list of the unit linear measurement. i.e. feed, meters, yards, kilometers, miles, etc. Property Resource Utilities Group String List, Single 25 Active Platinum 100955 Open with Enumerations LinearUnits Lookups <n/a> No LAND FARM UnidadesDistanciaAAgua 20160621T0000 20160121T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 DocumentsAvailable A list of the Documents available for the property. Knowing what documents are available for the property is valuable information. Property Resource Listing Group Media Group String List, Multi 1024 Active Bronze 100872 Open <not to be enumerated by RESO> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM BUSO DocumentosDisponibles 20131119T0000 20130620T0000 20160404T0000 DocumentsChangeTimestamp System generated timestamp of when the last update or change to the documents for this listing was made. Property Resource Listing Group Media Group Timestamp 27 Active Bronze 100775 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO MarcaDeTiempoDeCambioDeDocumentos 20160621T0000 20150924T0000 20160528T1200 DocumentsCount The total number of documents or supplements included with the listings. Property Resource Listing Group Media Group Number 2 Active Bronze 100781 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO ConteoDeDocumentos 20120420T0000 20120420T0000 20120420T0000 DoorFeatures A list of features or description of the doors included in the sale/lease. Property Resource Structure Group String List, Multi 1024 Active Platinum 100364 Open with Enumerations DoorFeatures Lookups <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM CaracterísticasDePuerta 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 DualVariableCompensationYN A commission arrangement in which the seller agrees to pay a specified commission to the listing broker if the property is sold through the efforts of a cooperating broker, but the seller pays the Listing broker a different commission amount if the sale occurs if:1) there is no cooperating broker involved or 2) due to the efforts of the seller directly. Property Resource Listing Group Compensation Group Boolean DualVariableCompensation, DualVariableRateCompensation, VariableCompensation Active Core 100038 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO CompensaciónDualVariableSN 20160621T0000 20160208T0000 20160528T1200 Electric A list of electric-service related features of the property (e.g. 110 Volt, 3 Phase, 220 Volt, RV Hookup). Note: the previous "Electric" field was renamed to DistanceToElectricComments Property Resource Utilities Group String List, Multi 1024 Active Bronze 100861 Open with Enumerations Electric Lookups <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM IDX_Blank Electricidad 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 ElectricExpense The annual expense that is not paid directly by the tenant and is included in the Operating Expense calculations. Property Resource Financial Group Number 14 Active Silver 100263 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> 2 No RINC COMS COML GastoEléctrico 20111109T0000 20120420T0000 20120420T0000 ElectricOnPropertyYN Does the property currently have electrical utility available on the property. Property Resource Utilities Group Boolean Active Bronze 100287 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No LAND FARM ElectricidadEnLaPropiedadSN 20160621T0000 20160121T0000 20160528T1200 ElementarySchool The name of the primary school having a catchment area that includes the associated property. Property Resource Location Group School Group String List, Single 50 Active Silver 100093 Open <not to be enumerated by RESO> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO IDX_Optional EscuelaPrimaria 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 ElementarySchoolDistrict The name of the elementary school district having a catchment area that includes the associated property. Property Resource Location Group School Group String List, Single 50 Active Bronze 100096 Open <not to be enumerated by RESO> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO IDX_Optional DistritoDeEscuelaPrimaria 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 Elevation The elevation of the property in relation to sea level. Use the Elevation Units field to communicate the unit of measurement. i.e. Feet or Meters. Property Resource Location Group GIS Group Number 5 Active Elevation = [value] Bronze 100904 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML Elevación 20140703T0000 20131204T0000 20140703T0000 ElevationUnits A pick list of the unit of measurement used in the Elevation field. i.e. Feet, Meters. Property Resource Location Group GIS Group String List, Single 10 Active Bronze 100905 Open with Enumerations LinearUnits Lookups <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM UnidadesDeElevación 20160621T0000 20160111T0000 20160528T1200 EntryLevel A numeric field that describes the level within the structure, SFR or a unit in a building, where the main entry to the dwelling is located. When a unit has one floor it is implicit that this is also the level of the unit itself. Property Resource Structure Group Number 4 Unit Floor Number Active Silver 100854 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML NivelDeEntrada 20130521T0000 20130117T0000 20180724T0000 EntryLocation A description of the main entry way to the property. i.e. Elevator, Ground Level w/ Steps, Ground Level w/o Steps, Mid Level, Top Level, etc. Property Resource Structure Group String 50 Entry Description Active Silver 100853 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM UbicaciónDeEntrada 20130521T0000 20120905T0000 20180724T0000 Exclusions Elements of the property that will not be included in the sale. i.e. Chandeliers will be removed prior to close. Property Resource Listing Group Contract Group String 1024 ExclusionRemarks Active Bronze 100056 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Exclusiones 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 ExistingLeaseType Information about the status of the existing lease on the property. i.e. Net, NNN, NN, Gross, Absolute Net, Escalation Clause, Ground Lease, etc. Property Resource Financial Group String List, Multi 75 Active Bronze 100885 Open with Enumerations ExistingLeaseType Lookups <n/a> No RINC COML TipoDeArrendamientoExistente 20131119T0000 20150812T0000 20160404T0000 ExpirationDate The date when the listing agreement will expire. This is the date entered by the agent reflecting when the change occurred, or will occur, contractually, not a timestamp of when the change was made in the MLS. The expiration date of listings, prior to their expiration, cancellation, sale or lease, is confidential information and should be restricted to the agent and their managers, partners or broker. Property Resource Listing Group Dates Group Date 10 ExpirationDate, DateExpired, Expired Active Core 100016 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO FechaDeExpiración 20160621T0000 20151118T0000 20160528T1200 ExteriorFeatures A list of features or description of the exterior of the property included in the sale/lease. Property Resource Structure Group String List, Multi 1024 Active Platinum 100344 Open with Enumerations ExteriorFeatures Lookups <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM IDX_Blank CaracterísticasExternas 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 FarmCreditServiceInclYN Specifies whether or not Farm Credit Service shares are included in the price of the property. Property Resource Farming Group Boolean Active Gold 100299 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No FARM ServicioDeCréditoAgrícolaIncluidoSN 20140703T0000 20131121T0000 20140703T0000 FarmLandAreaSource The source of the measurements. This may be a pick list of options showing the source of the measurement. i.e. Agent, Assessor, Estimate, etc. This field applies to all farm area fields (Cultivated, Pasture, Range, Wooded) Property Resource Farming Group String List, Single 50 Active Gold 100301 Open with Enumerations AreaSource Lookups <n/a> No FARM FuenteDeÁreaDeTierraAgrícola 20160621T0000 20160111T0000 20160528T1200 FarmLandAreaUnits A pick list of the unit of measurement for the area. i.e. Square Feet, Square Meters, Acres, etc. This field applies to all farm area fields (Cultivated, Pasture, Range, Wooded) Property Resource Farming Group String List, Single 25 Active Gold 100300 Open with Enumerations AreaUnits Lookups <n/a> No FARM UnidadesDeÁreaDeTierraAgrícola 20160621T0000 20160111T0000 20160528T1200 Fencing A list of types of fencing found at the property being sold. Property Resource Characteristics Group String List, Multi 1024 Active Gold 100297 Open Fencing Lookups <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML IDX_Blank Cercado 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 FinancialDataSource The source of the Rental information. For example Accountant, Owner, etc. Property Resource Financial Group String List, Multi 75 Active Bronze 100887 Open with Enumerations FinancialDataSource Lookups <n/a> No RINC FuenteDeInformaciónFinanciera 20131119T0000 20150812T0000 20160404T0000 FireplaceFeatures A list of features or description of the fireplace(s) included in the sale/lease. Property Resource Structure Group String List, Multi 1024 Active Platinum 100347 Open with Enumerations FireplaceFeatures Lookups <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM IDX_Blank CaracterísticasDeChimenea 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 FireplaceYN Does the property include a fireplace. Property Resource Structure Group Boolean Active Heating Type = "Fireplace" Platinum 100858 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM IDX_Blank ChimeneaSN 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 FireplacesTotal The total number of fireplaces included in the property. Property Resource Structure Group Number 3 Active Heating Type = "Fireplace"Quantity = [value] Platinum 100350 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM IDX_Blank TotalDeChimeneas 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 Flooring A list of the type(s) of flooring found within the property. Property Resource Structure Group String List, Multi 1024 Active Location = "Interior" Opaque Surface = "Floor" Finish = [value] Platinum 100354 Open with Enumerations Flooring Lookups <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML IDX_Blank Piso 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 FoundationArea The area or dimensions of the footprint of the structure on the lot. Property Resource Structure Group Number 14 Active Floor Area Qualifier = "Footprint"Area = [value] Silver 100316 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> 2 No RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML ÁreaDeCimientos 20111109T0000 20120420T0000 20120420T0000 FoundationDetails A list of the type(s) of foundation on which the property sits. Property Resource Structure Group String List, Multi 1024 Active Silver 100353 Open with Enumerations FoundationDetails Lookups <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML IDX_Blank DetalleDeCimientos 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 FrontageLength Textual description of the length of the frontages selected in the Frontage Type field. Property Resource Characteristics Group String 255 Active Gold 100788 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO LongitudDeFachada 20120420T0000 20120420T0000 20120420T0000 FrontageType Pick list of types of frontage. i.e. Oceanfront, Lakefront, Golf course, etc. Information about roads or road frontage should be located in the Road Frontage Type and Road Surface Type fields. Property Resource Characteristics Group String List, Multi 1024 Active Gold 100786 Open FrontageType Lookups <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO TipoDeFachada 20170809T0000 20180602T0000 20180602T0000 FuelExpense The annual expense that is not paid directly by the tenant and is included in the Operating Expense calculations. Property Resource Financial Group Number 14 Active Silver 100266 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> 2 No RINC COMS COML GastoDeGasolina 20140703T0000 20131204T0000 20140703T0000 Furnished The property being leased is furnished, unfurnished or partially furnished. Property Resource Characteristics Group String List, Single 50 Active Bronze 100936 Open with Enumerations Furnished Lookups <n/a> No RLSE Amueblado 20160621T0000 20160111T0000 1.4.0 20160615T0000 FurnitureReplacementExpense The annual expense that is not paid directly by the tenant and is included in the Operating Expense calculations. Property Resource Financial Group Number 14 Active Silver 100265 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> 2 No RINC GastoDeReemplazoDeMuebles 20111109T0000 20120420T0000 20120420T0000 GarageSpaces The number of spaces in the garage(s). Property Resource Structure Group Number 14 Active Location = "Garage"Spatial Unit Type = "Parking space"Quantity = [value] Core 100318 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> 2 No RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM IDX_Blank EspaciosDeGaraje 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 GarageYN A flag indicating that the listing has a garage. This flag may be T/F, Y/N or other true, false or unknown indicator. As with all flags, the field may be null. Property Resource Structure Group Boolean Active Location = "Garage"Quantity = [value] Core 100317 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM GarajeSN 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 GardenerExpense The annual expense that is not paid directly by the tenant and is included in the Operating Expense calculations. Property Resource Financial Group Number 14 Active Silver 100264 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> 2 No RINC GastoDeJardinero 20170809T0000 20120420T0000 20170809T0000 GrazingPermitsBlmYN Specifies whether or not the property owner has grazing permits from the Bureau of Land Management. Property Resource Farming Group Boolean Active Gold 100290 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No FARM PermisosDePastoreoBlmSN 20140703T0000 20131121T0000 20140703T0000 GrazingPermitsForestServiceYN Specifies whether or not the property owner has grazing permits from the Forestry Service. Property Resource Farming Group Boolean Active Gold 100291 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No FARM PermisosDePastoreoServicioForestalSN 20140703T0000 20131121T0000 20140703T0000 GrazingPermitsPrivateYN Specifies whether or not the property owner has private grazing permits. Property Resource Farming Group Boolean Active Gold 100292 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No FARM PermisosDePastoreoPrivadoSN 20140703T0000 20131121T0000 20140703T0000 GreenBuildingVerification A collection of verifications or certifications awarded to a new or pre-existing residential or commercial structure. For example: LEED, Energy Star, ICC-700. The collection includes information about the type, year, rating and other details about the awarded performance verification. Property Resource Structure Group Performance Group GreenVerification Group Collection GreenBuildingCertification, GreenBuildingRating Active Platinum 101007 <n/a> <n/a> PropertyGreenVerification Collection No RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML VerificaciónDeEdificioVerde 20170809T0000 20170524T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 GreenBuildingVerificationType The name of the verification or certification awarded to a new or pre-existing residential or commercial structure. For example: LEED, Energy Star, ICC-700. In cases where more than one certification have been awarded, leverage multiple iterations of the green verification fields via the repeating element method. Property Resource Structure Group Performance Group GreenVerification Group String List, Multi 1024 GreenBuildingCertification, GreenBuildingVerification, GreenBuildingRating Active Silver 100334 Open with Enumerations GreenBuildingVerificationType Lookups <n/a> Yes RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML IDX_Blank TipoDeVerificaciónDeEdificioVerde 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 GreenEnergyEfficient Pick list of general green attributes such as energy efficient doors, or appliances without naming specific elements with ratings that may wane over time. Property Resource Structure Group Performance Group GreenMarketing Group String List, Multi 1024 Active Silver 100372 Open with Enumerations GreenEnergyEfficient Lookups <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML EnergíaVerdeEficiente 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 GreenEnergyGeneration Methods of generating power that are included in the sale or lease. Property Resource Structure Group Performance Group GreenMarketing Group String List, Multi 1024 Active Energy Generation Technology = [value] Silver 100373 Open with Enumerations GreenEnergyGeneration Lookups <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML GeneraciónDeEnergíaVerde 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 GreenIndoorAirQuality Pick list of indoor air quality measures without naming specific elements with ratings that may wane over time. Property Resource Structure Group Performance Group GreenMarketing Group String List, Multi 1024 Active Silver 100376 Open with Enumerations GreenIndoorAirQuality Lookups <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML CalidadDeAireInteriorVerde 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 GreenLocation Pick list describing efficiencies involved with the property's location such as walkability or transportation proximity without naming specific elements with ratings that may wane over time. Property Resource Structure Group Performance Group GreenMarketing Group String List, Multi 1024 Active Silver 100377 Open <pending BEDES confirmation> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML UbicaciónVerde 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 GreenSustainability Pick list of sustainable elements used in the construction of the structure without naming specific elements with ratings that may wane over time. Property Resource Structure Group Performance Group GreenMarketing Group String List, Multi 1024 Active Silver 100374 Open with Enumerations GreenSustainability Lookups <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML SostenibilidadVerde 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 GreenVerification[Type]Body The name of the body or group providing the verification/certification/rating named in the GreenBuildingVerificationType field. There is almost always a direct correlation between bodies and programs. This is a repeating element. If desired replace [Type] with the name of the certification from the GreenBuildingVerificationType list. Property Resource Structure Group Performance Group GreenVerification Group String 50 GreenCertifyingBody, GreenRatingBody Active Assessment Program Organization = [value] Silver 100335 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> Yes RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML VerificaciónVerde[Tipo]Conjunto 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 GreenVerification[Type]Metric A final score indicating the performance of energy efficiency design and measures in the home as tested by a third-party rater. Points achieved to earn a certification in the GreenVerification[Type]Rating field do not apply to this field. HERS Index is most common with new homes and runs with a lower number being more efficient. A net-zero home uses zero energy and has a HERS score of 0. A home that produces more energy than it uses has a negative score. Home Energy Score is a tool more common for existing homes and runs with a higher number being more efficient. It takes square footage into account and caps with 10 as the highest number of points. This is a repeating element. If desired replace [Type] with the name of the certification from the GreenBuildingVerificationType list. Property Resource Structure Group Performance Group GreenVerification Group Number 3 GreenCertificationMetric, GreenRatingMetric Active Assessment Value = [value] Silver 100890 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> Yes RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML VerificaciónVerde[Tipo]Métrico 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 GreenVerification[Type]Rating Many verifications or certifications have a rating system that provides an indication of the structure's level of energy efficiency. When expressed in a numeric value, please use the GreenVerificationMetric field. Verifications and Certifications can also be a name, such as Gold or Silver, which is the purpose of this field. This is a repeating element. If desired replace [Type] with the name of the certification from the GreenBuildingVerificationType list. Property Resource Structure Group Performance Group GreenVerification Group String 50 GreenCertificationRating, GreenRating Active Assessment Level = [value] Silver 100337 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> Yes RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML VerificaciónVerde[Tipo]Calificación 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 GreenVerification[Type]Source The source of the green data. May address photovoltaic characteristics, or a verified score, certification, label, etc. This may be a pick list of options showing the source. i.e. Program Sponsor, Program Verifier, Public Record, Assessor, etc. Property Resource Structure Group Performance Group GreenVerification Group String List, Single 25 GreenRatingSource, GreenCertificationSource Active Silver 100995 Open with Enumerations GreenVerificationSource Lookups <n/a> Yes RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML VerificaciónVerde[Tipo]Fuente 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 1.5.0 20181226T0000 GreenVerification[Type]Status Many verification programs include a multi-step process that may begin with plans and specs, involve testing and/or submission of building specifications along the way and include a final verification step. When ratings are involved it is not uncommon for the final rating to be either higher or lower than the target preliminary rating. Sometimes the final approval is not available until after sale and occupancy. Status indicates what the target was at the time of listing and may be updated when verification is complete. To limit liability concerns this field reflects information that was available at the time of listing or updated later and should be confirmed by the buyer. Property Resource Structure Group Performance Group GreenVerification Group String List, Single 25 GreenRatingStatus, GreenCertificationStatus Active Assessment Recognition Status = [value] Silver 100951 Locked with Enumerations GreenVerificationStatus Lookups <n/a> Yes RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML VerificaciónVerde[Tipo]Estado 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 1.5.0 20181226T0000 GreenVerification[Type]URL Provides a link to the specific property’s high-performance rating or scoring details directly from and hosted by the sponsoring body of the program. Typically provides thorough details, for example, which points where achieved and how, or in the case of a score what specifically was tested and the results. This is a repeating element. If desired replace [Type] with the name of the certification from the GreenBuildingVerificationType list. Property Resource Structure Group Performance Group GreenVerification Group String 8000 GreenRatingURL, GreenCertificationURL Active Assessment Program URL = [value] Silver 100891 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> Yes RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML VerificaciónVerde[Tipo]URL 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 GreenVerification[Type]Version The version of the certification or verification that was awarded. Some rating programs have a year, a version, or possibly both. This is a repeating element. If desired replace [Type] with the name of the certification from the GreenBuildingVerificationType list. Property Resource Structure Group Performance Group GreenVerification Group String 25 GreenRatingVersion, GreenCertificationVersion Active Silver 100979 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> Yes RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML VerificaciónVerde[Tipo]Versión 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 1.5.0 20181226T0000 GreenVerification[Type]Year The year the certification or verification was awarded. This is a repeating element. If desired replace [Type] with the name of the certification from the GreenBuildingVerificationType list. Property Resource Structure Group Performance Group GreenVerification Group Number 4 GreenYearCertified, GreenRatingYear Active Assessment Year = [value] Silver 100336 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> Yes RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML VerificaciónVerde[Tipo]Año 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 GreenWaterConservation Pick list of general water conserving attributes of the property such as landscaping or reclamation without naming specific elements with ratings that may wane over time. Property Resource Structure Group Performance Group GreenMarketing Group String List, Multi 1024 Active Silver 100375 Open with Enumerations GreenWaterConservation Lookups <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML ConservaciónEcológicaDeAgua 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 GrossIncome The actual current income from rent and all other revenue generating sources. Property Resource Financial Group Number 14 Current Income, Actual Income Active Core 100880 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> 2 No RINC COMS COML BUSO IngresoBruto 20140703T0000 20131204T0000 20140703T0000 GrossScheduledIncome The maximum amount of annual rent collected if the property were 100% occupied all year and all tenants paid their rent. Property Resource Financial Group Number 14 Proforma Income Active Core 100250 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> 2 No RINC COMS COML BUSO IngresoBrutoProgramado 20111109T0000 20120420T0000 20120420T0000 HabitableResidenceYN Does the property include a structure that can be lived in. Property Resource Structure Group Boolean Active Gold 100378 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No FARM ResidenciaHabitableSN 20140703T0000 20131121T0000 20140703T0000 Heating A list describing the heating features of the property. Property Resource Structure Group String List, Multi 1024 Active Heating Type = [value] Platinum 100340 Open with Enumerations Heating Lookups <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML IDX_Blank Calefacción 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 HeatingYN The property has heating. Property Resource Structure Group Boolean Active Conditioning Status = "Heated" Platinum 100815 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML IDX_Blank CalefacciónSN 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 HighSchool The name of the high school having a catchment area that includes the associated property. Property Resource Location Group School Group String List, Single 50 Active Silver 100095 Open <not to be enumerated by RESO> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO IDX_Optional EscuelaSecundaria 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 HighSchoolDistrict The name of the high school district having a catchment area that includes the associated property. When only one school district is used, this field should be used over the Junior or Elementary Districts. Property Resource Location Group School Group String List, Single 50 SchoolDistrict Active Bronze 100098 Open <not to be enumerated by RESO> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO IDX_Optional DistritoDeEscuelaSecundaria 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 HomeWarrantyYN Is a home warranty included in the sale of the property? Single select. Property Resource Listing Group Boolean HomeWarranty Active Silver 100008 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM GarantíaInmobiliariaSN 20140703T0000 20131121T0000 20170901T0000 HorseAmenities A list of horse amenities on the lot or in the community. Property Resource Characteristics Group String List, Multi 1024 Active Platinum 100879 Open with Enumerations HorseAmenities Lookups <n/a> No RESI RLSE LAND ServiciosEquinos 20181226T0000 20180602T0000 20181226T0000 HorseYN The Property is allowed to raise horses. Property Resource Characteristics Group Boolean Active Platinum 100878 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE LAND CaballoSN 20140703T0000 20131121T0000 20160615T0000 HoursDaysOfOperation A simplified enumerated list of the days and hours of operation of the business being sold. i.e. Open 24 Hours or Open 7 Days. For more detailed descriptions use the HoursDaysofOperationDescription field. Property Resource Business Group String List, Multi 1024 Active Silver 100916 Open with Enumerations HoursDaysOfOperation Lookups <n/a> No BUSO HorasDíasDeOperación 20160621T0000 20151022T0000 20160528T1200 HoursDaysOfOperationDescription A detailed description of the hours and days the business being sold is open for business. For a specific list of simplified times the business is open, use the HoursDaysOfOperation Field (enumerated). Property Resource Business Group String 255 Active Silver 100942 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No BUSO DescripciónDeHorasDíasDeOperación 20150721T0000 20170901T0000 1.4.0 20170901T0000 Inclusions Portable elements of the property that will be included in the sale. Property Resource Listing Group Contract Group String 1024 InclusionRemarks Active Bronze 100057 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Inclusiones 20111109T0000 20111109T0000 20111109T0000 IncomeIncludes A list of income sources included in the GrossScheduledIncome and GrossIncome. i.e. Laundry, Parking, Recreation, Storage, etc. Property Resource Financial Group String List, Multi 1024 Active Bronze 100881 Open with Enumerations IncomeIncludes Lookups <n/a> No RINC LAND InclusionesDeIngreso 20150721T0000 20150812T0000 20160404T0000 InsuranceExpense The annual expense that is not paid directly by the tenant and is included in the Operating Expense calculations. Property Resource Financial Group Number 14 Active Silver 100267 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> 2 No RINC COMS COML GastoSeguro 20111109T0000 20120420T0000 20120420T0000 InteriorFeatures A list of features or description of the interior of the property included in the sale/lease. Property Resource Structure Group String List, Multi 1024 Active Platinum 100343 Open with Enumerations InteriorOrRoomFeatures Lookups <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM IDX_Blank CaracterísticasInternas 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 InternetAddressDisplayYN A yes/no field that states the seller has allowed the listing address to be displayed on Internet sites. Property Resource Listing Group Marketing Group Boolean Active Core 100045 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO IDX_Optional VisualizaciónDeDirecciónDeInternetSN 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 1.4.0 20181226T0000 InternetAutomatedValuationDisplayYN A yes/no field that states the seller allows the listing can be displayed with an AVM on Internet sites. Property Resource Listing Group Marketing Group Boolean Active Core 100047 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO IDX_Blank VisualizaciónDeValuaciónAutomáticaDeInternetSN 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 1.4.0 20181226T0000 InternetConsumerCommentYN A yes/no field that states the seller allows a comment or blog system to be attached to the listing on Internet sites. Property Resource Listing Group Marketing Group Boolean Active Core 100046 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO IDX_Blank ComentarioDeConsumidorDeInternetSN 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 1.4.0 20181226T0000 InternetEntireListingDisplayYN A yes/no field that states the seller has allowed the listing to be displayed on Internet sites. Property Resource Listing Group Marketing Group Boolean Active Core 100044 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO IDX_Blank VisualizaciónDeListadoCompletoDeInternetSN 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 1.4.0 20181226T0000 IrrigationSource The source which the property receives its water for irrigation. Property Resource Utilities Group String List, Multi 1024 Active Bronze 100285 Open <insufficient input to enumerate. Reviewing possible deprecation.> <n/a> No LAND FARM FuenteDeIrrigación 20150721T0000 20141018T0900 20160119T0000 IrrigationWaterRightsAcres The number of acres allowed under the property's water rights. Property Resource Utilities Group Number 16 Active Bronze 100284 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> 4 No FARM DerechosDeAguaDeRiegoHectáreas 20160621T0000 20150828T0000 20160528T1200 IrrigationWaterRightsYN Does the property include water rights for irrigation? A Boolean or Yes / No field. Property Resource Utilities Group Boolean Active Bronze 100283 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No FARM DerechosDeAguaDeRiegoSN 20140703T0000 20131121T0000 20140703T0000 LaborInformation Information about labor laws that are applicable to the business being sold. i.e. Union, Non-Union, Employee License Required. Property Resource Business Group String List, Multi 1024 Active Silver 100920 Open LaborInformation Lookups <n/a> No BUSO InformaciónLaboral 20170809T0000 20180602T0000 20180602T0000 LandLeaseAmount When the land is not included in the sale, but is leased, the amount of the lease. This is the Space Rent for Mobile homes in a Park. Property Resource Characteristics Group Number 14 SpaceRent Active Bronze 100242 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> 2 No RESI RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO MontoDeArrendamientoDeTierra 20140703T0000 20130815T0000 20140703T0000 LandLeaseAmountFrequency When the land is not included in the sale, but is leased, the frequency the Land Lease Fee is paid. Property Resource Characteristics Group String List, Single 25 FeeFrequency Active Bronze 100243 Open with Enumerations FeeFrequency Lookups <n/a> No RESI RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO FrecuenciaDeMontoDeArrendamientoDeTierra 20131119T0000 20130710T0000 20131119T0000 LandLeaseExpirationDate When the land is not included in the sale, but is leased, the expiration date of the Land Lease. Property Resource Characteristics Group Date 10 Active Bronze 100244 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO FechaDeExpiraciónDeArrendamientoDeTierra 20160621T0000 20151118T0000 20160528T1200 LandLeaseYN The land is not included in the sale and a lease exists. Property Resource Characteristics Group Boolean LandFeeLease Active Core 100241 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO ArrendamientoDeTierraSN 20140703T0000 20131121T0000 20140703T0000 Latitude The geographic latitude of some reference point on the property, specified in degrees and decimal parts. Positive numbers must not include the plus symbol. Property Resource Location Group GIS Group Number 12 Active Latitude = [value] Core 100086 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> 8 No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Latitud 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 LaundryFeatures Add this pick list of features and locations where the laundry is located in the property being sold. i.e. Gas Dryer Hookup, In Kitchen, In Garage, etc. Property Resource Characteristics Group String List, Multi 1024 Active Laundry Appliance Type = [value] Platinum 100859 Open with Enumerations LaundryFeatures Lookups <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML IDX_Blank CaracterísticasDeLavandería 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 LeasableArea The area that may be leased within the commercial property. Property Resource Structure Group Number 14 Active Floor Area Qualifier = "Rentable"Area = [value] Silver 100923 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> 2 No COMS COML ÁreaArrendable 20140703T0000 20131204T0000 20140703T0000 LeasableAreaUnits A pick list of the unit of measurement for the area. i.e. Square Feet, Square Meters, Acres, etc. Property Resource Structure Group String List, Single 25 Active Silver 100924 Open with Enumerations AreaUnits Lookups <n/a> No COMS COML UnidadesDeÁreaArrendable 20160621T0000 20160111T0000 20160528T1200 LeaseAmount The amount of any lease the business pays for it's current location. Property Resource Business Group Number 14 Active Bronze 100911 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> 2 No BUSO MontoDeArrendamiento 20140703T0000 20131204T0000 20140703T0000 LeaseAmountFrequency The frequency of the LeaseAmount is paid. Monthly, weekly, annual, etc. Property Resource Business Group String List, Single 25 Active Bronze 100912 Open with Enumerations FeeFrequency Lookups <n/a> No BUSO FrecuenciaDeMontoDeArrendamiento 20140703T0000 20150812T0000 20160404T0000 LeaseAssignableYN Can the lease at the business' current location be assigned to another party. Property Resource Business Group Boolean Active Bronze 100915 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No BUSO ArrendamientoAsignableSN 20140703T0000 20131204T0000 20140703T0000 LeaseConsideredYN Will the seller consider leasing the property instead of selling? Single select. Property Resource Listing Group Boolean IsLeaseConsidered, LeaseConsidered Active Bronze 100007 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML ArrendamientoConsideradoSN 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 LeaseExpiration The expiration date of the lease for the business' current location. Property Resource Business Group Date 10 Active Bronze 100913 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No BUSO VencimientoDeArrendamiento 20160621T0000 20151118T0000 20160528T1200 LeaseRenewalCompensation A list of compensations other than the original Selling Office Compensation. i.e. Compensation Paid on Renewal, Compensation Paid on Tennant Purchase, No Renewal Commission, Call Listing Office, etc. Property Resource Listing Group Compensation Group String List, Multi 255 Active Bronze 100785 Open with Enumerations LeaseRenewalCompensation Lookups <n/a> No RLSE CompensaciónPorRenovaciónDeArrendamiento 20120420T0000 20150812T0000 20160404T0000 LeaseRenewalOptionYN Is there an option to renew the lease at the business' current location. Property Resource Business Group Boolean Active Bronze 100914 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No BUSO OpciónDeRenovaciónDeArrendamientoSN 20140703T0000 20131204T0000 20140703T0000 LeaseTerm A pick list of lengths that represent the length of the lease. i.e. Weekly, Month to Month, 6 Month Lease, 12 Month Lease, 24 Month Lease. Property Resource Characteristics Group String List, Single 25 Active Core 100784 Open with Enumerations LeaseTerm Lookups <n/a> No RLSE PlazoDeArrendamiento 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 Levels The number of levels in the property being sold. For example, One Level, Two Levels, Three or More Levels, <a href="http://ddwiki.reso.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=9941240">Multi/Split</a>, Loft. A discreet horizontal plane of interior living space (excluding basements). Property Resource Structure Group String List, Multi 1024 Active Core 100331 Open with Enumerations Levels Lookups <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM IDX_Blank Niveles 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 License1 License number of the mobile or manufactured home. Also known as the Department of Housing label/insignia number. For the first or only unit/section use License 1 over License 2 or 3. Property Resource Structure Group String 25 Unit1LicenseNo, Unit1Insignia Active Silver 100397 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE MOBI Licencia1 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 License2 License number of the mobile or manufactured home. Also known as the Department of Housing label/insignia number. For two units/sections use License 1 and 2 over License 3. Property Resource Structure Group String 25 Unit2LicenseNo, Unit2Insignia Active Silver 100400 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE MOBI Licencia2 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 License3 License number of the mobile or manufactured home. Also known as the Department of Housing label/insignia number. For two units/sections use License 1 and 2 over License 3. Property Resource Structure Group String 25 Unit3LicenseNo, Unit3Insignia Active Silver 100403 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE MOBI Licencia3 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 LicensesExpense The annual expense that is not paid directly by the tenant and is included in the Operating Expense calculations. Property Resource Financial Group Number 14 Active Silver 100269 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> 2 No RINC CostoLicencias 20111109T0000 20120420T0000 20120420T0000 ListAOR The responsible Board or Association of REALTORS for this listing. Property Resource Listing Group String List, Single 50 ListingBoard, ListingAssociation Active Contact Label = "Association of Realtors"Company Name = [value] Bronze 100800 Open <not to be enumerated by RESO> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO ListadoDeAOR 20120420T0000 20120420T0000 20160119T0000 ListAgentAOR The Listing Agent's Board or Association of REALTORS. Property Resource Listing Group AgentOffice Group ListAgent Group String List, Single 50 ListMemberAOR Active Contact Label = "Real estate agent" Contact Label = "Association of Realtors" Company Name = [value] Bronze 100801 Open <not to be enumerated by RESO> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO AgenteEnlistadoDeAOR 20170809T0000 20170113T0000 20170809T0000 ListAgentDesignation Designations and certifications acknowledging experience and expertise in various real estate sectors are awarded by NAR and each affiliated group upon completion of required courses. Property Resource Listing Group AgentOffice Group ListAgent Group String List, Multi 50 ListMemberDesignation Active Contact Label = "Real estate agent" Credential = [value] Bronze 100121 Open ListAgentDesignation Lookups <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO DenominaciónDeAgenteEnlistado 20170809T0000 20180602T0000 20180602T0000 ListAgentDirectPhone North American 10 digit phone numbers should be in the format of ###-###-#### (separated by hyphens). Other conventions should use the common local standard. International numbers should be preceded by a plus symbol. Property Resource Listing Group AgentOffice Group ListAgent Group String 16 ListMemberDirectPhone Active Contact Label = "Real estate agent" Telephone Number Label = "Direct" Telephone Number = [value] Bronze 100109 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO TeléfonoDirectoDeAgenteEnlistado 20170809T0000 20170113T0000 20170809T0000 ListAgentEmail The email address of the Listing Agent. Property Resource Listing Group AgentOffice Group ListAgent Group String 80 ListMemberEmail Active Contact Label = "Real estate agent" Email Address = [value] Core 100116 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO EmailDeAgenteEnlistado 20170809T0000 20170113T0000 20170809T0000 ListAgentFax North American 10 digit phone numbers should be in the format of ###-###-#### (separated by hyphens). Other conventions should use the common local standard. International numbers should be preceded by a plus symbol. Property Resource Listing Group AgentOffice Group ListAgent Group String 16 ListMemberFax Active Contact Label = "Real estate agent" Telephone Number Label = "Fax" Telephone Number = [value] Bronze 100111 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO FaxDeAgenteEnlistado 20170809T0000 20170113T0000 20170809T0000 ListAgentFirstName The first name of the listing agent. Property Resource Listing Group AgentOffice Group ListAgent Group String 50 ListMemberFirstName Active Core 100100 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO IDX_Blank NombreDeAgenteEnlistado 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 ListAgentFullName The full name of the listing agent. (First Middle Last) Property Resource Listing Group AgentOffice Group ListAgent Group String 150 ListMemberFullName Active Contact Label = "Real estate agent" Full Name = [value] Bronze 100103 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO IDX_Blank NombreCompletoDeAgenteEnlistado 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 ListAgentHomePhone North American 10 digit phone numbers should be in the format of ###-###-#### (separated by hyphens). Other conventions should use the common local standard. International numbers should be preceded by a plus symbol. Property Resource Listing Group AgentOffice Group ListAgent Group String 16 ListMemberHomePhone Active Contact Label = "Real estate agent" Telephone Number Label = "Home" Telephone Number = [value] Bronze 100110 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO TeléfonoDeCasaDeAgenteEnlistado 20170809T0000 20170113T0000 20170809T0000 ListAgentKey A system unique identifier. Specifically, in aggregation systems, the ListAgentKey is the system unique identifier from the system that the record was retrieved. This may be identical to the related xxxId. This is a foreign key relating to the Member resource's MemberKey. Property Resource Listing Group AgentOffice Group ListAgent Group String 255 ListMemberKey Active Contact Label = "Real estate agent" Contact ID = [value] Core 100118 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO ClaveDeAgenteEnlistado 20170809T0000 20170113T0000 20170809T0000 ListAgentKeyNumeric A system unique identifier. Specifically, in aggregation systems, the ListAgentKey is the system unique identifier from the system that the record was retrieved. This may be identical to the related xxxId. This is a foreign key relating to the Member resource's MemberKey. This is the numeric only key and used as an alternative to the ListAgentKey field. Property Resource Listing Group AgentOffice Group ListAgent Group Number 255 ListMemberKeyNumeric Active Platinum 100980 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO ClaveNuméricaDeAgenteEnlistado 20170809T0000 20170113T0000 1.5.0 20170809T0000 ListAgentLastName The last name of the listing agent. Property Resource Listing Group AgentOffice Group ListAgent Group String 50 ListMemberLastName Active Core 100102 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO IDX_Blank ApellidoDeAgenteEnlistado 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 ListAgentMiddleName The middle name of the listing agent. Property Resource Listing Group AgentOffice Group ListAgent Group String 50 ListMemberMiddleName Active Core 100101 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO SegundoNombreDeAgenteEnlistado 20170809T0000 20170113T0000 20170809T0000 ListAgentMlsId The local, well-known identifier for the member. This value may not be unique, specifically in the case of aggregation systems, this value should be the identifier from the original system. Property Resource Listing Group AgentOffice Group ListAgent Group String 25 ListMemberMlsld Active Core 100119 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO IDX_Must IdDeMlsDeAgenteEnlistado 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 ListAgentMobilePhone North American 10 digit phone numbers should be in the format of ###-###-#### (separated by hyphens). Other conventions should use the common local standard. International numbers should be preceded by a plus symbol. Property Resource Listing Group AgentOffice Group ListAgent Group String 16 ListMemberMobilePhone Active Contact Label = "Real estate agent" Telephone Number Label = "Mobile" Telephone Number = [value] Core 100108 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO TeléfonoMóvilDeAgenteEnlistado 20170809T0000 20170113T0000 20170809T0000 ListAgentNamePrefix Prefix to the name (e.g. Dr. Mr. Ms. etc.) Property Resource Listing Group AgentOffice Group ListAgent Group String 10 ListMemberNamePrefix Active Bronze 100790 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO PrefijoDeAgenteEnlistado 20170809T0000 20170113T0000 20170809T0000 ListAgentNameSuffix Suffix to the ListAgentLastName (e.g. Esq., Jr., III etc.) Property Resource Listing Group AgentOffice Group ListAgent Group String 10 ListMemberNameSuffix Active Bronze 100794 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO SufijoDeAgenteEnlistado 20170809T0000 20170113T0000 20170809T0000 ListAgentOfficePhone North American 10 digit phone numbers should be in the format of ###-###-#### (separated by hyphens). Other conventions should use the common local standard. International numbers should be preceded by a plus symbol. Property Resource Listing Group AgentOffice Group ListAgent Group String 16 ListMemberOfficePhone Active Contact Label = "Real estate agent" Telephone Number Label = "Work" Telephone Number = [value] Core 100106 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO TeléfonoDeOficinaDeAgenteEnlistado 20170809T0000 20170113T0000 20170809T0000 ListAgentOfficePhoneExt The extension of the given phone number (if applicable). Property Resource Listing Group AgentOffice Group ListAgent Group String 10 ListMemberOfficePhoneExt Active Contact Label = "Real estate agent" Telephone Number Label = "Work" Telephone Extension = [value] Core 100107 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO ExtensiónTelefónicaDeAgenteEnlistado 20170809T0000 20170113T0000 20170809T0000 ListAgentPager North American 10 digit phone numbers should be in the format of ###-###-#### (separated by hyphens). Other conventions should use the common local standard. International numbers should be preceded by a plus symbol. Property Resource Listing Group AgentOffice Group ListAgent Group String 16 ListMemberPager Active Contact Label = "Real estate agent" Telephone Number Label = "Pager" Telephone Number = [value] Bronze 100112 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO BuscapersonasDeAgenteEnlistado 20170809T0000 20170113T0000 20170809T0000 ListAgentPreferredPhone North American 10 digit phone numbers should be in the format of ###-###-#### (separated by hyphens). Other conventions should use the common local standard. International numbers should be preceded by a plus symbol. Property Resource Listing Group AgentOffice Group ListAgent Group String 16 ListMemberPreferredPhone Active Contact Label = "Real estate agent" Priority = "Primary" Telephone Number = [value] Core 100104 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO TeléfonoPreferidoDeAgenteEnlistado 20170809T0000 20170113T0000 20170809T0000 ListAgentPreferredPhoneExt The extension of the given phone number (if applicable). Property Resource Listing Group AgentOffice Group ListAgent Group String 10 ListMemberPreferredPhoneExt Active Contact Label = "Real estate agent" Priority = "Primary" Telephone Extension = [value] Core 100105 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO ExtensiónDeTeléfonoPreferidoDeAgenteEnlistado 20170809T0000 20170113T0000 20170809T0000 ListAgentStateLicense The license of the listing agent. Separate multiple licenses with a comma and space. Property Resource Listing Group AgentOffice Group ListAgent Group String 50 ListMemberStateLicense Active Contact Label = "Real estate agent" Credential Number = [value] Core 100120 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO LicenciaEstatalDeAgenteEnlistado 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 ListAgentTollFreePhone North American 10 digit phone numbers should be in the format of ###-###-#### (separated by hyphens). Other conventions should use the common local standard. International numbers should be preceded by a plus symbol. Property Resource Listing Group AgentOffice Group ListAgent Group String 16 ListMemberTollFreePhone Active Bronze 100115 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO TeléfonoGratuitoDeAgenteEnlistado 20170809T0000 20170113T0000 20170809T0000 ListAgentURL The website URI of the listing agent. Property Resource Listing Group AgentOffice Group ListAgent Group String 8000 ListMemberURL Active Contact Label = "Real estate agent" Contact URL = [value] Bronze 100117 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO URLDeAgenteEnlistado 20170809T0000 20170113T0000 20170809T0000 ListAgentVoiceMail North American 10 digit phone numbers should be in the format of ###-###-#### (separated by hyphens). Other conventions should use the common local standard. International numbers should be preceded by a plus symbol. Property Resource Listing Group AgentOffice Group ListAgent Group String 16 ListMemberVoiceMail Active Bronze 100113 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO BuzónDeVozDeAgenteEnlistado 20170809T0000 20170113T0000 20170809T0000 ListAgentVoiceMailExt The extension of the given phone number (if applicable). Property Resource Listing Group AgentOffice Group ListAgent Group String 10 ListMemberVoiceMailExt Active Bronze 100114 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO ExtDeBuzónDeVozDeAgenteEnlistado 20170809T0000 20170113T0000 20170809T0000 ListOfficeAOR The Listing Office's Board or Association of REALTORS. Property Resource Listing Group AgentOffice Group ListOffice Group String List, Single 50 Active Bronze 100803 Open <not to be enumerated by RESO> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO DespachoEnlistadoDeAOR 20120420T0000 20120420T0000 20160119T0000 ListOfficeEmail The email address of the Listing Office. Property Resource Listing Group AgentOffice Group ListOffice Group String 80 Active Bronze 100126 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO EmailDeDespachoEnlistado 20111109T0000 20130625T0000 20130625T0000 ListOfficeFax North American 10 digit phone numbers should be in the format of ###-###-#### (separated by hyphens). Other conventions should use the common local standard. International numbers should be preceded by a plus symbol. Property Resource Listing Group AgentOffice Group ListOffice Group String 16 Active Bronze 100125 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO FaxDeDespachoEnlistado 20111109T0000 20111110T0000 20111110T0000 ListOfficeKey A system unique identifier. Specifically, in aggregation systems, the Key is the system unique identifier from the system that the record was just retrieved. This may be identical to the related xxxId identifier, but the key is guaranteed unique for this record set. This is a foreign key relating to the Office resource's OfficeKey. Property Resource Listing Group AgentOffice Group ListOffice Group String 255 Active Core 100128 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO ClaveDeDespachoEnlistado 20150721T0000 20150201T0000 20150721T0000 ListOfficeKeyNumeric A system unique identifier. Specifically, in aggregation systems, the Key is the system unique identifier from the system that the record was just retrieved. This may be identical to the related xxxId identifier, but the key is guaranteed unique for this record set. This is a foreign key relating to the Office resource's OfficeKey. This is the numeric only key and used as an alternative to the ListOfficeKey field. Property Resource Listing Group AgentOffice Group ListOffice Group Number 255 Active Platinum 100981 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO ClaveNuméricaDeDespachoEnlistado 20160621T0000 20160317T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 ListOfficeMlsId The local, well-known identifier. This value may not be unique, specifically in the case of aggregation systems, this value should be the identifier from the original system. Property Resource Listing Group AgentOffice Group ListOffice Group String 25 Active Core 100129 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO IDX_Must IdDeMlsDeDespachoEnlistado 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 ListOfficeName The legal name of the brokerage representing the seller. Property Resource Listing Group AgentOffice Group ListOffice Group String 255 Active Core 100122 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO IDX_Must NombreDeDespachoEnlistado 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 ListOfficePhone North American 10 digit phone numbers should be in the format of ###-###-#### (separated by hyphens). Other conventions should use the common local standard. International numbers should be preceded by a plus symbol. Property Resource Listing Group AgentOffice Group ListOffice Group String 16 Active Core 100123 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO TeléfonoDeDespachoEnlistado 20111109T0000 20111110T0000 20111110T0000 ListOfficePhoneExt The extension of the given phone number (if applicable). Property Resource Listing Group AgentOffice Group ListOffice Group String 10 Active Core 100124 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO ExtensiónTelefónicaDeDespachoEnlistado 20150721T0000 20150305T0000 20150721T0000 ListOfficeURL The website URI for the listing office. Property Resource Listing Group AgentOffice Group ListOffice Group String 8000 Active Bronze 100127 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO URLDeDespachoEnlistado 20111109T0000 20130710T0000 20130710T0000 ListPrice The current price of the property as determined by the seller and the seller's broker. For auctions this is the minimum or reserve price. Property Resource Listing Group Price Group Number 14 AskingPrice, PriceListing, PriceListed, CurrentPrice Active Core 100027 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> 2 No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO IDX_Must PrecioDeVenta 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 ListPriceLow The lower price used for Value Range Pricing. The List Price must be greater than or equal to the ListPriceLow. Property Resource Listing Group Price Group Number 14 LowPriceRange, LowRangePrice Active Bronze 100029 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> 2 No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO PrecioDeVentaMásBajo 20111109T0000 20111109T0000 20111109T0000 ListTeamKey A system unique identifier. Specifically, in aggregation systems, the Key is the system unique identifier from the system that the record was just retrieved. This may be identical to the related xxxId identifier, but the key is guaranteed unique for this record set. This is a foreign key relating to the Teams resource's TeamKey. Property Resource Listing Group AgentOffice Group Team Group String 255 Active Silver 100940 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO ClaveDeEquipoDeVentas 20150721T0000 20150506T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 ListTeamKeyNumeric A system unique identifier. Specifically, in aggregation systems, the Key is the system unique identifier from the system that the record was just retrieved. This may be identical to the related xxxId identifier, but the key is guaranteed unique for this record set. This is a foreign key relating to the Teams resource's TeamKey. This is the numeric only key and used as an alternative to the ListTeamKey field. Property Resource Listing Group AgentOffice Group Team Group Number 255 Active Platinum 100988 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO ClaveNuméricaDeEquipoDeVentas 20160621T0000 20160317T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 ListTeamName The name of the team representing the seller. Property Resource Listing Group AgentOffice Group Team Group String 50 Active Silver 100220 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO NombreDeEquipoDeVentas 20150721T0000 20150521T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 ListingAgreement The nature of the agreement between the seller and the listing agent. Examples are Exclusive Agency, Open Listing, etc. Property Resource Listing Group String List, Single 50 AgreementType Active Core 100006 Open with Enumerations ListingAgreement Lookups <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO AcuerdoDeVenta 20181226T0000 20180907T0000 20181226T0000 ListingContractDate The effective date of the agreement between the seller and the seller's broker. This is the date entered by the agent reflecting when the change occurred contractually, not a timestamp of when the change was made in the MLS. Property Resource Listing Group Dates Group Date 10 ListingDate, DateOfListing, ListDate, ListingContractDate, AgreementDate Active Core 100014 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO IDX_NBlkOpt FechaDeContratoDeVenta 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 ListingId The well known identifier for the listing. The value may be identical to that of the Listing Key, but the Listing ID is intended to be the value used by a human to retrieve the information about a specific listing. In a multiple originating system or a merged system, this value may not be unique and may require the use of the provider system to create a synthetic unique value. Property Resource Listing Group String 255 MLNumber, MLSNumber, ListingNumber Active Identifier Label = "Listing"Identifier = [value] Core 100002 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO IDX_Must IdDeListado 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 1.5.0 20181226T0000 ListingKey A unique identifier for this record from the immediate source. This is a string that can include URI or other forms. Alternatively use the ListingKeyNumeric for a numeric only key field. This is the local key of the system. When records are received from other systems, a local key is commonly applied. If conveying the original keys from the source or originating systems, see SourceSystemKey and OriginatingSystemKey. Property Resource Listing Group String 255 SystemUniqueID, ImmediateSourceID Active Identifier Label = "Listing"Subaddress Type = "Key"Identifier = [value] Core 100001 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO IDX_Blank ClaveDeListado 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 1.5.0 20181226T0000 ListingKeyNumeric A unique identifier for this record from the immediate source. This is the numeric only key and used as an alternative to the ListingKey fields. This is the local key of the system. When records are received from other systems, a local key is commonly applied. If conveying the original keys from the source or originating systems, see SourceSystemKey and OriginatingSystemKey. Property Resource Listing Group Number 255 SystemUniqueID, ImmediateSourceID Active Platinum 100978 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO IDX_Blank ClaveNuméricaDeListado 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 1.5.0 20181226T0000 ListingService Defines the type or level of service the listing member will be providing to the selling home owner. This will typically be a single selection. Examples include Full Service, Limited Service or Entry Only. Property Resource Listing Group String List, Single 25 ServiceType, ServiceLevel Active Core 100005 Open with Enumerations ListingService Lookups <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO ServicioDeListado 20111109T0000 20150812T0000 20160404T0000 ListingTerms Terms of the listing such as Lien Release, Subject to Court Approval or Owner Will Carry. Also may include options that describe the financing terms that are acceptable to the seller, i.e. cash, assumable, FHA loan, etc. Property Resource Listing Group Contract Group String List, Multi 1024 Terms Active Bronze 100824 Open with Enumerations ListingTerms Lookups <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO TérminosDeListado 20150721T0000 20150812T0000 20160404T0000 LivingArea The total livable area within the structure. Property Resource Structure Group Number 14 Active Core 100310 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> 2 No RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM IDX_Optional ÁreaHabitable 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 LivingAreaSource The source of the measurements. This is a pick list of options showing the source of the measurement. i.e. Agent, Assessor, Estimate, etc. Property Resource Structure Group String List, Single 50 Active Bronze 100818 Open with Enumerations AreaSource Lookups <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM IDX_Optional FuenteDeÁreaHabitable 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 LivingAreaUnits A pick list of the unit of measurement for the area. i.e. Square Feet, Square Meters, Acres, etc. Property Resource Structure Group String List, Single 25 Active Core 100819 Open with Enumerations AreaUnits Lookups <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM IDX_Blank UnidadesDeÁreaHabitable 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 LockBoxLocation A field describing the location of the lock box. Property Resource Listing Group Showing Group String 255 KeySafeLocation Active Bronze 100054 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO UbicaciónDeCajaDeSeguridad 20111109T0000 20111109T0000 20111109T0000 LockBoxSerialNumber The serial number of the lockbox placed on the property. Property Resource Listing Group Showing Group String 25 KeySafeSerialNumber. Active Bronze 100783 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO NúmeroDeSerieDeCajaDeSeguridad 20140703T0000 20131028T0000 20140703T0000 LockBoxType A field describing the type of lock box. Property Resource Listing Group Showing Group String List, Multi 1024 KeySafeType Active Bronze 100055 Open with Enumerations LockBoxType Lookups <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO TipoDeCajaDeSeguridad 20160621T0000 20160111T0000 20160615T0000 Longitude The geographic longitude of some reference point on the property, specified in degrees and decimal parts. Positive numbers must not include the plus symbol. Property Resource Location Group GIS Group Number 12 Active Longitude = [value] Core 100087 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> 8 No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Longitud 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 LotDimensionsSource The source of the measurements. This may be a pick list of options showing the source of the measurement. i.e. Agent, Assessor, Estimate, etc. Property Resource Characteristics Group String List, Single 50 Active Gold 100235 Open LotDimensionsSource Lookups <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO FuenteDeDimensionesDeLote 20170809T0000 20180602T0000 20180602T0000 LotFeatures A list of features or description of the lot included in the sale/lease. Property Resource Characteristics Group String List, Multi 1024 Active Platinum 100246 Open with Enumerations LotFeatures Lookups <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM IDX_Blank CaracterísticasDeLote 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 LotSizeAcres The total Acres of the lot. This field is related to the Lot Size Area and Lot Size Units and must be in sync with the values represented in those fields. Lot Size Source also applies to this field when used. Property Resource Characteristics Group Number 16 Active Gold 100798 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> 4 No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO IDX_Blank TamañoEnHectáreasDeLote 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 LotSizeArea The total area of the lot. See Lot Size Units for the units of measurement (Square Feet, Square Meters, Acres, etc.). Property Resource Characteristics Group Number 16 Active Spatial Unit Type = "Lot"Area = [value] Core 100231 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> 4 No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO IDX_Blank ÁreaDeTamañoDeLote 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 LotSizeDimensions The dimensions of the lot minimally represented as length and width (i.e. 250 x 180) or a measurement of all sides of the polygon representing the property lines of the property. i.e. 30 x 50 x 120 x 60 x 22. Property Resource Characteristics Group String 150 Active Gold 100234 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO IDX_Blank DimensionesDeTamañoDeLote 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 LotSizeSource The source of the measurements. This may be a pick list of options showing the source of the measurement. i.e. Agent, Assessor, Estimate, etc. Property Resource Characteristics Group String List, Single 50 Active Spatial Unit Type = "Lot"Origin = [value] Bronze 100232 Open LotSizeSource Lookups <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO FuenteDeTamañoDeLote 20160621T0000 20160111T0000 20160528T1200 LotSizeSquareFeet The total square footage of the lot. This field is related to the Lot Size Area and Lot Size Units and must be in sync with the values represented in those fields. Lot Size Source also applies to this field when used. Property Resource Characteristics Group Number 14 Active Spatial Unit Type = "Lot"Area = [value] Gold 100799 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> 2 No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO IDX_Blank TamañoDeLoteEnPiesCuadrados 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 LotSizeUnits A pick list of the unit of measurement for the area. i.e. Square Feet, Square Meters, Acres, etc. Property Resource Characteristics Group String List, Single 25 Active Core 100233 Open with Enumerations LotSizeUnits Lookups <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO IDX_Blank UnidadesDeTamañoDeLote 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 MLSAreaMajor The major marketing area name, as defined by the MLS or other non-governmental organization. If there is only one MLS Area in use, it must be the MLSAreaMajor. Property Resource Location Group Area Group String List, Single 50 MarketingArea, MLSArea Active Core 100082 Open <not to be enumerated by RESO> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO IDX_Blank ÁreaMayorMLS 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 MLSAreaMinor The minor/sub marketing area name, as defined by the MLS or other non-governmental organization. If there is only one MLS Area in use, it must be the MLSAreaMajor. Property Resource Location Group Area Group String List, Single 50 Active Bronze 100083 Open <not to be enumerated by RESO> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO ÁreaMenorMLS 20111109T0000 20111110T0000 20160404T0000 MainLevelBathrooms The number of bathrooms located on the main or entry level of the property. Property Resource Structure Group Number 3 Active Location = "Ground floor"Spatial Unit Type = "Restroom"Quantity = [value] Silver 100950 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE BañosPisoPrincipal 20150721T0000 20150901T0000 1.4.0 20150901T0000 MainLevelBedrooms The number of bedrooms located on the main or entry level of the property. Property Resource Structure Group Number 3 Active Location = "Ground floor"Spatial Unit Type = "Bedroom"Quantity = [value] Silver 100938 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE HabitacionesPisoPrincipal 20150721T0000 20150305T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 MaintenanceExpense The annual expense that is not paid directly by the tenant and is included in the Operating Expense calculations. Property Resource Financial Group Number 14 Active Silver 100270 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> 2 No RINC COMS COML CostoMantenimiento 20111109T0000 20120420T0000 20120420T0000 MajorChangeTimestamp Timestamp of the last major change on the listing (see also MajorChangeType). Property Resource Listing Group Dates Group Timestamp 27 Active Bronze 100776 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO MarcaDeTiempoDeCambioPrincipal 20160621T0000 20150924T0000 20160528T1200 MajorChangeType Description of the last major change on the listing, i.e. “price reduction”, “back on market”, etc. May be used to display on a summary view of listing results to quickly identify listings that have had major changes recently. Property Resource Listing Group Dates Group String List, Single 255 Active Bronze 100778 Open with Enumerations ChangeType Lookups <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO TipoDeCambioPrincipal 20160621T0000 20160111T0000 20161129T0000 Make Make of the mobile or manufactured home. Property Resource Structure Group String 50 Active Occupancy Classification = "Manufactured home"Make = [value] Core 100392 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE MOBI Marca 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 ManagerExpense The annual expense that is not paid directly by the tenant and is included in the Operating Expense calculations. This is for an individual manager. Use ProfessionalManagementExpense for a management company. Property Resource Financial Group Number 14 Active Silver 100279 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> 2 No RINC GastoAdministración 20140703T0000 20131204T0000 20140703T0000 MapCoordinate A map coordinate for the property, as determined by local custom. This is not necessarily the same as the geographic coordinate but may depend on the coordinate system used by whatever mapping service is customarily used by the listing service. Property Resource Location Group GIS Group String 25 MapBookCoordinate, ThomasGuide, TG#, MapBookNumber Active Bronze 100089 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO CoordenadasEnMapa 20111109T0000 20111110T0000 20111110T0000 MapCoordinateSource Name of the map or map book publisher. Property Resource Location Group GIS Group String 25 MapBook Active Bronze 100090 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO FuenteDeCoordenadasEnMapa 20111109T0000 20111110T0000 20111110T0000 MapURL URI to a map of the property. Property Resource Location Group GIS Group String 8000 Active MapURL = [value] Bronze 100091 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO URLMapa 20111109T0000 20130710T0000 20130710T0000 MiddleOrJuniorSchool The name of the junior or middle school having a catchment area that includes the associated property. Property Resource Location Group School Group String List, Single 50 Active Silver 100094 Open <not to be enumerated by RESO> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO IDX_Optional EscuelaMediaOIntermedia 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 MiddleOrJuniorSchoolDistrict The name of the junior or middle school district having a catchment area that includes the associated property. Property Resource Location Group School Group String List, Single 50 Active Bronze 100097 Open <not to be enumerated by RESO> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO IDX_Optional DistritoDeEscuelaMediaOIntermedia 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 MlsStatus Local or regional status that are well known by business users. Each MlsStatus must map to a single StandardStatus. Multiple MlsStatus may map to a single StandardStatus. Property Resource Listing Group String List, Single 50 ListingStatus, Status Active Core 100012 Open <not to be enumerated by RESO> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO IDX_Optional EstadoDeMls 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 1.5.0 20181226T0000 MobileDimUnits A pick list of the unit linear measurement. i.e. feed, meters, yards, kilometers, miles, etc. Property Resource Structure Group String List, Single 25 Active Silver 100387 Open with Enumerations LinearUnits Lookups <n/a> No MOBI UnidadesDeDimensiónMóvil 20160621T0000 20160208T0000 20160528T1200 MobileHomeRemainsYN Is the mobile home to remain and be included in the sale of the property. Property Resource Characteristics Group Boolean Active Bronze 100391 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No MOBI RestosCasaMóvilSN 20140703T0000 20131121T0000 20160615T0000 MobileLength Length of the mobile/manufactured home. Property Resource Structure Group Number 4 Active Occupancy Classification = "Manufactured home"Length = [value] Core 100383 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No MOBI IDX_Blank LongitudMóvil 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 MobileWidth Width of the mobile/manufactured home. Property Resource Structure Group Number 4 Active Occupancy Classification = "Manufactured home"Width = [value] Core 100384 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No MOBI IDX_Blank AnchuraMóvil 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 Model Model of the mobile or manufactured home. Property Resource Structure Group String 50 Active Occupancy Classification = "Manufactured home"Model Number = [value] Core 100393 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE MOBI Modelo 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 ModificationTimestamp The transactional timestamp automatically recorded by the MLS system representing the date/time the listing was last modified. Property Resource Listing Group Dates Group Timestamp 27 ModificationDateTime, DateTimeModified, ModDate, DateMod, UpdateDate, UpdateTimestamp Active Date Status = "Modified"Date = [value] Core 100020 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO IDX_Must MarcaDeTiempoDeModificación 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 NetOperatingIncome Net operating income is the revenue from a property after operating expenses have been deducted, but before deducting income taxes and financing expenses (interest and Principal Payments). For example, Gross Income - Operating Expenses = Net Operating Income (NOI). Property Resource Financial Group Number 14 Active Core 100252 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> 2 No RINC COMS COML BUSO IngresoOperativoNeto 20111109T0000 20120420T0000 20120420T0000 NewConstructionYN Is the property newly constructed and has not been previously occupied? Property Resource Structure Group Boolean Active Silver 100827 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM IDX_Blank NuevaConstrucciónSN 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 NewTaxesExpense The annual expense that is not paid directly by the tenant and is included in the Operating Expense calculations. Property Resource Financial Group Number 14 Active Silver 100271 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> 2 No RINC GastoNuevosImpuestos 20111109T0000 20120420T0000 20120420T0000 NumberOfBuildings Total number of separate buildings included in the income property. Property Resource Characteristics Group Number 3 NumberOfUnitsBuildings Active Spatial Unit Type = "Building"Quantity = [value] Bronze 100259 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RINC COMS COML NúmeroDeEdificios 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 NumberOfFullTimeEmployees The current number of individuals employed by the business on a full-time basis. Property Resource Business Group Number 10 Active Occupant Quantity Type = "Full time equivalent workers"Quantity = [value] Bronze 100909 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No BUSO NúmeroDeEmpleadosTiempoCompleto 20140703T0000 20131204T0000 20140703T0000 NumberOfLots Total number of lots on the property or included in the sale. Land properties are often sold with multiple lots. It is important to be able to describe how many lots are in the property and not in all cases do lots have separate Parcel IDs. Property Resource Characteristics Group Number 3 Active Spatial Unit Type = "Lot"Quantity = [value] Bronze 100877 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No LAND NúmeroDeLotes 20140703T0000 20140630T2000 20140703T0000 NumberOfPads The number of pads or spaces in the mobile home park. Property Resource Characteristics Group Number 3 Active Silver 100394 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No MOBI NúmeroDeApartamentos 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 NumberOfPartTimeEmployees The current number of individuals employed by the business on a part-time basis. Property Resource Business Group Number 10 Active Occupant Quantity Type = "Part time workers"Quantity = [value] Bronze 100910 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No BUSO NúmeroDeEmpleadosTiempoParcial 20140703T0000 20131204T0000 20140703T0000 NumberOfSeparateElectricMeters Total number of separate meters on the property. Property Resource Utilities Group Number 3 Active Resource = "Electricity"Control Technology = "Meter"Quantity = [value] Silver 100369 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RINC FARM NúmeroDeMedidoresEléctricosIndividuales 20111109T0000 20111201T0000 20111201T0000 NumberOfSeparateGasMeters Total number of separate meters on the property. Property Resource Utilities Group Number 3 Active Resource = "Natural gas"Control Technology = "Meter"Quantity = [value] Silver 100370 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RINC FARM NúmeroDeMedidoresDeGasIndividuales 20111109T0000 20111201T0000 20111201T0000 NumberOfSeparateWaterMeters Total number of separate meters on the property. Property Resource Utilities Group Number 3 Active Resource = "Water"Control Technology = "Meter"Quantity = [value] Silver 100371 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RINC FARM NúmeroDeMedidoresDeAguaIndividuales 20111109T0000 20111201T0000 20111201T0000 NumberOfUnitsInCommunity The total number of units in the building, complex or community. This is not the number of units being sold, but rather the size of the community in which the dwelling being sold is located. Property Resource Characteristics Group Number 5 Active Spatial Unit Type = "Unit"Quantity = [value] Silver 100949 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE NúmeroDeUnidadesEnComunidad 20160621T0000 20150820T0000 20160528T1200 NumberOfUnitsLeased Total number of units currently under a lease agreement. Property Resource Financial Group Number 5 Active Ownership Status = "Leased"Spatial Unit Type = "Apartment unit"Quantity = [value] Bronze 100255 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RINC COMS COML NúmeroDeUnidadesArrendadas 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 NumberOfUnitsMoMo The total number of units leasable month to month. Property Resource Financial Group Number 5 Active Bronze 100883 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RINC NúmeroDeUnidadesMoMo 20131119T0000 20130710T0000 20131119T0000 NumberOfUnitsTotal Total number of units included in the income property, occupied or unoccupied. Property Resource Characteristics Group Number 3 Active Spatial Unit Type = "Unit"Quantity = [value] Core 100258 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RINC COMS COML IDX_Blank NúmeroDeUnidadesTotales 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 NumberOfUnitsVacant The number of units currently vacant. Property Resource Financial Group Number 5 Active Occupied Status = "Vacant"Spatial Unit Type = "Apartment unit"Quantity = [value] Bronze 100884 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RINC NúmeroDeUnidadesDisponibles 20131119T0000 20130710T0000 20131119T0000 OccupantName Name of the current occupant, if any, of the property being sold. Property Resource OccupantOwner Group String 50 Active Contact Label = "Occupant"Full Name = [value] Bronze 100236 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE MOBI NombreDeOcupante 20111109T0000 20111129T0000 20111129T0000 OccupantPhone North American 10 digit phone numbers should be in the format of ###-###-#### (separated by hyphens). Other conventions should use the common local standard. International numbers should be preceded by a plus symbol. Property Resource OccupantOwner Group String 16 Active Contact Label = "Occupant"Telephone Number = [value] Bronze 100237 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE MOBI TeléfonoDeOcupante 20111109T0000 20111129T0000 20111129T0000 OccupantType A field that describes the type of occupant, i.e. Owner, Tenant, Vacant. Property Resource OccupantOwner Group String List, Single 50 Active Occupied Status = [value] Bronze 100238 Open with Enumerations OccupantType Lookups <n/a> No RESI RLSE MOBI TipoDeOcupante 20111109T0000 20150812T0000 20160404T0000 OffMarketDate The date the listing was taken off market. Where possible, this date is reflective of the date entered by the agent reflecting when the change occurred contractually, not a timestamp of when the change was made in the MLS. Property Resource Listing Group Dates Group Date 10 OffMarketDate, DateOffMarket Active Core 100019 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO FechaDeRetiroDelMercado 20160621T0000 20151118T0000 20160528T1200 OffMarketTimestamp The transactional timestamp automatically recorded by the MLS system representing the most recent date/time the listing's status was set to and off market status (not Active or Backup) Property Resource Listing Group Dates Group Timestamp 27 Active Bronze 100817 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO MarcaDeTiempoFueraDelMercado 20160621T0000 20150924T0000 20160528T1200 OnMarketDate The date the listing was placed on market. Where possible, this date is reflective of the date entered by the agent reflecting when the change occurred contractually, not a timestamp of when the change was made in the MLS. Property Resource Listing Group Dates Group Date 10 Active Core 100769 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO IDX_Optional FechaDeLanzamientoAlMercado 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 OnMarketTimestamp The transactional timestamp automatically recorded by the MLS system representing the most recent date/time the listing's status was set to Active or Backup. This also includes initial input of the listing to Active/Backup or from a draft or approval status to Active/Backup. Property Resource Listing Group Dates Group Timestamp 27 Active Bronze 100816 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO MarcaDeTiempoLanzamientoAlMercado 20160621T0000 20150924T0000 20160528T1200 OpenParkingSpaces The number of open or uncovered parking spaces included in the sale. Property Resource Structure Group Number 14 UncoveredParking Active Premises Enclosure = "Open"Spatial Unit Type = "Parking space"Quantity = [value] Bronze 100323 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> 2 No RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM EspaciosAbiertosDeEstacionamiento 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 OpenParkingYN A flag indicating that any parking spaces associated with the property are not covered by a roof. Property Resource Structure Group Boolean Active Silver 100322 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM EstacionamientoAbiertoSN 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 OperatingExpense The costs associated with the operation and maintenance of an income-producing property. Property Resource Financial Group Number 14 Active Core 100251 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> 2 No RINC COMS COML BUSO GastoOperativo 20111109T0000 20120420T0000 20120420T0000 OperatingExpenseIncludes When individual expense fields are not used and only a total is entered, this lists the expenses that are included in the OperatingExpense field. Property Resource Financial Group String List, Multi 1024 Active Bronze 100882 Open with Enumerations OperatingExpenseIncludes Lookups <n/a> No RINC GastoOperativoIncluye 20131119T0000 20150812T0000 20160404T0000 OriginalEntryTimestamp The transactional timestamp automatically recorded by the MLS system representing the date/time the listing was entered and made visible to members of the MLS. Property Resource Listing Group Dates Group Timestamp 27 EntryDate, InputDate, DateTimeCreated, CreatedDate. Active Date Status = "Created"Date = [value] Core 100023 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO MarcaDeTiempoEntradaOriginal 20160621T0000 20150924T0000 20160528T1200 OriginalListPrice The original price of the property on the initial agreement between the seller and the seller's broker. Property Resource Listing Group Price Group Number 14 OriginalPrice Active Core 100028 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> 2 No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO PrecioOriginalDeListado 20111109T0000 20111109T0000 20111109T0000 OriginatingSystemID The RESO OUID's OrganizationUniqueId of the Originating record provider. The Originating system is the system with authoritative control over the record. For example; the name of the MLS where the listing was input. In cases where the Originating system was not where the record originated (the authoritative system), see the Originating System fields. Property Resource Listing Group String 25 AuthoritativeSystemID Active Platinum 100953 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO IDSistemaDeOrigen 20160621T0000 20160218T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 OriginatingSystemKey The system key, a unique record identifier, from the Originating system. The Originating system is the system with authoritative control over the record. For example, the Multiple Listing Service where the listing was input. There may be cases where the Source System (how you received the record) is not the Originating System. See Source System Key for more information. Property Resource Listing Group String 255 ProviderKey, AuthoritativeSystemKey Active Core 100003 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO IDX_Blank ClaveDeSistemaDeOrigen 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 1.4.0 20181226T0000 OriginatingSystemName The name of the Originating record provider. Most commonly the name of the MLS. The place where the listing is originally input by the member. The legal name of the company. Property Resource Listing Group String 255 ProviderName, MLSID, AuthoritativeSystem Active Core 100004 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO IDX_Blank NombreDeSistemaDeOrigen 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 1.5.0 20181226T0000 OtherEquipment A list of other equipment that will be included in the sale of the property. Property Resource Equipment Group String List, Multi 1024 Active Platinum 100360 Open with Enumerations OtherEquipment Lookups <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM OtroEquipo 20181226T0000 20180602T0000 20181226T0000 OtherExpense The annual expense that is not paid directly by the tenant and is included in the Operating Expense calculations. Property Resource Financial Group Number 14 Active Silver 100268 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> 2 No RINC COMS COML OtroGasto 20111109T0000 20120420T0000 20120420T0000 OtherParking Other types of parking available to, or part of, the property. Property Resource Structure Group String 1024 Active Silver 100326 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM OtroEstacionamiento 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 OtherStructures A list of structures other than the main dwelling. For example, Guest House, Barn, Shed, etc. Property Resource Structure Group String List, Multi 1024 Active Gold 100359 Open OtherStructures Lookups <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM OtrasEstructuras 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 OwnerName Name of the owner of the property being sold. Property Resource OccupantOwner Group String 50 Active Contact Label = "Owner"Full Name = [value] Bronze 100239 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO NombreDelPropietario 20111109T0000 20111129T0000 20111129T0000 OwnerPays A list of expenses for the property paid for by the owner as opposed to the tenant (e.g. Water, Trash, Electric). Property Resource Financial Group String List, Multi 1024 Active Bronze 100897 Open with Enumerations OwnerPays Lookups <n/a> No RLSE RINC COMS COML PagoDelPropietario 20160621T0000 20160111T0000 20160528T1200 OwnerPhone North American 10 digit phone numbers should be in the format of ###-###-#### (separated by hyphens). Other conventions should use the common local standard. International numbers should be preceded by a plus symbol. Property Resource OccupantOwner Group String 16 Active Contact Label = "Owner"Telephone Number = [value] Bronze 100240 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO TeléfonoDelPropietario 20111109T0000 20111110T0000 20111110T0000 Ownership A text description of the manner in which title to a property is held. Trust, Corporation, Joint Tennant, Individual. Property Resource Listing Group Contract Group String 1024 Active Silver 100826 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Propiedad 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 OwnershipType Current type of ownership of the business being sold. i.e. Corporation, LLC, Sole P, Partnership, etc., Property Resource Business Group String List, Single 50 Active Contact Label = "Business"Ownership = [value] Bronze 100907 Open with Enumerations OwnershipType Lookups <n/a> No BUSO TipoDePropiedad 20140703T0000 20150812T0000 20160404T0000 ParcelNumber A number used to uniquely identify a parcel or lot. This number is typically issued by the county or county assessor. The AP number format varies from county to county. It is recommended that all Parcel Numbers be transmitted without dashes or hyphens. Property Resource Tax Group String 50 APN, AssessorsParcelNumber, TaxID, AssessorNumber Active Identifier Label = "Assessor parcel number"Identifier = [value] Core 100742 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML IDX_Blank NúmeroDeParcela 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 ParkManagerName Name of the manager of the mobile home park. Property Resource Characteristics Group String 50 Active Occupancy Classification = "Manufactured home"Premises Level = 'Site"Contact Label = "Property manager"Contact Name = [value] Silver 100389 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No MOBI NombreGerenteDeParque 20111109T0000 20111129T0000 20111129T0000 ParkManagerPhone North American 10 digit phone numbers should be in the format of ###-###-#### (separated by hyphens). Other conventions should use the common local standard. International numbers should be preceded by a plus symbol. Property Resource Characteristics Group String 16 Active Occupancy Classification = "Manufactured home"Premises Level = 'Site"Contact Label = "Property manager"Telephone Number = [value] Silver 100390 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No MOBI TeléfonoGerenteDeParque 20111109T0000 20111110T0000 20111110T0000 ParkName Name of the mobile home park or corporate/commercial park. Property Resource Characteristics Group String 50 Active Occupancy Classification = "Manufactured home"Premises Level = 'Site"Identifier Label = "Name"Identifier = [value] Silver 100388 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No MOBI COMS COML IDX_Blank NombreDeParque 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 ParkingFeatures A list of features or description of the parking included in the sale/lease. Property Resource Structure Group String List, Multi 1024 Active Platinum 100325 Open with Enumerations ParkingFeatures Lookups <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM IDX_Blank CaracterísticasDeEstacionamiento 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 ParkingTotal The total number of parking spaces included in the sale. Property Resource Structure Group Number 14 Active Interval Measure = "Total"Spatial Unit Type = "Parking space"Quantity = [value] Silver 100327 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> 2 No RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO TotalDeEstacionamiento 20111109T0000 20120420T0000 20120420T0000 PastureArea Measurement or percentage of the property that has been allocated as pasture or grazing area. Property Resource Farming Group Number 14 Active Gold 100294 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> 2 No FARM ÁreaDePasto 20111109T0000 20120420T0000 20160615T0000 PatioAndPorchFeatures A list of features or description of the patio or porch included in the sale/lease. Property Resource Structure Group String List, Multi 1024 Active Platinum 100366 Open with Enumerations PatioAndPorchFeatures Lookups <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM IDX_Blank CaracterísticasDePatioYPorche 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 PendingTimestamp The transactional timestamp automatically recorded by the MLS system representing the most recent date/time the listing's status was set to Pending. Property Resource Listing Group Dates Group Timestamp 27 Active Bronze 100772 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO MarcaDeTiempoPendiente 20160621T0000 20150924T0000 20160528T1200 PestControlExpense The annual expense that is not paid directly by the tenant and is included in the Operating Expense calculations. Property Resource Financial Group Number 14 Active Silver 100272 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> 2 No RINC GastoControlDePlagas 20111109T0000 20120420T0000 20120420T0000 PetsAllowed Are pets allowed at the property being leased? A list of yes, no and more detailed restrictions/allowances. Property Resource HOA Group String List, Multi 1024 Active Silver 100944 Open with Enumerations PetsAllowed Lookups <n/a> No RLSE MOBI SePermitenMascotas 20150721T0000 20150416T0000 1.4.0 20160615T0000 PhotosChangeTimestamp System generated timestamp of when the last update or change to the photos for this listing was made. Property Resource Listing Group Media Group Timestamp 27 PhotoChangeTimestamp Active Core 100773 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO IDX_Blank MarcaDeTiempoCambioDeFotografías 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 PhotosCount The total number of pictures or photos included with the listing. Property Resource Listing Group Media Group Number 2 PhotoCount Active Core 100779 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO IDX_Blank ConteoDeFotografías 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 PoolExpense The annual expense that is not paid directly by the tenant and is included in the Operating Expense calculations. Property Resource Financial Group Number 14 Active Silver 100273 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> 2 No RINC GastoDePiscina 20111109T0000 20120420T0000 20120420T0000 PoolFeatures A list of features or description of the pool included in the sale/lease. Property Resource Characteristics Group String List, Multi 1024 Active Platinum 100248 Open with Enumerations PoolFeatures Lookups <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM IDX_Blank CaracterísticasDePiscina 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 PoolPrivateYN The property has a privately owned pool that is included in the sale/lease. Property Resource Characteristics Group Boolean Active Water Feature Type = "Pool" Platinum 100810 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM IDX_Blank PiscinaPrivadaSN 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 Possession A list defining when possession will occur. i.e. COE, COE+1, etc. Property Resource Listing Group Closing Group String List, Multi 255 Active Bronze 100063 Open with Enumerations Possession Lookups <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Posesión 20111109T0000 20150812T0000 20160404T0000 PossibleUse A list of the type(s) of possible or best uses of the property. Probable use gives a good indication of what the best use or potential use of the property could be. i.e. Primary, Vacation, Investment, Rental, Retirement Property Resource Characteristics Group String List, Multi 1024 Active Gold 100875 Open PossibleUse Lookups <n/a> No LAND IDX_Optional UsoPosible 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 PostalCity The official city per the USPS. May be different from the "City". Property Resource Location Group Address Group String List, Single 50 Active Core 100079 Open <not to be enumerated by RESO> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO CiudadPostal 20111109T0000 20111109T0000 20160404T0000 PostalCode The postal code portion of a street or mailing address. Property Resource Location Group Address Group String 10 ZipCode, Zip Active ZIP Code = [value] Core 100075 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO IDX_Blank CódigoPostal 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 PostalCodePlus4 The postal code +4 portion of a street or mailing address. Property Resource Location Group Address Group String 4 Zip+4, ZipPlus4 Active ZIP Plus 4 = [value] Core 100076 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO IDX_Blank CódigoPostalMás4 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 PowerProduction A collection of the types of power production system(s) available on the property. The collection includes the type of system and other details about the power produced and age of the system. Property Resource Utilities Group Collection Active Platinum 101010 <n/a> <n/a> PropertyPowerProduction Collection No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML ProducciónDeEnergía 20170809T0000 20170524T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 PowerProductionType This field is a list of the types of power production system(s) available on the property. The key characteristics of the system are expected to appear as the "[type]" in the related power production fields in a flattened implementation (RETS 1.x only) of the power production fields. A relational implementation of power production must omit the type from the field name and use PowerProductionType to create a vertical representation of the various types of power production available. **Note that PV Solar is the only type of power production currently justified in multiple markets and thus shown. Up and coming renewables that could be added in the future depending on uptake: Wind, Geothermal, Thin Film Solar. Property Resource Utilities Group String List, Multi 1024 Active Silver 100990 Open with Enumerations PowerProductionType Lookups <n/a> Yes RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML TipoDeProducciónDeEnergía 20160621T0000 20160419T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 PowerProduction[Type]Annual The most important metric of a renewables system is the amount of power it produces per year. This number can be actual or estimated. Annual production for systems producing electricity like wind or solar are measured in kilowatt hours (kWh) per year. A kWh is like a measure of the distance traveled per hour for a car – how far did it go over a certain period of time. Annual production is influenced by the size of the system, the conditions (How shady are the trees? How many cloudy days?, and the installation. Sellers typically have access to software that provides historical production totals. Property Resource Utilities Group Number 6 Active Silver 100992 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> Yes RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML ProducciónDeEnergía[Tipo]Anual 20160621T0000 20160419T0000 1.5.0 20170202T0000 PowerProduction[Type]AnnualStatus The most important metric of a renewables system is the amount of power it produces per year. This number can be actual or estimated, or a combination if less than 12 months of actual data is available (any missing months of actual data is extrapolated). This field allows the status of the number shown in the PowerProducationAnnual[Type] to be clarified. Property Resource Utilities Group String List, Single 25 Active Silver 100993 Locked with Enumerations PowerProductionAnnualStatus Lookups <n/a> Yes RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML ProducciónDeEnergía[Tipo]EstadoAnual 20160621T0000 20160419T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 PowerProduction[Type]Size The “capacity” of a renewables system. Size is measured in kilowatts (kW) DC (referring to direct current). A kW indicates how much power the system can produce under standard conditions, like the size of a car engine. Renewables systems are sized when they are installed to cover all or a portion of the power needs of the property. Therefore, a system designed to produce 50% of the power needs will be sized smaller than a system on the exact same property designed to produce 100%. Size may be influenced by available space at the property, orientation, landscaping, etc. Property Resource Utilities Group Number 5 Active Silver 100991 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> 2 Yes RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML ProducciónDeEnergía[Tipo]Tamaño 20160621T0000 20160419T0000 1.5.0 20161129T0000 PowerProduction[Type]YearInstall The year a renewables system was installed. Ideally this should be the year the system was interconnected with the grid and began producing power. Renewables systems have a limited lifespan and year installed helps buyers and appraisers determine remaining useful life of the system. Property Resource Utilities Group Number 4 Active Silver 100994 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> Yes RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML ProducciónDeEnergía[Tipo]InstalaciónAnual 20160621T0000 20160419T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 PreviousListPrice The most recent previous ListPrice of the listing. Property Resource Listing Group Price Group Number 14 PreviousPrice, LastPrice, ListPriorPrice Active Bronze 100030 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> 2 No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO PrecioAnteriorDeListado 20111109T0000 20111109T0000 20180725T0000 PriceChangeTimestamp The transactional timestamp automatically recorded by the MLS system representing the date/time the listing's price was last changed. Property Resource Listing Group Dates Group Timestamp 27 PriceChangeDateTime, PriceChange Active Bronze 100022 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO IDX_Optional MarcaDeTiempoCambioDePrecio 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 PrivateOfficeRemarks A remarks field that is only visible to members of the same offices as the listing agent. Property Resource Listing Group Remarks Group String 4000 Active Bronze 100782 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO ObservacionesDeOficinaPrivada 20160621T0000 20150902T0000 20160528T1200 PrivateRemarks Remarks that may contain security or proprietary information and should be restricted from public view. Property Resource Listing Group Remarks Group String 4000 AgentRemarks, ConfidentialRemarks Active Core 100051 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO ObservacionesPrivadas 20111109T0000 20111109T0000 20111109T0000 ProfessionalManagementExpense The annual expense that is not paid directly by the tenant and is included in the Operating Expense calculations. This is for a management company. Use ManagerExpense for a individual manager. Property Resource Financial Group Number 14 ManagementCompanyExpense Active Silver 100278 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> 2 No RINC COMS COML CostoDeAdministraciónProfesional 20140703T0000 20131204T0000 20140703T0000 PropertyAttachedYN A flag indicating that the primary structure is attached to another structure that is not included in the sale. i.e. one unit of a duplex. This flag may be T/F, Y/N or a list of attached or detached. As with all flags, the field may be null. In some systems this information may be part of the Property Sub Type. Property Resource Structure Group Boolean StructureAttachedYN Active If (PropertyAttachedYN == true) Vertical Surroundings = "Attached" Else Vertical Surroundings = "Unknown" Core 100315 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM IDX_Blank PropiedadAdjuntaSN 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 PropertyCondition A list describing the condition of the property and any structures included in the sale. Property Resource Structure Group String List, Multi 1024 StructuralCondition, Condition Active Identifier Label = "Premises"Condition = [value] Silver 100937 Open with Enumerations PropertyCondition Lookups <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM CondiciónDeLaPropiedad 20160621T0000 20160111T0000 1.4.0 20160528T1200 PropertySubType A list of types of residential and residential lease properties, i.e. SFR, Condo, etc. Or a list of Sub Types for Mobile, such as Expando, Manufactured, Modular, etc. Property Resource String List, Single 50 Active Core 100222 Open with Enumerations PropertySubType Lookups <n/a> No RESI RLSE MOBI COMS COML BUSO IDX_Blank SubtipoDePropiedad 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 PropertyType A list of types of properties such as Residential, Lease, Income, Land, Mobile, Commercial Sale, etc... Property Resource String List, Single 50 Active Core 100828 Open with Enumerations PropertyType Lookups <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO IDX_Must TipoDePropiedad 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 PublicRemarks Text remarks that may be displayed to the public. In an MLS, it is the field where information is entered for the public. This information is intended to be visible on-line. This is typically information that describes the selling points of the building and/or land for sale. Local conditions and rules will determine what such content can contain. Generally, the following information is excluded: any information pertaining to entry to the property, the seller and/or tenant, listing member contact information. In other systems, these remarks will be determined by local business rules. Property Resource Listing Group Remarks Group String 4000 PropertyDescription, InternetRemarks, Remarks Active Core 100050 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO IDX_Blank ObservacionesPúblicas 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 PublicSurveyRange This field specifically identifies the Range identified by the Public Land Survey System (PLSS). Property Resource Tax Group String 20 Active Gold 100900 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM RangoDeEstudioDeTerreno 20140703T0000 20130808T0000 20140703T0000 PublicSurveySection This field specifically identifies the Section identified by the Public Land Survey System (PLSS). Property Resource Tax Group String 20 Active Gold 100898 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM EstudioDeTerrenoDeSección 20140703T0000 20130808T0000 20140703T0000 PublicSurveyTownship This field specifically identifies the Township identified by the Public Land Survey System (PLSS). Property Resource Tax Group String 20 Active Gold 100899 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM EstudioDeTerrenoDeMunicipio 20140703T0000 20130808T0000 20140703T0000 PurchaseContractDate With for-sale listings, the date an offer was accepted and the listing was no longer on market. This is the date entered by the agent reflecting when the change occurred contractually, not a timestamp of when the change was made in the MLS. With lease listings this may represent a meeting of the minds to lease, but some contractual requirements are yet to be fulfilled, such as contract signing or receipt of the deposit. Property Resource Listing Group Dates Group Date 10 PendingDate, DatePending, UnderContractDate, ContractDate, LeasePending, PendingLeaseDate, LeaseAgreementDate Active Core 100017 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO FechaDeContratoDeCompra 20160621T0000 20151118T0000 20160528T1200 RVParkingDimensions The dimensions of the RV parking area minimally represented as length and width (i.e. 25 x 18) or a measurement of all sides of the polygon representing the usable RV parking space. i.e. 33 x 15 x 12 x 60. Property Resource Structure Group String 50 Active Silver 100328 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM DimensionesDeEstacionamientoDeVehículoRecreativo 20111109T0000 20111129T0000 20180720T0000 RangeArea Measurement or percentage of the property that has been allocated as range. Property Resource Farming Group Number 14 Active Gold 100295 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> 2 No FARM RangoDeÁrea 20111109T0000 20120420T0000 20120420T0000 RentControlYN Is the property in a rent control area? Property Resource Financial Group Boolean Active Bronze 100257 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RINC COMS COML ControlDeAlquilerSN 20140703T0000 20131121T0000 20140703T0000 RentIncludes A list of services or items that the tenant is not responsible to pay. Property Resource Financial Group String List, Multi 1024 Active Bronze 100280 Open with Enumerations RentIncludes Lookups <n/a> No RLSE MOBI IDX_Blank AlquilerIncluye 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 RoadFrontageType Pick list of types of Road frontage. i.e. Freeway frontage, No Road Frontage, etc. The road frontage of the property is an important factor in determining value of the property and it’s appropriateness for intended use. Property Resource Characteristics Group String List, Multi 1024 Active Gold 100864 Open RoadFrontageType Lookups <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM TipoDeFachadaVial 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 RoadResponsibility The person or entity responsible for road maintenance (e.g., City, County, Private). Property Resource Characteristics Group String List, Multi 1024 Active Gold 100866 Open RoadResponsibility Lookups <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM ResponsabilidadVial 20170809T0000 20180602T0000 20180602T0000 RoadSurfaceType Pick list of types of surface of the Road to access the property. The surface of the road(s) for access to the property is an important factor in determining value of the property and it’s appropriateness for intended use. Property Resource Characteristics Group String List, Multi 1024 Active Gold 100865 Open RoadSurfaceType Lookups <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM TipoDeSuperficieVial 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 Roof A list describing the type or style of roof. For example Spanish Tile, Composite, Shake, etc. Property Resource Structure Group String List, Multi 1024 Active Location = "Roof"Finish = [value] Silver 100351 Open with Enumerations Roof Lookups <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML IDX_Blank Tejado 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 RoomType This field is a list of the types used in the rooms repeating elements. The Type is a list of possible room types. i.e. Bedroom, Bathroom, Living Room, Workshop, etc. Each selected are expected to appear as the "[type]" in the related rooms fields in a flattened implementation (RETS 1.x only) of the room fields. A relational implementation of rooms must omit the type from the field name and use RoomType to create a vertical representation of the various rooms. **Note that Garage or Basement should not be added as a room type and are represented by the ParkingFeatures and Basement fields respectively. Property Resource Structure Group Rooms Group String List, Multi 1024 Active Premises Level = "Space" Occupancy Classification = [value] Gold 100829 Open with Enumerations RoomType Lookups <n/a> Yes RESI RLSE MOBI FARM IDX_Blank TipoDeHabitación 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 Room[type]Area [type] This field is a repeating element for each type of room selected in the RoomType field. For every RoomType there are two possible implementations. For a flat implementation (RETS 1.x only), each RoomType used is expected to appear as the "[type]" in the related rooms field name. i.e. RoomKitchenArea. A relational implementation of rooms must omit the type from the field name and use RoomType to create a vertical representation of the various rooms. i.e. RoomArea with Kitchen in the relational table's RoomType field. Property Resource Structure Group Rooms Group Number 14 Active Premises Level = "Space"Area = [value] Gold 100830 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> 2 Yes RESI RLSE MOBI FARM Habitación[tipo]Área 20150721T0000 20150201T0000 20150721T0000 Room[type]AreaSource [type] This field is a repeating element for each type of room selected in the RoomType field. For every RoomType there are two possible implementations. For a flat implementation (RETS 1.x only), each RoomType used is expected to appear as the "[type]" in the related rooms field name. i.e. RoomKitchenAreaSource. A relational implementation of rooms must omit the type from the field name and use RoomType to create a vertical representation of the various rooms. i.e. RoomAreaSource. Property Resource Structure Group Rooms Group String List, Single 50 Active Origin = [value] Gold 100832 Open with Enumerations AreaSource Lookups <n/a> Yes RESI RLSE MOBI FARM Habitación[tipo]FuenteDeÁrea 20160621T0000 20160111T0000 20160528T1200 Room[type]AreaUnits [type] This field is a repeating element for each type of room selected in the RoomType field. For every RoomType there are two possible implementations. For a flat implementation (RETS 1.x only), each RoomType used is expected to appear as the "[type]" in the related rooms field name. i.e. RoomKitchenAreaUnits. A relational implementation of rooms must omit the type from the field name and use RoomType to create a vertical representation of the various rooms. i.e. RoomAreaUnits with Kitchen in the relational table's RoomType field. Property Resource Structure Group Rooms Group String List, Single 25 Active Gold 100831 Open with Enumerations AreaUnits Lookups <n/a> Yes RESI RLSE MOBI FARM Habitación[tipo]UnidadesDeÁrea 20160621T0000 20160111T0000 20160528T1200 Room[type]Description [type] This field is a repeating element for each type of room selected in the RoomType field. For every RoomType there are two possible implementations. For a flat implementation (RETS 1.x only), each RoomType used is expected to appear as the "[type]" in the related rooms field name. i.e. RoomKitchenDescription. A relational implementation of rooms must omit the type from the field name and use RoomType to create a vertical representation of the various rooms. i.e. RoomDescription with Kitchen in the relational table's RoomType field. Property Resource Structure Group Rooms Group String 1024 Active Premises Level = "Space"Description = [value] Gold 100840 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> Yes RESI RLSE MOBI FARM Habitación[tipo]Descripción 20150721T0000 20150201T0000 20150721T0000 Room[type]Dimensions [type] This field is a repeating element for each type of room selected in the RoomType field. For every RoomType there are two possible implementations. For a flat implementation (RETS 1.x only), each RoomType used is expected to appear as the "[type]" in the related rooms field name. i.e. RoomKitchenDimensions. A relational implementation of rooms must omit the type from the field name and use RoomType to create a vertical representation of the various rooms. i.e. RoomDimensions with Kitchen in the relational table's RoomType field. Property Resource Structure Group Rooms Group String 50 Active Premises Level = "Space"Dimension = [value] Gold 100833 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> Yes RESI RLSE MOBI FARM Habitación[tipo]Dimensiones 20150721T0000 20150201T0000 20150721T0000 Room[type]Features [type] This field is a repeating element for each type of room selected in the RoomType field. For every RoomType there are two possible implementations. For a flat implementation (RETS 1.x only), each RoomType used is expected to appear as the "[type]" in the related rooms field name. i.e. RoomKitchenFeatures. A relational implementation of rooms must omit the type from the field name and use RoomType to create a vertical representation of the various rooms. i.e. RoomFeatures with Kitchen in the relational table's RoomType field. Property Resource Structure Group Rooms Group String List, Multi 1024 Active Gold 100839 Open with Enumerations InteriorOrRoomFeatures Lookups <n/a> Yes RESI RLSE MOBI FARM Habitación[tipo]Características 20181226T0000 20180606T0000 20181226T0000 Room[type]Length [type] This field is a repeating element for each type of room selected in the RoomType field. For every RoomType there are two possible implementations. For a flat implementation (RETS 1.x only), each RoomType used is expected to appear as the "[type]" in the related rooms field name. i.e. RoomKitchenLength. A relational implementation of rooms must omit the type from the field name and use RoomType to create a vertical representation of the various rooms. i.e. RoomLength with Kitchen in the relational table's RoomType field. Property Resource Structure Group Rooms Group Number 14 Active Premises Level = "Space"Length = [value] Gold 100834 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> 2 Yes RESI RLSE MOBI FARM Habitación[tipo]Longitud 20150721T0000 20150201T0000 20150721T0000 Room[type]LengthWidthSource [type] This field is a repeating element for each type of room selected in the RoomType field. For every RoomType there are two possible implementations. For a flat implementation (RETS 1.x only), each RoomType used is expected to appear as the "[type]" in the related rooms field name. i.e. RoomKitchenWidthSource. A relational implementation of rooms must omit the type from the field name and use RoomType to create a vertical representation of the various rooms. i.e. RoomWidthSource with Kitchen in the relational table's RoomType field. Property Resource Structure Group Rooms Group String List, Single 50 Active Origin = [value] Gold 100837 Open Room[type]LengthWidthSource Lookups <n/a> Yes RESI RLSE MOBI FARM Habitación[tipo]FuenteDeLongitudYAnchura 20170809T0000 20180602T0000 20180602T0000 Room[type]LengthWidthUnits [type] This field is a repeating element for each type of room selected in the RoomType field. For every RoomType there are two possible implementations. For a flat implementation (RETS 1.x only), each RoomType used is expected to appear as the "[type]" in the related rooms field name. i.e. RoomKitchenWidthUnits. A relational implementation of rooms must omit the type from the field name and use RoomType to create a vertical representation of the various rooms. i.e. RoomWidthUnits with Kitchen in the relational table's RoomType field. Property Resource Structure Group Rooms Group String List, Single 25 Active Gold 100836 Open with Enumerations LinearUnits Lookups <n/a> Yes RESI RLSE MOBI FARM Habitación[tipo]UnidadesDeLongitudYAnchura 20150721T0000 20150201T0000 20160404T0000 Room[type]Level [type] This field is a repeating element for each type of room selected in the RoomType field. For every RoomType there are two possible implementations. For a flat implementation (RETS 1.x only), each RoomType used is expected to appear as the "[type]" in the related rooms field name. i.e. RoomKitchenLevel. A relational implementation of rooms must omit the type from the field name and use RoomType to create a vertical representation of the various rooms. i.e. RoomLevel with Kitchen in the relational table's RoomType field. Property Resource Structure Group Rooms Group String List, Single 25 Active Gold 100838 Open Room[type]Level Lookups <n/a> Yes RESI RLSE MOBI FARM Habitación[tipo]Piso 20170809T0000 20180602T0000 20180602T0000 Room[type]Width [type] This field is a repeating element for each type of room selected in the RoomType field. For every RoomType there are two possible implementations. For a flat implementation (RETS 1.x only), each RoomType used is expected to appear as the "[type]" in the related rooms field name. i.e. RoomKitchenWidth. A relational implementation of rooms must omit the type from the field name and use RoomType to create a vertical representation of the various rooms. i.e. RoomWidth with Kitchen in the relational table's RoomType field. Property Resource Structure Group Rooms Group Number 14 Active Premises Level = "Space"Width = [value] Gold 100835 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> 2 Yes RESI RLSE MOBI FARM Habitación[tipo]Anchura 20150721T0000 20150201T0000 20150721T0000 Rooms A collection of types of rooms and details/features about the given room. Property Resource Structure Group Rooms Group Collection Active Platinum 101008 <n/a> <n/a> PropertyRooms Collection No RESI RLSE MOBI FARM Habitaciones 20170809T0000 20170524T0000 1.6.0 20180725T0000 RoomsTotal The number of rooms in the dwelling. Property Resource Structure Group Rooms Group Number 3 Active Spatial Unit Type = "Room" Quantity = [value] Gold 100346 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM IDX_Blank TotalHabitaciones 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 SeatingCapacity The seating capacity of the business being sold. Property Resource Business Group Number 10 Active Occupant Quantity Type = "Capacity"Quantity = [vale] Silver 100918 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No BUSO NúmeroDeAsientos 20140703T0000 20131204T0000 20140703T0000 SecurityFeatures A list describing the security features included in the sale/lease. Property Resource Equipment Group String List, Multi 1024 Active Platinum 100362 Open with Enumerations SecurityFeatures Lookups <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML CaracterísticasDeSeguridad 20181226T0000 20180602T0000 20181226T0000 SeniorCommunityYN The community is a senior community. Property Resource Characteristics Group Boolean Active If (SeniorCommunityYN == true) Occupant Type = "Independent seniors community" Else Occupant Type = "Unknown" Platinum 100809 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM IDX_Blank ComunidadDeTerceraEdadSN 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 SerialU Serial number of the mobile or manufactured home. For the first or only unit/section use Serial U over Serial X or Serial XX. Property Resource Structure Group String 25 Unit1SerialNo Active Occupancy Classification = "Manufactured home"Serial Number = [value] Silver 100395 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE MOBI SerieU 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 SerialX Serial number of the mobile or manufactured home. For two units/sections, Serial U should be used first, Serial X second over or Serial XX. Property Resource Structure Group String 25 Unit2SerialNo Active Silver 100398 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE MOBI SerieX 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 SerialXX Serial number of the mobile or manufactured home. For two units/sections, Serial U should be used first, Serial X second over or Serial XX. Property Resource Structure Group String 25 Unit3SerialNo Active Silver 100401 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE MOBI SerieXX 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 Sewer A list describing the sewer or septic features of the property. Property Resource Utilities Group String List, Multi 1024 Active Bronze 100357 Open with Enumerations Sewer Lookups <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML IDX_Blank Alcantarillado 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 ShowingAdvanceNotice The hours of advance notice required to schedule a showing. Property Resource Listing Group Showing Group Number 2 Active Platinum 100996 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO AvisoPrevioExhibición 20170809T0000 20160519T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 ShowingAttendedYN Does this home require an attended showing? i.e. Yes = licensed agent representing the seller must be present during showing. Property Resource Listing Group Showing Group Boolean Active Platinum 100998 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO AsistenciaExhibiciónSN 20170809T0000 20160519T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 ShowingContactName The name of the contact for the showing of the listed property. Property Resource Listing Group Showing Group String 40 Active Bronze 100870 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO NombreDeContactoExhibición 20131119T0000 20130710T0000 20160209T0000 ShowingContactPhone A telephone number that should be called to arrange showing the property. Property Resource Listing Group Showing Group String 16 ShowingPhone Active Core 100053 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO TeléfonoDeContactoExhibición 20150721T0000 20150319T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 ShowingContactPhoneExt The extension of the given phone number (if applicable). Property Resource Listing Group Showing Group String 10 Active Core 100789 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO ExtTelefónicaDeContactoExhibición 20150721T0000 20150319T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 ShowingContactType The type of contact for the showing. i.e. Agent, Broker, Seller. Property Resource Listing Group Showing Group String List, Multi 75 Active Bronze 100871 Open with Enumerations ShowingContactType Lookups <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO TipoDeContactoExhibición 20131119T0000 20150812T0000 20160404T0000 ShowingDays The days of the week that the property is available for showing. i.e. Sundays, Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays Property Resource Listing Group Showing Group String List, Multi 1024 Active Platinum 100999 Open <No Enumerations> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO DíasDeExhibición 20170809T0000 20160519T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 ShowingEndTime From the days selected in the ShowingDays field, the end time that the property is available for showing. Property Resource Listing Group Showing Group Timestamp 27 Active Platinum 101001 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO HoraDeFinalizaciónDeExhibición 20170809T0000 20160519T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 ShowingInstructions Remarks that detail the seller's instructions for showing the subject property. Showing instructions may include: contact information, showing times, notice required or other information. These remarks are privileged and are not for public viewing. Property Resource Listing Group Showing Group String 4000 ShowingRemarks Active Core 100052 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO InstruccionesDeExhibición 20111109T0000 20111109T0000 20111109T0000 ShowingRequirements A pick list of types of notice required to see the home. i.e. Appointment Required, Courtesy Call Only, Go Direct, etc. Property Resource Listing Group Showing Group String List, Multi 1024 Active Platinum 100997 Open with Enumerations ShowingRequirements Lookups <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO RequisitosDeExhibición 20181226T0000 20180602T0000 1.6.0 20181226T0000 ShowingStartTime From the days selected in the ShowingDays field, the start time that the property is available for showing. Property Resource Listing Group Showing Group Timestamp 27 Active Platinum 101000 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO HoraDeInicioDeExhibición 20170809T0000 20160519T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 SignOnPropertyYN Is there a sign on the property. Property Resource Listing Group Marketing Group Boolean Active Bronze 100043 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO PropiedadConLetreroSN 20140703T0000 20131121T0000 20180725T0000 Skirt A list of types of mobile home skirting. Property Resource Structure Group String List, Multi 1024 Active Silver 100386 Open with Enumerations Skirt Lookups <n/a> No MOBI IDX_Blank Rodeo 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 SourceSystemID The RESO OUID's OrganizationUniqueId of the Source record provider. The source system is the system from which the record was directly received. In cases where the source system was not where the record originated (the authoritative system), see the Originating System fields. Property Resource Listing Group String 25 Active Platinum 101004 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO IDSistemaFuente 20170809T0000 20160822T0000 1.5.0 20170809T0000 SourceSystemKey The system key, a unique record identifier, from the Source System. The Source System is the system from which the record was directly received. In cases where the Source System was not where the record originated (the authoritative system), see the Originating System fields. Property Resource Listing Group String 255 ProviderKey Active Core 101003 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO ClaveSistemaFuente 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 1.5.0 20181226T0000 SourceSystemName The name of the immediate record provider. The system from which the record was directly received. The legal name of the company. Property Resource Listing Group String 255 ProviderName, MLSID Active Core 101002 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO NombreSistemaFuente 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 1.5.0 20181226T0000 SpaFeatures A list of features or description of the spa included in the sale/lease. Property Resource Characteristics Group String List, Multi 1024 Active Platinum 100249 Open with Enumerations SpaFeatures Lookups <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM IDX_Blank CaracterísticasDeSpa 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 SpaYN The property has a spa. Property Resource Characteristics Group Boolean Jacuzzi, HotTub Active Water Feature Type = "Hot tub" Platinum 100812 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM SpaSN 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 SpecialLicenses Special licenses required/used by the business being sold. i.e. Beer/Wine, Class H, Professional, Gambling, None. Property Resource Business Group String List, Multi 1024 Active Bronze 100908 Open with Enumerations SpecialLicenses Lookups <n/a> No BUSO LicenciasEspeciales 20140703T0000 20150812T0000 20160404T0000 SpecialListingConditions A list of options that describe the type of sale. i.e. Standard, REO, Short Sale, Probate, Auction, NOD, etc., at the time of listing. Property Resource Listing Group Contract Group String List, Multi 1024 SaleType, REO, ShortSale, NoticeOfDefault, Foreclosure Active Bronze 100059 Open with Enumerations SpecialListingConditions Lookups <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO IDX_Optional CondicionesEspecialesDeListado 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 StandardStatus The status of the listing as it reflects the state of the contract between the listing agent and seller or an agreement with a buyer (Active, Active Under Contract, Canceled, Closed, Expired, Pending, Withdrawn). This is a Single Select field. Property Resource Listing Group String List, Single 25 NormalizedListingStatus, RetsStatus Active Identifier Label = "Listing" Account Status = [value] Core 100011 Locked with Enumerations StandardStatus Lookups <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO IDX_Must EstadoEstándar 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 1.5.0 20181226T0000 StateOrProvince Text field containing the accepted postal abbreviation for the state or province. Property Resource Location Group Address Group String List, Single 2 Active State = [state code] Core 100073 Open with Enumerations StateOrProvince Lookups <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO IDX_Blank EstadoOProvincia 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 StateRegion A sub-section or area of a defined state or province. Examples would be the Keys in FL or Hudson Valley in NY. Property Resource Location Group Area Group String 150 Active Platinum 100946 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO EstadoRegión 20160621T0000 20150815T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 StatusChangeTimestamp The transactional timestamp automatically recorded by the MLS system representing the date/time the listing's status was last changed. Property Resource Listing Group Dates Group Timestamp 27 StatusDateTime Active Core 100021 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO IDX_Must MarcaDeTiempoCambioDeEstado 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 Stories The number of floors in the property being sold. Property Resource Structure Group Number 2 Floors Active Core 100330 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML IDX_Blank Pisos 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 StoriesTotal The total number of floors in the building. In the case of multi-dwelling structures, this is the entire structure and not the individual dwelling being sold. Property Resource Structure Group Number 3 StoriesBuildingTotal Active Spatial Unit Type = "Building" Spatial Unit Type = "Floor" Quantity = [value] Core 100329 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML IDX_Blank TotalPisos 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 StreetAdditionalInfo Information other than a prefix or suffix for the street portion of a postal address. Property Resource Location Group Address Group String 50 Active Core 100068 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO InformaciónAdicionalDeCalle 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 StreetDirPrefix The direction indicator that precedes the listed property's street name. Property Resource Location Group Address Group String List, Single 15 Active Street Name Pre Directional = [value] Core 100066 Open with Enumerations StreetDirection Lookups <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO IDX_Optional PrefijoDirecciónDeCalle 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 StreetDirSuffix The direction indicator that follows a listed property's street address. Property Resource Location Group Address Group String List, Single 15 Active Street Name Post Directional = [value] Core 100069 Open with Enumerations StreetDirection Lookups <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO IDX_Optional SufijoDirecciónDeCalle 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 StreetName The street name portion of a listed property's street address. Property Resource Location Group Address Group String 50 Active Street Name = [value] Core 100067 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO IDX_Optional NombreDeCalle 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 StreetNumber The street number portion of a listed property's street address. In some areas the street number may contain non-numeric characters. This field can also contain extensions and modifiers to the street number, such as "1/2" or "-B". This street number field should not include Prefixes, Direction or Suffixes. Property Resource Location Group Address Group String 25 Active Core 100065 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO IDX_Optional NúmeroDeCalle 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 StreetNumberNumeric The integer portion of the street number. Property Resource Location Group Address Group Number 10 Active Address Number = [value] Core 100855 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO IDX_Optional NúmeroDeCalleEnNúmeros 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 StreetSuffix The suffix portion of a listed property's street address. Property Resource Location Group Address Group String List, Single 25 Active Street Name Post Type = [value] Core 100070 Open <not to be enumerated by RESO> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO IDX_Optional SufijoDeCalle 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 StreetSuffixModifier The Street Suffix Modifier allows the member to enter a unique Street Suffix that was not found in the Street Suffix pick list or to extend or prefix the suffix. Property Resource Location Group Address Group String 25 Street Suffix Alternate, Street Suffix Extension. Active Street Name Post Modifier = [value] Core 100852 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO IDX_Optional ModificadorDeSufijoDeCalle 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 StructureType The type of structure that the property completely or partially encompasses. For example, House or Cabin are the overall structure and typically sold or leased as a whole. Multi Family and Docks may be sold in whole, but are often sold or leased by unit/slip. This field is the type of structure as opposed to style, which is under the Architectural Style field. Property Resource Structure Group String List, Multi 25 BuildingType Active Platinum 100952 Open with Enumerations StructureType Lookups <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO TipoDeEstructura 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 1.5.0 20181226T0000 SubAgencyCompensation The total commission to be paid to the Sub Agency, expressed as either a percentage or a constant currency amount. Property Resource Listing Group Compensation Group String 25 SubAgentCompensation, CoBrokerCompensation Active Bronze 100034 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO CompensaciónDeSubagencia 20111109T0000 20111109T0000 20111109T0000 SubAgencyCompensationType A list of types to clarify the value entered in the SubAgencyCompensation field. For example $, % or some other clarification of the SubAgencyCompensation. Property Resource Listing Group Compensation Group String List, Single 25 SubAgentCompensationType, CoBrokerCompensationType Active Bronze 100035 Open with Enumerations CompensationType Lookups <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO TipoDeCompensaciónDeSubagencia 20160621T0000 20160111T0000 20160528T1200 SubdivisionName A neighborhood, community, complex or builder tract. Property Resource Location Group Area Group String 50 Builder's Tract Active Core 100084 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO IDX_Blank NombreDeSubdivisión 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 SuppliesExpense The annual expense that is not paid directly by the tenant and is included in the Operating Expense calculations. Property Resource Financial Group Number 14 Active Silver 100274 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> 2 No RINC GastoSuministros 20111109T0000 20120420T0000 20120420T0000 SyndicateTo When permitted by the broker, the options made by the agent on behalf of the seller, where they would like their listings syndicated. i.e. Zillow, Trulia, Homes.com, etc. Property Resource Listing Group Marketing Group String List, Multi 1024 Active Gold 100939 Open SyndicateTo Lookups <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO RedifundirA 20170809T0000 20180602T0000 1.4.0 20180602T0000 SyndicationRemarks Becoming more common in the industry, MLS's are hosting a separate "Public Remarks" for syndication purposes. This field should be defaulted to containing the Public Remarks, but upon broker decision, modified to include contact and other information denied by IDX rules, but allowed under local and national regulations. Property Resource Listing Group Remarks Group String 4000 AdvertisingRemarks Active Core 100927 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO ObservacionesDeRedifusión 20140703T0000 20140220T1100 20140703T0000 TaxAnnualAmount The annual property tax amount as of the last assessment made by the taxing authority. Property Resource Tax Group Number 14 Active Tax Annual Amount = [value] Silver 100747 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> 2 No RESI RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML IDX_Optional MontoAnualDeImpuestos 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 TaxAssessedValue The property value as of the last assessment made by the taxing authority. Property Resource Tax Group Number 14 Active Tax Annual Amount = [value] Silver 100750 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RINC LAND MOBI FARM ValorTasadoDeImpuestos 20111109T0000 20111201T0000 20111201T0000 TaxBlock A type of legal description for land in developed areas where streets or other rights-of-ways delineate large parcels of land referred to as divided into lots on which homes or other types of developments are built. An example would read "Lot 12 of Block 45 of Tract 3002 of the City of San Dunes, Desert County." Such a description would also reference an official plat filed with the clerk or recorder for that area which shows the location of the block and often the dimensions of the lots therein. Property Resource Tax Group String 25 Block Active Identifier Label = "Tax block"Identifier = [value] Bronze 100744 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BloqueDeImpuestos 20111109T0000 20111201T0000 20111201T0000 TaxBookNumber Some systems of parcel identification incorporate a method which utilizes a county identifier, a tax book number, a tax map number and a parcel identification number. Property Resource Tax Group String 25 Active Identifier Label = "Tax book number"Identifier = [value] Bronze 100754 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RINC LAND MOBI FARM NúmeroDeLibroDeImpuestos 20111109T0000 20111201T0000 20111201T0000 TaxLegalDescription A type of legal description for land in developed areas where streets or other rights-of-ways delineate large parcels of land referred to as divided into lots on which homes or other types of developments are built. An example would read "Lot 12 of Block 45 of Tract 3002 of the City of San Dunes, Desert County." Such a description would also reference an official plat filed with the clerk or recorder for that area which shows the location of the block and often the dimensions of the lots therein. The text here is also an index into the property as described by the County Recorder. Property Resource Tax Group String 6000 LegalDescription Active Bronze 100746 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML DescripciónLegalDeImpuestos 20111109T0000 20120420T0000 20120420T0000 TaxLot A type of legal description for land in developed areas where streets or other rights-of-ways delineate large parcels of land referred to as divided into lots on which homes or other types of developments are built. An example would read "Lot 12 of Block 45 of Tract 3002 of the City of San Dunes, Desert County." Such a description would also reference an official plat filed with the clerk or recorder for that area which shows the location of the block and often the dimensions of the lots therein. Property Resource Tax Group String 25 Lot Active Identifier Label = "Tax lot"Identifier = [value] Bronze 100743 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML LoteDeImpuestos 20111109T0000 20111201T0000 20111201T0000 TaxMapNumber Some systems of parcel identification incorporate a method which utilizes a county identifier, a tax book number, a tax map number and a parcel identification number. Property Resource Tax Group String 25 Active Identifier Label = "Tax map number"Identifier = [value] Bronze 100755 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RINC LAND MOBI FARM NúmeroDeMapaDeImpuestos 20111109T0000 20111201T0000 20111201T0000 TaxOtherAnnualAssessmentAmount Any other annual taxes, not including the tax reported in the TaxAmount field, as of the last assessment made by the taxing authority. Property Resource Tax Group Number 14 Active Tax Other Assessment Amount = [value] Silver 100752 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> 2 No RESI RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML OtroMontoDeEvaluaciónAnualDeImpuestos 20150721T0000 20150305T0000 20150721T0000 TaxParcelLetter Some systems of parcel identification incorporate a method which utilizes a county identifier, a tax book number, a tax map number and a parcel identification number. Property Resource Tax Group String 25 Active Identifier Label = "Tax parcel letter"Identifier = [value] Bronze 100756 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM CartaDeParcelaDeImpuestos 20111109T0000 20120218T0000 20120218T0000 TaxStatusCurrent The current tax status of the mobile home in cases where the land or space is included in the sale. Property Resource Tax Group String List, Multi 50 Active Tax Status Current = [value] Silver 100896 Open TaxStatusCurrent Lookups <n/a> No MOBI EstadoActualDeImpuestos 20170808T0000 20180602T0000 20180602T0000 TaxTract A type of legal description for land in developed areas where streets or other rights-of-ways delineate large parcels of land referred to as divided into lots on which homes or other types of developments are built. An example would read "Lot 12 of Block 45 of Tract 3002 of the City of San Dunes, Desert County." Such a description would also reference an official plat filed with the clerk or recorder for that area which shows the location of the block and often the dimensions of the lots therein. Property Resource Tax Group String 25 Tract Active Identifier Label = "Tax tract"Identifier = [value] Bronze 100745 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML TractoFiscal 20140703T0000 20130808T0000 20140703T0000 TaxYear The year in with the last assessment of the property value/tax was made. Property Resource Tax Group Number 4 Active Tax Year = [value] Silver 100749 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML AñoFiscal 20111109T0000 20111201T0000 20111201T0000 TenantPays A list of services or items that the tenant is responsible to pay. Property Resource Financial Group String List, Multi 1024 TenantExpense Active Bronze 100260 Open with Enumerations TenantPays Lookups <n/a> No RLSE RINC COMS COML ArrendatarioPaga 20160621T0000 20160111T0000 20160528T1200 Topography The state of the surface of the land included with the property. i.e. flat, rolling, etc. Property Resource Characteristics Group String 255 Active Platinum 100925 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No LAND COMS COML IDX_Blank Topografía 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 TotalActualRent Total actual rent currently being collected from tenants of the income property. Property Resource Financial Group Number 14 Active Bronze 100256 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> 2 No RINC COMS COML AlquilerRealTotal 20111109T0000 20120420T0000 20120420T0000 Township A subdivision of the county. Property Resource Location Group Address Group String 50 Municipality, TWP Active Core 100081 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Municipio 20111109T0000 20111109T0000 20111109T0000 TransactionBrokerCompensation The total commission to be paid to the transaction facilitator, expressed as either a percentage or a constant currency amount. Property Resource Listing Group Compensation Group String 25 Active Bronze 100036 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO CompensaciónDeCorredorDeTransacciones 20111109T0000 20111109T0000 20111109T0000 TransactionBrokerCompensationType A list of types to clarify the value entered in the TransactionBrokerCompensation field. For example $, % or some other clarification of the TransactionBrokerCompensation. Property Resource Listing Group Compensation Group String List, Single 25 Active Bronze 100037 Open with Enumerations CompensationType Lookups <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO TipoDeCompensaciónDeCorredorDeTransacción 20160621T0000 20160111T0000 20160528T1200 TrashExpense The annual expense that is not paid directly by the tenant and is included in the Operating Expense calculations. Property Resource Financial Group Number 14 Active Silver 100275 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> 2 No RINC COMS COML GastoDesechos 20111109T0000 20120420T0000 20120420T0000 UnitNumber Text field containing the number or portion of a larger building or complex. Unit Number should appear following the street suffix or, if it exists, the street suffix direction, in the street address. Examples are: "APT G", "55", etc. Property Resource Location Group Address Group String 25 ApartmentNumber, SpaceNumber, Suite Active Subaddress Type = "Unit"Subaddress Identifier = [value] Core 100071 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO IDX_Optional NúmeroDeUnidad 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 UnitTypeType This field is a list of the types used in the Unit Type repeating elements. The Type is a list of possible Unit Types. i.e. 1, 2, 3 or 2 Bed, Studio, Special Loft, etc. Each selected are expected to appear as the "[type]" in the related UnitType fields in a flattened implementation (RETS 1.x only) of the room fields. A relational implementation of UnitTypes must omit the type from the field name and use UnitTypeType to create a vertical representation of the various unit types. The fact that the field repeats the word "type" is intentional. Property Resource UnitTypes Group String List, Multi 1024 Active Gold 100894 Open UnitTypeType Lookups <n/a> Yes RINC COMS COML IDX_Blank TipoDeUnidad 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 UnitType[type]ActualRent [type] This field is a repeating element for each type of unit selected in the UnitType field. For every UnitType there are two possible implementations. For a flat implementation (RETS 1.x only), each UnitTypeType used is expected to appear as the "[type]" in the related rooms field name. i.e. UnitTypeStudioActualRent. A relational implementation of UnitType must omit the type from the field name and use UnitTypeType to create a vertical representation of the various rooms. i.e. UnitTypeActualRent with Studio in the relational table's UnitType field. Property Resource UnitTypes Group Number 14 Active Gold 100848 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> 2 Yes RINC COMS COML TipoDeUnidad[tipo]AlquilerReal 20150721T0000 20150201T0000 20160909T0000 UnitType[type]BathsTotal [type] This field is a repeating element for each type of unit selected in the UnitType field. For every UnitType there are two possible implementations. For a flat implementation (RETS 1.x only), each UnitTypeType used is expected to appear as the "[type]" in the related rooms field name. i.e. UnitTypeStudioBathsTotal. A relational implementation of UnitType must omit the type from the field name and use UnitTypeType to create a vertical representation of the various rooms. i.e. UnitTypeBathsTotal with Studio in the relational table's UnitType field. Property Resource UnitTypes Group Number 3 Active Gold 100843 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> Yes RINC COMS COML TipoDeUnidad[tipo]TotalBaños 20160621T0000 20151119T0000 20160909T0000 UnitType[type]BedsTotal [type] This field is a repeating element for each type of unit selected in the UnitType field. For every UnitType there are two possible implementations. For a flat implementation (RETS 1.x only), each UnitTypeType used is expected to appear as the "[type]" in the related rooms field name. i.e. UnitTypeStudioBedsTotal. A relational implementation of UnitType must omit the type from the field name and use UnitTypeType to create a vertical representation of the various rooms. i.e. UnitTypeBedsTotal with Studio in the relational table's UnitType field. Property Resource UnitTypes Group Number 3 Active Gold 100842 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> Yes RINC COMS COML TipoDeUnidad[tipo]TotalCamas 20150721T0000 20150201T0000 20160909T0000 UnitType[type]Description [type] This field is a repeating element for each type of unit selected in the UnitType field. For every UnitType there are two possible implementations. For a flat implementation (RETS 1.x only), each UnitTypeType used is expected to appear as the "[type]" in the related rooms field name. i.e. UnitTypeStudioDescription. A relational implementation of UnitType must omit the type from the field name and use UnitTypeType to create a vertical representation of the various rooms. i.e. UnitTypeDescription with Studio in the relational table's UnitType field. Property Resource UnitTypes Group String 1024 Active Gold 100845 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> Yes RINC COMS COML TipoDeUnidad[tipo]Descripción 20150721T0000 20150201T0000 20160909T0000 UnitType[type]Furnished [type] This field is a repeating element for each type of unit selected in the UnitType field. For every UnitType there are two possible implementations. For a flat implementation (RETS 1.x only), each UnitTypeType used is expected to appear as the "[type]" in the related rooms field name. i.e. UnitTypeStudioFurnished. A relational implementation of UnitType must omit the type from the field name and use UnitTypeType to create a vertical representation of the various rooms. i.e. UnitTypeFurnished with Studio in the relational table's UnitType field. Property Resource UnitTypes Group String List, Single 20 Active Gold 100844 Open UnitType[type]Furnished Lookups <n/a> Yes RINC COMS COML TipoDeUnidad[tipo]Amueblado 20170809T0000 20180602T0000 20180602T0000 UnitType[type]GarageAttachedYN [type] This field is a repeating element for each type of unit selected in the UnitType field. For every UnitType there are two possible implementations. For a flat implementation (RETS 1.x only), each UnitTypeType used is expected to appear as the "[type]" in the related rooms field name. i.e. UnitTypeStudioGarageAttachedYN. A relational implementation of UnitType must omit the type from the field name and use UnitTypeType to create a vertical representation of the various rooms. i.e. UnitTypeGarageAttachedYN with Studio in the relational table's UnitType field. Property Resource UnitTypes Group Boolean Active Gold 100847 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> Yes RINC COMS COML TipoDeUnidad[tipo]GarajeAdjuntoSN 20150721T0000 20150201T0000 20160909T0000 UnitType[type]GarageSpaces [type] This field is a repeating element for each type of unit selected in the UnitType field. For every UnitType there are two possible implementations. For a flat implementation (RETS 1.x only), each UnitTypeType used is expected to appear as the "[type]" in the related rooms field name. i.e. UnitTypeStudioGarageSpaces. A relational implementation of UnitType must omit the type from the field name and use UnitTypeType to create a vertical representation of the various rooms. i.e. UnitTypeGarageSpaces with Studio in the relational table's UnitType field. Property Resource UnitTypes Group Number 14 Active Gold 100846 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> 2 Yes RINC COMS COML TipoDeUnidad[tipo]EspaciosDeGaraje 20150721T0000 20150201T0000 20160909T0000 UnitType[type]ProForma [type] This field is a repeating element for each type of unit selected in the UnitType field. For every UnitType there are two possible implementations. For a flat implementation (RETS 1.x only), each UnitTypeType used is expected to appear as the "[type]" in the related rooms field name. i.e. UnitTypeStudioProForma. A relational implementation of UnitType must omit the type from the field name and use UnitTypeType to create a vertical representation of the various rooms. i.e. UnitTypeProForma with Studio in the relational table's UnitType field. Property Resource UnitTypes Group Number 6 Active Gold 100850 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> Yes RINC COMS COML TipoDeUnidad[tipo]ProForma 20150721T0000 20150201T0000 20160909T0000 UnitType[type]TotalRent [type] This field is a repeating element for each type of unit selected in the UnitType field. For every UnitType there are two possible implementations. For a flat implementation (RETS 1.x only), each UnitTypeType used is expected to appear as the "[type]" in the related rooms field name. i.e. UnitTypeStudioTotalRent. A relational implementation of UnitType must omit the type from the field name and use UnitTypeType to create a vertical representation of the various rooms. i.e. UnitTypeTotalRent with Studio in the relational table's UnitType field. Property Resource UnitTypes Group Number 14 Active Gold 100849 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> 2 Yes RINC COMS COML TipoDeUnidad[tipo]AlquilerTotal 20150721T0000 20150201T0000 20160909T0000 UnitType[type]UnitsTotal [type] This field is a repeating element for each type of unit selected in the UnitType field. For every UnitType there are two possible implementations. For a flat implementation (RETS 1.x only), each UnitTypeType used is expected to appear as the "[type]" in the related rooms field name. i.e. UnitTypeStudioUnitsTotal. A relational implementation of UnitType must omit the type from the field name and use UnitTypeType to create a vertical representation of the various rooms. i.e. UnitTypeUnitsTotal with Studio in the relational table's UnitType field. Property Resource UnitTypes Group Number 3 Active Gold 100841 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> Yes RINC COMS COML TipoDeUnidad[tipo]TotalDeUnidades 20150721T0000 20150201T0000 20160909T0000 UnitTypes A collection of types of units included in the income (multi-family) property. The collection includes a type, beds, baths and other aspects of the type of unit behind described. Property Resource UnitTypes Group Collection Active Platinum 101009 <n/a> <n/a> PropertyUnitTypes Collection No RINC COMS COML TiposDeUnidades 20170809T0000 20170524T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 UnitsFurnished Are the units furnished? i.e. All Units, Varies By Unit, None. Property Resource Characteristics Group String List, Single 25 Active Bronze 100886 Open UnitsFurnished Lookups <n/a> No RINC UnidadesAmuebladas 20170809T0000 20180602T0000 20180602T0000 UniversalPropertyId The Universal Property Identifier is a unique identifier for all real property in the US and Canada. It is based on country and local identification methods and is limited to real property. For cases such as shares of real property, units, and other more granular cases, please utilize the UniversalPropertySubId. Property Resource String 128 PropertyID, PUID Active Platinum 101006 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO IDX_Blank IDUniversalDePropiedad 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 1.6.0 20181226T0000 UniversalPropertySubId The Universal Property Sub Identifier is a unique identifier for all sub sets or shares of real property in the US and Canada. This may include Stock Cooperatives, Community Apartment, Units for Rent, etc. Informally abbreviated as "UPSI", It is based on country and local identification methods just as the UPI, but is limited to sub sets or shares of real property. For cases of complete real property, please utilize the UniversalPropertyId field. Property Resource String 128 Active Platinum 101011 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO 20181226T0000 20180420T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 UnparsedAddress The UnparsedAddress is a text representation of the address with the full civic location as a single entity. It may optionally include any of City, StateOrProvince, PostalCode and Country. Property Resource Location Group Address Group String 255 FullAddress Active Core 100078 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO IDX_Optional DirecciónNoAnalizada 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 Utilities A list of the utilities for the property being sold/leased. Property Resource Utilities Group String List, Multi 1024 Active Bronze 100303 Open with Enumerations Utilities Lookups <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML IDX_Blank ServiciosPúblicos 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 VacancyAllowance An estimate of the amount of rent that may be foregone because of unoccupied units. Property Resource Financial Group Number 9 Active Bronze 100261 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RINC COMS COML ConcesiónDeVacantes 20111109T0000 20111201T0000 20111201T0000 VacancyAllowanceRate An estimate of the percent of rent that may be foregone because of unoccupied units. Property Resource Financial Group Number 5 Active Bronze 100901 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> 2 No COMS COML TasaDeConcesiónDeVacantes 20140703T0000 20131204T0000 20140703T0000 Vegetation A list of the type(s) of vegetation on the property. Note that this is not for farm crops, but more residential type vegetation. Property Resource Farming Group String List, Multi 1024 Active Gold 100888 Open Vegetation Lookups <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Vegetación 20170809T0000 20180602T0000 20180602T0000 VideosChangeTimestamp System generated timestamp of when the last update or change to the videos for this listing was made. Property Resource Listing Group Media Group Timestamp 27 Active Bronze 100774 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO MarcaDeTiempoCambioDeVideos 20160621T0000 20150924T0000 20160528T1200 VideosCount The total number of videos or virtual tours included with the listing. Property Resource Listing Group Media Group Number 2 Active Bronze 100780 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO ConteoDeVideos 20120420T0000 20120420T0000 20120420T0000 View A view as seen from the listed property. Property Resource Characteristics Group String List, Multi 1024 Active Platinum 100245 Open with Enumerations View Lookups <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM IDX_Blank Vista 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 ViewYN The property has a view. Property Resource Characteristics Group Boolean Active Platinum 100811 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM VistaSN 20140703T0000 20131121T0000 20140703T0000 VirtualTourURLBranded A text field that holds the URL for a branded virtual tour of the property. Property Resource Listing Group Marketing Group String 8000 Active Bronze 100049 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO TourVirtualConURLConMarca 20160621T0000 20150902T0000 20160528T1200 VirtualTourURLUnbranded A text field that holds the URL for an unbranded virtual tour of the property. Property Resource Listing Group Marketing Group String 8000 Active Core 100048 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO IDX_Blank TourVirtualConURLSinMarca 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 WalkScore A walkability index based on the time to walk from a property to near by essentials such as grocery stores, schools, churches, etc. See www.walkscore.com for more information and requirements for using WalkScore. Property Resource Structure Group Performance Group GreenMarketing Group Number 3 Active Walking Score = [value] Silver 100893 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM PuntajeCaminatas 20160621T0000 20150917T0000 20160528T1200 WaterBodyName The name, if known, of the body of water on which the property is located. (E.g., lake name, river name, ocean name, sea name, canal name). Property Resource Characteristics Group String 50 LakeName, RiverName, OceanName Active Platinum 100787 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO IDX_Blank NombreDeMasaDeAgua 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 WaterSewerExpense The annual expense that is not paid directly by the tenant and is included in the Operating Expense calculations. Property Resource Financial Group Number 14 Active Silver 100276 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> 2 No RINC COMS COML GastoAlcantarillado 20111109T0000 20120420T0000 20120420T0000 WaterSource A list of the source(s) of water for the property Property Resource Utilities Group String List, Multi 1024 Active Bronze 100355 Open with Enumerations WaterSource Lookups <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML IDX_Blank FuenteDeAgua 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 WaterfrontFeatures Features of the waterfront on which the property is located. Property Resource Characteristics Group String List, Multi 1024 LakefrontFeatures, OceanfrontFeatures, RiverfrontFeatures Active Platinum 100935 Open with Enumerations WaterfrontFeatures Lookups <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO CaracterísticasDeFrenteMarítimo 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 1.4.0 20181226T0000 WaterfrontYN The property is on the waterfront. Property Resource Characteristics Group Boolean Lakefront, Oceanfront, Riverfront Active Platinum 100813 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO IDX_Optional FrenteMarítimoSN 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 WindowFeatures A list of features or description of the windows included in the sale/lease. Property Resource Structure Group String List, Multi 1024 Active Platinum 100365 Open with Enumerations WindowFeatures Lookups <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM IDX_Blank CaracterísticasDeVentana 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 WithdrawnDate Date the listing was withdrawn from the market. This is not when a listing contact was cancelled or closed, but a withdrawal from the market while the contract between the seller and listing agent is still in effect and an offer has not been accepted. This is the date entered by the agent reflecting when the change occurred contractually, not a timestamp of when the change was made in the MLS. Property Resource Listing Group Dates Group Date 10 Active Core 100770 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO FechaDeRetiro 20160621T0000 20151118T0000 20160528T1200 WoodedArea Measurement or percentage of the property that is wooded or forest. Property Resource Farming Group Number 14 Active Gold 100296 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> 2 No FARM ÁreaDeBosques 20111109T0000 20120420T0000 20160615T0000 WorkmansCompensationExpense The annual expense that is not paid directly by the tenant and is included in the Operating Expense calculations. Property Resource Financial Group Number 14 Active Silver 100277 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> 2 No RINC GastosDeSeguroDeCompensaciónDelTrabajador 20111109T0000 20120420T0000 20120420T0000 YearBuilt The year that an occupancy permit is first granted for the house or other local measure of initial habitability of the build. The type definition permits an empty value with an attribute noting that it is an unknown date or that the building is new construction. While constraints have not been applied, convention at the time of adoption has this as a four (4) digit year value. Property Resource Structure Group Number 4 Active Construction Status = "Completed"Construction Status Date = [value] Core 100332 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML IDX_Blank AñoDeConstrucción 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 YearBuiltDetails A description of the details behind the year the structure was built. Property Resource Structure Group String 1024 Active Bronze 100367 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM DetallesDeAñoDeConstrucción 20111109T0000 20111201T0000 20111201T0000 YearBuiltEffective The year a major rebuild/renovated of the structure occurred. Property Resource Structure Group Number 4 Active Action Category = "Major remodel"Implementation Status = "Completed"Implementation Status Date = [value] Bronze 100333 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM AñoDeConstrucciónEfectivo 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 YearBuiltSource Add a list of sources of the year built. i.e. Appraiser, Assessor, Builder, Estimated, etc., Property Resource Structure Group String List, Single 60 Active Origin = [value] Bronze 100857 Open with Enumerations YearBuiltSource Lookups <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM AñoDeConstrucción 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 YearEstablished The year the business being sold was established. Property Resource Business Group Number 4 Active Silver 100917 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No BUSO AñoDeEstablecimiento 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 YearsCurrentOwner The number of years the current owner has had possession of the business. Property Resource Business Group Number 4 Active Silver 100919 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No BUSO AñosDePosesiónActual 20140703T0000 20131204T0000 20140703T0000 Zoning A division of the city or county into areas of different permissible land uses. This Zone field should be used for the short code that is commonly used. For full textual descriptions please use the ZoningDescription field. Property Resource Tax Group String 25 Active Bronze 100741 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML IDX_Blank Zonificación 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 ZoningDescription A list of descriptions of the zoning of the property. The zoning codes are often non-descriptive and variant. Zoning Description is a more descriptive form of the zoning for the property, i.e. Agricultural, Residential, Rezone Possible, etc. Specific zone codes must be added to the Zoning field. Property Resource Tax Group String 255 Active Bronze 100895 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RESI RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML DescripciónDeZonificación 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 JobTitle The title or position of the member within their organization. Member Resource String 50 Active Silver 110015 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No Cargo 20130521T0000 20121212T0000 20130521T0000 LastLoginTimestamp Date/time the member last logged into the source or other system. Member Resource Timestamp 27 Active Silver 110060 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No MarcaDeTiempoÚltimoIngreso 20160621T0000 20150924T0000 20160528T1200 MemberAOR The Member's Primary Board or Association of REALTORS. Member Resource String List, Single 50 AgentAOR Active Contact Label = "Association of Realtors" Company Name = [value] Core 110035 Open <not to be enumerated by RESO> <n/a> No MiembroDeAOR 20170809T0000 20170113T0000 20170809T0000 MemberAORMlsId The local, well-known identifier for the member's Association of REALTORS. This value may not be unique, specifically in the case of aggregation systems, this value should be the identifier from the original system. Member Resource String 25 AgentAORMlsld Active Contact Label = "Association of Realtors" Identifier = [value] Bronze 110036 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No IdDeMlsDeMiembroDeAOR 20170809T0000 20170113T0000 20170809T0000 MemberAORkey A system unique identifier. Specifically, in aggregation systems, the MemberAORkey is the system unique identifier from the system that the record was retrieved. This may be identical to the related xxxId. Member Resource String 255 AgentAORkey Active Contact Label = "Association of Realtors" Subaddress Type = "Key" Identifier = [value] Bronze 110037 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No ClaveDeMiembroDeAOR 20170809T0000 20170113T0000 20170809T0000 MemberAORkeyNumeric A system unique identifier. Specifically, in aggregation systems, the MemberAORkey is the system unique identifier from the system that the record was retrieved. This may be identical to the related xxxId. This is the numeric only key and used as an alternative to the MemberAORkey field. Member Resource Number 255 AgentAORkeyNumeric Active Contact Label = "Association of Realtors" Subaddress Type = "Key" Identifier = [value] Platinum 110069 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No ClaveNuméricaDeMiembroDeAOR 20170809T0000 20170113T0000 1.5.0 20170809T0000 MemberAddress1 The street number, direction, name and suffix of the member. Member Resource String 50 AgentAddress1 Active Address Line 1 = [value] Core 110041 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No DirecciónDeMiembro1 20170809T0000 20170113T0000 20180801T0000 MemberAddress2 The unit/suite number of the member. Member Resource String 50 AgentAddress2 Active Address Line 2 = [value] Core 110042 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No DirecciónDeMiembro2 20170809T0000 20170113T0000 20180801T0000 MemberAssociationComments The association's notes regarding the member. Member Resource String 500 AgentAssociationComments Active Silver 110054 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No ComentariosDeAsociaciónDeMiembro 20170809T0000 20170117T0000 20180801T0000 MemberCarrierRoute The group of addresses to which the USPS assigns the same code to aid in mail delivery. For the USPS, these codes are 9 digits: 5 numbers for the ZIP Code, one letter for the carrier route type, and 3 numbers for the carrier route number. Member Resource String 9 AgentCarrierRoute, RR, CR Active Bronze 110047 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RutaTransportistaDeMiembro 20170117T0000 20170117T0000 20180806T0000 MemberCity The city of the member. Member Resource String 50 AgentCity Active City = [value] Core 110043 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No CiudadDeMiembro 20170809T0000 20170117T0000 20180801T0000 MemberCountry The country abbreviation in a postal address. Member Resource String List, Single 2 AgentCountry Active Country Name = [value] Core 110049 Open with Enumerations Country Lookups <n/a> No PaísDeMiembro 20170809T0000 20170117T0000 20170809T0000 MemberCountyOrParish The county or parish in which the member is addressed. Member Resource String List, Single 50 AgentCountyOrParish Active County = [value] Core 110048 Open <not to be enumerated by RESO> <n/a> No CondadoODistritoDeMiembro 20170809T0000 20170117T0000 20170809T0000 MemberDesignation Designations and certifications acknowledging experience and expertise in various real estate sectors are awarded by NAR and each affiliated group upon completion of required courses. Member Resource String List, Multi 50 AgentDesignation Active Silver 110040 Open MemberDesignation Lookups <n/a> No DenominaciónDeMiembro 20170809T0000 20180602T0000 20180602T0000 MemberDirectPhone North American 10 digit phone numbers should be in the format of ###-###-#### (separated by hyphens). Other conventions should use the common local standard. International numbers should be preceded by a plus symbol. Member Resource String 16 AgentDirectPhone Active Telephone Number Label = "Direct" Telephone Number = [value] Bronze 110022 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No TeléfonoDirectoDeMiembro 20170809T0000 20170117T0000 20170809T0000 MemberEmail The email address of the Member. Member Resource String 80 AgentEmail Active Email Address = [value] Core 110016 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No IDX_Optional EmailDeMiembro 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 MemberFax North American 10 digit phone numbers should be in the format of ###-###-#### (separated by hyphens). Other conventions should use the common local standard. International numbers should be preceded by a plus symbol. Member Resource String 16 AgentFax Active Telephone Number Label = "Fax" Telephone Number = [value] Bronze 110024 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No FaxDeMiembro 20170809T0000 20170117T0000 20180806T0000 MemberFirstName The first name of the Member. Member Resource String 50 AgentFirstName Active Core 110009 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No IDX_Blank NombreDeMiembro 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 MemberFullName The full name of the Member. (First Middle Last) or a alternate full name. Member Resource String 150 AgentFullName Active Full Name = [value] Bronze 110013 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No IDX_Blank NombreCompletoDeMiembro 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 MemberHomePhone North American 10 digit phone numbers should be in the format of ###-###-#### (separated by hyphens). Other conventions should use the common local standard. International numbers should be preceded by a plus symbol. Member Resource String 16 AgentHomePhone Active Telephone Number Label = "Home" Telephone Number = [value] Bronze 110023 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No TeléfonoDeCasaDeMiembro 20170809T0000 20170117T0000 20170809T0000 MemberIsAssistantTo The MemberMlsId of the Agent/Broker that this member is an assistant. The typical use will be to add the agent's ID to this field when editing the member record of the assistant. Member Resource String 50 AgentIsAssistantTo Active Platinum 110063 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No ElMiembroAsisteA 20170809T0000 20170117T0000 1.5.0 20170809T0000 MemberKey A unique identifier for this record from the immediate source. This is a string that can include URI or other forms. Alternatively use the MemberKeyNumeric for a numeric only key field. This is the local key of the system. When records are received from other systems, a local key is commonly applied. If conveying the original keys from the source or originating systems, see SourceSystemMemberKey and OriginatingSystemMemberKey. Member Resource String 255 AgentKey Active Subaddress Type = "Key" Identifier = [value] Core 110001 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No IDX_Blank ClaveDeMiembro 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 MemberKeyNumeric A unique identifier for this record from the immediate source. This is the numeric only key and used as an alternative to the MemberKey fields. This is the local key of the system. When records are received from other systems, a local key is commonly applied. If conveying the original keys from the source or originating systems, see SourceSystemMemberKey and OriginatingSystemMemberKey. Member Resource Number 255 AgentKeyNumeric Active Subaddress Type = "Key" Identifier = [value] Platinum 110068 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No IDX_Blank ClaveNúmericaDeMiembro 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 1.5.0 20181226T0000 MemberLanguages The languages the member speaks. Member Resource String List, Multi 1024 AgentLanguages Active Silver 110055 Open with Enumerations Languages Lookups <n/a> No IdiomasDeMiembro 20170809T0000 20170117T0000 20170809T0000 MemberLastName The last name of the Member. Member Resource String 50 AgentLastName Active Core 110011 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No IDX_Blank ApellidoDeMiembro 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 MemberLoginId The ID used to logon to the MLS system. Member Resource String 25 AgentLoginId Active Bronze 110005 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No IDX_Optional IdDeInicioDeMiembro 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 MemberMiddleName The middle name of the Member. Member Resource String 50 AgentMiddleName Active Core 110010 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No IDX_Blank SegundoNombreDeMiembro 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 MemberMlsAccessYN Does the member have access to the MLS system. Member Resource Boolean AgentMlsAccessYN Active Silver 110050 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No AccesoAMlsDeMiembroSN 20170809T0000 20170901T0000 20170901T0000 MemberMlsId The local, well-known identifier for the member. This value may not be unique, specifically in the case of aggregation systems, this value should be the identifier from the original system. Member Resource String 25 AgentMlsId Active Core 110004 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No IDX_Optional IdDeMlsDeMiembro 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 MemberMlsSecurityClass The MLS security group or class given to the member. Member Resource String List, Single 25 AgentMlsSecurityClass Active Bronze 110052 Open <not to be enumerated by RESO> <n/a> No ClaseDeSeguridadDeMlsDeMiembro 20170809T0000 20170117T0000 20170809T0000 MemberMobilePhone North American 10 digit phone numbers should be in the format of ###-###-#### (separated by hyphens). Other conventions should use the common local standard. International numbers should be preceded by a plus symbol. Member Resource String 16 AgentMobilePhone Active Telephone Number Label = "Mobile" Telephone Number = [value] Core 110021 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No TeléfonoMóvilDeMiembro 20170809T0000 20170117T0000 20170809T0000 MemberNamePrefix Prefix to the name (e.g. Dr. Mr. Ms. etc.) Member Resource String 10 AgentNamePrefix, Salutation, Title Active Bronze 110008 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No PrefijoNombreDeMiembro 20170809T0000 20170117T0000 20170809T0000 MemberNameSuffix Suffix to the surname (e.g. Esq., Jr., III etc.) Member Resource String 10 AgentNameSuffix Active Bronze 110012 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No IDX_Blank SufijoNombreDeMiembro 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 MemberNationalAssociationId The national association ID of the member. i.e. in the U.S. is the NRDS number. Member Resource String 25 AgentNationalAssociationId Active Core 110006 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No IdDeAsociaciónNacionalDeMiembro 20170809T0000 20170117T0000 20170809T0000 MemberNickname An alternate name used by the Member, usually as a substitute for the first name. Member Resource String 50 AgentNickname Active Bronze 110014 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No IDX_Blank ApodoDeMiembro 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 MemberOfficePhone North American 10 digit phone numbers should be in the format of ###-###-#### (separated by hyphens). Other conventions should use the common local standard. International numbers should be preceded by a plus symbol. Member Resource String 16 AgentOfficePhone Active Telephone Number Label = "Work" Telephone Number = [value] Core 110019 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No TeléfonoDeDespachoDeMiembro 20170809T0000 20170117T0000 20170809T0000 MemberOfficePhoneExt The extension of the given phone number (if applicable). Member Resource String 10 AgentOfficePhoneExt Active Telephone Number Label = "Work" Telephone Extension = [value] Core 110020 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No ExtDeTeléfonoDeDespachoDeMiembro 20170809T0000 20170117T0000 20170809T0000 MemberOtherPhone A collection of the types of other phone fields available for this member. The collection includes the type of system and other details pertinent about other phone numbers Member Resource Collection <n/a> Active Platinum 110071 <n/a> <n/a> OtherPhone Collection <n/a> No 20181226T0000 20171026T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 MemberOtherPhoneType The type of "other" phone. i.e. Preferred, Office, Mobile, Direct, Home, Fax, Pager, Voicemail, Toll Free, SMS, 1, 2, 3, First, Second, Third, etc.. This is used as the list of options for the Member Other Phone repeating elements. Member Resource String List, Single 25 AgentOtherPhoneType Active Bronze 110030 Open MemberOtherPhoneType Lookups <n/a> Yes OtroTipoDeTeléfonoDeMiembro 20170809T0000 20180602T0000 20180602T0000 MemberOtherPhone[Type]Ext The "other" phone option allowing members to convey additional phone numbers other than those already covered by the MemberMobilePhone, MemberFax, etc., fields. This is a repeating element. Member Resource String 10 AgentOtherPhone[Type]Ext Active Telephone Number Label = "Other" Telephone Extension = [value] Bronze 110032 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> Yes OtroTipoDeTeléfonoMiembro[Tipo]Ext 20170809T0000 20170117T0000 20170809T0000 MemberOtherPhone[Type]Number The "other" phone option allowing members to convey additional phone numbers other than those already covered by the MemberMobilePhone, MemberFax, etc., fields. This is a repeating element. Member Resource String 16 AgentOtherPhone[Type]Number Active Telephone Number Label = "Other" Telephone Number = [value] Bronze 110031 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> Yes OtroTipoDeTeléfonoMiembro[Tipo]Número 20170809T0000 20170117T0000 20170809T0000 MemberPager North American 10 digit phone numbers should be in the format of ###-###-#### (separated by hyphens). Other conventions should use the common local standard. International numbers should be preceded by a plus symbol. Member Resource String 16 AgentPager Active Telephone Number Label = "Pager" Telephone Number = [value] Platinum 110025 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No BuscapersonasDeMiembro 20170809T0000 20170117T0000 20180801T0000 MemberPassword A password that the member whishes to share with other systems. Normal security considerations apply and are the responsibility of the entity utilizing this field. Member Resource String 25 AgentPassword Active Silver 110007 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No ContraseñaDeMiembro 20170809T0000 20170117T0000 20180801T0000 MemberPhoneTTYTDD (Telecommunications Device for the Deaf/TeleTYpewriter) A user terminal with keyboard input and printer or display output used by the hearing and speech impaired. The device contains a modem and is used over a standard analog phone line. If a recipient does not have a corresponding terminal device, TDD/TTY users dial a relay service composed of operators who receive the typed messages, call the recipients and speak the messages to them. The operators also type the responses back to the TDD/TTY user. Member Resource String 16 AgentPhoneTTYTDD Active Platinum 110029 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No TeléfonoTTYTDDDeMiembro 20170809T0000 20170117T0000 20170809T0000 MemberPostalCode The postal code of the member. Member Resource String 10 AgentPostalCode Active ZIP Code = [value] Core 110045 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No CódigoPostalDeMiembro 20170809T0000 20170117T0000 20170809T0000 MemberPostalCodePlus4 The extension of the postal/zip code. i.e. +4 Member Resource String 4 AgentPostalCodePlus4 Active ZIP Plus 4 = [value] Core 110046 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No CódigoPostalMás4DeMiembro 20170809T0000 20170117T0000 20170809T0000 MemberPreferredPhone North American 10 digit phone numbers should be in the format of ###-###-#### (separated by hyphens). Other conventions should use the common local standard. International numbers should be preceded by a plus symbol. Member Resource String 16 AgentPreferredPhone Active Priority = "Primary" Telephone Number = [value] Core 110017 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No IDX_Optional TeléfonoPreferidoDeMiembro 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 MemberPreferredPhoneExt The extension of the given phone number (if applicable). Member Resource String 10 AgentPreferredPhoneExt Active Priority = "Primary" Telephone Extension = [value] Core 110018 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No IDX_Optional ExtDeTeléfonoPreferidoDeMiembro 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 MemberSocialMedia A collection of the types of social media fields available for this member. The collection includes the type of system and other details pertinent about social media Member Resource Collection <n/a> Active Platinum 110072 <n/a> <n/a> SocialMedia Collection <n/a> No 20181226T0000 20171026T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 MemberStateLicense The license of the Member. Separate multiple licenses with a comma and space. Member Resource String 50 AgentStateLicense Active Credential = [value] Core 110038 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No IDX_Blank LicenciaEstatalDeMiembro 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 MemberStateLicenseState The state in which the member is licensed. Member Resource String List, Single 2 AgentStateLicenseState Active Credential State = [value] Bronze 110039 Open with Enumerations StateOrProvince Lookups <n/a> No IDX_Blank EstadoDeLicenciaEstatalDeMiembro 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 MemberStateOrProvince The state or province in which the member is addressed. Member Resource String List, Single 2 AgentStateOrProvince Active State = [value] Core 110044 Open with Enumerations StateOrProvince Lookups <n/a> No EstadoOProvinciaDeMiembro 20170809T0000 20170117T0000 20170809T0000 MemberStatus Is the account active, inactive or under disciplinary action. Member Resource String List, Single 25 AgentStatus Active Core 110051 Open with Enumerations MemberStatus Lookups <n/a> No IDX_Must EstadoDeMiembro 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 MemberTollFreePhone North American 10 digit phone numbers should be in the format of ###-###-#### (separated by hyphens). Other conventions should use the common local standard. International numbers should be preceded by a plus symbol. Member Resource String 16 AgentTollFreePhone Active Bronze 110028 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No TeléfonoGratuitoDeMiembro 20170809T0000 20170117T0000 20170809T0000 MemberType The type of member. i.e. Agent, Broker, Office Manager, Appraiser, Photographer, Assistants, MLO, Realtor, Association Staff, MLS Staff, etc. Member Resource String List, Single 50 AgentType Active Bronze 110053 Open with Enumerations MemberType Lookups <n/a> No TipoDeMiembro 20181226T0000 20180907T0000 20181226T0000 MemberVoiceMail North American 10 digit phone numbers should be in the format of ###-###-#### (separated by hyphens). Other conventions should use the common local standard. International numbers should be preceded by a plus symbol. Member Resource String 16 AgentVoiceMail Active Bronze 110026 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No BuzónDeVozDeMiembro 20170809T0000 20170117T0000 20170809T0000 MemberVoiceMailExt The extension of the given phone number (if applicable). Member Resource String 10 AgentVoiceMailExt Active Bronze 110027 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No ExtDeBuzónDeVozDeMiembro 20170809T0000 20170117T0000 20170809T0000 ModificationTimestamp Date/time the roster (member or office) record was last modified. Member Resource Timestamp 27 Active Date Status = "Modified" Date = [value] Core 110061 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No IDX_Must MarcaDeTiempoDeModificación 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 OfficeKey A system unique identifier. Specifically, in aggregation systems, the Key is the system unique identifier from the system that the record was just retrieved. This may be identical to the related xxxId identifier, but the key is guaranteed unique for this record set. This is a foreign key relating to the Office resource's OfficeKey. Member Resource String 255 Active Core 110057 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No IDX_Blank ClaveDeDespacho 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 OfficeKeyNumeric A system unique identifier. Specifically, in aggregation systems, the Key is the system unique identifier from the system that the record was just retrieved. This may be identical to the related xxxId identifier, but the key is guaranteed unique for this record set. This is a foreign key relating to the Office resource's OfficeKey. This is the numeric only key and used as an alternative to the MemberAORkey field. Member Resource Number 255 Active Platinum 110070 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No IDX_Blank ClaveNuméricaDeDespacho 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 1.5.0 20181226T0000 OfficeMlsId The local, well-known identifier. This value may not be unique, specifically in the case of aggregation systems, this value should be the identifier from the original system. Member Resource String 25 Active Core 110058 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No IDX_Blank IdDeMlsDeDespachoEnlistado 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 OfficeName The legal name of the brokerage. Member Resource String 255 Active Bronze 110056 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No IDX_Blank NombreDeDespacho 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 OriginalEntryTimestamp Date/time the roster (member or office) record was originally input into the source system. Member Resource Timestamp 27 Active Date Status = "Created"Date = [value] Core 110059 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No MarcaDeTiempoEntradaOriginal 20160621T0000 20150924T0000 20160528T1200 OriginatingSystemID The RESO OUID's OrganizationUniqueId of the Originating record provider. The Originating system is the system with authoritative control over the record. For example; the name of the MLS where the member was input. In cases where the Originating system was not where the record originated (the authoritative system), see the Originating System fields. Member Resource String 25 MLSID Active Platinum 110064 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No IDX_Blank IDSistemaDeOrigen 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 1.5.0 20181226T0000 OriginatingSystemMemberKey The system key, a unique record identifier, from the Originating system. The Originating system is the system with authoritative control over the record. For example, the Multiple Listing Service where the member was input. There may be cases where the Source System (how you received the record) is not the Originating System. See Source System Key for more information. Member Resource String 255 OriginatingSystemAgentkey, ProviderKey Active Core 110002 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No IDX_Blank ClaveDeMiembroSistemaDeOrigen 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 OriginatingSystemName The name of the Originating record provider. Most commonly the name of the MLS. The place where the member is originally input by the member. The legal name of the company. Member Resource String 255 ProviderName, MLSID Active Bronze 110003 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No NombreDeSistemaDeOrigen 20160621T0000 20160218T0000 20160528T1200 SocialMediaType A list of types of sites, blog, social media, the Member URL or ID is referring to. i.e. Website, Blog, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Skype, etc., This list is used to populate the Type with repeating Social Media URL or ID types. Member Resource String List, Single 25 Active Bronze 110033 Open SocialMediaType Lookups <n/a> Yes TipoDeRedesSociales 20170809T0000 20180602T0000 20180801T0000 SocialMedia[Type]UrlOrId The website URL or ID of social media site or account of the member. This is a repeating element. Replace [Type] with any of the options from the SocialMediaType field to create a unique field for that type of social media. For example: SocialMediaFacebookUrlOrID, SocialMediaSkypeUrlOrID, etc. Member Resource String 8000 Active Bronze 110034 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> Yes RedesSociales[tipo]UrlOId 20140703T0000 20140203T0000 20140703T0000 SourceSystemID The RESO OUID's OrganizationUniqueId of the Source record provider. The source system is the system from which the record was directly received. In cases where the source system was not where the record originated (the authoritative system), see the Originating System fields. Member Resource String 25 MLSID Active Platinum 110067 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No IDSistemaFuente 20160621T0000 20160218T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 SourceSystemMemberKey The system key, a unique record identifier, from the Source System. The Source System is the system from which the record was directly received. In cases where the Source System was not where the record originated (the authoritative system), see the Originating System fields. Member Resource String 255 SourceSystemAgentKey, ProviderKey Active Silver 110065 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No IDX_Blank ClaveDeMiembroSistemaFuente 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 1.5.0 20181226T0000 SourceSystemName The name of the immediate record provider. The system from which the record was directly received. The legal name of the company. Member Resource String 255 ProviderName, MLSID Active Silver 110066 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No NombreSistemaFuente 20160621T0000 20160218T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 SyndicateTo When permitted by the broker, the options made by the individual agent on where they would like their listings syndicated. i.e. Zillow, Trulia, Homes.com, etc. Member Resource String List, Multi 1024 Active Gold 110062 Open <Not Defined> <n/a> No RedifundirA 20150721T0000 20150319T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 FranchiseAffiliation The name of the franchise to which the broker/office is contracted. Office Resource String 50 Active Silver 120037 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No AfiliaciónDeFranquicia 20130521T0000 20121212T0000 20130521T0000 IDXOfficeParticipationYN Does the Office/Broker participate in IDX. Office Resource Boolean Active Bronze 120038 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No IDX_Blank ParticipaciónEnIDXSN 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 MainOfficeKey OfficeKey of the Main Office in a firm/company of offices. This is a self referencing foreign key relating to this resource's OfficeKey. This key may be the same value as the OfficeKey for a given record if the given office is the Main Office. Office Resource String 255 Active Core 120035 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No IDX_Blank ClaveDeDespachoPrincipal 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 MainOfficeKeyNumeric OfficeKey of the Main Office in a firm/company of offices. This is a self referencing foreign key relating to this resource's OfficeKey. This key may be the same value as the OfficeKey for a given record if the given office is the Main Office. This is the numeric only key and used as an alternative to the MainOfficeKey field. Office Resource Number 255 Active Platinum 120049 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No IDX_Blank ClaveNuméricaDeDespachoPrincipal 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 1.5.0 20181226T0000 MainOfficeMlsId OfficeMlsId of the Main Office in a firm/company of offices. Office Resource String 25 Active Core 120036 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No IDX_Blank IdDeMlsDeDespachoEnlistado 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 ModificationTimestamp Date/time the roster (member or office) record was last modified. Office Resource Timestamp 27 Active Date Status = "Modified"Date = [value] Core 120034 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No IDX_Must MarcaDeTiempoDeModificación 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 OfficeAOR The Office's Board or Association of REALTORS. Office Resource String List, Single 50 Active Contact Label = "Association of Realtors"Company Name = [value] Bronze 120014 Open <not to be enumerated by RESO> <n/a> No DespachoDeAOR 20130521T0000 20121212T0000 20160119T0000 OfficeAORMlsId The local, well-known identifier for the office's Association of REALTORS. This value may not be unique, specifically in the case of aggregation systems, this value should be the identifier from the original system. Office Resource String 25 Active Contact Label = "Association of Realtors"Identifier = [value] Bronze 120015 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No IdDeMlsDeDespachoDeAOR 20130521T0000 20121212T0000 20130521T0000 OfficeAORkey A system unique identifier. Specifically, in aggregation systems, the OfficeAORkey is the system unique identifier from the system that the record was retrieved. This may be identical to the related xxxId. This is a foreign key relating to the AOR's member management system in which the record was originated. Office Resource String 255 Active Contact Label = "Association of Realtors"Subaddress Type = "Key"Identifier = [value] Bronze 120016 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No ClaveDeDespachoDeAOR 20150721T0000 20150201T0000 20150721T0000 OfficeAORkeyNumeric A system unique identifier. Specifically, in aggregation systems, the OfficeAORkey is the system unique identifier from the system that the record was retrieved. This may be identical to the related xxxId. This is a foreign key relating to the AOR's member management system in which the record was originated. This is the numeric only key and used as an alternative to the OfficeAORkey field. Office Resource Number 255 Active Contact Label = "Association of Realtors"Subaddress Type = "Key"Identifier = [value] Platinum 120046 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No ClaveNuméricaDeDespachoDeAOR 20160621T0000 20160317T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 OfficeAddress1 The street number, direction, name and suffix of the office. Office Resource String 50 Active Address Line 1 = [value] Core 120023 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No IDX_Blank DirecciónDeDespacho1 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 OfficeAddress2 The unit/suite number of the office. Office Resource String 50 Active Address Line 2 = [value] Core 120024 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No IDX_Blank DirecciónDeDespacho2 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 OfficeAssociationComments Notes relating to the office. Office Resource String 500 Active Silver 120031 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No ComentariosDeAsociaciónDeDespacho 20130521T0000 20121212T0000 20130521T0000 OfficeBranchType The level of the office in the hierarchy of Main, Branch, Stand Alone, etc., Office Resource String List, Single 50 Active Silver 120011 Open OfficeBranchType Lookups <n/a> No TipoDeSucursal 20170809T0000 20180602T0000 20180602T0000 OfficeBrokerKey The MemberKey of the responsible/owning broker. This is a foreign key relating to the Member resource's MemberKey. Office Resource String 255 Active Core 120020 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No IDX_Blank ClaveDeCorredorDeDespacho 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 OfficeBrokerKeyNumeric The MemberKey of the responsible/owning broker. This is a foreign key relating to the Member resource's MemberKey. This is the numeric only key and used as an alternative to the OfficeBrokerKey field. Office Resource Number 255 Active Platinum 120047 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No IDX_Blank ClaveNuméricaDeCorredorDeDespacho 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 1.5.0 20181226T0000 OfficeBrokerMlsId The MemberMlsId of the responsible/owning broker. Office Resource String 25 Active Core 120019 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No ClaveDeCorredorDeDespacho 20130521T0000 20121212T0000 20130521T0000 OfficeCity The city of the office. Office Resource String 50 Active City = [value] Core 120025 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No IDX_Blank CiudadDeDespacho 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 OfficeCorporateLicense When an office/firm is a corporation, an independent license number is issued. Office Resource String 50 Active Bronze 120018 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No LicenciaCorporativaDeDespacho 20160621T0000 20150902T0000 20160528T1200 OfficeCountyOrParish The county or parish in which the offices is located. Office Resource String List, Single 50 County Active County = [value] Core 120029 Open <not to be enumerated by RESO> <n/a> No CondadoODistritoDeDespacho 20130521T0000 20121212T0000 20160404T0000 OfficeEmail The email address of the office Office Resource String 80 Active Email Address = [value] Core 120009 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No EmailDeDespacho 20130521T0000 20121212T0000 20130521T0000 OfficeFax North American 10 digit phone numbers should be in the format of ###-###-#### (separated by hyphens). Other conventions should use the common local standard. International numbers should be preceded by a plus symbol. Office Resource String 16 Active Telephone Number Label = "Fax"Telephone Number = [value] Bronze 120008 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No FaxDeDespacho 20130521T0000 20121212T0000 20130521T0000 OfficeKey A system unique identifier. Specifically, in aggregation systems, the Key is the system unique identifier from the system that the record was just retrieved. This may be identical to the related xxxId identifier, but the key is guaranteed unique for this record set. Office Resource String 255 Active Subaddress Type = "Key"Contact ID = [value] Core 120001 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No IDX_Blank ClaveDeDespacho 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 OfficeKeyNumeric A unique identifier for this record from the immediate source. This is the numeric only key and used as an alternative to the OfficeKey fields. This is the local key of the system. When records are received from other systems, a local key is commonly applied. If conveying the original keys from the source or originating systems, see SourceSystemOfficeKey and OriginatingSystemOfficeKey. Office Resource Number 255 Active Subaddress Type = "Key"Identifier = [value] Platinum 120045 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No IDX_Blank ClaveNuméricaDeDespacho 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 1.5.0 20181226T0000 OfficeManagerKey The lead Office Manager for the given office. This is a foreign key relating to the Member resource's MemberKey. Office Resource String 255 Active Bronze 120022 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No ClaveDeGerenteDeDespacho 20150721T0000 20150201T0000 20150721T0000 OfficeManagerKeyNumeric The lead Office Manager for the given office. This is a foreign key relating to the Member resource's MemberKey. This is the numeric only key and used as an alternative to the OfficeManagerKey field. Office Resource Number 255 Active Platinum 120048 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No ClaveNuméricaDeGerenteDeDespacho 20160621T0000 20160317T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 OfficeManagerMlsId The lead Office Manager for the given office. Office Resource String 25 Active Bronze 120021 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No IdDeMlsDeGerenteDeDespacho 20130521T0000 20121212T0000 20130521T0000 OfficeMlsId The local, well-known identifier. This value may not be unique, specifically in the case of aggregation systems, this value should be the identifier from the original system. Office Resource String 25 Active Core 120004 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No IDX_Blank IdDeMlsDeDespachoEnlistado 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 OfficeName The legal name of the brokerage. Office Resource String 255 Active Company Name = [value] Core 120005 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No IDX_Blank NombreDeDespacho 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 OfficeNationalAssociationId The national association ID of the office. i.e. in the U.S. is the NRDS number. Office Resource String 25 Active Core 120017 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No IdDeAsociaciónNacionalDeDespacho 20150721T0000 20150416T0000 20150721T0000 OfficePhone North American 10 digit phone numbers should be in the format of ###-###-#### (separated by hyphens). Other conventions should use the common local standard. International numbers should be preceded by a plus symbol. Office Resource String 16 Active Telephone Number = [value] Core 120006 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No IDX_Blank TeléfonoDeDespacho 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 OfficePhoneExt The extension of the given phone number (if applicable). Office Resource String 10 Active Telephone Extension = [value] Core 120007 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No ExtensiónTelefónicaDeDespacho 20150721T0000 20150305T0000 20150721T0000 OfficePostalCode The postal code of the office. Office Resource String 10 Active ZIP Code = [value] Core 120027 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No IDX_Blank CódigoPostalDeDespacho 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 OfficePostalCodePlus4 The extension of the postal/zip code. i.e. +4 Office Resource String 4 Active ZIP Plus 4 = [value] Core 120028 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No IDX_Blank CódigoPostalMás4DeDespacho 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 OfficeSocialMedia A collection of the types of social media fields available for this office. The collection includes the type of system and other details pertinent about social media Office Resource Collection <n/a> Active Platinum 120050 <n/a> <n/a> SocialMedia Collection <n/a> No 20181226T0000 20171026T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 OfficeStateOrProvince The state or province in which the office is located. Office Resource String List, Single 2 Active State = [value] Core 120026 Open with Enumerations StateOrProvince Lookups <n/a> No IDX_Blank EstadoOProvinciaDeDespacho 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 OfficeStatus Is the office active, inactive or under disciplinary action. Office Resource String List, Single 25 Active Core 120030 Open with Enumerations OfficeStatus Lookups <n/a> No IDX_Must EstadoDeDespacho 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 OfficeType The type of business conducted by the office. i.e. Real Estate, Appraiser, etc. Office Resource String List, Single 50 Active Bronze 120010 Open with Enumerations OfficeType Lookups <n/a> No TipoDeDespacho 20130521T0000 20150812T0000 20160404T0000 OriginalEntryTimestamp Date/time the roster (member or office) record was originally input into the source system. Office Resource Timestamp 27 Active Date Status = "Created"Date = [value] Core 120032 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No MarcaDeTiempoEntradaOriginal 20160621T0000 20150924T0000 20160528T1200 OriginatingSystemID The RESO OUID's OrganizationUniqueId of the Originating record provider. The Originating system is the system with authoritative control over the record. For example; the name of the MLS where the office was input. In cases where the Originating system was not where the record originated (the authoritative system), see the Originating System fields. Office Resource String 25 MLSID Active Platinum 120041 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No IDX_Blank IDSistemaDeOrigen 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 1.5.0 20181226T0000 OriginatingSystemName The name of the Originating record provider. Most commonly the name of the MLS. The place where the office is originally input by the member. The legal name of the company. Office Resource String 255 ProviderName, MLSID Active Bronze 120003 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No IDX_Blank NombreDeSistemaDeOrigen 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 OriginatingSystemOfficeKey The system key, a unique record identifier, from the Originating system. The Originating system is the system with authoritative control over the record. For example, the Multiple Listing Service where the office was input. There may be cases where the Source System (how you received the record) is not the Originating System. See Source System Key for more information. Office Resource String 255 ProviderKey Active Core 120002 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No IDX_Blank ClaveDeDespachoDeSistemaDeOrigen 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 SocialMediaType A list of types of sites, blog, social media, the Office URL or ID is referring to. i.e. Website, Blog, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Skype, etc., This list is used to populate the Type with repeating Social Media URL or ID types. Office Resource String List, Single 25 Active Silver 120012 Open <insufficient input to enumerate. Reviewing possible deprecation.> <n/a> Yes TipoDeRedesSociales 20140703T0000 20140203T0000 20160404T0000 SocialMedia[Type]UrlOrId The website URL or ID of social media site or account of the Office. This is a repeating element. Replace [Type] with any of the options from the SocialMediaType field to create a unique field for that type of social media. For example: SocialMediaFacebookUrlOrID, SocialMediaSkypeUrlOrID, etc. Office Resource String 8000 Active Silver 120013 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> Yes RedesSociales[tipo]UrlOId 20140703T0000 20140203T0000 20140703T0000 SourceSystemID The RESO OUID's OrganizationUniqueId of the Source record provider. The source system is the system from which the record was directly received. In cases where the source system was not where the record originated (the authoritative system), see the Originating System fields. Office Resource String 25 MLSID Active Platinum 120044 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No IDX_Blank IDSistemaFuente 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 1.5.0 20181226T0000 SourceSystemName The name of the immediate record provider. The system from which the record was directly received. The legal name of the company. Office Resource String 255 ProviderName, MLSID Active Silver 120043 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No IDX_Blank NombreSistemaFuente 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 1.5.0 20181226T0000 SourceSystemOfficeKey The system key, a unique record identifier, from the Source System. The Source System is the system from which the record was directly received. In cases where the Source System was not where the record originated (the authoritative system), see the Originating System fields. Office Resource String 255 ProviderKey Active Silver 120042 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No IDX_Blank ClaveDeDespachoSistemaFuente 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 1.5.0 20181226T0000 SyndicateAgentOption A list of options allowing the broker to pass the decision of syndication choice down to the listing agents. i.e. No Agent Choice, Allow Agent Choice, Restrict Agent Choice, etc. Office Resource String List, Single 50 SyndicateMemberOption Active Gold 120040 Open <Not Defined> <n/a> No OpciónDeRedifusiónAgente 20170809T0000 20170117T0000 1.4.0 20170809T0000 SyndicateTo The principal broker's choice on where they would like their listings syndicated. i.e. Zillow, Trulia, Homes.com, etc. Office Resource String List, Multi 1024 Active Gold 120039 Open <Not Defined> <n/a> No RedifundirA 20150721T0000 20150319T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Anniversary The wedding anniversary of the contact; month, day and year. Contacts Resource Date 24 Active Silver 150068 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No Aniversario 20130521T0000 20121212T0000 20130521T0000 AssistantEmail Email address of the contact's assistant. Contacts Resource String 80 Active Silver 150076 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No EmailDeAsistente 20130521T0000 20121212T0000 20130521T0000 AssistantName Name of the contact's assistant. Contacts Resource String 150 Active Silver 150073 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No NombreDeAsistente 20130521T0000 20121212T0000 20130521T0000 AssistantPhone Phone number of the contact's assistant. Contacts Resource String 16 Active Silver 150074 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No TeléfonoDeAsistente 20130521T0000 20121212T0000 20130521T0000 AssistantPhoneExt Phone number extension of the contact's assistant. Contacts Resource String 10 Active Silver 150075 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No ExtDeTeléfonoDeAsistente 20160621T0000 20160117T0000 20160528T1200 Birthdate The birthday of the contact; month, day and year. Contacts Resource Date 10 Active Silver 150067 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No FechaDeNacimiento 20170809T0000 20161109T0000 20170809T0000 BusinessFax North American 10 digit phone numbers should be in the format of ###-###-#### (separated by hyphens). Other conventions should use the common local standard. International numbers should be preceded by a plus symbol. Contacts Resource String 16 Active Contact Label = "Business"Telephone Number Label = "Fax"Telephone Number = [value] Silver 150054 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No FaxDeNegocio 20130521T0000 20121212T0000 20130521T0000 Children A list of the names of the contact's children in a comma separated list. Contacts Resource String 150 Active Silver 150078 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No Hijos 20130521T0000 20121212T0000 20130521T0000 Company The contact's company or employer. Contacts Resource String 50 Active Company Name = [value] Silver 150063 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No Compañía 20130521T0000 20121212T0000 20130521T0000 ContactKey A system unique identifier. Specifically, in aggregation systems, the ContactKey is the system unique identifier from the system that the record was retrieved. This may be identical to the related xxxId. Contacts Resource String 255 RID Active Subaddress Type = "Key"Contact ID = [value] Silver 150001 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No ClaveDeContacto 20130521T0000 20121212T0000 20130521T0000 ContactKeyNumeric A system unique identifier. Specifically, in aggregation systems, the ContactKey is the system unique identifier from the system that the record was retrieved. This may be identical to the related xxxId. This is the numeric only key and used as an alternative to the ContactKey field. Contacts Resource Number 255 RID Active Subaddress Type = "Key"Contact ID = [value] Platinum 150090 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No ClaveNuméricaDeContacto 20160621T0000 20160317T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 ContactLoginId The local, well-known identifier for the contact. This value may not be unique, specifically in the case of aggregation systems, this value should be the identifier from the original system and is used by the Contact to logon to a client portal in that system. Contacts Resource String 25 Active Silver 150002 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No IdDeIngresoDeContacto 20130521T0000 20121212T0000 20130521T0000 ContactPassword A client password that the member wishes to share with other systems. Normal security considerations apply and are the responsibility of the entity utilizing this field. Contacts Resource String 25 Active Silver 150003 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No ContraseñaDeContacto 20130521T0000 20121212T0000 20130521T0000 ContactStatus The status of the contact. Active, Inactive, On Vacation, Deleted, etc., Contacts Resource String List, Single 25 ChoiceList Active Silver 150082 Open ContactStatus Lookups <n/a> No EstadoDeContacto 20170809T0000 20180602T0000 20180602T0000 ContactType The type of contact. i.e. Business, Friend, Family, Prospect, Ready to Buy, etc. Contacts Resource String List, Multi 255 Active Silver 150085 Open with Enumerations ContactType Lookups <n/a> No TipoDeContacto 20170809T0000 20160617T0000 20170809T0000 ContactsOtherPhone A collection of the types of other phone fields available for Contacts. The collection includes the type of system and other details pertinent about other phone numbers Contacts Resource Collection <n/a> Active Platinum 150093 <n/a> <n/a> OtherPhone Collection <n/a> No 20181226T0000 20171026T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 ContactsSocialMedia A collection of the types of social media fields available for this contact. The collection includes the type of system and other details pertinent about social media Contacts Resource Collection <n/a> Active Platinum 150094 <n/a> <n/a> SocialMedia Collection <n/a> No 20181226T0000 20171026T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Department The department in which the contact works. Contacts Resource String 50 Active Silver 150064 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No Departamento 20130521T0000 20121212T0000 20130521T0000 DirectPhone North American 10 digit phone numbers should be in the format of ###-###-#### (separated by hyphens). Other conventions should use the common local standard. International numbers should be preceded by a plus symbol. Contacts Resource String 16 Active Telephone Number Label = "Direct"Telephone Number = [value] Silver 150051 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No TeléfonoDirecto 20130521T0000 20121212T0000 20130521T0000 Email The preferred Email address of the contact. Contacts Resource String 80 Active Priority = "Primary"Email Address = [value] Silver 150045 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No Email 20130521T0000 20121212T0000 20130521T0000 Email2 The secondary email address of the contact. Contacts Resource String 80 Active Priority = "Secondary"Email Address = [value] Silver 150046 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No Email2 20130521T0000 20121212T0000 20130521T0000 Email3 The tertiary email address of the contact. Contacts Resource String 80 Active Priority = "Tertiary"Email Address = [value] Silver 150047 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No Email3 20130521T0000 20121212T0000 20130521T0000 FirstName The first name of the Contact. Contacts Resource String 50 Active Silver 150007 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No Nombre 20130521T0000 20190123T0000 20190123T0000 FullName The full name of the Contact. (First Middle Last) or a alternate full name. Contacts Resource String 150 Active Full Name = [value] Silver 150011 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No NombreCompleto 20130521T0000 20190123T0000 20190123T0000 HomeAddress1 The street number, direction, name and suffix of the contact's home. Contacts Resource String 50 Active Address Label = "Home"Address Line 1 = [value] Silver 150016 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No DirecciónDeHogar1 20130521T0000 20121212T0000 20130521T0000 HomeAddress2 The unit/suite number of the contact's home. Contacts Resource String 50 Active Address Label = "Home"Address Line 2 = [value] Silver 150017 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No DirecciónDeHogar2 20130521T0000 20121212T0000 20130521T0000 HomeCarrierRoute The group of addresses to which the USPS assigns the same code to aid in mail delivery. For the USPS, these codes are 9 digits: 5 numbers for the ZIP Code, one letter for the carrier route type, and 3 numbers for the carrier route number. Contacts Resource String 9 RR, CR Active Address Label = "Home"Street Name Post Type = "Route"ZIP Plus 4 = [value] Silver 150022 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RutaTransportistaHogar 20130521T0000 20121212T0000 20130521T0000 HomeCity The city of the contact's home. Contacts Resource String 50 Active Address Label = "Home"City = [value] Silver 150018 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No CiudadHogar 20130521T0000 20121212T0000 20130521T0000 HomeCountry The country abbreviation in a postal address. Contacts Resource String List, Single 2 Active Address Label = "Home"Country Name = [value] Silver 150024 Open with Enumerations Country Lookups <n/a> No PaísHogar 20160621T0000 20160111T0000 20160528T1200 HomeCountyOrParish The county or parish in which the contact's home is addressed. Contacts Resource String List, Single 50 County Active Address Label = "Home"County = [value] Silver 150023 Open <not to be enumerated by RESO> <n/a> No CondadoODistritoHogar 20130521T0000 20121212T0000 20160404T0000 HomeFax North American 10 digit phone numbers should be in the format of ###-###-#### (separated by hyphens). Other conventions should use the common local standard. International numbers should be preceded by a plus symbol. Contacts Resource String 16 Active Address Label = "Home"Telephone Number Label = "Fax"Telephone Number = [value] Silver 150053 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No FaxHogar 20130521T0000 20121212T0000 20130521T0000 HomePhone North American 10 digit phone numbers should be in the format of ###-###-#### (separated by hyphens). Other conventions should use the common local standard. International numbers should be preceded by a plus symbol. Contacts Resource String 16 Active Address Label = "Home"Telephone Number = [value] Silver 150052 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No TeléfonoHogar 20130521T0000 20121212T0000 20130521T0000 HomePostalCode The postal code of the contact's home. Contacts Resource String 10 Active Address Label = "Home"ZIP Code = [value] Silver 150020 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No CódigoPostalHogar 20130521T0000 20121212T0000 20130521T0000 HomePostalCodePlus4 The extension of the postal/zip code. i.e. +4 Contacts Resource String 4 Active Address Label = "Home"ZIP Plus 4 = [value] Silver 150021 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No CódigoPostalMás4Hogar 20130521T0000 20121212T0000 20130521T0000 HomeStateOrProvince The state or province in which the contact's home is addressed. Contacts Resource String List, Single 2 Active Address Label = "Home"State = [value] Silver 150019 Open with Enumerations StateOrProvince Lookups <n/a> No EstadoOProvinciaHogar 20130521T0000 20150812T0000 20160404T0000 JobTitle The title or position of the contact within their organization. Contacts Resource String 50 Active Silver 150014 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No Cargo 20130521T0000 20190123T0000 20190123T0000 Language The languages spoken by the contact. Contacts Resource String List, Multi 150 Active Silver 150080 Open with Enumerations Languages Lookups <n/a> No Idioma 20160621T0000 20160115T0000 20160528T1200 LastName The last name of the Contact. Contacts Resource String 50 Active Silver 150009 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No Apellido 20130521T0000 20190123T0000 20190123T0000 LeadSource The source or person that provided the contact. Contacts Resource String 150 Active Platinum 150092 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No FuenteDeClientePotencial 20170809T0000 20160823T0000 1.6 20170809T0000 MiddleName The middle name of the Contact. Contacts Resource String 50 Active Silver 150008 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No SegundoNombre 20130521T0000 20190123T0000 20190123T0000 MobilePhone North American 10 digit phone numbers should be in the format of ###-###-#### (separated by hyphens). Other conventions should use the common local standard. International numbers should be preceded by a plus symbol. Contacts Resource String 16 Active Telephone Number Label = "Mobile" Telephone Number = [value] Silver 150050 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No TeléfonoMóvil 20181226T0000 20181009T0000 20181226T0000 ModificationTimestamp Date/time the contact record was last modified. Contacts Resource Timestamp 27 Active Date Status = "Modified"Date = [value] Silver 150070 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No MarcaDeTiempoDeModificación 20160621T0000 20150924T0000 20160528T1200 NamePrefix Prefix to the name (e.g. Dr. Mr. Ms. etc.) Contacts Resource String 10 Salutation, Title Active Silver 150006 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No PrefijoNombre 20130521T0000 20121212T0000 20130521T0000 NameSuffix Suffix to the surname (e.g. Esq., Jr., III etc.) Contacts Resource String 10 Active Silver 150010 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No SufijoNombre 20130521T0000 20121212T0000 20130521T0000 Nickname An alternate name used by the Contact, usually as a substitute for the first name. Contacts Resource String 50 Active Silver 150012 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No Apodo 20130521T0000 20190123T0000 20190123T0000 Notes Notes about the client. Contacts Resource String 1024 Active Silver 150015 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No Notas 20130521T0000 20130221T0000 20130521T0000 OfficePhone North American 10 digit phone numbers should be in the format of ###-###-#### (separated by hyphens). Other conventions should use the common local standard. International numbers should be preceded by a plus symbol. Contacts Resource String 16 Active Telephone Number = [value] Silver 150048 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No TeléfonoDeDespacho 20130521T0000 20121212T0000 20130521T0000 OfficePhoneExt The extension of the given phone number (if applicable). Contacts Resource String 10 Active Telephone Extension = [value] Silver 150049 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No ExtensiónTelefónicaDeDespacho 20160621T0000 20160117T0000 20160528T1200 OriginalEntryTimestamp Date/time the contact record was originally input into the source system. Contacts Resource Timestamp 27 Active Date Status = "Created"Date = [value] Silver 150069 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No MarcaDeTiempoEntradaOriginal 20160621T0000 20150924T0000 20160528T1200 OriginatingSystemContactKey The system key, a unique record identifier, from the Originating system. The Originating system is the system with authoritative control over the record. For example, the Multiple Listing Service where the Contact was input. There may be cases where the Source System (how you received the record) is not the Originating System. See Source System Key for more information. Contacts Resource String 255 ProviderKey Active Silver 150004 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No ClaveDeContactoSistemaDeOrigen 20160218T0000 20160218T0000 20160227T0000 OriginatingSystemID The RESO OUID's OrganizationUniqueId of the Originating record provider. The Originating system is the system with authoritative control over the record. For example; the name of the MLS where the Contact was input. In cases where the Originating system was not where the record originated (the authoritative system), see the Originating System fields. Contacts Resource String 25 Active Platinum 150086 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No IDSistemaDeOrigen 20160621T0000 20160218T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 OriginatingSystemName The name of the Originating record provider. Most commonly the name of the MLS. The place where the Contact is originally input by the member. The legal name of the company. Contacts Resource String 255 ProviderName, MLSID Active Silver 150005 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No NombreDeSistemaDeOrigen 20160218T0000 20160218T0000 20160227T0000 OtherAddress1 The other street number, direction, name and suffix of the contact. Contacts Resource String 50 Active Address Label = "Other"Address Line 1 = [value] Silver 150034 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No OtraDirección1 20130521T0000 20121212T0000 20130521T0000 OtherAddress2 The other unit/suite number of the contact. Contacts Resource String 50 Active Address Label = "Other"Address Line 2 = [value] Silver 150035 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No OtraDirección2 20130521T0000 20121212T0000 20130521T0000 OtherCarrierRoute The group of addresses to which the USPS assigns the same code to aid in mail delivery. For the USPS, these codes are 9 digits: 5 numbers for the ZIP Code, one letter for the carrier route type, and 3 numbers for the carrier route number. Contacts Resource String 9 RR, CR Active Address Label = "Other"Street Name Post Type = "Route"ZIP Plus 4 = [value] Silver 150040 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No OtraRutaTransportista 20130521T0000 20121212T0000 20130521T0000 OtherCity The other city of the contact. Contacts Resource String 50 Active Address Label = "Other"City = [value] Silver 150036 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No OtraCiudad 20130521T0000 20121212T0000 20130521T0000 OtherCountry The other country abbreviation in a postal address. Contacts Resource String List, Single 2 Active Address Label = "Other"Country Name = [value] Silver 150042 Open with Enumerations Country Lookups <n/a> No OtroPaís 20160621T0000 20160111T0000 20160528T1200 OtherCountyOrParish The other county or parish in which contact is addressed. Contacts Resource String List, Single 50 County Active Address Label = "Other"County = [value] Silver 150041 Open <not to be enumerated by RESO> <n/a> No OtroCondadoODistrito 20130521T0000 20130809T0000 20160404T0000 OtherPhoneType The type of "other" phone that does not already exist in the given phone fields or if a second of any type of phone field is needed. i.e. HomePhone2, BrothersPhone, etc. This is used as the list of options for the Other Phone repeating elements. Contacts Resource String List, Single 25 Active Silver 150060 Open OtherPhoneType Lookups <n/a> Yes OtroTipoDeTeléfono 20170809T0000 20180602T0000 20180602T0000 OtherPhone[Type]Ext The "other" phone option allowing members to convey additional phone numbers other than those already covered by the VoiceMailExt, OfficePhoneExt, etc., fields. This is a repeating element. Use the OtherPhoneType for a selection of additional phone types. Contacts Resource String 10 Active Telephone Number Label = "Other"Telephone Extension = [value] Silver 150062 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> Yes OtroTeléfono[Tipo]Ext 20160621T0000 20160117T0000 20160528T1200 OtherPhone[Type]Number The "other" phone option allowing members to convey additional phone numbers other than those already covered by the HomePhone, VoiceMail, etc., fields. This is a repeating element. Use the OtherPhoneType for a selection of additional phone types. Contacts Resource String 16 Active Telephone Number Label = "Other"Telephone Number = [value] Silver 150061 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> Yes OtroTeléfono[Tipo]Número 20140703T0000 20140203T0000 20140703T0000 OtherPostalCode The other postal code of the contact. Contacts Resource String 10 Active Address Label = "Other"ZIP Code = [value] Silver 150038 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No OtroCódigoPostal 20130521T0000 20121212T0000 20130521T0000 OtherPostalCodePlus4 The other extension of the postal/zip code. i.e. +4 Contacts Resource String 4 Active Address Label = "Other"ZIP Plus 4 = [value] Silver 150039 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No OtroCódigoPostalMás4 20130521T0000 20121212T0000 20130521T0000 OtherStateOrProvince The other state or province in which the contact is addressed. Contacts Resource String List, Single 2 Active Address Label = "Other"State = [value] Silver 150037 Open with Enumerations StateOrProvince Lookups <n/a> No OtroEstadoOProvincia 20130521T0000 20150812T0000 20160404T0000 OwnerMemberID The local, well-known identifier for the member owning the contact. Contacts Resource String 25 OwnerAgentID Active Silver 150084 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No IdDeMiembroPropietario 20170809T0000 20170117T0000 20170809T0000 OwnerMemberKey The unique identifier (key) of the member owning the contact. This is a foreign key relating to the Member resource's MemberKey. Contacts Resource String 255 OwnerAgentKey Active Silver 150083 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No ClaveDeMiembroPropietario 20170809T0000 20170117T0000 20170809T0000 OwnerMemberKeyNumeric The unique identifier (key) of the member owning the contact. This is a foreign key relating to the Member resource's MemberKey. This is the numeric only key and used as an alternative to the OwnerMemberKey field. Contacts Resource Number 255 OwnerAgentKeyNumeric Active Platinum 150091 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No ClaveNúmericaDeMiembroPropietario 20170809T0000 20170117T0000 1.5.0 20170809T0000 Pager North American 10 digit phone numbers should be in the format of ###-###-#### (separated by hyphens). Other conventions should use the common local standard. International numbers should be preceded by a plus symbol. Contacts Resource String 16 Active Telephone Number Label = "Pager"Telephone Number = [value] Silver 150055 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No Buscapersonas 20130521T0000 20121212T0000 20130521T0000 PhoneTTYTDD North American 10 digit phone numbers should be in the format of ###-###-#### (separated by hyphens). Other conventions should use the common local standard. International numbers should be preceded by a plus symbol. Contacts Resource String 16 Active Silver 150059 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No TeléfonoTTYTDD 20181226T0000 20181130T0000 20181226T0000 PreferredAddress A list of the address options Home, Work and Other used to determine the address preferred by the client. Contacts Resource String List, Single 255 Active Silver 150043 Open PreferredAddress Lookups <n/a> No DirecciónPreferida 20170809T0000 20180602T0000 20180602T0000 PreferredPhone A list of the phone options Office, Mobile, Direct, Voicemail, Other used to determine the phone preferred by the client. Contacts Resource String List, Single 255 Active Silver 150044 Open PreferredPhone Lookups <n/a> No TeléfonoPreferido 20170809T0000 20180602T0000 20180602T0000 ReferredBy Name of the person who referred the contact. Contacts Resource String 150 Active Silver 150013 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No ReferidoPor 20150721T0000 20141018T0900 20150721T0000 SocialMediaType A list of types of sites, blog, social media, the Contact URL or ID is referring to. i.e. Website, Blog, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Skype, etc., This list is used to populate the Type with repeating Social Media URL or ID types. Contacts Resource String List, Single 25 Active Silver 150065 Open <insufficient input to enumerate. Reviewing possible deprecation.> <n/a> Yes TipoDeRedesSociales 20140703T0000 20190123T0000 20190123T0000 SocialMedia[Type]UrlOrId The website URL or ID of social media site or account of the contact. This is a repeating element. Replace [Type] with any of the options from the SocialMediaType field to create a unique field for that type of social media. For example: SocialMediaFacebookUrlOrID, SocialMediaSkypeUrlOrID, etc. Contacts Resource String 8000 Active Silver 150066 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> Yes RedesSociales[tipo]UrlOId 20140703T0000 20190123T0000 20190123T0000 SourceSystemContactKey The system key, a unique record identifier, from the Source System. The Source System is the system from which the record was directly received. In cases where the Source System was not where the record originated (the authoritative system), see the Originating System fields. Contacts Resource String 255 ProviderKey Active Silver 150087 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No ClaveDeContactoSistemaFuente 20160621T0000 20160218T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 SourceSystemID The RESO OUID's OrganizationUniqueId of the Source record provider. The source system is the system from which the record was directly received. In cases where the source system was not where the record originated (the authoritative system), see the Originating System fields. Contacts Resource String 25 MLSID Active Platinum 150089 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No IDSistemaFuente 20160621T0000 20160218T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 SourceSystemName The name of the immediate record provider. The system from which the record was directly received. The legal name of the company. Contacts Resource String 255 ProviderName, MLSID Active Silver 150088 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No NombreSistemaFuente 20160621T0000 20160218T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 SpousePartnerName The contact's spouse or partner. Contacts Resource String 150 Active Silver 150077 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No NombreDeCónyugeOPareja 20130521T0000 20121212T0000 20130521T0000 TollFreePhone North American 10 digit phone numbers should be in the format of ###-###-#### (separated by hyphens). Other conventions should use the common local standard. International numbers should be preceded by a plus symbol. Contacts Resource String 16 Active Silver 150058 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No TeléfonoGratuito 20130521T0000 20121212T0000 20130521T0000 UserDefinedFieldName[#] [#] This field is a repeating element. If this field is repeated, add 1, 2, 3, etc., to the end of the field. Contacts Resource String 500 Active Silver 150071 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> Yes NombreDeCampoDefinidoPorElUsuario[#] 20130521T0000 20121212T0000 20130521T0000 UserDefinedFieldValue[#] [#] This field is a repeating element. If this field is repeated, add 1, 2, 3, etc., to the end of the field. Contacts Resource String 500 Active Silver 150072 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> Yes NombreDeCampoDefinidoPorElUsuario[#] 20130521T0000 20121212T0000 20130521T0000 VoiceMail North American 10 digit phone numbers should be in the format of ###-###-#### (separated by hyphens). Other conventions should use the common local standard. International numbers should be preceded by a plus symbol. Contacts Resource String 16 Active Silver 150056 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No BuzónDeVoz 20130521T0000 20121212T0000 20130521T0000 VoiceMailExt The extension of the given phone number (if applicable). Contacts Resource String 10 Active Silver 150057 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No ExtDeBuzónDeVoz 20160621T0000 20160117T0000 20160528T1200 WorkAddress1 The street number, direction, name and suffix of the contact's work. Contacts Resource String 50 Active Address Label = "Work"Address Line 1 = [value] Silver 150025 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No DirecciónDeLugarDeTrabajo1 20130521T0000 20121212T0000 20130521T0000 WorkAddress2 The unit/suite number of the contact's work. Contacts Resource String 50 Active Address Label = "Work"Address Line 2 = [value] Silver 150026 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No DirecciónDeLugarDeTrabajo2 20130521T0000 20121212T0000 20130521T0000 WorkCarrierRoute The group of addresses to which the USPS assigns the same code to aid in mail delivery. For the USPS, these codes are 9 digits: 5 numbers for the ZIP Code, one letter for the carrier route type, and 3 numbers for the carrier route number. Contacts Resource String 9 RR, CR Active Address Label = "Work"Street Name Post Type = "Route"ZIP Plus 4 = [value] Silver 150031 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RutaTransportistaLugarDeTrabajo 20130521T0000 20121212T0000 20130521T0000 WorkCity The city of the contact's work. Contacts Resource String 50 Active Address Label = "Work"City = [value] Silver 150027 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No CiudadDeLugarDeTrabajo 20130521T0000 20121212T0000 20130521T0000 WorkCountry The country abbreviation in a postal address. Contacts Resource String List, Single 2 Active Address Label = "Work"Country Name = [value] Silver 150033 Open with Enumerations Country Lookups <n/a> No PaísDeLugarDeTrabajo 20160621T0000 20160111T0000 20160528T1200 WorkCountyOrParish The county or parish in which the contact's work is addressed. Contacts Resource String List, Single 50 County Active Address Label = "Work"County = [value] Silver 150032 Open <not to be enumerated by RESO> <n/a> No CondadoODistritoDeLugarDeTrabajo 20130521T0000 20130809T0000 20160404T0000 WorkPostalCode The postal code of the contact's work. Contacts Resource String 10 Active Address Label = "Work"ZIP Code = [value] Silver 150029 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No CódigoPostalDeLugarDeTrabajo 20130521T0000 20121212T0000 20130521T0000 WorkPostalCodePlus4 The extension of the postal/zip code. i.e. +4 Contacts Resource String 4 Active Address Label = "Work"ZIP Plus 4 = [value] Silver 150030 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No CódigoPostalMás4DeLugarDeTrabajo 20130521T0000 20121212T0000 20130521T0000 WorkStateOrProvince The state or province in which the contact's work is addressed. Contacts Resource String List, Single 2 Active Address Label = "Work"State = [value] Silver 150028 Open with Enumerations StateOrProvince Lookups <n/a> No EstadoOProvinciaDeHogar 20130521T0000 20150812T0000 20160404T0000 AgentNotesUnreadYN When True, one or more of the agent notes are unread. ContactListings Resource Boolean Active Platinum 424001 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No NotasDeAgenteSinLeerSN 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 ClassName The name of the class where the listing record is located. ContactListings Resource String List, Single 50 Active Platinum 424002 Open with Enumerations ClassName Lookups <n/a> No NombreDeClase 20181226T0000 20170926T0000 1.6.0 20181226T0000 ContactKey This is the foreign key relating to the Contact resource. A unique identifier for this record from the immediate source. This is a string that can include URI or other forms. Alternatively use the ContactKeyNumeric for a numeric only key field. This is the local key of the system. When records are received from other systems, a local key is commonly applied. If conveying the original keys from the source or originating systems, see SourceSystemKey and OriginatingSystemKey variants. ContactListings Resource String 255 Active Platinum 424003 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No ClaveDeContacto 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 ContactKeyNumeric This is the foreign key relating to the Contact resource. A unique identifier for this record from the immediate source. This is the numeric only key and used as an alternative to the ContactKey fields. This is the local key of the system. When records are received from other systems, a local key is commonly applied. If conveying the original keys from the source or originating systems, see SourceSystemKeyNumeric and OriginatingSystemKeyNumeric variants. ContactListings Resource Number 255 Active Platinum 424004 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No ClaveNuméricaDeContacto 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 ContactListingPreference The contacts preference selection on the given listing. Favorite, Possibility or Discard. ContactListings Resource String List, Single 25 Active Platinum 424005 Open with Enumerations ContactListingPreference Lookups <n/a> No PreferenciaDeContactoDeListado 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 ContactListingsKey A system unique identifier. Specifically, in aggregation systems, the Key is the system unique identifier from the system that the record was just retrieved. This may be identical to the related xxxId identifier, but the key is guaranteed unique for this record set.. ContactListings Resource String 255 Active Platinum 424021 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No 20181226T0000 20171003T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 ContactListingsKeyNumeric A unique identifier for this record from the immediate source. This may be a number, or string that can include URI or other forms. This is the system you are connecting to and not necessarily the original source of the record. This is the numeric only key and used as an alternative to the ContactListingsKey field. ContactListings Resource Number 255 Active Platinum 424022 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No 20171003T0000 20171003T0000 1.7.0 20171003T0000 ContactLoginId This is a foreign key refering to the Contact Resource's local, well-known identifier for the contact. This value may not be unique, specifically in the case of aggregation systems, this value should be the identifier from the original system and is used by the Contact to logon to a client portal in that system. ContactListings Resource String 25 Active Platinum 424006 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No IdDeIngresoDeContacto 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 ContactNotesUnreadYN When True, one or more of the contacts notes are unread. ContactListings Resource Boolean Active Platinum 424007 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No NotasDeContactoNoLeídasSN 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 DirectEmailYN If True, the email was a direct email sent to the client by the member. If False the email was an auto email. ContactListings Resource Boolean Active Platinum 424008 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No EmailDirectoSN 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 LastAgentNoteTimestamp The Date/Time the Member last added or updated a ListingNote. ContactListings Resource Timestamp 27 Active Platinum 424009 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No MarcaDeTiempoÚltimaNotaDelAgente 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 LastContactNoteTimestamp The Date/Time the Contact last added or updated a ListingNote. ContactListings Resource Timestamp 27 Active Platinum 424010 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No MarcaDeTiempoÚltimaNotaDeContrato 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 ListingId The well known identifier for the listing. The value may be identical to that of the Listing Key, but the Listing ID is intended to be the value used by a human to retrieve the information about a specific listing. In a multiple originating system or a merged system, this value may not be unique and may require the use of the provider system to create a synthetic unique value. ContactListings Resource String 255 Active Platinum 424011 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No IdDeListado 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 ListingKey This is the foreign key related to the Property Resource's unique identifier for this record from the immediate source. This is a string that can include URI or other forms. Alternatively use the ListingKeyNumeric for a numeric only key field. This is the local key of the system. When records are received from other systems, a local key is commonly applied. If conveying the original keys from the source or originating systems, see SourceSystemKey and OriginatingSystemKey. ContactListings Resource String 255 Active Platinum 424012 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No ClaveDeListado 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 ListingKeyNumeric This is the foreign key related to the Property Resource's unique identifier for this record from the immediate source. This is the numeric only key and used as an alternative to the ListingKey fields. This is the local key of the system. When records are received from other systems, a local key is commonly applied. If conveying the original keys from the source or originating systems, see SourceSystemKey and OriginatingSystemKey. ContactListings Resource Number 255 Active Platinum 424013 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No ClaveNuméricaDeListado 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 ListingModificationTimestamp The last time the listing was updated. This does not refer to the ContactListing record, but changes to the referenced listing. ContactListings Resource Timestamp 27 Active Platinum 424014 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No MarcaDeTiempoModificaciónDeListado 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 ListingNotes The notes input by the Member and/or the Contact in reference to the given listing. This is a complex data type referencing the separate resource called ContactListingNotes. ContactListings Resource Collection Active Platinum 424020 <n/a> <n/a> ContactListingNotes Collection No NotasDeListado 20170809T0000 20170524T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 ListingSentTimestamp The Date/Time the listing was initially recevied. ContactListings Resource Timestamp 27 Active Platinum 424015 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No MarcaDeTiempoListadoEnviado 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 ListingViewedYN When True, the Client has viewed the listing. This is typically when the client clicks to view a detailed report, rather than seen in a one line or thumbnail display. ContactListings Resource Boolean Active Platinum 424016 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No ListadoVistoSN 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 ModificationTimestamp The Date/Time that the ContactListing record was last modified. ContactListings Resource Timestamp 27 Active Platinum 424017 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No MarcaDeTiempoDeModificación 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 PortalLastVisitedTimestamp The Date/Time the listing was last viewed by the Contact. ContactListings Resource Timestamp 27 Active Platinum 424018 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No MarcaDeTiempoÚltimaVisitaAlPortal 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 ResourceName The name of the resource where the listing record is located. ContactListings Resource String List, Single 50 Active Platinum 424019 Open with Enumerations ResourceName Lookups <n/a> No NombreDeRecurso 20181226T0000 20170926T0000 1.6.0 20181226T0000 ChangeType Description of the last major change on the listing, i.e. price reduction, back on market, etc. May be used to display on a summary view of listing results to quickly identify listings that have had major changes recently. HistoryTransactional Resource String List, Single 255 Active Silver 140005 Open with Enumerations ChangeType Lookups <n/a> No TipoDeCambio 20130521T0000 20121212T0000 20160404T0000 ChangedByMemberID The local, well-know identifier of the member (user) who made the change. HistoryTransactional Resource String 25 ChangedByAgentID Active Silver 140004 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No CambiadoPorIDDeMiembro 20170809T0000 20170117T0000 20170809T0000 ChangedByMemberKey The unique identifier of the member (user) who made the change. This is a foreign key relating to the Member resource's MemberKey. HistoryTransactional Resource String 255 ChangedByAgentKey Active Silver 140015 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No CambiadoPorClaveDeMiembro 20170809T0000 20170117T0000 20170809T0000 ChangedByMemberKeyNumeric The unique identifier of the member (user) who made the change. This is a foreign key relating to the Member resource's MemberKey. This is the numeric only key and used as an alternative to the ChangedByMemberKey field. HistoryTransactional Resource Number 255 ChangedByAgentKeyNumeric Active Platinum 140021 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No CambiadoPorClaveNuméricaDeMiembro 20170809T0000 20170117T0000 1.5.0 20170809T0000 ClassName Name of the class which this history record applies. HistoryTransactional Resource String 255 Active Silver 140014 Open with Enumerations ClassName Lookups <n/a> No NombreDeClase 20140703T0000 20180602T0000 20180602T0000 FieldKey The unique identifier of the field whose data is being changed. This is a foreign key relating to the field found in the resource per the ResourceName. HistoryTransactional Resource String 255 Active Silver 140007 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No ClaveDeCampo 20150721T0000 20150201T0000 20150721T0000 FieldKeyNumeric The unique identifier of the field whose data is being changed. This is a foreign key relating to the field found in the resource per the ResourceName. This is the numeric only key and used as an alternative to the FieldKey field. HistoryTransactional Resource Number 255 Active Platinum 140022 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No ClaveNuméricaDeCampo 20160621T0000 20160317T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 FieldName The name of the field whose data is being changed. HistoryTransactional Resource String 255 Active Silver 140008 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No NombreDeCampo 20130521T0000 20121212T0000 20130521T0000 HistoryTransactionalKey A unique identifier for this record from the immediate source. This may be a number, or string that can include URI or other forms. This is the system you are connecting to and not necessarily the original source of the record. HistoryTransactional Resource String 255 Active Silver 140001 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No ClaveTransaccionalHistórica 20150721T0000 20141018T0900 20150721T0000 HistoryTransactionalKeyNumeric A unique identifier for this record from the immediate source. This may be a number, or string that can include URI or other forms. This is the system you are connecting to and not necessarily the original source of the record. This is the numeric only key and used as an alternative to the HistoryTransactionalKey field. HistoryTransactional Resource Number 255 Active Platinum 140020 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No ClaveNuméricaTransaccionalHistórica 20160621T0000 20160317T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 ModificationTimestamp Timestamp of the last major change on the listing (see also MajorChangeType). HistoryTransactional Resource Timestamp 27 Active Silver 140006 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No MarcaDeTiempoDeModificación 20160621T0000 20150924T0000 20160528T1200 NewValue The new value applied to the named field. HistoryTransactional Resource String 8000 Active Silver 140010 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No NuevoValor 20130521T0000 20121212T0000 20130521T0000 OriginatingSystemHistoryKey The system key, a unique record identifier, from the Originating system. The Originating system is the system with authoritative control over the record. For example, the Multiple Listing Service where the History was input. There may be cases where the Source System (how you received the record) is not the Originating System. See Source System Key for more information. HistoryTransactional Resource String 255 ProviderKey Active Silver 140002 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No ClaveHistóricaDeSistemaDeOrigen 20160621T0000 20160218T0000 20160528T1200 OriginatingSystemID The RESO OUID's OrganizationUniqueId of the Originating record provider. The Originating system is the system with authoritative control over the record. For example; the name of the MLS where the History was input. In cases where the Originating system was not where the record originated (the authoritative system), see the Originating System fields. HistoryTransactional Resource String 25 Active Platinum 140016 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No IDSistemaDeOrigen 20160621T0000 20160218T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 OriginatingSystemName The name of the Originating record provider. Most commonly the name of the MLS. The place where the History is originally input. The legal name of the company. HistoryTransactional Resource String 255 ProviderName, MLSID Active Silver 140003 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No NombreDeSistemaDeOrigen 20160621T0000 20160218T0000 20160528T1200 PreviousValue The value found in the named field prior to the change represented by this record. HistoryTransactional Resource String 8000 Active Silver 140009 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No ValorAnterior 20130521T0000 20121212T0000 20130521T0000 ResourceName The name of the resource which this history record applies. HistoryTransactional Resource String 255 Active Silver 140011 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No NombreDeRecurso 20140703T0000 20150812T0000 20150812T0000 ResourceRecordID The well known identifier of the related record from the source resource. The value may be identical to that of the Listing Key, but the Listing ID is intended to be the value used by a human to retrieve the information about a specific listing. In a multiple originating system or a merged system, this value may not be unique and may require the use of the provider system to create a synthetic unique value. HistoryTransactional Resource String 255 MLNumber, MLSNumber, ListingNumber, AgentID, OfficeID, ContactID Active Silver 140013 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No IDDeRegistroDeRecurso 20130521T0000 20121212T0000 20130521T0000 ResourceRecordKey The primary key of the related record from the source resource. For example the ListingKey, AgentKey, OfficeKey, etc. This is the system you are connecting to and not necessarily the original source of the record. This is a foreign key from the resource selected in the ResourceName field. HistoryTransactional Resource String 255 SystemUniqueID, ImmediateSourceID Active Silver 140012 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No ClaveDeRegistroDeRecurso 20150721T0000 20150201T0000 20150721T0000 ResourceRecordKeyNumeric The primary key of the related record from the source resource. For example the ListingKey, AgentKey, OfficeKey, etc. This is the system you are connecting to and not necessarily the original source of the record. This is a foreign key from the resource selected in the ResourceName field. This is the numeric only key and used as an alternative to the ResourceRecordKey field. HistoryTransactional Resource Number 255 SystemUniqueID, ImmediateSourceID Active Platinum 140023 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No ClaveNuméricaDeRegistroDeRecurso 20160621T0000 20160317T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 SourceSystemHistoryKey The system key, a unique record identifier, from the Source System. The Source System is the system from which the record was directly received. In cases where the Source System was not where the record originated (the authoritative system), see the Originating System fields. HistoryTransactional Resource String 255 ProviderKey Active Silver 140017 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No ClaveDeHistorialSistemaFuente 20160621T0000 20160218T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 SourceSystemID The RESO OUID's OrganizationUniqueId of the Source record provider. The source system is the system from which the record was directly received. In cases where the source system was not where the record originated (the authoritative system), see the Originating System fields. HistoryTransactional Resource String 25 MLSID Active Platinum 140019 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No IDSistemaFuente 20160621T0000 20160218T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 SourceSystemName The name of the History record provider. The system from which the record was directly received. The legal name of the company. HistoryTransactional Resource String 255 ProviderName, MLSID Active Silver 140018 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No NombreSistemaFuente 20160621T0000 20160218T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 ActorCity The city location of the Actor as recorded by the source. InternetTracking Resource Actor Group String 50 Active Platinum 425001 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No CiudadTercero 20170809T0000 20170330T0000 1.6.0 20180720T0000 ActorEmail The email address of the Actor in this event. InternetTracking Resource Actor Group String 80 Active Platinum 425002 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No EmailTercero 20170809T0000 20170330T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 ActorID The local, well-known identifier the actor, provided by the source when applicable. This value may not be unique specifically in the case of aggregation systems, this value should be the human friendly identifier from the original system. Use of the ID may be common when the actor is an MLS or other software user. Otherwise, use the ActorKey or ActorKeyNumeric is recommended. InternetTracking Resource Actor Group String 25 Active Platinum 425003 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No IDTercero 20170809T0000 20170330T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 ActorIP The recorded IP address of the Actor in this event. IPv4 addresses are 15 charaters and IPv6 addresses are a max of 39 characters. IP addresses should not omit leading zeros. i.e. should appear as InternetTracking Resource Actor Group String 39 Active Platinum 425004 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No IPTercero 20170809T0000 20170330T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 ActorKey A unique identifier for this record from the immediate source. This is a string that can include URI or other forms. Alternatively use the MemberKeyNumeric for a numeric only key field. This is the local key of the system. When records are received from other systems, a local key is commonly applied. If conveying the original keys from the source or originating systems, utilize the SourceSystemActorKey and/or the OriginatingSystemActorKey. InternetTracking Resource Actor Group String 255 Active Platinum 425005 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No ClaveTercero 20170809T0000 20170330T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 ActorKeyNumeric A unique identifier for this record from the immediate source. This is the numeric only key and used as an alternative to the MemberKey fields. This is the local key of the system. When records are received from other systems, a local key is commonly applied. If conveying the original keys from the source or originating systems, utilize the SourceSystemActorKey and/or the OriginatingSystemActorKey. InternetTracking Resource Actor Group Number 255 Active Platinum 425006 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No ClaveNuméricaTercero 20170809T0000 20170330T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 ActorLatitude The geographic latitude of some reference point for the location of the actor, specified in degrees and decimal parts. Positive numbers must not include the plus symbol. InternetTracking Resource Actor Group Number 12 Active Platinum 425007 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> 8 No LatitudTercero 20170809T0000 20170901T0000 1.6.0 20170901T0000 ActorLongitude The geographic longitude of some reference point for the location of the actor, specified in degrees and decimal parts. Positive numbers must not include the plus symbol. InternetTracking Resource Actor Group Number 12 Active Platinum 425008 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> 8 No LongitudTercero 20170809T0000 20170901T0000 1.6.0 20170901T0000 ActorOriginatingSystemID The RESO OUID's OrganizationUniqueId of the Originating record provider. The Originating system is the system with authoritative control over the record. For example; the name of the MLS where the listing was input. In cases where the Originating system was not where the record originated (the authoritative system), see the Originating System fields. InternetTracking Resource Actor Group String 25 Active Platinum 425009 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No IDSistemaDeOrigenTercero 20170809T0000 20170330T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 ActorOriginatingSystemName The name of the Originating record provider. Most commonly the name of the MLS. The place where the listing is originally input by the member. The legal name of the company. InternetTracking Resource Actor Group String 255 Active Platinum 425010 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No NombreDeSistemaDeOrigenTercero 20170809T0000 20170330T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 ActorPhone The phone number of the Actor in this event. InternetTracking Resource Actor Group String 16 Active Platinum 425011 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No TeléfonoTercero 20170809T0000 20170330T0000 1.6.0 20180720T0000 ActorPhoneExt The extension of the given phone number (if applicable). InternetTracking Resource Actor Group String 10 Active Platinum 425012 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No ExtTelefónicaTercero 20170809T0000 20170330T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 ActorPostalCode The postal code of the Actor. InternetTracking Resource Actor Group String 10 Active Platinum 425013 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No CódigoPostalTercero 20170809T0000 20170330T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 ActorPostalCodePlus4 The extension of the postal/zip code. i.e. +4 InternetTracking Resource Actor Group String 4 Active Platinum 425014 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No CódigoPostalMás4Tercero 20170809T0000 20170330T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 ActorRegion A geographical region defined by the source. For this use, the regoin is not specifically at the city, county, state, country or contenant level and this is typical in internet tracking standards. InternetTracking Resource Actor Group String 150 Active Platinum 425015 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RegiónTercero 20170809T0000 20170330T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 ActorSourceSystemID The RESO OUID's OrganizationUniqueId of the Source record provider. The source system is the system from which the record was directly received. In cases where the source system was not where the record originated (the authoritative system), see the Originating System fields. InternetTracking Resource Actor Group String 25 Active Platinum 425016 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No IDDeTerceroSistemaFuente 20170809T0000 20170330T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 ActorSourceSystemName The name of the immediate record provider. The system from which the record was directly received. The legal name of the company. InternetTracking Resource Actor Group String 255 Active Platinum 425017 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No NombreDeTerceroSistemaFuente 20170809T0000 20170330T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 ActorStateOrProvince The state or province location of the Actor as recorded by the source. InternetTracking Resource Actor Group String List, Single 2 Active Platinum 425018 Open with Enumerations StateOrProvince Lookups <n/a> No EstadoOProvinciaTercero 20170809T0000 20170330T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 ActorType A list of actor types; where the event was originated. (i.e. Agent, Consumer, Bot) In implementation this is typically a required field InternetTracking Resource Actor Group String List, Single 25 Active Platinum 425019 Open with Enumerations ActorType Lookups <n/a> No TipoDeTercero 20170809T0000 20170330T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 ColorDepth The color depth of the Actor's device display InternetTracking Resource Actor Group Number 255 Active Platinum 425053 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No 20181226T0000 20181009T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 DeviceType The device type used by the Actor (mobile, desktop etc...) in this event InternetTracking Resource Actor Group String List, Single 128 Active Platinum 425020 Open with Enumerations DeviceType Lookups <n/a> No TipoDeDispositivo 20170809T0000 20170822T0000 1.6.0 20170822T0000 EventDescription A description of the event being tracked. (i.e. "the listing was viewed") InternetTracking Resource Event Group String 1024 Active Platinum 425025 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No DescripciónDeEvento 20170809T0000 20170330T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 EventKey A unique identifier for this record from the immediate source. This is a string that can include URI or other forms. Alternatively use the MemberKeyNumeric for a numeric only key field. This is the local key of the system. When records are received from other systems, a local key is commonly applied. If conveying the original keys from the source or originating systems, utilize the SourceSystemEventKey and/or the OriginatingSystemEventKey. InternetTracking Resource Event Group String 255 Active Platinum 425026 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No ClaveDeEvento 20170809T0000 20170330T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 EventKeyNumeric A unique identifier for this record from the immediate source. This is the numeric only key and used as an alternative to the MemberKey fields. This is the local key of the system. When records are received from other systems, a local key is commonly applied. If conveying the original keys from the source or originating systems, utilize the SourceSystemEventKey and/or the OriginatingSystemEventKey. InternetTracking Resource Event Group Number 255 Active Platinum 425027 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No ClaveNuméricaDeEvento 20170809T0000 20170330T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 EventLabel A short description of the Event being tracked. InternetTracking Resource Event Group String 50 Active Platinum 425028 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No EtiquetaDeEvento 20170809T0000 20170330T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 EventOriginatingSystemID The RESO OUID's OrganizationUniqueId of the Originating record provider. The Originating system is the system with authoritative control over the record. For example; the name of the MLS where the listing was input. In cases where the Originating system was not where the record originated (the authoritative system), see the Originating System fields. InternetTracking Resource Event Group String 25 Active Platinum 425029 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No IDDeEventoSistemaDeOrigen 20170809T0000 20170330T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 EventOriginatingSystemName The name of the Originating record provider. Most commonly the name of the MLS. The place where the listing is originally input by the member. The legal name of the company. InternetTracking Resource Event Group String 255 Active Platinum 425030 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No NombreDeEventoSistemaDeOrigen 20170809T0000 20170330T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 EventSourceSystemID The RESO OUID's OrganizationUniqueId of the Source record provider. The source system is the system from which the record was directly received. In cases where the source system was not where the record originated (the authoritative system), see the Originating System fields. InternetTracking Resource Event Group String 25 Active Platinum 425031 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No IDDeEventoSistemaFuente 20170809T0000 20170330T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 EventSourceSystemName The name of the immediate record provider. The system from which the record was directly received. The legal name of the company. InternetTracking Resource Event Group String 255 Active Platinum 425032 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No NombreDeEventoSistemaFuente 20170809T0000 20170330T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 EventTarget A defined target of the event type. InternetTracking Resource Event Group String List, Single 25 Active Platinum 425033 Open with Enumerations EventTarget Lookups <n/a> No ObjetivoDeEvento 20170809T0000 20170822T0000 1.6.0 20170822T0000 EventTimestamp A UTC timestamp of when the event being tracked occurred. In implementation this is typically a required field. InternetTracking Resource Event Group Timestamp 27 Active Platinum 425034 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No MarcaDeTiempoDeEvento 20170809T0000 20170330T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 EventType The type of event being tracked. In implementation this is typically a required a field. InternetTracking Resource Event Group String List, Single 128 Active Platinum 425035 Open with Enumerations EventType Lookups <n/a> No TipoDeEvento 20170809T0000 20170901T0000 1.6.0 20170901T0000 ObjectID An ID pertaining to the ObjectType (i.e. the MLS listing id for ObjectType.Listing). When the ObjectIdType is a property, this should be a PUID. InternetTracking Resource Object Group String 255 Active Platinum 425039 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No IDDeObjeto 20170809T0000 20170330T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 ObjectIdType A label that defines the ObjectID field (i.e. ObjectID is an MLS listing ID or ObjectID is a unique ID from the source...) InternetTracking Resource Object Group String List, Single 128 Active Platinum 425040 Open with Enumerations ObjectIdType Lookups <n/a> No TipoDeIDDeObjeto 20170809T0000 20170330T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 ObjectKey A unique identifier for this record from the immediate source. This is a string that can include URI or other forms. Alternatively use the MemberKeyNumeric for a numeric only key field. This is the local key of the system. When records are received from other systems, a local key is commonly applied. If conveying the original keys from the source or originating systems, utilize the SourceSystemObjectKey and/or the OriginatingSystemObjectKey. InternetTracking Resource Object Group String 255 Active Platinum 425041 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No ClaveDeObjeto 20170809T0000 20170330T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 ObjectKeyNumeric A unique identifier for this record from the immediate source. This is the numeric only key and used as an alternative to the MemberKey fields. This is the local key of the system. When records are received from other systems, a local key is commonly applied. If conveying the original keys from the source or originating systems, utilize the SourceSystemObjectKey and/or the OriginatingSystemObjectKey. InternetTracking Resource Object Group Number 255 Active Platinum 425042 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No ClaveNuméricaDeObjeto 20170809T0000 20170330T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 ObjectOriginatingSystemID The RESO OUID's OrganizationUniqueId of the Originating record provider. The Originating system is the system with authoritative control over the record. For example; the name of the MLS where the listing was input. In cases where the Originating system was not where the record originated (the authoritative system), see the Originating System fields. InternetTracking Resource Object Group String 25 Active Platinum 425043 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No IDDeSistemaDeOrigenDelObjeto 20170809T0000 20170330T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 ObjectOriginatingSystemName The name of the Originating record provider. Most commonly the name of the MLS. The place where the listing is originally input by the member. The legal name of the company. InternetTracking Resource Object Group String 255 Active Platinum 425044 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No NombreDeSistemaDeOrigenDelObjeto 20170809T0000 20170330T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 ObjectSourceSystemID The RESO OUID's OrganizationUniqueId of the Source record provider. The source system is the system from which the record was directly received. In cases where the source system was not where the record originated (the authoritative system), see the Originating System fields. InternetTracking Resource Object Group String 25 Active Platinum 425045 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No IDDeObjetoSistemaDeOrigen 20170809T0000 20170330T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 ObjectSourceSystemName The name of the immediate record provider. The system from which the record was directly received. The legal name of the company. InternetTracking Resource Object Group String 255 Active Platinum 425046 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No NombreDeObjetoSistemaDeOrigen 20170809T0000 20170330T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 ObjectType The type of Object being tracked in this event. In implementation this is typically a required field. InternetTracking Resource Object Group String List, Single 128 Active Platinum 425047 Open with Enumerations ObjectType Lookups <n/a> No TipoDeObjeto 20170809T0000 20170330T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 ObjectURL The URL of the tracked event. InternetTracking Resource Object Group String 8000 Active Platinum 425048 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No URLDeObjeto 20170809T0000 20170330T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 OriginatingSystemActorKey The system key, a unique record identifier, from the Originating system. The Originating system is the system with authoritative control over the record. For example, the Multiple Listing Service where the member was input. There may be cases where the Source System (how you received the record) is not the Originating System. See Source System Key for more information. InternetTracking Resource Actor Group String 255 Active Platinum 425021 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No ClaveDeTerceroSistemaDeOrigen 20170809T0000 20170330T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 OriginatingSystemEventKey The system key, a unique record identifier, from the Originating system. The Originating system is the system with authoritative control over the record. For example, the Multiple Listing Service where the member was input. There may be cases where the Source System (how you received the record) is not the Originating System. See Source System Key for more information. InternetTracking Resource Event Group String 255 Active Platinum 425036 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No ClaveDeEventoSistemaDeOrigen 20170809T0000 20170330T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 OriginatingSystemObjectKey The system key, a unique record identifier, from the Originating system. The Originating system is the system with authoritative control over the record. For example, the Multiple Listing Service where the member was input. There may be cases where the Source System (how you received the record) is not the Originating System. See Source System Key for more information. InternetTracking Resource Object Group String 255 Active Platinum 425049 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No ClaveDeEventoSistemaDeOrigen 20170809T0000 20170330T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 ReferringURL The referring URL of the tracked event. InternetTracking Resource Event Group String 8000 Active Platinum 425037 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No URLDeReferencia 20170809T0000 20170330T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 ScreenHeight The screen height, in pixels, of the Actor's device InternetTracking Resource Actor Group Number 255 Active Platinum 425052 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No 20181226T0000 20181009T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 ScreenWidth The screen width, in pixels, of the Actor's device InternetTracking Resource Actor Group Number 255 Active Platinum 425051 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No 20181226T0000 20181009T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 SessionID A unique session ID number, created by the source, that can be used to query data for a single session InternetTracking Resource Actor Group String 255 Active Platinum 425022 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No IDDeSesión 20170809T0000 20170330T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 SourceSystemActorKey The system key, a unique record identifier, from the Source System. The Source System is the system from which the record was directly received. In cases where the Source System was not where the record originated (the authoritative system), see the Originating System fields. InternetTracking Resource Actor Group String 255 Active Platinum 425023 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No ClaveDeActorSistemaFuente 20170809T0000 20170330T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 SourceSystemEventKey The system key, a unique record identifier, from the Source System. The Source System is the system from which the record was directly received. In cases where the Source System was not where the record originated (the authoritative system), see the Originating System fields. InternetTracking Resource Event Group String 255 Active Platinum 425038 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No ClaveDeEventoSistemaFuente 20170809T0000 20170330T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 SourceSystemObjectKey The system key, a unique record identifier, from the Source System. The Source System is the system from which the record was directly received. In cases where the Source System was not where the record originated (the authoritative system), see the Originating System fields. InternetTracking Resource Object Group String 255 Active Platinum 425050 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No ClaveDeObjetoSistemaFuente 20170809T0000 20170330T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 TimeZoneOffset The timezone offset is the difference, in minutes, between UTC and local time. InternetTracking Resource Actor Group Number 255 Active Platinum 425054 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No 20181226T0000 20181009T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 UserAgent The software agent acting on behalf of the user (Actor) in this event. This is commonly conveyed by browser applications. e.g. Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; Trident/7.0; Touch; rv:11.0). This can also be a user configurable string as seen in RETS client applications. InternetTracking Resource Actor Group String 255 Active Platinum 425024 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No AgenteUsuario 20170809T0000 20170330T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 ChangedByMemberID ID of the user, agent, member, etc., that uploaded the media this record refers to. Media Resource String 25 ChangedByAgentID Active Core 130007 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No CambiadoPorIDDeMiembro 20170809T0000 20170117T0000 20170809T0000 ChangedByMemberKey The primary key of the member who uploaded the media this record refers to. This is a foreign key relating to the Member resource's MemberKey. Media Resource String 255 ChangedByAgentKey Active Core 130024 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No CambiadoPorClaveDeMiembro 20170809T0000 20170117T0000 20170809T0000 ChangedByMemberKeyNumeric The primary key of the member who uploaded the media this record refers to. This is a foreign key relating to the Member resource's MemberKey. This is the numeric only key and used as an alternative to the ChangedByMemberKey field. Media Resource Number 255 ChangedByAgentKeyNumeric Active Platinum 130034 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No CambiadoPorClaveNuméricaDeMiembro 20170809T0000 20170117T0000 1.5.0 20170809T0000 ClassName The class or table of the listing or other record the media. Residential, Lease, Agent, Office, Contact, etc. Media Resource String List, Single 50 Active Bronze 130021 Open with Enumerations ClassName Lookups <n/a> No NombreDeClase 20140703T0000 20150812T0000 20160404T0000 ImageHeight The height of the image expressed in pixels. Media Resource Number 8 Active Bronze 130019 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No IDX_Blank AlturaDeImagen 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 ImageOf When the media is an image, a list of possible matches such as kitchen, bathroom, front of structure, etc. This field may be used to identify a required image under association or MLS rules. Media Resource String List, Single 50 Active Platinum 130027 Open with Enumerations ImageOf Lookups <n/a> No IDX_Blank ImagenDe 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 1.5.0 20181226T0000 ImageSizeDescription A text description of the size of the image. i.e. Small, Thumbnail, Medium, Large, X-Large. The largest image must be described as "Largest". Thumbnail must also be included. Pick List will remain open/extendable. Media Resource String List, Single 50 Active Bronze 130020 Open <insufficient input to enumerate. Reviewing possible deprecation.> <n/a> No IDX_Blank DescripciónDeTamañoDeImagen 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 ImageWidth The width of the image expressed in pixels. Media Resource Number 8 Active Bronze 130018 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No IDX_Blank AnchuraDeImagen 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 LongDescription The full robust description of the object. Media Resource String 1024 FullDescription Active Bronze 130011 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No IDX_Optional DescripciónLarga 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 MediaCategory Category describing the , Photos, Documents, Video, Unbranded Virtual Tour, Branded Virtual Tour, Floor Plan, Logo Media Resource String List, Single 50 Active Bronze 130008 Open with Enumerations MediaCategory Lookups <n/a> No IDX_Blank CategoríaDeMedio 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 MediaHTML The JavaScript or other method to embed a video, image, virtual tour or other media. Media Resource String 8500 Active Bronze 130015 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No HTMLDeMedio 20140703T0000 20130815T0000 20140703T0000 MediaKey A unique identifier for this record from the immediate source. This may be a number, or string that can include URI or other forms. This is the system you are connecting to and not necessarily the original source of the record. Media Resource String 255 SystemUniqueID, ImmediateSourceID Active Core 130001 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No IDX_Blank ClaveDeMedio 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 MediaKeyNumeric A unique identifier for this record from the immediate source. This may be a number, or string that can include URI or other forms. This is the system you are connecting to and not necessarily the original source of the record. This is the numeric only key and used as an alternative to the MediaKey field. Media Resource Number 255 SystemUniqueID, ImmediateSourceID Active Platinum 130032 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No IDX_Blank ClaveNuméricaDeMedio 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 1.5.0 20181226T0000 MediaModificationTimestamp This timestamp is updated when a change to the object has been made, which may differ from a change to the Media Resource. Media Resource Timestamp 27 MediaTimestamp Active Bronze 130013 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No IDX_Blank MarcaDeTiempoModificaciónDeMedio 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 MediaObjectID ID of the image, supplement or other object specified by the given media record. Media Resource String 255 Active Core 130006 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No IDDeObjetoDeMedio 20140703T0000 20130815T0000 20140703T0000 MediaStatus The status of the media item referenced by this record. (Updated, Deleted, etc.,_ Media Resource String List, Single 50 Active Bronze 130023 Open <insufficient input to enumerate. Reviewing possible deprecation.> <n/a> No IDX_Blank EstadoDeMedio 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 MediaType Media Types as defined by IANA. http://www.iana.org/assignments/media-types/index.html. Note that the former name of MimeType, used by both IANA and RESO may still be in use by some systems/entities. Media Resource String List, Single 50 MimeType Active Bronze 130009 Open with Enumerations MediaType Lookups <n/a> No TipoDeMedio 20160621T0000 20150827T0000 20160528T1200 MediaURL The URI to the media file referenced by this record. Media Resource String 8000 Active Core 130014 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No IDX_Blank URLDeMedio 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 ModificationTimestamp The transactional timestamp automatically recorded by the MLS system representing the date/time the media record was last modified. Media Resource Timestamp 27 ModificationDateTime, DateTimeModified, ModDate, DateMod, UpdateDate, UpdateTimestamp Active Core 130012 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No IDX_Blank MarcaDeTiempoDeModificación 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 Order Only a positive integer including zero. Element zero is the primary photo per RETS convention. Media Resource Number 4 Active Core 130016 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No IDX_Must Orden 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 OriginatingSystemID The RESO OUID's OrganizationUniqueId of the Originating record provider. The Originating system is the system with authoritative control over the record. For example; the name of the MLS where the Media was input. In cases where the Originating system was not where the record originated (the authoritative system), see the Originating System fields. Media Resource String 25 Active Platinum 130026 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No IDX_Blank IDSistemaDeOrigen 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 1.5.0 20181226T0000 OriginatingSystemMediaKey The system key, a unique record identifier, from the Originating system. The Originating system is the system with authoritative control over the record. For example, the Multiple Listing Service where the Media was input. There may be cases where the Source System (how you received the record) is not the Originating System. See Source System Key for more information. Media Resource String 255 ProviderKey Active Core 130004 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No IDX_Blank ClaveDeMedioDeSistemaDeOrigen 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 OriginatingSystemName The name of the Originating record provider. Most commonly the name of the MLS. The place where the Media is originally input by the member. The legal name of the company. Media Resource String 255 ProviderName, MLSID Active Bronze 130005 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No NombreDeSistemaDeOrigen 20160621T0000 20160218T0000 20160528T1200 Permission Public, Private, IDX, VOW, Office Only, Firm Only, Agent Only, Media Resource String List, Multi 255 Active Bronze 130022 Open Permission Lookups <n/a> No Permiso 20170809T0000 20180602T0000 20180602T0000 PreferredPhotoYN When set to true, the media record in question is the preferred photo. This will typically mean the photo to be shown when only one of the photos is to be displayed. Media Resource Boolean Active Platinum 130031 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No FotografíaPreferidaSN 20160621T0000 20160324T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 ResourceName The resource or table of the listing or other record the media relates to. i.e. Property, Member, Office, etc. Media Resource String List, Single 50 Active Core 130025 Open with Enumerations ResourceName Lookups <n/a> No IDX_Blank NombreDeRecurso 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 ResourceRecordID The well known identifier of the related record from the source resource. The value may be identical to that of the Listing Key, but the Listing ID is intended to be the value used by a human to retrieve the information about a specific listing. In a multiple originating system or a merged system, this value may not be unique and may require the use of the provider system to create a synthetic unique value. Media Resource String 255 MLNumber, MLSNumber, ListingNumber, AgentID, OfficeID, ContactID Active Core 130003 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No IDX_Must IDDeRegistroDeRecurso 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 ResourceRecordKey The primary key of the related record from the source resource. For example the ListingKey, AgentKey, OfficeKey, TeamKey, etc. This is the system you are connecting to and not necessarily the original source of the record. This is a foreign key from the resource selected in the ResourceName field. Media Resource String 255 SystemUniqueID, ImmediateSourceID Active Core 130002 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No IDX_Blank ClaveDeRegistroDeRecurso 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 ResourceRecordKeyNumeric The primary key of the related record from the source resource. For example the ListingKey, AgentKey, OfficeKey, TeamKey, etc. This is the system you are connecting to and not necessarily the original source of the record. This is a foreign key from the resource selected in the ResourceName field. This is the numeric only key and used as an alternative to the ResourceRecordKey field. Media Resource Number 255 SystemUniqueID, ImmediateSourceID Active Platinum 130033 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No IDX_Blank ClaveNuméricaDeRegistroDeRecurso 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 1.5.0 20181226T0000 ShortDescription The short text given to summarize the object. Commonly used as the short description displayed under a photo. Media Resource String 50 Caption, Name, Active Bronze 130010 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No IDX_Optional DescripciónCorta 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 SourceSystemID The RESO OUID's OrganizationUniqueId of the Source record provider. The source system is the system from which the record was directly received. In cases where the source system was not where the record originated (the authoritative system), see the Originating System fields. Media Resource String 25 MLSID Active Platinum 130030 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No IDX_Blank IDSistemaFuente 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 1.5.0 20181226T0000 SourceSystemMediaKey The system key, a unique record identifier, from the Source System. The Source System is the system from which the record was directly received. In cases where the Source System was not where the record originated (the authoritative system), see the Originating System fields. Media Resource String 255 ProviderKey Active Silver 130028 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No IDX_Blank ClaveDeMediosSistemaFuente 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 1.5.0 20181226T0000 SourceSystemName The name of the immediate record provider. The system from which the record was directly received. The legal name of the company. Media Resource String 255 ProviderName, MLSID Active Silver 130029 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No NombreSistemaFuente 20160621T0000 20160218T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 AppointmentRequiredYN Indicates whether or not the OpenHouse requires an appointment. OpenHouse Resource Boolean Active Bronze 160017 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No SeRequiereCitaSN 20140703T0000 20130808T0000 20180720T0000 ListingId The well known identifier for the listing related to this Open House. The value may be identical to that of the Listing Key, but the Listing ID is intended to be the value used by a human to retrieve the information about a specific listing. In a multiple originating system or a merged system, this value may not be unique and may require the use of the provider system to create a synthetic unique value. OpenHouse Resource String 255 MLNumber, MLSNumber, ListingNumber Active Identifier Label = "Listing" Identifier = [value] Core 160006 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No IDX_Must IdDeListado 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 ListingKey A unique identifier for the listing record related to this Open House. This may be a number, or string that can include URI or other forms. This is the system you are connecting to and not necessarily the original source of the record. This may be a foreign key from the resource selected in the ResourceName field. OpenHouse Resource String 255 SystemUniqueID, ImmediateSourceID Active Identifier Label = "Listing"Subaddress Type = "Key"Identifier = [value] Core 160005 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No IDX_Blank ClaveDeListado 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 ListingKeyNumeric A unique identifier for the listing record related to this Open House. This may be a number, or string that can include URI or other forms. This is the system you are connecting to and not necessarily the original source of the record. This may be a foreign key from the resource selected in the ResourceName field. This is the numeric only key and used as an alternative to the ListingKey field. OpenHouse Resource Number 255 SystemUniqueID, ImmediateSourceID Active Identifier Label = "Listing"Subaddress Type = "Key"Identifier = [value] Platinum 160027 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No IDX_Blank ClaveNuméricaDeListado 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 1.5.0 20181226T0000 ModificationTimestamp The transactional timestamp automatically recorded by the MLS system representing the date/time the Open House was last modified. OpenHouse Resource Timestamp 27 ModificationDateTime, DateTimeModified, ModDate, DateMod, UpdateDate, UpdateTimestamp Active Date Status = "Modified"Date = [value] Core 160007 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No IDX_Must MarcaDeTiempoDeModificación 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 OpenHouseAttendedBy Will the open house be attended by a licensed agent? Options are attended by agent, attended by the seller or unattended. OpenHouse Resource String List, Single 25 Active Bronze 160019 Open with Enumerations Attended Lookups <n/a> No JornadaDePuertasAbiertasAsistidaPor 20160621T0000 20151119T0000 20180720T0000 OpenHouseDate The date on which the open house will occur. OpenHouse Resource Date 10 Active Date = [value] Core 160009 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No IDX_Blank FechaDeJornadaDePuertasAbiertas 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 OpenHouseEndTime The time the open house ends. OpenHouse Resource Timestamp 27 Active Interval End Time = [value] Core 160011 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No IDX_Blank HoraDeFinalizaciónDeJornadaDePuertasAbiertas 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 OpenHouseId The well known identifier for the listing. The value may be identical to that of the Listing Key, but the Listing ID is intended to be the value used by a human to retrieve the information about a specific listing. In a multiple originating system or a merged system, this value may not be unique and may require the use of the provider system to create a synthetic unique value. OpenHouse Resource String 255 Active Core 160002 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No IdDeJornadaDePuertasAbiertas 20131119T0000 20130710T0000 20131119T0000 OpenHouseKey A unique identifier for this record from the immediate source. This may be a number, or string that can include URI or other forms. This is the system you are connecting to and not necessarily the original source of the record. OpenHouse Resource String 255 Active Subaddress Type = "Key"Contact ID = [value] Core 160001 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No IDX_Blank ClaveDeJornadaDePuertasAbiertas 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 OpenHouseKeyNumeric A unique identifier for this record from the immediate source. This may be a number, or string that can include URI or other forms. This is the system you are connecting to and not necessarily the original source of the record. This is the numeric only key and used as an alternative to the OpenHouseKey field. OpenHouse Resource Number 255 Active Subaddress Type = "Key"Contact ID = [value] Platinum 160026 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No IDX_Blank ClaveNuméricaDeJornadaDePuertasAbiertas 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 1.5.0 20181226T0000 OpenHouseRemarks Comments, instructions or information about the open house. OpenHouse Resource String 500 Active Core 160020 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No IDX_Blank ObservacionesDeJornadaDePuertasAbiertas 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 OpenHouseStartTime The time the open house begins. OpenHouse Resource Timestamp 27 Active Interval Start Time = [value] Core 160010 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No IDX_Blank HoraDeInicioDeJornadaDePuertasAbiertas 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 OpenHouseStatus Status of the open house, i.e. Active, Cancelled, Ended. OpenHouse Resource String List, Single 25 Active Core 160021 Open with Enumerations OpenHouseStatus Lookups <n/a> No IDX_Blank EstadoDeJornadaDePuertasAbiertas 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 OpenHouseType The type of open house. i.e. Public, Broker, Office, Association, Private (invitation or targeted publication). OpenHouse Resource String List, Single 25 Active Core 160016 Open with Enumerations OpenHouseType Lookups <n/a> No IDX_Blank TipoDeJornadaDePuertasAbiertas 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 OriginalEntryTimestamp The transactional timestamp automatically recorded by the MLS system representing the date/time the Open House was entered and made visible to members of the MLS. OpenHouse Resource Timestamp 27 EntryDate, InputDate, DateTimeCreated, CreatedDate. Active Date Status = "Created"Date = [value] Bronze 160008 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No IDX_Blank MarcaDeTiempoEntradaOriginal 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 OriginatingSystemID The RESO OUID's OrganizationUniqueId of the Originating record provider. The Originating system is the system with authoritative control over the record. For example; the name of the MLS where the Open House was input. In cases where the Originating system was not where the record originated (the authoritative system), see the Originating System fields. OpenHouse Resource String 25 Active Platinum 160022 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No IDX_Blank IDSistemaDeOrigen 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 1.5.0 20181226T0000 OriginatingSystemKey The system key, a unique record identifier, from the Originating system. The Originating system is the system with authoritative control over the record. For example, the Multiple Listing Service where the Open House was input. There may be cases where the Source System (how you received the record) is not the Originating System. See Source System Key for more information. OpenHouse Resource String 255 ProviderKey Active Core 160003 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No IDX_Blank ClaveDeSistemaDeOrigen 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 OriginatingSystemName The name of the Originating record provider. Most commonly the name of the MLS. The place where the Open House is originally input. The legal name of the company. OpenHouse Resource String 255 ProviderName, MLSID Active Bronze 160004 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No NombreDeSistemaDeOrigen 20160621T0000 20160218T0000 20160528T1200 Refreshments A description of the refreshments that will be served at the open house. OpenHouse Resource String 255 Active Bronze 160018 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No IDX_Blank Refrescos 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 ShowingAgentFirstName The first name of the showing agent. OpenHouse Resource String 50 ShowingMemberFirstName Active Core 160014 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No MostrarNombreDeAgente 20170809T0000 20170117T0000 20170809T0000 ShowingAgentKey A system unique identifier. Specifically, in aggregation systems, the ListAgentKey is the system unique identifier from the system that the record was retrieved. This may be identical to the related xxxId. This is a foreign key relating to the Member resource's MemberKey. OpenHouse Resource String 255 ShowingMemberKey Active Core 160013 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No IDX_Blank MostrarClaveDeAgente 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 20181226T0000 ShowingAgentKeyNumeric A system unique identifier. Specifically, in aggregation systems, the ListAgentKey is the system unique identifier from the system that the record was retrieved. This may be identical to the related xxxId. This is a foreign key relating to the Member resource's MemberKey. This is the numeric only key and used as an alternative to the ShowingAgentKey field. OpenHouse Resource Number 255 ShowingMemberKeyNumeric Active Platinum 160028 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No IDX_Blank MostrarClaveNuméricaDeAgente 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 1.5.0 20181226T0000 ShowingAgentLastName The last name of the showing agent. OpenHouse Resource String 50 ShowingMemberLastName Active Core 160015 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No MostrarApellidoDeAgente 20170809T0000 20170117T0000 20170809T0000 ShowingAgentMlsID The local, well-known identifier for the member. This value may not be unique, specifically in the case of aggregation systems, this value should be the identifier from the original system. OpenHouse Resource String 25 ShowingMemberMlslD Active Core 160012 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No MostrarIDDeMlsDeAgente 20170809T0000 20170117T0000 20170809T0000 SourceSystemID The RESO OUID's OrganizationUniqueId of the Source record provider. The source system is the system from which the record was directly received. In cases where the source system was not where the record originated (the authoritative system), see the Originating System fields. OpenHouse Resource String 25 MLSID Active Platinum 160025 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No IDX_Blank IDSistemaFuente 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 1.5.0 20181226T0000 SourceSystemKey The system key, a unique record identifier, from the Source System. The Source System is the system from which the record was directly received. In cases where the Source System was not where the record originated (the authoritative system), see the Originating System fields. OpenHouse Resource String 255 ProviderKey Active Silver 160023 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No IDX_Blank ClaveSistemaFuente 20181226T0000 20181205T0000 1.5.0 20181226T0000 SourceSystemName The name of the Open House record provider. The system from which the record was directly received. The legal name of the company. OpenHouse Resource String 255 ProviderName, MLSID Active Silver 160024 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No NombreSistemaFuente 20160621T0000 20160218T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 ChangedByMemberID The local, well-know identifier of the member (user) who made the change. OUID Resource String 25 ChangedByAgentID Active Platinum 210039 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No CambiadoPorIDDeMiembro 20170809T0000 20170117T0000 1.5.0 20170809T0000 ChangedByMemberKey The unique identifier of the member (user) who made the change. This is a foreign key relating to the Member resource's MemberKey. OUID Resource String 255 ChangedByAgentKey Active Platinum 210040 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No CambiadoPorClaveDeMiembro 20170809T0000 20170117T0000 1.5.0 20170809T0000 ChangedByMemberKeyNumeric The unique identifier of the member (user) who made the change. This is a foreign key relating to the Member resource's MemberKey. This is the numeric only key and used as an alternative to the ChangedByMemberKey field. OUID Resource Number 255 ChangedByAgentKeyNumeric Active Platinum 210046 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No CambiadoPorClaveNuméricaDeMiembro 20170809T0000 20170117T0000 1.5.0 20170809T0000 ModificationTimestamp Date/time the Organization record was last modified. OUID Resource Timestamp 27 Active Platinum 210043 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No MarcaDeTiempoDeModificación 20160621T0000 20160121T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 OrganizationAOR The Organization's Primary Board or Association of REALTORS if applicable. OUID Resource String List, Single 50 Active Platinum 210030 Open <not to be enumerated by RESO> <n/a> No OrganizaciónAOR 20160621T0000 20160121T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 OrganizationAddress1 The street number, direction, name and suffix of the organization. OUID Resource String 50 Active Platinum 210007 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No DirecciónDeLaOrganización1 20160621T0000 20160121T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 OrganizationAddress2 The unit/suite number of the organization. OUID Resource String 50 Active Platinum 210008 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No DirecciónDeLaOrganización2 20160621T0000 20160121T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 OrganizationAorOuid The OUID for the Organization's Association of REALTORS if applicable. OUID Resource String 25 Active Platinum 210031 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No OuidDeOrganizaciónAor 20160621T0000 20160121T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 OrganizationAorOuidKey The OrganizationUniqueIdKey of the AOR from the system serving the OUID resource. OUID Resource String 255 Active Platinum 210032 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No OuidDeClaveDeOrganizaciónAor 20160621T0000 20160121T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 OrganizationAorOuidKeyNumeric The OrganizationUniqueIdKey of the AOR from the system serving the OUID resource. This is the numeric only key and used as an alternative to the OrganizationAorOuidKey field. OUID Resource Number 255 Active Platinum 210045 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No OuidDeClaveNuméricaDeOrganizaciónAor 20160621T0000 20160317T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 OrganizationCarrierRoute The group of addresses to which the USPS assigns the same code to aid in mail delivery. For the USPS, these codes are 9 digits: 5 numbers for the ZIP Code, one letter for the carrier route type, and 3 numbers for the carrier route number. OUID Resource String 9 RR, CR Active Platinum 210013 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RutaTransportistaOrganización 20160621T0000 20160121T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 OrganizationCity The city of the organization. OUID Resource String 50 Active Platinum 210009 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No CiudadDeOrganización 20160621T0000 20160121T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 OrganizationComments Comments or notes about the Organization. OUID Resource String 500 Active Platinum 210041 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No ComentariosOrganización 20160621T0000 20160121T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 OrganizationContactEmail The email address of the Organization Contact. OUID Resource String 80 Active Platinum 210024 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No EmailDeContactoDeOrganización 20160621T0000 20160121T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 OrganizationContactFax North American 10 digit phone numbers should be in the format of ###-###-#### (separated by hyphens). Other conventions should use the common local standard. International numbers should be preceded by a plus symbol. OUID Resource String 16 Active Platinum 210027 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No FaxDeContactoDeOrganización 20160621T0000 20160121T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 OrganizationContactFirstName The first name of the Organization Contact. OUID Resource String 50 Active Platinum 210018 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No NombreDeContactoDeOrganización 20160621T0000 20160121T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 OrganizationContactFullName The full name of the Organization Contact. (First Middle Last) or a alternate full name. OUID Resource String 150 Active Platinum 210022 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No NombreCompletoDeContactoDeOrganización 20160621T0000 20160121T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 OrganizationContactJobTitle The title or position of the Organization Contact. OUID Resource String 50 Active Platinum 210023 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No CargoDeContactoDeOrganización 20160621T0000 20160121T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 OrganizationContactLastName The last name of the Organization Contact. OUID Resource String 50 Active Platinum 210020 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No ApellidoDeContactoDeOrganización 20160621T0000 20160121T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 OrganizationContactMiddleName The middle name of the Organization Contact. OUID Resource String 50 Active Platinum 210019 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No SegundoNombreDeContactoDeOrganización 20160621T0000 20160121T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 OrganizationContactNamePrefix Prefix to the name of the Organization Contact. (e.g. Dr. Mr. Ms. etc.) OUID Resource String 10 Salutation, Title Active Platinum 210017 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No PrefijoDeNombreDeContactoDeOrganización 20160621T0000 20160121T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 OrganizationContactNameSuffix Suffix to the surname (e.g. Esq., Jr., III etc.) of the Organization Contact. OUID Resource String 10 Active Platinum 210021 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No SufijoDeNombreDeContactoDeOrganización 20160621T0000 20160121T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 OrganizationContactPhone North American 10 digit phone numbers should be in the format of ###-###-#### (separated by hyphens). Other conventions should use the common local standard. International numbers should be preceded by a plus symbol. OUID Resource String 16 Active Platinum 210025 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No TeléfonoDeContactoDeOrganización 20160621T0000 20160121T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 OrganizationContactPhoneExt The extension of the given phone number (if applicable). OUID Resource String 10 Active Platinum 210026 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No ExtDeTeléfonoDeContactoDeOrganización 20160621T0000 20160121T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 OrganizationCountry The country abbreviation in a postal address. OUID Resource String List, Single 2 Active Platinum 210015 Open with Enumerations Country Lookups <n/a> No PaísDeOrganización 20160621T0000 20160121T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 OrganizationCountyOrParish The county or parish in which the organization is addressed. OUID Resource String List, Single 50 County Active Platinum 210014 Open <not to be enumerated by RESO> <n/a> No CondadoODistritoDeOrganización 20160621T0000 20160121T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 OrganizationMemberCount The total number of active members in the Organization if applicable. OUID Resource Number 14 OrganizationAgentCount Active Platinum 210038 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No ConteoDeMiembrosDeOrganización 20170809T0000 20170117T0000 1.5.0 20170809T0000 OrganizationMlsCode If the organization is an MLS it is likely they already have an ID or code based on their name or an abbreviation. This field supports the continued use/reference to that legacy code. OUID Resource String 25 Active Platinum 210003 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No CódigoMlsDeOrganización 20160621T0000 20160121T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 OrganizationMlsVendorName If the organization uses an MLS system, this is the textual name of the vendor. OUID Resource String 255 Active Platinum 210004 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No NombreDeProveedorMlsDeOrganización 20160621T0000 20160121T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 OrganizationMlsVendorOuid If the organization uses an MLS system, this is that vendor's OUID. OUID Resource String 25 Active Platinum 210005 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No OuidDeProveedorMlsDeOrganización 20160621T0000 20160121T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 OrganizationName The textual name of the organization represented by a given OUID record. OUID Resource String 255 Active Platinum 210006 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No NombreDeOrganización 20160621T0000 20160121T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 OrganizationNationalAssociationId The national association ID of the Organization if applicable. i.e. in the U.S. is the NRDS number. OUID Resource String 25 Active Platinum 210033 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No IdDeAsociaciónNacionalDeOrganización 20160621T0000 20160121T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 OrganizationPostalCode The postal code of the organization. OUID Resource String 10 Active Platinum 210011 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No CódigoPostalDeOrganización 20160621T0000 20160121T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 OrganizationPostalCodePlus4 The extension of the postal/zip code. i.e. +4 OUID Resource String 4 Active Platinum 210012 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No CódigoPostalMás4DeOrganización 20160621T0000 20160121T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 OrganizationSocialMedia A collection of the types of social media fields available for this organization. The collection includes the type of system and other details pertinent about social media OUID Resource Collection <n/a> Active Platinum 210047 <n/a> <n/a> SocialMedia Collection <n/a> No 20181226T0000 20171026T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 OrganizationSocialMediaType A list of types of sites, blog, social media, the Organization URL or ID is referring to. i.e. Website, Blog, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Skype, etc., This list is used to populate the Type with repeating Social Media URL or ID types. OUID Resource String List, Single 25 Active Platinum 210028 Open <insufficient input to enumerate. Reviewing possible deprecation.> <n/a> Yes TipoDeRedesSocialesDeOrganización 20160621T0000 20160121T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 OrganizationSocialMedia[Type]UrlOrId The website URL or ID of social media site or account of the member. This is a repeating element. Replace [Type] with any of the options from the SocialMediaType field to create a unique field for that type of social media. For example: SocialMediaFacebookUrlOrID, SocialMediaSkypeUrlOrID, etc. OUID Resource String 8000 Active Platinum 210029 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> Yes RedesSocialesDeOrganización[Tipo]UrlOId 20160621T0000 20160121T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 OrganizationStateLicense The license of the Organization if applicable. Separate multiple licenses with a comma and space. OUID Resource String 50 Active Platinum 210034 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No LicenciaEstatalDeOrganización 20160621T0000 20160121T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 OrganizationStateLicenseState The state in which the Organization is licensed if applicable. OUID Resource String List, Single 2 Active Platinum 210035 Open with Enumerations StateOrProvince Lookups <n/a> No EstadoDeLicenciaEstatalDeOrganización 20160621T0000 20160121T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 OrganizationStateOrProvince The state or province in which the organization is addressed. OUID Resource String List, Single 2 Active Platinum 210010 Open with Enumerations StateOrProvince Lookups <n/a> No EstadoOProvinciaDeOrganización 20160621T0000 20160121T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 OrganizationStatus Is the Organization active or inactive. 1 or true is active, 0 or false is inactive. This field is not nullable. OUID Resource Boolean Active Platinum 210036 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No EstadoDeOrganización 20160621T0000 20170901T0000 1.5.0 20170901T0000 OrganizationStatusChangeTimestamp The date/time of when the Organization Status was last changed. OUID Resource Timestamp 27 Active Platinum 210037 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No MarcaDeTiempoCambioEnEstadoDeOrganización 20160621T0000 20160121T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 OrganizationType The type of organization. i.e. MLS, Vendor, Association, etc. This is not a substitute or alternative for the Office resource, however it may be that a brokerage has a record in this table for a non-listing purpose. OUID Resource String List, Single 25 Active Platinum 210016 Open <Not Defined> <n/a> No TipoDeOrganización 20160621T0000 20160121T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 OrganizationUniqueId The OUID. This is the unique ID assigned to organizations included in the OUID resource. Assignment of OUIDs will be centralized and may not be created by systems hosting the OUID resource. Contact info@RESO.org for information on obtaining an OUID. OUID Resource String 25 Active Platinum 210002 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No IdÚnicaDeOrganización 20160621T0000 20160121T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 OrganizationUniqueIdKey The key field used by the system hosting a table of OUIDs. This key is likely to be unique to each hosting system and is not meant to be a universal ID for an organization, but rather a key used by clients of the hosting system. The actual OUID is the Organization Unique ID field. OUID Resource String 255 Active Platinum 210001 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No ClaveDeIdÚnicaDeOrganización 20160621T0000 20160121T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 OrganizationUniqueIdKeyNumeric The key field used by the system hosting a table of OUIDs. This key is likely to be unique to each hosting system and is not meant to be a universal ID for an organization, but rather a key used by clients of the hosting system. The actual OUID is the Organization Unique ID field. This is the numeric only key and used as an alternative to the OrganizationUniqueIdKey field. OUID Resource Number 255 Active Platinum 210044 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No ClaveNuméricaDeIdÚnicaDeOrganización 20160621T0000 20160317T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 OriginalEntryTimestamp Date/time the Organization record was originally input into the source system. OUID Resource Timestamp 27 Active Platinum 210042 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No MarcaDeTiempoEntradaOriginal 20160621T0000 20160121T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 ActiveYN If set to True, the given auto email is active. False records may be disabled or waiting activation. Prospecting Resource Boolean Active Platinum 423001 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No ActiveYN 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 BccEmailList A comma separate list of email addresses that are the "BCC", or Blind Carbon Copy, address the auto emails are being sent to. Prospecting Resource String 1024 Active Platinum 423002 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No BccEmailList 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 BccMeYN When set to True, the auto mail is also sent as a Blind Carbon Copy to the Member who created the Auto Email. Prospecting Resource Boolean Active Platinum 423003 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No BccMeYN 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 CcEmailList A comma separate list of email addresses that are the "CC", or Carbon Copy, address the auto emails are being sent to. Prospecting Resource String 1024 Active Platinum 423004 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No CopiarListaDeCorreo 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 ClientActivatedYN If set to True, the client has clicked through to accept automatic of emails. Recipant acceptance is an important part of CAN-SPAM and other bulk automatic emailing regulations. Prospecting Resource Boolean Active Platinum 423005 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No ActivadoPorClienteSN 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 ConciergeNotificationsYN If set to True, notifications are to be sent to the member when the auto email is in Concierge mode. Prospecting Resource Boolean Active Platinum 423006 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No NotificacionesDeConserjeríaSN 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 ConciergeYN When set to True, the auto mail is in Concierge mode and to be approved by the member before sent to the client. Prospecting Resource Boolean Active Platinum 423007 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No ConserjeríaSN 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 ContactKey This is the foreign key relating to the Contact resource. A unique identifier for this record from the immediate source. This is a string that can include URI or other forms. Alternatively use the ContactKeyNumeric for a numeric only key field. This is the local key of the system. When records are received from other systems, a local key is commonly applied. If conveying the original keys from the source or originating systems, see SourceSystemKey and OriginatingSystemKey variants. Prospecting Resource String 255 Active Platinum 423008 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No ClaveDeContacto 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 ContactKeyNumeric This is the foreign key relating to the Contact resource. A unique identifier for this record from the immediate source. This is the numeric only key and used as an alternative to the ContactKey fields. This is the local key of the system. When records are received from other systems, a local key is commonly applied. If conveying the original keys from the source or originating systems, see SourceSystemKeyNumeric and OriginatingSystemKeyNumeric variants. Prospecting Resource Number 255 Active Platinum 423009 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No ClaveNuméricaDeContacto 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 DailySchedule When Daily is selected as the ScheduleType, a list of days of the week and AM or PM options. Prospecting Resource String List, Multi 1024 Active Platinum 423010 Open with Enumerations DailySchedule Lookups <n/a> No HorarioDiario 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 DisplayTemplateID The system ID of the display that has been related, or set as the default, to this saved search. Prospecting Resource String 25 Active Platinum 423011 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No MostrarIDDePlantilla 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Language The language that will be used in the given auto email. Prospecting Resource String List, Single 25 Active Platinum 423012 Open with Enumerations Languages Lookups <n/a> No Idioma 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 LastNewChangedTimestamp Timestamp of when the prospector last found new or modified listings for this auto-email. Prospecting Resource Timestamp 27 Active Platinum 423013 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No MarcaDeTiempoÚltimoCambioNuevo 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 LastViewedTimestamp A timestamp of when the auto email was last viewed by the client in the portal. Prospecting Resource Timestamp 27 Active Platinum 423014 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No MarcaDeTiempoÚltimaVezVisto 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 MessageNew The body of the auto email message when the first email is sent for the prospecting campaign. Prospecting Resource String 4000 Active Platinum 423015 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No NuevoMensaje 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 MessageRevise The body of the auto email message to be used when the criteria or settings of this auto email have been modified. Prospecting Resource String 4000 Active Platinum 423016 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RevisarMensaje 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 MessageUpdate The body of the auto email message for subsequent email messages after the first email is sent. If a first email option isn't used, this field is used for all emails including the first. Prospecting Resource String 4000 Active Platinum 423017 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No ActualizaciónMensaje 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 ModificationTimestamp The date/time this prospecting record was last modified. Prospecting Resource Timestamp 27 Active Platinum 423018 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No MarcaDeTiempoDeModificación 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 NextSendTimestamp A timestamp of when the auto email is schedule to next send. Prospecting Resource Timestamp 27 Active Platinum 423019 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No MarcaDeTiempoPróximoEnvío 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 OwnerMemberID The local, well-known identifier for the member owning the contact. Prospecting Resource String 25 Active Platinum 423020 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No IdDeMiembroPropietario 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 OwnerMemberKey The unique identifier (key) of the member owning the contact. This is a foreign key relating to the Member resource's MemberKey. Prospecting Resource String 255 Active Platinum 423021 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No ClaveDeMiembroPropietario 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 OwnerMemberKeyNumeric The unique identifier (key) of the member owning the contact. This is a foreign key relating to the Member resource's MemberKey. This is the numeric only key and used as an alternative to the OwnerMemberKey field. Prospecting Resource Number 255 Active Platinum 423022 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No ClaveNúmericaDeMiembroPropietario 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 ProspectingKey A unique identifier for this record from the immediate source. This is a string that can include URI or other forms. Alternatively use the ProspectKeyNumeric for a numeric only key field. This is the local key of the system. When records are received from other systems, a local key is commonly applied. If conveying the original keys from the source or originating systems, see SourceSystemKey and OriginatingSystemKey variants. Prospecting Resource String 255 AutoMailKey, AutoEmailKey Active Platinum 423023 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No ClaveDeProspección 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 ProspectingKeyNumeric A unique identifier for this record from the immediate source. This is the numeric only key and used as an alternative to the ProspectKey fields. This is the local key of the system. When records are received from other systems, a local key is commonly applied. If conveying the original keys from the source or originating systems, see SourceSystemKeyNumeric and OriginatingSystemKeyNumeric variants. Prospecting Resource Number 255 AutoMailKeyNumeric, AutoEmailKeyNumeric Active Platinum 423024 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No ClaveNuméricaDeProspección 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 ReasonActiveOrDisabled A list of reasons the Auto Email was set to inactive or set back to active. e.g. AgentDisabled, OverLimit, No Listings Found, Re-Activated, Client Disabled, etc. Prospecting Resource String List, Single 50 Active Platinum 423025 Open with Enumerations ReasonActiveOrDisabled Lookups <n/a> No ModoActivoODesactivado 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 SavedSearchKey This is the foreign key relating to the SavedSearch resource. A unique identifier for this record from the immediate source. This is a string that can include URI or other forms. Alternatively use the SavedSearchKeyNumeric for a numeric only key field. This is the local key of the system. When records are received from other systems, a local key is commonly applied. If conveying the original keys from the source or originating systems, see SourceSystemKey and OriginatingSystemKey variants. Prospecting Resource String 255 Active Platinum 423026 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No ClaveDeBúsquedaGuardada 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 SavedSearchKeyNumeric This is the foreign key relating to the SavedSearch resource. A unique identifier for this record from the immediate source. This is the numeric only key and used as an alternative to the SavedSearchKey fields. This is the local key of the system. When records are received from other systems, a local key is commonly applied. If conveying the original keys from the source or originating systems, see SourceSystemKeyNumeric and OriginatingSystemKeyNumeric variants. Prospecting Resource Number 255 Active Platinum 423027 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No ClaveNuméricaDeBúsquedaGuardada 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 ScheduleType A selection of the type of schedule that the auto email will be sent. Daily, Monthly or ASAP. Prospecting Resource String List, Single 25 Active Platinum 423028 Open with Enumerations ScheduleType Lookups <n/a> No TipoDeHorario 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Subject The subject line of the auto email being sent. Prospecting Resource String 255 Active Platinum 423029 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No Asunto 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 ToEmailList A comma separate list of email addresses that are the "To" address the auto emails are being sent to. Prospecting Resource String 1024 Active Platinum 423030 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No ListaDeEnvíosPorCorreoElectrónico 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 ClassName Name of the class which this queue record is referencing. Queue Resource String List, Single 50 Active Platinum 469001 Open with Enumerations ClassName Lookups <n/a> No 20181226T0000 20180512T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 ModificationTimestamp Timestamp of the last major change on the listing (see also MajorChangeType). Queue Resource Timestamp 27 Active Platinum 469002 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No 20181226T0000 20180512T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 OriginatingSystemID The RESO OUID's OrganizationUniqueId of the Originating record provider. The Originating system is the system with authoritative control over the record. For example; the name of the MLS where the Queue record was generated. In cases where the Originating system was not where the record originated (the authoritative system), see the Originating System fields. Queue Resource String 25 Active Platinum 469003 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No 20181226T0000 20180512T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 OriginatingSystemName The name of the Originating record provider. Most commonly the name of the MLS. The place where the Queue record or originally generated. The legal name of the company. Queue Resource String 255 ProviderName, MLSID Active Platinum 469004 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No 20181226T0000 20180512T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 OriginatingSystemQueueKey The system key, a unique record identifier, from the Originating system. The Originating system is the system with authoritative control over the record. For example, the Multiple Listing Service where the Queue record was generated. There may be cases where the Source System (how you received the record) is not the Originating System. See Source System Key for more information. Queue Resource String 255 ProviderKey Active Platinum 469005 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No 20181226T0000 20180512T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 QueueTransactionKey A unique identifier for this record from the immediate source. This may be a number, or string that can include URI or other forms. This is the system you are connecting to and not necessarily the original source of the record. Queue Resource String 255 Active Platinum 469006 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No 20181226T0000 20180512T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 QueueTransactionKeyNumeric A unique identifier for this record from the immediate source. This may be a number, or string that can include URI or other forms. This is the system you are connecting to and not necessarily the original source of the record. This is the numeric only key and used as an alternative to the QueueKey field. Queue Resource Number 255 Active Platinum 469007 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No 20181226T0000 20180512T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 QueueTransactionType The type of change that the queue transaction record is representing. For example, add, change, delete, etc. Queue Resource String List, Single 255 Active Platinum 469008 Open with Enumerations QueueTransactionType Lookups <n/a> No 20181226T0000 20180512T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 ResourceName The name of the resource which this queue record is referencing. Queue Resource String List, Single 50 Active Platinum 469009 Open with Enumerations ResourceName Lookups <n/a> No 20181226T0000 20180512T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 ResourceRecordID The well known identifier of the related record from the source resource. The value may be identical to that of the Listing Key, but the Listing ID is intended to be the value used by a human to retrieve the information about a specific listing. In a multiple originating system or a merged system, this value may not be unique and may require the use of the provider system to create a synthetic unique value. Queue Resource String 255 MLNumber, MLSNumber, ListingNumber, AgentID, OfficeID, ContactID Active Platinum 469010 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No 20181226T0000 20180512T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 ResourceRecordKey The primary key of the related record from the source resource. For example the ListingKey, AgentKey, OfficeKey, etc. This is the system you are connecting to and not necessarily the original source of the record. This is a foreign key from the resource selected in the ResourceName field. Queue Resource String 255 SystemUniqueID, ImmediateSourceID Active Platinum 469011 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No 20181226T0000 20180512T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 ResourceRecordKeyNumeric The primary key of the related record from the source resource. For example the ListingKey, AgentKey, OfficeKey, etc. This is the system you are connecting to and not necessarily the original source of the record. This is a foreign key from the resource selected in the ResourceName field. This is the numeric only key and used as an alternative to the ResourceRecordKey field. Queue Resource Number 255 SystemUniqueID, ImmediateSourceID Active Platinum 469012 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No 20181226T0000 20180512T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 SourceSystemID The RESO OUID's OrganizationUniqueId of the Source record provider. The source system is the system from which the record was directly received. In cases where the source system was not where the record originated (the authoritative system), see the Originating System fields. Queue Resource String 25 MLSID Active Platinum 469013 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No 20181226T0000 20180512T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 SourceSystemName The name of the Queue record provider. The system from which the record was directly received. The legal name of the company. Queue Resource String 255 ProviderName, MLSID Active Platinum 469014 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No 20181226T0000 20180512T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 SourceSystemQueueKey The system key, a unique record identifier, from the Source System. The Source System is the system from which the record was directly received. In cases where the Source System was not where the record originated (the authoritative system), see the Originating System fields. Queue Resource String 255 ProviderKey Active Platinum 469015 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No 20181226T0000 20180512T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 ClassName The class or table to which the Rule refers. i.e. Residential, Residential Lease, Income, Mobile, etc. Rules Resource String List, Single 50 Active Platinum 470001 Open with Enumerations ClassName Lookups <n/a> No 20181226T0000 20180512T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 FieldKey The unique identifier of the field to which the Rule applies. This is a foreign key relating to the field found in the resource per the ResourceName. Rules Resource String 255 Active Platinum 470002 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No 20181226T0000 20180512T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 FieldKeyNumeric The unique identifier of the field to which the Rule applies. This is a foreign key relating to the field found in the resource per the ResourceName. This is the numeric only key and used as an alternative to the FieldKey field. Rules Resource Number 255 Active Platinum 470003 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No 20181226T0000 20180512T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 FieldName The name of the field to which the Rule applies. Rules Resource String 255 Active Platinum 470004 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No 20181226T0000 20180512T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 ModificationTimestamp The transactional timestamp automatically recorded by the MLS system representing the date/time the rule was last modified. Rules Resource Timestamp 27 ModificationDateTime, DateTimeModified, ModDate, DateMod, UpdateDate, UpdateTimestamp Active Platinum 470005 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No 20181226T0000 20180512T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 OriginalEntryTimestamp The transactional timestamp automatically recorded by the MLS system representing the date/time the rule was initially entered. Rules Resource Timestamp 27 EntryDate, InputDate, DateTimeCreated, CreatedDate. Active Platinum 470006 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No 20181226T0000 20180512T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 OriginatingSystemID The RESO OUID's OrganizationUniqueId of the Originating record provider. The Originating system is the system with authoritative control over the record. For example; the name of the MLS where the Rule originated. In cases where the Originating system was not where the record originated (the authoritative system), see the Originating System fields. Rules Resource String 25 Active Platinum 470007 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No 20181226T0000 20180512T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 OriginatingSystemName The name of the Originating record provider. Most commonly the name of the MLS. The place where the Rules is originally input. The legal name of the company. Rules Resource String 255 ProviderName, MLSID Active Platinum 470008 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No 20181226T0000 20180512T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 OriginatingSystemRuleKey The system key, a unique record identifier, from the Originating system. The Originating system is the system with authoritative control over the record. For example, the Multiple Listing Service where the Rule originated. There may be cases where the Source System (how you received the record) is not the Originating System. See Source System Key for more information. Rules Resource String 255 Active Platinum 470009 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No 20181226T0000 20180512T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 ResourceName The resource to which the Rule refers. E.g. Property, Member, Office, Open House, etc. Rules Resource String List, Single 50 Active Platinum 470010 Open with Enumerations ResourceName Lookups <n/a> No 20181226T0000 20180512T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 RuleAction The action to be taken when processing the rule. Rules Resource String 8000 Active Platinum 470011 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No 20181226T0000 20180512T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 RuleDescription A detailed textual description of the rule. Rules Resource String 8000 Active Platinum 470012 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No 20181226T0000 20180512T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 RuleEnabledYN Is the rule currently enabled? Rules Resource Boolean Active Platinum 470013 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No 20181226T0000 20180512T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 RuleErrorText Textual information conveyed when the given rule is in error or fails. (e.g. The listing price must be greater than 0.) Rules Resource String 8000 Active Platinum 470014 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No 20181226T0000 20180512T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 RuleExpression The expression or details of the rule. Rules Resource String 8000 Active Platinum 470015 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No 20181226T0000 20180512T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 RuleFormat $filter, JavaScript, RETS1.8, REBR, etc.… ? Rules Resource String List, Single 50 Active Platinum 470016 Open with Enumerations RuleFormat Lookups <n/a> No 20181226T0000 20180512T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 RuleHelpText The text that might be displayed on a form that helps the user fix the rule (e.g. enter phone number in the 10 digit format ###-###-####.) Rules Resource String 8000 Active Platinum 470017 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No 20181226T0000 20180512T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 RuleKey <ac:structured-macro ac:name="tooltip" ac:schema-version="1" ac:macro-id="d9385e45-37c2-4bf8-9f64-6a4568d6b0b4"><ac:parameter ac:name="tip">A single designation identifying what category of fields to which the given field belongs.</ac:parameter><ac:parameter ac:name="text">Group</ac:parameter></ac:structured-macro><ac:link ac:anchor="Group"><ri:page ri:content-title="Data Dictionary Terms and Meta Definitions" /><ac:plain-text-link-body><![CDATA[?]]></ac:plain-text-link-body></ac:link>: <ac:link><ri:page ri:content-title="Rules Resource" /><ac:link-body>Rules Resource</ac:link-body></ac:link> Rules Resource String 255 Active Platinum 470018 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No 20181226T0000 20180512T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 RuleKeyNumeric <ac:structured-macro ac:name="tooltip" ac:schema-version="1" ac:macro-id="dddc1b50-f511-45b5-8c68-773cf136e7b5"><ac:parameter ac:name="tip">A single designation identifying what category of fields to which the given field belongs.</ac:parameter><ac:parameter ac:name="text">Group</ac:parameter></ac:structured-macro><ac:link ac:anchor="Group"><ri:page ri:content-title="Data Dictionary Terms and Meta Definitions" /><ac:plain-text-link-body><![CDATA[?]]></ac:plain-text-link-body></ac:link>: <ac:link><ri:page ri:content-title="Rules Resource" /><ac:link-body>Rules Resource</ac:link-body></ac:link> Rules Resource Number 255 Active Platinum 470019 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No 20181226T0000 20180512T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 RuleName A descriptive name for the rule. Rules Resource String 255 Active Platinum 470020 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No 20181226T0000 20180512T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 RuleOrder When in use, execution of rules are to follow the order specified by this field. Any rule that references another field will need to be ordered. Rules Resource Number 64 Active Platinum 470021 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No 20181226T0000 20180512T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 RuleType Validation, Required, Warning, etc. Rules Resource String List, Single 50 Active Platinum 470022 Open <Not Defined> <n/a> No 20181226T0000 20180512T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 RuleVersion A semantically-versioned rule version. https://semver.org/ Rules Resource String 255 Active Platinum 470023 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No 20181226T0000 20180512T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 RuleWarningText Textual information conveyed when a given rule has met a condition that warrants a warning message. e.g. you've entered a sale price that is has a difference from the listing price greater than 25%. Rules Resource String 8000 Active Platinum 470024 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No 20181226T0000 20180512T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 SourceSystemHistoryKey The system key, a unique record identifier, from the Source System. The Source System is the system from which the record was directly received. In cases where the Source System was not where the record originated (the authoritative system), see the Originating System fields. Rules Resource String 255 Active Platinum 470025 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No 20181226T0000 20180512T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 SourceSystemID The RESO OUID's OrganizationUniqueId of the Source record provider. The source system is the system from which the record was directly received. In cases where the source system was not where the record originated (the authoritative system), see the Originating System fields. Rules Resource String 25 Active Platinum 470026 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No 20181226T0000 20180512T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 SourceSystemName The name of the Rule record provider. The system from which the record was directly received. The legal name of the company. Rules Resource String 255 Active Platinum 470027 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No 20181226T0000 20180512T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 ClassName The class or table to which the SearchQuery criteria refers. i.e. Residential, Residential Lease, Income, Mobile, etc. SavedSearch Resource String List, Single 50 Active Gold 170012 Open with Enumerations ClassName Lookups <n/a> No NombreDeClase 20140703T0000 20150812T0000 20160404T0000 MemberKey A system unique identifier. Specifically, in aggregation systems, the MemberKey is the system unique identifier from the system that the record was retrieved. This may be identical to the related xxxId. This is a foreign key relating to the Member resource's MemberKey. SavedSearch Resource String 255 AgentKey Active Gold 170013 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No ClaveDeMiembro 20170809T0000 20170117T0000 20170809T0000 MemberKeyNumeric A system unique identifier. Specifically, in aggregation systems, the MemberKey is the system unique identifier from the system that the record was retrieved. This may be identical to the related xxxId. This is a foreign key relating to the Member resource's MemberKey. This is the numeric only key and used as an alternative to the MemberKey field. SavedSearch Resource Number 255 AgentKeyNumeric Active Platinum 170025 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No ClaveNúmericaDeMiembro 20170809T0000 20170117T0000 1.5.0 20170809T0000 MemberMlsId The local, well-known identifier for the member. This value may not be unique, specifically in the case of aggregation systems, this value should be the identifier from the original system. SavedSearch Resource String 25 AgentMlsld Active Gold 170016 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No IdDeMlsDeMiembro 20170809T0000 20170117T0000 20170809T0000 ModificationTimestamp The transactional timestamp automatically recorded by the MLS system representing the date/time the listing was last modified. SavedSearch Resource Timestamp 27 ModificationDateTime, DateTimeModified, ModDate, DateMod, UpdateDate, UpdateTimestamp Active Gold 170010 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No MarcaDeTiempoDeModificación 20160621T0000 20150924T0000 20160528T1200 OriginalEntryTimestamp The transactional timestamp automatically recorded by the MLS system representing the date/time the listing was entered and made visible to members of the MLS. SavedSearch Resource Timestamp 27 EntryDate, InputDate, DateTimeCreated, CreatedDate. Active Gold 170009 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No MarcaDeTiempoEntradaOriginal 20160621T0000 20150924T0000 20160528T1200 OriginatingSystemID The RESO OUID's OrganizationUniqueId of the Originating record provider. The Originating system is the system with authoritative control over the record. For example; the name of the MLS where the Saved Search was input. In cases where the Originating system was not where the record originated (the authoritative system), see the Originating System fields. SavedSearch Resource String 25 Active Platinum 170020 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No IDSistemaDeOrigen 20160621T0000 20160218T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 OriginatingSystemKey The system key, a unique record identifier, from the Originating system. The Originating system is the system with authoritative control over the record. For example, the Multiple Listing Service where the Saved Search was input. There may be cases where the Source System (how you received the record) is not the Originating System. See Source System Key for more information. SavedSearch Resource String 255 ProviderKey Active Gold 170005 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No ClaveDeSistemaDeOrigen 20160621T0000 20160218T0000 20160528T1200 OriginatingSystemMemberKey Unique identifier from the originating system which is commonly a key to that system. In the case where data is passed through more than one system, this is the originating system key. This is a foreign key relating to the system where this record was originated. SavedSearch Resource String 255 OriginatingSystemAgentKey, ProviderKey Active Gold 170014 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No ClaveDeMiembroSistemaDeOrigen 20170809T0000 20170117T0000 20170809T0000 OriginatingSystemMemberName The name of the originating record provider. Most commonly the name of the MLS. The place where the listing is originally input by the member. The legal name of the company. To be used for display. SavedSearch Resource String 255 OriginatingSystemAgentName, ProviderName, MLSID Active Gold 170015 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No NombreDeMiembroSistemaDeOrigen 20170809T0000 20170117T0000 20170809T0000 OriginatingSystemName The name of the Originating record provider. Most commonly the name of the MLS. The place where the Saved Search is originally input. The legal name of the company. SavedSearch Resource String 255 ProviderName, MLSID Active Gold 170006 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No NombreDeSistemaDeOrigen 20160621T0000 20160218T0000 20160528T1200 ResourceName The resource to which the SearchQuery criteria refers. i.e. Property, Open House, Agent, Office, Contact, etc. SavedSearch Resource String List, Single 50 Active Gold 170011 Open with Enumerations ResourceName Lookups <n/a> No NombreDeRecurso 20140703T0000 20150812T0000 20160404T0000 SavedSearchDescription A textual description of the saved search input by the member who created the saved search. SavedSearch Resource String 4000 Active Gold 170003 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No DescripciónDeBúsquedaGuardada 20150721T0000 20141018T0900 20150721T0000 SavedSearchKey A unique identifier for this record from the immediate source. This may be a number, or string that can include URI or other forms. This is the system you are connecting to and not necessarily the original source of the record. SavedSearch Resource String 255 Active Gold 170001 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No ClaveDeBúsquedaGuardada 20150721T0000 20141018T0900 20150721T0000 SavedSearchKeyNumeric A unique identifier for this record from the immediate source. This may be a number, or string that can include URI or other forms. This is the system you are connecting to and not necessarily the original source of the record. This is the numeric only key and used as an alternative to the SavedSearchKey field. SavedSearch Resource Number 255 Active Platinum 170024 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No ClaveNuméricaDeBúsquedaGuardada 20160621T0000 20160317T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 SavedSearchName The name given to the search by the member inputting the saved search. SavedSearch Resource String 255 Active Gold 170002 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No NombreDeBúsquedaGuardada 20150721T0000 20141018T0900 20150721T0000 SavedSearchType Is the saved search used to pass criteria to be stored and executed by the client or is the saved search a key to be passed to the host for execution. i.e. Client Receives Criteria, Host Returns Listings. This may be described at the record level with this field, or at some other level of implementation to be determined by RESO R&D. SavedSearch Resource String List, Single 50 Active Gold 170004 Open <Not Defined> <n/a> No TipoDeBúsquedaGuardada 20150721T0000 20141018T0900 20160404T0000 SearchQuery Textual representation of the search performed by the member that was saved. It is required to present in ODATA's $filter format. Additional formats are under review. See additional documentation for specific requirements for this field. SavedSearch Resource String 8000 SearchCriteria Active Gold 170007 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No ConsultaDeBúsqueda 20150721T0000 20150416T0000 20150721T0000 SearchQueryExceptionDetails A free text description used to expand on the SearchQueryExceptions selections made by the host. SavedSearch Resource String 255 Active Gold 170018 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No DetallesDeExcepciónDeConsultaDeBúsqueda 20160621T0000 20150815T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 SearchQueryExceptions A list of exceptions or errors with the given search query during it's creation by the host. Analogous to an error code this is the host's opportunity to describe an inability to fully express a saved search under the constraints of the given protocol. i.e. $filter. The client may use this information to bring attention to the user about a given saved search and a need to review or recreate the search. SavedSearch Resource String List, Single 50 Active Gold 170017 Open <Not Defined> <n/a> No ExcepcionesDeConsultaDeBúsqueda 20160621T0000 20150815T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 SearchQueryHumanReadable A human readable version of the search query that is commonly used for display and may not contain all actual criteria. For actual search criteria, use the SearchQuery field. SavedSearch Resource String 255 Active Gold 170019 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No ConsultaDeBúsquedaLegibleParaHumanos 20160621T0000 20151118T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 SearchQueryType A picklist of the type of query language used in the SearchQuery field. i.e. DMQL2, $filter, etc. SavedSearch Resource String List, Single 50 Active Gold 170008 Open SearchQueryType Lookups <n/a> No TipoDeConsultaDeBúsqueda 20170809T0000 20180602T0000 20180602T0000 SourceSystemID The RESO OUID's OrganizationUniqueId of the Source record provider. The source system is the system from which the record was directly received. In cases where the source system was not where the record originated (the authoritative system), see the Originating System fields. SavedSearch Resource String 25 MLSID Active Platinum 170023 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No IDSistemaFuente 20160621T0000 20160218T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 SourceSystemKey The system key, a unique record identifier, from the Source System. The Source System is the system from which the record was directly received. In cases where the Source System was not where the record originated (the authoritative system), see the Originating System fields. SavedSearch Resource String 255 ProviderKey Active Silver 170021 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No ClaveSistemaFuente 20160621T0000 20160218T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 SourceSystemName The name of the Saved Search record provider. The system from which the record was directly received. The legal name of the company. SavedSearch Resource String 255 ProviderName, MLSID Active Silver 170022 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No NombreSistemaFuente 20160621T0000 20160218T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 AgentOriginatingSystemID The RESO OUID's OrganizationUniqueId of the Originating record provider. The Originating system is the system with authoritative control over the record. For example; the name of the MLS where the listing was input. In cases where the Originating system was not where the record was retrieved, see the Source System fields. Showing Resource Agent Group String 25 Active Platinum 426015 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No IDDeAgenteSistemaDeOrigen 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 AgentOriginatingSystemName The name of the Originating record provider. Most commonly the name of the MLS. The place where the listing is originally input by the member. The legal name of the company. In cases where the Originating system was not where the record was retrieved, see hte Source System fields. Showing Resource Agent Group String 255 Active Platinum 426016 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No NombreDeAgenteSistemaDeOrigen 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 AgentSourceSystemID The RESO OUID's OrganizationUniqueId of the Source record provider. The source system is the system from which the record was directly received. In cases where the source system was not where the record originated (the authoritative system), see the Originating System fields. Showing Resource Agent Group String 25 Active Platinum 426017 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No IDDeAgenteSistemaFuente 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 AgentSourceSystemName The name of the immediate record provider. The system from which the record was directly received. The legal name of the company. In cases where the source system was not where the record originated (the authoritative system), see the Originating System fields. Showing Resource Agent Group String 255 Active Platinum 426018 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No NombreDeAgenteSistemaFuente 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 ListingId The well known identifier for the listing being shown. The value may be identical to that of the Listing Key, but the Listing ID is intended to be the value used by a human to retrieve the information about a specific listing. In a multiple originating system or a merged system, this value may not be unique and may require the use of the provider system to create a synthetic unique value. Showing Resource Listing Group String 255 Active Platinum 426024 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No IdDeListado 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 ListingKey A unique identifier for this record. This is a string that can include URI or other forms. Alternatively use the ListingKeyNumeric for a numeric only key field. This is the local key of the system. When records are received from other systems, a local key is commonly applied. If conveying the original keys from the source or originating systems, see SourceSystemKey and OriginatingSystemKey. Showing Resource Listing Group String 255 Active Platinum 426025 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No ClaveDeListado 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 ListingKeyNumeric A unique identifier for this record. This is the numeric only key and used as an alternative to the ListingKey fields. This is the local key of the system. When records are received from other systems, a local key is commonly applied. If conveying the original keys from the source or originating systems, see SourceSystemKey and OriginatingSystemKey. Showing Resource Listing Group Number 255 Active Platinum 426026 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No ClaveNuméricaDeListado 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 ListingOriginatingSystemID The RESO OUID's OrganizationUniqueId of the Originating record provider. The Originating system is the system with authoritative control over the record. For example; the name of the MLS where the listing was input. In cases where the Originating system was not where the record was retrieved, see the Source System fields. Showing Resource Listing Group String 25 Active Platinum 426027 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No IDListadoSistemaFuente 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 ListingOriginatingSystemName The name of the Originating record provider. Most commonly the name of the MLS. The place where the listing is originally input by the member. The legal name of the company. In cases where the Originating system was not where the record was retrieved, see the Source System fields. Showing Resource Listing Group String 255 Active Platinum 426028 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No NombreListadoSistemaFuente 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 ListingSourceSystemID The RESO OUID's OrganizationUniqueId of the Source record provider. The source system is the system from which the record was directly received. In cases where the source system was not where the record originated (the authoritative system), see the Originating System fields. Showing Resource Listing Group String 25 Active Platinum 426029 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No IDListadoSistemaFuente 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 ListingSourceSystemName The name of the immediate record provider. The system from which the record was directly received. The legal name of the company. In cases where the source system was not where the record originated (the authoritative system), see the Originating System fields Showing Resource Listing Group String 255 Active Platinum 426030 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No NombreListadoSistemaFuente 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 ModificationTimestamp The transactional timestamp automatically recorded by the system representing the date/time the Showing record was last modified. Showing Resource Timestamp 27 Active Platinum 426001 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No MarcaDeTiempoDeModificación 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 OriginalEntryTimestamp The transactional timestamp automatically recorded by the system representing the date/time the Showing record was entered and made visible to members of the system. Showing Resource Timestamp 27 Active Platinum 426002 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No MarcaDeTiempoEntradaOriginal 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 OriginatingSystemAgentKey The system key, a unique record identifier, from the Originating system. The Originating system is the system with authoritative control over the record. For example, the Multiple Listing Service where the member was input. There may be cases where the Source System (how you received the record) is not the Originating System. See Source System Key for more information. Showing Resource Agent Group String 255 Active Platinum 426019 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No ClaveDeAgenteSistemaDeOrigen 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 OriginatingSystemListingKey The system key, a unique record identifier, from the Originating system. The Originating system is the system with authoritative control over the record. For example, the Multiple Listing Service where the member was input. There may be cases where the Source System (how you received the record) is not the Originating System. See Source System Key for more information. Showing Resource Listing Group String 255 Active Platinum 426031 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No ClaveDeListadoSistemaDeOrigen 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 OriginatingSystemShowingKey The system key, a unique record identifier, from the Originating system. The Originating system is the system with authoritative control over the record. For example, the Multiple Listing Service where the member was input. There may be cases where the Source System (how you received the record) is not the Originating System. See Source System Key for more information. Showing Resource String 255 Active Platinum 426003 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No MostrarClaveSistemaDeOrigen 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 ShowingAgentKey A system unique identifier of the member who has scheduled to access the property. Specifically, in aggregation systems, the ListAgentKey is the system unique identifier from the system that the record was retrieved. This may be identical to the related xxxId. This is a foreign key relating to the Member resource's MemberKey. Showing Resource Agent Group String 255 Active Platinum 426020 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No MostrarClaveDeAgente 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 ShowingAgentKeyNumeric A system unique identifier of the member who has scheduled to access the property. Specifically, in aggregation systems, the ListAgentKey is the system unique identifier from the system that the record was retrieved. This may be identical to the related xxxId. This is a foreign key relating to the Member resource's MemberKey. This is the numeric only key and used as an alternative to the ShowingAgentKey field. Showing Resource Agent Group Number 255 Active Platinum 426021 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No MostrarClaveNuméricaDeAgente 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 ShowingAgentMlsID The local, well-known identifier for the member who has scheduled to access the property, most commonly representing a buyer. This value may not be unique, specifically in the case of aggregation systems, this value should be the identifier from the original system. Showing Resource Agent Group String 25 Active Platinum 426022 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No MostrarIDDeMlsDeAgente 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 ShowingEndTimestamp The date and time the showing ends. Where other timestamps are typically stored in UTC, showing start and end date/times are typically stored in the local time zone of the property being showed. Showing Resource Timestamp 27 Active Platinum 426004 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No MarcaDeTiempoMostrandoFinal 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 ShowingId The well-known identifier for the showing record. The value may be identical to that of the ShowingKey, but the ShowingID is intended to be the value used by a human to retrieve the information about a specific showing. In a multiple originating system or a merged system, this value may not be unique and may require the use of the provider system to create a synthetic unique value. Showing Resource String 255 Active Platinum 426005 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No MostrarId 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 ShowingKey A unique identifier for this record from the immediate source. This is a string that can include URI or other forms. Alternatively use the ShowingKeyNumeric for a numeric only key field. This is the local key of the system. When records are received from other systems, a local key is commonly applied. If conveying the original keys from the source or originating systems, see SourceSystemKey and OriginatingSystemKey. Showing Resource String 255 Active Platinum 426006 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No MostrarClave 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 ShowingKeyNumeric A unique identifier for this record from the immediate source. This is the numeric only key and used as an alternative to the ShowingKey field. This is the local key of the system. When records are received from other systems, a local key is commonly applied. If conveying the original keys from the source or originating systems, see SourceSystemKey and OriginatingSystemKey. Showing Resource Number 255 Active Platinum 426007 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No MostrarClaveNumérica 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 ShowingOriginatingSystemID The RESO OUID's OrganizationUniqueId of the Originating record provider. The Originating system is the system with authoritative control over the record. For example; the name of the MLS where the listing was input. In cases where the Originating system was not where the record originated (the authoritative system), see the Originating System fields. Showing Resource String 25 Active Platinum 426008 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No MostrarIDDeSistemaDeOrigen 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 ShowingOriginatingSystemName The name of the Originating record provider. Most commonly the name of the MLS. The place where the listing is originally input by the member. The legal name of the company. Showing Resource String 255 Active Platinum 426009 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No MostrarNombreDeSistemaDeOrigen 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 ShowingRequestedTimestamp The date/time when the showing agent submitted their request to access the property. This is a system timestamp normally generated by a showing system, which is commonly the Originating System for showing records. Showing Resource Timestamp 27 Active Platinum 426010 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No MostrarSolicitudDeMarcaDeTiempo 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 ShowingSourceSystemID The RESO OUID's OrganizationUniqueId of the Source record provider. The source system is the system from which the record was directly received. In cases where the source system was not where the record originated (the authoritative system), see the Originating System fields. Showing Resource String 25 Active Platinum 426011 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No MostrarIDSistemaFuente 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 ShowingSourceSystemName The name of the immediate record provider. The system from which the record was directly received. The legal name of the company. Showing Resource String 255 Active Platinum 426012 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No MostrarNombreSistemaFuente 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 ShowingStartTimestamp The date and time the showing begins. Where other timestamps are typically stored in UTC, showing start and end date/times are typically stored in the local time zone of the property being showed. Showing Resource Timestamp 27 Active Platinum 426013 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No MostrarInicioDeMarcaDeTiempo 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 SourceSystemAgentKey The system key, a unique record identifier, from the Source System. The Source System is the system from which the record was directly received. In cases where the Source System was not where the record originated (the authoritative system), see the Originating System fields. Showing Resource Agent Group String 255 Active Platinum 426023 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No ClaveDeAgenteSistemaFuente 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 SourceSystemListingKey The system key, a unique record identifier, from the Source System. The Source System is the system from which the record was directly received. In cases where the Source System was not where the record originated (the authoritative system), see the Originating System fields. Showing Resource Listing Group String 255 Active Platinum 426032 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No ClaveDeListadoSistemaFuente 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 SourceSystemShowingKey The system key, a unique record identifier, from the Source System. The Source System is the system from which the record was directly received. In cases where the Source System was not where the record originated (the authoritative system), see the Originating System fields. Showing Resource String 255 Active Platinum 426014 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No MostrarClaveSistemaFuente 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 ModificationTimestamp Date/time the roster (Team or office) record was last modified. Teams Resource Timestamp 27 Active Platinum 180035 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No MarcaDeTiempoDeModificación 20160621T0000 20150924T0000 1.4.0 20160528T1200 OriginalEntryTimestamp Date/time the roster (Team or office) record was originally input into the source system. Teams Resource Timestamp 27 Active Platinum 180034 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No MarcaDeTiempoEntradaOriginal 20160621T0000 20150924T0000 1.4.0 20160528T1200 OriginatingSystemID The RESO OUID's OrganizationUniqueId of the Originating record provider. The Originating system is the system with authoritative control over the record. For example; the name of the MLS where the Team was input. In cases where the Originating system was not where the record originated (the authoritative system), see the Originating System fields. Teams Resource String 25 Active Platinum 180037 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No IDSistemaDeOrigen 20160621T0000 20160218T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 OriginatingSystemKey The system key, a unique record identifier, from the Originating system. The Originating system is the system with authoritative control over the record. For example, the Multiple Listing Service where the Team was input. There may be cases where the Source System (how you received the record) is not the Originating System. See Source System Key for more information. Teams Resource String 255 Active Platinum 180002 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No ClaveDeSistemaDeOrigen 20160218T0000 20160218T0000 1.4.0 20160227T0000 OriginatingSystemName The name of the Originating record provider. Most commonly the name of the MLS. The place where the Team is originally input. The legal name of the company. Teams Resource String 255 ProviderName, MLSID Active Platinum 180036 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No NombreDeSistemaDeOrigen 20160621T0000 20160218T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 SocialMediaType A list of types of sites, blog, social media, the Team URL or ID is referring to. i.e. Website, Blog, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Skype, etc., This list is used to populate the Type with repeating Social Media URL or ID types. Teams Resource String List, Single 25 Active Platinum 180022 Open <Not Defined> <n/a> Yes TipoDeRedesSociales 20150721T0000 20150318T0000 1.4.0 20180720T0000 SocialMedia[Type]UrlOrId The website URL or ID of social media site or account of the Team. This is a repeating element. Replace [Type] with any of the options from the SocialMediaType field to create a unique field for that type of social media. For example: SocialMediaFacebookUrlOrID, SocialMediaSkypeUrlOrID, etc. Teams Resource String 8000 Active Platinum 180023 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> Yes RedesSociales[tipo]UrlOId 20150721T0000 20150318T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 SourceSystemID The RESO OUID's OrganizationUniqueId of the Source record provider. The source system is the system from which the record was directly received. In cases where the source system was not where the record originated (the authoritative system), see the Originating System fields. Teams Resource String 25 MLSID Active Platinum 180040 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No IDSistemaFuente 20160621T0000 20160218T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 SourceSystemKey The system key, a unique record identifier, from the Source System. The Source System is the system from which the record was directly received. In cases where the Source System was not where the record originated (the authoritative system), see the Originating System fields. Teams Resource String 255 ProviderKey Active Silver 180038 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No ClaveSistemaFuente 20160621T0000 20160218T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 SourceSystemName The name of the Team record provider. The system from which the record was directly received. The legal name of the company. Teams Resource String 255 ProviderName, MLSID Active Silver 180039 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No NombreSistemaFuente 20160621T0000 20160218T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 TeamAddress1 The street number, direction, name and suffix of the Team. Teams Resource String 50 Active Platinum 180024 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No DirecciónDeEquipo1 20150721T0000 20150318T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 TeamAddress2 The unit/suite number of the Team. Teams Resource String 50 Active Platinum 180025 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No DirecciónDeEquipo2 20150721T0000 20150318T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 TeamCarrierRoute The group of addresses to which the USPS assigns the same code to aid in mail delivery. For the USPS, these codes are 9 digits: 5 numbers for the ZIP Code, one letter for the carrier route type, and 3 numbers for the carrier route number. Teams Resource String 9 RR, CR Active Platinum 180030 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No RutaTransportistaDeEquipo 20150721T0000 20150318T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 TeamCity The city of the Team. Teams Resource String 50 Active Platinum 180026 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No CiudadDeEquipo 20150721T0000 20150318T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 TeamCountry The country abbreviation in a postal address. Teams Resource String List, Single 2 Active Platinum 180032 Open with Enumerations Country Lookups <n/a> No PaísDeEquipo 20160621T0000 20160111T0000 1.4.0 20160528T1200 TeamCountyOrParish The county or parish in which the Team is addressed. Teams Resource String List, Single 50 County Active Platinum 180031 Open <not to be enumerated by RESO> <n/a> No CondadoODistritoDeEquipo 20150721T0000 20150318T0000 1.4.0 20160404T0000 TeamDescription A description or marketing information about the team. Teams Resource String 1024 Active Platinum 180004 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No DescripciónDeEquipo 20150721T0000 20150318T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 TeamDirectPhone North American 10 digit phone numbers should be in the format of ###-###-#### (separated by hyphens). Other conventions should use the common local standard. International numbers should be preceded by a plus symbol. Teams Resource String 16 Active Platinum 180017 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No TeléfonoDirectoDeEquipo 20150721T0000 20150318T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 TeamEmail The email address of the Team. Teams Resource String 80 Active Platinum 180011 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No EmailDeEquipo 20150721T0000 20150318T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 TeamFax North American 10 digit phone numbers should be in the format of ###-###-#### (separated by hyphens). Other conventions should use the common local standard. International numbers should be preceded by a plus symbol. Teams Resource String 16 Active Platinum 180018 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No FaxDeEquipo 20150721T0000 20150318T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 TeamKey A system unique identifier. Specifically, in aggregation systems, the TeamKey is the system unique identifier from the system that the record was retrieved. Teams Resource String 255 Active Platinum 180001 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No ClaveDeEquipo 20150721T0000 20150318T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 TeamKeyNumeric A system unique identifier. Specifically, in aggregation systems, the TeamKey is the system unique identifier from the system that the record was retrieved. This is the numeric only key and used as an alternative to the TeamKey field. Teams Resource Number 255 Active Platinum 180041 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No ClaveNuméricaDeEquipo 20160621T0000 20160317T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 TeamLeadKey The unique system identifier of the team's lead member. Teams Resource String 255 Active Platinum 180005 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No ClaveJefeDeEquipo 20150721T0000 20150318T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 TeamLeadKeyNumeric The unique system identifier of the team's lead member. This is the numeric only key and used as an alternative to the TeamLeadKey field. Teams Resource Number 255 Active Platinum 180042 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No ClaveNuméricaJefeDeEquipo 20160621T0000 20160317T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 TeamLeadLoginId The ID used to logon to the MLS system. Teams Resource String 25 Active Platinum 180007 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No IdDeIngresoJefeDeEquipo 20150721T0000 20150318T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 TeamLeadMlsId The local, well-known identifier for the Team Lead. This value may not be unique, specifically in the case of aggregation systems, this value should be the identifier from the original system. Teams Resource String 25 Active Platinum 180006 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No IdDeMlsJefeDeEquipo 20150721T0000 20150318T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 TeamLeadNationalAssociationId The national association ID of the team lead. i.e. in the U.S. is the NRDS number. Teams Resource String 25 Active Platinum 180008 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No IdDeAsociaciónNacionalJefeDeEquipo 20150721T0000 20150416T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 TeamLeadStateLicense The license of the Team Lead. Separate multiple licenses with a comma and space. Teams Resource String 50 Active Platinum 180009 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No LicenciaEstatalJefeDeEquipo 20150721T0000 20150318T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 TeamLeadStateLicenseState The state in which the Team Lead is licensed. Teams Resource String List, Single 2 Active Platinum 180010 Open with Enumerations StateOrProvince Lookups <n/a> No EstadoDeLicenciaEstatalJefeDeEquipo 20150721T0000 20150318T0000 1.4.0 20160404T0000 TeamMobilePhone North American 10 digit phone numbers should be in the format of ###-###-#### (separated by hyphens). Other conventions should use the common local standard. International numbers should be preceded by a plus symbol. Teams Resource String 16 Active Platinum 180016 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No TeléfonoMóvilDeEquipo 20181226T0000 20181009T0000 1.4.0 20181226T0000 TeamName The name under which the team operates. If a business this may be a DBA. Teams Resource String 50 Active Platinum 180003 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No NombreDeEquipo 20150721T0000 20150318T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 TeamOfficePhone North American 10 digit phone numbers should be in the format of ###-###-#### (separated by hyphens). Other conventions should use the common local standard. International numbers should be preceded by a plus symbol. Teams Resource String 16 Active Platinum 180014 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No TeléfonoDeDespachoDeEquipo 20150721T0000 20150318T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 TeamOfficePhoneExt The extension of the given phone number (if applicable). Teams Resource String 10 Active Platinum 180015 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No ExtensiónTelefónicaDeDespachoDeEquipo 20150721T0000 20150318T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 TeamPostalCode The postal code of the Team. Teams Resource String 10 Active Platinum 180028 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No CódigoPostalDeEquipo 20150721T0000 20150318T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 TeamPostalCodePlus4 The extension of the postal/zip code. i.e. +4 Teams Resource String 4 Active Platinum 180029 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No CódigoPostalMás4DeEquipo 20150721T0000 20150318T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 TeamPreferredPhone North American 10 digit phone numbers should be in the format of ###-###-#### (separated by hyphens). Other conventions should use the common local standard. International numbers should be preceded by a plus symbol. Teams Resource String 16 Active Platinum 180012 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No TeléfonoPreferidoDeEquipo 20150721T0000 20150318T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 TeamPreferredPhoneExt The extension of the given phone number (if applicable). Teams Resource String 10 Active Platinum 180013 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No ExtDeTeléfonoPreferidoDeEquipo 20150721T0000 20150318T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 TeamStateOrProvince The state or province in which the Team is addressed. Teams Resource String List, Single 2 Active Platinum 180027 Open with Enumerations StateOrProvince Lookups <n/a> No EstadoOProvinciaDeEquipo 20150721T0000 20150812T0000 1.4.0 20160404T0000 TeamStatus Is the account active, inactive or under disciplinary action. Teams Resource String List, Single 25 Active Platinum 180033 Open with Enumerations TeamStatus Lookups <n/a> No EstadoDeEquipo 20150721T0000 20150318T0000 1.4.0 20160404T0000 TeamTollFreePhone North American 10 digit phone numbers should be in the format of ###-###-#### (separated by hyphens). Other conventions should use the common local standard. International numbers should be preceded by a plus symbol. Teams Resource String 16 Active Platinum 180021 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No TeléfonoGratuitoDeEquipo 20150721T0000 20150318T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 TeamVoiceMail North American 10 digit phone numbers should be in the format of ###-###-#### (separated by hyphens). Other conventions should use the common local standard. International numbers should be preceded by a plus symbol. Teams Resource String 16 Active Platinum 180019 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No BuzónDeVozDeEquipo 20150721T0000 20150318T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 TeamVoiceMailExt The extension of the given phone number (if applicable). Teams Resource String 10 Active Platinum 180020 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No ExtDeBuzónDeVozDeEquipo 20150721T0000 20150318T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 TeamsSocialMedia A collection of the types of social media fields available for this team. The collection includes the type of system and other details pertinent about social media Teams Resource Collection <n/a> Active Platinum 180043 <n/a> <n/a> SocialMedia Collection <n/a> No 20181226T0000 20171026T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 MemberKey A system unique identifier. Specifically, the foreign key relating to the Member resource's MemberKey. TeamMembers Resource String 255 AgentKey Active Platinum 190020 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No ClaveDeMiembro 20170809T0000 20170117T0000 1.5.0 20170809T0000 MemberKeyNumeric A system unique identifier. Specifically, the foreign key relating to the Member resource's MemberKey. This is the numeric only key and used as an alternative to the MemberKey field. TeamMembers Resource Number 255 AgentKeyNumeric Active Platinum 190021 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No ClaveNúmericaDeMiembro 20170809T0000 20170117T0000 1.5.0 20170809T0000 MemberLoginId The ID used to logon to the MLS system. TeamMembers Resource String 25 AgentLoginId Active Platinum 190007 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No IdDeInicioDeMiembro 20170809T0000 20170117T0000 1.4.0 20170809T0000 MemberMlsId The local, well-known identifier for the member. This value may not be unique, specifically in the case of aggregation systems, this value should be the identifier from the original system. TeamMembers Resource String 25 AgentMlsId Active Platinum 190006 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No IdDeMlsDeMiembro 20170809T0000 20170117T0000 1.4.0 20170809T0000 ModificationTimestamp Date/time the roster (member or office) record was last modified. TeamMembers Resource Timestamp 27 Active Platinum 190011 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No MarcaDeTiempoDeModificación 20160621T0000 20150924T0000 1.4.0 20160528T1200 OriginalEntryTimestamp Date/time the roster (member or office) record was originally input into the source system. TeamMembers Resource Timestamp 27 Active Platinum 190010 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No MarcaDeTiempoEntradaOriginal 20160621T0000 20150924T0000 1.4.0 20160528T1200 OriginatingSystemID The RESO OUID's OrganizationUniqueId of the Originating record provider. The Originating system is the system with authoritative control over the record. For example; the name of the MLS where the Team Member was input. In cases where the Originating system was not where the record originated (the authoritative system), see the Originating System fields. TeamMembers Resource String 25 Active Platinum 190014 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No IDSistemaDeOrigen 20160621T0000 20160218T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 OriginatingSystemKey The system key, a unique record identifier, from the Originating system. The Originating system is the system with authoritative control over the record. For example, the Multiple Listing Service where the Team Member was input. There may be cases where the Source System (how you received the record) is not the Originating System. See Source System Key for more information. TeamMembers Resource String 255 ProviderKey Active Platinum 190004 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No ClaveDeSistemaDeOrigen 20160621T0000 20160218T0000 1.4.0 20160528T1200 OriginatingSystemName The name of the Originating record provider. Most commonly the name of the MLS. The place where the Team Member is originally input. The legal name of the company. TeamMembers Resource String 255 ProviderName, MLSID Active Platinum 190005 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No NombreDeSistemaDeOrigen 20160621T0000 20160218T0000 1.4.0 20160528T1200 SourceSystemID The RESO OUID's OrganizationUniqueId of the Source record provider. The source system is the system from which the record was directly received. In cases where the source system was not where the record originated (the authoritative system), see the Originating System fields. TeamMembers Resource String 25 MLSID Active Platinum 190017 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No IDSistemaFuente 20160621T0000 20160218T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 SourceSystemKey The system key, a unique record identifier, from the Source System. The Source System is the system from which the record was directly received. In cases where the Source System was not where the record originated (the authoritative system), see the Originating System fields. TeamMembers Resource String 255 ProviderKey Active Silver 190015 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No ClaveSistemaFuente 20160621T0000 20160218T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 SourceSystemName The name of the Team Member record provider. The system from which the record was directly received. The legal name of the company. TeamMembers Resource String 255 ProviderName, MLSID Active Silver 190016 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No NombreSistemaFuente 20160621T0000 20160218T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 TeamImpersonationLevel The level of impersonation the member is allowed within the team. i.e. Impersonate (to work as the team), On Behalf (to show the team name, but also show the member's info, None (don't allow this member to appear as part of team). TeamMembers Resource String List, Single 50 Active Platinum 190013 Open <Not Defined> <n/a> No NivelDeSuplantaciónDeEquipo 20150721T0000 20150324T0000 1.4.0 20160404T0000 TeamKey A system unique identifier. Specifically, a foreign key referencing the Teams resource's primary key. TeamMembers Resource String 255 Active Platinum 190001 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No ClaveDeEquipo 20160621T0000 20150318T0000 1.4.0 20160528T1200 TeamKeyNumeric A system unique identifier. Specifically, a foreign key referencing the Teams resource's primary key. This is the numeric only key and used as an alternative to the TeamKey field. TeamMembers Resource Number 255 Active Platinum 190018 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No ClaveNuméricaDeEquipo 20160621T0000 20160317T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 TeamMemberKey A system unique identifier. Specifically, the local key to the TeamMembers resource. TeamMembers Resource String 255 TeamAgentKey Active Platinum 190002 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No ClaveDeMiembroDeEquipo 20170809T0000 20170117T0000 1.4.0 20170809T0000 TeamMemberKeyNumeric A system unique identifier. Specifically, the local key to the TeamMembers resource. This is the numeric only key and used as an alternative to the TeamKey field. TeamMembers Resource Number 255 TeamAgentKeyNumeric Active Platinum 190019 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No ClaveNúmericaDeMiembroDeEquipo 20170809T0000 20170117T0000 1.5.0 20170809T0000 TeamMemberNationalAssociationId The national association ID of the member. i.e. in the U.S. is the NRDS number. TeamMembers Resource String 25 TeamAgentNationalAssociationId Active Platinum 190008 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No IdDeAsociaciónNacionalDeMiembroDeEquipo 20170809T0000 20170117T0000 1.4.0 20170809T0000 TeamMemberStateLicense The license of the member. Separate multiple licenses with a comma and space. TeamMembers Resource String 50 TeamAgentStateLicense Active Platinum 190009 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No LicenciaEstatalDeMiembroDeEquipo 20170809T0000 20170117T0000 1.4.0 20170809T0000 TeamMemberType The role of the member within the team. i.e. team lead, principle, associate, assistant, etc. TeamMembers Resource String List, Single 50 TeamAgentType Active Platinum 190012 Open with Enumerations TeamMemberType Lookups <n/a> No TipoDeMiembroDeEquipo 20181226T0000 20181009T0000 1.4.0 20181226T0000 ContactKey Key of the corresponding Contact record. ContactKey and the ListingKey are used as a compound key for this record. ContactListingNotes Collection String 255 Active Platinum 443001 <n/a> <n/a> ListingNotes Field No ClaveDeContacto 20170809T0000 20170524T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 ContactKeyNumeric Numeric only key of the corresponding Contact record. ContactKeyNumeric and the ListingKeyNumeric are used as a compound key for this record. ContactListingNotes Collection Number 255 Active Platinum 443002 <n/a> <n/a> ListingNotes Field No ClaveNuméricaDeContacto 20170809T0000 20170524T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 ContactListingNotesKey A system unique identifier. Specifically, in aggregation systems, the Key is the system unique identifier from the system that the record was just retrieved. This may be identical to the related xxxId identifier, but the key is guaranteed unique for this record set.. ContactListingNotes Collection String 255 Active Platinum 443009 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No 20181226T0000 20171003T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 ContactListingNotesKeyNumeric A unique identifier for this record from the immediate source. This may be a number, or string that can include URI or other forms. This is the system you are connecting to and not necessarily the original source of the record. This is the numeric only key and used as an alternative to the ContactListingsKey field. ContactListingNotes Collection Number 255 Active Platinum 443010 <n/a> <n/a> <n/a> No 20171003T0000 20171003T0000 1.7.0 20171003T0000 ListingId ID for the corresponding listing record. ContactListingNotes Collection String 255 Active Platinum 443003 <n/a> <n/a> ListingNotes Field No IdDeListado 20170809T0000 20170524T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 ListingKey Key of the corresponding Listing record. ContactKey and the ListingKey are used as a compound key for this record. ContactListingNotes Collection String 255 Active Platinum 443004 <n/a> <n/a> ListingNotes Field No ClaveDeListado 20170809T0000 20170524T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 ListingKeyNumeric Numeric only key of the corresponding Listing record. ContactKeyNumeric and the ListingKeyNumeric are used as a compound key for this record. ContactListingNotes Collection Number 255 Active Platinum 443005 <n/a> <n/a> ListingNotes Field No ClaveNuméricaDeListado 20170809T0000 20170524T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 ModificationTimestamp The Date/Time this note was written. ContactListingNotes Collection Timestamp 27 Active Platinum 443006 <n/a> <n/a> ListingNotes Field No MarcaDeTiempoDeModificación 20170809T0000 20170524T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 NoteContents The contents of the note. ContactListingNotes Collection String 500 Active Platinum 443007 <n/a> <n/a> ListingNotes Field No ContenidoDeNotas 20170809T0000 20170524T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 NotedBy The individual who wrote this note, the Agent or Contact. ContactListingNotes Collection String List, Single 25 Active Platinum 443008 Open with Enumerations NotedBy Lookups ListingNotes Field No RegistradoPor 20170809T0000 20170524T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 ClassName Name of the class to which the record is referencing. OtherPhone Collection String List, Single 255 Active Platinum 445001 Open with Enumerations ClassName Lookups ContactsOtherPhone Field MemberOtherPhone Field No 20181226T0000 20171026T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 ModificationTimestamp The transactional timestamp automatically recorded by the MLS system representing the date/time the media record was last modified. OtherPhone Collection Timestamp 27 ModificationDateTime, DateTimeModified, ModDate, DateMod, UpdateDate, UpdateTimestamp Active Platinum 445002 <n/a> <n/a> ContactsOtherPhone Field MemberOtherPhone Field No 20181226T0000 20171026T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 OtherPhoneExt The extension of the given phone number (if applicable). OtherPhone Collection String 10 Active Telephone Number Label = "Other"Telephone Extension = [value] Platinum 445003 <n/a> <n/a> ContactsOtherPhone Field MemberOtherPhone Field No 20181226T0000 20171026T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 OtherPhoneKey A system unique identifier. Specifically, in aggregation systems, the Key is the system unique identifier from the system that the record was just retrieved. This may be identical to the related xxxId identifier, but the key is guaranteed unique for this record set. OtherPhone Collection String 255 SystemUniqueID, ImmediateSourceID Active Platinum 445004 <n/a> <n/a> ContactsOtherPhone Field MemberOtherPhone Field No 20181226T0000 20171026T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 OtherPhoneKeyNumeric The local, well-known identifier. This value may not be unique, specifically in the case of aggregation systems, this value should be the identifier from the original system. OtherPhone Collection Number 255 Active Platinum 445005 <n/a> <n/a> ContactsOtherPhone Field MemberOtherPhone Field No 20181226T0000 20171026T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 OtherPhoneNumber The "other" phone option allowing members to convey additional phone numbers other than those already covered by the MemberMobilePhone, MemberFax, etc., fields. OtherPhone Collection String 16 Active Telephone Number Label = "Other"Telephone Number = [value] Platinum 445006 <n/a> <n/a> ContactsOtherPhone Field MemberOtherPhone Field No 20181226T0000 20171026T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 OtherPhoneType The type of "other" phone that does not already exist in the given phone fields or if a second of any type of phone field is needed. i.e. HomePhone2, BrothersPhone, etc. This is used as the list of options for the Other Phone repeating elements. OtherPhone Collection String List, Single 25 PhoneType Active Platinum 445007 Open OtherPhoneType Lookups ContactsOtherPhone Field MemberOtherPhone Field No 20181226T0000 20171026T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 ResourceName The resource or table of the listing or other record the media relates to. i.e. Property, Member, Office, etc. OtherPhone Collection String List, Single 50 Active Platinum 445008 Open with Enumerations ResourceName Lookups ContactsOtherPhone Field MemberOtherPhone Field No 20181226T0000 20171026T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 ResourceRecordID The well known identifier of the related record from the source resource. The value may be identical to that of the Listing Key, but the Listing ID is intended to be the value used by a human to retrieve the information about a specific listing. In a multiple originating system or a merged system, this value may not be unique and may require the use of the provider system to create a synthetic unique value. OtherPhone Collection String 255 MLNumber, MLSNumber, ListingNumber, AgentID, OfficeID, ContactID Active Platinum 445009 <n/a> <n/a> ContactsOtherPhone Field MemberOtherPhone Field No 20181226T0000 20171026T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 ResourceRecordKey The primary key of the related record from the source resource. For example the ListingKey, AgentKey, OfficeKey, TeamKey, etc. This is the system you are connecting to and not necessarily the original source of the record. This is a foreign key from the resource selected in the ResourceName field. OtherPhone Collection String 255 SystemUniqueID, ImmediateSourceID Active Platinum 445010 <n/a> <n/a> ContactsOtherPhone Field MemberOtherPhone Field No 20181226T0000 20171026T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 ResourceRecordKeyNumeric The primary key of the related record from the source resource. For example the ListingKey, AgentKey, OfficeKey, TeamKey, etc. This is the system you are connecting to and not necessarily the original source of the record. This is a foreign key from the resource selected in the ResourceName field. This is the numeric only key and used as an alternative to the ResourceRecordKey field. OtherPhone Collection Number 255 SystemUniqueID, ImmediateSourceID Active Platinum 445011 <n/a> <n/a> ContactsOtherPhone Field MemberOtherPhone Field No 20181226T0000 20171026T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 GreenBuildingVerificationKey A unique identifier for this record. This is a string that can include URI or other forms. Alternatively use the "...KeyNumeric" for a numeric only key field. This is the local key of the system. PropertyGreenVerification Collection String 255 Active Platinum 439001 <n/a> <n/a> GreenBuildingVerification Field No IDX ClaveDeVerificaciónDeEdificioVerde 20170809T0000 20170524T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 GreenBuildingVerificationKeyNumeric A unique identifier for this record. This is the numeric only key and used as an alternative to the string Key field. This is the local key of the system. PropertyGreenVerification Collection Number 255 Active Platinum 439002 <n/a> <n/a> GreenBuildingVerification Field No IDX ClaveNuméricaDeVerificaciónDeEdificioVerde 20170809T0000 20170524T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 GreenBuildingVerificationType The name of the verification or certification awarded to a new or pre-existing residential or commercial structure. For example: LEED, Energy Star, ICC-700. In cases where more than one certification have been awarded, leverage multiple iterations of the green verification fields via the repeating element method. PropertyGreenVerification Collection String List, Single 1024 GreenBuildingCertification, GreenBuildingVerification, GreenBuildingRating Active Platinum 439003 Open with Enumerations GreenBuildingVerificationType Lookups GreenBuildingVerification Field No IDX TipoDeVerificaciónDeEdificioVerde 20170809T0000 20170524T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 GreenVerificationBody The name of the body or group providing the verification/certification/rating named in the GreenBuildingVerificationType field. There is almost always a direct correlation between bodies and programs. PropertyGreenVerification Collection String 50 GreenCertifyingBody, GreenRatingBody Active Platinum 439004 <n/a> <n/a> GreenBuildingVerification Field No IDX EstructuraDeVerificaciónVerde 20170809T0000 20170524T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 GreenVerificationMetric A final score indicating the performance of energy efficiency design and measures in the home as tested by a third-party rater. Points achieved to earn a certification in the GreenVerificationRating field do not apply to this field. HERS Index is most common with new homes and runs with a lower number being more efficient. A net-zero home uses zero energy and has a HERS score of 0. A home that produces more energy than it uses has a negative score. Home Energy Score is a tool more common for existing homes and runs with a higher number being more efficient. It takes square footage into account and caps with 10 as the highest number of points. PropertyGreenVerification Collection Number 3 GreenCertificationMetric, GreenRatingMetric Active Platinum 439005 <n/a> <n/a> GreenBuildingVerification Field No IDX MétricaDeVerificaciónVerde 20170809T0000 20170524T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 GreenVerificationRating Many verifications or certifications have a rating system that provides an indication of the structure's level of energy efficiency. When expressed in a numeric value, please use the GreenVerificationMetric field. Verifications and Certifications can also be a name, such as Gold or Silver, which is the purpose of this field. PropertyGreenVerification Collection String 50 GreenCertificationRating, GreenRating Active Platinum 439006 <n/a> <n/a> GreenBuildingVerification Field No IDX ClasificaciónDeVerificaciónVerde 20170809T0000 20170524T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 GreenVerificationSource The source of the green data. May address photovoltaic characteristics, or a verified score, certification, label, etc. This may be a pick list of options showing the source. i.e. Program Sponsor, Program Verifier, Public Record, Assessor, etc. PropertyGreenVerification Collection String List, Single 25 GreenRatingSource, GreenCertificationSource Active Platinum 439007 Open with Enumerations GreenVerificationSource Lookups GreenBuildingVerification Field No IDX FuenteDeVerificaciónVerde 20170809T0000 20170524T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 GreenVerificationStatus Many verification programs include a multi-step process that may begin with plans and specs, involve testing and/or submission of building specifications along the way and include a final verification step. When ratings are involved it is not uncommon for the final rating to be either higher or lower than the target preliminary rating. Sometimes the final approval is not available until after sale and occupancy. Status indicates what the target was at the time of listing and may be updated when verification is complete. To limit liability concerns this field reflects information that was available at the time of listing or updated later and should be confirmed by the buyer. PropertyGreenVerification Collection String List, Single 25 GreenRatingStatus, GreenCertificationStatus Active Platinum 439008 Locked with Enumerations GreenVerificationStatus Lookups GreenBuildingVerification Field No IDX EstadoDeVerificaciónVerde 20170809T0000 20170524T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 GreenVerificationURL Provides a link to the specific property’s high-performance rating or scoring details directly from and hosted by the sponsoring body of the program. Typically provides thorough details, for example, which points where achieved and how, or in the case of a score what specifically was tested and the results. PropertyGreenVerification Collection String 8000 GreenRatingURL, GreenCertificationURL Active Platinum 439009 <n/a> <n/a> GreenBuildingVerification Field No IDX URLDeVerificaciónVerde 20170809T0000 20170524T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 GreenVerificationVersion The version of the certification or verification that was awarded. Some rating programs have a year, a version, or possibly both. PropertyGreenVerification Collection String 25 GreenRatingVersion, GreenCertificationVersion Active Platinum 439010 <n/a> <n/a> GreenBuildingVerification Field No IDX VersiónDeVerificaciónVerde 20170809T0000 20170524T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 GreenVerificationYear The year the certification or verification was awarded. PropertyGreenVerification Collection Number 4 GreenYearCertified, GreenRatingYear Active Platinum 439011 <n/a> <n/a> GreenBuildingVerification Field No IDX AñoDeVerificaciónVerde 20170809T0000 20170524T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 ListingId This is the foreign ID relating to the Property. The well known identifier for the listing. The value may be identical to that of the Listing Key, but the Listing ID is intended to be the value used by a human to retrieve the information about a specific listing. In a multiple originating system or a merged system, this value may not be unique and may require the use of the provider system to create a synthetic unique value. PropertyGreenVerification Collection String 255 MLNumber, MLSNumber, ListingNumber Active Platinum 439012 <n/a> <n/a> GreenBuildingVerification Field No IDX IdDeListado 20170809T0000 20170524T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 ListingKey This is the foreign key relating to the Property. A unique identifier for this record from the immediate source. This is a string that can include URI or other forms. Alternatively use the ListingKeyNumeric for a numeric only key field. This is the local key of the system. When records are received from other systems, a local key is commonly applied. If conveying the original keys from the source or originating systems, see SourceSystemKey and OriginatingSystemKey. PropertyGreenVerification Collection String 255 SystemUniqueID, ImmediateSourceID Active Platinum 439013 <n/a> <n/a> GreenBuildingVerification Field No IDX ClaveDeListado 20170809T0000 20170524T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 ListingKeyNumeric This is the foreign key relating to the property resource. A unique identifier for this record from the immediate source. This is the numeric only key and used as an alternative to the ListingKey fields. This is the local key of the system. When records are received from other systems, a local key is commonly applied. If conveying the original keys from the source or originating systems, see SourceSystemKey and OriginatingSystemKey. PropertyGreenVerification Collection Number 255 SystemUniqueID, ImmediateSourceID Active Platinum 439014 <n/a> <n/a> GreenBuildingVerification Field No IDX ClaveNuméricaDeListado 20170809T0000 20170524T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 ModificationTimestamp Date/time this record was last modified. PropertyGreenVerification Collection Timestamp 27 Active Platinum 439015 <n/a> <n/a> GreenBuildingVerification Field No IDX MarcaDeTiempoDeModificación 20170809T0000 20170524T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 ListingId This is the foreign ID relating to the Property Resource. The well known identifier for the listing. The value may be identical to that of the Listing Key, but the Listing ID is intended to be the value used by a human to retrieve the information about a specific listing. In a multiple originating system or a merged system, this value may not be unique and may require the use of the provider system to create a synthetic unique value. PropertyPowerProduction Collection String 255 MLNumber, MLSNumber, ListingNumber Active Platinum 440001 <n/a> <n/a> PowerProduction Field No IdDeListado 20170809T0000 20170524T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 ListingKey This is the foreign key relating to the Property Resource. A unique identifier for this record from the immediate source. This is a string that can include URI or other forms. Alternatively use the ListingKeyNumeric for a numeric only key field. This is the local key of the system. When records are received from other systems, a local key is commonly applied. If conveying the original keys from the source or originating systems, see SourceSystemKey and OriginatingSystemKey. PropertyPowerProduction Collection String 255 SystemUniqueID, ImmediateSourceID Active Platinum 440002 <n/a> <n/a> PowerProduction Field No ClaveDeListado 20170809T0000 20170524T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 ListingKeyNumeric This is the foreign key relating to the property resource. A unique identifier for this record from the immediate source. This is the numeric only key and used as an alternative to the ListingKey fields. This is the local key of the system. When records are received from other systems, a local key is commonly applied. If conveying the original keys from the source or originating systems, see SourceSystemKey and OriginatingSystemKey. PropertyPowerProduction Collection Number 255 SystemUniqueID, ImmediateSourceID Active Platinum 440003 <n/a> <n/a> PowerProduction Field No ClaveNuméricaDeListado 20170809T0000 20170524T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 ModificationTimestamp Date/time this record was last modified. PropertyPowerProduction Collection Timestamp 27 Active Platinum 440004 <n/a> <n/a> PowerProduction Field No MarcaDeTiempoDeModificación 20170809T0000 20170524T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 PowerProductionAnnual The most important metric of a renewables system is the amount of power it produces per year. This number can be actual or estimated. Annual production for systems producing electricity like wind or solar are measured in kilowatt hours (kWh) per year. A kWh is like a measure of the distance traveled per hour for a car – how far did it go over a certain period of time. Annual production is influenced by the size of the system, the conditions (How shady are the trees? How many cloudy days?, and the installation. Sellers typically have access to software that provides historical production totals. PropertyPowerProduction Collection Number 6 Active Platinum 440005 <n/a> <n/a> PowerProduction Field Yes ProducciónDeEnergíaAnual 20170809T0000 20170524T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 PowerProductionAnnualStatus The most important metric of a renewables system is the amount of power it produces per year. This number can be actual or estimated, or a combination if less than 12 months of actual data is available (any missing months of actual data is extrapolated). This field allows the status of the number shown in the PowerProducationAnnual to be clarified. PropertyPowerProduction Collection String List, Single 25 Active Platinum 440006 Locked with Enumerations PowerProductionAnnualStatus Lookups PowerProduction Field Yes EstadoDeProducciónDeEnergíaAnual 20170809T0000 20170524T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 PowerProductionKey A unique identifier for this record. This is a string that can include URI or other forms. Alternatively use the "...KeyNumeric" for a numeric only key field. This is the local key of the system. PropertyPowerProduction Collection String 255 Active Platinum 440007 <n/a> <n/a> PowerProduction Field No ClaveDeProducciónDeEnergía 20170809T0000 20170524T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 PowerProductionKeyNumeric A unique identifier for this record. This is the numeric only key and used as an alternative to the string Key field. This is the local key of the system. PropertyPowerProduction Collection Number 255 Active Platinum 440008 <n/a> <n/a> PowerProduction Field No ClaveNuméricaDeProducciónDeEnergía 20170809T0000 20170524T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 PowerProductionSize The “capacity” of a renewables system. Size is measured in kilowatts (kW) DC (referring to direct current). A kW indicates how much power the system can produce under standard conditions, like the size of a car engine. Renewables systems are sized when they are installed to cover all or a portion of the power needs of the property. Therefore, a system designed to produce 50% of the power needs will be sized smaller than a system on the exact same property designed to produce 100%. Size may be influenced by available space at the property, orientation, landscaping, etc. PropertyPowerProduction Collection Number 5 Active Platinum 440009 <n/a> <n/a> PowerProduction Field 2 Yes TamañoDeProducciónDeEnergía 20170809T0000 20170524T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 PowerProductionType This field is a list of the type of power production system available on the property. PropertyPowerProduction Collection String List, Single 1024 Active Platinum 440010 Open with Enumerations PowerProductionType Lookups PowerProduction Field Yes TipoDeProducciónDeEnergía 20170809T0000 20170524T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 PowerProductionYearInstall The year a renewables system was installed. Ideally this should be the year the system was interconnected with the grid and began producing power. Renewables systems have a limited lifespan and year installed helps buyers and appraisers determine remaining useful life of the system. PropertyPowerProduction Collection Number 4 Active Platinum 440011 <n/a> <n/a> PowerProduction Field Yes InstalaciónAnualDeProducciónDeEnergía 20170809T0000 20170524T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 ListingId This is the foreign ID relating to the Property Resource. The well known identifier for the listing. The value may be identical to that of the Listing Key, but the Listing ID is intended to be the value used by a human to retrieve the information about a specific listing. In a multiple originating system or a merged system, this value may not be unique and may require the use of the provider system to create a synthetic unique value. PropertyRooms Collection String 255 MLNumber, MLSNumber, ListingNumber Active Platinum 441001 <n/a> <n/a> Rooms Field No IdDeListado 20170809T0000 20170524T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 ListingKey This is the foreign key relating to the Property Resource. A unique identifier for this record from the immediate source. This is a string that can include URI or other forms. Alternatively use the ListingKeyNumeric for a numeric only key field. This is the local key of the system. When records are received from other systems, a local key is commonly applied. If conveying the original keys from the source or originating systems, see SourceSystemKey and OriginatingSystemKey. PropertyRooms Collection String 255 SystemUniqueID, ImmediateSourceID Active Platinum 441002 <n/a> <n/a> Rooms Field No ClaveDeListado 20170809T0000 20170524T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 ListingKeyNumeric This is the foreign key relating to the property resource. A unique identifier for this record from the immediate source. This is the numeric only key and used as an alternative to the ListingKey fields. This is the local key of the system. When records are received from other systems, a local key is commonly applied. If conveying the original keys from the source or originating systems, see SourceSystemKey and OriginatingSystemKey. PropertyRooms Collection Number 255 SystemUniqueID, ImmediateSourceID Active Platinum 441003 <n/a> <n/a> Rooms Field No ClaveNuméricaDeListado 20170809T0000 20170524T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 ModificationTimestamp Date/time this record was last modified. PropertyRooms Collection Timestamp 27 Active Platinum 441004 <n/a> <n/a> Rooms Field No MarcaDeTiempoDeModificación 20170809T0000 20170524T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 RoomArea The area of the room being described. Use the RoomAreaUnits field to describe the unit of measurement for the value in this field. PropertyRooms Collection Number 14 Active Platinum 441005 <n/a> <n/a> Rooms Field 2 No ÁreaDeHabitación 20170809T0000 20170524T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 RoomAreaSource The source of the measurement of the given room's area. PropertyRooms Collection String List, Single 50 Active Platinum 441006 Open with Enumerations AreaSource Lookups Rooms Field No FuenteDeÁreaDeHabitación 20170809T0000 20170524T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 RoomAreaUnits The unit of measurement used for the value in the RoomArea field. e.g. square feet, square meters, etc. PropertyRooms Collection String List, Single 25 Active Platinum 441007 Open with Enumerations AreaUnits Lookups Rooms Field No UnidadesDeÁreaDeHabitación 20170809T0000 20170524T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 RoomDescription A textual description of the given room. PropertyRooms Collection String 1024 Active Platinum 441008 <n/a> <n/a> Rooms Field No DescripciónDeHabitación 20170809T0000 20170524T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 RoomDimensions A textual description of the dimensions of the given room. PropertyRooms Collection String 50 Active Platinum 441009 <n/a> <n/a> Rooms Field No DimensionesDeHabitación 20170809T0000 20170524T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 RoomFeatures A list of features present in the given room. PropertyRooms Collection String List, Multi 1024 Active Platinum 441010 Open with Enumerations InteriorOrRoomFeatures Lookups Rooms Field No CaracterísticasDeHabitación 20181226T0000 20180601T0000 1.6.0 20181226T0000 RoomKey A unique identifier for this record. This is a string that can include URI or other forms. Alternatively use the "...KeyNumeric" for a numeric only key field. This is the local key of the system. PropertyRooms Collection String 255 Active Platinum 441011 <n/a> <n/a> Rooms Field No ClaveDeHabitación 20170809T0000 20170524T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 RoomKeyNumeric A unique identifier for this record. This is the numeric only key and used as an alternative to the string Key field. This is the local key of the system. PropertyRooms Collection Number 255 Active Platinum 441012 <n/a> <n/a> Rooms Field No ClaveNuméricaDeHabitación 20170809T0000 20170524T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 RoomLength A numeric representation of the length of the given room. See the RoomLengthWidthUnits for the unit of measurement used for the length and width. PropertyRooms Collection Number 14 Active Platinum 441013 <n/a> <n/a> Rooms Field 2 No LongitudDeHabitación 20170809T0000 20170524T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 RoomLengthWidthSource The source of the measurement of the given units length and width. PropertyRooms Collection String List, Single 50 Active Platinum 441014 Open Room[type]LengthWidthSource Lookups Rooms Field No FuenteDeLongitudAnchuraDeHabitación 20170809T0000 20170524T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 RoomLengthWidthUnits The unit of measurement used for the value in the RoomLength and the RoomWidth fields. e.g. feet, meters, etc. PropertyRooms Collection String List, Single 25 Active Platinum 441015 Open with Enumerations LinearUnits Lookups Rooms Field No UnidadesDeLongitudAnchuraDeHabitación 20170809T0000 20170524T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 RoomLevel The level within the dwelling on which the given room is located. PropertyRooms Collection String List, Single 25 Active Platinum 441016 Open Room[type]Level Lookups Rooms Field No NivelDeHabitación 20170809T0000 20170524T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 RoomType The type of room being described by the other fields in the PropertyRooms resource. PropertyRooms Collection String List, Single 1024 Active Platinum 441017 Open with Enumerations RoomType Lookups Rooms Field No TipoDeHabitación 20170809T0000 20170524T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 RoomWidth A numeric representation of the width of the given room. See the RoomLengthWidthUnits for the unit of measurement used for the length and width. PropertyRooms Collection Number 14 Active Platinum 441018 <n/a> <n/a> Rooms Field 2 No AnchuraDeHabitación 20170809T0000 20170524T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 ListingId This is the foreign ID relating to the Property Resource. The well known identifier for the listing. The value may be identical to that of the Listing Key, but the Listing ID is intended to be the value used by a human to retrieve the information about a specific listing. In a multiple originating system or a merged system, this value may not be unique and may require the use of the provider system to create a synthetic unique value. PropertyUnitTypes Collection String 255 MLNumber, MLSNumber, ListingNumber Active Platinum 442001 <n/a> <n/a> UnitTypes Field No IdDeListado 20170809T0000 20170524T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 ListingKey This is the foreign key relating to the Property Resource. A unique identifier for this record from the immediate source. This is a string that can include URI or other forms. Alternatively use the ListingKeyNumeric for a numeric only key field. This is the local key of the system. When records are received from other systems, a local key is commonly applied. If conveying the original keys from the source or originating systems, see SourceSystemKey and OriginatingSystemKey. PropertyUnitTypes Collection String 255 SystemUniqueID, ImmediateSourceID Active Platinum 442002 <n/a> <n/a> UnitTypes Field No ClaveDeListado 20170809T0000 20170524T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 ListingKeyNumeric This is the foreign key relating to the property resource. A unique identifier for this record from the immediate source. This is the numeric only key and used as an alternative to the ListingKey fields. This is the local key of the system. When records are received from other systems, a local key is commonly applied. If conveying the original keys from the source or originating systems, see SourceSystemKey and OriginatingSystemKey. PropertyUnitTypes Collection Number 255 SystemUniqueID, ImmediateSourceID Active Platinum 442003 <n/a> <n/a> UnitTypes Field No ClaveNuméricaDeListado 20170809T0000 20170524T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 ModificationTimestamp Date/time this record was last modified. PropertyUnitTypes Collection Timestamp 27 Active Platinum 442004 <n/a> <n/a> UnitTypes Field No MarcaDeTiempoDeModificación 20170809T0000 20170524T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 UnitTypeActualRent The actual rent per month being collected for a given type of unit. PropertyUnitTypes Collection Number 14 Active Platinum 442005 <n/a> <n/a> UnitTypes Field 2 Yes AlquilerRealTipoDeUnidad 20170809T0000 20170524T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 UnitTypeBathsTotal The total number of baths for a given type of unit. PropertyUnitTypes Collection Number 3 Active Platinum 442006 <n/a> <n/a> UnitTypes Field Yes TotalDeBañosTipoDeUnidad 20170809T0000 20170524T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 UnitTypeBedsTotal The total number of bedrooms for a given type of unit. PropertyUnitTypes Collection Number 3 Active Platinum 442007 <n/a> <n/a> UnitTypes Field Yes TotalDeCamasTipoDeUnidad 20170809T0000 20170524T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 UnitTypeDescription A textual description of a given type of unit. PropertyUnitTypes Collection String 1024 Active Platinum 442008 <n/a> <n/a> UnitTypes Field Yes DescripciónTipoDeUnidad 20170809T0000 20170524T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 UnitTypeFurnished The level of furnishing for a given type of unit. i.e. furnished, partial or unfurnished. PropertyUnitTypes Collection String List, Single 20 Active Platinum 442009 Open <Not Defined> UnitTypes Field Yes AmuebladoTipoDeUnidad 20170809T0000 20170524T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 UnitTypeGarageAttachedYN Does the given type of unit have an attached garage? Yes/No. PropertyUnitTypes Collection Boolean Active Platinum 442010 <n/a> <n/a> UnitTypes Field Yes GarajeAdjuntoSNTipoDeUnidad 20170809T0000 20170524T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 UnitTypeGarageSpaces The number of garage spaces included with the given type of unit. PropertyUnitTypes Collection Number 14 Active Platinum 442011 <n/a> <n/a> UnitTypes Field 2 Yes EspaciosDeGarajeTipoDeUnidad 20170809T0000 20170524T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 UnitTypeKey A unique identifier for this record. This is a string that can include URI or other forms. Alternatively use the "...KeyNumeric" for a numeric only key field. This is the local key of the system. PropertyUnitTypes Collection String 255 Active Platinum 442012 <n/a> <n/a> UnitTypes Field No ClaveDeTipoDeUnidad 20170809T0000 20170524T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 UnitTypeKeyNumeric A unique identifier for this record. This is the numeric only key and used as an alternative to the string Key field. This is the local key of the system. PropertyUnitTypes Collection Number 255 Active Platinum 442013 <n/a> <n/a> UnitTypes Field No ClaveNuméricaDeTipoDeUnidad 20170809T0000 20170524T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 UnitTypeProForma The pro forma rent, or the expected rental income from the given type of unit. This may vary from actual rent which can be affected by factors other than current market value. PropertyUnitTypes Collection Number 6 Active Platinum 442014 <n/a> <n/a> UnitTypes Field Yes ProFormaTipoDeUnidad 20170809T0000 20170524T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 UnitTypeTotalRent The total actual rent is the sum of all rent being collected for all units of the given type. For example if you had 5 units of a particular type each collecting $1000, the total actual rent would be $5000. PropertyUnitTypes Collection Number 14 Active Platinum 442015 <n/a> <n/a> UnitTypes Field 2 Yes AlquilerTotalTipoDeUnidad 20170809T0000 20170524T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 UnitTypeType A list of possible Unit Types. i.e. 1, 2, 3 or 2 Bed, Studio, Special Loft, etc. PropertyUnitTypes Collection String List, Single 1024 Active Platinum 442016 Open UnitTypeType Lookups UnitTypes Field Yes TipoDeUnidad 20170809T0000 20170524T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 UnitTypeUnitsTotal The total number of units of the given type. PropertyUnitTypes Collection Number 3 Active Platinum 442017 <n/a> <n/a> UnitTypes Field Yes TotalDeUnidadesTipoDeUnidad 20170809T0000 20170524T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 ClassName Name of the class to which the record is referencing. SocialMedia Collection String List, Single 255 Active Platinum 444001 Open with Enumerations ClassName Lookups ContactsSocialMedia Field MemberSocialMedia Field OfficeSocialMedia Field OrganizationSocialMedia Field TeamsSocialMedia Field No 20181226T0000 20171026T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 ModificationTimestamp The transactional timestamp automatically recorded by the MLS system representing the date/time the media record was last modified. SocialMedia Collection Timestamp 27 ModificationDateTime, DateTimeModified, ModDate, DateMod, UpdateDate, UpdateTimestamp Active Platinum 444002 <n/a> <n/a> ContactsSocialMedia Field MemberSocialMedia Field OfficeSocialMedia Field OrganizationSocialMedia Field TeamsSocialMedia Field No 20181226T0000 20171026T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 ResourceName The resource or table of the listing or other record the media relates to. i.e. Property, Member, Office, etc. SocialMedia Collection String List, Single 50 Active Platinum 444003 Open with Enumerations ResourceName Lookups ContactsSocialMedia Field MemberSocialMedia Field OfficeSocialMedia Field OrganizationSocialMedia Field TeamsSocialMedia Field No 20181226T0000 20171026T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 ResourceRecordID The well known identifier of the related record from the source resource. The value may be identical to that of the Listing Key, but the Listing ID is intended to be the value used by a human to retrieve the information about a specific listing. In a multiple originating system or a merged system, this value may not be unique and may require the use of the provider system to create a synthetic unique value. SocialMedia Collection String 255 MLNumber, MLSNumber, ListingNumber, AgentID, OfficeID, ContactID Active Platinum 444004 <n/a> <n/a> ContactsSocialMedia Field MemberSocialMedia Field OfficeSocialMedia Field OrganizationSocialMedia Field TeamsSocialMedia Field No 20181226T0000 20171026T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 ResourceRecordKey The primary key of the related record from the source resource. For example the ListingKey, AgentKey, OfficeKey, TeamKey, etc. This is the system you are connecting to and not necessarily the original source of the record. This is a foreign key from the resource selected in the ResourceName field. SocialMedia Collection String 255 SystemUniqueID, ImmediateSourceID Active Platinum 444005 <n/a> <n/a> ContactsSocialMedia Field MemberSocialMedia Field OfficeSocialMedia Field OrganizationSocialMedia Field TeamsSocialMedia Field No 20181226T0000 20171026T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 ResourceRecordKeyNumeric The primary key of the related record from the source resource. For example the ListingKey, AgentKey, OfficeKey, TeamKey, etc. This is the system you are connecting to and not necessarily the original source of the record. This is a foreign key from the resource selected in the ResourceName field. This is the numeric only key and used as an alternative to the ResourceRecordKey field. SocialMedia Collection Number 255 SystemUniqueID, ImmediateSourceID Active Platinum 444006 <n/a> <n/a> ContactsSocialMedia Field MemberSocialMedia Field OfficeSocialMedia Field OrganizationSocialMedia Field TeamsSocialMedia Field No 20181226T0000 20171026T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 SocialMediaKey A system unique identifier. Specifically, in aggregation systems, the Key is the system unique identifier from the system that the record was just retrieved. This may be identical to the related xxxId identifier, but the key is guaranteed unique for this record set. SocialMedia Collection String 255 SystemUniqueID, ImmediateSourceID Active Platinum 444007 <n/a> <n/a> ContactsSocialMedia Field MemberSocialMedia Field OfficeSocialMedia Field OrganizationSocialMedia Field TeamsSocialMedia Field No 20181226T0000 20171026T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 SocialMediaKeyNumeric The local, well-known identifier. This value may not be unique, specifically in the case of aggregation systems, this value should be the identifier from the original system. SocialMedia Collection Number 255 Active Platinum 444008 <n/a> <n/a> ContactsSocialMedia Field MemberSocialMedia Field OfficeSocialMedia Field OrganizationSocialMedia Field TeamsSocialMedia Field No 20181226T0000 20171026T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 SocialMediaType A list of types of sites, blog, social media, the Member URL or ID is referring to. i.e. Website, Blog, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Skype, etc., This list is used to populate the Type with repeating Social Media URL or ID types. SocialMedia Collection String List, Single 50 MimeType Active Platinum 444009 Open with Enumerations SocialMediaType Lookups ContactsSocialMedia Field MemberSocialMedia Field OfficeSocialMedia Field OrganizationSocialMedia Field TeamsSocialMedia Field No 20181226T0000 20180523T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 SocialMediaUrlOrId The website URL or ID of social media site or account of the member. This is a repeating element. Replace [Type] with any of the options from the SocialMediaType field to create a unique field for that type of social media. For example: SocialMediaFacebookUrlOrID, SocialMediaSkypeUrlOrID, etc. SocialMedia Collection String 8000 Active Platinum 444010 <n/a> <n/a> ContactsSocialMedia Field MemberSocialMedia Field OfficeSocialMedia Field OrganizationSocialMedia Field TeamsSocialMedia Field No 20181226T0000 20171026T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Accessible Approach with Ramp AccessibilityFeatures A minimum of one entrance to the structure with clear, evenly-paved walkway from parking area or pedestrian arrival area; Path of travel does not include a running slope in excess of 1:12 (8.33%); a cross slope exceeding 1:50 (2%); nor level changes of more than 1/2 inch; if slope is over 5%, handrails are required. Level landing; 32 inch clear width opening doors; and adequate lighting on pathway and landing. This is required to be considered "Visitable". RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 389001 389000 CaracterísticasDeAccesibilidad Acercamiento Accesible con Rampa 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Accessible Bedroom AccessibilityFeatures Bedroom has adequate turnaround of 60 inches or other approved turnaround configuration; Closet doors have 32 inch clearance. Accessible environmental controls. Multiple lighting fixtures. This is required to be considered Enhanced Accessible. Optional: Some lower-height storage in closet. Remote control of lighting and environmental controls. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 389002 389000 CaracterísticasDeAccesibilidad HabitaciónAccesible 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Accessible Central Living Area AccessibilityFeatures Hard surface flooring or low-pile carpet, securely attached along edges. Entrances to all rooms on all floors provide 36 inch clear passage. Multiple lighting fixtures installed to provide adaptable lighting for general purpose and tasks. This is required to be considered Enhanced Accessible. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 389003 389000 CaracterísticasDeAccesibilidad Sala de Estar Central Accesible 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Accessible Closets AccessibilityFeatures Closet doors are 32” clearance throughout Central Living Area. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 389004 389000 CaracterísticasDeAccesibilidad Armarios Accesibles 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Accessible Common Area AccessibilityFeatures Common Area, used for entertaining guests, is level, with 36-inch passage through and around the space. Required to be considered Visitable. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 389005 389000 CaracterísticasDeAccesibilidad Área Común Accesible 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Accessible Doors AccessibilityFeatures Minimum 32 inches clear passage; levered handle; threshold, if present, maximum 1/2-inch, but beveled on both sides when over 1/4 inch. Required to be considered Visitable or Enhanced Accessible. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 389006 389000 CaracterísticasDeAccesibilidad Puertas Accesibles 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Accessible Electrical and Environmental Controls AccessibilityFeatures Thermostats and security system controls located on floor with central living area. Control devices for light switches and thermostats at 42-48 inches height off floor and side- to-side. Electrical plugs minimum of 18 inches above floor. This is required to be considered Enhanced Accessible. Optional: Rocker-style light switches; Lighted switches; Automatic/remote control for environmental controls. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 389007 389000 CaracterísticasDeAccesibilidad Controles Ambientales y Eléctricos Accesibles 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Accessible Elevator Installed AccessibilityFeatures Elevator with minimum 32" door and minimum 36" x 48" turning radius. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 389008 389000 CaracterísticasDeAccesibilidad Elevador Accesible Instalado 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Accessible Entrance AccessibilityFeatures Entrance door is a minimum of 32 inches wide; threshold , when present, maximum 1/2-inch, but when over 1/4-inch, is beveled on both sides. The entry door has lever handle for egress. This is required to be considered Visitable. Optional: Entryway is covered; Bench near outside entry door; Motion-detection outside lights. Accessible peephole or other method for inside viewing of anyone outside the entry door. House number easily visible from street by emergency responders. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 389009 389000 CaracterísticasDeAccesibilidad Entrada Accesible 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Accessible for Hearing-Impairment AccessibilityFeatures Home is wired for flashing lights and/or vibrating smoke alarm, door bell, other alerting features. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 389010 389000 CaracterísticasDeAccesibilidad Accesible para Personas con Impedimentos Auditivos 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Accessible Full Bath AccessibilityFeatures Bathroom has adequate turnaround: 60 inches or other approved turnaround configuration. Accessible bathing area: Roll-in shower or space for shower chair or transfer bench in bathtub. Slip-resistant surface on bathroom floor and bathtub/shower. Roll-under or side-access to sink, with padded trap. Lighting directly over shower/bathing areas, in addition to general bathroom lighting. This is required to be considered Enhanced Accessible. Optional: Removable cabinet doors and base under sink. Grab bars with shear force of 250 pounds, installed around toilet and shower/tub, with proper backing. Hand-held and/or height-adjustable shower head; automatic water temperature controlled (anti-scald) tub/shower; offset tub/shower controls toward front edge of tub/shower for easy access. Raised toilet (17-19 inches minimum). RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 389011 389000 CaracterísticasDeAccesibilidad Baño Completo Accesible 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Accessible Hallway(s) AccessibilityFeatures Hallway is minimum 36, preferred 42 inches wide (or adequate alternative based on individual configuration). At least one lighting fixture is present. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 389012 389000 CaracterísticasDeAccesibilidad Pasillo(s) Accesible(s) 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Accessible Kitchen AccessibilityFeatures 40" clear turn-around, or 36" clear with clear under-counter space for T-turn space in kitchen, unimpeded by fixtures. Roll-under/adaptable sink with padded trap or side-access to sink. Roll-out shelves in at least 50% of lower cabinets, Roll-under work area (36" clearance). Lighting fixtures directed over all task areas with adaptable control. This is required to be considered Enhanced Accessible. Optional: Adaptable under-sink cabinet with removable doors and cabinet base. Accessible features for upper kitchen cabinets. Space for side-by-side refrigerator (minimum 36 inches); Contrasting color counter edges for vison accessibility. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 389013 389000 CaracterísticasDeAccesibilidad Cocina Accesible 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Accessible Kitchen Appliances AccessibilityFeatures Stove controls in front or side, at counter top height; Oven with side-access door at counter level; Microwave is at counter level. This is required to be considered Enhanced Accessible. Optional: Raised dishwasher. Microwave has clear work area below or to the right side. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 389014 389000 CaracterísticasDeAccesibilidad Electrodomésticos de Cocina Accesibles 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Accessible Stairway AccessibilityFeatures Handrails on both sides of stairs, extended when possible, with shear force of 250 pounds. Interior and exterior stairs have adequate number of light fixtures for full coverage. Non-slip stair treads. If stairs are carpeted, covering is non-moveable, low-pile carpet. This is required to be considered Enhanced Accessible. Optional: Stair treads are in high contrast colors for increased visibility. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 389015 389000 CaracterísticasDeAccesibilidad Escalinata Accesible 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Accessible Washer/Dryer AccessibilityFeatures Raised clothes washer and/or dryer, front controls, side opening, both open to center. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 389016 389000 CaracterísticasDeAccesibilidad Lavadora/Secadora Accesible 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Adaptable Bathroom Walls AccessibilityFeatures Reinforced main bathroom walls, including bath or shower, to permit installation of grab bars (with shear force of 250 pounds) and/or fixtures in the future. This is required to be considered Enhanced Accessible. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 389017 389000 CaracterísticasDeAccesibilidad Paredes de Sala de Baño Adaptables 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Adaptable For Elevator AccessibilityFeatures Stacked closets in a multi-story house for possible future conversion to an elevator. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 389018 389000 CaracterísticasDeAccesibilidad Se Adapta a Elevador 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Ceiling Track AccessibilityFeatures Track installed in ceiling for lift chair (Hoyer lift). RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 389019 389000 CaracterísticasDeAccesibilidad Riel de Techo 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Central Living Area AccessibilityFeatures Central Living Area includes: Common Area, hallway(s), full or 3/4 bathroom, kitchen, at least one bedroom, access to environmental controls, and access to floors above main floor, if necessary. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 389020 389000 CaracterísticasDeAccesibilidad Área de Estar Central 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Common Area AccessibilityFeatures The Common Area is the portion of the home near accessible entrance, used for entertaining guests. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 389021 389000 CaracterísticasDeAccesibilidad Área Común 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Customized Wheelchair Accessible AccessibilityFeatures Customized accessibility for specific size or style of wheelchair or scooter. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 389022 389000 CaracterísticasDeAccesibilidad Personalizada y Accesible para Sillas de Ruedas 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Electronic Environmental Controls AccessibilityFeatures Programmable electronic controls for thermostat, lights, security system and automatic doors. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 389023 389000 CaracterísticasDeAccesibilidad Controles Ambientales Electrónicos 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Enhanced Accessible AccessibilityFeatures The Central Living Area is fully accessible for lifelong living by all residents, no matter their ability. A person in a wheel chair or with other disability is able to perform all personal and housekeeping tasks. Persons without disabilities are also able to perform basic tasks with greater ease. To be considered "Enhanced Accessible" the home also includes all "Visitable" features. Fully Accessible RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 389024 389000 CaracterísticasDeAccesibilidad Accesibilidad Mejorada 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Exterior Wheelchair Lift AccessibilityFeatures Mechanical wheelchair lift is installed outside the home to facilitate barrier-free approach. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 389025 389000 CaracterísticasDeAccesibilidad Ascensor Exterior para Sillas de Ruedas 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Grip-Accessible Features AccessibilityFeatures All doors, faucets and other mechanisms throughout central living area are lever, hands-free or other style that can be controlled with a closed, clenched fist or weak hands. This is required to be considered Enhanced Accessible. Optional: Wire pull (D-ring) handles or equivalent or easy touch latches on cabinets and drawers. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 389026 389000 CaracterísticasDeAccesibilidad Características Accesibles de Agarre 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Reinforced Floors AccessibilityFeatures Reinforced floors for bariatric needs, power wheelchairs, therapeutic tub or heavy medical equipment. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 389027 389000 CaracterísticasDeAccesibilidad Pisos reforzados 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Safe Emergency Egress from Home AccessibilityFeatures Minimum two, no-step, accessible egresses from Central Living Area. Window locks are 19 to 54 inches from the floor and can be opened with a closed fist. Emergency egress windows in sleeping areas require minimal effort to open. This is required to be considered Enhanced Accessible. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 389028 389000 CaracterísticasDeAccesibilidad Salida de Emergencia Segura desde Casa 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Smart Technology AccessibilityFeatures Smart Home (computer-controlled) and/or smart products— for example, voice activated controls, voice reminder, remote monitoring of individuals with dementia. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 389029 389000 CaracterísticasDeAccesibilidad Tecnología Inteligente 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Stair Lift AccessibilityFeatures Stair lift with motorized rail to climb interior or exterior stairway installed professionally. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 389030 389000 CaracterísticasDeAccesibilidad Elevador en Escaleras 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Standby Generator AccessibilityFeatures Backup generator for refrigeration of medications, life-sustaining medical equipment or essential room temperature control. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 389031 389000 CaracterísticasDeAccesibilidad Generador de Reserva 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Therapeutic Whirlpool AccessibilityFeatures Therapeutic whirlpool, properly installed. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 389032 389000 CaracterísticasDeAccesibilidad Bañera de Hidromasaje Terapéutica 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Visitable AccessibilityFeatures The home is “visitable” for all guests: a person in a wheel chair can easily enter the home and access the main Common Area, a half-bathroom at minimum, and the hall leading to that bathroom. Visitor Accessible RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 389033 389000 CaracterísticasDeAccesibilidad Abierto 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Visitor Bathroom AccessibilityFeatures Bathroom that is closest to Common Area. Minimum half bath. Door has minimum 32-inch clear width opening; lever handles. Minimum 60-inch turnaround or other approved turnaround configuration (30" x 48" clear space if door opens out.). Grab bar installed in toilet area with proper blocking. This is required to be considered Visitable. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 389034 389000 CaracterísticasDeAccesibilidad Sala de Baño de Visitas 20170809T0000 20180110T0000 1.6.0 20180110T0000 Walker-Accessible Stairs AccessibilityFeatures Treads are minimum 25 inches deep, with maximum 4 inches rise, minimum 36 inches wide. May be a custom feature in addition to approach with ramp. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 389035 389000 CaracterísticasDeAccesibilidad Escaleras Accesibles a Andador 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Agent ActorType The event was generated by what the source defines as a real estate professional Member InternetTracking Resource Active 427001 427000 TipoDeTercero Agente 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Bot ActorType The event was generated by a bot or some type of scripting tool InternetTracking Resource Active 427002 427000 TipoDeTercero Bot 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20171102T0000 Client ActorType The event was generated by what the source defines as a registered client InternetTracking Resource Active 427003 427000 TipoDeTercero Cliente 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20171102T0000 Consumer ActorType The event was generated by what the source defines as a consumer InternetTracking Resource Active 427004 427000 TipoDeTercero Consumidor 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20171102T0000 Unknown ActorType The generating Actor type could not be identified InternetTracking Resource Active 427005 427000 TipoDeTercero Desconocido 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20171102T0000 Bar Fridge Appliances A refrigerator that is sized and/or built to be part of a bar. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 446001 446000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Built-In Electric Oven Appliances A built-in electric oven. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 446002 446000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Built-In Electric Range Appliances A built-in electric range. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 446003 446000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Built-In Freezer Appliances A built-in freezer. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 446004 446000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Built-In Gas Oven Appliances A built-in gas oven RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 446005 446000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Built-In Gas Range Appliances A built-in gas range. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 446006 446000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Built-In Range Appliances A built-in range where the fuel type is not specified. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 446007 446000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Built-In Refrigerator Appliances A built-in refrigerator RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 446008 446000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Convection Oven Appliances A convection oven (also known as a fan-assisted oven or simply a fan oven) is an oven that has fans to circulate air around food. Fan-Assisted, Fan Oven RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 446009 446000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Cooktop Appliances A kitchen stove, often called simply a stove or a cooker, is a kitchen appliance designed for the purpose of cooking food. Kitchen stoves rely on the application of direct heat for the cooking process. Stove, Cooker, Stove Top, Cook Top RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 446010 446000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Dishwasher Appliances A dishwasher is a mechanical device for cleaning dishware and cutlery. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 446011 446000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Disposal Appliances A garbage disposal unit (also known as a garbage disposal, waste disposal unit, garbage disposer, or in Canadian English a garburator) is a device, usually electrically powered, installed under a kitchen sink between the sink's drain and the trap. The disposal unit shreds food waste into pieces small enough, generally less than 2 mm (0.079 in), to pass through plumbing. Garbage Disposal Unit, Waste Disposal Unit, Garbage Disposer, Garburator RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 446012 446000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Double Oven Appliances A built-in oven fixture that has either two ovens, or one oven and one microwave oven. It is usually built into the kitchen cabinet. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 446013 446000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Down Draft Appliances A vent that is part of the surface of a cook top that has a fan which sucks cooking fumes/smoke down. This is an alternative to a hooded cooktop/range. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 446014 446000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Dryer Appliances A cloths dryer. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 446015 446000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Electric Cooktop Appliances A cooktop or stove that produces heat by way of electricity rather than gas. An induction cooktop is electric, but not all electric cooktops are induction. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 446016 446000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Electric Oven Appliances An oven that is heated by electricity, typically by way of heating coils. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 446017 446000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Electric Range Appliances An oven and cooktop that generates heat by way of electricity. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 446018 446000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Electric Water Heater Appliances A water heater that heats the water by way of electricity. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 446019 446000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 ENERGY STAR Qualified Appliances Appliances The property includes Energy Star qualified appliances. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 446020 446000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 ENERGY STAR Qualified Dishwasher Appliances The property includes an Energy Star qualified dishwasher. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 446021 446000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 ENERGY STAR Qualified Dryer Appliances The property includes an Energy Star qualified cloths dryer. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 446022 446000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 ENERGY STAR Qualified Freezer Appliances The property includes an Energy Star qualified freezer. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 446023 446000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 ENERGY STAR Qualified Refrigerator Appliances The property includes an Energy Star qualified refrigerator. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 446024 446000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 ENERGY STAR Qualified Washer Appliances The property includes an Energy Star qualified cloths washer. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 446025 446000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 ENERGY STAR Qualified Water Heater Appliances The property includes an Energy Star qualified water heater. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 446026 446000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Exhaust Fan Appliances The cooktop has an exhaust fan. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 446027 446000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Free-Standing Electric Oven Appliances The oven is free standing, not built-in, and uses electricity to produce heat. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 446028 446000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Free-Standing Electric Range Appliances The range is free standing, not built-in, and uses electricity to produce heat for its oven and cooktop. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 446029 446000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Free-Standing Freezer Appliances The freezer is free standing and not built-in. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 446030 446000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Free-Standing Gas Oven Appliances The oven is free standing, not built-in, and uses gas to produce heat. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 446031 446000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Free-Standing Gas Range Appliances The range is free standing, not built-in, and uses gas to produce heat for its oven and cooktop. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 446032 446000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Free-Standing Range Appliances The range is free standing, not built-in. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 446033 446000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Free-Standing Refrigerator Appliances The refrigerator is free-standing, not built-in. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 446034 446000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Freezer Appliances The property includes a freezer. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 446035 446000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Gas Cooktop Appliances A cooktop or stove that produces heat by way of gas rather than electricity. An induction cooktop is electric, but not all electric cooktops are induction. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 446036 446000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Gas Oven Appliances An oven that is heated by gas. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 446037 446000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Gas Range Appliances An oven and cooktop that generates heat by way of gas. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 446038 446000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Gas Water Heater Appliances A water heater that heats the water with gas. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 446039 446000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Humidifier Appliances The property includes a humidity control device or system. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 446040 446000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Ice Maker Appliances The property includes an ice maker. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 446041 446000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Indoor Grill Appliances The property has an indoor grill. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 446042 446000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Induction Cooktop Appliances The electric cooktop is based on magnetic induction rather than heating coils. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 446043 446000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Instant Hot Water Appliances The property has a circulatory or instant hot water system. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 446044 446000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Microwave Appliances The property includes a microwave. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 446045 446000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 None Appliances The property includes no appliances. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 446046 446000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Other Appliances The property includes appliances other than those available in this list. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 446047 446000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Oven Appliances The property includes an oven. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 446048 446000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Plumbed For Ice Maker Appliances The property has plumbing for an ice maker. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 446049 446000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Portable Dishwasher Appliances The property includes a portable dishwasher. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 446050 446000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Propane Cooktop Appliances The gas cooktop uses propane as its fuel and either has a local tank or runs on a house wide propane system. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 446051 446000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Range Appliances The property includes a range, which is a single unit that has both an oven and a cooktop. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 446052 446000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Range Hood Appliances The range has a hooded exhaust. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 446053 446000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Refrigerator Appliances The property includes a refrigerator. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 446054 446000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Self Cleaning Oven Appliances The oven included with the property has a self-cleaning feature. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 446055 446000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Solar Hot Water Appliances The hot water heater has either a passive or active solar component. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 446056 446000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Stainless Steel Appliance(s) Appliances Some or all of the appliances included in the property are stainless steal. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 446057 446000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Tankless Water Heater Appliances A tankless water heater is included with the property. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 446058 446000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Trash Compactor Appliances The property has a trash compactor. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 446059 446000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Vented Exhaust Fan Appliances The cooktop has an exhaust fan that is vented. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 446060 446000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Warming Drawer Appliances The property has a warming drawer. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 446061 446000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Washer Appliances The property includes a cloths washer. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 446062 446000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Washer/Dryer Appliances The property includes a cloths washer and dryer. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 446063 446000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Washer/Dryer Stacked Appliances The property has a stacked cloths washer and dryer. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 446064 446000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Water Heater Appliances The property has a water heater. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 446065 446000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Water Purifier Appliances The property has a water purifier. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 446066 446000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Water Purifier Owned Appliances The property has a water purifier that is owned and not rented/leased. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 446067 446000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Water Purifier Rented Appliances The property has a water purifier that is on a rental or lease agreement. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 446068 446000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Water Softener Appliances The property has a water softening system. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 446069 446000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Water Softener Owned Appliances The property has a water softening system that is owned and not rented/leased. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 446070 446000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Water Softener Rented Appliances The property has a water softening system that is on a rental or lease agreement. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 446071 446000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Wine Cooler Appliances The property includes a wine cooler. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 446072 446000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Wine Refrigerator Appliances The property includes a wine refrigerator. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 446073 446000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Appraiser AreaSource An appraiser provided the measurement of the area. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 349001 349000 FuenteDeÁrea Tasador 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Assessor AreaSource The assessor provided the measurement of the area. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 349002 349000 FuenteDeÁrea Asesor 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Builder AreaSource The builder provided the measurement of the area. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 349003 349000 FuenteDeÁrea Constructor 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Estimated AreaSource The measurement of the area is an estimate. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 349004 349000 FuenteDeÁrea Estimado 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Other AreaSource The measurement of the area was provided by another party not listed. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 349005 349000 FuenteDeÁrea Otra 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Owner AreaSource The owner provided the measurement of the area. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 349006 349000 FuenteDeÁrea Propietario 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Plans AreaSource The measurement of the area was taken from building plans. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 349007 349000 FuenteDeÁrea Planos 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Public Records AreaSource The measurement of the area was received from public records. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 349008 349000 FuenteDeÁrea Registros Públicos 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 See Remarks AreaSource See remarks for information about the source of the area measurement. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 349009 349000 FuenteDeÁrea Ver Observaciones 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Square Feet AreaUnits The value reported in the related Area field is in square feet. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 311001 311000 UnidadesDeÁrea Pies Cuadrados 20160621T0000 20151110T0000 1.4.0 20160528T1200 Square Meters AreaUnits The value reported in the related Area field is in square feet. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 311002 311000 UnidadesDeÁrea Metros Cuadrados 20160621T0000 20151110T0000 1.4.0 20160528T1200 Airport/Runway AssociationAmenities The home owner's association includes access or some service related to an airport or runway. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI Active 447001 447000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Barbecue AssociationAmenities The home owner's association includes use of, or access to, a barbecue. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI Active 447002 447000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Basketball Court AssociationAmenities The home owner's association includes use of, or access to, a basketball court. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI Active 447003 447000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Beach Access AssociationAmenities The home owner's association includes access to a beach. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI Active 447004 447000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Beach Rights AssociationAmenities The home owner's association includes use of a beach that has beach rights restrictions. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI Active 447005 447000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Billiard Room AssociationAmenities The home owner's association includes use of, or access to, a billiard room. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI Active 447006 447000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Boat Dock AssociationAmenities The home owner's association includes use of, or access to, a boat dock. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI Active 447007 447000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Boat Slip AssociationAmenities The home owner's association includes use of, or access to, a boat slip. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI Active 447008 447000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Boating AssociationAmenities The home owner's association includes use of, or access to, boating. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI Active 447009 447000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Cabana AssociationAmenities The home owner's association includes use of, or access to, a cabana. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI Active 447011 447000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Cable TV AssociationAmenities The home owner's association includes cable based services. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI Active 447012 447000 20181226T0000 20180822T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Car Wash Area AssociationAmenities The home owner's association includes use of, or access to, an are to wash your car. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI Active 447013 447000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Clubhouse AssociationAmenities The home owner's association includes use of, or access to, a clubhouse. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI Active 447014 447000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Coin Laundry AssociationAmenities The home owner's association includes use of, or access to, a coin laundry. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI Active 447015 447000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Concierge AssociationAmenities The home owner's association includes use of, or access to, a concierge service. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI Active 447016 447000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Day Care AssociationAmenities The home owner's association includes use of, or access to, a day care service. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI Active 447017 447000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Dog Park AssociationAmenities The home owner's association includes use of, or access to, a dog park. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI Active 447018 447000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Dry Dock AssociationAmenities The home owner's association includes use of, or access to, a dry dock. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI Active 447019 447000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Electricity AssociationAmenities The home owner's association includes electricity. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI Active 447020 447000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Elevator(s) AssociationAmenities The home owner's association includes use of, or access to, an elevator(s). RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI Active 447021 447000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Exercise Course AssociationAmenities The home owner's association includes use of, or access to, an exercise course. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI Active 447022 447000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Fitness Center AssociationAmenities The home owner's association includes use of, or access to, a fitness center. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI Active 447023 447000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Game Court Exterior AssociationAmenities The home owner's association includes use of, or access to, an outdoors game court. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI Active 447024 447000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Game Court Interior AssociationAmenities The home owner's association includes use of, or access to, an indoors game court. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI Active 447025 447000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Game Room AssociationAmenities The home owner's association includes use of, or access to, a game room . RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI Active 447026 447000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Gas AssociationAmenities The home owner's association includes natural gas. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI Active 447027 447000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Gated AssociationAmenities The home owner's association property/area is gated. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI Active 447028 447000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Golf Course AssociationAmenities The home owner's association includes use of, or access to, a golf course. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI Active 447029 447000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Hot Water AssociationAmenities The home owner's association includes hot water. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI Active 447030 447000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Indoor Pool AssociationAmenities The home owner's association includes use of, or access to, an indoor pool. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI Active 447031 447000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Insurance AssociationAmenities The home owner's association includes insurance. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI Active 447032 447000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Jogging Path AssociationAmenities The home owner's association includes use of, or access to, a jogging path. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI Active 447033 447000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Landscaping AssociationAmenities The home owner's association includes landscaping. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI Active 447034 447000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Laundry AssociationAmenities The home owner's association includes laundry. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI Active 447035 447000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Maid service AssociationAmenities The home owner's association includes use of, or access to, a maid service. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI Active 447036 447000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Maintenance AssociationAmenities The home owner's association includes maintenance. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI Active 447037 447000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Maintenance Grounds AssociationAmenities The home owner's association includes grounds maintenance. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI Active 447076 447000 20181226T0000 20180823T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Maintenance Structure AssociationAmenities The home owner's association includes building maintenance. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI Active 447010 447000 20181226T0000 20180823T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Management AssociationAmenities The home owner's association includes management services. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI Active 447038 447000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Marina AssociationAmenities The home owner's association includes use of, or access to, a marina. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI Active 447039 447000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Meeting Room AssociationAmenities The home owner's association includes use of, or access to, a meeting room. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI Active 447040 447000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 None AssociationAmenities The home owner's association has no amenities. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI Active 447041 447000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Other AssociationAmenities The home owner's association includes amenities not included in this list. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI Active 447042 447000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Park AssociationAmenities The home owner's association includes use of, or access to, a park. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI Active 447043 447000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Parking AssociationAmenities The home owner's association includes use of, or access to, parking. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI Active 447044 447000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Party Room AssociationAmenities The home owner's association includes use of, or access to, a party room. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI Active 447045 447000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Picnic Area AssociationAmenities The home owner's association includes use of, or access to, a picnic area. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI Active 447046 447000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Playground AssociationAmenities The home owner's association includes use of, or access to, a playground. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI Active 447047 447000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Pond Seasonal AssociationAmenities The home owner's association includes use of, or access to, a seasonal pond. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI Active 447048 447000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Pond Year Round AssociationAmenities The home owner's association includes use of, or access to, a year round pond. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI Active 447049 447000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Pool AssociationAmenities The home owner's association includes use of, or access to, a pool. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI Active 447050 447000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Powered Boats Allowed AssociationAmenities The home owner's association allows the use of powered boats. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI Active 447051 447000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Racquetball AssociationAmenities The home owner's association includes use of, or access to, a racquetball court(s). RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI Active 447052 447000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Recreation Facilities AssociationAmenities The home owner's association includes use of, or access to, recreation facilities. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI Active 447053 447000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Recreation Room AssociationAmenities The home owner's association includes use of, or access to, a recreation room. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI Active 447054 447000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Roof Deck AssociationAmenities The home owner's association includes use of, or access to, a roof deck. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI Active 447055 447000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 RV Parking AssociationAmenities The home owner's association includes use of, or access to, recreational vehicle (RV) parking. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI Active 447056 447000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 RV/Boat Storage AssociationAmenities The home owner's association includes use of, or access to, RV and/or boat storage. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI Active 447057 447000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Sauna AssociationAmenities The home owner's association includes use of, or access to, a sauna. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI Active 447058 447000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Security AssociationAmenities The home owner's association includes security services. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI Active 447059 447000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Service Elevator(s) AssociationAmenities The home owner's association includes use of, or access to, a service elevator(s). RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI Active 447060 447000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Shuffleboard Court AssociationAmenities The home owner's association includes use of, or access to, a shuffleboard court. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI Active 447061 447000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Ski Accessible AssociationAmenities The home owner's association includes access to skiing. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI Active 447062 447000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Snow Removal AssociationAmenities The home owner's association includes snow removal. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI Active 447063 447000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Spa/Hot Tub AssociationAmenities The home owner's association includes use of, or access to, a spa and/or hot tub. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI Active 447064 447000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Sport Court AssociationAmenities The home owner's association includes use of, or access to, a sport court. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI Active 447065 447000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Stable(s) AssociationAmenities The home owner's association includes use of, or access to, horse stable(s). RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI Active 447066 447000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Storage AssociationAmenities The home owner's association includes storage space. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI Active 447067 447000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Stream Seasonal AssociationAmenities The home owner's association includes use of, or access to, a seasonal stream. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI Active 447068 447000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Stream Year Round AssociationAmenities The home owner's association includes use of, or access to, a year round accessible stream. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI Active 447069 447000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Taxes AssociationAmenities The home owner's association includes taxes. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI Active 447070 447000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Tennis Court(s) AssociationAmenities The home owner's association includes use of, or access to, a tennis court(s). RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI Active 447071 447000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Trail(s) AssociationAmenities The home owner's association includes use of, or access to, a trail(s). RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI Active 447072 447000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Trash AssociationAmenities The home owner's association includes trash service. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI Active 447073 447000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Water AssociationAmenities The home owner's association includes water. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI Active 447074 447000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Workshop Area AssociationAmenities The home owner's association includes use of, or access to, a workshop area. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI Active 447075 447000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Cable TV AssociationFeeIncludes Cable TV is included in the fee paid to the Association. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI Active 320001 320000 InclusionesDeTarifaDeAsociación TV por Cable 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Earthquake Insurance AssociationFeeIncludes Earthquake Insurance is included in the fee paid to the Association. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI Active 320002 320000 InclusionesDeTarifaDeAsociación Seguro de Terremotos 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Electricity AssociationFeeIncludes Electricity is included in the fee paid to the Association. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI Active 320003 320000 InclusionesDeTarifaDeAsociación Electricidad 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Gas AssociationFeeIncludes Gas is included in the fee paid to the Association. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI Active 320004 320000 InclusionesDeTarifaDeAsociación Gas 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Insurance AssociationFeeIncludes Insurance is included in the fee paid to the Association. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI Active 320005 320000 InclusionesDeTarifaDeAsociación Seguro 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Internet AssociationFeeIncludes Internet access is included with the Home Owner’s Association dues paid by the owner. Questions about the means of access (e.g. wifi, ethernet), the speed of the access and other information about the Internet Service Provider (ISP) may be directed to the Home Owner’s Association. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI Active 320015 320000 InclusionesDeTarifaDeAsociación 20181226T0000 20180822T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Maintenance Grounds AssociationFeeIncludes Maintenance of the grounds including lawns and common areas but not including exterior structures. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI Active 320007 320000 InclusionesDeTarifaDeAsociación Mantenimiento de Terrenos 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20170113T0000 Maintenance Structure AssociationFeeIncludes Maintenance of the exterior of the structure including roofing, walls, exterior structures and does not include the grounds. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI Active 320006 320000 InclusionesDeTarifaDeAsociación Estructura de Mantenimiento 20181226T0000 20180823T0000 1.4.0 20181226T0000 Pest Control AssociationFeeIncludes Pest Control is included in the fee paid to the Association. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI Active 320008 320000 InclusionesDeTarifaDeAsociación Control de Pestes 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Security AssociationFeeIncludes Security is included in the fee paid to the Association. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI Active 320009 320000 InclusionesDeTarifaDeAsociación Seguridad 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20170310T0000 Sewer AssociationFeeIncludes Sewer is included in the fee paid to the Association. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI Active 320010 320000 InclusionesDeTarifaDeAsociación Alcantarillado 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Snow Removal AssociationFeeIncludes Snow Removal is included in the fee paid to the Association. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI Active 320011 320000 InclusionesDeTarifaDeAsociación Remoción de Nieve 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20170113T0000 Trash AssociationFeeIncludes Trash is included in the fee paid to the Association. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI Active 320012 320000 InclusionesDeTarifaDeAsociación Desechos 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20170113T0000 Utilities AssociationFeeIncludes Utilities is included in the fee paid to the Association. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI Active 320013 320000 InclusionesDeTarifaDeAsociación Servicios Públicos 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Water AssociationFeeIncludes Water is included in the fee paid to the Association. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI Active 320014 320000 InclusionesDeTarifaDeAsociación Agua 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20170113T0000 Agent Attended A licensed real estate agent will be present at the open house event. Member OpenHouse Active 321001 321000 Con Asistencia Agente 20170809T0000 20170117T0000 1.4.0 20170809T0000 Seller Attended A licensed real estate agent will not be present and the property owner will be present at the open house event. OpenHouse Active 321002 321000 Con Asistencia Vendedor 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Unattended Attended The open house event will not be attended. Access will normally be via lockbox or other pre-arranged means. OpenHouse Active 321003 321000 Con Asistencia Sin asistencia 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Apartment Basement The basement is setup as an apartment living space. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 448001 448000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Bath/Stubbed Basement The basement is stubbed for a bathroom. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 448002 448000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Block Basement The basement has block construction. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 448003 448000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Concrete Basement The basement has a concrete floor and/or walls. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 448004 448000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Crawl Space Basement The basement is/has a crawl space. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 448005 448000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Daylight Basement The basement has natural lighting. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 448006 448000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Dirt Floor Basement The basement has a dirt floor. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 448007 448000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Exterior Entry Basement The basement has an exterior entry. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 448008 448000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Finished Basement The basement is finished to a given standard of competition. Examples may include underlayment and flooring; walls are framed, insulated, drywalled and painted; etc. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 448009 448000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 French Drain Basement The basement has a French drain. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 448010 448000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Full Basement The basement fills the entire space under the house. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 448011 448000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Interior Entry Basement The basement has an interior entry. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 448012 448000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 None Basement The property has no basement. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 448013 448000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Other Basement The basement has features or attributes other than those listed in this field. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 448014 448000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Partial Basement The basement partially fills the space under the house. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 448015 448000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Partially Finished Basement The basement is partially finished. Some finishing work is done but not all. Examples may include underlayment and flooring; walls are framed, insulated, drywalled and painted; etc. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 448016 448000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Storage Space Basement The basement has storage space. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 448017 448000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Sump Pump Basement The basement has a sump pump. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 448018 448000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Unfinished Basement The basement is unfinished. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 448019 448000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Walk-Out Access Basement A walk-out basement is a structure where the basement space directly accessible from the outside with the entryway level with the ground. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 448020 448000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Walk-Up Access Basement A walk-up basement is a structure where the basement space directly accessible from the outside with the entryway below ground and usually exterior stairs leading up to ground level. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 448021 448000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Double Wide BodyType The body/structure type of the mobile/manufacture home is double wide. MOBI Active 351001 351000 TipoDeConjunto Doble de Ancho 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20170113T0000 Expando BodyType The body/structure type of the mobile/manufacture home is Expando. MOBI Active 351002 351000 TipoDeConjunto Expansión 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Other BodyType A body type not included in this list. MOBI Active 351007 351000 TipoDeConjunto Otro 20170809T0000 20160805T0000 1.6 20170809T0000 Quad Wide BodyType The body/structure type of the mobile/manufacture home is quad wide. MOBI Active 351003 351000 TipoDeConjunto Cuádruple de Ancho 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 See Remarks BodyType The body/structure type of the mobile/manufacture home is see remarks. MOBI Active 351004 351000 TipoDeConjunto Ver Observaciones 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Single Wide BodyType The body/structure type of the mobile/manufacture home is single wide. MOBI Active 351005 351000 TipoDeConjunto Ancho Único 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20170113T0000 Triple Wide BodyType The body/structure type of the mobile/manufacture home is triple wide. MOBI Active 351006 351000 TipoDeConjunto Triple de Ancho 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Accounting BusinessType The listing is for an accounting business. COMS COML BUSO Active 306001 306000 TipoDeNegocio Contabilidad 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Administrative and Support BusinessType The listing is for an administrative and support business. COMS COML BUSO Active 306002 306000 TipoDeNegocio Administrativo y Asistencia 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Advertising BusinessType The listing is for an advertising business. COMS COML BUSO Active 306003 306000 TipoDeNegocio Publicidad 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Agriculture BusinessType The listing is for an agriculture business. COMS COML BUSO Active 306004 306000 TipoDeNegocio Agricultura 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Animal Grooming BusinessType The listing is for an animal grooming business. COMS COML BUSO Active 306005 306000 TipoDeNegocio Cuidado de Animales 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Appliances BusinessType The listing is for an appliances business. COMS COML BUSO Active 306006 306000 TipoDeNegocio Electrodomésticos 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Aquarium Supplies BusinessType The listing is for an aquarium supplies business. COMS COML BUSO Active 306007 306000 TipoDeNegocio Suministros de Acuario 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Arts and Entertainment BusinessType The listing is for an arts and entertainment business. COMS COML BUSO Active 306008 306000 TipoDeNegocio Entretenimiento y Artes 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Athletic BusinessType The listing is for an athletic business. COMS COML BUSO Active 306009 306000 TipoDeNegocio Atlético 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Auto Body BusinessType The listing is for an Auto Body business. COMS COML BUSO Active 306070 306000 TipoDeNegocio Carrocería de Automóviles 20181226T0000 20180109T0000 1.4.0 20181226T0000 Auto Dealer BusinessType The listing is for an auto dealer business. COMS COML BUSO Active 306010 306000 TipoDeNegocio Concesionario de Automóviles 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20170113T0000 Auto Glass BusinessType The listing is for an Auto Glass business. COMS COML BUSO Active 306071 306000 TipoDeNegocio Cristalería de Automóviles 20181226T0000 20180109T0000 1.4.0 20181226T0000 Auto Parts BusinessType The listing is for an Auto Parts business. COMS COML BUSO Active 306072 306000 TipoDeNegocio Recambios de Automóviles 20181226T0000 20171010T0000 1.4.0 20181226T0000 Auto Rent/Lease BusinessType The listing is for an Auto Rent/Lease business. COMS COML BUSO Active 306073 306000 TipoDeNegocio Renta/Arrendamiento de Automóviles 20181226T0000 20171010T0000 1.4.0 20181226T0000 Auto Repair-Specialty BusinessType The listing is for an Auto Repair-Specialty business. COMS COML BUSO Active 306074 306000 TipoDeNegocio Reparación de Automóviles - Servicios de Especialidad 20181226T0000 20171010T0000 1.4.0 20181226T0000 Auto Service BusinessType The listing is for an auto service business. COMS COML BUSO Active 306011 306000 TipoDeNegocio Autoservicio 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20170206T0000 Auto Stereo/Alarm BusinessType The listing is for an Auto Stereo/Alarm business. COMS COML BUSO Active 306075 306000 TipoDeNegocio Servicio de Estéreos/Alarmas de Automóviles 20181226T0000 20171010T0000 1.4.0 20181226T0000 Auto Tires BusinessType The listing is for an Auto Tires business. COMS COML BUSO Active 306076 306000 TipoDeNegocio Neumáticos para Automóviles 20181226T0000 20171010T0000 1.4.0 20181226T0000 Auto Wrecking BusinessType The listing is for an Auto Wrecking business. COMS COML BUSO Active 306077 306000 TipoDeNegocio Desguace de Automóviles 20181226T0000 20171010T0000 1.4.0 20181226T0000 Bakery BusinessType The listing is for a bakery business. COMS COML BUSO Active 306012 306000 TipoDeNegocio Panadería 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Bar/Tavern/Lounge BusinessType The listing is for a bar/tavern/lounge business. COMS COML BUSO Active 306013 306000 TipoDeNegocio Bar/Taberna/Estancia 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Barber/Beauty BusinessType The listing is for a barber/beauty business. COMS COML BUSO Active 306014 306000 TipoDeNegocio Barbería/Sala de Belleza 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Bed & Breakfast BusinessType The listing is for a bed & breakfast business. COMS COML BUSO Active 306015 306000 TipoDeNegocio Casa de Huéspedes 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20170310T0000 Books/Cards/Stationary BusinessType The listing is for a Books/Cards/Stationary business. COMS COML BUSO Active 306078 306000 TipoDeNegocio Librería/Tarjetas/Material de Papelería 20181226T0000 20171010T0000 1.4.0 20181226T0000 Butcher BusinessType The listing is for a butcher business. COMS COML BUSO Active 306016 306000 TipoDeNegocio Carnicería 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Cabinets BusinessType The listing is for a Cabinets business. COMS COML BUSO Active 306079 306000 TipoDeNegocio Armarios 20181226T0000 20171010T0000 1.4.0 20181226T0000 Candy/Cookie BusinessType The listing is for a Candy/Cookie business. COMS COML BUSO Active 306080 306000 TipoDeNegocio Dulces/Galletas 20181226T0000 20171010T0000 1.4.0 20181226T0000 Car Wash BusinessType The listing is for a car wash business. COMS COML BUSO Active 306017 306000 TipoDeNegocio Lavado de Autos 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Carpet/Tile BusinessType The listing is for a Carpet/Tile business. COMS COML BUSO Active 306081 306000 TipoDeNegocio Alfombras/Azulejos 20181226T0000 20171010T0000 1.4.0 20181226T0000 Child Care BusinessType The listing is for a child care business. COMS COML BUSO Active 306018 306000 TipoDeNegocio Cuidado de Niños 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Church BusinessType The listing is for a church business. COMS COML BUSO Active 306019 306000 TipoDeNegocio Iglesia 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20170113T0000 Clothing BusinessType The listing is for a clothing business. COMS COML BUSO Active 306020 306000 TipoDeNegocio Vestimenta 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Commercial BusinessType The listing is for a commercial business. COMS COML BUSO Active 306021 306000 TipoDeNegocio Comercial 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Computer BusinessType The listing is for a computer business. COMS COML BUSO Active 306022 306000 TipoDeNegocio Computadoras 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20170113T0000 Construction/Contractor BusinessType The listing is for a construction/contractor business. COMS COML BUSO Active 306023 306000 TipoDeNegocio Construcción/Contratista 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20170310T0000 Convalescent BusinessType The listing is for a Convalescent business. COMS COML BUSO Active 306082 306000 TipoDeNegocio Convaleciente 20181226T0000 20171010T0000 1.4.0 20181226T0000 Convenience Store BusinessType The listing is for a convenience store business. COMS COML BUSO Active 306024 306000 TipoDeNegocio Tienda de Conveniencia 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20170113T0000 Dance Studio BusinessType The listing is for a Dance Studio business. COMS COML BUSO Active 306083 306000 TipoDeNegocio Estudio de Danza 20181226T0000 20171010T0000 1.4.0 20181226T0000 Decorator BusinessType The listing is for a Decorator business. COMS COML BUSO Active 306084 306000 TipoDeNegocio Decoración 20181226T0000 20171010T0000 1.4.0 20181226T0000 Deli/Catering BusinessType The listing is for a Deli/Catering business. COMS COML BUSO Active 306085 306000 TipoDeNegocio Charcutería/Catering 20181226T0000 20171010T0000 1.4.0 20181226T0000 Dental BusinessType The listing is for a dental business. COMS COML BUSO Active 306025 306000 TipoDeNegocio Servicios Dentales 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Distribution BusinessType The listing is for a distribution business. COMS COML BUSO Active 306026 306000 TipoDeNegocio Distribución 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20170206T0000 Doughnut BusinessType The listing is for a doughnut business. COMS COML BUSO Active 306027 306000 TipoDeNegocio Donas 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Drugstore BusinessType The listing is for a Drugstore business. COMS COML BUSO Active 306086 306000 TipoDeNegocio Farmacia 20181226T0000 20171010T0000 1.4.0 20181226T0000 Dry Cleaner BusinessType The listing is for a dry cleaner business. COMS COML BUSO Active 306028 306000 TipoDeNegocio Tintorería 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Education/School BusinessType The listing is for an education/school business. COMS COML BUSO Active 306029 306000 TipoDeNegocio Educación/Escuela 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Electronics BusinessType The listing is for an Electronics business. COMS COML BUSO Active 306087 306000 TipoDeNegocio Electrónica 20181226T0000 20171010T0000 1.4.0 20181226T0000 Employment BusinessType The listing is for an Employment business. COMS COML BUSO Active 306088 306000 TipoDeNegocio Empleo 20181226T0000 20171010T0000 1.4.0 20181226T0000 Farm BusinessType The listing is for a farm business. COMS COML BUSO Active 306030 306000 TipoDeNegocio Granja 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Fast Food BusinessType The listing is for a fast food business. COMS COML BUSO Active 306031 306000 TipoDeNegocio Comida Rápida 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20170113T0000 Financial BusinessType The listing is for a financial business. COMS COML BUSO Active 306032 306000 TipoDeNegocio Servicios Financieros 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Fitness BusinessType The listing is for a fitness business. COMS COML BUSO Active 306033 306000 TipoDeNegocio Adecuación Física 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Florist/Nursery BusinessType The listing is for a florist/nursery business. COMS COML BUSO Active 306034 306000 TipoDeNegocio Floristería/Vivero 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Food & Beverage BusinessType The listing is for a food & beverage business. COMS COML BUSO Active 306035 306000 TipoDeNegocio Comida y Bebida 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Forest Reserve BusinessType The listing is for a forest reserve business. COMS COML BUSO Active 306036 306000 TipoDeNegocio Reserva Forestal 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Franchise BusinessType The listing is for a franchise business. COMS COML BUSO Active 306037 306000 TipoDeNegocio Franquicia 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Furniture BusinessType The listing is for a Furniture business. COMS COML BUSO Active 306089 306000 TipoDeNegocio Muebles 20181226T0000 20171010T0000 1.4.0 20181226T0000 Gas Station BusinessType The listing is for a gas station business. COMS COML BUSO Active 306038 306000 TipoDeNegocio Estación de Servicio 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Gift Shop BusinessType The listing is for a gift shop business. COMS COML BUSO Active 306039 306000 TipoDeNegocio Tienda de Regalos 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Grocery BusinessType The listing is for a grocery business. COMS COML BUSO Active 306040 306000 TipoDeNegocio Abarrotería 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Hardware BusinessType The listing is for a hardware business. COMS COML BUSO Active 306041 306000 TipoDeNegocio Ferretería 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20170113T0000 Health Food BusinessType The listing is for a Health Food business. COMS COML BUSO Active 306090 306000 TipoDeNegocio Comida Saludable 20181226T0000 20171010T0000 1.4.0 20181226T0000 Health Services BusinessType The listing is for a health services business. COMS COML BUSO Active 306042 306000 TipoDeNegocio Servicios de Salud 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Hobby BusinessType The listing is for a Hobby business. COMS COML BUSO Active 306091 306000 TipoDeNegocio Afición 20181226T0000 20171010T0000 1.4.0 20181226T0000 Home Cleaner BusinessType The listing is for a Home Cleaner business. COMS COML BUSO Active 306092 306000 TipoDeNegocio Limpieza del Hogar 20181226T0000 20171010T0000 1.4.0 20181226T0000 Hospitality BusinessType The listing is for a hospitality business. COMS COML BUSO Active 306043 306000 TipoDeNegocio Hostelería 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Hotel/Motel BusinessType The listing is for a hotel/motel business. COMS COML BUSO Active 306044 306000 TipoDeNegocio Hotel/Motel 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20170113T0000 Ice Cream/Frozen Yogurt BusinessType The listing is for an ice cream/frozen yogurt business. COMS COML BUSO Active 306045 306000 TipoDeNegocio Helados/Yogurt Congelado 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Industrial BusinessType The listing is for an industrial business. COMS COML BUSO Active 306046 306000 TipoDeNegocio Industrial 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Jewelry BusinessType The listing is for a Jewelry business. COMS COML BUSO Active 306093 306000 TipoDeNegocio Joyería 20181226T0000 20171010T0000 1.4.0 20181226T0000 Landscaping BusinessType The listing is for a Landscaping business. COMS COML BUSO Active 306094 306000 TipoDeNegocio Paisajismo 20181226T0000 20171010T0000 1.4.0 20181226T0000 Laundromat BusinessType The listing is for a laundromat business. COMS COML BUSO Active 306047 306000 TipoDeNegocio Lavandería 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Liquor Store BusinessType The listing is for a liquor store business. COMS COML BUSO Active 306048 306000 TipoDeNegocio Licorería 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Locksmith BusinessType The listing is for a Locksmith business. COMS COML BUSO Active 306095 306000 TipoDeNegocio Cerrajería 20181226T0000 20171010T0000 1.4.0 20181226T0000 Manufacturing BusinessType The listing is for a manufacturing business. COMS COML BUSO Active 306049 306000 TipoDeNegocio Manufactura 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20170206T0000 Medical BusinessType The listing is for a medical business. COMS COML BUSO Active 306050 306000 TipoDeNegocio Médico 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20170206T0000 Mixed BusinessType The listing is for a mixed business. COMS COML BUSO Active 306051 306000 TipoDeNegocio Mixto 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Mobile/Trailer Park BusinessType The listing is for a mobile/trailer park business. COMS COML BUSO Active 306052 306000 TipoDeNegocio Parque de Casas Móviles/Remolques 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20170113T0000 Music BusinessType The listing is for a Music business. COMS COML BUSO Active 306096 306000 TipoDeNegocio Música 20181226T0000 20171010T0000 1.4.0 20181226T0000 Nursing Home BusinessType The listing is for a nursing home business. COMS COML BUSO Active 306053 306000 TipoDeNegocio Hogar de Ancianos 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Office Supply BusinessType The listing is for an Office Supply business. COMS COML BUSO Active 306097 306000 TipoDeNegocio Suministros de Oficina 20181226T0000 20171010T0000 1.4.0 20181226T0000 Other BusinessType The listing is for an other business. COMS COML BUSO Active 306054 306000 TipoDeNegocio Otro 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Paints BusinessType The listing is for a Paints business. COMS COML BUSO Active 306098 306000 TipoDeNegocio Pinturas 20181226T0000 20171010T0000 1.4.0 20181226T0000 Parking BusinessType The listing is for a parking business. COMS COML BUSO Active 306055 306000 TipoDeNegocio Estacionamiento 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20170113T0000 Pet Store BusinessType The listing is for a pet store business. COMS COML BUSO Active 306056 306000 TipoDeNegocio Tienda de Mascotas 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20170120T0000 Photographer BusinessType The listing is for a Photographer business. COMS COML BUSO Active 306099 306000 TipoDeNegocio Fotografía 20181226T0000 20171010T0000 1.4.0 20181226T0000 Pizza BusinessType The listing is for a Pizza business. COMS COML BUSO Active 306100 306000 TipoDeNegocio Pizza 20181226T0000 20171010T0000 1.4.0 20181226T0000 Printing BusinessType The listing is for a printing business. COMS COML BUSO Active 306057 306000 TipoDeNegocio Impresiones 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20170120T0000 Professional Service BusinessType The listing is for a professional service business. COMS COML BUSO Active 306058 306000 TipoDeNegocio Servicios Profesionales 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Professional/Office BusinessType The listing is for a professional/office business. COMS COML BUSO Active 306059 306000 TipoDeNegocio Profesional/Oficina 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20170206T0000 Real Estate BusinessType The listing is for a Real Estate business. COMS COML BUSO Active 306101 306000 TipoDeNegocio Bienes Raíces 20181226T0000 20171010T0000 1.4.0 20181226T0000 Recreation BusinessType The listing is for a recreation business. COMS COML BUSO Active 306060 306000 TipoDeNegocio Recreo 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Rental BusinessType The listing is for a Rental business. COMS COML BUSO Active 306102 306000 TipoDeNegocio Alquiler 20181226T0000 20171010T0000 1.4.0 20181226T0000 Residential BusinessType The listing is for a residential business. COMS COML BUSO Active 306061 306000 TipoDeNegocio Residencial 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Restaurant BusinessType The listing is for a restaurant business. COMS COML BUSO Active 306062 306000 TipoDeNegocio Restaurante 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20170113T0000 Retail BusinessType The listing is for a retail business. COMS COML BUSO Active 306063 306000 TipoDeNegocio Venta a Detalle 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20170206T0000 Saddlery/Harness BusinessType The listing is for a Saddlery/Harness business. COMS COML BUSO Active 306103 306000 TipoDeNegocio Guarnicionería/Arneses 20181226T0000 20171010T0000 1.4.0 20181226T0000 Sporting Goods BusinessType The listing is for a sporting goods business. COMS COML BUSO Active 306064 306000 TipoDeNegocio Bienes Deportivos 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Storage BusinessType The listing is for a storage business. COMS COML BUSO Active 306065 306000 TipoDeNegocio Almacenamiento 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Toys BusinessType The listing is for a Toys business. COMS COML BUSO Active 306104 306000 TipoDeNegocio Juguetes 20181226T0000 20171010T0000 1.4.0 20181226T0000 Transportation BusinessType The listing is for a transportation business. COMS COML BUSO Active 306066 306000 TipoDeNegocio Transporte 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20170206T0000 Travel BusinessType The listing is for a Travel business. COMS COML BUSO Active 306105 306000 TipoDeNegocio Viajes 20181226T0000 20171010T0000 1.4.0 20181226T0000 Upholstery BusinessType The listing is for an Upholstery business. COMS COML BUSO Active 306106 306000 TipoDeNegocio Tapicería 20181226T0000 20171010T0000 1.4.0 20181226T0000 Utility BusinessType The listing is for a Utility business. COMS COML BUSO Active 306107 306000 TipoDeNegocio Servicios Públicos 20181226T0000 20171010T0000 1.4.0 20181226T0000 Variety BusinessType The listing is for a Variety business. COMS COML BUSO Active 306108 306000 TipoDeNegocio Variedades 20181226T0000 20171010T0000 1.4.0 20181226T0000 Video BusinessType The listing is for a Video business. COMS COML BUSO Active 306067 306000 TipoDeNegocio Vídeo 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Wallpaper BusinessType The listing is for a Wallpaper business. COMS COML BUSO Active 306109 306000 TipoDeNegocio Empapelado 20181226T0000 20171010T0000 1.4.0 20181226T0000 Warehouse BusinessType The listing is for a warehouse business. COMS COML BUSO Active 306068 306000 TipoDeNegocio Bodega 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Wholesale BusinessType The listing is for a wholesale business. COMS COML BUSO Active 306069 306000 TipoDeNegocio Venta al Por Mayor 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Accredited Buyer's Representative / ABR BuyerAgentDesignation The Accredited Buyer’s Representative (ABR®) designation is designed for real estate buyer agents who focus on working directly with buyer-clients. http://www.rebac.net/abr RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 390001 390000 DenominaciónDeAgenteComprador Representante Acreditado del Comprador / ABR 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Accredited Land Consultant / ALC BuyerAgentDesignation Accredited Land Consultants (ALCs) are the most trusted, knowledgeable, experienced, and highest-producing experts in all segments of land. Conferred by the REALTORS® Land Institute, the designation requires successful completion of a rigorous LANDU education program, a specific, high-volume and experience level, and adherence to an honorable Code of Conduct. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/alc RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 390002 390000 DenominaciónDeAgenteComprador Consultor Acreditado de Inmuebles / ALC 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 At Home With Diversity / AHWD BuyerAgentDesignation Learn to work effectively with – and within – today’s diverse real estate market. The At Home With Diversity certification teaches you how to conduct your business with sensitivity to all client profiles and build a business plan to successfully serve them. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/ahwd RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 390003 390000 DenominaciónDeAgenteComprador At Home With Diversity / AHWD 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Certified Commercial Investment Member / CCIM BuyerAgentDesignation The Certified Commercial Investment Member (CCIM) designation is commercial real estate’s global standard for professional achievement, earned through an extensive curriculum of 200 classroom hours and professional experiential requirements. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/ccim RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 390004 390000 DenominaciónDeAgenteComprador Socio Certificado de Inversiones Comerciales / CCIM 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Certified Distressed Property Expert / CDPE BuyerAgentDesignation A Certified Distressed Property Expert® (CDPE) has a thorough understanding of complex issues in today’s turbulent real estate industry and knowledge of foreclosure avoidance options available to homeowners. CDPEs can provide solutions, specifically short sales, for homeowners facing market hardships. http://www.cdpe.com/ RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 390005 390000 DenominaciónDeAgenteComprador Experto Certificado de Propiedades en Dificultades / CDPE 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Certified International Property Specialist / CIPS BuyerAgentDesignation The CIPS designation is for REALTORS® from the United States and abroad, as well as association staff and volunteer leaders who wish to develop or grow their international real estate business. It will provide you with the knowledge, research, network, and tools to globalize your business. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/cips-designation RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 390006 390000 DenominaciónDeAgenteComprador Especialista Internacional Certificado en Propiedades / CIPS 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Certified Property Manager / CPM BuyerAgentDesignation Certified Property Managers® (CPM®) are recognized as experts in real estate management, and they are at the top of the profession. 70% of those who hold the CPM® designation hold the highest management positions in their offices (owner/partner/officer/director). https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/cpm RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 390007 390000 DenominaciónDeAgenteComprador Agente Inmobiliario Certificado / CPM 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Certified Real Estate Brokerage Manager / CRB BuyerAgentDesignation The Certified Real Estate Brokerage Manager (CRB) Designation raises professional standards, strengthens individual and office performance, and indicates expertise in brokerage management. This designation represents the highest level of professional achievement in real estate brokerage management. You do not need a broker's license to earn the CRB Designation. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/crb RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 390008 390000 DenominaciónDeAgenteComprador Administrador Certificado de Corretaje de Bienes Raíces / CRB 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Certified Real Estate Team Specialist / C-RETS BuyerAgentDesignation The Certified Real Estate Team Specialist certification is designed to improve team development, individual leadership skills, and financial performance. The courses provide the tools, strategies, and knowledge that are required of today’s real estate professionals who are either considering or currently operating in a team environment. It is for team leaders, team members, those looking to start a team, and those who simply want to sharpen their management skills. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/c-rets RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 390009 390000 DenominaciónDeAgenteComprador Especialista Certificado de Equipos de Bienes Raíces / C-RETS 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Certified Residential Specialist / CRS BuyerAgentDesignation Certified Residential Specialist (CRS) is the highest credential awarded to residential sales agents, managers and brokers. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/crs RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 390010 390000 DenominaciónDeAgenteComprador Especialista Residencial Certificado / CRS 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Counselor of Real Estate / CRE BuyerAgentDesignation The Counselors of Real Estate® is an international group of recognized professionals who provide seasoned, expert, objective advice on real property and land-related matters. Only 1,100 practitioners throughout the world carry the CRE® designation. Membership is by invitation only. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/cre RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 390011 390000 DenominaciónDeAgenteComprador Asesor de Bienes Raíces / CRE 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 e-PRO BuyerAgentDesignation NAR's e-PRO® certification teaches you to use cutting-edge technologies and digital initiatives to link up with today's savvy real estate consumer. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/e-pro RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 390012 390000 DenominaciónDeAgenteComprador e-PRO 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 General Accredited Appraiser / GAA BuyerAgentDesignation For general appraisers, this designation is awarded to those whose education and experience exceed state appraisal certification requirements and is supported by the National Association of REALTORS®. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/gaa RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 390013 390000 DenominaciónDeAgenteComprador Tasador General Acreditado / GAA 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Graduate, REALTOR Institute / GRI BuyerAgentDesignation REALTORS® with the GRI designation have in-depth training in legal and regulatory issues, technology, professional standards, and the sales process. Earning the designation is a way to stand out to prospective buyers and sellers as a professional with expertise in these areas. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/gri RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 390014 390000 DenominaciónDeAgenteComprador Graduado, Instituto de Agentes de Bienes Raíces / GRI 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Military Relocation Professional / MRP BuyerAgentDesignation NAR's Military Relocation Professional certification focuses on educating real estate professionals about working with current and former military service members to find housing solutions that best suit their needs and take full advantage of military benefits and support. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/mrp RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 390015 390000 DenominaciónDeAgenteComprador Profesional de Reubicación Militar / MRP 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 NAR's Green Designation / GREEN BuyerAgentDesignation Through NAR's Green Designation, the Green Resource Council provides ongoing education, resources and tools to help real estate practitioners find, understand, and market properties with green features. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/green RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 390016 390000 DenominaciónDeAgenteComprador Denominación Verde de NAR / GREEN 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Performance Management Network / PMN BuyerAgentDesignation This designation is unique to the REALTOR® family designations, emphasizing that in order to enhance your business, you must enhance yourself. It focuses on negotiating strategies and tactics, networking and referrals, business planning and systems, personal performance management and leadership development. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/pmn RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 390017 390000 DenominaciónDeAgenteComprador Red de Gestión del Rendimiento / PMN 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Pricing Strategy Advisor / PSA BuyerAgentDesignation Enhance your skills in pricing properties, creating CMAs, working with appraisers, and guiding clients through the anxieties and misperceptions they often have about home values with NAR’s PSA (Pricing Strategy Advisor) certification. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/psa RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 390018 390000 DenominaciónDeAgenteComprador Asesor de Estrategia de Precios / PSA 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Real Estate Negotiation Expert / RENE BuyerAgentDesignation This certification is for real estate professionals who want to sharpen their negotiation skills. The RENE certification program gives REALTORS® the tips and tools they need to be skillful advocates for their clients. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/rene RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 390019 390000 DenominaciónDeAgenteComprador Experto en Negociación Inmobiliaria / RENE 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 REALTOR Association Certified Executive / RCE BuyerAgentDesignation RCE is the only professional designation designed specifically for REALTOR® association executives. RCE designees exemplify goal-oriented AEs with drive, experience and commitment to professional growth. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/rce RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 390020 390000 DenominaciónDeAgenteComprador Ejecutivo Certificado de la Asociación de Agentes de Bienes Raíces / RCE 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Residential Accredited Appraiser / RAA BuyerAgentDesignation For residential appraisers, this designation is awarded to those whose education and experience exceed state appraisal certification requirements and is supported by the National Association of REALTORS®. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/raa RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 390021 390000 DenominaciónDeAgenteComprador Tasador Residencial Acreditado / RAA 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Resort & Second-Home Property Specialist / RSPS BuyerAgentDesignation This certification is designed for REALTORS® who facilitate the buying, selling, or management of properties for investment, development, retirement, or second homes in a resort, recreational and/or vacation destination are involved in this market niche. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/rsps RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 390022 390000 DenominaciónDeAgenteComprador Especialista en Resorts y Segundas Residencias / RSPS 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Seller Representative Specialist / SRS BuyerAgentDesignation The Seller Representative Specialist (SRS) designation is the premier credential in seller representation. It is designed to elevate professional standards and enhance personal performance. The designation is awarded to real estate practitioners by the Real Estate Business Institute (REBI) who meet specific educational and practical experience criteria. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/seller-representative-specialist-srs RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 390023 390000 DenominaciónDeAgenteComprador Vendedor Especialista Representante / SRS 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Seniors Real Estate Specialist / SRES BuyerAgentDesignation The SRES® Designation program educates REALTORS® on how to profitably and ethically serve the real estate needs of the fastest growing market in real estate, clients age 50+. By earning the SRES® designation, you gain access to valuable member benefits, useful resources, and networking opportunities across the U.S. and Canada to help you in your business. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/sres RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 390024 390000 DenominaciónDeAgenteComprador Especialista en Bienes Raíces para la Tercera Edad / SRES 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Short Sales & Foreclosure Resource / SFR BuyerAgentDesignation The SFR® certification teaches real estate professionals to work with distressed sellers and the finance, tax, and legal professionals who can help them, qualify sellers for short sales, develop a short sale package, negotiate with lenders, safeguard your commission, limit risk, and protect buyers. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/sfr RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 390025 390000 DenominaciónDeAgenteComprador Recurso de Venta al Descubierto y Ejecución Hipotecaria / SFR 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Society of Industrial and Office REALTORS / SIOR BuyerAgentDesignation The SIOR designation is held by only the most knowledgeable, experienced, and successful commercial real estate brokerage specialists. To earn it, designees must meet standards of experience, production, education, ethics, and provide recommendations. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/sior RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 390026 390000 DenominaciónDeAgenteComprador Sociedad de Agentes de Bienes Raíces de Áreas Industriales y de Oficina / SIOR 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Transnational Referral Certification / TRC BuyerAgentDesignation Real estate professionals who have taken the Transnational Referral Certified (TRC) training, have completed special training on making and receiving client referrals from professionals in other countries. https://worldproperties.com/about-us/international-referrals-and-trc/ RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 390027 390000 DenominaciónDeAgenteComprador Certificación de Referencia Transnacional / TRC 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Assumed BuyerFinancing The buyer assumed a current form of financing. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 322001 322000 FinanciamientoDeComprador Asumido 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Cash BuyerFinancing The buyer paid cash for the property. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 322002 322000 FinanciamientoDeComprador Efectivo 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Contract BuyerFinancing The purchase of a property involves an agreement to perform services, provide product, share of income, or some other agreement as the method of payment for the property. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 322003 322000 FinanciamientoDeComprador Contrato 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Conventional BuyerFinancing The buyer is using conventional financing to purchase the home. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 322004 322000 FinanciamientoDeComprador Convencional 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 FHA BuyerFinancing A loan from an approved provider that follows the guidelines of, and is insured by, the Federal Housing Administration. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 322005 322000 FinanciamientoDeComprador FHA: 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 FHA 203(b) BuyerFinancing The basic home mortgage loan from an approved provider that follows the guidelines of, and is insured by, the Federal Housing Administration. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 322006 322000 FinanciamientoDeComprador FHA 203(b) 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 FHA 203(k) BuyerFinancing A loan, for the rehabilitation and repair of single family residence, from an approved provider that follows the guidelines of, and is insured by, the Federal Housing Administration. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 322007 322000 FinanciamientoDeComprador FHA 203(k) 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Other BuyerFinancing The buyer is using another form of financing that is not included in the options provided in this list. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 322008 322000 FinanciamientoDeComprador Otro 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Private BuyerFinancing Financing is provided by a private party. Private Financing n/a RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 322009 322000 FinanciamientoDeComprador Privado 20160621T0000 20160222T0000 1.4.0 20160528T1200 Seller Financing BuyerFinancing The seller is providing financing to the buyer. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 322010 322000 FinanciamientoDeComprador Financiación del Vendedor 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Trust Deed BuyerFinancing Financing where title of the property is placed with a trustee who secures payment of the loan for a beneficiary. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 322011 322000 FinanciamientoDeComprador Escritura de Fideicomiso 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 USDA BuyerFinancing A loan from an approved provider that follows the guidelines of, and is insured by, the US Department of Agriculture. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 322012 322000 FinanciamientoDeComprador USDA 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 VA BuyerFinancing A loan from an approved provider that follows the guidelines of, and is insured by, the US Department of Veteran's Affairs. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 322013 322000 FinanciamientoDeComprador VA 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Active ChangeType The change to the listing was a change of status to Active provided the measurement of the area. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO HistoryTransactional Active 352001 352000 TipoDeCambio Activo 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Active Under Contract ChangeType The change to the listing was a change of status to Active Under Contract provided the measurement of the area. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO HistoryTransactional Active 352002 352000 TipoDeCambio Activo Bajo Contrato 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Back On Market ChangeType The change to the listing was a change of status to Back On Market provided the measurement of the area. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO HistoryTransactional Active 352003 352000 TipoDeCambio De Regreso al Mercado 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Canceled ChangeType The change to the listing was a change of status to Canceled provided the measurement of the area. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO HistoryTransactional Active 352004 352000 TipoDeCambio Cancelado 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Closed ChangeType The change to the listing was a change of status to Closed provided the measurement of the area. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO HistoryTransactional Active 352005 352000 TipoDeCambio Cerrado 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Deleted ChangeType The change to the listing was a change of status to Deleted provided the measurement of the area. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO HistoryTransactional Active 352006 352000 TipoDeCambio Eliminado 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Expired ChangeType The change to the listing was a change of status to Expired provided the measurement of the area. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO HistoryTransactional Active 352007 352000 TipoDeCambio Expirado 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Hold ChangeType The change to the listing was a change of status to Hold provided the measurement of the area. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO HistoryTransactional Active 352008 352000 TipoDeCambio Retenido 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 New Listing ChangeType The listing is new and hasn't had any status or price changes since its original input. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO HistoryTransactional Active 352009 352000 TipoDeCambio Nuevo Listado 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Pending ChangeType The change to the listing was a change of status to Pending provided the measurement of the area. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO HistoryTransactional Active 352010 352000 TipoDeCambio Pendiente 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Price Change ChangeType The change to the listing was a change to the ListPrice. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO HistoryTransactional Active 352011 352000 TipoDeCambio Cambio de Precio 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Withdrawn ChangeType The change to the listing was a change of status to Withdrawn provided the measurement of the area. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO HistoryTransactional Active 352012 352000 TipoDeCambio Retirado 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Business Opportunity ClassName The class, sometimes known as property type, is a business for sale. Media HistoryTransactional SavedSearch Active 323001 323000 NombreDeClase Oportunidad de Negocio 20150721T0000 20150812T0000 1.4.0 20150812T0000 Commercial Lease ClassName The class, sometimes known as property type, is a commercial property for lease. Media HistoryTransactional SavedSearch Active 323002 323000 NombreDeClase Arrendamiento Comercial 20150721T0000 20150812T0000 1.4.0 20150812T0000 Commercial Sale ClassName The class, sometimes known as property type, is a commercial property for sale. Media HistoryTransactional SavedSearch Active 323003 323000 NombreDeClase Venta Comercial 20150721T0000 20150812T0000 1.4.0 20150812T0000 Contacts ClassName The class is the collection of the member's contacts/clients. Media HistoryTransactional SavedSearch Active 323004 323000 NombreDeClase Contactos 20150721T0000 20150812T0000 1.4.0 20150812T0000 Cross Property ClassName The class, sometimes known as property type, is a collection of all listing property types. Media HistoryTransactional SavedSearch Active 323005 323000 NombreDeClase Distintas Propiedades 20150721T0000 20150812T0000 1.4.0 20150812T0000 Farm ClassName The class, sometimes known as property type, is a farm. Media HistoryTransactional SavedSearch Active 323006 323000 NombreDeClase Granja 20150721T0000 20150812T0000 1.4.0 20150812T0000 History Transactional ClassName The class is the transactional history of another class. Media HistoryTransactional SavedSearch Active 323007 323000 NombreDeClase Transaccional Histórico 20150721T0000 20150812T0000 1.4.0 20150812T0000 Land ClassName The class, sometimes known as property type, is land for sale or lease. Media HistoryTransactional SavedSearch Active 323008 323000 NombreDeClase Tierra 20150721T0000 20150812T0000 1.4.0 20150812T0000 Manufactured In Park ClassName The class, sometimes known as property type, is a manufactured or mobile home in a mobile park. Media HistoryTransactional SavedSearch Active 323009 323000 NombreDeClase Fabricado en el Parque 20160621T0000 20150917T0000 1.4.0 20160528T1200 Media ClassName The class is one that contains records referencing media files. Media HistoryTransactional SavedSearch Active 323010 323000 NombreDeClase Medios 20150721T0000 20150812T0000 1.4.0 20150812T0000 Member ClassName The class containing member records. Agent Media HistoryTransactional SavedSearch Active 323011 323000 NombreDeClase Miembro 20170809T0000 20170117T0000 1.4.0 20170809T0000 Office ClassName The class containing office records. Media HistoryTransactional SavedSearch Active 323012 323000 NombreDeClase Oficina 20150721T0000 20150812T0000 1.4.0 20150812T0000 Open House ClassName The class containing Open House records. Media HistoryTransactional SavedSearch Active 323013 323000 NombreDeClase Jornada de Puertas Abiertas 20150721T0000 20150812T0000 1.4.0 20150812T0000 Residential ClassName The class, sometimes known as property type, is residential property for sale. Media HistoryTransactional SavedSearch Active 323014 323000 NombreDeClase Residencial 20150721T0000 20150812T0000 1.4.0 20150812T0000 Residential Income ClassName The class, sometimes known as property type, is income or multi-family property for sale. Media HistoryTransactional SavedSearch Active 323015 323000 NombreDeClase Ingresos Residenciales 20150721T0000 20150812T0000 1.4.0 20150812T0000 Residential Lease ClassName The class, sometimes known as property type, is residential property for lease. Media HistoryTransactional SavedSearch Active 323016 323000 NombreDeClase Arrendamiento Residencial 20150721T0000 20150812T0000 1.4.0 20150812T0000 Saved Search ClassName The class containing saved search data. Media HistoryTransactional SavedSearch Active 323017 323000 NombreDeClase Búsqueda Guardada 20150721T0000 20150812T0000 1.4.0 20150812T0000 Accredited Buyer's Representative / ABR CoBuyerAgentDesignation The Accredited Buyer’s Representative (ABR®) designation is designed for real estate buyer agents who focus on working directly with buyer-clients. http://www.rebac.net/abr RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 391001 391000 DenominaciónDeAgenteCo-Comprador Representante Acreditado del Comprador / ABR 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Accredited Land Consultant / ALC CoBuyerAgentDesignation Accredited Land Consultants (ALCs) are the most trusted, knowledgeable, experienced, and highest-producing experts in all segments of land. Conferred by the REALTORS® Land Institute, the designation requires successful completion of a rigorous LANDU education program, a specific, high-volume and experience level, and adherence to an honorable Code of Conduct. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/alc RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 391002 391000 DenominaciónDeAgenteCo-Comprador Consultor Acreditado de Inmuebles / ALC 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 At Home With Diversity / AHWD CoBuyerAgentDesignation Learn to work effectively with – and within – today’s diverse real estate market. The At Home With Diversity certification teaches you how to conduct your business with sensitivity to all client profiles and build a business plan to successfully serve them. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/ahwd RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 391003 391000 DenominaciónDeAgenteCo-Comprador At Home With Diversity / AHWD 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Certified Commercial Investment Member / CCIM CoBuyerAgentDesignation The Certified Commercial Investment Member (CCIM) designation is commercial real estate’s global standard for professional achievement, earned through an extensive curriculum of 200 classroom hours and professional experiential requirements. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/ccim RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 391004 391000 DenominaciónDeAgenteCo-Comprador Socio Certificado de Inversiones Comerciales / CCIM 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Certified Distressed Property Expert / CDPE CoBuyerAgentDesignation A Certified Distressed Property Expert® (CDPE) has a thorough understanding of complex issues in today’s turbulent real estate industry and knowledge of foreclosure avoidance options available to homeowners. CDPEs can provide solutions, specifically short sales, for homeowners facing market hardships. http://www.cdpe.com/ RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 391005 391000 DenominaciónDeAgenteCo-Comprador Experto Certificado de Propiedades en Dificultades / CDPE 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Certified International Property Specialist / CIPS CoBuyerAgentDesignation The CIPS designation is for REALTORS® from the United States and abroad, as well as association staff and volunteer leaders who wish to develop or grow their international real estate business. It will provide you with the knowledge, research, network, and tools to globalize your business. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/cips-designation RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 391006 391000 DenominaciónDeAgenteCo-Comprador Especialista Internacional Certificado en Propiedades / CIPS 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Certified Property Manager / CPM CoBuyerAgentDesignation Certified Property Managers® (CPM®) are recognized as experts in real estate management, and they are at the top of the profession. 70% of those who hold the CPM® designation hold the highest management positions in their offices (owner/partner/officer/director). https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/cpm RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 391007 391000 DenominaciónDeAgenteCo-Comprador Agente Inmobiliario Certificado / CPM 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Certified Real Estate Brokerage Manager / CRB CoBuyerAgentDesignation The Certified Real Estate Brokerage Manager (CRB) Designation raises professional standards, strengthens individual and office performance, and indicates expertise in brokerage management. This designation represents the highest level of professional achievement in real estate brokerage management. You do not need a broker's license to earn the CRB Designation. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/crb RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 391008 391000 DenominaciónDeAgenteCo-Comprador Administrador Certificado de Corretaje de Bienes Raíces / CRB 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Certified Real Estate Team Specialist / C-RETS CoBuyerAgentDesignation The Certified Real Estate Team Specialist certification is designed to improve team development, individual leadership skills, and financial performance. The courses provide the tools, strategies, and knowledge that are required of today’s real estate professionals who are either considering or currently operating in a team environment. It is for team leaders, team members, those looking to start a team, and those who simply want to sharpen their management skills. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/c-rets RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 391009 391000 DenominaciónDeAgenteCo-Comprador Especialista Certificado de Equipos de Bienes Raíces / C-RETS 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Certified Residential Specialist / CRS CoBuyerAgentDesignation Certified Residential Specialist (CRS) is the highest credential awarded to residential sales agents, managers and brokers. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/crs RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 391010 391000 DenominaciónDeAgenteCo-Comprador Especialista Residencial Certificado / CRS 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Counselor of Real Estate / CRE CoBuyerAgentDesignation The Counselors of Real Estate® is an international group of recognized professionals who provide seasoned, expert, objective advice on real property and land-related matters. Only 1,100 practitioners throughout the world carry the CRE® designation. Membership is by invitation only. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/cre RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 391011 391000 DenominaciónDeAgenteCo-Comprador Asesor de Bienes Raíces / CRE 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 e-PRO CoBuyerAgentDesignation NAR's e-PRO® certification teaches you to use cutting-edge technologies and digital initiatives to link up with today's savvy real estate consumer. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/e-pro RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 391012 391000 DenominaciónDeAgenteCo-Comprador e-PRO 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 General Accredited Appraiser / GAA CoBuyerAgentDesignation For general appraisers, this designation is awarded to those whose education and experience exceed state appraisal certification requirements and is supported by the National Association of REALTORS®. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/gaa RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 391013 391000 DenominaciónDeAgenteCo-Comprador Tasador General Acreditado / GAA 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Graduate, REALTOR Institute / GRI CoBuyerAgentDesignation REALTORS® with the GRI designation have in-depth training in legal and regulatory issues, technology, professional standards, and the sales process. Earning the designation is a way to stand out to prospective buyers and sellers as a professional with expertise in these areas. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/gri RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 391014 391000 DenominaciónDeAgenteCo-Comprador Graduado, Instituto de Agentes de Bienes Raíces / GRI 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Military Relocation Professional / MRP CoBuyerAgentDesignation NAR's Military Relocation Professional certification focuses on educating real estate professionals about working with current and former military service members to find housing solutions that best suit their needs and take full advantage of military benefits and support. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/mrp RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 391015 391000 DenominaciónDeAgenteCo-Comprador Profesional de Reubicación Militar / MRP 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 NAR's Green Designation / GREEN CoBuyerAgentDesignation Through NAR's Green Designation, the Green Resource Council provides ongoing education, resources and tools to help real estate practitioners find, understand, and market properties with green features. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/green RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 391016 391000 DenominaciónDeAgenteCo-Comprador Denominación Verde de NAR / GREEN 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Performance Management Network / PMN CoBuyerAgentDesignation This designation is unique to the REALTOR® family designations, emphasizing that in order to enhance your business, you must enhance yourself. It focuses on negotiating strategies and tactics, networking and referrals, business planning and systems, personal performance management and leadership development. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/pmn RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 391017 391000 DenominaciónDeAgenteCo-Comprador Red de Gestión del Rendimiento / PMN 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Pricing Strategy Advisor / PSA CoBuyerAgentDesignation Enhance your skills in pricing properties, creating CMAs, working with appraisers, and guiding clients through the anxieties and misperceptions they often have about home values with NAR’s PSA (Pricing Strategy Advisor) certification. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/psa RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 391018 391000 DenominaciónDeAgenteCo-Comprador Asesor de Estrategia de Precios / PSA 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Real Estate Negotiation Expert / RENE CoBuyerAgentDesignation This certification is for real estate professionals who want to sharpen their negotiation skills. The RENE certification program gives REALTORS® the tips and tools they need to be skillful advocates for their clients. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/rene RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 391019 391000 DenominaciónDeAgenteCo-Comprador Experto en Negociación Inmobiliaria / RENE 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 REALTOR Association Certified Executive / RCE CoBuyerAgentDesignation RCE is the only professional designation designed specifically for REALTOR® association executives. RCE designees exemplify goal-oriented AEs with drive, experience and commitment to professional growth. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/rce RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 391020 391000 DenominaciónDeAgenteCo-Comprador Ejecutivo Certificado de la Asociación de Agentes de Bienes Raíces / RCE 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Residential Accredited Appraiser / RAA CoBuyerAgentDesignation For residential appraisers, this designation is awarded to those whose education and experience exceed state appraisal certification requirements and is supported by the National Association of REALTORS®. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/raa RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 391021 391000 DenominaciónDeAgenteCo-Comprador Tasador Residencial Acreditado / RAA 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Resort & Second-Home Property Specialist / RSPS CoBuyerAgentDesignation This certification is designed for REALTORS® who facilitate the buying, selling, or management of properties for investment, development, retirement, or second homes in a resort, recreational and/or vacation destination are involved in this market niche. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/rsps RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 391022 391000 DenominaciónDeAgenteCo-Comprador Especialista en Resorts y Segundas Residencias / RSPS 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Seller Representative Specialist / SRS CoBuyerAgentDesignation The Seller Representative Specialist (SRS) designation is the premier credential in seller representation. It is designed to elevate professional standards and enhance personal performance. The designation is awarded to real estate practitioners by the Real Estate Business Institute (REBI) who meet specific educational and practical experience criteria. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/seller-representative-specialist-srs RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 391023 391000 DenominaciónDeAgenteCo-Comprador Vendedor Especialista Representante / SRS 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Seniors Real Estate Specialist / SRES CoBuyerAgentDesignation The SRES® Designation program educates REALTORS® on how to profitably and ethically serve the real estate needs of the fastest growing market in real estate, clients age 50+. By earning the SRES® designation, you gain access to valuable member benefits, useful resources, and networking opportunities across the U.S. and Canada to help you in your business. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/sres RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 391024 391000 DenominaciónDeAgenteCo-Comprador Especialista en Bienes Raíces para la Tercera Edad / SRES 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Short Sales & Foreclosure Resource / SFR CoBuyerAgentDesignation The SFR® certification teaches real estate professionals to work with distressed sellers and the finance, tax, and legal professionals who can help them, qualify sellers for short sales, develop a short sale package, negotiate with lenders, safeguard your commission, limit risk, and protect buyers. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/sfr RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 391025 391000 DenominaciónDeAgenteCo-Comprador Recurso de Venta al Descubierto y Ejecución Hipotecaria / SFR 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Society of Industrial and Office REALTORS / SIOR CoBuyerAgentDesignation The SIOR designation is held by only the most knowledgeable, experienced, and successful commercial real estate brokerage specialists. To earn it, designees must meet standards of experience, production, education, ethics, and provide recommendations. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/sior RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 391026 391000 DenominaciónDeAgenteCo-Comprador Sociedad de Agentes de Bienes Raíces de Áreas Industriales y de Oficina / SIOR 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Transnational Referral Certification / TRC CoBuyerAgentDesignation Real estate professionals who have taken the Transnational Referral Certified (TRC) training, have completed special training on making and receiving client referrals from professionals in other countries. https://worldproperties.com/about-us/international-referrals-and-trc/ RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 391027 391000 DenominaciónDeAgenteCo-Comprador Certificación de Referencia Transnacional / TRC 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Accredited Buyer's Representative / ABR CoListAgentDesignation The Accredited Buyer’s Representative (ABR®) designation is designed for real estate buyer agents who focus on working directly with buyer-clients. http://www.rebac.net/abr RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 392001 392000 DenominaciónDeAgenteCo-Enlistado Representante Acreditado del Comprador / ABR 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Accredited Land Consultant / ALC CoListAgentDesignation Accredited Land Consultants (ALCs) are the most trusted, knowledgeable, experienced, and highest-producing experts in all segments of land. Conferred by the REALTORS® Land Institute, the designation requires successful completion of a rigorous LANDU education program, a specific, high-volume and experience level, and adherence to an honorable Code of Conduct. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/alc RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 392002 392000 DenominaciónDeAgenteCo-Enlistado Consultor Acreditado de Inmuebles / ALC 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 At Home With Diversity / AHWD CoListAgentDesignation Learn to work effectively with – and within – today’s diverse real estate market. The At Home With Diversity certification teaches you how to conduct your business with sensitivity to all client profiles and build a business plan to successfully serve them. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/ahwd RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 392003 392000 DenominaciónDeAgenteCo-Enlistado At Home With Diversity / AHWD 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Certified Commercial Investment Member / CCIM CoListAgentDesignation The Certified Commercial Investment Member (CCIM) designation is commercial real estate’s global standard for professional achievement, earned through an extensive curriculum of 200 classroom hours and professional experiential requirements. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/ccim RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 392004 392000 DenominaciónDeAgenteCo-Enlistado Socio Certificado de Inversiones Comerciales / CCIM 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Certified Distressed Property Expert / CDPE CoListAgentDesignation A Certified Distressed Property Expert® (CDPE) has a thorough understanding of complex issues in today’s turbulent real estate industry and knowledge of foreclosure avoidance options available to homeowners. CDPEs can provide solutions, specifically short sales, for homeowners facing market hardships. http://www.cdpe.com/ RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 392005 392000 DenominaciónDeAgenteCo-Enlistado Experto Certificado de Propiedades en Dificultades / CDPE 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Certified International Property Specialist / CIPS CoListAgentDesignation The CIPS designation is for REALTORS® from the United States and abroad, as well as association staff and volunteer leaders who wish to develop or grow their international real estate business. It will provide you with the knowledge, research, network, and tools to globalize your business. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/cips-designation RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 392006 392000 DenominaciónDeAgenteCo-Enlistado Especialista Internacional Certificado en Propiedades / CIPS 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Certified Property Manager / CPM CoListAgentDesignation Certified Property Managers® (CPM®) are recognized as experts in real estate management, and they are at the top of the profession. 70% of those who hold the CPM® designation hold the highest management positions in their offices (owner/partner/officer/director). https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/cpm RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 392007 392000 DenominaciónDeAgenteCo-Enlistado Agente Inmobiliario Certificado / CPM 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Certified Real Estate Brokerage Manager / CRB CoListAgentDesignation The Certified Real Estate Brokerage Manager (CRB) Designation raises professional standards, strengthens individual and office performance, and indicates expertise in brokerage management. This designation represents the highest level of professional achievement in real estate brokerage management. You do not need a broker's license to earn the CRB Designation. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/crb RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 392008 392000 DenominaciónDeAgenteCo-Enlistado Administrador Certificado de Corretaje de Bienes Raíces / CRB 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Certified Real Estate Team Specialist / C-RETS CoListAgentDesignation The Certified Real Estate Team Specialist certification is designed to improve team development, individual leadership skills, and financial performance. The courses provide the tools, strategies, and knowledge that are required of today’s real estate professionals who are either considering or currently operating in a team environment. It is for team leaders, team members, those looking to start a team, and those who simply want to sharpen their management skills. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/c-rets RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 392009 392000 DenominaciónDeAgenteCo-Enlistado Especialista Certificado de Equipos de Bienes Raíces / C-RETS 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Certified Residential Specialist / CRS CoListAgentDesignation Certified Residential Specialist (CRS) is the highest credential awarded to residential sales agents, managers and brokers. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/crs RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 392010 392000 DenominaciónDeAgenteCo-Enlistado Especialista Residencial Certificado / CRS 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Counselor of Real Estate / CRE CoListAgentDesignation The Counselors of Real Estate® is an international group of recognized professionals who provide seasoned, expert, objective advice on real property and land-related matters. Only 1,100 practitioners throughout the world carry the CRE® designation. Membership is by invitation only. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/cre RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 392011 392000 DenominaciónDeAgenteCo-Enlistado Asesor de Bienes Raíces / CRE 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 e-PRO CoListAgentDesignation NAR's e-PRO® certification teaches you to use cutting-edge technologies and digital initiatives to link up with today's savvy real estate consumer. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/e-pro RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 392012 392000 DenominaciónDeAgenteCo-Enlistado e-PRO 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 General Accredited Appraiser / GAA CoListAgentDesignation For general appraisers, this designation is awarded to those whose education and experience exceed state appraisal certification requirements and is supported by the National Association of REALTORS®. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/gaa RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 392013 392000 DenominaciónDeAgenteCo-Enlistado Tasador General Acreditado / GAA 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Graduate, REALTOR Institute / GRI CoListAgentDesignation REALTORS® with the GRI designation have in-depth training in legal and regulatory issues, technology, professional standards, and the sales process. Earning the designation is a way to stand out to prospective buyers and sellers as a professional with expertise in these areas. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/gri RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 392014 392000 DenominaciónDeAgenteCo-Enlistado Graduado, Instituto de Agentes de Bienes Raíces / GRI 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Military Relocation Professional / MRP CoListAgentDesignation NAR's Military Relocation Professional certification focuses on educating real estate professionals about working with current and former military service members to find housing solutions that best suit their needs and take full advantage of military benefits and support. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/mrp RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 392015 392000 DenominaciónDeAgenteCo-Enlistado Profesional de Reubicación Militar / MRP 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 NAR's Green Designation / GREEN CoListAgentDesignation Through NAR's Green Designation, the Green Resource Council provides ongoing education, resources and tools to help real estate practitioners find, understand, and market properties with green features. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/green RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 392016 392000 DenominaciónDeAgenteCo-Enlistado Denominación Verde de NAR / GREEN 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Performance Management Network / PMN CoListAgentDesignation This designation is unique to the REALTOR® family designations, emphasizing that in order to enhance your business, you must enhance yourself. It focuses on negotiating strategies and tactics, networking and referrals, business planning and systems, personal performance management and leadership development. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/pmn RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 392017 392000 DenominaciónDeAgenteCo-Enlistado Red de Gestión del Rendimiento / PMN 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Pricing Strategy Advisor / PSA CoListAgentDesignation Enhance your skills in pricing properties, creating CMAs, working with appraisers, and guiding clients through the anxieties and misperceptions they often have about home values with NAR’s PSA (Pricing Strategy Advisor) certification. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/psa RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 392018 392000 DenominaciónDeAgenteCo-Enlistado Asesor de Estrategia de Precios / PSA 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Real Estate Negotiation Expert / RENE CoListAgentDesignation This certification is for real estate professionals who want to sharpen their negotiation skills. The RENE certification program gives REALTORS® the tips and tools they need to be skillful advocates for their clients. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/rene RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 392019 392000 DenominaciónDeAgenteCo-Enlistado Experto en Negociación Inmobiliaria / RENE 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 REALTOR Association Certified Executive / RCE CoListAgentDesignation RCE is the only professional designation designed specifically for REALTOR® association executives. RCE designees exemplify goal-oriented AEs with drive, experience and commitment to professional growth. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/rce RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 392020 392000 DenominaciónDeAgenteCo-Enlistado Ejecutivo Certificado de la Asociación de Agentes de Bienes Raíces / RCE 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Residential Accredited Appraiser / RAA CoListAgentDesignation For residential appraisers, this designation is awarded to those whose education and experience exceed state appraisal certification requirements and is supported by the National Association of REALTORS®. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/raa RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 392021 392000 DenominaciónDeAgenteCo-Enlistado Tasador Residencial Acreditado / RAA 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Resort & Second-Home Property Specialist / RSPS CoListAgentDesignation This certification is designed for REALTORS® who facilitate the buying, selling, or management of properties for investment, development, retirement, or second homes in a resort, recreational and/or vacation destination are involved in this market niche. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/rsps RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 392022 392000 DenominaciónDeAgenteCo-Enlistado Especialista en Resorts y Segundas Residencias / RSPS 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Seller Representative Specialist / SRS CoListAgentDesignation The Seller Representative Specialist (SRS) designation is the premier credential in seller representation. It is designed to elevate professional standards and enhance personal performance. The designation is awarded to real estate practitioners by the Real Estate Business Institute (REBI) who meet specific educational and practical experience criteria. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/seller-representative-specialist-srs RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 392023 392000 DenominaciónDeAgenteCo-Enlistado Vendedor Especialista Representante / SRS 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Seniors Real Estate Specialist / SRES CoListAgentDesignation The SRES® Designation program educates REALTORS® on how to profitably and ethically serve the real estate needs of the fastest growing market in real estate, clients age 50+. By earning the SRES® designation, you gain access to valuable member benefits, useful resources, and networking opportunities across the U.S. and Canada to help you in your business. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/sres RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 392024 392000 DenominaciónDeAgenteCo-Enlistado Especialista en Bienes Raíces para la Tercera Edad / SRES 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Short Sales & Foreclosure Resource / SFR CoListAgentDesignation The SFR® certification teaches real estate professionals to work with distressed sellers and the finance, tax, and legal professionals who can help them, qualify sellers for short sales, develop a short sale package, negotiate with lenders, safeguard your commission, limit risk, and protect buyers. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/sfr RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 392025 392000 DenominaciónDeAgenteCo-Enlistado Recurso de Venta al Descubierto y Ejecución Hipotecaria / SFR 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Society of Industrial and Office REALTORS / SIOR CoListAgentDesignation The SIOR designation is held by only the most knowledgeable, experienced, and successful commercial real estate brokerage specialists. To earn it, designees must meet standards of experience, production, education, ethics, and provide recommendations. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/sior RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 392026 392000 DenominaciónDeAgenteCo-Enlistado Sociedad de Agentes de Bienes Raíces de Áreas Industriales y de Oficina / SIOR 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Transnational Referral Certification / TRC CoListAgentDesignation Real estate professionals who have taken the Transnational Referral Certified (TRC) training, have completed special training on making and receiving client referrals from professionals in other countries. https://worldproperties.com/about-us/international-referrals-and-trc/ RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 392027 392000 DenominaciónDeAgenteCo-Enlistado Certificación de Referencia Transnacional / TRC 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Community Apartment CommonInterest Ownership interest where purchaser receives a partial/fractional interest in the land coupled with the right of exclusive occupancy of an apartment located thereon. The owners elect a governing board which operates and maintains the project. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 388003 388000 InterésComún Apartamento Comunitario 20170809T0000 20161024T0000 1.6.0 20171102T0000 Condominium CommonInterest Ownership of an individual unit where each homeowner only owns their individual unit space, and an undivided share in the ownership of common areas or in a common homeowner’s association (HOA). Generally, the ownership of the individual unit is described in a Condominium Plan and usually consists of ownership of the surface of the walls and the space within. The CC&Rs will detail what building components and other complex amenities are considered part of the common area and will describe the common area or HOA ownership percentages, and maintenance responsibilities. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 388001 388000 InterésComún Condominio 20170809T0000 20161024T0000 1.6.0 20171102T0000 None CommonInterest Ownership of an entire parcel or lot that is not in a CID, or not held subject to any other Common Interest rights. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 388006 388000 InterésComún Ninguno 20170809T0000 20161024T0000 1.6.0 20171102T0000 Planned Development CommonInterest Ownership consisting of an individual lot or parcel, generally including the ownership of the land and any structures on the individual lot or parcel. Owners also receive use right in common areas that are generally owned by a HOA. Some common areas may be reserved for the use of some or all of the individual lot owners. Generally, the CC&Rs will detail the method of management, maintenance, use and control of the common areas and may provide for some control and maintenance of the individual lots. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 388002 388000 InterésComún Desarrollo Planificado 20170809T0000 20161024T0000 1.6.0 20171102T0000 Stock Cooperative CommonInterest Ownership of an interest in a corporation which is formed primarily for the purpose of holding title to improved real property, either in fee simple or for a term of years. All or substantially all of the shareholders receive a right of exclusive occupancy of a portion of the real property, which right is transferable only concurrently with the transfer of the share(s) of stock in the corporation. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 388004 388000 InterésComún Cooperativa de Bolsa 20170809T0000 20161024T0000 1.6.0 20171102T0000 Timeshare CommonInterest Ownership in a time period or a point system granting possession rights to a unit or occupancy rights at a property. The property may be owned either by a number of individuals on a fractional basis, or may be an interest in a corporation each with the right of possession for a specified time interval. Time-sharing is commonly applied to resort and vacation properties. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 388005 388000 InterésComún Multipropiedad 20170809T0000 20161024T0000 1.6.0 20171102T0000 1 Common Wall CommonWalls The dwelling being sold has one common wall with another property that is not part of the sale. Also known as an attached structure. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 325001 325000 ParedesComunales 1 Muro en Común 20160621T0000 20150917T0000 1.4.0 20160528T1200 2+ Common Walls CommonWalls The dwelling being sold has two or more common walls with another property that is not part of the sale. Also known as an attached structure. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 325002 325000 ParedesComunales 2+ Muros en Común 20160621T0000 20150917T0000 1.4.0 20160528T1200 End Unit CommonWalls The dwelling being sold has one or more common walls with another property that is not part of the sale and is at the end of a row of units. Also known as an attached structure. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 325003 325000 ParedesComunales Unidad Final 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 No Common Walls CommonWalls The dwelling being sold has no attached structures that are not part of the sale. Also know as a detached structure. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 325004 325000 ParedesComunales Sin Muros en Común 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 No One Above CommonWalls The property is attached to another dwelling that is not part of the sale, but there is no unit above the one being sold. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 325005 325000 ParedesComunales Nadie Arriba 20160621T0000 20150917T0000 1.4.0 20160528T1200 No One Below CommonWalls The property is attached to another dwelling that is not part of the sale, but there is no unit below the one being sold. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 325006 325000 ParedesComunales Nadie Abajo 20160621T0000 20150917T0000 1.4.0 20160528T1200 Airport/Runway CommunityFeatures The community has an airport or runway. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 449001 449000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Clubhouse CommunityFeatures The community has a clubhouse. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 449002 449000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Curbs CommunityFeatures The community streets have curbs. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 449003 449000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Fishing CommunityFeatures The community has places to go fishing. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 449004 449000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Fitness Center CommunityFeatures The community has a fitness center. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 449005 449000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Gated CommunityFeatures The community is gated. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 449006 449000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Golf CommunityFeatures The community has golfing. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 449007 449000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Lake CommunityFeatures The community has a lake. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 449008 449000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 None CommunityFeatures The community includes no additional features. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 449009 449000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Other CommunityFeatures The community has features beyond those listed in this field. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 449010 449000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Park CommunityFeatures The community has a park. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 449011 449000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Playground CommunityFeatures The community has a playground. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 449012 449000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Pool CommunityFeatures The community has a pool. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 449013 449000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Racquetball CommunityFeatures The community has racquetball facilities. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 449014 449000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Restaurant CommunityFeatures The community has a restaurant. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 449015 449000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Sidewalks CommunityFeatures The community streets have sidewalks. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 449016 449000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Stable(s) CommunityFeatures The community has horse stables. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 449017 449000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Street Lights CommunityFeatures The community streets have lighting. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 449018 449000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Suburban CommunityFeatures The community is a suburban setting. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 449019 449000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Tennis Court(s) CommunityFeatures The community has tennis court(s). RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 449020 449000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 $ CompensationType The value entered in the BuyerAgencyCompensation field is in dollars. Dollar, Dollar Amount RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 307001 307000 TipoDeCompensación $ 20151110T0000 20151110T0000 1.4.0 20151110T0000 % CompensationType The value entered in the BuyerAgencyCompensation field is a percent of the gross compensation. Percent, Percentage RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 307002 307000 TipoDeCompensación % 20151110T0000 20151110T0000 1.4.0 20151110T0000 Other CompensationType A compensation type not included in this list See, Other RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 307004 307000 TipoDeCompensación Otro 20170809T0000 20160805T0000 1.6 20170809T0000 See Remarks CompensationType The Buyer Agency Compensation Type is something other than % or $ or is some special combination of $, %, and other compensation types. See the applicable remarks field for more details about the compensation. See, Other RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 307003 307000 TipoDeCompensación Ver Observaciones 20160621T0000 20151110T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Call Listing Agent Concessions Call the listing agent for information about concessions made/offered by the seller. Call Listing Member RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 354001 354000 Concesiones Llamar al Agente Enlistado 20170809T0000 20170117T0000 1.5.0 20170809T0000 No Concessions There are no concessions included with this listing. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 354002 354000 Concesiones No 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Yes Concessions There are concessions that are part of the listing/sale. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 354003 354000 Concesiones 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Adobe ConstructionMaterials The structure was made wholly or partly with adobe. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 355001 355000 MaterialesDeConcesiones Adobe 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Aluminum Siding ConstructionMaterials The structure was made wholly or partly with aluminum siding. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 355002 355000 MaterialesDeConcesiones Revestimiento de Aluminio 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20170310T0000 Asbestos ConstructionMaterials The structure was made wholly or partly with asbestos. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 355003 355000 MaterialesDeConcesiones Asbesto 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Asphalt ConstructionMaterials The structure was made wholly or partly with asphalt. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 355004 355000 MaterialesDeConcesiones Asfalto 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Attic/Crawl Hatchway(s) Insulated ConstructionMaterials When not insulated, a home’s attic hatch or crawlspace hatch creates one of the biggest gaps in the building envelope, increasing heat loss in winter and heat gain in summer, and making indoor living areas uncomfortable. Insulation standards are clearly defined: <a href="http://www.ornl.gov/sci/roofs+walls/insulation/fact">http://www.ornl.gov/sci/roofs+walls/insulation/fact</a> RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 355047 355000 MaterialesDeConcesiones Ático/Compuerta(s) de Entrepiso con Aislamiento 20160621T0000 20160510T0000 1.5.0 20170120T0000 Batts Insulation ConstructionMaterials Rolls and batts, or blankets, are flexible products made from mineral fibers such as fiberglass and rock wool. Can also be made of cotton and wool. They are available in widths suited to standard spacing of wall studs and attic or floor joists. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 355048 355000 MaterialesDeConcesiones Aislamiento de Rollos 20160621T0000 20160510T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Block ConstructionMaterials The structure was made wholly or partly with block. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 355005 355000 MaterialesDeConcesiones Bloque 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20170206T0000 Blown-In Insulation ConstructionMaterials Blown-in or loose-fill insulation is usually made of fiberglass, rock wool, or cellulose in the form of loose fibers or fiber pellets installed using special pneumatic equipment. The blown-in material conforms readily to odd-sized building cavities and attics with wires, ducts, and pipes, making it well suited for places where it is difficult to effectively install other types of insulation. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 355006 355000 MaterialesDeConcesiones Aislamiento Prensado 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Board & Batten Siding ConstructionMaterials The structure was made wholly or partly with board & batten siding. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 355007 355000 MaterialesDeConcesiones Revestimiento de Tableros y Listones 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Brick ConstructionMaterials The structure was made wholly or partly with brick. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 355008 355000 MaterialesDeConcesiones Ladrillo 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20170120T0000 Brick Veneer ConstructionMaterials The structure was made wholly or partly with brick veneer. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 355009 355000 MaterialesDeConcesiones Revestimiento de Ladrillos 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Cedar ConstructionMaterials The structure was made wholly or partly with cedar. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 355010 355000 MaterialesDeConcesiones Cedro 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20170310T0000 Cement Siding ConstructionMaterials The structure was made wholly or partly with cement siding. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 355011 355000 MaterialesDeConcesiones Revestimiento de Cemento 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Clapboard ConstructionMaterials The structure was made wholly or partly with clapboard. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 355012 355000 MaterialesDeConcesiones Listón 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Concrete ConstructionMaterials The structure was made wholly or partly with concrete. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 355013 355000 MaterialesDeConcesiones Hormigón 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Ducts Professionally Air-Sealed ConstructionMaterials The structure was made wholly or partly with ducts professionally air-sealed. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 355014 355000 MaterialesDeConcesiones Conductos Profesionalmente Sellados con Aire 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Exterior Duct-Work is Insulated ConstructionMaterials DOE estimates that heating and cooling ducts located in unconditioned spaces such as attics and garages can underperform by 60–75 percent. Exterior ducts that are properly insulated can save energy and reduce overall equipment sizing. Insulation standards are clearly defined: <a name="m_-4439061441316115113__MailEndCompose"></a><a href="https://www.energy.gov/energysaver/insulation">https://www.energy.gov/energysaver/insulation</a> RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 355049 355000 MaterialesDeConcesiones Ductos Exteriores Aislados 20170809T0000 20170110T0000 1.5.0 20170809T0000 Fiber Cement ConstructionMaterials The structure was made wholly or partly with fiber cement. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 355015 355000 MaterialesDeConcesiones Fibrocemento 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Fiberglass Siding ConstructionMaterials The structure was made wholly or partly with fiberglass siding. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 355016 355000 MaterialesDeConcesiones Revestimiento de Fibra de Vidrio 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Foam Insulation ConstructionMaterials Spray foam or foam-in-place insulation can be sprayed into walls, on attic surfaces, or under floors to insulate and reduce air leakage. There are two types of foam-in-place insulation: closed-cell and open-cell. Both are typically made with polyurethane. Closed-cell foam has a greater insulation value and provides stronger resistance against moisture and air leakage. Open-cell foam is lighter and less expensive but should not be used below ground level where it could absorb water. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 355050 355000 MaterialesDeConcesiones Aislamiento de Espuma 20160621T0000 20160510T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Frame ConstructionMaterials The structure was made wholly or partly with frame. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 355017 355000 MaterialesDeConcesiones Bastidor 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Glass ConstructionMaterials The structure was made wholly or partly with glass. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 355018 355000 MaterialesDeConcesiones Vidrio 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 HardiPlank Type ConstructionMaterials The structure was made wholly or partly with HardiPlank type. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 355019 355000 MaterialesDeConcesiones Tipo HardiPlank 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 ICAT Recessed Lighting ConstructionMaterials ICAT recessed light fixtures are rated both to safely come in contact with insulation and are better airsealed. ICAT is an acronym for Insulation Contact/AirTight. They can be installed safely with insulation and air sealing. These lights are different from IC (Insulation Contact) fixtures, which are not very airtight. They can also be identified by the wording “Washington State Approved.” Documentation on the installation is recommended because ICAT rating often requires multiple components be used as specified by the manufacturer. Substitutions of components can negate the rating. See: <a href="http://energy.gov/energysaver/articles/tips-lighting">http://energy.gov/energysaver/articles/tips-lighting</a> and <a href="http://energy.gov/energysaver/articles/tips-insulation">http://energy.gov/energysaver/articles/tips-insulation</a> RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 355051 355000 MaterialesDeConcesiones Iluminación Empotrada ICAT 20160621T0000 20160510T0000 1.5.0 20161129T0000 ICFs (Insulated Concrete Forms) ConstructionMaterials The structure was made wholly or partly with insulated concrete forms. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 355020 355000 MaterialesDeConcesiones Moldes de Hormigón Aislados (ICF) 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Lap Siding ConstructionMaterials The structure was made wholly or partly with lap siding. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 355021 355000 MaterialesDeConcesiones Revestimiento de Tablas 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Log ConstructionMaterials The structure was made wholly or partly with log. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 355022 355000 MaterialesDeConcesiones Tronco 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20170120T0000 Log Siding ConstructionMaterials The structure was made wholly or partly with log siding. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 355023 355000 MaterialesDeConcesiones Revestimiento de Troncos 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Low VOC Insulation ConstructionMaterials Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are emitted as gases from certain solids or liquids. Different types of insulation can be certified for having low VOC content by third-party verifiers such as GreenGuard. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 355052 355000 MaterialesDeConcesiones Aislamiento de Bajos Compuestos Orgánicos Volátiles 20160621T0000 20160510T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Masonite ConstructionMaterials The structure was made wholly or partly with Masonite. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 355024 355000 MaterialesDeConcesiones Masonite 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Metal Siding ConstructionMaterials The structure was made wholly or partly with metal siding. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 355025 355000 MaterialesDeConcesiones Revestimiento de Metal 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Natural Building ConstructionMaterials The structure was made wholly or partly with natural building. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 355026 355000 MaterialesDeConcesiones Edificio Natural 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Other ConstructionMaterials The structure was made wholly or partly with other. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 355027 355000 MaterialesDeConcesiones Otro 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Plaster ConstructionMaterials The structure was made wholly or partly with plaster. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 355028 355000 MaterialesDeConcesiones Yeso 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Radiant Barrier ConstructionMaterials The structure was made wholly or partly with radiant barrier. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 355029 355000 MaterialesDeConcesiones Barrera Radiante 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Rammed Earth ConstructionMaterials The structure was made wholly or partly with rammed earth. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 355030 355000 MaterialesDeConcesiones Tierra Apisonada 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Recycled/Bio-Based Insulation ConstructionMaterials Insulation can be made from natural or recycled materials ranging from paper to soy to denim, using sustainable materials to improve energy efficiency. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 355053 355000 MaterialesDeConcesiones Aislamiento Reciclado/de Base Biológica 20160621T0000 20160510T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Redwood Siding ConstructionMaterials The structure was made wholly or partly with redwood siding. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 355031 355000 MaterialesDeConcesiones Recubrimiento de Secoya 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 See Remarks ConstructionMaterials The structure was made wholly or partly with see remarks. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 355032 355000 MaterialesDeConcesiones Ver Observaciones 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Shake Siding ConstructionMaterials The structure was made wholly or partly with shake siding. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 355033 355000 MaterialesDeConcesiones Revestimiento Batido 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Shingle Siding ConstructionMaterials The structure was made wholly or partly with shingle siding. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 355034 355000 MaterialesDeConcesiones Recubrimiento de Teja 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Slump Block ConstructionMaterials The structure was made wholly or partly with slump block. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 355035 355000 MaterialesDeConcesiones Bloques de Asentamiento 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Spray Foam Insulation ConstructionMaterials The structure was made wholly or partly with spray foam insulation. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 355036 355000 MaterialesDeConcesiones Aislamiento de Espuma en Spray 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Steel Siding ConstructionMaterials The structure was made wholly or partly with steel siding. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 355037 355000 MaterialesDeConcesiones Revestimiento de Acero 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Stone ConstructionMaterials The structure was made wholly or partly with stone. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 355038 355000 MaterialesDeConcesiones Piedra 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Stone Veneer ConstructionMaterials The structure was made wholly or partly with stone veneer. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 355039 355000 MaterialesDeConcesiones Forrado de Piedra 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Straw ConstructionMaterials The structure was made wholly or partly with straw. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 355040 355000 MaterialesDeConcesiones Paja 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Stucco ConstructionMaterials The structure was made wholly or partly with stucco. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 355041 355000 MaterialesDeConcesiones Estuco 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Synthetic Stucco ConstructionMaterials The structure was made wholly or partly with synthetic stucco. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 355042 355000 MaterialesDeConcesiones Estuco Sintético 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Unknown ConstructionMaterials The structure was made wholly or partly with unknown. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 355043 355000 MaterialesDeConcesiones Desconocido 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Vertical Siding ConstructionMaterials The structure was made wholly or partly with vertical siding. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 355044 355000 MaterialesDeConcesiones Revestimiento Vertical 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Vinyl Siding ConstructionMaterials The structure was made wholly or partly with vinyl siding. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 355045 355000 MaterialesDeConcesiones Revestimiento en Vinilo 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20170206T0000 Wood Siding ConstructionMaterials The structure was made wholly or partly with wood siding. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 355046 355000 MaterialesDeConcesiones Revestimiento en Madera 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Discard ContactListingPreference The contact has flagged to discard the given listing. The contact is not interested in the given listing. Dislike, Delete ContactListings Resource Active 428001 428000 PreferenciaDeContactoDeListado Descartar 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Favorite ContactListingPreference The contact has flagged the given listing as a favorite. The contact is interested in the given listing. Like ContactListings Resource Active 428002 428000 PreferenciaDeContactoDeListado Favorito 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20171102T0000 Possibility ContactListingPreference The contact has flagged the given listing as a possibility. The contact might be interested in the given listing. Maybe ContactListings Resource Active 428003 428000 PreferenciaDeContactoDeListado Posibilidad 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20171102T0000 Active ContactStatus The contact is active. Contacts Active 393001 393000 EstadoDeContacto Activo 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Deleted ContactStatus The contact has been deleted. Contacts Active 393002 393000 EstadoDeContacto Eliminado 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Inactive ContactStatus The contact is no longer active. Contacts Active 393003 393000 EstadoDeContacto Inactivo 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 On Vacation ContactStatus The contact is on vacation. Contacts Active 393004 393000 EstadoDeContacto De Vacaciones 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Business ContactType The contact is a business relation. Contacts Active 348003 348000 TipoDeContacto Negocios 20170809T0000 20160617T0000 1.6 20170809T0000 Family ContactType The contact is a family member. Contacts Active 348004 348000 TipoDeContacto Familiar 20170809T0000 20160617T0000 1.6 20170809T0000 Friend ContactType The contact is a personal friend. Contacts Active 348002 348000 TipoDeContacto Amigo 20170809T0000 20160617T0000 1.6 20170809T0000 Lead ContactType The lead is a contact that may be a potential buyer or seller to the member. Contacts Active 348001 348000 TipoDeContacto Cliente Potencial 20160621T0000 20151015T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Prospect ContactType The contact is a prospective client. Contacts Active 348005 348000 TipoDeContacto Prospecto 20170809T0000 20160617T0000 1.6 20170809T0000 Ready to Buy ContactType The contact is a client who is ready to start a transaction. Contacts Active 348006 348000 TipoDeContacto Listo para Comprar 20170809T0000 20160617T0000 1.6 20170809T0000 Attic Fan Cooling The property has an attic fan. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 450001 450000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Ceiling Fan(s) Cooling The property has one or more ceiling fans. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 450002 450000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Central Air Cooling The property has central air conditioning. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 450003 450000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Dual Cooling The cooling system has two units. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 450004 450000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Ductless Cooling The cooling system does not ducted nor a wall/window type unit. A mini-split is a common type of ductless system where an outdoor condenser is connected to an indoor fan unit that feeds the room in which it's located, rather than being ducted throughout the structure. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 450005 450000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Electric Cooling The cooling system is powered by electricity. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 450006 450000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 ENERGY STAR Qualified Equipment Cooling The cooling system is ENERGY STAR Qualified. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 450007 450000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Evaporative Cooling Cooling The cooling system works by way of water evaporation rather than a compressor and coolant. Evaporative cooling systems are often referred to as swamp coolers. Swamp Cooler RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 450008 450000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Exhaust Fan Cooling The structure has an exhaust fan. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 450009 450000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Gas Cooling The cooling system is powered by gas. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 450010 450000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Geothermal Cooling The cooling system runs on a geothermal source. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 450011 450000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Heat Pump Cooling A system that exchanges heat between a warm and cool space. The heat exchange is done between the dwelling and another air space, like outdoors; or a water source; or below ground (geothermal). RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 450012 450000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Humidity Control Cooling The cooling system includes humidity control. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 450013 450000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Multi Units Cooling The cooing system includes more than one unit. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 450014 450000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 None Cooling The property includes no cooling system. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 450015 450000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Other Cooling The cooling system is different, or has features, that are not included in this list. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 450016 450000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Roof Turbine(s) Cooling The cooling utilizes a roof turbine. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 450017 450000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Separate Meters Cooling The cooling system has separate meters for its multiple units/zones. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 450018 450000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Varies by Unit Cooling The cooling equipment varies by unit. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 450019 450000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Wall Unit(s) Cooling The cooling system is stand alone and mounted in an opening in an outer wall. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 450020 450000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Wall/Window Unit(s) Cooling The cooling system is mounted in an opening in the wall or in a window. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 450021 450000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Whole House Fan Cooling The property has a whole house fan. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 450022 450000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Window Unit(s) Cooling The cooling system is window mounted. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 450023 450000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Zoned Cooling The cooling system has more than one zone. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 450024 450000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 AD Country Andorra is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Andorra RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356005 356000 País AD 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 AE Country United Arab Emirates is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. United Arab Emirates RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356232 356000 País AE 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 AF Country Afghanistan is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Afghanistan RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356001 356000 País AF 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 AG Country Antigua Barbuda is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Antigua Barbuda, Antigua and Barbuda RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356009 356000 País AG 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 AI Country Anguilla is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Anguilla RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356007 356000 País AI 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 AL Country Albania is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Albania RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356002 356000 País AL 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 AM Country Armenia is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Armenia RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356011 356000 País AM 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 AN Country Netherlands Antilles is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Netherlands Antilles RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356156 356000 País AN 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 AO Country Angola is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Angola RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356006 356000 País AO 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 AQ Country Antarctica is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Antarctica RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356008 356000 País AQ 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 AR Country Argentina is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Argentina RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356010 356000 País AR 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 AS Country American Samoa is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. American Samoa RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356004 356000 País AS 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 AT Country Austria is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Austria RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356014 356000 País AT 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 AU Country Australia is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Australia RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356013 356000 País AU 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 AW Country Aruba is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Aruba RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356012 356000 País AW 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 AX Country Land Islands is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Aland Islands, &#xc5;land Islands RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356119 356000 País AX 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 AZ Country Azerbaijan is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Azerbaijan RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356015 356000 País AZ 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 BA Country Bosnia Herzegovina is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Bosnia Herzegovina, Bosnia and Herzegovina RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356027 356000 País BA 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 BB Country Barbados is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Barbados RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356019 356000 País BB 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 BD Country Bangladesh is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Bangladesh RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356018 356000 País BD 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 BE Country Belgium is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Belgium RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356021 356000 País BE 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 BF Country Burkina Faso is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Burkina Faso RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356034 356000 País BF 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 BG Country Bulgaria is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Bulgaria RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356033 356000 País BG 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 BH Country Bahrain is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Bahrain RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356017 356000 País BH 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 BI Country Burundi is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Burundi RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356035 356000 País BI 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 BJ Country Benin is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Benin RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356023 356000 País BJ 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 BL Country Saint Barthelemy is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Saint Barthelemy, Saint Barth&#xe9;lemy RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356185 356000 País BL 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 BM Country Bermuda is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Bermuda RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356024 356000 País BM 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 BN Country Brunei Darussalam is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Brunei Darussalam RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356032 356000 País BN 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 BO Country Bolivia is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Bolivia, Plurinational State of Bolivia RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356026 356000 País BO 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 BR Country Brazil is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Brazil RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356030 356000 País BR 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 BS Country Bahamas is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Bahamas RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356016 356000 País BS 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 BT Country Bhutan is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Bhutan RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356025 356000 País BT 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 BV Country Bouvet Island is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Bouvet Island RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356029 356000 País BV 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 BW Country Botswana is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Botswana RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356028 356000 País BW 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 BY Country Belarus is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Belarus RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356020 356000 País BY 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 BZ Country Belize is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Belize RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356022 356000 País BZ 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 CA Country Canada is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Canada RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356038 356000 País CA 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 CC Country Cocos (Keeling) Islands is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Cocos (Keeling) Islands RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356046 356000 País CC 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 CD Country Congo Democratic Republic is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Congo Democratic Republic, Democratic Republic of the Congo RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356050 356000 País CD 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 CF Country Central African Republic is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Central African Republic RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356041 356000 País CF 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 CG Country Congo is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Congo RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356049 356000 País CG 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 CH Country Switzerland is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Switzerland RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356214 356000 País CH 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 CI Country Cote d'Ivoire is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Cote d'Ivoire, Côte d'Ivoire RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356053 356000 País CI 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 CK Country Cook Islands is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Cook Islands RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356051 356000 País CK 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 CL Country Chile is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Chile RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356043 356000 País CL 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 CM Country Cameroon is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Cameroon RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356037 356000 País CM 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 CN Country China is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. China RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356044 356000 País CN 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 CO Country Colombia is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Colombia RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356047 356000 País CO 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 CR Country Costa Rica is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Costa Rica RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356052 356000 País CR 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 CU Country Cuba is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Cuba RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356055 356000 País CU 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 CV Country Cabo Verde is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Cabo Verde RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356039 356000 País CV 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 CX Country Christmas Island is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Christmas Island RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356045 356000 País CX 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 CY Country Cyprus is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Cyprus RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356056 356000 País CY 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 CZ Country Czech Republic is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Czech Republic RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356057 356000 País CZ 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 DE Country Germany is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Germany RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356080 356000 País DE 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 DJ Country Djibouti is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Djibouti RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356059 356000 País DJ 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 DK Country Denmark is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Denmark RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356058 356000 País DK 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 DM Country Dominica is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Dominica RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356060 356000 País DM 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 DO Country Dominican Republic is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Dominican Republic RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356061 356000 País DO 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 DZ Country Algeria is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Algeria RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356003 356000 País DZ 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 EC Country Ecuador is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Ecuador RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356062 356000 País EC 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 EE Country Estonia is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Estonia RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356067 356000 País EE 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 EG Country Egypt is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Egypt RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356063 356000 País EG 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 EH Country Western Sahara is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Western Sahara RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356244 356000 País EH 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 ER Country Eritrea is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Eritrea RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356066 356000 País ER 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 ES Country Spain is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Spain RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356207 356000 País ES 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 ET Country Ethiopia is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Ethiopia RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356068 356000 País ET 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 FI Country Finland is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Finland RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356072 356000 País FI 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 FJ Country Fiji is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Fiji RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356071 356000 País FJ 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 FK Country Falkland Islands is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Falkland Islands, Falkland Islands [Malvinas] RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356069 356000 País FK 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 FM Country Micronesia is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Micronesia, Federated States of Micronesia RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356143 356000 País FM 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 FO Country Faroe Islands is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Faroe Islands RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356070 356000 País FO 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 FR Country France is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. France RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356073 356000 País FR 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 GA Country Gabon is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Gabon RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356077 356000 País GA 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 GB Country United Kingdom is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. United Kingdom, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356233 356000 País GB 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 GD Country Grenada is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Grenada RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356085 356000 País GD 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 GE Country Georgia is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Georgia RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356079 356000 País GE 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 GF Country French Guiana is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. French Guiana RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356074 356000 País GF 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 GG Country Guernsey is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Guernsey RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356089 356000 País GG 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 GH Country Ghana is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Ghana RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356081 356000 País GH 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 GI Country Gibraltar is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Gibraltar RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356082 356000 País GI 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 GL Country Greenland is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Greenland RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356084 356000 País GL 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 GM Country Gambia is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Gambia RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356078 356000 País GM 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 GN Country Guinea is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Guinea RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356090 356000 País GN 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 GP Country Guadeloupe is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Guadeloupe RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356086 356000 País GP 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 GQ Country Equatorial Guinea is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Equatorial Guinea RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356065 356000 País GQ 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 GR Country Greece is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Greece RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356083 356000 País GR 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 GS Country South Georgia is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. South Georgia, South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356206 356000 País GS 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 GT Country Guatemala is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Guatemala RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356088 356000 País GT 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 GU Country Guam is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Guam RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356087 356000 País GU 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 GW Country Guinea-Bissau is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Guinea-Bissau RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356091 356000 País GW 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 GY Country Guyana is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Guyana RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356092 356000 País GY 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 HK Country Hong Kong is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Hong Kong RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356097 356000 País HK 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 HM Country Heard And McDonald Islands is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Heard And McDonald Islands, Heard Island and McDonald Islands RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356094 356000 País HM 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 HN Country Honduras is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Honduras RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356096 356000 País HN 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 HR Country Croatia is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Croatia RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356054 356000 País HR 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 HT Country Haiti is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Haiti RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356093 356000 País HT 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 HU Country Hungary is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Hungary RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356098 356000 País HU 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 ID Country Indonesia is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Indonesia RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356101 356000 País ID 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 IE Country Ireland is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Ireland RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356104 356000 País IE 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 IL Country Israel is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Israel RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356106 356000 País IL 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 IM Country Isle Of Man is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Isle Of Man RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356105 356000 País IM 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 IN Country India is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. India RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356100 356000 País IN 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 IO Country British Indian Ocean Territory is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. British Indian Ocean Territory RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356031 356000 País IO 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 IQ Country Iraq is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Iraq RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356103 356000 País IQ 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 IR Country Iran is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Iran, Islamic Republic of Iran RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356102 356000 País IR 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 IS Country Iceland is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Iceland RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356099 356000 País IS 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 IT Country Italy is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Italy RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356107 356000 País IT 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 JE Country Jersey is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Jersey RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356110 356000 País JE 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 JM Country Jamaica is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Jamaica RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356108 356000 País JM 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 JO Country Jordan is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Jordan RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356111 356000 País JO 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 JP Country Japan is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Japan RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356109 356000 País JP 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 KE Country Kenya is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Kenya RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356113 356000 País KE 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 KG Country Kyrgyzstan is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Kyrgyzstan RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356118 356000 País KG 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 KH Country Cambodia is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Cambodia RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356036 356000 País KH 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 KI Country Kiribati is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Kiribati RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356114 356000 País KI 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 KM Country Comoros is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Comoros RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356048 356000 País KM 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 KN Country Saint Kitts And Nevis is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Saint Kitts And Nevis RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356187 356000 País KN 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 KP Country North Korea, officially named the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Korea - North, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356115 356000 País KP 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 KR Country South Korea, officially named the Republic of Korea, is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Korea - South, the Republic of Korea RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356116 356000 País KR 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 KW Country Kuwait is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Kuwait RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356117 356000 País KW 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 KY Country Cayman Islands is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Cayman Islands RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356040 356000 País KY 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 KZ Country Kazakhstan is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Kazakhstan RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356112 356000 País KZ 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 LA Country Lao is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Lao, Lao People's Democratic Republic RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356120 356000 País LA 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 LB Country Lebanon is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Lebanon RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356122 356000 País LB 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 LC Country Saint Lucia is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Saint Lucia RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356188 356000 País LC 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 LI Country Liechtenstein is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Liechtenstein RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356126 356000 País LI 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 LK Country Sri Lanka is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Sri Lanka RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356208 356000 País LK 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 LR Country Liberia is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Liberia RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356124 356000 País LR 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 LS Country Lesotho is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Lesotho RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356123 356000 País LS 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 LT Country Lithuania is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Lithuania RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356127 356000 País LT 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 LU Country Luxembourg is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Luxembourg RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356128 356000 País LU 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 LV Country Latvia is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Latvia RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356121 356000 País LV 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 LY Country Libyan Arab Jamahiriya is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, Libya RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356125 356000 País LY 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 MA Country Morocco is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Morocco RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356149 356000 País MA 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 MC Country Monaco is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Monaco RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356145 356000 País MC 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 MD Country Moldova is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Moldova, the Republic of Moldova RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356144 356000 País MD 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 ME Country Montenegro is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Montenegro RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356147 356000 País ME 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 MF Country Saint Martin is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Saint Martin RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356189 356000 País MF 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 MG Country Madagascar is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Madagascar RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356131 356000 País MG 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 MH Country Marshall Islands is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Marshall Islands RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356137 356000 País MH 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 MK Country Macedonia is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Macedonia RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356130 356000 País MK 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 ML Country Mali is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Mali RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356135 356000 País ML 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 MM Country Myanmar is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Myanmar RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356151 356000 País MM 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 MN Country Mongolia is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Mongolia RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356146 356000 País MN 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 MO Country Macao is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Macao RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356129 356000 País MO 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 MP Country Northern Mariana Islands is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Northern Mariana Islands RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356164 356000 País MP 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 MQ Country Martinique is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Martinique RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356138 356000 País MQ 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 MR Country Mauritania is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Mauritania RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356139 356000 País MR 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 MS Country Montserrat is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Montserrat RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356148 356000 País MS 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 MT Country Malta is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Malta RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356136 356000 País MT 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 MU Country Mauritius is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Mauritius RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356140 356000 País MU 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 MV Country Maldives is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Maldives RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356134 356000 País MV 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 MW Country Malawi is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Malawi RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356132 356000 País MW 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 MX Country Mexico is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Mexico RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356142 356000 País MX 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 MY Country Malaysia is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Malaysia RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356133 356000 País MY 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 MZ Country Mozambique is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Mozambique RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356150 356000 País MZ 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 NA Country Namibia is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Namibia RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356152 356000 País NA 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 NC Country New Caledonia is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. New Caledonia RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356157 356000 País NC 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 NE Country Niger is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Niger RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356160 356000 País NE 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 NF Country Norfolk Island is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Norfolk Island RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356163 356000 País NF 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 NG Country Nigeria is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Nigeria RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356161 356000 País NG 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 NI Country Nicaragua is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Nicaragua RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356159 356000 País NI 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 NL Country Netherlands is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Netherlands RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356155 356000 País NL 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 NP Country Nepal is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Nepal RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356154 356000 País NP 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 NR Country Nauru is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Nauru RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356153 356000 País NR 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 NU Country Niue is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Niue RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356162 356000 País NU 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 NZ Country New Zealand is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. New Zealand RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356158 356000 País NZ 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 OM Country Oman is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Oman RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356166 356000 País OM 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 OT Country Other is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Other RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356167 356000 País OT 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 PA Country Panama is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Panama RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356171 356000 País PA 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 PE Country Peru is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Peru RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356174 356000 País PE 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 PF Country French Polynesia is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. French Polynesia RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356075 356000 País PF 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 PG Country Papua New Guinea is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Papua New Guinea RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356172 356000 País PG 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 PH Country Philippines is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Philippines RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356175 356000 País PH 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 PK Country Pakistan is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Pakistan RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356168 356000 País PK 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 PL Country Poland is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Poland RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356177 356000 País PL 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 PM Country Saint Pierre And Miquelon is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Saint Pierre And Miquelon RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356190 356000 País PM 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 PN Country Pitcairn is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Pitcairn RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356176 356000 País PN 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 PR Country Puerto Rico is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Puerto Rico RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356179 356000 País PR 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 PS Country Palestinian Territory is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Palestinian Territory, State of Palestine RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356170 356000 País PS 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 PT Country Portugal is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Portugal RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356178 356000 País PT 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 PW Country Palau is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Palau RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356169 356000 País PW 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 PY Country Paraguay is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Paraguay RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356173 356000 País PY 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 QA Country Qatar is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Qatar RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356180 356000 País QA 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 RE Country Reunion is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Reunion, R&#xe9;union RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356181 356000 País RE 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 RO Country Romania is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Romania RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356182 356000 País RO 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 RS Country Serbia is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Serbia RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356197 356000 País RS 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 RU Country Russian Federation is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Russian Federation RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356183 356000 País RU 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 RW Country Rwanda is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Rwanda RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356184 356000 País RW 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 SA Country Saudi Arabia is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Saudi Arabia RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356195 356000 País SA 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 SB Country Solomon Islands is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Solomon Islands RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356203 356000 País SB 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 SC Country Seychelles is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Seychelles RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356198 356000 País SC 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 SD Country Sudan is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Sudan RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356209 356000 País SD 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 SE Country Sweden is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Sweden RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356213 356000 País SE 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 SG Country Singapore is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Singapore RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356200 356000 País SG 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 SH Country Saint Helena is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha Saint Helena RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356186 356000 País SH 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 SI Country Slovenia is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Slovenia RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356202 356000 País SI 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 SJ Country Svalbard - Jan Mayen is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Svalbard - Jan Mayen, Svalbard and Jan Mayen RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356211 356000 País SJ 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 SK Country Slovakia is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Slovakia RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356201 356000 País SK 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 SL Country Sierra Leone is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Sierra Leone RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356199 356000 País SL 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 SM Country San Marino is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. San Marino RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356193 356000 País SM 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 SN Country Senegal is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Senegal RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356196 356000 País SN 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 SO Country Somalia is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Somalia RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356204 356000 País SO 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 SR Country Suriname is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Suriname RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356210 356000 País SR 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 ST Country Sao Tome And Principe is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Sao Tome And Principe RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356194 356000 País ST 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 SV Country El Salvador is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. El Salvador RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356064 356000 País SV 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 SY Country Syrian Arab Republic is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Syrian Arab Republic RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356215 356000 País SY 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 SZ Country Swaziland is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Swaziland RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356212 356000 País SZ 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 TC Country Turks - Caicos Islands is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Turks - Caicos Islands RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356228 356000 País TC 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 TD Country Chad is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Chad RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356042 356000 País TD 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 TF Country French Southern Territories is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. French Southern Territories RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356076 356000 País TF 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 TG Country Togo is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Togo RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356221 356000 País TG 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 TH Country Thailand is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Thailand RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356219 356000 País TH 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 TJ Country Tajikistan is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Tajikistan RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356217 356000 País TJ 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 TK Country Tokelau is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Tokelau RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356222 356000 País TK 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 TL Country Timor-Leste is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Timor-Leste RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356220 356000 País TL 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 TM Country Turkmenistan is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Turkmenistan RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356227 356000 País TM 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 TN Country Tunisia is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Tunisia RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356225 356000 País TN 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 TO Country Tonga is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Tonga RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356223 356000 País TO 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 TR Country Turkey is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Turkey RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356226 356000 País TR 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 TT Country Trinidad - Tobago is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Trinidad - Tobago, Trinidad and Tobago RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356224 356000 País TT 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 TV Country Tuvalu is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Tuvalu RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356229 356000 País TV 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 TW Country Taiwan is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Taiwan RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356216 356000 País TW 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 TZ Country Tanzania is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Tanzania, United Republic of Tanzania RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356218 356000 País TZ 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 UA Country Ukraine is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Ukraine RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356231 356000 País UA 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 UG Country Uganda is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Uganda RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356230 356000 País UG 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 UM Country United States Minor Islands is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. United States Minor Islands, United States Minor Outlying Islands RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356235 356000 País UM 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 US Country United States is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. United States, United States of America RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356234 356000 País US 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 UY Country Uruguay is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Uruguay RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356236 356000 País UY 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 UZ Country Uzbekistan is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Uzbekistan RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356237 356000 País UZ 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 VA Country Holy See (Vatican City) is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Holy See (Vatican City), Holy See RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356095 356000 País VA 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 VC Country Saint Vincent - Grenadines is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Saint Vincent - Grenadines, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356191 356000 País VC 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 VE Country Venezuela is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356239 356000 País VE 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 VG Country Virgin Islands British is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Virgin Islands British RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356241 356000 País VG 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 VI Country Virgin Islands U.S. is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Virgin Islands U.S. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356242 356000 País VI 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 VN Country Viet Nam is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Viet Nam RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356240 356000 País VN 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 VU Country Vanuatu is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Vanuatu RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356238 356000 País VU 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 WF Country Wallis And Futuna is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Wallis And Futuna RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356243 356000 País WF 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 WS Country Samoa is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Samoa RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356192 356000 País WS 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 YE Country Yemen is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Yemen RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356245 356000 País YE 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 YT Country Mayotte is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Mayotte RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356141 356000 País YT 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 ZA Country South Africa is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. South Africa RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356205 356000 País ZA 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 ZM Country Zambia is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Zambia RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356246 356000 País ZM 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 ZW Country Zimbabwe is the country in which the individual, entity or property is located. The two letter code is based on ISO standard 3166. Zimbabwe RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Member Contacts Teams Active 356247 356000 País ZW 20160621T0000 20160411T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Assumable CurrentFinancing The financing currently in place may be assumed. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 326001 326000 FinanciaciónActual Asumible 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Contract CurrentFinancing The purchase of a property involves an agreement to perform services, provide product, share of income, or some other agreement as the method of payment for the property. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 326002 326000 FinanciaciónActual Contrato 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Conventional CurrentFinancing The buyer is using conventional financing to purchase the home. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 326003 326000 FinanciaciónActual Convencional 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 FHA CurrentFinancing A loan from an approved provider that follows the guidelines of, and is insured by, the Federal Housing Administration. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 326004 326000 FinanciaciónActual FHA: 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 FHA 203(b) CurrentFinancing The basic home mortgage loan from an approved provider that follows the guidelines of, and is insured by, the Federal Housing Administration. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 326005 326000 FinanciaciónActual FHA 203(b) 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 FHA 203(k) CurrentFinancing A loan, for the rehabilitation and repair of single family residence, from an approved provider that follows the guidelines of, and is insured by, the Federal Housing Administration. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 326006 326000 FinanciaciónActual FHA 203(k) 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Leased Renewables CurrentFinancing Definition: Renewable system (i.e., solar or wind) belonging to a third-party is installed on a customer’s property at little or no cost to the property owner. Property owner has entered an agreement to pay for the lease of the equipment. Structure: Fee model is based on equipment to generate power, not power itself. Transfer: If requirements are met it may be possible to transfer lease from home seller to buyer with the approval of the system owner. If being transferred, see Fannie Mae guidelines for more info: since lease is for equipment it must be included in the buyers DTI calculation. If a buyer cannot or will not adopt a lease, then the seller is required to pay the remaining contract amount in full and the system would be removed.Real or Personal Property: Renewable system is typically considered personal property. All tax credits as well as maintenance responsibilities, etc. belong to the third-party owner. Some leases require the homeowner to pay the personal property tax. Terms: Lease should provide items homeowner is responsible for paying. In a solar lease model, a customer will sign a contract with an installer/developer and pay for the solar energy equipment over a period of years or decades. Solar leases can be structured so customers pay no up-front costs, some up-front costs (partially prepaid) or can be fully prepaid (the leasing company is then able to depreciate the equipment over time and offers a lower fee for pre-paid leases). The homeowner may have the option to purchase the system during or at the end of the lease term (most leases are for 20-year terms) at its fair market value or terms set in the original lease contract. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 326013 326000 FinanciaciónActual Renovables Arrendados 20160621T0000 20160427T0000 1.5.0 20161129T0000 None CurrentFinancing The is no current financing on the property. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 326007 326000 FinanciaciónActual Ninguna 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Other CurrentFinancing The current owner is using another form of financing that is not included in the options provided in this list. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 326008 326000 FinanciaciónActual Otra 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Power Purchase Agreement CurrentFinancing Definition: Renewable system belonging to a third-party is installed on a customer’s property at little or no up-front cost to the property owner. Property owner is in an agreement to buy all the power generated at a fixed rate whether it is actually used or not. This is typically lower than the local utility rate. Structure: Fee model is based on power, not equipment to generate it. Transfer: A PPA may be transferred to a homebuyer with approval from the system owner. If a buyer will not adopt a PPA, then the seller is required to pay the remaining contract amount in full and the system would be removed. If being transferred, see Fannie Mae guidelines for more info: portion of the purchase towards equipment must be included in the buyers DTI calculation. Real or Personal Property: Renewable system is typically considered personal property. All tax credits as well as maintenance responsibilities, etc. belong to the third-party owner. Terms: The customer agrees to purchase all energy produced by the system. At the end of the PPA contract term (usually between 10-25 years), property owners can extend the contract and even buy the solar energy system from the developer based on terms in the contract.Additional info on SEIA.org. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 326014 326000 FinanciaciónActual Acuerdo de Compra de Energía 20160621T0000 20160427T0000 1.5.0 20161129T0000 Private CurrentFinancing Financing is provided by a private party. Private Financing RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 326009 326000 FinanciaciónActual Privado 20160621T0000 20160222T0000 1.4.0 20160528T1200 Property-Assessed Clean Energy CurrentFinancing Definition: Property-assessed clean energy (PACE) is a financing tool for property owners to fund energy or water efficiency or renewable energy installations. Structure: PACE is a secured loan that attaches to the property as a voluntary assessment on the property taxes. To be eligible for a PACE loan, the building must be located in a local jurisdiction where the City or County has passed a resolution to participate in a PACE program. PACE financing is often a public-private partnership between a private finance company and a public agency.Transfer? The loan may be transferred to the new owner upon sale of the property with the approval of the system owner. Real or Personal Property? If seller owns and not a third-party, then renewable system is typically considered real property and tax credits and maintenance requirements, etc. belong to the property owner. Terms: Loan terms can vary between 5 and 30 years. Some programs also allow PACE to finance solar leases and power purchase agreements (PPAs). Due to the complexities of PACE financing, NAR and states like California have provided statements which are worth further consideration. NAR - http://www.realtor.org/articles/administration-issues-pace-guidance; CAR - http://www.car.org/newsstand/newsreleases/2015releases/fhapacelien PACE RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 326015 326000 FinanciaciónActual Energía Limpia Evaluada por la Propiedad 20160621T0000 20160427T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Trust Deed CurrentFinancing Financing where title of the property is placed with a trustee who secures payment of the loan for a beneficiary. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 326010 326000 FinanciaciónActual Escritura de Fideicomiso 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 USDA CurrentFinancing A loan from an approved provider that follows the guidelines of, and is insured by, the US Department of Agriculture. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 326011 326000 FinanciaciónActual USDA 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 VA CurrentFinancing A loan from an approved provider that follows the guidelines of, and is insured by, the US Department of Veteran's Affairs. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 326012 326000 FinanciaciónActual VA 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Agricultural CurrentUse The land is currently used for agriculture. LAND Active 394001 394000 UsoActual Agricultura 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Automotive CurrentUse The land is currently used for automotive maintenance or repair. LAND Active 394002 394000 UsoActual Automovilístico 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Cattle CurrentUse The land is currently used for cattle. LAND Active 394003 394000 UsoActual Ganado 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Commercial CurrentUse The land is currently used for commercial purposes. LAND Active 394004 394000 UsoActual Comercial 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Dairy CurrentUse The land is currently used as a dairy farm. LAND Active 394005 394000 UsoActual Leche 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Farm CurrentUse The land is currently used as a farm. LAND Active 394006 394000 UsoActual Granja 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Fishery CurrentUse The land is currently used as a fishery. LAND Active 394007 394000 UsoActual Pesquería 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Grazing CurrentUse The land is currently used for live stock grazing. LAND Active 394008 394000 UsoActual Pasto 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Highway/Tourist Service CurrentUse The land is currently used for a highway/tourist service. LAND Active 394009 394000 UsoActual Autopista/Servicio Turístico 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Horses CurrentUse The land is currently used for horses. LAND Active 394010 394000 UsoActual Caballos 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Hunting CurrentUse The land is currently used for hunting. LAND Active 394011 394000 UsoActual Caza 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Industrial CurrentUse The land is currently used for industrial purposes. LAND Active 394012 394000 UsoActual Industrial 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Investment CurrentUse The land is currently used as an investment. LAND Active 394013 394000 UsoActual Inversión 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Livestock CurrentUse The land is currently used for livestock. LAND Active 394014 394000 UsoActual Ganado Bovino 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Manufactured Home CurrentUse The land is currently used for manufactured home. LAND Active 394015 394000 UsoActual Hogar Manufacturado 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Medical/Dental CurrentUse The land is currently used for medical/dental business. LAND Active 394016 394000 UsoActual Médico/Dentista 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Mini-Storage CurrentUse The land is currently used for mini-storage business. LAND Active 394017 394000 UsoActual Minialmacenamiento 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Mixed Use CurrentUse The land is currently used for mixed uses. LAND Active 394018 394000 UsoActual Uso Mixto 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Multi-Family CurrentUse The land is currently used for multi-family dwelling. LAND Active 394019 394000 UsoActual Multifamiliar 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Nursery CurrentUse The land is currently used as a nursery. LAND Active 394020 394000 UsoActual Guardería 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Office CurrentUse The land is currently used as office space. LAND Active 394021 394000 UsoActual Oficina 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Orchard CurrentUse The land is currently used for an orchard. LAND Active 394022 394000 UsoActual Huerto 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Other CurrentUse The land is currently used for some use other than those in this list. LAND Active 394023 394000 UsoActual Otro 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Pasture CurrentUse The land is currently used as a pasture. LAND Active 394024 394000 UsoActual Pasto 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Place of Worship CurrentUse The land is currently used for a place or worship. LAND Active 394025 394000 UsoActual Sitio de Adoración 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Plantable CurrentUse The land is currently used as a plantabe field. LAND Active 394026 394000 UsoActual Plantas Vivas 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Poultry CurrentUse The land is currently used as a poultry farm. LAND Active 394027 394000 UsoActual Aves 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Ranch CurrentUse The land is currently used as a ranch. LAND Active 394028 394000 UsoActual Rancho 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Recreational CurrentUse The land is currently used for recreational purposes. LAND Active 394029 394000 UsoActual Recreativo 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Residential CurrentUse The land is currently used for residential purposes. LAND Active 394030 394000 UsoActual Residencial 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Retail CurrentUse The land is currently used for retail purposes. LAND Active 394031 394000 UsoActual Venta a Detalle 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Row Crops CurrentUse The land is currently used for row crops. LAND Active 394032 394000 UsoActual Cultivos en Hileras 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 See Remarks CurrentUse See the Public or Private remarks for details on the current use. LAND Active 394033 394000 UsoActual Ver Observaciones 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Single Family CurrentUse The land is currently used for single family residence. LAND Active 394034 394000 UsoActual Familia Única 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Subdivision CurrentUse The land is currently used for property subdivisions. LAND Active 394035 394000 UsoActual Subdivisión 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Timber CurrentUse The land is currently used for timber. LAND Active 394036 394000 UsoActual Madera 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Tree Farm CurrentUse The land is currently used as a tree farm. LAND Active 394037 394000 UsoActual Granja de Árboles 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Unimproved CurrentUse The land is currently unimproved. LAND Active 394038 394000 UsoActual Sin Mejoras 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Vacant CurrentUse The land is currently vacant. LAND Active 394039 394000 UsoActual Disponible 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Vineyard CurrentUse The land is currently used as a vineyard. LAND Active 394040 394000 UsoActual Viñedos 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Warehouse CurrentUse The land is currently used for warehousing. LAND Active 394041 394000 UsoActual Bodega 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Friday AM DailySchedule The prospect (auto email) will be sent every Friday morning. Friday Morning Prospecting Resource Active 429001 429000 HorarioDiario Viernes por la mañana 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Friday PM DailySchedule The prospect (auto email) will be sent every Friday evening. Friday Evening Prospecting Resource Active 429002 429000 HorarioDiario Viernes por la tarde 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20171102T0000 Monday AM DailySchedule The prospect (auto email) will be sent every Monday morning. Monday Morning Prospecting Resource Active 429003 429000 HorarioDiario Lunes por la mañana 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20171102T0000 Monday PM DailySchedule The prospect (auto email) will be sent every Monday evening. Monday Evening Prospecting Resource Active 429004 429000 HorarioDiario Lunes por la tarde 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20171102T0000 None DailySchedule The prospect (auto email) has not been setup for any daily schedule. No Prospecting Resource Active 429005 429000 HorarioDiario Ninguno 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20171102T0000 Saturday AM DailySchedule The prospect (auto email) will be sent every Saturday morning. Saturday Morning Prospecting Resource Active 429006 429000 HorarioDiario Sábado por la mañana 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20171102T0000 Saturday PM DailySchedule The prospect (auto email) will be sent every Saturday evening. Saturday Evening Prospecting Resource Active 429007 429000 HorarioDiario Sábado por la tarde 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20171102T0000 Sunday AM DailySchedule The prospect (auto email) will be sent every Sunday morning. Sunday Morning Prospecting Resource Active 429008 429000 HorarioDiario Domingo por la mañana 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20171102T0000 Sunday PM DailySchedule The prospect (auto email) will be sent every Sunday evening. Sunday Evening Prospecting Resource Active 429009 429000 HorarioDiario Domingo por la tarde 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20171102T0000 Thursday AM DailySchedule The prospect (auto email) will be sent every Thursday morning. Thursday Morning Prospecting Resource Active 429010 429000 HorarioDiario Jueves por la mañana 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20171102T0000 Thursday PM DailySchedule The prospect (auto email) will be sent every Thursday evening. Thursday Evening Prospecting Resource Active 429011 429000 HorarioDiario Jueves por la tarde 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20171102T0000 Tuesday AM DailySchedule The prospect (auto email) will be sent every Tuesday morning. Tuesday Morning Prospecting Resource Active 429012 429000 HorarioDiario Martes por la mañana 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20171102T0000 Tuesday PM DailySchedule The prospect (auto email) will be sent every Tuesday evening. Tuesday Evening Prospecting Resource Active 429013 429000 HorarioDiario Martes por la tarde 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20171102T0000 Wednesday AM DailySchedule The prospect (auto email) will be sent every Wednesday morning. Wednesday Morning Prospecting Resource Active 429014 429000 HorarioDiario Miércoles por la mañana 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20171102T0000 Wednesday PM DailySchedule The prospect (auto email) will be sent every Wednesday evening. Wednesday Evening Prospecting Resource Active 429015 429000 HorarioDiario Miércoles por la tarde 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20171102T0000 Completed DevelopmentStatus The development of the land is complete. LAND Active 395001 395000 EstadoDeDesarrollo Completado 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Finished Lot(s) DevelopmentStatus The development of the land is finished. LAND Active 395002 395000 EstadoDeDesarrollo Lote(s) Completado(s) 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Other DevelopmentStatus The development status of the land is something other than those options in this list. LAND Active 395003 395000 EstadoDeDesarrollo Otro 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Proposed DevelopmentStatus The development of the land is in the proposal phase. LAND Active 395004 395000 EstadoDeDesarrollo Propuesto 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Raw Land DevelopmentStatus The land is raw and undeveloped. LAND Active 395005 395000 EstadoDeDesarrollo Tierra sin Preparar 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Rough Grade DevelopmentStatus The development of the last is in the rough grade phase. LAND Active 395006 395000 EstadoDeDesarrollo Pendiente Aproximada 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 See Remarks DevelopmentStatus See the Public or Private remarks for details on the development status of the land. LAND Active 395007 395000 EstadoDeDesarrollo Ver Observaciones 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Site Plan Approved DevelopmentStatus The site plan has been approved for the development. LAND Active 395008 395000 EstadoDeDesarrollo Plano del Sitio Aprobado 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Site Plan Filed DevelopmentStatus The site plan has been filed for the development. LAND Active 395009 395000 EstadoDeDesarrollo Plano del Sitio Archivado 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Under Construction DevelopmentStatus There is construction in progress at the development. LAND Active 395010 395000 EstadoDeDesarrollo En Construcción 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Desktop DeviceType The Actor's device has been identified as a desktop device by the source InternetTracking Resource Active 430001 430000 TipoDeDispositivo De Escritorio 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Mobile DeviceType The Actor's device has been identified as a mobile device by the source InternetTracking Resource Active 430002 430000 TipoDeDispositivo Móvil 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Tablet DeviceType The Actor's device has been identified as a tablet device by the source InternetTracking Resource Active 430003 430000 TipoDeDispositivo Tablet 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Unknown DeviceType The Actor's device could not be identified by the source InternetTracking Resource Active 430004 430000 TipoDeDispositivo Desconocido 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Wearable DeviceType The Actor's device has been identified as a wearable device by the source InternetTracking Resource Active 430005 430000 TipoDeDispositivo Utilizable 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 East DirectionFaces The front of the structure faces east. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 357001 357000 OrientaciónDeSuperficies Este 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 North DirectionFaces The front of the structure faces north. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 357002 357000 OrientaciónDeSuperficies Norte 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Northeast DirectionFaces The front of the structure faces northeast. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 357003 357000 OrientaciónDeSuperficies Noreste 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Northwest DirectionFaces The front of the structure faces northwest. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 357004 357000 OrientaciónDeSuperficies Noroeste 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 South DirectionFaces The front of the structure faces south. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 357005 357000 OrientaciónDeSuperficies Sur 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Southeast DirectionFaces The front of the structure faces southeast. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 357006 357000 OrientaciónDeSuperficies Sureste 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Southwest DirectionFaces The front of the structure faces southwest. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 357007 357000 OrientaciónDeSuperficies Suroeste 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 West DirectionFaces The front of the structure faces west. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 357008 357000 OrientaciónDeSuperficies Oeste 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 ENERGY STAR Qualified Doors DoorFeatures The property has ENERGY STAR qualified door(s). RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 451001 451000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 French Doors DoorFeatures The property has doors with glass panes throughout the length of the door. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 451002 451000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Mirrored Closet Door(s) DoorFeatures The property has one or more closet doors that have a mirrored surface. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 451003 451000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Sliding Doors DoorFeatures The property has sliding doors. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 451004 451000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Storm Door(s) DoorFeatures The property has one or more storm doors. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 451005 451000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 100 Amp Service Electric The electrical features of the property include 100 amp service. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 358010 358000 Electricidad Servicio de 100 Amp 20160621T0000 20160117T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 150 Amp Service Electric The electrical features of the property include 150 amp service. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 358011 358000 Electricidad Servicio de 150 Amp 20160621T0000 20160117T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 200+ Amp Service Electric The electrical features of the property include 200+ amp service. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 358012 358000 Electricidad Servicio de +200 Amp 20160621T0000 20160117T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 220 Volts Electric The electrical features of the property include 220 volts. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 358016 358000 Electricidad 220 Voltios 20160621T0000 20160117T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 220 Volts For Spa Electric The electrical features of the property include 220 volts for spa. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 358001 358000 Electricidad 220 Voltios Para el Spa 20160621T0000 20160117T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 220 Volts in Garage Electric The electrical features of the property include 220 volts in garage. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 358002 358000 Electricidad 220 Voltios en el Garaje 20160621T0000 20160117T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 220 Volts in Kitchen Electric The electrical features of the property include 220 volts in kitchen. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 358003 358000 Electricidad 220 Voltios en la Cocina 20160621T0000 20160117T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 220 Volts in Laundry Electric The electrical features of the property include 220 volts in laundry. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 358004 358000 Electricidad 220 Voltios en la Lavandería 20160621T0000 20160117T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 220 Volts in Workshop Electric The electrical features of the property include 220 volts in workshop. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 358005 358000 Electricidad 220 Voltios en el Taller 20160621T0000 20160117T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 440 Volts Electric The electrical features of the property include 440 volts. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 358013 358000 Electricidad 440 Voltios 20160621T0000 20160117T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Circuit Breakers Electric The electrical features of the property include circuit breakers. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 358014 358000 Electricidad Cortacircuitos 20160621T0000 20160117T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Energy Storage Device Electric Device(s) that capture energy at one time to be used at a later time. Most commonly these refer to single or groups of stand-alone batteries, such as could be used as back-up power, but it also might include flywheels or other devices to store power. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 358019 358000 Electricidad Dispositivo de Almacenamiento de Energía 20160621T0000 20160427T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Fuses Electric The electrical features of the property include fuses. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 358015 358000 Electricidad Fusibles 20160621T0000 20160117T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Generator Electric The electrical features of the property include generator. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 358017 358000 Electricidad Generador 20160621T0000 20160117T0000 1.5.0 20170120T0000 Net Meter Electric Net metering is an electric service that allows electricity generated on a consumer’s site (“on-site”) to offset that consumer’s use. This generation can include (generally small) renewable energy facilities (such as wind, solar power, fuel cells or hydro). Net meters might also be used with energy storage devices such as batteries (stand alone or for electric vehicles). Net meters can “spin backwards” such that at the end of the billing period, the consumer only pays for its use, less what it produced (i.e., the “net”). RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 358024 358000 Electricidad Medidor de Red 20160621T0000 20160427T0000 1.5.0 20161129T0000 Photovoltaics Seller Owned Electric The electrical features of the property include a solar photovoltaic system that is owned by the seller. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 358008 358000 Electricidad Fotovoltaico Propiedad del Vendedor 20160621T0000 20160427T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Photovoltaics Third-Party Owned Electric The electrical features of the property include a solar photovoltaic system owned by a third party. This is typically a lease but may be some other arrangement where the property owner does not own the photovoltaic system. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 358006 358000 Electricidad Fotovoltaico Propiedad de un Tercero 20160621T0000 20160427T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Pre-Wired for Renewables Electric Indicates the electric infrastructure on the property has been extended to more easily incorporate an on-site electric generation facility in the future. This would often include, for example, installing conduit and wire from the generation facility to the electric panel, designating circuits on the panel for that generation, and/or leaving room near the panel for future components, such as an inverter. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 358022 358000 Electricidad Precableado para Renovables 20160621T0000 20160427T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Ready for Renewables Electric Indicates a comprehensive infrastructure is in place on the property to more easily incorporate an on-site electric generation facility in the future. Can be confirmed via supporting documentation such as a checklist provided by the DOE Zero Energy Ready Homes program. Solar-PV ready, for example, would often include extensive efficiency measures such as insulation and appliances, architectural drawings that design for a clear roof space, installing conduit from the attic to the electric panel, dedicated circuits on the electric panel, and leaving room near the panel for future components of a solar electric system, such as an inverter. Local requirements may vary. (source: DOE Zero Energy Ready Home http://energy.gov/sites/prod/files/2015/05/f22/PV-Ready%20Checklist.pdf ) RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 358023 358000 Electricidad Listo para Renovables 20160621T0000 20160427T0000 1.5.0 20171021T0000 Underground Electric The electrical features of the property include underground. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 358018 358000 Electricidad Bajo Tierra 20160621T0000 20160117T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Wind Turbine Seller Owned Electric A wind turbine is provided on the property to generate electricity. Seller owned turbines are typically considered real property and can be transferred with the property. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 358020 358000 Electricidad Turbina Eólica Propiedad del Vendedor 20160621T0000 20160427T0000 1.5.0 20170120T0000 Wind Turbine Third-Party Owned Electric A wind turbine is provided on the property to generate electricity. The homeowner enters a lease agreement with the owner of the wind turbine(s). Third-Party Owned turbines indicate a lease or a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) exists. The lease/PPA can often be transferred but the financing company has to agree. See CurrentFinancing field for important further definition of these models. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 358021 358000 Electricidad Turbina Eólica Propiedad de un Tercero 20160621T0000 20160427T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Agent EventTarget The EventType used a destination pertaining to the listing agent (i.e. the actor's submission of lead form went to the Listing Agent's contact information) Member InternetTracking Resource Active 431001 431000 ObjetivoDeEvento Agente 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Broker EventTarget The EventType used a destination pertaining to the listing broker (i.e. the "Clicked on Phone Number" EventType is using the Broker's contact information) InternetTracking Resource Active 431002 431000 ObjetivoDeEvento Corredor 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Digg EventTarget The Object was shared on Digg InternetTracking Resource Active 431003 431000 ObjetivoDeEvento Digg 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Email EventTarget The Object was sent in an email InternetTracking Resource Active 431004 431000 ObjetivoDeEvento Email 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Facebook EventTarget The Object was shared on Facebook InternetTracking Resource Active 431005 431000 ObjetivoDeEvento Facebook 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Facebook Messenger EventTarget The Object was shared via Facebook Messenger InternetTracking Resource Active 431006 431000 ObjetivoDeEvento Facebook Messenger 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 GooglePlus EventTarget The Object was shared to Google Plus InternetTracking Resource Active 431007 431000 ObjetivoDeEvento GooglePlus 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 iMessage EventTarget The Object was shared via iMessage InternetTracking Resource Active 431008 431000 ObjetivoDeEvento iMessage 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Instagram EventTarget The Object was shared on Instagram InternetTracking Resource Active 431009 431000 ObjetivoDeEvento Instagram 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 LinkedIn EventTarget The Object was shared on LinkedIn InternetTracking Resource Active 431010 431000 ObjetivoDeEvento LinkedIn 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Pinterest EventTarget The Object was pinned on Pinterest InternetTracking Resource Active 431011 431000 ObjetivoDeEvento Pinterest 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Reddit EventTarget The Object was shared on Reddit InternetTracking Resource Active 431012 431000 ObjetivoDeEvento Reddit 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Slack EventTarget The Object was shared via Slack InternetTracking Resource Active 431013 431000 ObjetivoDeEvento Slack 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 SMS EventTarget The Object was sent in an SMS message InternetTracking Resource Active 431014 431000 ObjetivoDeEvento SMS 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Snapchat EventTarget The Object was shared on Snapchat InternetTracking Resource Active 431015 431000 ObjetivoDeEvento Snapchat 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 StumbleUpon EventTarget The Object was shared on StumbleUpon InternetTracking Resource Active 431016 431000 ObjetivoDeEvento StumbleUpon 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Tumblr EventTarget The Object was shared on Tumblr InternetTracking Resource Active 431017 431000 ObjetivoDeEvento Tumblr 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Twitter EventTarget The Object was tweeted on Twitter InternetTracking Resource Active 431018 431000 ObjetivoDeEvento Twitter 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 YouTube EventTarget The Object was shared on YouTube InternetTracking Resource Active 431019 431000 ObjetivoDeEvento YouTube 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Click to Primary Hosted Site EventType The Actor was referred to the Object's primary hosted website InternetTracking Resource Active 432001 432000 TipoDeEvento Hacer Clic a Sitio Principal 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Clicked on Email Address EventType The Actor engaged in the act of emailing to the Object's email address (note: does not indicate an email was sent) InternetTracking Resource Active 432002 432000 TipoDeEvento Hizo Clic a Correo Electrónico 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Clicked on Phone Number EventType The Actor clicked on a phone number link associated with the Object InternetTracking Resource Active 432003 432000 TipoDeEvento Hizo Clic en Número Telefónico 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Comments EventType Comments were made on the Object InternetTracking Resource Active 432004 432000 20181226T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20181226T0000 Detailed View EventType The object was the main focal point in the Actor's view. InternetTracking Resource Active 432005 432000 TipoDeEvento Vista Detallada 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Discard EventType The Actor has reacted "negatively" to the object. InternetTracking Resource Active 432006 432000 TipoDeEvento Descartar 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Driving Directions EventType The Actor engaged in driving directions with the Object InternetTracking Resource Active 432007 432000 TipoDeEvento Indicaciones de Manejo 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Exit Detailed View EventType The actor left the detailed view. InternetTracking Resource Active 432017 432000 TipoDeEvento 20181226T0000 20181010T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Favorited EventType The Actor has reacted "positively" to the object. InternetTracking Resource Active 432008 432000 TipoDeEvento Agregado a Favoritos 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Maybe EventType The Actor has reacted "possibly positive" to the object. InternetTracking Resource Active 432009 432000 TipoDeEvento Quizá 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Non-Detailed View EventType The object appeared in the Actor's view but was not the main focal point.® InternetTracking Resource Active 432010 432000 TipoDeEvento Vista No Detallada 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Object Modified EventType The tracking Obect was modified in some way. InternetTracking Resource Active 432018 432000 TipoDeEvento 20181226T0000 20181010T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Photo Gallery EventType The Actor participated in a photo gallery display InternetTracking Resource Active 432011 432000 TipoDeEvento Galería de Fotografías 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Printed EventType The Actor printed the object InternetTracking Resource Active 432012 432000 TipoDeEvento Impreso 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Property Videos EventType The Actor has interacted with a property video with the Object InternetTracking Resource Active 432013 432000 TipoDeEvento Videos de la Propiedad 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Search EventType The tracking Object is data is part of a search and will contain more than one result. Normally, the search result data will be presented in the ObjectCollection field and include ALL the listings that were part of the search. InternetTracking Resource Active 432019 432000 TipoDeEvento 20181226T0000 20181010T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Share EventType The sharing of a listing to another media or entity (includes social media sites, IM's, email and SMS messages) InternetTracking Resource Active 432014 432000 TipoDeEvento Compartir 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Submission of Lead Form EventType The Actor has submitted a lead form InternetTracking Resource Active 432015 432000 TipoDeEvento Envío de Formulario de Cliente Potencial 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Virtual Tour EventType The Actor viewed the Object's virtual tour InternetTracking Resource Active 432016 432000 TipoDeEvento Tour Virtual 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Absolute Net ExistingLeaseType Also known as a Bondable Lease, the tenant carries every risk in addition to the costs of a NNN Lease. RINC COML Active 327001 327000 TipoDeArrendamientoExistente Neto Absoluto 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 CPI Adjustment ExistingLeaseType An escalation clause/provision in a lease to adjust the amount paid by the tenant (lessee) where the adjustment will follow the Consumer Price Index (CPI). RINC COML Active 327002 327000 TipoDeArrendamientoExistente Ajuste CPI 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Escalation Clause ExistingLeaseType A clause or provision in a lease document that set a formula for how rent will increase over time. RINC COML Active 327003 327000 TipoDeArrendamientoExistente Cláusula de Incremento 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Gross ExistingLeaseType A lease agreement where the owner (lessor) pays all property changes normal to ownership. The opposite to net leases where the tenant (lessee) may pay taxes, insurance, maintenance and even for damages that were not caused by the tenant. RINC COML Active 327004 327000 TipoDeArrendamientoExistente Bruto 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Ground Lease ExistingLeaseType Typically a long term lease of land where the tenant (lessee) has the right to develop or make improvements. RINC COML Active 327005 327000 TipoDeArrendamientoExistente Arrendamiento de Terreno 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Net ExistingLeaseType A lease agreement where the tenant pays the real estate taxes. RINC COML Active 327006 327000 TipoDeArrendamientoExistente Neto 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 NN ExistingLeaseType A lease agreement where the tenant pays real estate taxes and building insurance. RINC COML Active 327007 327000 TipoDeArrendamientoExistente NN 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 NNN ExistingLeaseType A lease agreement where the tenant pays real estate taxes, building insurance and maintenance. RINC COML Active 327008 327000 TipoDeArrendamientoExistente NNN 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Oral ExistingLeaseType The terms of the lease are agreed orally (not in writing) between the lessee and lessor. Legal restrictions around oral agreements vary from state to state. RINC COML Active 327009 327000 TipoDeArrendamientoExistente Verbal 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Awning(s) ExteriorFeatures The property has one or more awnings on it's exterior. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 452001 452000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Balcony ExteriorFeatures The property has an exterior balcony. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 452002 452000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Barbecue ExteriorFeatures The property has an outdoors barbeque. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 452003 452000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Basketball Court ExteriorFeatures The property has a basketball court. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 452004 452000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Boat Slip ExteriorFeatures The property includes a boat slip. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 452005 452000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Built-in Barbecue ExteriorFeatures The property has a built-in outdoor barbeque. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 452006 452000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Courtyard ExteriorFeatures The property has a courtyard. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 452007 452000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Covered Courtyard ExteriorFeatures The property has a covered courtyard. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 452008 452000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Dock ExteriorFeatures The property includes a dock. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 452009 452000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Dog Run ExteriorFeatures The property has a dog run. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 452010 452000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Electric Grill ExteriorFeatures The property has an outdoor electric grill. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 452011 452000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Fire Pit ExteriorFeatures The property has an outdoor fire pit. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 452012 452000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Garden ExteriorFeatures The property has a garden. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 452013 452000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Gas Grill ExteriorFeatures The property has an outdoor gas grill. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 452014 452000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Gray Water System ExteriorFeatures The property has a grey water system. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 452015 452000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Kennel ExteriorFeatures The property has a kennel. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 452016 452000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Lighting ExteriorFeatures The property has exterior lighting. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 452017 452000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Misting System ExteriorFeatures The property has a misting system. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 452018 452000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 None ExteriorFeatures The property has no exterior features. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 452019 452000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Other ExteriorFeatures The property has exterior features other than those in this list. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 452020 452000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Outdoor Grill ExteriorFeatures The property has an outdoor grill. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 452021 452000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Outdoor Kitchen ExteriorFeatures The property has an outdoor kitchen. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 452022 452000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Outdoor Shower ExteriorFeatures The property has an outdoor shower. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 452023 452000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Permeable Paving ExteriorFeatures The property has preamble paving that allows fluids to run through the paving to the below ground or channeling. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 452024 452000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Playground ExteriorFeatures The property has a playground. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 452025 452000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Private Entrance ExteriorFeatures The property has a private entrance. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 452026 452000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Private Yard ExteriorFeatures The property has a private yard. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 452027 452000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Rain Barrel/Cistern(s) ExteriorFeatures The property has a cistern for water collection. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 452028 452000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Rain Gutters ExteriorFeatures The structure has ran gutters. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 452029 452000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 RV Hookup ExteriorFeatures The property has hookups for recreational vehicles. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 452030 452000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Storage ExteriorFeatures The property has external storage. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 452031 452000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Tennis Court(s) ExteriorFeatures The property has one or more tennis courts. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 452032 452000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Uncovered Courtyard ExteriorFeatures The property has an uncovered courtyard. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 452033 452000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Annually FeeFrequency Fee is paid or received once a year. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 303009 303000 FrecuenciaDePago Anual 20160621T0000 20111109T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Bi-Monthly FeeFrequency Fee is paid or received every other month. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 303006 303000 FrecuenciaDePago Bimensual 20111109T0000 20111109T0000 20111109T0000 Bi-Weekly FeeFrequency Fee is paid or received every other week. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 303003 303000 FrecuenciaDePago Bisemanal 20111109T0000 20111109T0000 20111109T0000 Daily FeeFrequency Fee is paid or received daily. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 303001 303000 FrecuenciaDePago Diario 20111109T0000 20111109T0000 20111109T0000 Monthly FeeFrequency Fee is paid or received once a month. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 303005 303000 FrecuenciaDePago Mensual 20160621T0000 20111109T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 One Time FeeFrequency Fee is paid or received once and is not reoccurring. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 303011 303000 FrecuenciaDePago Una única vez 20111109T0000 20111109T0000 20111109T0000 Quarterly FeeFrequency Fee is paid or received every three months. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 303007 303000 FrecuenciaDePago Trimestral 20111109T0000 20111109T0000 20111109T0000 Seasonal FeeFrequency Fee is paid or received seasonally. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 303010 303000 FrecuenciaDePago Estacional 20111109T0000 20111109T0000 20111109T0000 Semi-Annually FeeFrequency Fee is paid or received twice a year. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 303008 303000 FrecuenciaDePago Semianual 20111109T0000 20111109T0000 20111109T0000 Semi-Monthly FeeFrequency Fee is paid or received twice a month, generally on the 1st and 15th, but that may vary. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 303004 303000 FrecuenciaDePago Semimensual 20111109T0000 20111109T0000 20111109T0000 Weekly FeeFrequency Fee is paid or received weekly. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 303002 303000 FrecuenciaDePago Semanal 20160621T0000 20111109T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Back Yard Fencing The back yard is fenced. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 396001 396000 Cercado Jardín Trasero 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Barbed Wire Fencing The fencing has barbed wire. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 396002 396000 Cercado Alambre de Púas 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Block Fencing The property has a block wall(s). RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 396003 396000 Cercado Bloque 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Brick Fencing The property has a brick wall(s). RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 396004 396000 Cercado Ladrillo 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Chain Link Fencing The property has chain link fencing. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 396005 396000 Cercado Tela Metálica 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Cross Fenced Fencing The property is cross fenced. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 396006 396000 Cercado Cercado dividido 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Electric Fencing The property has electric fencing. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 396007 396000 Cercado Eléctrico 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Fenced Fencing The property is fenced. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 396008 396000 Cercado Vallado 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Front Yard Fencing The front yard is fenced. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 396009 396000 Cercado Jardín Delantero 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Full Fencing The full property is fenced. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 396010 396000 Cercado Completo 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Gate Fencing The fencing has a gate(s). RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 396011 396000 Cercado Portal 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Invisible Fencing The property has invisible fencing. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 396012 396000 Cercado Invisible 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Masonry Fencing The property has masonry wall(s). RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 396013 396000 Cercado Albañilería 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 None Fencing The property has no fencing. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 396014 396000 Cercado Ninguno 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Other Fencing The property has a type of fencing that is not included in this list. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 396015 396000 Cercado Otro 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Partial Fencing The property is partially fenced. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 396016 396000 Cercado Parcial 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Partial Cross Fencing The property has partial cross fencing. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 396017 396000 Cercado Cercado Parcial 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Perimeter Fencing The property has a perimeter fence. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 396018 396000 Cercado Perimetral 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Pipe Fencing The property has pipe fencing. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 396019 396000 Cercado Canal 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Privacy Fencing The property has privacy fencing. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 396020 396000 Cercado Privacidad 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Security Fencing The property has security fencing. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 396021 396000 Cercado Seguridad 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 See Remarks Fencing See the Public or Private remarks for details on the fencing. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 396022 396000 Cercado Ver Observaciones 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Slump Stone Fencing The property has slump stone wall(s). RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 396023 396000 Cercado Piedra Caída 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Split Rail Fencing The property has split rail fencing. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 396024 396000 Cercado Cercado a Media Altura 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Stone Fencing The property has stone wall(s). RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 396025 396000 Cercado Piedra 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Vinyl Fencing The property has vinyl fencing. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 396026 396000 Cercado Vinilo 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Wire Fencing The property has wire fencing. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 396027 396000 Cercado Alambre 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Wood Fencing The property has wooden fencing. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 396028 396000 Cercado Madera 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Wrought Iron Fencing The property has wrought iron fencing. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 396029 396000 Cercado Hierro Forjado 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Accountant FinancialDataSource The financial data in the listing was provided by an accountant. RINC Active 328001 328000 FuenteDeInformaciónFinanciera Contador 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Owner FinancialDataSource the financial data in the listing was provided by the owner. RINC Active 328002 328000 FuenteDeInformaciónFinanciera Propietario 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Property Manager FinancialDataSource the financial data in the listing was provided by the property manager. RINC Active 328003 328000 FuenteDeInformaciónFinanciera Administrador del Terreno 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Basement FireplaceFeatures There is a fireplace in the basement. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 453001 453000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Bath FireplaceFeatures The property includes a bathroom fireplace. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 453002 453000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Bedroom FireplaceFeatures The property has a bedroom fireplace. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 453003 453000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Blower Fan FireplaceFeatures The fireplace has a blower fan. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 453004 453000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Circulating FireplaceFeatures The fireplace has a circulation system. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 453005 453000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Decorative FireplaceFeatures The property has a decorative fireplace. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 453006 453000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Den FireplaceFeatures The property has a fireplace in the den. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 453007 453000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Dining Room FireplaceFeatures The property has a fireplace in the dining room. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 453008 453000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Double Sided FireplaceFeatures The property has a double sided fireplace. Double sided fireplaces often have openings in adjacent rooms. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 453009 453000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Electric FireplaceFeatures The fireplace is electric. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 453010 453000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 EPA Certified Wood Stove FireplaceFeatures The property has an EPA certified wood stove. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 453011 453000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 EPA Qualified Fireplace FireplaceFeatures The property has an EPA certified fireplace. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 453012 453000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Factory Built FireplaceFeatures The fireplace is factory built and later installed into the property. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 453013 453000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Family Room FireplaceFeatures There is a fireplace in the family room. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 453014 453000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Fire Pit FireplaceFeatures The property has a fire pit. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 453015 453000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Free Standing FireplaceFeatures The fireplace is free standing, rather than built-in. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 453016 453000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Gas FireplaceFeatures The fireplace burns gas. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 453017 453000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Gas Log FireplaceFeatures The gas fireplace has a gas log. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 453018 453000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Gas Starter FireplaceFeatures The fireplace has a gas started, but also burns wood or other fuels. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 453019 453000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Glass Doors FireplaceFeatures The fireplace has glass doors. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 453020 453000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Great Room FireplaceFeatures There is a fireplace in the great room. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 453021 453000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Heatilator FireplaceFeatures The fireplace has a built in ventilation system used to circulate heat. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 453022 453000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Insert FireplaceFeatures A fireplace insert is a device inserted into an existing masonry or prefabricated fireplace. Inserts are used for their aesthetic, insulating, circulating or other features. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 453023 453000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Kitchen FireplaceFeatures The property has a fireplace in the kitchen. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 453024 453000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Library FireplaceFeatures The property has a fireplace in the library. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 453025 453000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Living Room FireplaceFeatures The property has a fireplace in the living room. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 453026 453000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Masonry FireplaceFeatures The fireplace is made of masonry. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 453027 453000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Master Bedroom FireplaceFeatures The property has a fireplace in the master bedroom. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 453028 453000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Metal FireplaceFeatures The fireplace is make of metal. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 453029 453000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 None FireplaceFeatures The property has no fireplace. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 453030 453000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Other FireplaceFeatures The fireplace has features that are not included in this list. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 453031 453000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Outside FireplaceFeatures The property has an outdoor fireplace. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 453032 453000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Pellet Stove FireplaceFeatures The property has a stove that burns compressed wood or biomass pellets to generate heat. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 453033 453000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Propane FireplaceFeatures The fireplace burns propane. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 453034 453000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Raised Hearth FireplaceFeatures The fireplace has a raised hearth. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 453035 453000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Recreation Room FireplaceFeatures The property has a fireplace in the recreation room. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 453036 453000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Sealed Combustion FireplaceFeatures The fireplace has sealed combustion chamber. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 453037 453000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 See Remarks FireplaceFeatures See the remarks fields for additional information about the fireplace(s). RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 453038 453000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 See Through FireplaceFeatures The property has a see-through fireplace, usually positioned between two rooms. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 453039 453000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Stone FireplaceFeatures The property has a fireplace made with stone. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 453040 453000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Ventless FireplaceFeatures The property has a ventless fireplace. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 453041 453000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Wood Burning FireplaceFeatures The fireplace is wood burning. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 453042 453000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Wood Burning Stove FireplaceFeatures The property includes a wood burning stove. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 453043 453000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Zero Clearance FireplaceFeatures The property has a zero clearance fireplace. Zero clearance fireplaces are built to be placed almost directly against combustible materials like wood, walls, or paneling. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 453044 453000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Adobe Flooring The property includes adobe flooring. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 454001 454000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Bamboo Flooring The property includes bamboo flooring. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 454002 454000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Brick Flooring The property includes brick flooring. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 454003 454000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Carpet Flooring The property includes carpet flooring. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 454004 454000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Ceramic Tile Flooring The property includes ceramic tile flooring. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 454005 454000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Clay Flooring The property includes clay flooring. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 454006 454000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Combination Flooring The property includes combination flooring. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 454007 454000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Concrete Flooring The property includes concrete flooring. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 454008 454000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Cork Flooring The property includes cork flooring. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 454009 454000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 CRI Green Label Plus Certified Carpet Flooring The property includes CRI Green Label Plus certified carpet flooring. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 454010 454000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Dirt Flooring The property has dirt flooring. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 454011 454000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 FloorScore(r) Certified Flooring Flooring The property includes FloorScore(r) certified flooring . RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 454012 454000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 FSC or SFI Certified Source Hardwood Flooring The property includes FSC or SFI certified source hardwood flooring. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 454013 454000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Granite Flooring The property includes granite flooring. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 454014 454000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Hardwood Flooring The property includes hardwood flooring. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 454015 454000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Laminate Flooring The property includes laminate flooring. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 454016 454000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Linoleum Flooring The property includes linoleum flooring. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 454017 454000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Marble Flooring The property includes marble flooring. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 454018 454000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 None Flooring The property has no flooring. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 454019 454000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Other Flooring The property includes flooring that is not included in this list. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 454020 454000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Painted/Stained Flooring The property includes painted or stained flooring. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 454021 454000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Parquet Flooring The property includes parquet flooring. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 454022 454000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Pavers Flooring The property includes flooring pavers. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 454023 454000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Reclaimed Wood Flooring The property includes reclaimed wood flooring. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 454024 454000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 See Remarks Flooring See the remarks field for additional information about the flooring included with the property. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 454025 454000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Simulated Wood Flooring The property includes simulated wood flooring. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 454026 454000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Slate Flooring The property includes slate flooring. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 454027 454000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Softwood Flooring The property includes softwood flooring. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 454028 454000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Stamped Flooring The property includes stamped flooring. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 454029 454000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Stone Flooring The property includes stone flooring. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 454030 454000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Sustainable Flooring The property includes sustainable flooring. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 454031 454000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Terrazzo Flooring The property includes terrazzo flooring. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 454032 454000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Tile Flooring The property includes tile flooring. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 454033 454000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Varies Flooring The property flooring type varies. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 454034 454000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Vinyl Flooring The property includes vinyl flooring. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 454035 454000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Wood Flooring The property includes wood flooring. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 454036 454000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Block FoundationDetails The foundation of the property is made wholly or partially of block. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 360001 360000 DetalleDeCimientos Bloque 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20170206T0000 Brick/Mortar FoundationDetails The foundation of the property is made wholly or partially of brick/mortar. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 360002 360000 DetalleDeCimientos Manera Tradicional 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20170206T0000 Combination FoundationDetails The foundation of the property is made of a combination of materials. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 360003 360000 DetalleDeCimientos Combinación 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Concrete Perimeter FoundationDetails The foundation of the property has a concrete perimeter. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 360004 360000 DetalleDeCimientos Perimetral de Hormigón 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 None FoundationDetails There are no details about the foundation of the property. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 360005 360000 DetalleDeCimientos Ninguno 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Other FoundationDetails A foundation type not included in this list. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 360012 360000 DetalleDeCimientos Otro 20170809T0000 20160805T0000 1.6 20170809T0000 Permanent FoundationDetails The foundation is permanent and not temporary or movable. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 360006 360000 DetalleDeCimientos Permanente 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Pillar/Post/Pier FoundationDetails The foundation of the property is made wholly or partially of pillar/post/pier. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 360007 360000 DetalleDeCimientos Pilar/Poste/Muelle 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Raised FoundationDetails The foundation of the property is raised. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 360008 360000 DetalleDeCimientos Levantado 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 See Remarks FoundationDetails See the listing's remarks for details about the foundation. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 360009 360000 DetalleDeCimientos Ver Observaciones 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Slab FoundationDetails The foundation of the property is made wholly or partially of a concrete slab. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 360010 360000 DetalleDeCimientos Losa 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Stone FoundationDetails The foundation of the property is made wholly or partially of stone. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 360011 360000 DetalleDeCimientos Piedra 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Bay/Harbor FrontageType The property fronts to a bay or harbor. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 397001 397000 TipoDeFachada Bahía/Muelle 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Golf Course FrontageType The property fronts to a golf course. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 397002 397000 TipoDeFachada Campo de Golf 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Lagoon/Estuary FrontageType The property fronts to a lagoon or estuary. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 397003 397000 TipoDeFachada Laguna/Estuario 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Lakefront FrontageType The property is on a lakefront. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 397004 397000 TipoDeFachada Frente a Lago 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Oceanfront FrontageType The property is on an oceanfront. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 397005 397000 TipoDeFachada Frente a Océano 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Other FrontageType The frontage of the property is something other than the options in this list. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 397006 397000 TipoDeFachada Otro 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 River FrontageType The property is on a riverfront. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 397007 397000 TipoDeFachada Río 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 See Remarks FrontageType See the Public or Private Remarks for details on the frontage of the property. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 397008 397000 TipoDeFachada Ver Observaciones 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Waterfront FrontageType The property is on a waterfront. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 397009 397000 TipoDeFachada Frente Marítimo 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Furnished Furnished The dwelling being leased is furnished. RLSE Active 361001 361000 Amueblado Amueblado 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20170206T0000 Negotiable Furnished The property may be furnished or left unfurnished at the lessor's request. Contact the listing agent/office to discuss options and cost differences. RLSE Active 361005 361000 Amueblado 20181226T0000 20180822T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Partially Furnished The dwelling being leased is partially furnished. RLSE Active 361002 361000 Amueblado Parcialmente 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Unfurnished Furnished The dwelling being leased is not furnished. RLSE Active 361003 361000 Amueblado Sin Amueblar 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20170206T0000 Certified Passive House GreenBuildingVerificationType Super-insulated new homes that have been built to meet certification requirements demonstrating minimal or no heating and cooling system. Assessment Program = "ENERGY STAR Certified Homes" RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 347010 347000 TipoDeVerificaciónDeEdificioVerde Casa Pasiva Certificada 20160621T0000 20150917T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 ENERGY STAR Certified Homes GreenBuildingVerificationType EPA ENERGY STAR Certified Homes is a set of optional construction practices and technologies (above minimum code requirements) that builders can follow to upgrade a new home's energy efficiency beyond minimum code requirements. Guidelines are outlined in the National Performance Path; or the National Prescriptive Path; This whole-house label differs from the ENERGY STAR products label. To achieve the ENERGY STAR Certified Homes label, a home's energy efficiency must be verified by a third-party organization. Assessment Program = "ENERGY STAR Certified Homes" RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 347002 347000 TipoDeVerificaciónDeEdificioVerde Hogares Certificados ENERGY STAR 20160621T0000 20150917T0000 1.5.0 20161108T0000 EnerPHit GreenBuildingVerificationType Super-insulated existing homes that have been remodeled to meet certification requirements demonstrating minimal or no heating and cooling system. Assessment Program = "ENERGY STAR Certified Homes" RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 347011 347000 TipoDeVerificaciónDeEdificioVerde EnerPHit 20160621T0000 20150917T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 HERS Index Score GreenBuildingVerificationType The HERS Index is the nationally recognized scoring system for measuring a home's energy performance. To calculate a home's HERS Index Score, a certified RESNET home energy rater will do a home energy rating and compare the data against a reference home (a design-modeled home of the same size and shape as the actual home), so the HERS Index Score is always relative to the size, shape, and type of the house. The lower the number, the more energy efficient the home. Assessment Program = "ENERGY STAR Certified Homes" RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 347015 347000 TipoDeVerificaciónDeEdificioVerde Índice de Puntuación HERS 20160621T0000 20150917T0000 1.5.0 20161109T0000 Home Energy Score GreenBuildingVerificationType The Home Energy Score, managed by the US DOE, is a national system that allows homes to receive an energy efficiency rating, similar to the MPG rating available for cars. The Home Energy Score uses a 10-point scale to reflect how much energy a home is expected to use under standard operating conditions. Homes that are expected to use the least amount of energy (and are considered the most energy efficient) score a 10, and homes that are expected to use the most amount of energy (and are considered the least energy efficient) score a 1. The Home Energy Score uses a standard calculation method and takes into account the home's structure and envelope (walls, windows, foundation) and its heating, cooling, and hot water systems. Only Qualified Assessors who pass a DOE exam are allowed to provide the Home Energy Score. Assessment Program = "ENERGY STAR Certified Homes" RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 347014 347000 TipoDeVerificaciónDeEdificioVerde Puntuación Home Energy 20160621T0000 20150917T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Home Energy Upgrade Certificate of Energy Efficiency Improvements GreenBuildingVerificationType Buildings Performance Institute BPI- 2101 Standard Requirements for a Certificate of Completion for Whole-House Energy Efficiency Upgrades specifies a standard way of describing the improvements made to an existing home through a home energy upgrade (HEU). Certificates are provided by a local energy efficiency program sponsor. Assessment Program = "ENERGY STAR Certified Homes" RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 347016 347000 TipoDeVerificaciónDeEdificioVerde Certificado de Mejora Home Energy por Mejoras de Eficiencia Energética 20160621T0000 20150917T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Home Energy Upgrade Certificate of Energy Efficiency Performance GreenBuildingVerificationType Buildings Performance Institute BPI- 2101 Standard Requirements for a Certificate of Completion for Whole-House Energy Efficiency Upgrades specifies a standard way of describing the improvements made to an existing home through a home energy upgrade (HEU) and provides one or more measures of a home's performance. Measures of performance may include a HERS rating, a Home Energy Score, an indication of projected or actual energy consumption, or other systems. Certificates are provided by a local energy efficiency program sponsor. Assessment Program = "ENERGY STAR Certified Homes" RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 347017 347000 TipoDeVerificaciónDeEdificioVerde Certificado de Mejora de Eficiencia Energética para el Hogar de Home Energy 20160621T0000 20150917T0000 1.5.0 20161109T0000 Home Performance with ENERGY STAR GreenBuildingVerificationType Home Performance with ENERGY STAR offers whole-house solutions to high energy bills and homes with comfort problems. The program is managed by a local sponsor that recruits home improvement contractors who are qualified to perform comprehensive home assessments and improvements. Local sponsors must follow specific guidelines to participate as outlined in the HPwES Sponsor Guide and Reference Manual. Assessment Program = "ENERGY STAR Certified Homes" RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 347003 347000 TipoDeVerificaciónDeEdificioVerde Mejora en el Hogar con ENERGY STAR 20160621T0000 20150917T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Indoor airPLUS GreenBuildingVerificationType EPA Indoor airPLUS is a set of optional construction practices and technologies builders can follow to reduce indoor air pollutants and improve the indoor air quality in a new home beyond minimum code requirements. It is only available to homes that first meet ENERGY STAR Certified Homes certification. Assessment Program = "ENERGY STAR Certified Homes" RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 347004 347000 TipoDeVerificaciónDeEdificioVerde airPLUS para Interiores 20160621T0000 20150917T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 LEED For Homes GreenBuildingVerificationType USGBC's residential rating system, LEED for Homes, was launched in 2008. The LEED rating systems are developed through an open, consensus-based process led by LEED committees. LEED is a voluntary program that provides independent, third-party verification that a home was designed and built using methods for achieving high performance in multiple areas of sustainability including energy, water, waste management, indoor air quality, and sustainable site development. There are multiple rating systems for all types of buildings including Existing Buildings and Homes for residential projects. Homes may achieve different levels of certification (platinum, gold, silver, certified) depending on the number of LEED prerequisites and credits that are met. Assessment Program = "ENERGY STAR Certified Homes" RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 347005 347000 TipoDeVerificaciónDeEdificioVerde LEED Para Hogares 20160621T0000 20150917T0000 1.5.0 20161109T0000 Living Building Challenge GreenBuildingVerificationType Living Future Institute's Homes certified by a third-party that they produce as much or more energy than they use. Super-insulated homes that have met certification requirements demonstrating minimal or no heating and cooling system. Assessment Program = "ENERGY STAR Certified Homes" RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 347013 347000 TipoDeVerificaciónDeEdificioVerde Living Building Challenge 20160621T0000 20150917T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 NGBS New Construction GreenBuildingVerificationType Home Innovation Research Labs certifies homes to the ICC-700 National Green Building Standard(tm) (NGBS), which has undergone the full consensus process and received approval from the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). Home Innovation Research Labs provides project certification to the NGBS. NGBS applies to both single-family homes and multifamily buildings. Certification options also exist for new construction, remodel projects (both whole-home and functional areas such as a kitchen or bathroom) and land development/subdivision. Homes may qualify for a bronze, silver, gold, or emerald certification level depending on the number of green building practices met. Assessment Program = "ENERGY STAR Certified Homes" RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 347006 347000 TipoDeVerificaciónDeEdificioVerde Nueva Construcción NGBS 20160621T0000 20150917T0000 1.5.0 20161109T0000 NGBS Small Projects Remodel GreenBuildingVerificationType Home Innovation Research Labs provides project certification to the NGBS. NGBS applies to both single-family homes and multifamily buildings. Certification options also exist for new construction, remodel projects (both whole-home and functional areas such as a kitchen or bathroom), and land development/subdivision. For the Small Projects Remodel, the functional area (kitchen, bathroom, basement, addition) is either certified or not. Unlike other NGBS certifications, multiple certification levels (bronze, silver, gold, or emerald) do not exist for this certification option. Assessment Program = "ENERGY STAR Certified Homes" RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 347008 347000 TipoDeVerificaciónDeEdificioVerde Remodelación de Pequeños Proyectos NGBS 20160621T0000 20150917T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 NGBS Whole-Home Remodel GreenBuildingVerificationType Home Innovation Research Labs provides project certification to the NGBS. NGBS applies to both single-family homes and multifamily buildings. Certification options also exist for new construction, remodel projects (both whole-home and functional areas such as a kitchen or bathroom), and land development/subdivision. Homes may qualify for a bronze, silver, gold, or emerald certification level depending on the number of green building practices met. Assessment Program = "ENERGY STAR Certified Homes" RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 347007 347000 TipoDeVerificaciónDeEdificioVerde Remodelación Entera del Hogar NGBS 20160621T0000 20150917T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 PHIUS+ GreenBuildingVerificationType Super-insulated homes that have met certification requirements demonstrating minimal or no heating and cooling system. Assessment Program = "ENERGY STAR Certified Homes" RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 347009 347000 TipoDeVerificaciónDeEdificioVerde PHIUS+ 20160621T0000 20150917T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 WaterSense GreenBuildingVerificationType EPA WaterSense is a set of optional construction practices and technologies (above minimum code requirements) that builders can follow to ensure a home uses less water while still providing the same level of comfort and convenience. WaterSense also applies to specific plumbing fixtures (see InteriorFeatures) and should not be confused with the whole-house label. Assessment Program = "ENERGY STAR Certified Homes" RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 347001 347000 TipoDeVerificaciónDeEdificioVerde WaterSense 20160621T0000 20150917T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Zero Energy Ready Home GreenBuildingVerificationType DOE Zero Energy Ready Home is a set of optional construction practices and technologies (above minimum code and ENERGY STAR Certified Home requirements) that builders can follow to ensure high-performance homes so energy efficient all or most annual energy consumption can be offset with renewable energy. Guidelines are outlined in the "DOE Zero Energy Ready Home National Program Requirements." Assessment Program = "ENERGY STAR Certified Homes" RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 347012 347000 TipoDeVerificaciónDeEdificioVerde Hogar Listo para Energía Cero 20160621T0000 20150917T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Appliances GreenEnergyEfficient For purposes of marketing, the property has appliances that have some green/efficient rating or quality. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 362001 362000 EnergíaVerdeEficiente Electrodomésticos 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Construction GreenEnergyEfficient For purposes of marketing, the property has construction that has some green/efficient rating or quality. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 362002 362000 EnergíaVerdeEficiente Construcción 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Doors GreenEnergyEfficient For purposes of marketing, the property has doors that have some green/efficient rating or quality. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 362003 362000 EnergíaVerdeEficiente Puertas 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Exposure/Shade GreenEnergyEfficient For purposes of marketing, the property has exposure/shade that has some green/efficient rating or quality. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 362004 362000 EnergíaVerdeEficiente Exposición/Sombra 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 HVAC GreenEnergyEfficient For purposes of marketing, the property has a heating, ventilation and air conditioning system that has some green/efficient rating or quality. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 362005 362000 EnergíaVerdeEficiente HVAC 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Incentives GreenEnergyEfficient For purposes of marketing, the property has incentives that have some green/efficiency focus. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 362006 362000 EnergíaVerdeEficiente Incentivos 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Insulation GreenEnergyEfficient For purposes of marketing, the property has insulation that has some green/efficient rating or quality. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 362007 362000 EnergíaVerdeEficiente Aislamiento 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Lighting GreenEnergyEfficient For purposes of marketing, the property has lighting that has some green/efficient rating or quality. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 362008 362000 EnergíaVerdeEficiente Iluminación 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Roof GreenEnergyEfficient For purposes of marketing, the property has a roof that has some green/efficient rating or quality. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 362009 362000 EnergíaVerdeEficiente Tejado 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Thermostat GreenEnergyEfficient For purposes of marketing, the property has thermostat(s) that have some green/efficient rating or quality. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 362010 362000 EnergíaVerdeEficiente Termostato 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Water Heater GreenEnergyEfficient For purposes of marketing, the property has a water heater that have some green/efficient rating or quality. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 362011 362000 EnergíaVerdeEficiente Calentador de Agua 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Windows GreenEnergyEfficient For purposes of marketing, the property has windows that have some green/efficient rating or quality. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 362012 362000 EnergíaVerdeEficiente Ventanas 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Solar GreenEnergyGeneration Renewable form of onsite power generation. Most common are solar photovoltaic (PV) devices which generate electricity directly from sunlight via an electronic process that occurs naturally in certain types of material, called semiconductors. Powers electrical devices or sends electricity to the grid. See: <a href="http://www.seia.org/policy/solar-technology/photovoltaic-solar-electric">http://www.seia.org/policy/solar-technology/photovoltaic-solar-electric</a> RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 382001 382000 GeneraciónDeEnergíaVerde Solar 20160621T0000 20160513T0000 1.5.0 20161129T0000 Wind GreenEnergyGeneration Renewable form of onsite power generation. Wind turbines use wind to make electricity. Powers electrical devices or sends electricity to the grid. See: <a href="http://energy.gov/eere/wind/how-do-wind-turbines-work">http://energy.gov/eere/wind/how-do-wind-turbines-work</a> RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 382002 382000 GeneraciónDeEnergíaVerde Viento 20160621T0000 20160513T0000 1.5.0 20161129T0000 Contaminant Control GreenIndoorAirQuality Property has been carefully designed to prevent, monitor, and suppress pollution issues. Carefully selected low-emission materials have been used in the home. May include passive or active radon control, carbon monoxide monitoring, and high-efficiency sealed combustion for equipment such as furnaces and water heaters. May include elimination of materials that contain lead or asbestos. May include reduction of materials that contain volatile organic compounds (VOCs, including formaldehyde) and pesticides. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 383001 383000 CalidadDeAireInteriorVerde Control de Contaminantes 20160621T0000 20160513T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Integrated Pest Management GreenIndoorAirQuality Property is designed for systematic management of pests that uses prevention, exclusion, monitoring, and suppression. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 383004 383000 CalidadDeAireInteriorVerde Gestión Integrada de Pestes 20160621T0000 20160513T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Moisture Control GreenIndoorAirQuality Every foundation, roof, roofing component, exterior wall, door, skylight, and window is designed and maintained to be watertight and free of persistent dampness or moisture. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 383002 383000 CalidadDeAireInteriorVerde Control de la Humedad 20160621T0000 20160513T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Ventilation GreenIndoorAirQuality Furnaces, water heaters, woodstoves, and other devices that employ combustion-burning fuel are vented to the outside in a manner that meets manufacturer specifications to prevent back-drafting. Natural and/or mechanical ventilation delivers fresh air to every habitable room and bathroom to remove moisture laden air and other contaminants generated during cooking and bathing/showering. The air exhausted from a bathroom, toilet room, or kitchen does not vent into habitable space or an attic. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 383003 383000 CalidadDeAireInteriorVerde Ventilación 20160621T0000 20160513T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Conserving Methods GreenSustainability Construction is planned to require fewer materials while maintaining structural integrity. May include advanced wall framing as documented in several major green building programs. May also include indigenous construction methods such as straw bale, sod, clay, etc., based on local climate, materials, and practices. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 384001 384000 SostenibilidadVerde Métodos de Conservación 20160621T0000 20160513T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Onsite Recycling Center GreenSustainability Property includes sufficient built-in storage space and/ or containers for temporary storage of recyclable materials and/or compost collection. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 384007 384000 SostenibilidadVerde Centro de Reciclaje Interno 20160621T0000 20160513T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Recyclable Materials GreenSustainability Structure includes multiple products that have a significant amount of postconsumer recycled content. Major green building programs tend to use 25 percent postconsumer recycled content as a threshold. Postindustrial recycled content tends to count toward overall content, but to a less scale. Some more common examples of recycled content materials include masonry, paving stones, or foundations with fly ash; aluminum gutters and downspouts; decking; drywall fibers, insulation, and house wrap; vinyl plastics; countertops; and cabinets, interior doors, or trim. More details are available on Home Innovation Research Labs “Browse Green Certified Products” tool or LEED Environmentally Preferred Products credit table. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 384004 384000 SostenibilidadVerde Materiales para Reciclaje 20181226T0000 20171009T0000 1.5.0 20181226T0000 Recycled Materials GreenSustainability Structure includes multiple products that have a significant amount of postconsumer recycled content. Major green building programs tend to use 25 percent postconsumer recycled content as a threshold. Postindustrial recycled content tends to count toward overall content, but to a less scale. Some more common examples of recycled content materials include masonry, paving stones, or foundations with fly ash; aluminum gutters and downspouts; decking; drywall fibers, insulation, and house wrap; vinyl plastics; countertops; and cabinets, interior doors, or trim. More details are available on Home Innovation Research Labs “Browse Green Certified Products” tool or LEED Environmentally Preferred Products credit table. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 384003 384000 SostenibilidadVerde Materiales Reciclados 20160621T0000 20160513T0000 1.5.0 20161129T0000 Regionally-Sourced Materials GreenSustainability Refers to building materials that were manufactured, extracted, harvested, or recovered within 500 miles of the building. Several major green building programs define regionally sourced as within a 500-mile radius. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 384002 384000 SostenibilidadVerde Materiales de Origen Regional 20160621T0000 20160513T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Renewable Materials GreenSustainability Structure includes materials that are naturally occurring, abundant, and/or fast-growing materials. Some products are certified to come from fast-growing or otherwise renewable sources such as flooring and wood products. Some materials may be bio-based, which means they have been processed from once-living materials such as paper, straw, soy, natural fibers, and crops. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 384005 384000 SostenibilidadVerde Materiales Renovables 20160621T0000 20160513T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Salvaged Materials GreenSustainability Structure incorporates materials that were diverted from a landfill and/or sourced to give an otherwise unused item fresh use as an attached fixture. May include bricks, timbers, roofing, flooring, walls, cabinets, doors, etc. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 384006 384000 SostenibilidadVerde Materiales Rescatados 20160621T0000 20160513T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Administrator GreenVerificationSource An administrator such as a utility, governmental entity, etc. provided data such as photovoltaic characteristics, or a verified score, certification, label, etc. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 381001 381000 FuenteDeVerificaciónVerde Administrador 20160621T0000 20160419T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Assessor GreenVerificationSource The assessor provided data such as photovoltaic characteristics, or a verified score, certification, label, etc. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 381002 381000 FuenteDeVerificaciónVerde Asesor 20160621T0000 20160419T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Builder GreenVerificationSource The builder provided data such as photovoltaic characteristics, or a verified score, certification, label, etc. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 381003 381000 FuenteDeVerificaciónVerde Constructor 20160621T0000 20160419T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Contractor or Installer GreenVerificationSource The contractor or installer provided data such as photovoltaic characteristics, or a verified score, certification, label, etc. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 381004 381000 FuenteDeVerificaciónVerde Contratista o Instalador 20160621T0000 20160419T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Other GreenVerificationSource Data such as photovoltaic characteristics, or a verified score, certification, label, etc. was received from another party not listed. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 381005 381000 FuenteDeVerificaciónVerde Otra 20160621T0000 20160419T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Owner GreenVerificationSource The owner provided data such as photovoltaic characteristics, or a verified score, certification, label, etc. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 381006 381000 FuenteDeVerificaciónVerde Propietario 20160621T0000 20160419T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Program Sponsor GreenVerificationSource The program sponsor provided data such as photovoltaic characteristics, or a verified score, certification, label, etc. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 381007 381000 FuenteDeVerificaciónVerde Patrocinador del Programa 20160621T0000 20160419T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Program Verifier GreenVerificationSource The program verifier hired as a third-party provided data such as photovoltaic characteristics, or a verified score, certification, label, etc. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 381008 381000 FuenteDeVerificaciónVerde Verificador del Programa 20160621T0000 20160419T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Public Records GreenVerificationSource Data such as photovoltaic characteristics, or a verified score, certification, label, etc. was received from public record such as a building permit. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 381009 381000 FuenteDeVerificaciónVerde Registros Públicos 20160621T0000 20160419T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 See Remarks GreenVerificationSource See remarks for information about the source of data such as photovoltaic characteristics, or a verified score, certification, label, etc. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 381010 381000 FuenteDeVerificaciónVerde Ver Observaciones 20160621T0000 20160419T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Complete GreenVerificationStatus Indicates that verification process is complete. All requirements are complete and official verification documentation is on file or published; or more than 12 months of occupancy. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 386002 386000 EstadoDeVerificaciónVerde Completo 20170809T0000 20160521T0000 1.6 20170809T0000 In Process GreenVerificationStatus Indicates that verification process is underway, but not complete. Application, plans testing or specifications in process; or may be less than 12 months of occupancy. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 386001 386000 EstadoDeVerificaciónVerde En Proceso 20170809T0000 20160521T0000 1.6 20170809T0000 Efficient Hot Water Distribution GreenWaterConservation Efficient hot water distribution systems are designed to generate hot water using fewer fuel resources, and to get hot water to low-flow faucets and fixtures more quickly. These systems often feature carefully designed plumbing lines that are less redundant and/or shorter. Rather than measuring time to hot water at a fixture in gallons, efficient distribution systems can be measured in cups. EPA WaterSense Guide for Hot Water Distribution as well as several green building programs have further details. This may also be known as Structured Plumbing. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 385005 385000 ConservaciónEcológicaDeAgua Distribución Eficiente de Agua Caliente 20160621T0000 20160513T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Gray Water System GreenWaterConservation The property includes a grey water system. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 385003 385000 ConservaciónEcológicaDeAgua Sistema de Aguas Grises 20181226T0000 20171010T0000 1.5.0 20181226T0000 Green Infrastructure GreenWaterConservation Green Infrastructure is a set of strategies and specifically designed systems to manage stormwater runoff through a variety of small, cost-effective landscape features located on a property. Green Infrastructure employs infiltration (allowing water to slowly sink into the soil), evaporation/transpiration using native vegetation, and rainwater capture and reuse (storing runoff to water plants, flush toilets, etc.). May include green roof, rain gardens, rain barrels, permeable paving, etc. EPA Green Infrastructure webpage has more information RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 385002 385000 ConservaciónEcológicaDeAgua Infraestructura Verde 20160621T0000 20160513T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Low-Flow Fixtures GreenWaterConservation Toilets, bathroom faucets, showerheads, irrigation controllers, and other products can be manufactured to use less water than minimum standards. Some products are qualified by third-party programs like the EPA WaterSense and are typically at least 20 percent more water-efficient than standard products. EPA WaterSense website has additional information RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 385006 385000 ConservaciónEcológicaDeAgua Accesorios Insatalados que Reducen el Volumen de Agua 20160621T0000 20160513T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Water Recycling GreenWaterConservation The property includes a system to reuse stormwater via rain barrels or cisterns for landscaping, or to treat and reuse water from bathroom sinks, showers, and clothes washing drains for landscape irrigation and/or toilet flushing. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 385004 385000 ConservaciónEcológicaDeAgua Reciclaje de Agua 20160621T0000 20160513T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Water-Smart Landscaping GreenWaterConservation Water-smart landscapes are designed to require less water and fertilizer treatments. These landscapes feature regionally appropriate plants that require low water and are native to the local climate. Plants are organized by hydrozones (watering needs). Any irrigation system is qualified for high water-efficiency. Turfgrass is minimized and grown to the tallest height recommended. Strategic maintenance includes mulching and soil aeration. Other details are documented in EPA’s Water-Smart Landscape Design Tips. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 385001 385000 ConservaciónEcológicaDeAgua Paisajismo Inteligente 20160621T0000 20160513T0000 1.5.0 20161129T0000 Active Solar Heating Active solar heating systems use solar energy to heat a fluid -- either liquid or air -- and then transfer the solar heat directly to the interior space or to a storage system for later use. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 455001 455000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Baseboard Heating Baseboard heating utilizes convection, as cold air drops from the window, it enters the baseboard heating unit where the air is warmed by heating elements, typically fins. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 455002 455000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Ceiling Heating A heating unit that is installed into, or upon the surface, of the ceiling. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 455003 455000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Central Heating A system where heat is generated in one or more locations in the structure and distributed throughout the structure. The term "Central" is commonly understood as distribution done by ducting air. Piping a fluid to radiators is also a central type of heating, but this can be clarified with the options "Radiator" and "Forced Air". RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 455004 455000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Coal Heating The heating system uses coal as its fuel to generate heat. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 455005 455000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Coal Stove Heating A coal burning stove that is used for heat. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 455006 455000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Ductless Heating The heating system does not have ducting like that found in central forced air systems. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 455007 455000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Electric Heating A heating system that utilizes electricity and heating elements, such as coils or fins, to generate heat. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 455008 455000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 ENERGY STAR Qualified Equipment Heating The heating system is ENERGY STAR Qualified. Specific performance information must be determined by review of the actual unit. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 455009 455000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 ENERGY STAR/ACCA RSI Qualified Installation Heating The heating system installation was done by an ENERGY STAR or ACCA RSI qualified contractor. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 455010 455000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Exhaust Fan Heating The property has an exhaust fan. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 455011 455000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Fireplace Insert Heating The property has a fireplace insert for generating heat. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 455012 455000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Fireplace(s) Heating The property has one or more fireplaces used to generate heat. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 455013 455000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Floor Furnace Heating A radiant heating system that is mounted into the floor and distributes the heat via convection. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 455014 455000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Forced Air Heating The property has a forced air system, typically via ducting throughout the structure. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 455015 455000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Geothermal Heating A geothermal heating system, also known as a ground source heat pump, transfers heat from below ground into the structure. Ground Source Heat Pump RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 455016 455000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Gravity Heating A gravity heating system, also known as an octopus furnace, is typically a ducted system that doesn't use a fan, but rather is designed to allow the heat to rise naturally thought the ducts to the different areas of the structure. Octopus Furnace RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 455017 455000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Heat Pump Heating A system that exchanges heat between a warm and cool space. The heat exchange is done between the dwelling and another air space, like outdoors; or a water source; or below ground (geothermal). RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 455018 455000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Hot Water Heating The heating system uses a boiler and pipes to deliver hot water to radiators throughout the dwelling. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 455019 455000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Humidity Control Heating The heating system has humidity control. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 455020 455000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Kerosene Heating The heating system uses kerosene as its fuel to generate heat. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 455021 455000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Natural Gas Heating The heating system uses natural gas as its fuel to generate heat. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 455022 455000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 None Heating The property does not have a heating system. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 455023 455000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Oil Heating The heating system uses oil as its fuel to generate heat. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 455024 455000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Other Heating The property has a heating system or features that are not included in this list. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 455025 455000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Passive Solar Heating Passive solar is a building design where the walls, windows, floors, etc., are made to collect heat and warm the dwelling. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 455026 455000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Pellet Stove Heating The property has a stove that burns compressed wood or biomass pellets to generate heat. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 455027 455000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Propane Heating The heating system uses propane as its fuel to generate heat. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 455028 455000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Propane Stove Heating The property has a stove that burns propane to generate heat. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 455029 455000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Radiant Heating The heating system uses radiators to release heat within the dwelling. The heat is typically delivered to the radiator(s) by water/steam or electricity. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 455030 455000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Radiant Ceiling Heating The radiant heating element(s) are located in the ceiling. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 455031 455000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Radiant Floor Heating The radiant heating element(s) are located in the floor. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 455032 455000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 See Remarks Heating See the remarks fields for additional information about the heating system included with the property. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 455033 455000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Separate Meters Heating The heating system has multiple units and/or is zoned with separate meters for each zone/unit. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 455034 455000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Solar Heating The property has a heating system or method that uses an unspecified type of solar heating. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 455035 455000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Space Heater Heating The property comes with a stand-alone space heater. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 455036 455000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Steam Heating The heating system uses a boiler and pipes to deliver hot water to radiators throughout the dwelling. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 455037 455000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Varies by Unit Heating The type of heating or heating features vary from unit to unit. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 455038 455000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Wall Furnace Heating Typically a ductless system that is built into a wall to deliver to the room in which it's installed. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 455039 455000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Wood Heating The heating system uses wood as its fuel to generate heat. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 455040 455000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Wood Stove Heating The property has a stove that burns wood to generate heat. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 455041 455000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Zoned Heating The heating system is zoned allowing for indepenant control of two or more parts of the structure. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 455042 455000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Arena HorseAmenities The property allows for horses and has an arena. RESI RLSE LAND Active 456001 456000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Barn HorseAmenities The property allows horses and has a barn. RESI RLSE LAND Active 456002 456000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Boarding Facilities HorseAmenities The property had horse boarding facilities. RESI RLSE LAND Active 456003 456000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Corral(s) HorseAmenities The property allows horses and has one or more corrals. RESI RLSE LAND Active 456004 456000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Hay Storage HorseAmenities The property allows horses and has hay storage. RESI RLSE LAND Active 456005 456000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 None HorseAmenities The property either does not allow horses or has no amenities for horses. RESI RLSE LAND Active 456008 456000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Other HorseAmenities The property has horse amenities other than those in this list. RESI RLSE LAND Active 456006 456000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Paddocks HorseAmenities The property allows horses and has an enclosed living are for your horse(s). A paddock is also known as a sacrifice area which got its name because the owner was sacrificing some of their land for the benefit of the horse. Sacrifice Area RESI RLSE LAND Active 456009 456000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Palpation Chute HorseAmenities A portion of the livestock chute where the animal is held for examination or other purposes. RESI RLSE LAND Active 456010 456000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Pasture HorseAmenities The property includes or has access to a pasture for horses. RESI RLSE LAND Active 456011 456000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Riding Trail HorseAmenities The property includes or has access to a riding trail(s). RESI RLSE LAND Active 456012 456000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Round Pen HorseAmenities The property includes or has access to a round enclosure used for horse training. RESI RLSE LAND Active 456013 456000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 See Remarks HorseAmenities See the remarks fields for additional information about horse amenities. RESI RLSE LAND Active 456007 456000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Shaving Bin HorseAmenities The property includes or has access to a storage container for wood shavings that are use as ground cover for horses. RESI RLSE LAND Active 456014 456000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Stable(s) HorseAmenities The property includes or has access to horse stable(s). RESI RLSE LAND Active 456015 456000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Tack Room HorseAmenities The property includes or has access to a room to store equipment such as saddles, stirrups, bridles, halters, reins, bits, harnesses, martingales, breastplates, etc. RESI RLSE LAND Active 456016 456000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Trailer Storage HorseAmenities The property includes or has access to a place to store a horse trailer. RESI RLSE LAND Active 456017 456000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Wash Rack HorseAmenities The property includes or has access to a rack used to confine/restrain a horse for purposes of washing the horse. RESI RLSE LAND Active 456018 456000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Evenings Only HoursDaysOfOperation The business being sold is open in the evenings only. BUSO Active 346009 346000 HorasDíasDeOperación Solo las Tardes 20181226T0000 20150416T0000 1.4.0 20181226T0000 Open -8 Hours/Day HoursDaysOfOperation The business being sold is open less than 8 hours per day. BUSO Active 346003 346000 HorasDíasDeOperación Abierto -8 Horas/Día 20181226T0000 20150416T0000 1.4.0 20181226T0000 Open 24 Hours HoursDaysOfOperation The business being sold is open 24 hours per day. BUSO Active 346001 346000 HorasDíasDeOperación Abierto 24 Horas 20181226T0000 20150416T0000 1.4.0 20181226T0000 Open 7 Days HoursDaysOfOperation The business being sold is open 7 days per week. BUSO Active 346005 346000 HorasDíasDeOperación Abierto 7 Días 20181226T0000 20150416T0000 1.4.0 20181226T0000 Open 8 Hours/Day HoursDaysOfOperation The business being sold is open 8 hours per day. BUSO Active 346002 346000 HorasDíasDeOperación Abierto 8 Horas/Día 20181226T0000 20150416T0000 1.4.0 20181226T0000 Open 8+ Hours/Day HoursDaysOfOperation The business being sold is open more than 8 hours/day. BUSO Active 346004 346000 HorasDíasDeOperación Abierto +8 Horas/Día 20181226T0000 20150416T0000 1.4.0 20181226T0000 Open Monday-Friday HoursDaysOfOperation The business being sold is open Monday through Friday. BUSO Active 346006 346000 HorasDíasDeOperación Abierto de lunes a viernes 20181226T0000 20150416T0000 1.4.0 20181226T0000 Open Saturday HoursDaysOfOperation The business being sold is open on Saturdays. BUSO Active 346008 346000 HorasDíasDeOperación Abierto el sábado 20181226T0000 20150416T0000 1.4.0 20181226T0000 Open Sunday HoursDaysOfOperation The business being sold is open on Sundays. BUSO Active 346007 346000 HorasDíasDeOperación Abierto el domingo 20181226T0000 20150416T0000 1.4.0 20181226T0000 Aerial View ImageOf The image/photo is an areal view of the structure or property. Media Active 378001 378000 ImagenDe Vista aérea 20160621T0000 20160318T0000 1.5.0 20170113T0000 Atrium ImageOf The image/photo is of the atrium. Media Active 378002 378000 ImagenDe Atrio 20160621T0000 20160318T0000 1.5.0 20170206T0000 Attic ImageOf The image/photo is of the attic. Media Active 378003 378000 ImagenDe Ático 20160621T0000 20160318T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Back of Structure ImageOf The image/photo is of the back of the structure. Media Active 378004 378000 ImagenDe Reverso de la Estructura 20160621T0000 20160318T0000 1.5.0 20170113T0000 Balcony ImageOf The image/photo is of a balcony. Media Active 378005 378000 ImagenDe Balcón 20160621T0000 20160318T0000 1.5.0 20170120T0000 Bar ImageOf The image/photo is of the bar. Media Active 378006 378000 ImagenDe Bar 20160621T0000 20160318T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Barn ImageOf The image/photo is of the barn. Media Active 378007 378000 ImagenDe Establo 20160621T0000 20160318T0000 1.5.0 20170113T0000 Basement ImageOf The image/photo is of the basement. Media Active 378008 378000 ImagenDe Sótano 20160621T0000 20160318T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Bathroom ImageOf The image/photo is of a bathroom. Media Active 378009 378000 ImagenDe Baño 20160621T0000 20160318T0000 1.5.0 20170113T0000 Bedroom ImageOf The image/photo is of a bedroom. Media Active 378010 378000 ImagenDe Habitación 20160621T0000 20160318T0000 1.5.0 20170120T0000 Bonus Room ImageOf The image/photo is of the bonus room. Media Active 378011 378000 ImagenDe Habitación Bono 20160621T0000 20160318T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Breakfast Area ImageOf The image/photo is of the breakfast area. Media Active 378012 378000 ImagenDe Área de Desayuno 20160621T0000 20160318T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Closet ImageOf The image/photo is of a closet. Media Active 378013 378000 ImagenDe Armario 20160621T0000 20160318T0000 1.5.0 20170120T0000 Community ImageOf The image/photo is of the community. Media Active 378014 378000 ImagenDe Comunidad 20160621T0000 20160318T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Courtyard ImageOf The image/photo is of the courtyard. Media Active 378015 378000 ImagenDe Patio 20160621T0000 20160318T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Deck ImageOf The image/photo is of the deck. Media Active 378016 378000 ImagenDe Terraza 20160621T0000 20160318T0000 1.5.0 20170120T0000 Den ImageOf The image/photo is of the den. Media Active 378017 378000 ImagenDe Estudio 20160621T0000 20160318T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Dining Area ImageOf The image/photo is of the dining area. Media Active 378018 378000 ImagenDe Área de Cena 20160621T0000 20160318T0000 1.5.0 20170120T0000 Dining Room ImageOf The image/photo is of the dining room. Media Active 378019 378000 ImagenDe Comedor 20160621T0000 20160318T0000 1.5.0 20170120T0000 Dock ImageOf The image/photo is of the dock. Media Active 378020 378000 ImagenDe Embarcadero 20160621T0000 20160420T0000 1.5.0 20170120T0000 Entry ImageOf The image/photo is of the entry. Media Active 378021 378000 ImagenDe Entrada 20160621T0000 20160318T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Exercise Room ImageOf The image/photo is of the exercise room. Media Active 378022 378000 ImagenDe Sala de Ejercicios 20160621T0000 20160318T0000 1.5.0 20170120T0000 Family Room ImageOf The image/photo is of the family room. Media Active 378023 378000 ImagenDe Sala familiar 20160621T0000 20160318T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Fence ImageOf The image/photo is of the fence. Media Active 378024 378000 ImagenDe Valla 20160621T0000 20160318T0000 1.5.0 20170120T0000 Fireplace ImageOf The image/photo is of a fireplace. Media Active 378025 378000 ImagenDe Chimenea 20160621T0000 20160318T0000 1.5.0 20170120T0000 Floor Plan ImageOf The image/photo is of the floor plan. Media Active 378026 378000 ImagenDe Plano 20160621T0000 20160318T0000 1.5.0 20170206T0000 Front of Structure ImageOf The image/photo is of the front of structure. Media Active 378027 378000 ImagenDe Frente de la Estructura 20160621T0000 20160318T0000 1.5.0 20170120T0000 Game Room ImageOf The image/photo is of the game room. Media Active 378028 378000 ImagenDe Sala de Juegos 20160621T0000 20160318T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Garage ImageOf The image/photo is of the garage. Media Active 378029 378000 ImagenDe Garaje 20160621T0000 20160318T0000 1.5.0 20170120T0000 Garden ImageOf The image/photo is of the garden. Media Active 378030 378000 ImagenDe Jardín 20160621T0000 20160318T0000 1.5.0 20170206T0000 Golf Course ImageOf The image/photo is of a golf course. Media Active 378031 378000 ImagenDe Campo de Golf 20160621T0000 20160318T0000 1.5.0 20170120T0000 Great Room ImageOf The image/photo is of the great room. Media Active 378032 378000 ImagenDe Salón Principal 20160621T0000 20160318T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Guest Quarters ImageOf The image/photo is of the guest quarters. Media Active 378033 378000 ImagenDe Alojamiento de Invitados 20160621T0000 20160318T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Gym ImageOf The image/photo is of the gym. Media Active 378034 378000 ImagenDe Gimnasio 20160621T0000 20160318T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Hobby Room ImageOf The image/photo is of the hobby room. Media Active 378035 378000 ImagenDe Sala de Aficiones 20160621T0000 20160318T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Inlaw ImageOf The image/photo is of the inlaw / mother-in-law quarters/room. Media Active 378036 378000 ImagenDe Alojamiento de Familia 20160621T0000 20160318T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Kitchen ImageOf The image/photo is of the kitchen. Media Active 378037 378000 ImagenDe Cocina 20160621T0000 20160318T0000 1.5.0 20170113T0000 Lake ImageOf The image/photo is of the lake. Media Active 378038 378000 ImagenDe Lago 20160621T0000 20160318T0000 1.5.0 20170206T0000 Laundry ImageOf The image/photo is of the laundry. Media Active 378039 378000 ImagenDe Lavandería 20160621T0000 20160318T0000 1.5.0 20170113T0000 Library ImageOf The image/photo is of the library. Media Active 378040 378000 ImagenDe Biblioteca 20160621T0000 20160318T0000 1.5.0 20170113T0000 Living Room ImageOf The image/photo is of the living room. Media Active 378041 378000 ImagenDe Sala de Estar 20160621T0000 20160318T0000 1.5.0 20170113T0000 Loading Dock ImageOf The image/photo is of the loading dock. Media Active 378042 378000 ImagenDe Muelle de Embarcadero 20160621T0000 20160318T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Lobby ImageOf The image/photo is of the lobby. Media Active 378043 378000 ImagenDe Vestíbulo 20160621T0000 20160420T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Loft ImageOf The image/photo is of the loft. Media Active 378044 378000 ImagenDe Loft 20160621T0000 20160318T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Lot ImageOf The image/photo is of the lot. Media Active 378045 378000 ImagenDe Lote 20160621T0000 20160318T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Master Bathroom ImageOf The image/photo is of the master bathroom. Media Active 378046 378000 ImagenDe Sala de Baño Principal 20160621T0000 20160318T0000 1.5.0 20170120T0000 Master Bedroom ImageOf The image/photo is of the master bedroom. Media Active 378047 378000 ImagenDe Dormitorio principal 20160621T0000 20160318T0000 1.5.0 20170120T0000 Media Room ImageOf The image/photo is of the media room. Media Active 378048 378000 ImagenDe Cine 20160621T0000 20160318T0000 1.5.0 20170113T0000 Mud Room ImageOf The image/photo is of the mud room. Media Active 378049 378000 ImagenDe Vestíbulo 20160621T0000 20160318T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Nursery ImageOf The image/photo is of the nursery. Media Active 378050 378000 ImagenDe Guardería 20160621T0000 20160318T0000 1.5.0 20170113T0000 Office ImageOf The image/photo is of the office. Media Active 378051 378000 ImagenDe Oficina 20160621T0000 20160318T0000 1.5.0 20170120T0000 Other ImageOf The image/photo is of a room or aspect of the property other than those listed in the ImageOf enumerations. Media Active 378052 378000 ImagenDe Otra 20160621T0000 20160318T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Out Buildings ImageOf The image/photo is of an out building(s). Media Active 378053 378000 ImagenDe Edificios Externos 20160621T0000 20160318T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Pantry ImageOf The image/photo is of the pantry. Media Active 378054 378000 ImagenDe Despensa 20160621T0000 20160318T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Parking ImageOf The image/photo is of the parking. Media Active 378055 378000 ImagenDe Estacionamiento 20160621T0000 20160318T0000 1.5.0 20170120T0000 Patio ImageOf The image/photo is of a patio. Media Active 378056 378000 ImagenDe Patio 20160621T0000 20160318T0000 1.5.0 20170113T0000 Pier ImageOf The image/photo is of a pier. Media Active 378077 378000 ImagenDe Malecón 20160621T0000 20160420T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Plat Map ImageOf The image/photo is of the plat map. Media Active 378057 378000 ImagenDe Mapa de Urbanización 20160621T0000 20160318T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Pond ImageOf The image/photo is of the pond. Media Active 378058 378000 ImagenDe Estanque 20160621T0000 20160318T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Pool ImageOf The image/photo is of the pool. Media Active 378059 378000 ImagenDe Piscina 20160621T0000 20160318T0000 1.5.0 20170120T0000 Reception ImageOf The image/photo is of the reception. Media Active 378076 378000 ImagenDe Recepción 20160621T0000 20160420T0000 1.5.0 20170206T0000 Recreation Room ImageOf The image/photo is of the recreation room. Media Active 378060 378000 ImagenDe Cuarto Recreativo 20160621T0000 20160318T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Sauna ImageOf The image/photo is of the sauna. Media Active 378061 378000 ImagenDe Sauna 20160621T0000 20160318T0000 1.5.0 20170120T0000 Showroom ImageOf The image/photo is of the showroom. Media Active 378062 378000 ImagenDe Sala de Muestras 20160621T0000 20160318T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Side of Structure ImageOf The image/photo is of the side of structure. Media Active 378063 378000 ImagenDe Lado de la Estructura 20160621T0000 20160318T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Sitting Room ImageOf The image/photo is of the sitting room. Media Active 378064 378000 ImagenDe Sala de Estar 20160621T0000 20160318T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Spa ImageOf The image/photo is of the spa. Media Active 378065 378000 ImagenDe Spa 20160621T0000 20160318T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Stable ImageOf The image/photo is of the stable. Media Active 378066 378000 ImagenDe Establo 20160621T0000 20160318T0000 1.5.0 20170120T0000 Storage ImageOf The image/photo is of the storage. Media Active 378067 378000 ImagenDe Almacenamiento 20160621T0000 20160318T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Studio ImageOf The image/photo is of the studio. Media Active 378068 378000 ImagenDe Estudio 20160621T0000 20160318T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Study ImageOf The image/photo is of the study. Media Active 378069 378000 ImagenDe Sala de Estudio 20160621T0000 20160318T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Sun Room ImageOf The image/photo is of the sun room. Media Active 378070 378000 ImagenDe Solárium 20160621T0000 20160318T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 View ImageOf The image/photo is of the view. Media Active 378071 378000 ImagenDe Vista 20160621T0000 20160318T0000 1.5.0 20170113T0000 Waterfront ImageOf The image/photo is of the waterfront. Media Active 378072 378000 ImagenDe Frente Marítimo 20160621T0000 20160318T0000 1.5.0 20170206T0000 Wine Cellar ImageOf The image/photo is of the wine cellar. Media Active 378073 378000 ImagenDe Bodega de Vinos 20160621T0000 20160318T0000 1.5.0 20170113T0000 Workshop ImageOf The image/photo is of the workshop. Media Active 378074 378000 ImagenDe Taller 20160621T0000 20160318T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Yard ImageOf The image/photo is of the yard. Media Active 378075 378000 ImagenDe Jardín 20160621T0000 20160318T0000 1.5.0 20170113T0000 Laundry IncomeIncludes The income amount includes income from laundry facilities. RINC LAND Active 329001 329000 InclusionesDeIngreso Lavandería 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Parking IncomeIncludes The income amount includes income from parking. RINC LAND Active 329002 329000 InclusionesDeIngreso Estacionamiento 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Recreation IncomeIncludes The income amount includes income from charging for recreation facilities. RINC LAND Active 329003 329000 InclusionesDeIngreso Recreo 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Rent Only IncomeIncludes The income amount includes income from only the rent charged to the tenants. RINC LAND Active 329004 329000 InclusionesDeIngreso Solo Renta 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 RV Storage IncomeIncludes The income amount includes income from charging for RV storage. RINC LAND Active 329005 329000 InclusionesDeIngreso Almacenamiento de Vehículos Recreativos 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Storage IncomeIncludes The income amount includes income from charging for general storage. RINC LAND Active 329006 329000 InclusionesDeIngreso Almacenamiento 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Bar InteriorOrRoomFeatures A built-in or movable fixture for the storage, preparation, serving and/or consumption of drinks. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 473001 473000 20181226T0000 20180530T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Beamed Ceilings InteriorOrRoomFeatures A property where the room, or rooms, have exposed beams across the ceiling. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 473004 473000 20181226T0000 20180530T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Bidet InteriorOrRoomFeatures A type of sink designed to wash the undercarriage of the human body. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 473005 473000 20181226T0000 20180530T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Bookcases InteriorOrRoomFeatures Shelfs for books or other objects which may or may not be built into the property. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 473006 473000 20181226T0000 20180530T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Breakfast Bar InteriorOrRoomFeatures A surface designed for eating, which is typically smaller than dining table and attached to the other kitchen surfaces. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 473007 473000 20181226T0000 20180530T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Built-in Features InteriorOrRoomFeatures Some features are physically attached to the structure. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 473008 473000 20181226T0000 20180530T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Cathedral Ceiling(s) InteriorOrRoomFeatures A type of vaulted ceiling that is typically higher than normal ceilings and has a slant or curve to reach it's upper most point, which tends to be equal distance from the two shorter walls in the room. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 473009 473000 20181226T0000 20180530T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Cedar Closet(s) InteriorOrRoomFeatures A closet that is partially or fully lined with cedar wood. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 473010 473000 20181226T0000 20180530T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Ceiling Fan(s) InteriorOrRoomFeatures The room(s) have fans that are mounted from the ceiling. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 473011 473000 20181226T0000 20180530T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Central Vacuum InteriorOrRoomFeatures A built-in vacuum that typically consists of a power/collection unit that is typically install in a garage or closet, tubing from the power unit to rooms thought the house, and wall mounted receptacles for the connection of a movable vacuum hose. Built-In Vacuum RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 473012 473000 20181226T0000 20180530T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Chandelier InteriorOrRoomFeatures A decorative lighting fixture that typically branches out with several lights (or candles) with other decorative components such as glass, crystal or other reflective or light enhancing materials. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 473013 473000 20181226T0000 20180530T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Coffered Ceiling(s) InteriorOrRoomFeatures A ceiling with multiple decorative indentations, trays or sunken panels. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 473014 473000 20181226T0000 20180530T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Crown Molding InteriorOrRoomFeatures A decorative trim covering the seam between the ceiling and walls. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 473015 473000 20181226T0000 20180530T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Double Vanity InteriorOrRoomFeatures Bathroom cabinetry with two built-in sinks. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 473016 473000 20181226T0000 20180530T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Dry Bar InteriorOrRoomFeatures A built-in or movable fixture for the storage, preparation, serving and consumption of drinks that does not have a water supply or sink. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 473002 473000 20181226T0000 20180530T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Dumbwaiter InteriorOrRoomFeatures A small elevator, typically for carrying food between floors in a structure. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 473017 473000 20181226T0000 20180530T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Eat-in Kitchen InteriorOrRoomFeatures A kitchen that has been designed to accommodate dining. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 473018 473000 20181226T0000 20180530T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Elevator InteriorOrRoomFeatures A platform or compartment housed within a shaft for raising or lowering people or objects. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 473019 473000 20181226T0000 20180530T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Entrance Foyer InteriorOrRoomFeatures A room or hall at the entrance leading to other parts of the structure. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 473020 473000 20181226T0000 20180530T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Granite Counters InteriorOrRoomFeatures The counters are made of a type of granite stone. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 473021 473000 20181226T0000 20180530T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 High Ceilings InteriorOrRoomFeatures The ceiling height is greater than what might be considered a normal celling height. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 473022 473000 20181226T0000 20180530T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 High Speed Internet InteriorOrRoomFeatures The property has access to high speed internet service, but may or may not be wired and/or connected to that service. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 473023 473000 20181226T0000 20180530T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 His and Hers Closets InteriorOrRoomFeatures The room(s) have two separate closets. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 473024 473000 20181226T0000 20180530T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 In-Law Floorplan InteriorOrRoomFeatures The structure has an area within that has the characteristics of an independent apartment. Typically with a living area, kitchen, bedroom and bathroom, and in-law floor plan is not necessarily an Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU). Mother In-Law Floor Plan RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 473025 473000 20181226T0000 20180530T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Kitchen Island InteriorOrRoomFeatures A separate counter surface in a kitchen that is not attached to other surfaces or to a wall. A kitchen island may or may not include a sink, stove or other fixtures. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 473026 473000 20181226T0000 20180530T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Laminate Counters InteriorOrRoomFeatures The counters are covered with a laminate. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 473027 473000 20181226T0000 20180530T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Low Flow Plumbing Fixtures InteriorOrRoomFeatures Some or all of the fixtures are designed to save water. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 473028 473000 20181226T0000 20180530T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Master Downstairs InteriorOrRoomFeatures There is a master bedroom on the main level of the structure. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 473029 473000 20181226T0000 20180530T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Natural Woodwork InteriorOrRoomFeatures The property or room has features made from real wood. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 473030 473000 20181226T0000 20180530T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Open Floorplan InteriorOrRoomFeatures A generic design term for a floor plan that makes use of large open spaces and avoids the use of small enclosed spaces. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 473031 473000 20181226T0000 20180530T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Other InteriorOrRoomFeatures The room or interior has features other than those included in this list. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 473032 473000 20181226T0000 20180530T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Pantry InteriorOrRoomFeatures A small room or closet where food, dishes and utensils are stored. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 473033 473000 20181226T0000 20180530T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Recessed Lighting InteriorOrRoomFeatures A light fixture installed into a hallow opening in the celling. Downlight, Pot Light RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 473034 473000 20181226T0000 20180530T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Sauna InteriorOrRoomFeatures A small room or separate structure designed to produce heat, wet with steam, or dry, to induce perspiration. Sudatory RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 473035 473000 20181226T0000 20180530T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 See Remarks InteriorOrRoomFeatures See the remarks fields for additional information about the room or interior. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 473036 473000 20181226T0000 20180530T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Smart Home InteriorOrRoomFeatures Smart Home features are a generic term for electronic automation of features such as lighting, heating/cooling, security and other amenities. The features are typically linked though an app or software via one or more third party services. The features are also known for their convenience and energy efficiency. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 473037 473000 20181226T0000 20180530T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Smart Thermostat InteriorOrRoomFeatures A heating/cooling control unit that has convenience and energy saving aspects. A smart thermostat may also integrate with a larger smart home system and typically operates through a third party service. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 473038 473000 20181226T0000 20180530T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Soaking Tub InteriorOrRoomFeatures A bath tub that is typically deeper and may be shorter than traditional tubs. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 473039 473000 20181226T0000 20180530T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Solar Tube(s) InteriorOrRoomFeatures A reflective tube that extends from a light gathering surface on the roof of the structure down into a room where the outside light is distributed. Sun Tube, Sun Tunnel, Light Tube, Tubular Skylight RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 473040 473000 20181226T0000 20180530T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Sound System InteriorOrRoomFeatures The includes a sound system. This typically includes in-wall wiring and recessed/built-in speakers and a built in location for the amplifier and other audio equipment. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 473041 473000 20181226T0000 20180530T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Stone Counters InteriorOrRoomFeatures The property or room has counters that are made of some type of stone. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 473042 473000 20181226T0000 20180530T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Storage InteriorOrRoomFeatures The property or room has storage space. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 473043 473000 20181226T0000 20180530T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Tile Counters InteriorOrRoomFeatures The property or room has counters that are made of some type of tile. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 473044 473000 20181226T0000 20180530T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Track Lighting InteriorOrRoomFeatures A type of lighting where the light fixtures are mounted on a track allowing for adjustment of the position of the lights. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 473045 473000 20181226T0000 20180530T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Tray Ceiling(s) InteriorOrRoomFeatures A ceiling with a inverted tray or recessed area, often rectangular, that adds depth and interest. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 473046 473000 20181226T0000 20180530T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Vaulted Ceiling(s) InteriorOrRoomFeatures From the Italian word Volta, is typically a high celling with no attic between the ceiling and the roof. When a vaulted celling has two angles that meet in the center of the room, you may use Cathedral Ceiling(s). RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 473047 473000 20181226T0000 20180530T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Walk-In Closet(s) InteriorOrRoomFeatures A closet that is a small room with an entryway. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 473048 473000 20181226T0000 20180530T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 WaterSense Fixture(s) InteriorOrRoomFeatures Water fixtures that are backed by independent, third–party certification and meet EPA’s specifications for water efficiency and performance. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 473049 473000 20181226T0000 20180530T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Wet Bar InteriorOrRoomFeatures Commonly a built-in fixture for the storage, preparation, serving and/or consumption of drinks that has a faucet and sink. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 473003 473000 20181226T0000 20180530T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Wired for Data InteriorOrRoomFeatures The property has been wired for data, typically Category 5 or 6 wiring for the support of ethernet data communications. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 473050 473000 20181226T0000 20180530T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Wired for Sound InteriorOrRoomFeatures The property has been wired for a built-in sound system. This typically includes in-wall wiring and recessed/built-in speakers and a location for audio equipment. The wiring is in place, but equipment may not be included. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 473051 473000 20181226T0000 20180530T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Employee License Required LaborInformation Special licensing is required for employees. BUSO Active 398001 398000 InformaciónLaboral Se Requiere Licencia de Empleado 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Non-Union LaborInformation A labor union(s) are not currently established with the given business. BUSO Active 398002 398000 InformaciónLaboral Sin Sindicato 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Union LaborInformation A labor union(s) are established with the given business. BUSO Active 398003 398000 InformaciónLaboral Sindicato 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Abkhazian Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Abkhazian. Member Contacts Active 363001 363000 Idiomas Abjasio 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Afar Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Afar. Member Contacts Active 363002 363000 Idiomas Afar 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Afrikaans Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Afrikaans. Member Contacts Active 363003 363000 Idiomas Afrikáans 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Albanian Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Albanian. Member Contacts Active 363004 363000 Idiomas Albanés 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 American Sign Language Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is American Sign Language. Member Contacts Active 363005 363000 Idiomas Lenguaje Americano de Señas 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Amharic Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Amharic. Member Contacts Active 363006 363000 Idiomas Amhárico 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Arabic Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Arabic. Member Contacts Active 363007 363000 Idiomas Árabe 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Aramaic Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Aramaic. Member Contacts Active 363008 363000 Idiomas Arameo 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Armenian Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Armenian. Member Contacts Active 363009 363000 Idiomas Armenio 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Assamese Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Assamese. Member Contacts Active 363010 363000 Idiomas Asamés 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Assyrian Neo-Aramaic Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Assyrian Neo-Aramaic. Member Contacts Active 363011 363000 Idiomas Neo-arameo Asirio 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Avestan Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Avestan. Member Contacts Active 363012 363000 Idiomas Avestan 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Aymara Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Aymara. Member Contacts Active 363013 363000 Idiomas Aymara 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Azerbaijani Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Azerbaijani. Member Contacts Active 363014 363000 Idiomas Azerí 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Bambara Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Bambara. Member Contacts Active 363015 363000 Idiomas Bambara 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Bashkir Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Bashkir. Member Contacts Active 363016 363000 Idiomas Baskir 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Basque Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Basque. Member Contacts Active 363017 363000 Idiomas Vasco 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Bengali Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Bengali. Member Contacts Active 363018 363000 Idiomas Bengalí 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Bihari Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Bihari. Member Contacts Active 363019 363000 Idiomas Biharí 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Bikol Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Bikol. Member Contacts Active 363020 363000 Idiomas Bikol 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Bislama Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Bislama. Member Contacts Active 363021 363000 Idiomas Bislama 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Bosnian Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Bosnian. Member Contacts Active 363022 363000 Idiomas Bosnio 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Brazilian Portuguese Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Brazilian Portuguese. Member Contacts Active 363023 363000 Idiomas Portugués Brasileño 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Bulgarian Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Bulgarian. Member Contacts Active 363024 363000 Idiomas Búlgaro 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Burmese Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Burmese. Member Contacts Active 363025 363000 Idiomas Birmano 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Byelorussian Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Byelorussian. Member Contacts Active 363026 363000 Idiomas Bielorruso 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Cambodian Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Cambodian. Member Contacts Active 363027 363000 Idiomas Camboyano 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Cantonese Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Cantonese. Member Contacts Active 363028 363000 Idiomas Cantonés 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Cape Verdean Creole Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Cape Verdean Creole. Member Contacts Active 363029 363000 Idiomas Criollo de Cabo Verde 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Catalan Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Catalan. Member Contacts Active 363030 363000 Idiomas Catalán 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Cebuano Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Cebuano. Member Contacts Active 363031 363000 Idiomas Cebuano 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Chamorro Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Chamorro. Member Contacts Active 363032 363000 Idiomas Chamorro 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Chechen Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Chechen. Member Contacts Active 363033 363000 Idiomas Checheno 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Chinese Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Chinese. Member Contacts Active 363034 363000 Idiomas Chino 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Chuukese Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Chuukese. Member Contacts Active 363035 363000 Idiomas Chuukese 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Chuvash Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Chuvash. Member Contacts Active 363036 363000 Idiomas Chuvasio 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Cornish Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Cornish. Member Contacts Active 363037 363000 Idiomas Córnico 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Corsican Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Corsican. Member Contacts Active 363038 363000 Idiomas Corso 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Croatian Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Croatian. Member Contacts Active 363039 363000 Idiomas Croata 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Czech Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Czech. Member Contacts Active 363040 363000 Idiomas Checo 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Danish Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Danish. Member Contacts Active 363041 363000 Idiomas Danés 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Dari (Afghan Persian) Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Dari (Afghan Persian). Member Contacts Active 363042 363000 Idiomas Dari (Persa Afgano) 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Dioula Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Dioula. Member Contacts Active 363043 363000 Idiomas Dioula 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Dutch Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Dutch. Member Contacts Active 363044 363000 Idiomas Holandés 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Dzongkha Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Dzongkha. Member Contacts Active 363045 363000 Idiomas Dzongkha 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 English Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is English. Member Contacts Active 363046 363000 Idiomas Inglés 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Esperanto Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Esperanto. Member Contacts Active 363047 363000 Idiomas Esperanto 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Estonian Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Estonian. Member Contacts Active 363048 363000 Idiomas Estonio 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Faroese Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Faroese. Member Contacts Active 363049 363000 Idiomas Feroés 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Farsi Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Farsi. Member Contacts Active 363050 363000 Idiomas Farsi 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Fiji Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Fiji. Member Contacts Active 363051 363000 Idiomas Fiji 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Finnish Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Finnish. Member Contacts Active 363052 363000 Idiomas Finés 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Flemish Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Flemish. Member Contacts Active 363053 363000 Idiomas Flamenco 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 French Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is French. Member Contacts Active 363054 363000 Idiomas Francés 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Frisian Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Frisian. Member Contacts Active 363055 363000 Idiomas Frisón 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Galician Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Galician. Member Contacts Active 363056 363000 Idiomas Gallego 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Georgian Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Georgian. Member Contacts Active 363057 363000 Idiomas Georgiano 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 German Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is German. Member Contacts Active 363058 363000 Idiomas Alemán 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Greek Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Greek. Member Contacts Active 363059 363000 Idiomas Griego 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Greenlandic Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Greenlandic. Member Contacts Active 363060 363000 Idiomas Groenlandés 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Guarani Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Guarani. Member Contacts Active 363061 363000 Idiomas Guaraní 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Gujarati Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Gujarati. Member Contacts Active 363062 363000 Idiomas Guyaratí 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Haitian Creole Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Haitian Creole. Member Contacts Active 363063 363000 Idiomas Criollo Haitiano 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Hausa Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Hausa. Member Contacts Active 363064 363000 Idiomas Hausa 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Hebrew Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Hebrew. Member Contacts Active 363065 363000 Idiomas Hebreo 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Herero Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Herero. Member Contacts Active 363066 363000 Idiomas Herero 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Hiligaynon Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Hiligaynon. Member Contacts Active 363067 363000 Idiomas Hiligaynon 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Hindi Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Hindi. Member Contacts Active 363068 363000 Idiomas Hindi 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Hiri Motu Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Hiri Motu. Member Contacts Active 363069 363000 Idiomas Hiri Motu 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Hmong Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Hmong. Member Contacts Active 363070 363000 Idiomas Hmong 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Hungarian Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Hungarian. Member Contacts Active 363071 363000 Idiomas Húngaro 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Iban Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Iban. Member Contacts Active 363072 363000 Idiomas Iban 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Icelandic Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Icelandic. Member Contacts Active 363073 363000 Idiomas Islandés 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Igbo Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Igbo. Member Contacts Active 363074 363000 Idiomas Igbo 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Ilocano Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Ilocano. Member Contacts Active 363075 363000 Idiomas Ilocano 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Indonesian Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Indonesian. Member Contacts Active 363076 363000 Idiomas Indonesio 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Interlingua Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Interlingua. Member Contacts Active 363077 363000 Idiomas Interlingua 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Inuktitut Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Inuktitut. Member Contacts Active 363078 363000 Idiomas Inuktitut 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Inupiak Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Inupiak. Member Contacts Active 363079 363000 Idiomas Iñupiaq 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Irish (Gaelic) Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Irish (Gaelic). Member Contacts Active 363080 363000 Idiomas Irlandés (Gaélico) 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Italian Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Italian. Member Contacts Active 363081 363000 Idiomas Italiano 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Japanese Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Japanese. Member Contacts Active 363082 363000 Idiomas Japonés 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Javanese Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Javanese. Member Contacts Active 363083 363000 Idiomas Javanés 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 K'iche' Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is K'iche'. Member Contacts Active 363087 363000 Idiomas Quiché 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Kannada Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Kannada. Member Contacts Active 363084 363000 Idiomas Canarés 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Kashmiri Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Kashmiri. Member Contacts Active 363085 363000 Idiomas Cachemir 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Kazakh Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Kazakh. Member Contacts Active 363086 363000 Idiomas Kazajo 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Kichwa Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Kichwa. Member Contacts Active 363088 363000 Idiomas Quichua 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Kikuyu Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Kikuyu. Member Contacts Active 363089 363000 Idiomas Kikuyu 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Kinyarwanda Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Kinyarwanda. Member Contacts Active 363090 363000 Idiomas Kinyaruanda 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Kirghiz Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Kirghiz. Member Contacts Active 363091 363000 Idiomas Kirguís 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Kirundi Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Kirundi. Member Contacts Active 363092 363000 Idiomas Kirundi 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Komi Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Komi. Member Contacts Active 363093 363000 Idiomas Komi 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Korean Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Korean. Member Contacts Active 363094 363000 Idiomas Coreano 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Kpelle Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Kpelle. Member Contacts Active 363095 363000 Idiomas Kpelle 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Kru Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Kru. Member Contacts Active 363096 363000 Idiomas Kru 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Kurdish Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Kurdish. Member Contacts Active 363097 363000 Idiomas Kurdo 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Lao Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Lao. Member Contacts Active 363098 363000 Idiomas Lao 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Latin Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Latin. Member Contacts Active 363099 363000 Idiomas Latín 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Latvian Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Latvian. Member Contacts Active 363100 363000 Idiomas Letón 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Lingala Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Lingala. Member Contacts Active 363101 363000 Idiomas Lingala 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Lithuanian Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Lithuanian. Member Contacts Active 363102 363000 Idiomas Lituano 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Luxemburgish Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Luxemburgish. Member Contacts Active 363103 363000 Idiomas Luxemburgués 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Macedonian Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Macedonian. Member Contacts Active 363104 363000 Idiomas Macedonio 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Malagasy Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Malagasy. Member Contacts Active 363105 363000 Idiomas Malgache 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Malay Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Malay. Member Contacts Active 363106 363000 Idiomas Malayo 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Malayalam Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Malayalam. Member Contacts Active 363107 363000 Idiomas Malayalam 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Maltese Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Maltese. Member Contacts Active 363108 363000 Idiomas Maltés 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Mandarin Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Mandarin. Member Contacts Active 363109 363000 Idiomas Mandarín 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Maninka Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Maninka. Member Contacts Active 363110 363000 Idiomas Maninka 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Manx Gaelic Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Manx Gaelic. Member Contacts Active 363111 363000 Idiomas Gaélico Manés 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Maori Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Maori. Member Contacts Active 363112 363000 Idiomas Maorí 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Marathi Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Marathi. Member Contacts Active 363113 363000 Idiomas Maratí 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Marshallese Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Marshallese. Member Contacts Active 363114 363000 Idiomas Marshalés 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Moldovan Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Moldovan. Member Contacts Active 363115 363000 Idiomas Moldavo 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Mongolian Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Mongolian. Member Contacts Active 363116 363000 Idiomas Mongol 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Nauru Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Nauru. Member Contacts Active 363117 363000 Idiomas Nauru 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Navajo Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Navajo. Member Contacts Active 363118 363000 Idiomas Navajo 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Ndebele Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Ndebele. Member Contacts Active 363119 363000 Idiomas Ndebele 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Ndonga Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Ndonga. Member Contacts Active 363120 363000 Idiomas Ndonga 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Nepali Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Nepali. Member Contacts Active 363121 363000 Idiomas Nepalí 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Norwegian Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Norwegian. Member Contacts Active 363122 363000 Idiomas Noruego 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Norwegian (Nynorsk) Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Norwegian (Nynorsk). Member Contacts Active 363123 363000 Idiomas Noruego (Nynorsk) 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Nyanja Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Nyanja. Member Contacts Active 363124 363000 Idiomas Nyanja 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Occitan Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Occitan. Member Contacts Active 363125 363000 Idiomas Occitano 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Oriya Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Oriya. Member Contacts Active 363126 363000 Idiomas Oriya 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Oromo Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Oromo. Member Contacts Active 363127 363000 Idiomas Oromo 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Ossetian Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Ossetian. Member Contacts Active 363128 363000 Idiomas Osetio 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Pali Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Pali. Member Contacts Active 363129 363000 Idiomas Pali 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Pangasinan Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Pangasinan. Member Contacts Active 363130 363000 Idiomas Pangasinense 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Papiamento Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Papiamento. Member Contacts Active 363131 363000 Idiomas Papiamento 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Pashto Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Pashto. Member Contacts Active 363132 363000 Idiomas Pastún 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Polish Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Polish. Member Contacts Active 363133 363000 Idiomas Polaco 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Portuguese Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Portuguese. Member Contacts Active 363134 363000 Idiomas Portugués 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Punjabi Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Punjabi. Member Contacts Active 363135 363000 Idiomas Punjabí 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Quechua Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Quechua. Member Contacts Active 363136 363000 Idiomas Quechua 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Romanian Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Romanian. Member Contacts Active 363137 363000 Idiomas Rumano 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Romany Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Romany. Member Contacts Active 363138 363000 Idiomas Romaní 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Russian Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Russian. Member Contacts Active 363139 363000 Idiomas Ruso 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Sami Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Sami. Member Contacts Active 363140 363000 Idiomas Sami 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Samoan Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Samoan. Member Contacts Active 363141 363000 Idiomas Samoano 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Sangho Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Sangho. Member Contacts Active 363142 363000 Idiomas Sangho 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Sanskrit Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Sanskrit. Member Contacts Active 363143 363000 Idiomas Sánscrito 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Sardinian Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Sardinian. Member Contacts Active 363144 363000 Idiomas Sardo 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Scots Gaelic Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Scots Gaelic. Member Contacts Active 363145 363000 Idiomas Gaélico Escocés 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Serbian Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Serbian. Member Contacts Active 363146 363000 Idiomas Serbio 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Serbo-Croatian Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Serbo-Croatian. Member Contacts Active 363147 363000 Idiomas Serbio-Croata 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Sesotho Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Sesotho. Member Contacts Active 363148 363000 Idiomas Sesotho 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Setswana Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Setswana. Member Contacts Active 363149 363000 Idiomas Setswana 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Shan Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Shan. Member Contacts Active 363150 363000 Idiomas Shan 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Shona Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Shona. Member Contacts Active 363151 363000 Idiomas Shona 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Sindhi Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Sindhi. Member Contacts Active 363152 363000 Idiomas Sindhi 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Sinhalese Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Sinhalese. Member Contacts Active 363153 363000 Idiomas Cingalés 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Siswati Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Siswati. Member Contacts Active 363154 363000 Idiomas Siswati 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Slovak Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Slovak. Member Contacts Active 363155 363000 Idiomas Eslovaco 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Slovenian Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Slovenian. Member Contacts Active 363156 363000 Idiomas Esloveno 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Somali Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Somali. Member Contacts Active 363157 363000 Idiomas Somalí 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Southern Ndebele Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Southern Ndebele. Member Contacts Active 363158 363000 Idiomas Ndebele Meridional 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Spanish Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Spanish. Member Contacts Active 363159 363000 Idiomas Español 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Sundanese Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Sundanese. Member Contacts Active 363160 363000 Idiomas Sudanés 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Swahili Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Swahili. Member Contacts Active 363161 363000 Idiomas Suajili 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Swedish Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Swedish. Member Contacts Active 363162 363000 Idiomas Sueco 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Syriac Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Syriac. Member Contacts Active 363163 363000 Idiomas Siríaco 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Tagalog Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Tagalog. Member Contacts Active 363164 363000 Idiomas Tagalo 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Tahitian Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Tahitian. Member Contacts Active 363165 363000 Idiomas Tahitiano 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Tajik Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Tajik. Member Contacts Active 363166 363000 Idiomas Tayiko 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Tamil Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Tamil. Member Contacts Active 363167 363000 Idiomas Tamil 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Tatar Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Tatar. Member Contacts Active 363168 363000 Idiomas Tártaro 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Telugu Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Telugu. Member Contacts Active 363169 363000 Idiomas Télugu 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Thai Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Thai. Member Contacts Active 363170 363000 Idiomas Tailandés 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Tibetan Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Tibetan. Member Contacts Active 363171 363000 Idiomas Tibetano 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Tigrinya Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Tigrinya. Member Contacts Active 363172 363000 Idiomas Tigriña 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Tongan Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Tongan. Member Contacts Active 363173 363000 Idiomas Tongano 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Tsonga Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Tsonga. Member Contacts Active 363174 363000 Idiomas Tsonga 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Turkish Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Turkish. Member Contacts Active 363175 363000 Idiomas Turco 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Turkmen Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Turkmen. Member Contacts Active 363176 363000 Idiomas Turcomano 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Twi Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Twi. Member Contacts Active 363177 363000 Idiomas Twi 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Uigur Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Uigur. Member Contacts Active 363178 363000 Idiomas Uigur 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Ukrainian Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Ukrainian. Member Contacts Active 363179 363000 Idiomas Ucraniano 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Urdu Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Urdu. Member Contacts Active 363180 363000 Idiomas Urdu 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Uzbek Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Uzbek. Member Contacts Active 363181 363000 Idiomas Uzbeko 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Vietnamese Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Vietnamese. Member Contacts Active 363182 363000 Idiomas Vietnamita 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Volapuk Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Volapuk. Member Contacts Active 363183 363000 Idiomas Volapuk 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Welsh Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Welsh. Member Contacts Active 363184 363000 Idiomas Galés 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Wolof Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Wolof. Member Contacts Active 363185 363000 Idiomas Wólof 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Xhosa Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Xhosa. Member Contacts Active 363186 363000 Idiomas Xhosa 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Yiddish Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Yiddish. Member Contacts Active 363187 363000 Idiomas Yidis 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Yoruba Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Yoruba. Member Contacts Active 363188 363000 Idiomas Yoruba 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Zhuang Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Zhuang. Member Contacts Active 363189 363000 Idiomas Zhuang 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Zulu Languages The language spoken by the member/individual is Zulu. Member Contacts Active 363190 363000 Idiomas Zulú 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Common Area LaundryFeatures Laundry facilities are in a common area. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 457001 457000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Electric Dryer Hookup LaundryFeatures The property has electric cloths dryer connections. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 457002 457000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Gas Dryer Hookup LaundryFeatures The property has gas cloths dryer connections. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 457003 457000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 In Basement LaundryFeatures Laundry is located in the basement. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 457004 457000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 In Bathroom LaundryFeatures Laundry is located in the bathroom. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 457005 457000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 In Carport LaundryFeatures Laundry is located in the carport. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 457006 457000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 In Garage LaundryFeatures Laundry is located in the garage. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 457007 457000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 In Hall LaundryFeatures Laundry is located in the hall. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 457008 457000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 In Kitchen LaundryFeatures Laundry is located in the kitchen. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 457009 457000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 In Unit LaundryFeatures Laundry is located within the unit. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 457010 457000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Inside LaundryFeatures Laundry is located indoors. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 457011 457000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Laundry Chute LaundryFeatures The property has a laundry chute. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 457012 457000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Laundry Closet LaundryFeatures The property has a laundry closet. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 457013 457000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Laundry Room LaundryFeatures The property has a laundry room. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 457014 457000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Lower Level LaundryFeatures Laundry is on the lower level. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 457015 457000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Main Level LaundryFeatures Laundry is on the main level. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 457016 457000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Multiple Locations LaundryFeatures Laundry is in multiple locations. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 457017 457000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 None LaundryFeatures There are no laundry features. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 457018 457000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Other LaundryFeatures There are laundry features other than those in this list. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 457019 457000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Outside LaundryFeatures Laundry is located outside. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 457020 457000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 See Remarks LaundryFeatures See remarks for additional information about laundry. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 457021 457000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Sink LaundryFeatures The laundry area has a sink. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 457022 457000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Upper Level LaundryFeatures Laundry is on the upper level. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 457023 457000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Washer Hookup LaundryFeatures The property has a hookups for a cloths washer. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 457024 457000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Call Listing Agent LeaseRenewalCompensation For details on about additional selling office compensation for lease renewals, contact the listing agent. Call Listing Member RLSE Active 332001 332000 CompensaciónPorRenovaciónDeArrendamiento Llamar al Agente Enlistado 20170809T0000 20170117T0000 1.4.0 20170809T0000 Call Listing Office LeaseRenewalCompensation For details on about additional selling office compensation for lease renewals, contact the listing office. RLSE Active 332002 332000 CompensaciónPorRenovaciónDeArrendamiento Llamar al Despacho de la Lista 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Commission Paid On Tenant Purchase LeaseRenewalCompensation Additional commission is paid in the event the tenant purchase the property. RLSE Active 332003 332000 CompensaciónPorRenovaciónDeArrendamiento Comisión Pagada por la Compra del Inquilino 20160621T0000 20150917T0000 1.4.0 20160528T1200 No Renewal Commission LeaseRenewalCompensation There is no additional commission if the tenant renews or extends the lease. RLSE Active 332004 332000 CompensaciónPorRenovaciónDeArrendamiento Sin Comisión de Renovación 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Renewal Commission Paid LeaseRenewalCompensation There is additional commission paid if the tenant renews the lease. RLSE Active 332005 332000 CompensaciónPorRenovaciónDeArrendamiento Comisión de Renovación Pagada 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 12 Months LeaseTerm The length of the lease is 12 months. annual, 1 Year Lease, per year RLSE Active 308001 308000 PlazoDeArrendamiento 12 Meses 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 24 Months LeaseTerm The length of the lease is 24 months. bi-annual, 2 Year Minimum Lease RLSE Active 308002 308000 PlazoDeArrendamiento 24 Meses 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 6 Months LeaseTerm The length of the lease is 6 months. semi-annual RLSE Active 308003 308000 PlazoDeArrendamiento 6 Meses 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Month To Month LeaseTerm The length of the lease is month to month. Monthly, per month RLSE Active 308004 308000 PlazoDeArrendamiento Mes a Mes 20160621T0000 20150917T0000 1.4.0 20160528T1200 Negotiable LeaseTerm The length of the lease is negotiable. RLSE Active 308005 308000 PlazoDeArrendamiento Negociable 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 None LeaseTerm There is no stated term to the lease. RLSE Active 308007 308000 PlazoDeArrendamiento Ninguno 20181226T0000 20171010T0000 1.4.0 20181226T0000 Other LeaseTerm The term of the lease is something other than is available in this list. RLSE Active 308008 308000 PlazoDeArrendamiento Otro 20181226T0000 20171010T0000 1.4.0 20181226T0000 Renewal Option LeaseTerm The lease has a renewal option. RLSE Active 308009 308000 PlazoDeArrendamiento Opción de Renovación 20181226T0000 20171010T0000 1.4.0 20181226T0000 Short Term Lease LeaseTerm The lease is short term. RLSE Active 308010 308000 PlazoDeArrendamiento Arrendamiento de Corto Plazo 20181226T0000 20171010T0000 1.4.0 20181226T0000 Weekly LeaseTerm The length of the lease is weekly. per week RLSE Active 308006 308000 PlazoDeArrendamiento Semanal 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Multi/Split Levels A split-level home (also called a tri-level home) is a style of house in which the floor levels are staggered, so that the "main" level of the house (e.g. the level that usually contains the front entry), is partway between the upper and lower floors. Split, Split-level, Tri-level, sidesplit, backsplit, multi, multi-level, bi-level RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 305004 305000 Niveles Multinivel/Dividido 20150721T0000 20150319T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 One Levels The property being sold has one level. A discreet horizontal plane of interior living space (excluding basements). 1, One, Single, 1 Story, One Story RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 305001 305000 Niveles Uno 20160621T0000 20160303T0000 1.4.0 20160528T1200 One and One Half Levels A 1.5 story house is where the height of any of the walls on the second floor are less than the height of the walls on the first floor. First floor walls that extend up to the second floor level are not included in the height comparison. Depending on your State, Provence or other local regulations there may be a specific height difference required. For example some areas required that the second floor walls be less than 70% the height of the first floor walls in order to be called a 1.5 story structure. Other areas are 50% and it is clear that this may vary substantially from region to region. Another common trait is angled ceilings that compensate for the short walls making all but the edges of the room high enough for normal use. 1.5, 1 1/2, One And A Half, 1.5 Stories, 1 1/2 Stories, One And One Half Stories, One And A Half Stories RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 305005 305000 Niveles Uno y Medio 20170809T0000 20160913T0000 1.6 20170809T0000 Three Or More Levels The property being sold has three or more levels. A discreet horizontal plane of interior living space (excluding basements). 3+, Three, Three Plus, 3 Stories, 3 Story, Three Stories, Three Story RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 305003 305000 Niveles Tres o Más 20160621T0000 20160303T0000 1.4.0 20160528T1200 Two Levels The property being sold has two levels. A discreet horizontal plane of interior living space (excluding basements). 2, Two, Dual, Double, 2 Stories, 2 Story, Two Stories, Two Story RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 305002 305000 Niveles Dos 20160621T0000 20160303T0000 1.4.0 20160528T1200 Feet LinearUnits The elevation of the property is measured in feet. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 359001 359000 UnidadesLineales Pies 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Meters LinearUnits The elevation of the property is measured in meters. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 359002 359000 UnidadesLineales Metros 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Accredited Buyer's Representative / ABR ListAgentDesignation The Accredited Buyer’s Representative (ABR®) designation is designed for real estate buyer agents who focus on working directly with buyer-clients. http://www.rebac.net/abr RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 399001 399000 DenominaciónDeAgenteEnlistado Representante Acreditado del Comprador / ABR 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Accredited Land Consultant / ALC ListAgentDesignation Accredited Land Consultants (ALCs) are the most trusted, knowledgeable, experienced, and highest-producing experts in all segments of land. Conferred by the REALTORS® Land Institute, the designation requires successful completion of a rigorous LANDU education program, a specific, high-volume and experience level, and adherence to an honorable Code of Conduct. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/alc RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 399002 399000 DenominaciónDeAgenteEnlistado Consultor Acreditado de Inmuebles / ALC 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 At Home With Diversity / AHWD ListAgentDesignation Learn to work effectively with – and within – today’s diverse real estate market. The At Home With Diversity certification teaches you how to conduct your business with sensitivity to all client profiles and build a business plan to successfully serve them. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/ahwd RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 399003 399000 DenominaciónDeAgenteEnlistado At Home With Diversity / AHWD 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Certified Commercial Investment Member / CCIM ListAgentDesignation The Certified Commercial Investment Member (CCIM) designation is commercial real estate’s global standard for professional achievement, earned through an extensive curriculum of 200 classroom hours and professional experiential requirements. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/ccim RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 399004 399000 DenominaciónDeAgenteEnlistado Socio Certificado de Inversiones Comerciales / CCIM 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Certified Distressed Property Expert / CDPE ListAgentDesignation A Certified Distressed Property Expert® (CDPE) has a thorough understanding of complex issues in today’s turbulent real estate industry and knowledge of foreclosure avoidance options available to homeowners. CDPEs can provide solutions, specifically short sales, for homeowners facing market hardships. http://www.cdpe.com/ RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 399005 399000 DenominaciónDeAgenteEnlistado Experto Certificado de Propiedades en Dificultades / CDPE 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Certified International Property Specialist / CIPS ListAgentDesignation The CIPS designation is for REALTORS® from the United States and abroad, as well as association staff and volunteer leaders who wish to develop or grow their international real estate business. It will provide you with the knowledge, research, network, and tools to globalize your business. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/cips-designation RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 399006 399000 DenominaciónDeAgenteEnlistado Especialista Internacional Certificado en Propiedades / CIPS 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Certified Property Manager / CPM ListAgentDesignation Certified Property Managers® (CPM®) are recognized as experts in real estate management, and they are at the top of the profession. 70% of those who hold the CPM® designation hold the highest management positions in their offices (owner/partner/officer/director). https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/cpm RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 399007 399000 DenominaciónDeAgenteEnlistado Agente Inmobiliario Certificado / CPM 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Certified Real Estate Brokerage Manager / CRB ListAgentDesignation The Certified Real Estate Brokerage Manager (CRB) Designation raises professional standards, strengthens individual and office performance, and indicates expertise in brokerage management. This designation represents the highest level of professional achievement in real estate brokerage management. You do not need a broker's license to earn the CRB Designation. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/crb RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 399008 399000 DenominaciónDeAgenteEnlistado Administrador Certificado de Corretaje de Bienes Raíces / CRB 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Certified Real Estate Team Specialist / C-RETS ListAgentDesignation The Certified Real Estate Team Specialist certification is designed to improve team development, individual leadership skills, and financial performance. The courses provide the tools, strategies, and knowledge that are required of today’s real estate professionals who are either considering or currently operating in a team environment. It is for team leaders, team members, those looking to start a team, and those who simply want to sharpen their management skills. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/c-rets RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 399009 399000 DenominaciónDeAgenteEnlistado Especialista Certificado de Equipos de Bienes Raíces / C-RETS 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Certified Residential Specialist / CRS ListAgentDesignation Certified Residential Specialist (CRS) is the highest credential awarded to residential sales agents, managers and brokers. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/crs RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 399010 399000 DenominaciónDeAgenteEnlistado Especialista Residencial Certificado / CRS 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Counselor of Real Estate / CRE ListAgentDesignation The Counselors of Real Estate® is an international group of recognized professionals who provide seasoned, expert, objective advice on real property and land-related matters. Only 1,100 practitioners throughout the world carry the CRE® designation. Membership is by invitation only. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/cre RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 399011 399000 DenominaciónDeAgenteEnlistado Asesor de Bienes Raíces / CRE 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 e-PRO ListAgentDesignation NAR's e-PRO® certification teaches you to use cutting-edge technologies and digital initiatives to link up with today's savvy real estate consumer. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/e-pro RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 399012 399000 DenominaciónDeAgenteEnlistado e-PRO 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 General Accredited Appraiser / GAA ListAgentDesignation For general appraisers, this designation is awarded to those whose education and experience exceed state appraisal certification requirements and is supported by the National Association of REALTORS®. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/gaa RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 399013 399000 DenominaciónDeAgenteEnlistado Tasador General Acreditado / GAA 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Graduate, REALTOR Institute / GRI ListAgentDesignation REALTORS® with the GRI designation have in-depth training in legal and regulatory issues, technology, professional standards, and the sales process. Earning the designation is a way to stand out to prospective buyers and sellers as a professional with expertise in these areas. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/gri RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 399014 399000 DenominaciónDeAgenteEnlistado Graduado, Instituto de Agentes de Bienes Raíces / GRI 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Military Relocation Professional / MRP ListAgentDesignation NAR's Military Relocation Professional certification focuses on educating real estate professionals about working with current and former military service members to find housing solutions that best suit their needs and take full advantage of military benefits and support. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/mrp RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 399015 399000 DenominaciónDeAgenteEnlistado Profesional de Reubicación Militar / MRP 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 NAR's Green Designation / GREEN ListAgentDesignation Through NAR's Green Designation, the Green Resource Council provides ongoing education, resources and tools to help real estate practitioners find, understand, and market properties with green features. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/green RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 399016 399000 DenominaciónDeAgenteEnlistado Denominación Verde de NAR / GREEN 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Performance Management Network / PMN ListAgentDesignation This designation is unique to the REALTOR® family designations, emphasizing that in order to enhance your business, you must enhance yourself. It focuses on negotiating strategies and tactics, networking and referrals, business planning and systems, personal performance management and leadership development. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/pmn RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 399017 399000 DenominaciónDeAgenteEnlistado Red de Gestión del Rendimiento / PMN 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Pricing Strategy Advisor / PSA ListAgentDesignation Enhance your skills in pricing properties, creating CMAs, working with appraisers, and guiding clients through the anxieties and misperceptions they often have about home values with NAR’s PSA (Pricing Strategy Advisor) certification. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/psa RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 399018 399000 DenominaciónDeAgenteEnlistado Asesor de Estrategia de Precios / PSA 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Real Estate Negotiation Expert / RENE ListAgentDesignation This certification is for real estate professionals who want to sharpen their negotiation skills. The RENE certification program gives REALTORS® the tips and tools they need to be skillful advocates for their clients. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/rene RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 399019 399000 DenominaciónDeAgenteEnlistado Experto en Negociación Inmobiliaria / RENE 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 REALTOR Association Certified Executive / RCE ListAgentDesignation RCE is the only professional designation designed specifically for REALTOR® association executives. RCE designees exemplify goal-oriented AEs with drive, experience and commitment to professional growth. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/rce RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 399020 399000 DenominaciónDeAgenteEnlistado Ejecutivo Certificado de la Asociación de Agentes de Bienes Raíces / RCE 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Residential Accredited Appraiser / RAA ListAgentDesignation For residential appraisers, this designation is awarded to those whose education and experience exceed state appraisal certification requirements and is supported by the National Association of REALTORS®. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/raa RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 399021 399000 DenominaciónDeAgenteEnlistado Tasador Residencial Acreditado / RAA 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Resort & Second-Home Property Specialist / RSPS ListAgentDesignation This certification is designed for REALTORS® who facilitate the buying, selling, or management of properties for investment, development, retirement, or second homes in a resort, recreational and/or vacation destination are involved in this market niche. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/rsps RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 399022 399000 DenominaciónDeAgenteEnlistado Especialista en Resorts y Segundas Residencias / RSPS 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Seller Representative Specialist / SRS ListAgentDesignation The Seller Representative Specialist (SRS) designation is the premier credential in seller representation. It is designed to elevate professional standards and enhance personal performance. The designation is awarded to real estate practitioners by the Real Estate Business Institute (REBI) who meet specific educational and practical experience criteria. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/seller-representative-specialist-srs RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 399023 399000 DenominaciónDeAgenteEnlistado Vendedor Especialista Representante / SRS 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Seniors Real Estate Specialist / SRES ListAgentDesignation The SRES® Designation program educates REALTORS® on how to profitably and ethically serve the real estate needs of the fastest growing market in real estate, clients age 50+. By earning the SRES® designation, you gain access to valuable member benefits, useful resources, and networking opportunities across the U.S. and Canada to help you in your business. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/sres RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 399024 399000 DenominaciónDeAgenteEnlistado Especialista en Bienes Raíces para la Tercera Edad / SRES 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Short Sales & Foreclosure Resource / SFR ListAgentDesignation The SFR® certification teaches real estate professionals to work with distressed sellers and the finance, tax, and legal professionals who can help them, qualify sellers for short sales, develop a short sale package, negotiate with lenders, safeguard your commission, limit risk, and protect buyers. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/sfr RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 399025 399000 DenominaciónDeAgenteEnlistado Recurso de Venta al Descubierto y Ejecución Hipotecaria / SFR 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Society of Industrial and Office REALTORS / SIOR ListAgentDesignation The SIOR designation is held by only the most knowledgeable, experienced, and successful commercial real estate brokerage specialists. To earn it, designees must meet standards of experience, production, education, ethics, and provide recommendations. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/sior RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 399026 399000 DenominaciónDeAgenteEnlistado Sociedad de Agentes de Bienes Raíces de Áreas Industriales y de Oficina / SIOR 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Transnational Referral Certification / TRC ListAgentDesignation Real estate professionals who have taken the Transnational Referral Certified (TRC) training, have completed special training on making and receiving client referrals from professionals in other countries. https://worldproperties.com/about-us/international-referrals-and-trc/ RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 399027 399000 DenominaciónDeAgenteEnlistado Certificación de Referencia Transnacional / TRC 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Exclusive Agency ListingAgreement A contract giving one Brokerage Firm, for a specified time, the right to sell/lease the property and also allowing the owner, acting alone, to sell/lease the property without paying commission. Exclusive Listing RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 309002 309000 AcuerdoDeVenta Exclusivo con la Agencia 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Exclusive Right To Lease ListingAgreement A contract giving the Broker the right to collect commission if the property is leased by anyone, including the owning, during the term of the agreement. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 309001 309000 AcuerdoDeVenta Derecho Exclusivo a Arrendar 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Exclusive Right To Sell ListingAgreement A contract giving the Broker the right to collect commission if the property is sold by anyone, including the owning, during the term of the agreement. Exclusive Right To Sell w/Limited Service RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 309004 309000 AcuerdoDeVenta Derecho Exclusivo a Vender 20160621T0000 20160303T0000 1.4.0 20160528T1200 Exclusive Right With Exception ListingAgreement A contract giving the Broker the right to collect commission if the property is sold by anyone, including the owner, during the term of the agreement unless some specified exceptions to the agreement occur. Exclusive Right To Sell w/Exceptions RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 309003 309000 AcuerdoDeVenta Derecho Exclusivo con Excepción 20181226T0000 20180920T0000 1.4.0 20181226T0000 Net ListingAgreement A listing in which the broker's commission is the excess of the sale price over an agreed-upon (net0 price to the seller; illegal in some states because it can create a conflict of interest for the broker. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 309005 309000 AcuerdoDeVenta Neto 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Open ListingAgreement Often used for commercial property, a listing given to any number of Brokers without liability to compensate any except the one who first secures a buyer who is ready, willing and able to meet the terms of the listing and secures the seller's acceptance. The seller may, acting alone, sell the property without paying commission. Open Listing RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 309006 309000 AcuerdoDeVenta Abierto 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Probate ListingAgreement An Exclusive Right To Sell listing agreement that also resides under authority of the local probate code. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 309007 309000 AcuerdoDeVenta Validación Testamentaria 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Entry Only ListingService The only service provided by the brokerage is the input of the listing into the MLS system. This is often a flat rate service with an Open listing agreement. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 310003 310000 ServicioDeListado Solo Entrada 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Full Service ListingService The typical service and commission level offered by brokerages. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 310001 310000 ServicioDeListado Servicio Completo 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Limited Service ListingService A plan offered by some brokerages allowing the seller to contract for less than the full array of brokerage services in exchange for reduced commission rates. Exclusive Right To Sell w/Limited Service RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 310002 310000 ServicioDeListado Servicio Limitado 20160303T0000 20160303T0000 1.4.0 20160303T0000 1031 Exchange ListingTerms The seller is may be interested in a 1031 exchange as part of the sale. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 333001 333000 TérminosDeListado Intercambio 1031 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 All Inclusive Trust Deed ListingTerms The property is under an all inclusive trust deed. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 333002 333000 TérminosDeListado Escritura de Fideicomiso Todo Incluido 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Assumable ListingTerms The seller is interested in assumable financing. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 333003 333000 TérminosDeListado Asumible 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Cash ListingTerms The seller would like a cash sale. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 333004 333000 TérminosDeListado Efectivo 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Contract ListingTerms The seller may be interested in an agreement to perform services, provide product, share of income, or some other agreement as the method of payment for the property. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 333005 333000 TérminosDeListado Contrato 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Conventional ListingTerms The seller may accept a buyer using conventional financing to purchase the home. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 333006 333000 TérminosDeListado Convencional 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Existing Bonds ListingTerms The property for sale has existing bonds. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 333007 333000 TérminosDeListado Bonos Existentes 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 FHA ListingTerms The seller may accept a buyer with a loan from an approved provider that follows the guidelines of, and is insured by, the Federal Housing Administration. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 333008 333000 TérminosDeListado FHA: 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20170114T0000 Land Use Fee ListingTerms The listed property has a land use fee. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 333009 333000 TérminosDeListado Tarifa de Uso de Tierras 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Lease Back ListingTerms The seller may be interested in the simultaneous sale of a property with a lease back to the seller, who then becomes the tenant. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 333010 333000 TérminosDeListado Subarrendar 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Lease Option ListingTerms The seller may be interested in selling as a lease option to the buyer. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 333011 333000 TérminosDeListado Opción de Arrendar 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Lease Purchase ListingTerms The seller may be interested in selling as a lease purchase. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 333012 333000 TérminosDeListado Compra de Arrendamiento 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Lien Release ListingTerms The property for sale may require a lien release. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 333013 333000 TérminosDeListado Liberación de Gravamen 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Owner May Carry ListingTerms The seller may be interested in carrying the mortgage note. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 333014 333000 TérminosDeListado El Propietario Puede Traspasar 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Owner Pay Points ListingTerms The seller may carry points. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 333015 333000 TérminosDeListado Puntos de Pago de Propietario 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Owner Will Carry ListingTerms The seller will carry points. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 333016 333000 TérminosDeListado El Propietario Traspasará 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Private Financing Available ListingTerms Financing is provided by a private party. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 333017 333000 TérminosDeListado Financiación Privada Disponible 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Relocation Property ListingTerms The property for sale is a relocation property. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 333018 333000 TérminosDeListado Propiedad de Reubicación 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Seller Equity Share ListingTerms The seller may be interested in investing in an equity share. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 333019 333000 TérminosDeListado Cuota de Participación del Propietario 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Special Funding ListingTerms The seller may be interested in a special funding arrangement. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 333020 333000 TérminosDeListado Financiación Especial 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Submit ListingTerms Contact the listing agent for the listing terms. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 333021 333000 TérminosDeListado Entrega 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Trade ListingTerms The seller may be interested in a trade arrangement. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 333022 333000 TérminosDeListado Intercambio 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Trust Conveyance ListingTerms A trust conveyance (to another trustee) may be involved in the sale of the property. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 333023 333000 TérminosDeListado Cesión de Fideicomiso 20150721T0000 20150614T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Trust Deed ListingTerms The seller may accept financing where title of the property is placed with a trustee who secures payment of the loan for a beneficiary. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 333024 333000 TérminosDeListado Escritura de Fideicomiso 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 USDA Loan ListingTerms The seller may accept a loan from an approved provider that follows the guidelines of, and is insured by, the US Department of Agriculture. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 333025 333000 TérminosDeListado Préstamo de USDA 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 VA Loan ListingTerms The seller may accept a loan from an approved provider that follows the guidelines of, and is insured by, the US Department of Veteran's Affairs. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 333026 333000 TérminosDeListado Préstamo de VA 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Call Listing Office LockBoxType Call the listing office for information about accessing the property. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 364001 364000 TipoDeCajaDeSeguridad Llamar al Despacho de la Lista 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Call Seller Direct LockBoxType Call the seller directly to arrange for access to the property. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 364002 364000 TipoDeCajaDeSeguridad Llamar al Vendedor Directamente 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Combo LockBoxType The lockbox on the property is opened via combination. See remarks or contact the agent/office for the combination. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 364003 364000 TipoDeCajaDeSeguridad Combinación 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 None LockBoxType There is no lockbox on the property. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 364004 364000 TipoDeCajaDeSeguridad Ninguno 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Other LockBoxType A lock box type not included in this list. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 364008 364000 TipoDeCajaDeSeguridad Otro 20170809T0000 20160805T0000 1.6 20170809T0000 See Remarks LockBoxType See remarks for details about the lockbox and accessing the property. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 364005 364000 TipoDeCajaDeSeguridad Ver Observaciones 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 SentriLock LockBoxType The lockbox is from SentriLock and requires a SentriLock key or access code. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 364006 364000 TipoDeCajaDeSeguridad SentriLock 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Supra LockBoxType The lockbox is from Supra and requires a Supra key. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 364007 364000 TipoDeCajaDeSeguridad Supra 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Appraiser LotDimensionsSource The lot dimensions were provided by an appraiser. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 400001 400000 FuenteDeDimensionesDeLote Tasador 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Assessor LotDimensionsSource The lot dimensions were provided by the assessor. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 400002 400000 FuenteDeDimensionesDeLote Asesor 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Builder LotDimensionsSource The lot dimensions were provided by the builder. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 400003 400000 FuenteDeDimensionesDeLote Constructor 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Estimated LotDimensionsSource The lot dimensions were estimated. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 400004 400000 FuenteDeDimensionesDeLote Estimado 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 GIS Calculated LotDimensionsSource The lot dimensions were GIS calculated. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 400005 400000 FuenteDeDimensionesDeLote Calculado con GIS 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Measured LotDimensionsSource The lot dimensions were measured. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 400006 400000 FuenteDeDimensionesDeLote Medido 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Other LotDimensionsSource The lot dimensions were provided by a source other than those in this list. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 400007 400000 FuenteDeDimensionesDeLote Otra 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Owner LotDimensionsSource The lot dimensions were provided by the owner. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 400008 400000 FuenteDeDimensionesDeLote Propietario 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Public Records LotDimensionsSource The lot dimensions were taken from public records. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 400009 400000 FuenteDeDimensionesDeLote Registros Públicos 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 See Remarks LotDimensionsSource See the Public or Private Remarks for details on the source of the lot dimensions. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 400010 400000 FuenteDeDimensionesDeLote Ver Observaciones 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Survey LotDimensionsSource The lot dimensions were provided by a land survey. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 400011 400000 FuenteDeDimensionesDeLote Estudio de terreno 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Agricultural LotFeatures The lot has agricultural features. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 458001 458000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Back Yard LotFeatures The lot has a back yard. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 458002 458000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Bluff LotFeatures The lot is on or near a bluff. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 458003 458000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 City Lot LotFeatures The lot is in a city/urban setting. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 458004 458000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Cleared LotFeatures The lot has been cleared. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 458005 458000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Close to Clubhouse LotFeatures The lot is located close to the community clubhouse. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 458006 458000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Corner Lot LotFeatures The lot is located on the corner of an intersection. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 458007 458000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Corners Marked LotFeatures The corners of the lot have been marked. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 458008 458000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Cul-De-Sac LotFeatures The lot is located on street that is closed on one end in a circular shape. Cul-de-sac translated literally from French is "the bottom of the bag", which helps explain the circular shape. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 458009 458000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Desert Back LotFeatures The back of the lot faces desert. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 458010 458000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Desert Front LotFeatures The front of the lot faces desert. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 458011 458000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Farm LotFeatures The lot is, or has characteristics of a farm. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 458012 458000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Few Trees LotFeatures The lot has a few trees. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 458013 458000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Flag Lot LotFeatures Named for the shape, a flag lot has a long driveway leading to the property, together may have the appearance of a pole and flag. The driveway in a flag lot typically runs between two other properties. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 458014 458000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Front Yard LotFeatures The lot has a front yard. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 458015 458000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Garden LotFeatures The lot has a garden. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 458016 458000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Gentle Sloping LotFeatures The lot's slop is gentle. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 458017 458000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Greenbelt LotFeatures the lot is adjacent to a greenbelt. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 458018 458000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Interior Lot LotFeatures Also referred to as an inside lot, an interior lot faces street on only one side. Inside Lot RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 458019 458000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Irregular Lot LotFeatures The lot is not a rectangle. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 458020 458000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Landscaped LotFeatures The lot has been fully or partially landscaped. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 458021 458000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Level LotFeatures The lot is level/flat. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 458022 458000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Many Trees LotFeatures The lot has many trees. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 458023 458000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Meadow LotFeatures The lot has a meadow. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 458024 458000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Native Plants LotFeatures The lot's landscaping includes native plants. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 458025 458000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Near Golf Course LotFeatures The lot is near a golf course. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 458026 458000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Near Public Transit LotFeatures The lot is near public transportation. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 458027 458000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 On Golf Course LotFeatures The lot is directly adjacent to a golf course. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 458028 458000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Open Lot LotFeatures The lot is open. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 458029 458000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Orchard(s) LotFeatures The lot includes one or more orchards. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 458030 458000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Other LotFeatures The lot has features other than those in this list. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 458031 458000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Pasture LotFeatures The lot includes a pasture. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 458032 458000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Paved LotFeatures The lot is partially or fully paved. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 458033 458000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Pie Shaped Lot LotFeatures The lot is pie, or triangle shaped. Typically narrow at the front and wide at the back, the reverse, a wide front, could be referred to as pie shaped or reverse pie shaped. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 458034 458000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Private LotFeatures The lot is private or features that provide privacy form adjacent areas such as neighbors or roads. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 458035 458000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Rectangular Lot LotFeatures Also known as a regular shaped lot, the lot has is a rectangle or square. Regular Shaped Lot RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 458036 458000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Rock Outcropping LotFeatures Rock features or barriers that transition a grading in the landscape. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 458037 458000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Rolling Slope LotFeatures The slope of the property varies in a rolling or wavy fashion. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 458038 458000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Secluded LotFeatures The lot is secluded. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 458039 458000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 See Remarks LotFeatures See the remarks fields for additional information about the lot's features. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 458040 458000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Sloped LotFeatures The lot is sloped. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 458041 458000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Sloped Down LotFeatures The lot is sloped down, typically from the perspective of looking at the property from the street. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 458042 458000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Sloped Up LotFeatures The lot is sloped up, typically from the perspective of looking at the property from the street. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 458043 458000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Split Possible LotFeatures It may be possible that the lot could be split into two or more parcels. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 458044 458000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Sprinklers In Front LotFeatures there are irrigation sprinklers on the front of the lot. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 458045 458000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Sprinklers In Rear LotFeatures there are irrigation sprinklers to the rear of the lot. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 458046 458000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Steep Slope LotFeatures The lot is sloped steeply. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 458047 458000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Subdivided LotFeatures The lot has been subdivided into two or more parcels. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 458048 458000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Views LotFeatures There are views from the lot. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 458049 458000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Waterfall LotFeatures The lot has a waterfall. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 458050 458000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Waterfront LotFeatures The lot is located on a waterfront. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 458051 458000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Wetlands LotFeatures The lot is located near or within wetlands. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 458052 458000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Wooded LotFeatures The lot is wooded. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 458053 458000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Zero Lot Line LotFeatures The structure comes up to, or very near the property line. Attached single family residences, row homes, garden homes, patio homes all may be zero lot line homes. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 458054 458000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Appraiser LotSizeSource An appraiser provided the measurement of the lot size. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 365001 365000 FuenteDeTamañoDeLote Tasador 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Assessor LotSizeSource The assessor provided the measurement of the lot size. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 365002 365000 FuenteDeTamañoDeLote Asesor 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Builder LotSizeSource The builder provided the measurement of the lot size. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 365003 365000 FuenteDeTamañoDeLote Constructor 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Estimated LotSizeSource The measurement of the lot size is an estimate. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 365004 365000 FuenteDeTamañoDeLote Estimado 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Other LotSizeSource The measurement of the lot size was provided by another party not listed. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 365005 365000 FuenteDeTamañoDeLote Otra 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Owner LotSizeSource The owner provided the measurement of the lot size. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 365006 365000 FuenteDeTamañoDeLote Propietario 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Plans LotSizeSource The measurement of the lot size was taken from building plans. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 365007 365000 FuenteDeTamañoDeLote Planos 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Public Records LotSizeSource The measurement of the lot size was received from public records. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 365008 365000 FuenteDeTamañoDeLote Registros Públicos 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 See Remarks LotSizeSource See remarks for information about the source of the lot size measurement. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 365009 365000 FuenteDeTamañoDeLote Ver Observaciones 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Acres LotSizeUnits The value reported in the Lot Size Area field is in acres. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 312001 312000 UnidadesDeTamañoDeLote Hectáreas 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Square Feet LotSizeUnits The value reported in the Lot Size Area field is in square feet. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 312002 312000 UnidadesDeTamañoDeLote Pies Cuadrados 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Square Meters LotSizeUnits The value reported in the Lot Size Area field is in square meters. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 312003 312000 UnidadesDeTamañoDeLote Metros Cuadrados 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Agent Photo MediaCategory The media is an agent photo. Member Photo Media Active 334009 334000 CategoríaDeMedio Fotografía del Agente 20170809T0000 20170117T0000 1.4.0 20170809T0000 Branded Virtual Tour MediaCategory The media is a branded virtual tour. Media Active 334003 334000 CategoríaDeMedio Tour Virtual Con Marca 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Document MediaCategory The media is a document. Media Active 334005 334000 CategoríaDeMedio Documento 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Floor Plan MediaCategory The media is a floor plan. Media Active 334006 334000 CategoríaDeMedio Plano 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Office Logo MediaCategory The media is an office logo. Media Active 334007 334000 CategoríaDeMedio Logotipo del Despacho 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Office Photo MediaCategory The media is an office photo. Media Active 334008 334000 CategoríaDeMedio Fotografía del Despacho 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Photo MediaCategory The media is a photo. Media Active 334001 334000 CategoríaDeMedio Foto 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Unbranded Virtual Tour MediaCategory The media is an unbranded virtual tour. Media Active 334004 334000 CategoríaDeMedio Tour Virtual Sin Marca 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Video MediaCategory The media is a video. Media Active 334002 334000 CategoríaDeMedio Vídeo 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 doc MediaType The media is a doc file type. Media Active 335012 335000 TipoDeMedio doc 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 docx MediaType The media is a docx file type. Media Active 335013 335000 TipoDeMedio docx 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 gif MediaType The media is a gif file type. Media Active 335001 335000 TipoDeMedio gif 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 jpeg MediaType The media is a jpeg file type. Media Active 335002 335000 TipoDeMedio jpeg 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 mov MediaType The media is a mov file type. Media Active 335016 335000 TipoDeMedio mov 20170809T0000 20160822T0000 1.6 20170809T0000 mp4 MediaType The media is an mp4 file type. Media Active 335006 335000 TipoDeMedio mp4 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 mpeg MediaType The media is an mpeg file type. Media Active 335005 335000 TipoDeMedio mpeg 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 pdf MediaType The media is a pdf file type. Media Active 335009 335000 TipoDeMedio pdf 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 png MediaType The media is a png file type. Media Active 335003 335000 TipoDeMedio png 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 quicktime MediaType The media is a QuickTime file type. Media Active 335007 335000 TipoDeMedio quicktime 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 rtf MediaType The media is a rtf file type. Media Active 335010 335000 TipoDeMedio rtf 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 tiff MediaType The media is a tiff file type. Media Active 335004 335000 TipoDeMedio tiff 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 txt MediaType The media is a txt file type. Media Active 335011 335000 TipoDeMedio txt 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 wmv MediaType The media is a wmv file type. Media Active 335008 335000 TipoDeMedio wmv 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 xls MediaType The media is a xls file type. Media Active 335014 335000 TipoDeMedio xls 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 xlsx MediaType The media is a xlsx file type. Media Active 335015 335000 TipoDeMedio xlsx 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Accredited Buyer's Representative / ABR MemberDesignation The Accredited Buyer’s Representative (ABR®) designation is designed for real estate buyer agents who focus on working directly with buyer-clients. http://www.rebac.net/abr Member Active 401001 401000 DenominaciónDeMiembro Representante Acreditado del Comprador / ABR 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Accredited Land Consultant / ALC MemberDesignation Accredited Land Consultants (ALCs) are the most trusted, knowledgeable, experienced, and highest-producing experts in all segments of land. Conferred by the REALTORS® Land Institute, the designation requires successful completion of a rigorous LANDU education program, a specific, high-volume and experience level, and adherence to an honorable Code of Conduct. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/alc Member Active 401002 401000 DenominaciónDeMiembro Consultor Acreditado de Inmuebles / ALC 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 At Home With Diversity / AHWD MemberDesignation Learn to work effectively with – and within – today’s diverse real estate market. The At Home With Diversity certification teaches you how to conduct your business with sensitivity to all client profiles and build a business plan to successfully serve them. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/ahwd Member Active 401003 401000 DenominaciónDeMiembro At Home With Diversity / AHWD 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Certified Commercial Investment Member / CCIM MemberDesignation The Certified Commercial Investment Member (CCIM) designation is commercial real estate’s global standard for professional achievement, earned through an extensive curriculum of 200 classroom hours and professional experiential requirements. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/ccim Member Active 401004 401000 DenominaciónDeMiembro Socio Certificado de Inversiones Comerciales / CCIM 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Certified Distressed Property Expert / CDPE MemberDesignation A Certified Distressed Property Expert® (CDPE) has a thorough understanding of complex issues in today’s turbulent real estate industry and knowledge of foreclosure avoidance options available to homeowners. CDPEs can provide solutions, specifically short sales, for homeowners facing market hardships. http://www.cdpe.com/ Member Active 401005 401000 DenominaciónDeMiembro Experto Certificado de Propiedades en Dificultades / CDPE 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Certified International Property Specialist / CIPS MemberDesignation The CIPS designation is for REALTORS® from the United States and abroad, as well as association staff and volunteer leaders who wish to develop or grow their international real estate business. It will provide you with the knowledge, research, network, and tools to globalize your business. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/cips-designation Member Active 401006 401000 DenominaciónDeMiembro Especialista Internacional Certificado en Propiedades / CIPS 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Certified Property Manager / CPM MemberDesignation Certified Property Managers® (CPM®) are recognized as experts in real estate management, and they are at the top of the profession. 70% of those who hold the CPM® designation hold the highest management positions in their offices (owner/partner/officer/director). https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/cpm Member Active 401007 401000 DenominaciónDeMiembro Agente Inmobiliario Certificado / CPM 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Certified Real Estate Brokerage Manager / CRB MemberDesignation The Certified Real Estate Brokerage Manager (CRB) Designation raises professional standards, strengthens individual and office performance, and indicates expertise in brokerage management. This designation represents the highest level of professional achievement in real estate brokerage management. You do not need a broker's license to earn the CRB Designation. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/crb Member Active 401008 401000 DenominaciónDeMiembro Administrador Certificado de Corretaje de Bienes Raíces / CRB 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Certified Real Estate Team Specialist / C-RETS MemberDesignation The Certified Real Estate Team Specialist certification is designed to improve team development, individual leadership skills, and financial performance. The courses provide the tools, strategies, and knowledge that are required of today’s real estate professionals who are either considering or currently operating in a team environment. It is for team leaders, team members, those looking to start a team, and those who simply want to sharpen their management skills. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/c-rets Member Active 401009 401000 DenominaciónDeMiembro Especialista Certificado de Equipos de Bienes Raíces / C-RETS 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Certified Residential Specialist / CRS MemberDesignation Certified Residential Specialist (CRS) is the highest credential awarded to residential sales agents, managers and brokers. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/crs Member Active 401010 401000 DenominaciónDeMiembro Especialista Residencial Certificado / CRS 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Counselor of Real Estate / CRE MemberDesignation The Counselors of Real Estate® is an international group of recognized professionals who provide seasoned, expert, objective advice on real property and land-related matters. Only 1,100 practitioners throughout the world carry the CRE® designation. Membership is by invitation only. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/cre Member Active 401011 401000 DenominaciónDeMiembro Asesor de Bienes Raíces / CRE 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 e-PRO MemberDesignation NAR's e-PRO® certification teaches you to use cutting-edge technologies and digital initiatives to link up with today's savvy real estate consumer. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/e-pro Member Active 401012 401000 DenominaciónDeMiembro e-PRO 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 General Accredited Appraiser / GAA MemberDesignation For general appraisers, this designation is awarded to those whose education and experience exceed state appraisal certification requirements and is supported by the National Association of REALTORS®. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/gaa Member Active 401013 401000 DenominaciónDeMiembro Tasador General Acreditado / GAA 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Graduate, REALTOR Institute / GRI MemberDesignation REALTORS® with the GRI designation have in-depth training in legal and regulatory issues, technology, professional standards, and the sales process. Earning the designation is a way to stand out to prospective buyers and sellers as a professional with expertise in these areas. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/gri Member Active 401014 401000 DenominaciónDeMiembro Graduado, Instituto de Agentes de Bienes Raíces / GRI 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Military Relocation Professional / MRP MemberDesignation NAR's Military Relocation Professional certification focuses on educating real estate professionals about working with current and former military service members to find housing solutions that best suit their needs and take full advantage of military benefits and support. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/mrp Member Active 401015 401000 DenominaciónDeMiembro Profesional de Reubicación Militar / MRP 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 NAR's Green Designation / GREEN MemberDesignation Through NAR's Green Designation, the Green Resource Council provides ongoing education, resources and tools to help real estate practitioners find, understand, and market properties with green features. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/green Member Active 401016 401000 DenominaciónDeMiembro Denominación Verde de NAR / GREEN 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Performance Management Network / PMN MemberDesignation This designation is unique to the REALTOR® family designations, emphasizing that in order to enhance your business, you must enhance yourself. It focuses on negotiating strategies and tactics, networking and referrals, business planning and systems, personal performance management and leadership development. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/pmn Member Active 401017 401000 DenominaciónDeMiembro Red de Gestión del Rendimiento / PMN 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Pricing Strategy Advisor / PSA MemberDesignation Enhance your skills in pricing properties, creating CMAs, working with appraisers, and guiding clients through the anxieties and misperceptions they often have about home values with NAR’s PSA (Pricing Strategy Advisor) certification. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/psa Member Active 401018 401000 DenominaciónDeMiembro Asesor de Estrategia de Precios / PSA 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Real Estate Negotiation Expert / RENE MemberDesignation This certification is for real estate professionals who want to sharpen their negotiation skills. The RENE certification program gives REALTORS® the tips and tools they need to be skillful advocates for their clients. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/rene Member Active 401019 401000 DenominaciónDeMiembro Experto en Negociación Inmobiliaria / RENE 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 REALTOR Association Certified Executive / RCE MemberDesignation RCE is the only professional designation designed specifically for REALTOR® association executives. RCE designees exemplify goal-oriented AEs with drive, experience and commitment to professional growth. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/rce Member Active 401020 401000 DenominaciónDeMiembro Ejecutivo Certificado de la Asociación de Agentes de Bienes Raíces / RCE 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Residential Accredited Appraiser / RAA MemberDesignation For residential appraisers, this designation is awarded to those whose education and experience exceed state appraisal certification requirements and is supported by the National Association of REALTORS®. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/raa Member Active 401021 401000 DenominaciónDeMiembro Tasador Residencial Acreditado / RAA 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Resort & Second-Home Property Specialist / RSPS MemberDesignation This certification is designed for REALTORS® who facilitate the buying, selling, or management of properties for investment, development, retirement, or second homes in a resort, recreational and/or vacation destination are involved in this market niche. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/rsps Member Active 401022 401000 DenominaciónDeMiembro Especialista en Resorts y Segundas Residencias / RSPS 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Seller Representative Specialist / SRS MemberDesignation The Seller Representative Specialist (SRS) designation is the premier credential in seller representation. It is designed to elevate professional standards and enhance personal performance. The designation is awarded to real estate practitioners by the Real Estate Business Institute (REBI) who meet specific educational and practical experience criteria. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/seller-representative-specialist-srs Member Active 401023 401000 DenominaciónDeMiembro Vendedor Especialista Representante / SRS 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Seniors Real Estate Specialist / SRES MemberDesignation The SRES® Designation program educates REALTORS® on how to profitably and ethically serve the real estate needs of the fastest growing market in real estate, clients age 50+. By earning the SRES® designation, you gain access to valuable member benefits, useful resources, and networking opportunities across the U.S. and Canada to help you in your business. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/sres Member Active 401024 401000 DenominaciónDeMiembro Especialista en Bienes Raíces para la Tercera Edad / SRES 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Short Sales & Foreclosure Resource / SFR MemberDesignation The SFR® certification teaches real estate professionals to work with distressed sellers and the finance, tax, and legal professionals who can help them, qualify sellers for short sales, develop a short sale package, negotiate with lenders, safeguard your commission, limit risk, and protect buyers. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/sfr Member Active 401025 401000 DenominaciónDeMiembro Recurso de Venta al Descubierto y Ejecución Hipotecaria / SFR 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Society of Industrial and Office REALTORS / SIOR MemberDesignation The SIOR designation is held by only the most knowledgeable, experienced, and successful commercial real estate brokerage specialists. To earn it, designees must meet standards of experience, production, education, ethics, and provide recommendations. https://www.nar.realtor/designations-and-certifications/sior Member Active 401026 401000 DenominaciónDeMiembro Sociedad de Agentes de Bienes Raíces de Áreas Industriales y de Oficina / SIOR 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Transnational Referral Certification / TRC MemberDesignation Real estate professionals who have taken the Transnational Referral Certified (TRC) training, have completed special training on making and receiving client referrals from professionals in other countries. https://worldproperties.com/about-us/international-referrals-and-trc/ Member Active 401027 401000 DenominaciónDeMiembro Certificación de Referencia Transnacional / TRC 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Direct MemberOtherPhoneType This is the member's direct number. Member Active 402001 402000 OtroTipoDeTeléfonoDeMiembro Directo 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Fax MemberOtherPhoneType This is the member's fax. Member Active 402002 402000 OtroTipoDeTeléfonoDeMiembro Fax 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 First MemberOtherPhoneType This is the member's first preferred phone. Member Active 402003 402000 OtroTipoDeTeléfonoDeMiembro Primero 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Home MemberOtherPhoneType This is the member's home phone. Member Active 402004 402000 OtroTipoDeTeléfonoDeMiembro Hogar 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Mobile MemberOtherPhoneType This is the member's mobile phone. Member Active 402005 402000 OtroTipoDeTeléfonoDeMiembro Móvil 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Modem MemberOtherPhoneType This is the member's modem. Member Active 402006 402000 OtroTipoDeTeléfonoDeMiembro Módem 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Office MemberOtherPhoneType This is the member's office phone. Member Active 402007 402000 OtroTipoDeTeléfonoDeMiembro Oficina 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Pager MemberOtherPhoneType This is the member's pager. Member Active 402008 402000 OtroTipoDeTeléfonoDeMiembro Buscapersonas 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Preferred MemberOtherPhoneType This is the member's preferred phone. Member Active 402009 402000 OtroTipoDeTeléfonoDeMiembro Preferido 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Second MemberOtherPhoneType This is the member's second preferred phone. Member Active 402010 402000 OtroTipoDeTeléfonoDeMiembro Secundario 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 SMS MemberOtherPhoneType This is the member's SMS/text number. Member Active 402011 402000 OtroTipoDeTeléfonoDeMiembro SMS 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Third MemberOtherPhoneType This is the member's third preferred phone. Member Active 402012 402000 OtroTipoDeTeléfonoDeMiembro Terciario 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Toll Free MemberOtherPhoneType This is the member's toll free number. Member Active 402013 402000 OtroTipoDeTeléfonoDeMiembro Teléfono Gratuito 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Voicemail MemberOtherPhoneType This is the member's voicemail. Member Active 402014 402000 OtroTipoDeTeléfonoDeMiembro Buzón de Voz 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Active MemberStatus The member's account is active. Member Active 315001 315000 EstadoDeMiembro Activo 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Inactive MemberStatus the member's account is not active. Terminated Member Active 315002 315000 EstadoDeMiembro Inactivo 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Assistant MemberType The member is an assistant. The status of the assistant being licensed is not known or possibly not required. Member TeamMembers Active 336013 336000 TipoDeMiembro 20181226T0000 20181010T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Association Staff MemberType The member is a member of the association's staff. Member TeamMembers Active 336001 336000 TipoDeMiembro Personal de la Asociación 20150721T0000 20150812T0000 1.4.0 20150812T0000 Designated REALTOR Appraiser MemberType The member is a designated appraiser and a member of NAR. Member TeamMembers Active 336002 336000 TipoDeMiembro Tasador Designado de Agentes de Bienes Raíces 20150721T0000 20150812T0000 1.4.0 20150812T0000 Designated REALTOR Participant MemberType The member is a designated broker and a member of NAR. Member TeamMembers Active 336003 336000 TipoDeMiembro Participante Designado de Agentes de Bienes Raíces 20150721T0000 20150812T0000 1.4.0 20150812T0000 Licensed Assistant MemberType The member is an assistant. The status of the assistant being licensed is not known or possibly not required. Member TeamMembers Active 336014 336000 TipoDeMiembro 20181226T0000 20181010T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 MLS Only Appraiser MemberType The member is an appraiser and not a member of NAR, receiving MLS services only. Member TeamMembers Active 336004 336000 TipoDeMiembro Tasador Solo de MLS 20150721T0000 20150812T0000 1.4.0 20150812T0000 MLS Only Broker MemberType The member is a broker and not a member of NAR, receiving MLS services only. Member TeamMembers Active 336005 336000 TipoDeMiembro Corredor solo de MLS 20150721T0000 20150812T0000 1.4.0 20150812T0000 MLS Only Salesperson MemberType The member is a sales person and not a member of NAR, receiving MLS services only. Member TeamMembers Active 336006 336000 TipoDeMiembro Vendedor solo de MLS 20150721T0000 20150812T0000 1.4.0 20150812T0000 MLS Staff MemberType The individual is a member of MLS staff. Member TeamMembers Active 336007 336000 TipoDeMiembro Personal de MLS 20150721T0000 20150812T0000 1.4.0 20150812T0000 Non Member/Vendor MemberType The individual is not a member or is a vendor. Non Agent/Vendor Member TeamMembers Active 336008 336000 TipoDeMiembro No Miembro/Proveedor 20170809T0000 20170117T0000 1.4.0 20170809T0000 Office Manager MemberType The member is a license office manager. Member TeamMembers Active 336009 336000 TipoDeMiembro Gerente de Oficina 20150721T0000 20150812T0000 1.4.0 20150812T0000 REALTOR Appraiser MemberType The member is an appraiser and a member of NAR. Member TeamMembers Active 336010 336000 TipoDeMiembro Tasador de Agentes de Bienes Raíces 20150721T0000 20150812T0000 1.4.0 20150812T0000 REALTOR Salesperson MemberType The member is a sales person and a member of NAR. Member TeamMembers Active 336011 336000 TipoDeMiembro Vendedor de Agentes de Bienes Raíces 20150721T0000 20150812T0000 1.4.0 20150812T0000 Unlicensed Assistant MemberType The member is an unlicensed assistant. Member TeamMembers Active 336012 336000 TipoDeMiembro Asistente sin Licencia 20150721T0000 20150812T0000 1.4.0 20150812T0000 Agent NotedBy The agent has written the given note about the given listing. Member ContactListingNotes Collection Active 433001 433000 RegistradoPor Agente 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Contact NotedBy The contact has written the given note about the given listing. Consumer, Client ContactListingNotes Collection Active 433002 433000 RegistradoPor Contacto 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 ListingId ObjectIdType The ObjectID is the MLS listing number InternetTracking Resource Active 434001 434000 TipoDeIDDeObjeto IdDeListado 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 ListingKey ObjectIdType The Object is a key field from an MLS system. InternetTracking Resource Active 434002 434000 TipoDeIDDeObjeto ClaveDeListado 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 ListingKeyNumeric ObjectIdType The Object is a numeric key field from an MLS system. InternetTracking Resource Active 434003 434000 TipoDeIDDeObjeto ClaveNuméricaDeListado 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 OpenHouseId ObjectIdType The ObjectID is an Open House ID InternetTracking Resource Active 434004 434000 TipoDeIDDeObjeto IdDeJornadaDePuertasAbiertas 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 OpenHouseKey ObjectIdType The ObjectID is the key of an Open House record. InternetTracking Resource Active 434005 434000 TipoDeIDDeObjeto ClaveDeJornadaDePuertasAbiertas 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 OpenHouseKeyNumeric ObjectIdType The ObjectID is the numeric only key of an Open House record. InternetTracking Resource Active 434006 434000 TipoDeIDDeObjeto ClaveNuméricaDeJornadaDePuertasAbiertas 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 ParcelNumber ObjectIdType When no listing exists or the tracking is property centric, the ObjectIdType of the property's Parcel Number is used. InternetTracking Resource Active 434007 434000 TipoDeIDDeObjeto NúmeroDeParcela 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 PUID ObjectIdType When no listing exists and the tracking property centric, the RESO PUID is being used. InternetTracking Resource Active 434008 434000 TipoDeIDDeObjeto PUID 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 SavedSearchKey ObjectIdType When the event is the execution of a saved search, the ObjectID will be the SavedSearchKey or SavedSearchKeyNumeric from the system that executed the search. Individual listings from the result set or being viewed would be separate events for each record. InternetTracking Resource Active 434009 434000 TipoDeIDDeObjeto ClaveDeBúsquedaGuardada 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 SavedSearchKeyNumeric ObjectIdType When the event is the execution of a saved search, the ObjectID will be the SavedSearchKey or SavedSearchKeyNumeric from the system that executed the search. Individual listings from the result set or being viewed would be separate events for each record. InternetTracking Resource Active 434010 434000 TipoDeIDDeObjeto ClaveNuméricaDeBúsquedaGuardada 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Unique ObjectIdType The ObjectID is a unique ID supplied by the source and is not one of the other types… InternetTracking Resource Active 434011 434000 TipoDeIDDeObjeto Único 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Document ObjectType The Object of the tracking event is a Document. InternetTracking Resource Active 435006 435000 TipoDeObjeto 20181226T0000 20181010T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Listing ObjectType The object of the tracking event is a real estate listing InternetTracking Resource Active 435001 435000 TipoDeObjeto Listado 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Open House ObjectType The object of the tracking event is an Open House event InternetTracking Resource Active 435002 435000 TipoDeObjeto Jornada de Puertas Abiertas 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Photo ObjectType The Object of the tracking event is a Photo. InternetTracking Resource Active 435005 435000 TipoDeObjeto 20181226T0000 20181010T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Property ObjectType When no listing exists or the tracking is property centric, the ObjectType of Property is used. InternetTracking Resource Active 435003 435000 TipoDeObjeto Propiedad 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Saved Search ObjectType When the event is the execution of a saved search, the Object will be a Saved Search from the system that executed the search. If tracked, individual listings from the result set or being viewed would be separate events for each record. InternetTracking Resource Active 435004 435000 TipoDeObjeto Búsqueda Guardada 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Virtual Tour ObjectType The Object of the tracking event is considered a Virtual Tour. InternetTracking Resource Active 435007 435000 TipoDeObjeto 20181226T0000 20181010T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Owner OccupantType The occupant is the owner. RESI RLSE MOBI Active 337001 337000 TipoDeOcupante Propietario 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Tenant OccupantType The occupant is a tenant. RESI RLSE MOBI Active 337002 337000 TipoDeOcupante Arrendatario 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Vacant OccupantType The property is vacant. RESI RLSE MOBI Active 337003 337000 TipoDeOcupante Disponible 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Branch OfficeBranchType This office is a branch office. Office Active 403001 403000 TipoDeSucursal Sucursal 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Main OfficeBranchType This office is the broker's main office. Office Active 403002 403000 TipoDeSucursal Principal 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Stand Alone OfficeBranchType This office is a stand alone, or single office brokerage. Office Active 403003 403000 TipoDeSucursal Única 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Active OfficeStatus The member office's account is active. Office Active 316001 316000 EstadoDeDespacho Activo 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Inactive OfficeStatus The member office's account is not active. Office Active 316002 316000 EstadoDeDespacho Inactivo 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Affiliate OfficeType The record in the office roster is an affiliate office. Office Active 338001 338000 TipoDeDespacho Afiliado 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Appraiser OfficeType The record in the office roster is an appraiser office. Office Active 338002 338000 TipoDeDespacho Tasador 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Association OfficeType The record in the office roster is an association office. Office Active 338003 338000 TipoDeDespacho Asociación 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 MLS OfficeType The record in the office roster is an MLS office. Office Active 338004 338000 TipoDeDespacho MLS 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 MLS Only Branch OfficeType The record in the office roster is a broker branch office who receives only MLS service. Office Active 338005 338000 TipoDeDespacho Sucursal Solo de MLS 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 MLS Only Firm OfficeType The record in the office roster is a broker Firm office who receives only MLS service. Office Active 338006 338000 TipoDeDespacho Firma Solo de MLS 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 MLS Only Office OfficeType The record in the office roster is a broker office who receives only MLS service. Office Active 338007 338000 TipoDeDespacho Despacho Solo de MLS 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Non Member/Vendor OfficeType The record in the office roster is an non member/vendor office. Non Agent/Vendor Office Active 338008 338000 TipoDeDespacho No Miembro/Proveedor 20170809T0000 20170117T0000 1.4.0 20170809T0000 Realtor Branch Office OfficeType The record in the office roster is an realtor branch office . Office Active 338009 338000 TipoDeDespacho Sucursal de Despacho de Agentes de Bienes Raíces 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Realtor Firm OfficeType The record in the office roster is an realtor firm office. Office Active 338010 338000 TipoDeDespacho Firma de Agentes de Bienes Raíces 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Realtor Office OfficeType The record in the office roster is an realtor office. Office Active 338011 338000 TipoDeDespacho Despacho de Agentes de Bienes Raíces 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Active OpenHouseStatus The open house is active and continuing as scheduled. OpenHouse Active 439001 439000 EstadoDeJornadaDePuertasAbiertas Activo 20181226T0000 20180324T0000 1.4.0 20181226T0000 Canceled OpenHouseStatus The open house has been canceled. OpenHouse Active 439002 439000 EstadoDeJornadaDePuertasAbiertas Cancelado 20181226T0000 20180324T0000 1.4.0 20181226T0000 Ended OpenHouseStatus The open house has ended and is past the scheduled open house date and time. OpenHouse Active 439003 439000 EstadoDeJornadaDePuertasAbiertas Finalizado 20181226T0000 20180324T0000 1.4.0 20181226T0000 Broker OpenHouseType The open house is only open to brokers, and at times agents. Broker Tour, Caravan OpenHouse Active 318002 318000 TipoDeJornadaDePuertasAbiertas Corredor 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Office OpenHouseType The open house is only open to the members of a particular office(s). OpenHouse Active 318003 318000 TipoDeJornadaDePuertasAbiertas Oficina 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Public OpenHouseType The open house is open to the general public. OpenHouse Active 318001 318000 TipoDeJornadaDePuertasAbiertas Público 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Accounting OperatingExpenseIncludes The operating expense amount includes accounting costs. RINC Active 339001 339000 GastoOperativoIncluye Contabilidad 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Advertising OperatingExpenseIncludes The operating expense amount includes advertising costs. RINC Active 339002 339000 GastoOperativoIncluye Publicidad 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Association OperatingExpenseIncludes The operating expense amount includes association costs. RINC Active 339003 339000 GastoOperativoIncluye Asociación 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Cable TV OperatingExpenseIncludes The operating expense amount includes cable TV costs. RINC Active 339004 339000 GastoOperativoIncluye TV por Cable 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Capital Improvements OperatingExpenseIncludes The operating expense amount includes capital improvements costs. RINC Active 339005 339000 GastoOperativoIncluye Mejoras Capitales 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Depreciation OperatingExpenseIncludes The operating expense amount includes depreciation costs. RINC Active 339006 339000 GastoOperativoIncluye Depreciación 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Equipment Rental OperatingExpenseIncludes The operating expense amount includes equipment rental costs. RINC Active 339007 339000 GastoOperativoIncluye Renta de Equipo 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Fuel OperatingExpenseIncludes The operating expense amount includes fuel costs. RINC Active 339008 339000 GastoOperativoIncluye Gasolina 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Furniture Replacement OperatingExpenseIncludes The operating expense amount includes furniture replacement costs. RINC Active 339009 339000 GastoOperativoIncluye Reemplazo de Muebles 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Gardener OperatingExpenseIncludes The operating expense amount includes gardener costs. RINC Active 339010 339000 GastoOperativoIncluye Jardinero 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Insurance OperatingExpenseIncludes The operating expense amount includes insurance costs. RINC Active 339011 339000 GastoOperativoIncluye Seguro 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Legal OperatingExpenseIncludes The operating expense amount includes legal costs. RINC Active 339012 339000 GastoOperativoIncluye Jurídico 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Licenses OperatingExpenseIncludes The operating expense amount includes licenses costs. RINC Active 339013 339000 GastoOperativoIncluye Licencias 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Maintenance OperatingExpenseIncludes The operating expense amount includes maintenance costs. RINC Active 339014 339000 GastoOperativoIncluye Mantenimiento 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Maintenance Grounds OperatingExpenseIncludes The operating expense amount includes maintenance grounds costs. RINC Active 339015 339000 GastoOperativoIncluye Mantenimiento de Terrenos 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Maintenance Structure OperatingExpenseIncludes The operating expense amount includes maintenance structure costs. RINC Active 339016 339000 GastoOperativoIncluye Estructura de Mantenimiento 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Manager OperatingExpenseIncludes The operating expense amount includes manager costs. RINC Active 339017 339000 GastoOperativoIncluye Gerente 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Mortgage/Loans OperatingExpenseIncludes The operating expense amount includes mortgage/loans costs. RINC Active 339018 339000 GastoOperativoIncluye Hipoteca/Préstamos 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 New Tax OperatingExpenseIncludes The operating expense amount includes new tax costs. RINC Active 339019 339000 GastoOperativoIncluye Nuevo Impuesto 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Other OperatingExpenseIncludes The operating expense amount includes other costs. RINC Active 339020 339000 GastoOperativoIncluye Otro 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Parking OperatingExpenseIncludes The operating expense amount includes parking costs. RINC Active 339021 339000 GastoOperativoIncluye Estacionamiento 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Pest Control OperatingExpenseIncludes The operating expense amount includes pest control costs. RINC Active 339022 339000 GastoOperativoIncluye Control de Pestes 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Pool/Spa OperatingExpenseIncludes The operating expense amount includes pool/spa costs. RINC Active 339023 339000 GastoOperativoIncluye Piscina/Spa 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Professional Management OperatingExpenseIncludes The operating expense amount includes professional management costs. RINC Active 339024 339000 GastoOperativoIncluye Administración Profesional 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Security OperatingExpenseIncludes The operating expense amount includes security costs. RINC Active 339025 339000 GastoOperativoIncluye Seguridad 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Snow Removal OperatingExpenseIncludes The operating expense amount includes snow removal costs. RINC Active 339026 339000 GastoOperativoIncluye Remoción de Nieve 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Staff OperatingExpenseIncludes The operating expense amount includes staff costs. RINC Active 339027 339000 GastoOperativoIncluye Personal 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Supplies OperatingExpenseIncludes The operating expense amount includes supplies costs. RINC Active 339028 339000 GastoOperativoIncluye Suministros 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Trash OperatingExpenseIncludes The operating expense amount includes trash costs. RINC Active 339029 339000 GastoOperativoIncluye Desechos 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Utilities OperatingExpenseIncludes The operating expense amount includes utilities costs. RINC Active 339030 339000 GastoOperativoIncluye Servicios Públicos 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Vacancy Allowance OperatingExpenseIncludes The operating expense amount includes vacancy allowance costs. RINC Active 339031 339000 GastoOperativoIncluye Concesión de Vacantes 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Water/Sewer OperatingExpenseIncludes The operating expense amount includes water/sewer costs. RINC Active 339032 339000 GastoOperativoIncluye Agua/Alcantarillado 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Workmans Compensation OperatingExpenseIncludes The operating expense amount includes workman's compensation costs. RINC Active 339033 339000 GastoOperativoIncluye Seguro de Compensación del Trabajador 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Air Purifier OtherEquipment The property includes an air purifier. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 459001 459000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Call Listing Agent OtherEquipment Call the listing agent for more information about other equipment included with the property. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 459002 459000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Compressor OtherEquipment The property includes a compressor. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 459003 459000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 DC Well Pump OtherEquipment The property includes a DC well pump. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 459004 459000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Dehumidifier OtherEquipment The property includes a dehumidifier. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 459005 459000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Farm Equipment OtherEquipment The property includes farm equipment. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 459006 459000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Fuel Tank(s) OtherEquipment The property includes a fuel tank(s). RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 459007 459000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Generator OtherEquipment The property includes a generator. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 459008 459000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Home Theater OtherEquipment The property includes a home theater. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 459009 459000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Intercom OtherEquipment The property includes an intercom. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 459010 459000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Irrigation Equipment OtherEquipment The property includes irrigation equipment. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 459011 459000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 List Available OtherEquipment A list of other equipment included with the property is available upon request. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 459012 459000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Livestock Equipment OtherEquipment The property includes livestock equipment. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 459013 459000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Negotiable OtherEquipment The other equipment included with the property is negotiable. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 459014 459000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 None OtherEquipment There is no other equipment included with the property. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 459015 459000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Orchard Equipment OtherEquipment The property includes orchard equipment. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 459016 459000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Other OtherEquipment The property includes equipment other than what's included in this list. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 459017 459000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Rotary Antenna OtherEquipment The property includes a rotary antenna. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 459018 459000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Satellite Dish OtherEquipment The property includes a satellite dish. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 459019 459000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 TV Antenna OtherEquipment The property includes a TV antenna. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 459020 459000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Varies by Unit OtherEquipment The equipment included with the property varies from unit to unit. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 459021 459000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Direct OtherPhoneType This is the contact's direct number. Contacts Active 404001 404000 OtroTipoDeTeléfono Directo 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Fax OtherPhoneType This is the contact's fax. Contacts Active 404002 404000 OtroTipoDeTeléfono Fax 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 First OtherPhoneType This is the contact's first preferred phone. Contacts Active 404003 404000 OtroTipoDeTeléfono Primero 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Home OtherPhoneType This is the contact's home phone. Contacts Active 404004 404000 OtroTipoDeTeléfono Hogar 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Mobile OtherPhoneType This is the contact's mobile phone. Contacts Active 404005 404000 OtroTipoDeTeléfono Móvil 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Modem OtherPhoneType This is the contact's modem. Contacts Active 404006 404000 OtroTipoDeTeléfono Módem 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Office OtherPhoneType This is the contact's office phone. Contacts Active 404007 404000 OtroTipoDeTeléfono Oficina 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Pager OtherPhoneType This is the contact's pager. Contacts Active 404008 404000 OtroTipoDeTeléfono Buscapersonas 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Preferred OtherPhoneType This is the contact's preferred phone. Contacts Active 404009 404000 OtroTipoDeTeléfono Preferido 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Second OtherPhoneType This is the contact's second preferred phone. Contacts Active 404010 404000 OtroTipoDeTeléfono Secundario 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 SMS OtherPhoneType This is the contact's SMS/text number. Contacts Active 404011 404000 OtroTipoDeTeléfono SMS 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Third OtherPhoneType This is the contact's third preferred phone. Contacts Active 404012 404000 OtroTipoDeTeléfono Terciario 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Toll Free OtherPhoneType This is the contact's toll free number. Contacts Active 404013 404000 OtroTipoDeTeléfono Teléfono Gratuito 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Voicemail OtherPhoneType This is the contact's voicemail. Contacts Active 404014 404000 OtroTipoDeTeléfono Buzón de Voz 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Airplane Hangar OtherStructures The property includes an airplane hangar. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 405001 405000 OtrasEstructuras Hangar de Aviones 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Arena OtherStructures The property includes an arena. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 405002 405000 OtrasEstructuras Estadio 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Barn(s) OtherStructures The property includes a barn(s). RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 405003 405000 OtrasEstructuras Establo(s) 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Boat House OtherStructures The property includes a boat house. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 405004 405000 OtrasEstructuras Casa de Barco 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Cabana OtherStructures The property includes a cabana. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 405005 405000 OtrasEstructuras Cabaña 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Cave(s) OtherStructures The property includes a cave(s). RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 405006 405000 OtrasEstructuras Cueva(s) 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Corral(s) OtherStructures The property includes a corral(s). RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 405007 405000 OtrasEstructuras Corral(es) 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Covered Arena OtherStructures The property includes a covered arena. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 405008 405000 OtrasEstructuras Estadio Cubierto 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Garage(s) OtherStructures The property includes a garage(s). RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 405009 405000 OtrasEstructuras Garaje(s) 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Gazebo OtherStructures The property includes a gazebo. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 405010 405000 OtrasEstructuras Glorieta 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Grain Storage OtherStructures The property includes grain storage. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 405011 405000 OtrasEstructuras Almacenamiento de Granos 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Greenhouse OtherStructures The property includes a greenhouse. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 405012 405000 OtrasEstructuras Invernadero 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Guest House OtherStructures The property includes a guest house. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 405013 405000 OtrasEstructuras Alojamiento de Invitados 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Kennel/Dog Run OtherStructures The property includes a kennel or dog run. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 405014 405000 OtrasEstructuras Perrera 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Mobile Home OtherStructures The property includes a mobile home. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 405015 405000 OtrasEstructuras Casa Móvil 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 None OtherStructures The property has no other structures. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 405016 405000 OtrasEstructuras Ninguna 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Other OtherStructures The property includes a structure other than those included in this list. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 405017 405000 OtrasEstructuras Otra 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Outbuilding OtherStructures The property includes an outbuilding. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 405018 405000 OtrasEstructuras Dependencia Externa 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Outdoor Kitchen OtherStructures The property includes an outdoor kitchen. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 405019 405000 OtrasEstructuras Cocina Externa 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Packing Shed OtherStructures The property includes a packing shed. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 405020 405000 OtrasEstructuras Cobertizo de Embalaje 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Pergola OtherStructures The property includes a pergola. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 405021 405000 OtrasEstructuras Pérgola 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Pool House OtherStructures The property includes a pool house. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 405022 405000 OtrasEstructuras Casa de la Piscina 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Poultry Coop OtherStructures The property includes a poultry coop. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 405023 405000 OtrasEstructuras Gallinero 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Residence OtherStructures The property includes a residence structure. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 405024 405000 OtrasEstructuras Residencia 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 RV/Boat Storage OtherStructures The property includes RV or boat storage. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 405025 405000 OtrasEstructuras Almacenamiento de Botes/Vehículos Recreativos 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Second Garage OtherStructures The property includes a second garage. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 405026 405000 OtrasEstructuras Segundo Garaje 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Second Residence OtherStructures The property includes a second residence. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 405027 405000 OtrasEstructuras Segunda Residencia 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 See Remarks OtherStructures See the Public or Private Remarks for information about other structures on the property. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 405028 405000 OtrasEstructuras Ver Observaciones 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Shed(s) OtherStructures The property includes a shed(s). RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 405029 405000 OtrasEstructuras Cobertizo(s) 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Stable(s) OtherStructures The property includes stable(s). RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 405030 405000 OtrasEstructuras Caballeriza(s) 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Storage OtherStructures The property includes storage. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 405031 405000 OtrasEstructuras Almacenamiento 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Tennis Court(s) OtherStructures The property includes a tennis court(s). RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 405032 405000 OtrasEstructuras Campo(s) de Tenis 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Workshop OtherStructures The property includes a workshop. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 405033 405000 OtrasEstructuras Taller 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 All Utilities OwnerPays The owner/lessor pays for all utilities. RLSE RINC COMS COML Active 366001 366000 PagoDelPropietario Todos los Servicios Públicos 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Association Fees OwnerPays The owner/lessor pays for association fees. RLSE RINC COMS COML Active 366002 366000 PagoDelPropietario Tarifas de Asociación 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Cable TV OwnerPays The owner/lessor pays for cable television. RLSE RINC COMS COML Active 366003 366000 PagoDelPropietario TV por Cable 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Common Area Maintenance OwnerPays The owner/lessor pays for common area maintenance. RLSE RINC COMS COML Active 366004 366000 PagoDelPropietario Mantenimiento de Áreas Comunes 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Electricity OwnerPays The owner/lessor pays for electricity. RLSE RINC COMS COML Active 366005 366000 PagoDelPropietario Electricidad 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Exterior Maintenance OwnerPays The owner/lessor pays for exterior maintenance. RLSE RINC COMS COML Active 366006 366000 PagoDelPropietario Mantenimiento Exterior 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Gas OwnerPays The owner/lessor pays for gas. RLSE RINC COMS COML Active 366007 366000 PagoDelPropietario Gas 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Grounds Care OwnerPays The owner/lessor pays for grounds care. RLSE RINC COMS COML Active 366008 366000 PagoDelPropietario Cuidado de Jardines 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Hot Water OwnerPays The owner/lessor pays for hot water. RLSE RINC COMS COML Active 366009 366000 PagoDelPropietario Agua Caliente 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 HVAC Maintenance OwnerPays The owner/lessor pays for HVAC maintenance. RLSE RINC COMS COML Active 366010 366000 PagoDelPropietario Mantenimiento de HVAC 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Insurance OwnerPays The owner/lessor pays for insurance. RLSE RINC COMS COML Active 366011 366000 PagoDelPropietario Seguro 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Janitorial Service OwnerPays The owner/lessor pays for janitorial service . RLSE RINC COMS COML Active 366012 366000 PagoDelPropietario Servicio de Conserjería 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Management OwnerPays The owner/lessor pays for management. RLSE RINC COMS COML Active 366013 366000 PagoDelPropietario Administración 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 None OwnerPays The owner/lessor pays for no utilities, services, etc. RLSE RINC COMS COML Active 366014 366000 PagoDelPropietario Ninguno 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Other OwnerPays The owner/lessor pays for items that are not included in this list. RLSE RINC COMS COML Active 366015 366000 PagoDelPropietario Otro 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Other Tax OwnerPays The owner/lessor pays for other taxes. RLSE RINC COMS COML Active 366016 366000 PagoDelPropietario Otros Impuestos 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Parking Fee OwnerPays The owner/lessor pays for parking fees. RLSE RINC COMS COML Active 366017 366000 PagoDelPropietario Tarifa de Estacionamiento 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Pest Control OwnerPays The owner/lessor pays for pest control. RLSE RINC COMS COML Active 366018 366000 PagoDelPropietario Control de Pestes 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Pool Maintenance OwnerPays The owner/lessor pays for pool maintenance. RLSE RINC COMS COML Active 366019 366000 PagoDelPropietario Mantenimiento de Piscina 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Repairs OwnerPays The owner/lessor pays for repairs. RLSE RINC COMS COML Active 366020 366000 PagoDelPropietario Reparaciones 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Roof Maintenance OwnerPays The owner/lessor pays for roof maintenance. RLSE RINC COMS COML Active 366021 366000 PagoDelPropietario Mantenimiento de Tejado 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Security OwnerPays The owner/lessor pays for security. RLSE RINC COMS COML Active 366022 366000 PagoDelPropietario Seguridad 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 See Remarks OwnerPays See the listing's remarks for details on what the owner/lessor pays for. RLSE RINC COMS COML Active 366023 366000 PagoDelPropietario Ver Observaciones 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Sewer OwnerPays The owner/lessor pays for sewer. RLSE RINC COMS COML Active 366024 366000 PagoDelPropietario Alcantarillado 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Snow Removal OwnerPays The owner/lessor pays for snow removal. RLSE RINC COMS COML Active 366025 366000 PagoDelPropietario Remoción de Nieve 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Taxes OwnerPays The owner/lessor pays for taxes. RLSE RINC COMS COML Active 366026 366000 PagoDelPropietario Impuestos 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Telephone OwnerPays The owner/lessor pays for telephone. RLSE RINC COMS COML Active 366027 366000 PagoDelPropietario Teléfono 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Trash Collection OwnerPays The owner/lessor pays for trash collection. RLSE RINC COMS COML Active 366028 366000 PagoDelPropietario Recolección de Basura 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Water OwnerPays The owner/lessor pays for water. RLSE RINC COMS COML Active 366029 366000 PagoDelPropietario Agua 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Corporation OwnershipType The ownership type of the business being sold is a corporation. Ownership = [value] BUSO Active 340001 340000 TipoDePropiedad Corporación 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 LLC OwnershipType The ownership type of the business being sold is a limited liability corporation. Ownership = [value] BUSO Active 340002 340000 TipoDePropiedad LLC 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Partnership OwnershipType The ownership type of the business being sold is a partnership. Ownership = [value] BUSO Active 340003 340000 TipoDePropiedad Sociedad 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Sole Proprietor OwnershipType The ownership type of the business being sold is a sole proprietor. Ownership = [value] BUSO Active 340004 340000 TipoDePropiedad Propietario Único 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Additional Parking ParkingFeatures The property has additional parking. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 460001 460000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Aggregate ParkingFeatures While aggregate is a type of concrete, it is different in application, maintenance and durability. Aggregate, aka exposed aggregate concrete, is a mixture poured much in the same way as concrete, but which later has its top surface removed in order to expose the aggregate underneath. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 460072 460000 20181226T0000 20180822T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Alley Access ParkingFeatures The property has alley access. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 460002 460000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Asphalt ParkingFeatures The property has asphalt parking. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 460003 460000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Assigned ParkingFeatures The property has assigned parking spaces. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 460004 460000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Attached ParkingFeatures The property has attached parking. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 460005 460000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Attached Carport ParkingFeatures The property has an attached carport. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 460006 460000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Basement ParkingFeatures A basement garage is partially or mostly below grade, with its entrance level with the basement floor. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 460071 460000 20181226T0000 20180621T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Boat ParkingFeatures The property has a space to park/store a boat. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 460007 460000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Carport ParkingFeatures The property has a carport. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 460008 460000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Circular Driveway ParkingFeatures The property has a circular driveway. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 460009 460000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Common ParkingFeatures The property has common/shared parking. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 460010 460000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Community Structure ParkingFeatures The property has a community parking structure. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 460011 460000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Concrete ParkingFeatures The property has concrete paved parking. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 460012 460000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Converted Garage ParkingFeatures The property has a converted garage. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 460013 460000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Covered ParkingFeatures The property has covered parking. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 460014 460000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Deck ParkingFeatures The property has deck for parking. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 460015 460000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Deeded ParkingFeatures The property has deeded parking. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 460016 460000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Detached ParkingFeatures The property has detached parking. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 460017 460000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Detached Carport ParkingFeatures The property has a detached carport. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 460018 460000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Direct Access ParkingFeatures The parking has direct access to the property or structure. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 460019 460000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Drive Through ParkingFeatures The property has drive through parking. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 460020 460000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Driveway ParkingFeatures The property has a driveway. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 460021 460000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Electric Gate ParkingFeatures The property has an electric gate. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 460022 460000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Electric Vehicle Charging Station(s) ParkingFeatures The property has one or more electric vehicle charging station. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 460023 460000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Enclosed ParkingFeatures The property has enclosed parking. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 460024 460000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Garage ParkingFeatures The property has a garage. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 460025 460000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Garage Door Opener ParkingFeatures The garage has an automatic garage door opener. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 460026 460000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Garage Faces Front ParkingFeatures The property has garage that faces the front of the property. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 460027 460000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Garage Faces Rear ParkingFeatures The property has garage that faces the rear of the property. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 460028 460000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Garage Faces Side ParkingFeatures The property has garage that faces the side of the property. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 460029 460000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Gated ParkingFeatures The property has gated parking. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 460030 460000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Golf Cart Garage ParkingFeatures The property has a golf cart garage. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 460031 460000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Gravel ParkingFeatures The property has parking on gravel. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 460032 460000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Guest ParkingFeatures The property has guest parking. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 460033 460000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Heated Garage ParkingFeatures The property has a heated garage. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 460034 460000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Inside Entrance ParkingFeatures The property has parking with an inside entrance. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 460035 460000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Kitchen Level ParkingFeatures The property has parking at the kitchen level. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 460036 460000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Leased ParkingFeatures The property has leased parking. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 460037 460000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Lighted ParkingFeatures The property has lighted parking. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 460038 460000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 No Garage ParkingFeatures The property has no garage. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 460039 460000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 None ParkingFeatures The property does not include parking or no parking is available. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 460040 460000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Off Site ParkingFeatures The property has off site parking. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 460041 460000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Off Street ParkingFeatures The property has off street parking. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 460042 460000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 On Site ParkingFeatures The property has on site parking. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 460043 460000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 On Street ParkingFeatures The property has on street parking only. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 460044 460000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Open ParkingFeatures The property has open or unassigned parking. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 460045 460000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Other ParkingFeatures The property has parking features other than those included in this list. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 460046 460000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Outside ParkingFeatures The property has outside parking which is not enclosed. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 460047 460000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Oversized ParkingFeatures The property has parking for oversized vehicles. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 460048 460000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Parking Lot ParkingFeatures The property has access to a parking lot. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 460049 460000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Parking Pad ParkingFeatures The property has a parking pad. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 460050 460000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Paved ParkingFeatures The property has paved parking. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 460051 460000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Paver Block ParkingFeatures The property has parking on paver blocks. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 460052 460000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Permit Required ParkingFeatures Parking at the property or on the street requires a permit. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 460053 460000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Private ParkingFeatures The property has private parking. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 460054 460000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 RV Access/Parking ParkingFeatures The property has access/parking for recreational vehicles. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 460055 460000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 RV Carport ParkingFeatures The property has a carport for recreational vehicles. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 460056 460000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 RV Garage ParkingFeatures The property has a garage for recreational vehicles. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 460057 460000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 RV Gated ParkingFeatures The property has gated parking for recreational vehicles. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 460058 460000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Secured ParkingFeatures The property has secure parking. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 460059 460000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 See Remarks ParkingFeatures See remarks for additional information about parking. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 460060 460000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Shared Driveway ParkingFeatures The property has a shared driveway. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 460061 460000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Side By Side ParkingFeatures The property has side by side parking spaces. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 460062 460000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Storage ParkingFeatures The property has storage in the parking area. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 460063 460000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Tandem ParkingFeatures The property has tandem parking. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 460064 460000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Unassigned ParkingFeatures The property has unassigned or open parking. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 460065 460000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Underground ParkingFeatures The property has underground parking. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 460066 460000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Unpaved ParkingFeatures The property has parking on an unpaved surface. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 460067 460000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Valet ParkingFeatures The property has valet parking available. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 460068 460000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Varies by Unit ParkingFeatures The parking varies from unit to unit. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 460069 460000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Workshop in Garage ParkingFeatures The property has workshop in the garage. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 460070 460000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Awning(s) PatioAndPorchFeatures The property has awning(s). RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 461001 461000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Covered PatioAndPorchFeatures The property has a covered patio or porch. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 461002 461000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Deck PatioAndPorchFeatures The property has a deck. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 461003 461000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Enclosed PatioAndPorchFeatures The property has an enclosed patio or porch. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 461004 461000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Front Porch PatioAndPorchFeatures The property has a front porch. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 461005 461000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Glass Enclosed PatioAndPorchFeatures The property has a glass enclosed patio or porch. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 461006 461000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 None PatioAndPorchFeatures The property has no patio or porch. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 461007 461000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Other PatioAndPorchFeatures The property has a patio or porch feature other than what's included in this list. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 461008 461000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Patio PatioAndPorchFeatures The property has a patio. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 461009 461000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Porch PatioAndPorchFeatures The property has a porch. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 461010 461000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Rear Porch PatioAndPorchFeatures The property has a rear porch. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 461011 461000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Screened PatioAndPorchFeatures The property has screened patio or porch. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 461012 461000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 See Remarks PatioAndPorchFeatures See the remarks fields for more information on the patio or porch features of the property. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 461013 461000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Side Porch PatioAndPorchFeatures The property has a side porch. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 461014 461000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Terrace PatioAndPorchFeatures The property has a terrace. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 461015 461000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Wrap Around PatioAndPorchFeatures The property has wrap around patio or porch. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 461016 461000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Agent Only Permission The image or document is for agent use only. Media Active 406001 406000 Permiso Solo del Agente 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Firm Only Permission The image or document is for firm use only. Media Active 406002 406000 Permiso Solo de la Firma 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 IDX Permission The image or document is okay for IDX use. Media Active 406003 406000 Permiso IDX 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Office Only Permission The image or document is for office use only. Media Active 406004 406000 Permiso Solo del Despacho 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Private Permission The image or document is private and should have limited distribution. Media Active 406005 406000 Permiso Privado 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Public Permission The image or document may be viewed by the public. Media Active 406006 406000 Permiso Público 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 VOW Permission The image or document is okay for VOW use. Media Active 406007 406000 Permiso VOW 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Breed Restrictions PetsAllowed There are breed restrictions on allowed pets. RLSE MOBI Active 345008 345000 SePermitenMascotas Con Restricciones de Raza 20150721T0000 20150416T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Call PetsAllowed Call to inquire about pet restrictions. RLSE MOBI Active 345003 345000 SePermitenMascotas Llamar 20150721T0000 20150416T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Cats OK PetsAllowed Cats are allowed. RLSE MOBI Active 345004 345000 SePermitenMascotas Se Aceptan Gatos 20150721T0000 20150416T0000 1.4.0 20170120T0000 Dogs OK PetsAllowed Dogs are allowed. RLSE MOBI Active 345005 345000 SePermitenMascotas Se Aceptan Perros 20150721T0000 20150416T0000 1.4.0 20170120T0000 No PetsAllowed No pets are allowed. RLSE MOBI Active 345002 345000 SePermitenMascotas No 20150721T0000 20150416T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Number Limit PetsAllowed There is a limit on the number of pets allowed. RLSE MOBI Active 345006 345000 SePermitenMascotas Con Límite de Número 20150721T0000 20150416T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Size Limit PetsAllowed There are size restrictions on allowed pets. RLSE MOBI Active 345007 345000 SePermitenMascotas Con Límite de Tamaño 20150721T0000 20150416T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Yes PetsAllowed All pets are allowed. RLSE MOBI Active 345001 345000 SePermitenMascotas 20150721T0000 20150416T0000 1.4.0 20170206T0000 Above Ground PoolFeatures The pool is above ground. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 462001 462000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Association PoolFeatures The pool is an association pool. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 462002 462000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Black Bottom PoolFeatures The pool has a black bottom. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 462003 462000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Cabana PoolFeatures The pool has a cabana. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 462004 462000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Community PoolFeatures The pool is a community/shared pool. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 462005 462000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Diving Board PoolFeatures The pool has a diving board. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 462006 462000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Electric Heat PoolFeatures The pool is heated by electricity. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 462007 462000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 ENERGY STAR Qualified pool pump PoolFeatures The pool has an ENERGY STAR Qualified pool pump. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 462008 462000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Fenced PoolFeatures The pool is fenced. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 462009 462000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Fiberglass PoolFeatures The pool is made of or lined with fiberglass. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 462010 462000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Filtered PoolFeatures The pool has a filtration system. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 462011 462000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Gas Heat PoolFeatures The pool is heated by gas. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 462012 462000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Gunite PoolFeatures The pool has a gunite surface. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 462013 462000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Heated PoolFeatures The pool is heated. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 462014 462000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 In Ground PoolFeatures The pool is built into the ground. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 462015 462000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Indoor PoolFeatures The pool is indoors or within a structure. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 462016 462000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Infinity PoolFeatures Also named a negative edge, zero edge or infinity edge, an infinity pool has one or more edges where water flows over the edge creating a visual effect of water with no boundary. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 462017 462000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Lap PoolFeatures The pool is specifically designed for swimming laps. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 462018 462000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Liner PoolFeatures The pool has a liner. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 462019 462000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 None PoolFeatures There is no pool included with the property. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 462020 462000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Other PoolFeatures There are pool features other than those included in this list. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 462021 462000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Outdoor Pool PoolFeatures The pool is outdoors. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 462022 462000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Pool Cover PoolFeatures The pool has a cover. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 462023 462000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Pool Sweep PoolFeatures The pool has an automatic sweep or cleaner. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 462024 462000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Pool/Spa Combo PoolFeatures The pool includes a spa. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 462025 462000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Private PoolFeatures The pool is privately owned and/or secluded. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 462026 462000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Salt Water PoolFeatures The pool has a salt water system. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 462027 462000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Screen Enclosure PoolFeatures The pool has a screened enclosure. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 462028 462000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 See Remarks PoolFeatures See the remarks fields for more information about the pool. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 462029 462000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Solar Cover PoolFeatures The pool has a solar cover. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 462030 462000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Solar Heat PoolFeatures The pool has some form of solar heating. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 462031 462000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Sport PoolFeatures The pool has two shallow ends on opposite sides of the pool with a deeper center. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 462032 462000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Tile PoolFeatures The pool is tiled. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 462033 462000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Vinyl PoolFeatures The pool has a vinyl surface. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 462034 462000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Waterfall PoolFeatures The pool has a waterfall. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 462035 462000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Close Of Escrow Possession Possession is passed to the buyer at the close of escrow. COE RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 341001 341000 Posesión Cierre de Depósito en Garantía 20160621T0000 20150917T0000 1.4.0 20160528T1200 Close Plus 1 Day Possession Possession is passed to the buyer one day after the close of escrow. COE+1 RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 341002 341000 Posesión Cierre Más 1 Día 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Close Plus 2 Days Possession Possession is passed to the buyer two days after the close of escrow. COE+2 RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 341003 341000 Posesión Cierre Más 2 Días 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Close Plus 3 Days Possession Possession is passed to the buyer 3 days after the close of escrow. COE+3 RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 341004 341000 Posesión Cierre Más 3 Días 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Close Plus 3 to 5 Days Possession Possession is passed to the buyer 3 to 5 days after the close of escrow. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 341005 341000 Posesión Cierre Más 3 a 5 Días 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Close Plus 30 Days Possession Possession is passed to the buyer 30 days after the close of escrow. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 341006 341000 Posesión Cierre Más 30 Días 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Negotiable Possession Timing of the passing of possession to the buyer is negotiable. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 341007 341000 Posesión Negociable 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Other Possession A type of possession not included in this list. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 341012 341000 Posesión Otra 20170809T0000 20160805T0000 1.6 20170809T0000 Rental Agreement Possession Possession is stipulated in the rental agreement. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 341008 341000 Posesión Acuerdo de Arrendamiento 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 See Remarks Possession See the listing/agent remarks for more information on possession. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 341009 341000 Posesión Ver Observaciones 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Seller Rent Back Possession Possession is determined by the details of the seller rent back agreement, which is in most cases the seller will remain resident. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 341010 341000 Posesión Devolución de Renta al Vendedor 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Subject To Tenant Rights Possession The terms of the transfer of possession are subject to the rights of the current tenant. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 341011 341000 Posesión Sujeto a Derechos del Inquilino 20160621T0000 20150917T0000 1.4.0 20160528T1200 Agricultural PossibleUse The land could be used for agriculture. LAND Active 407001 407000 UsoPosible Agricultura 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Cattle PossibleUse The land could be used for cattle. LAND Active 407002 407000 UsoPosible Ganado 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Commercial PossibleUse The land could be used for commercial purposes. LAND Active 407003 407000 UsoPosible Comercial 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Dairy PossibleUse The land could be used for a dairy farm. LAND Active 407004 407000 UsoPosible Leche 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Development PossibleUse The land could be used for new development. LAND Active 407005 407000 UsoPosible Desarrollo 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Farm PossibleUse The land could be used for a farm. LAND Active 407006 407000 UsoPosible Granja 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Fishery PossibleUse The land could be used for a fishery. LAND Active 407007 407000 UsoPosible Pesquería 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Grazing PossibleUse The land could be used for livestock grazing. LAND Active 407008 407000 UsoPosible Pasto 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Highway/Tourist Service PossibleUse The land could be used for a highway/tourist service. LAND Active 407009 407000 UsoPosible Autopista/Servicio Turístico 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Horses PossibleUse The land could be used for horses. LAND Active 407010 407000 UsoPosible Caballos 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Hunting PossibleUse The land could be used for hunting. LAND Active 407011 407000 UsoPosible Caza 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Industrial PossibleUse The land could be used for industrial purposes. LAND Active 407012 407000 UsoPosible Industrial 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Investment PossibleUse The land could be used as an investment land. LAND Active 407013 407000 UsoPosible Inversión 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Livestock PossibleUse The land could be used for livestock. LAND Active 407014 407000 UsoPosible Ganado Bovino 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Manufactured Home PossibleUse The land could be used for manufactured home(s). LAND Active 407015 407000 UsoPosible Hogar Manufacturado 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Mini-Storage PossibleUse The land could be used for mini-storage. LAND Active 407016 407000 UsoPosible Minialmacenamiento 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Multi-Family PossibleUse The land could be used for multi-family home(s). LAND Active 407017 407000 UsoPosible Multifamiliar 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Orchard PossibleUse The land could be used for an orchard. LAND Active 407018 407000 UsoPosible Huerto 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Other PossibleUse The land could be used for a purpose other than those in this list. LAND Active 407019 407000 UsoPosible Otro 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Pasture PossibleUse The land could be used as a pasture. LAND Active 407020 407000 UsoPosible Pasto 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Place of Worship PossibleUse The land could be used for place of worship. LAND Active 407021 407000 UsoPosible Sitio de Adoración 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Poultry PossibleUse The land could be used for poultry. LAND Active 407022 407000 UsoPosible Aves 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Ranch PossibleUse The land could be used as a ranch. LAND Active 407023 407000 UsoPosible Rancho 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Recreational PossibleUse The land could be used for recreational purposes. LAND Active 407024 407000 UsoPosible Recreativo 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Residential PossibleUse The land could be used for residential purposes. LAND Active 407025 407000 UsoPosible Residencial 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Retail PossibleUse The land could be used for retail business. LAND Active 407026 407000 UsoPosible Venta a Detalle 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 See Remarks PossibleUse See the Public or Private remarks for details on possible uses for the land. LAND Active 407028 407000 UsoPosible Ver Observaciones 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Single Family PossibleUse The land could be used for single family residence(s). LAND Active 407029 407000 UsoPosible Familia Única 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Subdevelopment PossibleUse The land could be used for subdevelopment(s). LAND Active 407030 407000 UsoPosible Subdesarrollo 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Timber PossibleUse The land could be used for timber. LAND Active 407031 407000 UsoPosible Madera 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Unimproved PossibleUse The land could be kept undeveloped. LAND Active 407032 407000 UsoPosible Sin Mejoras 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Vacant PossibleUse The land could be kept vacant. LAND Active 407033 407000 UsoPosible Disponible 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Warehouse PossibleUse The land could be used for warehousing. LAND Active 407034 407000 UsoPosible Bodega 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Actual PowerProductionAnnualStatus Annual production derived from 12 or more months of actual data. The most recent 12 months is preferred because systems can degrade, albeit slowly, over time and, more importantly, conditions (e.g., trees) can change. Therefore older data might over- or under-estimate current production amounts. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 380003 380000 EstadoDeProducciónDeEnergíaAnual Actual 20160621T0000 20160419T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Estimated PowerProductionAnnualStatus Annual production as estimated at the time or before the system began operation. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 380001 380000 EstadoDeProducciónDeEnergíaAnual Estimado 20160621T0000 20160419T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Partially Estimated PowerProductionAnnualStatus Annual production derived from less than 12 months of actual data, and therefore extrapolated to estimate annual production. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 380002 380000 EstadoDeProducciónDeEnergíaAnual Parcialmente Estimado 20160621T0000 20160419T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Photovoltaics PowerProductionType Solar photovoltaic (PV) devices which generate electricity directly from sunlight via an electronic process that occurs naturally in certain types of material, called semiconductors. Powers electrical devices or sends electricity to the grid. See: <a href="http://www.seia.org/policy/solar-technology/photovoltaic-solar-electric">http://www.seia.org/policy/solar-technology/photovoltaic-solar-electric</a> PV Solar RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 379001 379000 TipoDeProducciónDeEnergía Fotovoltaico 20160621T0000 20160419T0000 1.5.0 20161129T0000 Wind PowerProductionType Renewable form of onsite power generation. Wind turbines use wind to make electricity. Powers electrical devices or sends electricity to the grid. http://energy.gov/eere/wind/how-do-wind-turbines-work RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 379002 379000 TipoDeProducciónDeEnergía Viento 20160621T0000 20160419T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Home PreferredAddress The contact prefers the use of their home address. Contacts Active 408001 408000 DirecciónPreferida Hogar 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Other PreferredAddress The contact prefers the use of their other address. Contacts Active 408002 408000 DirecciónPreferida Otra 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Work PreferredAddress The contact prefers the use of their work address. Contacts Active 408003 408000 DirecciónPreferida Trabajo 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Direct PreferredPhone The contact prefers the use of their direct phone. Contacts Active 409001 409000 TeléfonoPreferido Directo 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Home PreferredPhone The contact prefers the use of their home phone. Contacts Active 409002 409000 TeléfonoPreferido Hogar 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Mobile PreferredPhone The contact prefers the use of their mobile phone. Contacts Active 409003 409000 TeléfonoPreferido Móvil 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Office PreferredPhone The contact prefers the use of their office phone. Contacts Active 409004 409000 TeléfonoPreferido Oficina 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Other PreferredPhone The contact prefers the use of their other phone. Contacts Active 409005 409000 TeléfonoPreferido Otro 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Toll Free PreferredPhone The contact prefers the use of their toll free phone. Contacts Active 409006 409000 TeléfonoPreferido Teléfono Gratuito 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Voicemail PreferredPhone The contact prefers the use of their voicemail phone. Contacts Active 409007 409000 TeléfonoPreferido Buzón de Voz 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Fixer PropertyCondition The property is a "fixer" or property in need of moderate or extensive repair. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 367001 367000 CondiciónDeLaPropiedad Para Arreglar 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 New Construction PropertyCondition The property is newly built. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 367002 367000 CondiciónDeLaPropiedad Nueva Construcción 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Under Construction PropertyCondition The property is still under construction and building has not been completed. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 367003 367000 CondiciónDeLaPropiedad En Construcción 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Updated/Remodeled PropertyCondition The property has been remolded or updated is some fashion. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 367004 367000 CondiciónDeLaPropiedad Actualizada/Remodelada 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Agriculture PropertySubType The property is for farming and agricultural activities. COMS COML Active 302020 302000 SubtipoDePropiedad Agricultura 20170809T0000 20161024T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Apartment PropertySubType A unit within a wholly owned structure of 5 or more units. This may not be used for Residential or Residential Income. For Residential use Condo. For Income used Residential Income. Flat, Apartment Complex Unit RLSE Active 302001 302000 SubtipoDePropiedad Apartamento 20160621T0000 20160513T0000 1.5.0 20170123T0000 Boat Slip PropertySubType A place where you can tie up a boat or house boat. Slip RESI RLSE LAND Active 302002 302000 SubtipoDePropiedad Estacionamiento de Barco 20111109T0000 20111109T0000 20111109T0000 Business PropertySubType The property is designed for any type of business. COMS COML Active 302021 302000 SubtipoDePropiedad Negocios 20170809T0000 20161024T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Cabin PropertySubType A single family residence that may have limited utilities. RESI RLSE Active 302005 302000 SubtipoDePropiedad Cabaña 20111109T0000 20111109T0000 20170206T0000 Condominium PropertySubType A unit within a structure where ownership is on a unit by unit basis. Condo, Unit, Flat, Condo/Townhouse, Condominium/Townhouse RESI RLSE Active 302006 302000 SubtipoDePropiedad Condominio 20160621T0000 20160513T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Deeded Parking PropertySubType A parking space (or spaces) that are owned and separate from a residence. RESI RLSE LAND Active 302004 302000 SubtipoDePropiedad Estacionamiento Escriturado 20111109T0000 20111109T0000 20111109T0000 Duplex PropertySubType A multi family structure with two independent units with a shared wall or ceiling/floor. Twin, Two Units, Side by Side, Side x Side, Duplex SxS, Duplex UxD RESI RLSE RINC Active 302007 302000 SubtipoDePropiedad Dúplex 20160621T0000 20160303T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Farm PropertySubType A place where agricultural and similar activities take place, especially the growing of crops. Farmette, Hobby Farm, Farm Crops, Crops, Single Family Farm, Farm and Home, Farm/Ranch (min 35 acres), Farm/Ranch-Land Only, Farm/Ranch Non MLS, Ranch RESI RLSE LAND FARM Active 302008 302000 SubtipoDePropiedad Granja 20160621T0000 20160513T0000 1.5.0 20170123T0000 Hotel/Motel PropertySubType The property is designed for hotel or motel use. COMS COML Active 302022 302000 SubtipoDePropiedad Hotel/Motel 20170809T0000 20161024T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Industrial PropertySubType The property is designed for industrial use. COMS COML Active 302023 302000 SubtipoDePropiedad Industrial 20170809T0000 20161024T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Manufactured Home PropertySubType A factory built house that is transported to the lot. Manuf Homes RESI RLSE MOBI Active 302009 302000 SubtipoDePropiedad Hogar Manufacturado 20160621T0000 20160222T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Manufactured On Land PropertySubType A factory built house that is transported to the lot and sold with the land. The property may or may not have a 433a certification. RESI RLSE Active 302018 302000 SubtipoDePropiedad Manufacturado Sobre la Tierra 20160621T0000 20150917T0000 1.4.0 20170330T0000 Mixed Use PropertySubType The property is designed be used in more than one way. i.e. Office and Retail. COMS COML Active 302024 302000 SubtipoDePropiedad Uso Mixto 20170809T0000 20161024T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Mobile Home PropertySubType A factory built house that is transported to the lot, retains axles and was built prior to June 15, 1976. RESI RLSE MOBI Active 302010 302000 SubtipoDePropiedad Casa Móvil 20111109T0000 20111109T0000 20180406T0000 Multi Family PropertySubType A structure or complex with 5 or more units that are individual dwellings. COMS COML Active 302025 302000 SubtipoDePropiedad Multifamiliar 20170809T0000 20161024T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Office PropertySubType The property is designed to be used as office space. COMS COML Active 302026 302000 SubtipoDePropiedad Oficina 20170809T0000 20161024T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Own Your Own PropertySubType A unit within a structure where ownership is based on a partial deed and rights to occupy a unit. OYO, TIC, Tenants in Common, Tenancy in Common RESI RLSE Active 302011 302000 SubtipoDePropiedad Sea Dueño de su Propiedad 20111109T0000 20111109T0000 20111109T0000 Quadruplex PropertySubType A multi family structure with four independent units with shared walls or ceilings/floors. Fourplex, Four Units RESI RLSE RINC Active 302012 302000 SubtipoDePropiedad Cuádruplex 20160621T0000 20160513T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Ranch PropertySubType A place where agricultural and similar activities take place, especially the raising of livestock. Farm, Farm Livestock, Livestock, Single Family Ranch Farm/Ranch (min 35 acres), Farm/Ranch-Land Only, Farm/Ranch Non MLS RESI RLSE LAND FARM Active 302019 302000 SubtipoDePropiedad Rancho 20160621T0000 20160315T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Retail PropertySubType The property designed to be used as retail space. COMS COML Active 302027 302000 SubtipoDePropiedad Venta a Detalle 20170809T0000 20161024T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Single Family Residence PropertySubType A single family residence on real property. SFR, Cluster Homes RESI RLSE Active 302003 302000 SubtipoDePropiedad Residencia de Familia Única 20111109T0000 20111109T0000 20111109T0000 Stock Cooperative PropertySubType A unit within a structure where ownership is based on a share of stock and rights to occupy a unit. Coop, Stock Coop RESI RLSE Active 302013 302000 SubtipoDePropiedad Cooperativa de Bolsa 20111109T0000 20111109T0000 20111109T0000 Timeshare PropertySubType A form of property ownership under with a property is held by a number of people, each with the right of possession for a specified time interval. Vacation, Fractional Ownership RESI RLSE Active 302015 302000 SubtipoDePropiedad Multipropiedad 20160621T0000 20160222T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Townhouse PropertySubType A dwelling unit, generally having two or more floors and attached to other similar units via party walls. Townhome, Row House, Terrace, Terraced, Row Home, Brownstone, Condo/Townhouse, Condominium/Townhouse RESI RLSE Active 302014 302000 SubtipoDePropiedad Casa Urbana 20160621T0000 20160513T0000 1.5.0 20170206T0000 Triplex PropertySubType A multi family structure with three independent units with shared walls or ceilings/floors. Three Units RESI RLSE RINC Active 302016 302000 SubtipoDePropiedad Triple 20160621T0000 20160513T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Unimproved Land PropertySubType Commercial land that has not been built upon or improved. COMS COML Active 302028 302000 SubtipoDePropiedad Tierra No Mejorada 20170809T0000 20161024T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Warehouse PropertySubType The property is designed to be used for warehousing. COMS COML Active 302029 302000 SubtipoDePropiedad Bodega 20170809T0000 20161024T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Business Opportunity PropertyType The property type of the listing is Business Opportunity. The property type can be references as a class or a field within a single class structure. Business RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 313008 313000 TipoDePropiedad Oportunidad de Negocio 20170809T0000 20161010T0000 1.4.0 20170809T0000 Commercial Lease PropertyType The property type of the listing is Commercial Lease. The property type can be references as a class or a field within a single class structure. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 313007 313000 TipoDePropiedad Arrendamiento Comercial 20170809T0000 20161010T0000 1.4.0 20170809T0000 Commercial Sale PropertyType The property type of the listing is Commercial Sale. The property type can be references as a class or a field within a single class structure. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 313006 313000 TipoDePropiedad Venta Comercial 20170809T0000 20161010T0000 1.4.0 20170809T0000 Farm PropertyType The property type of the listing is Farm. The property type can be references as a class or a field within a single class structure. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 313009 313000 TipoDePropiedad Granja 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Land PropertyType The property type of the listing is Land. The property type can be references as a class or a field within a single class structure. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 313005 313000 TipoDePropiedad Tierra 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Manufactured In Park PropertyType The property type of the listing is Manufactured in Park. The property type can be references as a class or a field within a single class structure. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 313004 313000 TipoDePropiedad Fabricado en el Parque 20160621T0000 20150917T0000 1.4.0 20160528T1200 Residential PropertyType The property type of the listing is Residential. The property type can be references as a class or a field within a single class structure. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 313001 313000 TipoDePropiedad Residencial 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Residential Income PropertyType The property type of the listing is Residential Income. The property type can be references as a class or a field within a single class structure. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 313003 313000 TipoDePropiedad Ingresos Residenciales 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Residential Lease PropertyType The property type of the listing is Residential Lease. The property type can be references as a class or a field within a single class structure. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 313002 313000 TipoDePropiedad Arrendamiento Residencial 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Add QueueTransactionType The resource record being referenced by the queue does not yet exist in the target and is an addition. Insert, Create Queue Active 471001 471000 20181226T0000 20180512T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Change QueueTransactionType The resource record being referenced by the queue exists in the target and is being modified. Update, Modify Queue Active 471002 471000 20181226T0000 20180512T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Delete QueueTransactionType The resource record being referenced by the queue exists in the target and is to be removed. Kill, Remove Queue Active 471003 471000 20181226T0000 20180512T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Agent Disabled ReasonActiveOrDisabled The agent has disabled this auto email. Member Disabled Prospecting Resource Active 436001 436000 ModoActivoODesactivado Agente Desactivado 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Client Disabled ReasonActiveOrDisabled The auto email has been disabled by the client/recipient. Customer Disabled Prospecting Resource Active 436002 436000 ModoActivoODesactivado Cliente Desactivado 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Concierge Notification ReasonActiveOrDisabled The auto email is on hold pending concierge approval by the member. The auto email is temporarily disabled. Prospecting Resource Active 436003 436000 ModoActivoODesactivado Notificación de Conserjería 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Final Ignored Warning ReasonActiveOrDisabled The final warning that the auto email has not been viewed by the client/recipient and may be inactivated due to being ignored. The auto email is still active. Prospecting Resource Active 436004 436000 ModoActivoODesactivado Advertencia Final Ignorada 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Ignored ReasonActiveOrDisabled The auto email was not viewed by the client/recipient in the time frame designated by the host system. The auto email is disabled. Prospecting Resource Active 436005 436000 ModoActivoODesactivado Ignorado 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Initial Ignored Warning ReasonActiveOrDisabled The first warning that the auto email has not been viewed by the client/recipient. The auto email is still active. Prospecting Resource Active 436006 436000 ModoActivoODesactivado Advertencia Inicial Ignorada 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Invalid ReasonActiveOrDisabled The auto email is no longer valid per some conditions set by the host system. The auto email is disabled. Prospecting Resource Active 436007 436000 ModoActivoODesactivado Inválido 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 No Listings Found ReasonActiveOrDisabled The auto email has not found any listings matching the criteria and been disabled per the host system rules. Prospecting Resource Active 436008 436000 ModoActivoODesactivado No se Encontraron Listados 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 No Listings Found Warning ReasonActiveOrDisabled The auto email has not found any listings matching the criteria and may be disabled. The auto email is still active. Prospecting Resource Active 436009 436000 ModoActivoODesactivado Advertencia de que No se Encontraron Listados 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 No One To Send To ReasonActiveOrDisabled There is no valid email address and the auto email has been inactivated. Prospecting Resource Active 436010 436000 ModoActivoODesactivado Nadie a Quien Enviar 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Over Limit ReasonActiveOrDisabled The auto email has reached the limit of listing results as set by the host system. The auto email is disabled. Prospecting Resource Active 436011 436000 ModoActivoODesactivado Sobre el Límite 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Re-Activated ReasonActiveOrDisabled The auto email has was previously disabled and has been set back to active. Prospecting Resource Active 436012 436000 ModoActivoODesactivado Reactivado 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Revised ReasonActiveOrDisabled The auto email has been revised and is active. Prospecting Resource Active 436013 436000 ModoActivoODesactivado Revisado 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Search Failing ReasonActiveOrDisabled The auto email's search criteria is failing and should be reviewed by the host system. The auto email is disabled. Prospecting Resource Active 436014 436000 ModoActivoODesactivado Búsqueda Fallida 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Welcome Email Ignored ReasonActiveOrDisabled The initial auto email has not been viewed by the client/recipient and the auto email has been deactivated. Prospecting Resource Active 436015 436000 ModoActivoODesactivado Correo de Bienvenida Ignorado 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Welcome Email Ignored Warning ReasonActiveOrDisabled The initial auto email has not been viewed by the client/recipient. The auto email is still active. Prospecting Resource Active 436016 436000 ModoActivoODesactivado Advertencia de Correo de Bienvenida Ignorado 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 All Utilities RentIncludes Rent for the dwelling includes all utilities. RLSE MOBI Active 368001 368000 AlquilerIncluye Todos los Servicios Públicos 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Cable TV RentIncludes Rent for the dwelling includes cable TV. RLSE MOBI Active 368002 368000 AlquilerIncluye TV por Cable 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Electricity RentIncludes Rent for the dwelling includes electricity. RLSE MOBI Active 368003 368000 AlquilerIncluye Electricidad 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Gardener RentIncludes Rent for the dwelling includes gardener. RLSE MOBI Active 368004 368000 AlquilerIncluye Jardinero 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Gas RentIncludes Rent for the dwelling includes gas. RLSE MOBI Active 368005 368000 AlquilerIncluye Gas 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Internet RentIncludes Rent for the dwelling includes internet. RLSE MOBI Active 368006 368000 AlquilerIncluye Internet 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Management RentIncludes Rent for the dwelling includes management. RLSE MOBI Active 368007 368000 AlquilerIncluye Administración 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 None RentIncludes Rent for the dwelling does not include other potential costs such as utilities, management, services, etc. RLSE MOBI Active 368008 368000 AlquilerIncluye Ninguno 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Other RentIncludes An item of what rent includes not in this list. RLSE MOBI Active 368013 368000 AlquilerIncluye Otro 20170809T0000 20160805T0000 1.6 20170809T0000 See Remarks RentIncludes See the listing's remarks for details about things included in the rent. RLSE MOBI Active 368009 368000 AlquilerIncluye Ver Observaciones 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Sewer RentIncludes Rent for the dwelling includes sewer. RLSE MOBI Active 368010 368000 AlquilerIncluye Alcantarillado 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Trash Collection RentIncludes Rent for the dwelling includes trash collection. RLSE MOBI Active 368011 368000 AlquilerIncluye Recolección de Basura 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20170206T0000 Water RentIncludes Rent for the dwelling includes water. RLSE MOBI Active 368012 368000 AlquilerIncluye Agua 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Contacts ResourceName This record is related to another record in the Contacts resource. Media HistoryTransactional SavedSearch Active 317004 317000 NombreDeRecurso Contactos 20150721T0000 20150812T0000 1.4.0 20150812T0000 Member ResourceName This record is related to another record in the Member resource. Agent (ResourceName) Media HistoryTransactional SavedSearch Active 317002 317000 NombreDeRecurso Miembro 20170809T0000 20170117T0000 1.4.0 20170809T0000 Office ResourceName This record is related to another record in the Office resource. Media HistoryTransactional SavedSearch Active 317003 317000 NombreDeRecurso Oficina 20150721T0000 20150812T0000 1.4.0 20150812T0000 Property ResourceName This record is related to another record in the Property resource. Media HistoryTransactional SavedSearch Active 317001 317000 NombreDeRecurso Propiedad 20150721T0000 20150812T0000 1.4.0 20150812T0000 Alley RoadFrontageType The property fronts to an alley. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 410001 410000 TipoDeFachadaVial Callejón 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 City Street RoadFrontageType The property fronts to a city street. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 410002 410000 TipoDeFachadaVial Calle Citadina 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 County Road RoadFrontageType The property fronts to a county road. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 410003 410000 TipoDeFachadaVial Camino de Condado 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Easement RoadFrontageType The property fronts to an easement. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 410004 410000 TipoDeFachadaVial Servidumbre 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Freeway RoadFrontageType The property fronts to a freeway. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 410005 410000 TipoDeFachadaVial Autopista 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Highway RoadFrontageType The property fronts to a highway. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 410006 410000 TipoDeFachadaVial Carretera 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Interstate RoadFrontageType The property fronts to an interstate. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 410007 410000 TipoDeFachadaVial Interestatal 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 None RoadFrontageType The property does not have any road frontage. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 410008 410000 TipoDeFachadaVial Ninguno 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Other RoadFrontageType The property fronts to a road other than those in this list. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 410009 410000 TipoDeFachadaVial Otro 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Private Road RoadFrontageType The property fronts to a private road. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 410010 410000 TipoDeFachadaVial Camino Privado 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 See Remarks RoadFrontageType See Public or Private Remarks for details on the road frontage. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 410011 410000 TipoDeFachadaVial Ver Observaciones 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 State Road RoadFrontageType The property fronts to a state road. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 410012 410000 TipoDeFachadaVial Carretera Estatal 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Unimproved RoadFrontageType The property's road frontage is unimproved. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 410013 410000 TipoDeFachadaVial Sin Mejoras 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Private Maintained Road RoadResponsibility The property's road is privately maintained. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 411001 411000 ResponsabilidadVial Camino con Mantenimiento Privado 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Public Maintained Road RoadResponsibility The property's road is publicly maintained. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 411002 411000 ResponsabilidadVial Camino con Mantenimiento Público 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Road Maintenance Agreement RoadResponsibility The property has a road maintenance agreement. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 411003 411000 ResponsabilidadVial Acuerdo de Mantenimiento Vial 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Alley Paved RoadSurfaceType The property's road is a paved alley. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 412001 412000 TipoDeSuperficieVial Callejón Pavimentado 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Asphalt RoadSurfaceType The property's road is asphalt. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 412002 412000 TipoDeSuperficieVial Asfalto 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Chip And Seal RoadSurfaceType The property's road is chip and seal. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 412003 412000 TipoDeSuperficieVial Tratamiento Superficial 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Concrete RoadSurfaceType The property's road is concrete. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 412004 412000 TipoDeSuperficieVial Hormigón 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Dirt RoadSurfaceType The property's road is dirt. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 412005 412000 TipoDeSuperficieVial Tierra 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Gravel RoadSurfaceType The property's road is gravel. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 412006 412000 TipoDeSuperficieVial Grava 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 None RoadSurfaceType The property has no road. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 412007 412000 TipoDeSuperficieVial Ninguno 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Other RoadSurfaceType The surface type of the property's road is something other than those in this list. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 412008 412000 TipoDeSuperficieVial Otro 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Paved RoadSurfaceType The property's road is paved. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 412009 412000 TipoDeSuperficieVial Pavimentado 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 See Remarks RoadSurfaceType See the Public or Private Remarks for details on the road surface type. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 412010 412000 TipoDeSuperficieVial Ver Observaciones 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Unimproved RoadSurfaceType The property's road is unimproved. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 412011 412000 TipoDeSuperficieVial Sin Mejoras 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Aluminum Roof The roof is made wholly/partially of aluminum. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 369001 369000 Tejado Aluminio 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Asbestos Shingle Roof The roof is made wholly/partially of asbestos shingles. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 369002 369000 Tejado Teja de Asbesto 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Asphalt Roof The roof is made wholly/partially of asphalt. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 369003 369000 Tejado Asfalto 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Bahama Roof The roof is a Bahama roof. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 369004 369000 Tejado Bahama 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Barrel Roof The roof is a Barrel roof. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 369005 369000 Tejado Bidón 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Bituthene Roof The roof is made wholly/partially of Bituthene. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 369006 369000 Tejado Bituteno 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Built-Up Roof The roof is made wholly/partially of built-up. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 369007 369000 Tejado Construido 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Composition Roof The roof is made wholly/partially of composition. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 369008 369000 Tejado Compuesto 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Concrete Roof The roof is made wholly/partially of concrete. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 369009 369000 Tejado Hormigón 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Copper Roof The roof is made wholly/partially of copper. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 369010 369000 Tejado Cobre 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Elastomeric Roof The roof is made wholly/partially of elastomeric. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 369011 369000 Tejado Elastómero 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Fiberglass Roof The roof is made wholly/partially of fiberglass. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 369012 369000 Tejado Fibra de Vidrio 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Flat Roof The roof is wholly/partially flat. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 369013 369000 Tejado Plano 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Flat Tile Roof The roof is made wholly/partially of flat tile. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 369014 369000 Tejado Teja Plana 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Foam Roof The roof is made wholly/partially of foam. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 369015 369000 Tejado Espuma 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Green Roof Roof The roof is wholly/partially a green roof. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 369016 369000 Tejado Tejado verde 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Mansard Roof The roof is made wholly/partially of mansard. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 369017 369000 Tejado Mansarda 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Membrane Roof The roof is made wholly/partially of membrane. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 369018 369000 Tejado Membrana 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Metal Roof The roof is made wholly/partially of metal. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 369019 369000 Tejado Metal 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Mixed Roof The roof is made wholly/partially of mixed materials. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 369020 369000 Tejado Mixto 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 None Roof The roof materials are unstated, unknown or there are none. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 369021 369000 Tejado Ninguno 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Other Roof The roof is made wholly/partially of materials other than those in this list. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 369022 369000 Tejado Otro 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Rolled/Hot Mop Roof The roof is made wholly/partially of rolled/hot mop. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 369023 369000 Tejado Mopa enrollada/caliente 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Rubber Roof The roof is made wholly/partially of rubber. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 369024 369000 Tejado Caucho 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 See Remarks Roof See the listing's remarks for details on the roof. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 369025 369000 Tejado Ver Observaciones 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Shake Roof The roof is made wholly/partially of shake. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 369026 369000 Tejado Agitado 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Shingle Roof The roof is made wholly/partially of shingle. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 369027 369000 Tejado Teja 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Slate Roof The roof is made wholly/partially of slate. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 369028 369000 Tejado Pizarra 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Spanish Tile Roof The roof is made wholly/partially of Spanish tile. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 369029 369000 Tejado Teja Española 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Stone Roof The roof is made wholly/partially of stone. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 369030 369000 Tejado Piedra 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Synthetic Roof The roof is made wholly/partially of synthetic materials. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 369031 369000 Tejado Sintético 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Tar/Gravel Roof The roof is made wholly/partially of tar/gravel. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 369032 369000 Tejado Alquitrán/Grava 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Tile Roof The roof is made wholly/partially of tile. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 369033 369000 Tejado Azulejo 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Wood Roof The roof is made wholly/partially of wood. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 369034 369000 Tejado Madera 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Basement RoomType A floor of a building below ground level. Cellar RESI RLSE MOBI FARM Active 304004 304000 TipoDeHabitación Sótano 20120420T0000 20120420T0000 20120420T0000 Bathroom RoomType The first bathroom, when a Master Bathroom is not designated. RESI RLSE MOBI FARM Active 304033 304000 TipoDeHabitación Baño 20181226T0000 20180822T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Bathroom 1 RoomType The first bathroom, when a Master Bathroom is not designated. RESI RLSE MOBI FARM Active 304031 304000 TipoDeHabitación Baño 1 20150721T0000 20150319T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Bathroom 2 RoomType The second bathroom. RESI RLSE MOBI FARM Active 304012 304000 TipoDeHabitación Baño 2 20120420T0000 20120420T0000 20120420T0000 Bathroom 3 RoomType The third bathroom. RESI RLSE MOBI FARM Active 304013 304000 TipoDeHabitación Baño 3 20120420T0000 20120420T0000 20120420T0000 Bathroom 4 RoomType The fourth bathroom. RESI RLSE MOBI FARM Active 304014 304000 TipoDeHabitación Baño 4 20120420T0000 20120420T0000 20120420T0000 Bathroom 5 RoomType The fifth bathroom. RESI RLSE MOBI FARM Active 304015 304000 TipoDeHabitación Baño 5 20120420T0000 20120420T0000 20120420T0000 Bedroom RoomType The type of room is a bedroom. RESI RLSE MOBI FARM Active 304032 304000 TipoDeHabitación Habitación 20181226T0000 20180822T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Bedroom 1 RoomType The first bedroom, when a Master Bedroom is not designated. RESI RLSE MOBI FARM Active 304030 304000 TipoDeHabitación Habitación 1 20150721T0000 20150319T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Bedroom 2 RoomType The second bedroom. RESI RLSE MOBI FARM Active 304007 304000 TipoDeHabitación Habitación 2 20120420T0000 20120420T0000 20120420T0000 Bedroom 3 RoomType The third bedroom. RESI RLSE MOBI FARM Active 304008 304000 TipoDeHabitación Habitación 3 20120420T0000 20120420T0000 20120420T0000 Bedroom 4 RoomType The fourth bedroom. RESI RLSE MOBI FARM Active 304009 304000 TipoDeHabitación Habitación 4 20120420T0000 20120420T0000 20120420T0000 Bedroom 5 RoomType The fifth bedroom. RESI RLSE MOBI FARM Active 304010 304000 TipoDeHabitación Habitación 5 20120420T0000 20120420T0000 20120420T0000 Bonus Room RoomType A room that can be used for multiple purposes. RESI RLSE MOBI FARM Active 304023 304000 TipoDeHabitación Habitación Bono 20120420T0000 20120420T0000 20120420T0000 Den RoomType Used for a variety of purposes, a den is typically a secluded comfortable room use as a study or entertainment room. RESI RLSE MOBI FARM Active 304016 304000 TipoDeHabitación Estudio 20120420T0000 20120420T0000 20120420T0000 Dining Room RoomType A room, in a home, where meals are eaten. RESI RLSE MOBI FARM Active 304001 304000 TipoDeHabitación Comedor 20120420T0000 20120420T0000 20170206T0000 Exercise Room RoomType A room that is specifically geared to contain exercise equipment. RESI RLSE MOBI FARM Active 304027 304000 TipoDeHabitación Sala de Ejercicios 20120420T0000 20120503T0000 20170206T0000 Family Room RoomType A comfortable room in a dwelling, for frequent leisure use. RESI RLSE MOBI FARM Active 304003 304000 TipoDeHabitación Sala familiar 20120420T0000 20120420T0000 20120420T0000 Game Room RoomType A room that, typically a bonus room, that is specifically equipped for game play. This may include billiards, Ping-Pong, video games, board games or other recreational activities. RESI RLSE MOBI FARM Active 304024 304000 TipoDeHabitación Sala de Juegos 20120420T0000 20120420T0000 20120420T0000 Great Room RoomType The term great room denotes a room space within an abode which combines the specific functions of several of the more traditional room spaces (e.g. the family room, the living room, the study, etc.) into a singular unified space. Great rooms are typically at or near the center of the house, feature raised ceilings, and have been common in American homes since the early 1990s. RESI RLSE MOBI FARM Active 304018 304000 TipoDeHabitación Salón Principal 20120420T0000 20120420T0000 20120420T0000 Gym RoomType A room that, in addition to exercise equipment, has other characteristics of a gymnasium. RESI RLSE MOBI FARM Active 304028 304000 TipoDeHabitación Gimnasio 20120420T0000 20120420T0000 20120420T0000 Kitchen RoomType The room used for the preparation and storage of food. Cookery. RESI RLSE MOBI FARM Active 304005 304000 TipoDeHabitación Cocina 20120420T0000 20120420T0000 20170206T0000 Laundry RoomType A utility room specifically equipment and used for laundry equipment (washer and dryer). RESI RLSE MOBI FARM Active 304021 304000 TipoDeHabitación Lavandería 20120420T0000 20120420T0000 20170206T0000 Library RoomType A room that is specifically geared to house books and other media typically found in a library. RESI RLSE MOBI FARM Active 304026 304000 TipoDeHabitación Biblioteca 20120420T0000 20120420T0000 20120420T0000 Living Room RoomType A room in a private house used for general social and leisure activities. RESI RLSE MOBI FARM Active 304002 304000 TipoDeHabitación Sala de Estar 20120420T0000 20120420T0000 20170206T0000 Loft RoomType A loft can be an upper story or attic in a building, directly under the roof. Alternatively, a loft apartment refers to large adaptable open space, often converted for residential use (a converted loft) from some other use, often light industrial. Adding to the confusion, some converted lofts include upper open loft areas. RESI RLSE MOBI FARM Active 304022 304000 TipoDeHabitación Loft 20120420T0000 20120420T0000 20120420T0000 Master Bathroom RoomType Typically the largest of the bathrooms and attached to the master bedroom. RESI RLSE MOBI FARM Active 304011 304000 TipoDeHabitación Sala de Baño Principal 20120420T0000 20120420T0000 20120420T0000 Master Bedroom RoomType Typically the largest of the bedrooms with an attached bathroom. RESI RLSE MOBI FARM Active 304006 304000 TipoDeHabitación Dormitorio principal 20120420T0000 20120420T0000 20120420T0000 Media Room RoomType A room that is specifically geared for the watching of movies, TV or other forms of multimedia. RESI RLSE MOBI FARM Active 304025 304000 TipoDeHabitación Cine 20120420T0000 20120420T0000 20120420T0000 Office RoomType A room used for business. RESI RLSE MOBI FARM Active 304017 304000 TipoDeHabitación Oficina 20120420T0000 20120420T0000 20120420T0000 Sauna RoomType A small room or house designed as a place to experience dry or wet heat sessions, or an establishment with one or more of these and auxiliary facilities. RESI RLSE MOBI FARM Active 304029 304000 TipoDeHabitación Sauna 20120420T0000 20120420T0000 20120420T0000 Utility Room RoomType A room that usually contains laundry, HVAC, water heating or some other utilitarian equipment. In some areas this is simply the laundry room. In other areas it may be used for many other purposes, all having some utility. RESI RLSE MOBI FARM Active 304019 304000 TipoDeHabitación Lavandería 20120420T0000 20120420T0000 20120420T0000 Workshop RoomType A room containing tools or equipment used for the manufacturing or repair of goods. RESI RLSE MOBI FARM Active 304020 304000 TipoDeHabitación Taller 20120420T0000 20120420T0000 20120420T0000 Appraiser Room[type]LengthWidthSource The length and width of the room were provided by an appraiser. RESI RLSE MOBI FARM Active 413001 413000 Habitación[tipo]FuenteDeLongitudYAnchura Tasador 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Assessor Room[type]LengthWidthSource The length and width of the room were provided by the assessor. RESI RLSE MOBI FARM Active 413002 413000 Habitación[tipo]FuenteDeLongitudYAnchura Asesor 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Builder Room[type]LengthWidthSource The length and width of the room were provided by the builder. RESI RLSE MOBI FARM Active 413003 413000 Habitación[tipo]FuenteDeLongitudYAnchura Constructor 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Estimated Room[type]LengthWidthSource The length and width of the room were estimated. RESI RLSE MOBI FARM Active 413004 413000 Habitación[tipo]FuenteDeLongitudYAnchura Estimado 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 GIS Calculated Room[type]LengthWidthSource The length and width of the room were GIS calculated. RESI RLSE MOBI FARM Active 413005 413000 Habitación[tipo]FuenteDeLongitudYAnchura Calculado con GIS 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Measured Room[type]LengthWidthSource The length and width of the room were measured. RESI RLSE MOBI FARM Active 413006 413000 Habitación[tipo]FuenteDeLongitudYAnchura Medido 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Other Room[type]LengthWidthSource The length and width of the room were provided by an other means than those included in this list. RESI RLSE MOBI FARM Active 413007 413000 Habitación[tipo]FuenteDeLongitudYAnchura Otro 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Owner Room[type]LengthWidthSource The length and width of the room were provided by the owner. RESI RLSE MOBI FARM Active 413008 413000 Habitación[tipo]FuenteDeLongitudYAnchura Propietario 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Public Records Room[type]LengthWidthSource The length and width of the room were taken from public records. RESI RLSE MOBI FARM Active 413009 413000 Habitación[tipo]FuenteDeLongitudYAnchura Registros Públicos 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 See Remarks Room[type]LengthWidthSource See the Public or Private Remarks for details on the source of the room's length and width measurements. RESI RLSE MOBI FARM Active 413010 413000 Habitación[tipo]FuenteDeLongitudYAnchura Ver Observaciones 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Survey Room[type]LengthWidthSource The length and width of the room were provided by survey. RESI RLSE MOBI FARM Active 413011 413000 Habitación[tipo]FuenteDeLongitudYAnchura Estudio de terreno 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Basement Room[type]Level The given room is located on the basement level. RESI RLSE MOBI FARM Active 414001 414000 Habitación[tipo]Piso Sótano 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 First Room[type]Level The given room is located on the first level. RESI RLSE MOBI FARM Active 414002 414000 Habitación[tipo]Piso Primero 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Lower Room[type]Level The given room is located on the lower level. RESI RLSE MOBI FARM Active 414003 414000 Habitación[tipo]Piso Inferior 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Main Room[type]Level The given room is located on the main level. RESI RLSE MOBI FARM Active 414004 414000 Habitación[tipo]Piso Principal 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Second Room[type]Level The given room is located on the second level. RESI RLSE MOBI FARM Active 414005 414000 Habitación[tipo]Piso Secundario 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Third Room[type]Level The given room is located on the third level. RESI RLSE MOBI FARM Active 414006 414000 Habitación[tipo]Piso Terciario 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Upper Room[type]Level The given room is located on the upper level. RESI RLSE MOBI FARM Active 414007 414000 Habitación[tipo]Piso Superior 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 $filter RuleFormat Business rules expressed utilizing the OData $filter syntax. The underlying structure of the rules are not defined at this time and may vary from source to source. OData Rules Active 472003 472000 20181226T0000 20180512T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 JavaScript RuleFormat Business rules expressed utilizing the JavaScript language. The underlying structure of the rules are not defined at this time and may vary from source to source. JS Rules Active 472002 472000 20181226T0000 20180512T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 REBR RuleFormat Real Estate Business Rule (REBR) notation, based on RuleSpeak structured notation, uses a predictable syntax to allow humans to clearly and unambiguously specify real estate business rules. REBR is not machine consumable and design for human production and consumption. Real Estate Business Rule Rules Active 472001 472000 20181226T0000 20180512T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 RetsValidation RuleFormat Business rules expressed using the well defined RETS 1.9 Validation Expressions. See section 11.4.7 of the RETS 1.9 Specification for additional details. https://www.reso.org/download/rets-1-9-specification/ Validation Expressions Rules Active 472004 472000 20181226T0000 20180512T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 ASAP ScheduleType The prospect (auto email) will be sent as soon as possible through each day. Actual time is determined by listing additions/changes that match the given criteria and by the host system's delivery policy/schedule. As Soon As Possible, Immediately Prospecting Resource Active 437001 437000 TipoDeHorario Tan pronto como sea posible 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Daily ScheduleType The prospect (auto email) will be sent according to the Daily Schedule. Every Day Prospecting Resource Active 437002 437000 TipoDeHorario Diario 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Monthly ScheduleType The prospect (auto email) will be sent once per month. Every Month Prospecting Resource Active 437003 437000 TipoDeHorario Mensual 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 $filter SearchQueryType The query is in the form of Odata's $filter. SavedSearch Active 415001 415000 TipoDeConsultaDeBúsqueda $filter 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 DMQL2 SearchQueryType The query is in the form of DMQL2. SavedSearch Active 415002 415000 TipoDeConsultaDeBúsqueda DMQL2 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 24 Hour Security SecurityFeatures The property has 24 hour security. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 463001 463000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Building Security SecurityFeatures The property has building security. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 463002 463000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Carbon Monoxide Detector(s) SecurityFeatures The property has carbon monoxide detector(s). RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 463003 463000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Closed Circuit Camera(s) SecurityFeatures The property has closed circuit camera(s). RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 463004 463000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Fire Alarm SecurityFeatures The property has fire alarm(s). RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 463005 463000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Fire Escape SecurityFeatures The property has a fire escape. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 463006 463000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Fire Sprinkler System SecurityFeatures The property has a fire sprinkler system. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 463007 463000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Firewall(s) SecurityFeatures The property has firewall(s). RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 463008 463000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Gated Community SecurityFeatures The property is in a gated community. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 463009 463000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Gated with Guard SecurityFeatures The property is in a gated community/area with guard service. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 463010 463000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Key Card Entry SecurityFeatures The property or community has key card entry. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 463011 463000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Other SecurityFeatures The property has security features other than those in this list. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 463012 463000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Panic Alarm SecurityFeatures The property has a panic alarm. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 463013 463000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Prewired SecurityFeatures The property is prewired for a security system. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 463014 463000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Secured Garage/Parking SecurityFeatures The property has a secured garage or parking area. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 463015 463000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Security Fence SecurityFeatures The property has a security fence. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 463016 463000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Security Gate SecurityFeatures The property has a security gate. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 463017 463000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Security Guard SecurityFeatures The property or community has a security guard. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 463018 463000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Security Lights SecurityFeatures The property has security lights. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 463019 463000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Security Service SecurityFeatures The property has a security service. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 463020 463000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Security System SecurityFeatures The property has a security system. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 463021 463000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Security System Leased SecurityFeatures The property has a leased security system. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 463022 463000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Security System Owned SecurityFeatures The property has an owned security system. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 463023 463000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 See Remarks SecurityFeatures See the remarks fields for more information about the security features of the property. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 463024 463000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Smoke Detector(s) SecurityFeatures The property has smoke detector(s). RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 463025 463000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Varies By Unit SecurityFeatures The security features vary from unit to unit. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 463026 463000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Window Bars SecurityFeatures The property has window bars. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 463027 463000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Window Bars with Quick Release SecurityFeatures The property has window bars with a quick release mechanism. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 463028 463000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Aerobic Septic Sewer The property has an aerobic septic. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 370001 370000 Alcantarillado Séptico Aeróbico 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Cesspool Sewer The property has a cesspool. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 370002 370000 Alcantarillado Fosa Séptica 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Engineered Septic Sewer The property has an engineered septic. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 370003 370000 Alcantarillado Séptico de Ingeniería 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Holding Tank Sewer The property has a holding tank. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 370004 370000 Alcantarillado Tanque Contenedor 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Mound Septic Sewer The property has a mound septic. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 370005 370000 Alcantarillado Montículo Séptico 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 None Sewer The property has no sewer, septic or cesspool. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 370006 370000 Alcantarillado Ninguno 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Other Sewer The property has a system other than sewer, sceptic or cesspool in this list. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 370007 370000 Alcantarillado Otro 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Perc Test On File Sewer The property has a perc test on file. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 370008 370000 Alcantarillado Prueba Perc en el Archivo 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Perc Test Required Sewer The property requires a perc test. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 370009 370000 Alcantarillado Se Requiere Prueba Perc 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Private Sewer Sewer The property has a private sewer. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 370010 370000 Alcantarillado Alcantarillado Privado 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Public Sewer Sewer The property has a public sewer. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 370011 370000 Alcantarillado Alcantarillado Público 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Septic Needed Sewer The property needs a septic system. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 370012 370000 Alcantarillado Se Necesita Séptico 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Septic Tank Sewer The property has a septic tank. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 370013 370000 Alcantarillado Tanque Séptico 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Shared Septic Sewer The property has a shared septic. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 370014 370000 Alcantarillado Séptico Compartido 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Unknown Sewer The property's sewer/septic is unknown. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 370015 370000 Alcantarillado Desconocido 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Agent ShowingContactType The showing contact is a licensed agent. Member (ShowingContactType) RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 342001 342000 TipoDeContactoExhibición Agente 20170809T0000 20170117T0000 1.4.0 20170809T0000 Occupant ShowingContactType The showing contact is the occupant. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 342002 342000 TipoDeContactoExhibición Ocupante 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Owner ShowingContactType The showing contact is the owner. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 342003 342000 TipoDeContactoExhibición Propietario 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Property Manager ShowingContactType The showing contact is the property manager. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 342004 342000 TipoDeContactoExhibición Administrador del Terreno 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 24 Hour Notice ShowingRequirements A 24 hour notice is required to show the property. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 464001 464000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Appointment Only ShowingRequirements Showing of the property is by appointment only. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 464002 464000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Call Listing Agent ShowingRequirements Call the listing agent to arrange a showing of the property. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 464003 464000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Call Listing Office ShowingRequirements Call the listing office to arrange a showing of the property. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 464004 464000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Call Manager ShowingRequirements Call the property manage to arrange a showing of the property. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 464005 464000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Call Owner ShowingRequirements Call the property owner to arrange a showing of the property. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 464006 464000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Call Tenant ShowingRequirements Call the tenant/occupant directly to arrange a showing of the property. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 464007 464000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Combination Lock Box ShowingRequirements The property has a combination lock box for showing access. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 464008 464000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Day Sleeper ShowingRequirements The property has a tenant/occupant who sleeps during the day. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 464009 464000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Do Not Show ShowingRequirements Do not show this property. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 464010 464000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Email Listing Agent ShowingRequirements Email the listing agent for more information about showing the property. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 464011 464000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Key In Office ShowingRequirements The key to access the property for showing must be retrieved from the listing or manager's office. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 464012 464000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Lockbox ShowingRequirements The property has an electronic lockbox for showing access. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 464013 464000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 No Lockbox ShowingRequirements There is no lockbox on the property. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 464014 464000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 No Sign ShowingRequirements The property has no for sale sign. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 464015 464000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Occupied ShowingRequirements The property is currently occupied. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 464016 464000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Pet(s) on Premises ShowingRequirements There are currently pets at the property. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 464017 464000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Restricted Hours ShowingRequirements The times when the property may be shown are restricted. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 464018 464000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Security System ShowingRequirements The property has a security system that is a consideration when showing. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 464019 464000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 See Remarks ShowingRequirements See the remarks fields for more information about showing the property. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 464020 464000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Showing Service ShowingRequirements A service used by a listing broker to provide showing services of listed properties. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 464024 464000 20181226T0000 20181009T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Text Listing Agent ShowingRequirements Text message the listing agent to arrange a showing of the property. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 464021 464000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 To Be Built ShowingRequirements The property has yet to be built. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 464022 464000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Under Construction ShowingRequirements The property is under construction. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 464023 464000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Aluminum Skirt The mobile/manufactured home has a skirt made of aluminum. MOBI Active 371001 371000 Rodeo Aluminio 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Block Skirt The mobile/manufactured home has a skirt made of block. MOBI Active 371002 371000 Rodeo Bloque 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Brick Skirt The mobile/manufactured home has a skirt made of brick. MOBI Active 371003 371000 Rodeo Ladrillo 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Combination Skirt The mobile/manufactured home has a skirt made of a combination of materials. MOBI Active 371004 371000 Rodeo Combinación 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Concrete Skirt The mobile/manufactured home has a skirt made of concrete. MOBI Active 371005 371000 Rodeo Hormigón 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Fiberglass Skirt The mobile/manufactured home has a skirt made of fiberglass. MOBI Active 371006 371000 Rodeo Fibra de Vidrio 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Frame Skirt The mobile/manufactured home has a skirt that is framed. MOBI Active 371007 371000 Rodeo Bastidor 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Glass Skirt The mobile/manufactured home has a skirt made of glass. MOBI Active 371008 371000 Rodeo Vidrio 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Masonite Skirt The mobile/manufactured home has a skirt made of Masonite. MOBI Active 371009 371000 Rodeo Masonite 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Metal Skirt The mobile/manufactured home has a skirt made of metal. MOBI Active 371010 371000 Rodeo Metal 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 None Skirt The mobile/manufactured home does not have a skirt. MOBI Active 371011 371000 Rodeo Ninguno 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Other Skirt The mobile/manufactured home has a skirt made of materials other than those in this list. MOBI Active 371012 371000 Rodeo Otro 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Steel Skirt The mobile/manufactured home has a skirt made of steel. MOBI Active 371013 371000 Rodeo Acero 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Stone Skirt The mobile/manufactured home has a skirt made of stone. MOBI Active 371014 371000 Rodeo Piedra 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Stucco Skirt The mobile/manufactured home has a skirt made of stucco. MOBI Active 371015 371000 Rodeo Estuco 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Synthetic Skirt The mobile/manufactured home has a skirt made of synthetic materials. MOBI Active 371016 371000 Rodeo Sintético 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Unknown Skirt The mobile/manufactured home has a skirt made of unknown materials. MOBI Active 371017 371000 Rodeo Desconocido 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Vinyl Skirt The mobile/manufactured home has a skirt made of vinyl. MOBI Active 371018 371000 Rodeo Vinilo 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Wood Skirt The mobile/manufactured home has a skirt made of wood. MOBI Active 371019 371000 Rodeo Madera 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Blog SocialMediaType SocialMedia[Type]UrlOrId has a URL or ID that relates to the member/office/contact's blog. Member Office Contacts Active 416001 416000 TipoDeRedesSociales Blog 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Digg SocialMediaType SocialMedia[Type]UrlOrId has a URL or ID that relates to Digg. Member Office Contacts Active 416002 416000 TipoDeRedesSociales Digg 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Facebook SocialMediaType SocialMedia[Type]UrlOrId has a URL or ID that relates to Facebook. Member Office Contacts Active 416003 416000 TipoDeRedesSociales Facebook 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Facebook Messenger SocialMediaType SocialMedia[Type]UrlOrId has a URL or ID that relates to Facebook Messenger. Member Office Contacts Active 416004 416000 TipoDeRedesSociales Facebook Messenger 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 GooglePlus SocialMediaType SocialMedia[Type]UrlOrId has a URL or ID that relates to GooglePlus. Member Office Contacts Active 416005 416000 TipoDeRedesSociales GooglePlus 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 iMessage SocialMediaType SocialMedia[Type]UrlOrId has a URL or ID that relates to iMessage. Member Office Contacts Active 416006 416000 TipoDeRedesSociales iMessage 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Instagram SocialMediaType SocialMedia[Type]UrlOrId has a URL or ID that relates to Instagram. Member Office Contacts Active 416007 416000 TipoDeRedesSociales Instagram 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 LinkedIn SocialMediaType SocialMedia[Type]UrlOrId has a URL or ID that relates to LinkedIn. Member Office Contacts Active 416008 416000 TipoDeRedesSociales LinkedIn 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Pinterest SocialMediaType SocialMedia[Type]UrlOrId has a URL or ID that relates to Pinterest. Member Office Contacts Active 416009 416000 TipoDeRedesSociales Pinterest 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Reddit SocialMediaType SocialMedia[Type]UrlOrId has a URL or ID that relates to Reddit. Member Office Contacts Active 416010 416000 TipoDeRedesSociales Reddit 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Slack SocialMediaType SocialMedia[Type]UrlOrId has a URL or ID that relates to Slack. Member Office Contacts Active 416011 416000 TipoDeRedesSociales Slack 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Snapchat SocialMediaType SocialMedia[Type]UrlOrId has a URL or ID that relates to Snapchat. Member Office Contacts Active 416012 416000 TipoDeRedesSociales Snapchat 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 StumbleUpon SocialMediaType SocialMedia[Type]UrlOrId has a URL or ID that relates to StumbleUpon. Member Office Contacts Active 416013 416000 TipoDeRedesSociales StumbleUpon 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Tumblr SocialMediaType SocialMedia[Type]UrlOrId has a URL or ID that relates to Tumblr. Member Office Contacts Active 416014 416000 TipoDeRedesSociales Tumblr 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Twitter SocialMediaType SocialMedia[Type]UrlOrId has a URL or ID that relates to Twitter. Member Office Contacts Active 416015 416000 TipoDeRedesSociales Twitter 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Website SocialMediaType SocialMedia[Type]UrlOrId has a URL or ID that relates to the member/office/contact's website. Member Office Contacts Active 416016 416000 TipoDeRedesSociales Sitio Web 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 YouTube SocialMediaType SocialMedia[Type]UrlOrId has a URL or ID that relates to YouTube. Member Office Contacts Active 416017 416000 TipoDeRedesSociales YouTube 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Above Ground SpaFeatures The spa is not built into the ground. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 465001 465000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Bath SpaFeatures The bath has a built in spa/jets. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 465002 465000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Community SpaFeatures The property has access to a community spa. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 465003 465000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Fiberglass SpaFeatures The spa is lined or made of fiberglass. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 465004 465000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Gunite SpaFeatures The spa is lined with gunite. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 465005 465000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Heated SpaFeatures The spa is heated. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 465006 465000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 In Ground SpaFeatures The spa is built into the ground. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 465007 465000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 None SpaFeatures The property has no spa. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 465008 465000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Private SpaFeatures The spa is privately owned or is secluded. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 465009 465000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 See Remarks SpaFeatures See the remarks fields for more information about the spa. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 465010 465000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Beer/Wine SpecialLicenses The business being sold uses/requires a Beer/Wine license. BUSO Active 343001 343000 LicenciasEspeciales Cerveza/Vino 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Class H SpecialLicenses The business being sold uses/requires a Class H license. BUSO Active 343002 343000 LicenciasEspeciales Clase H 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Entertainment SpecialLicenses The business being sold uses/requires an Entertainment license. BUSO Active 343003 343000 LicenciasEspeciales Entretenimiento 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Franchise SpecialLicenses The business being sold uses/requires a Franchise license. BUSO Active 343004 343000 LicenciasEspeciales Franquicia 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Gambling SpecialLicenses The business being sold uses/requires a Gambling license. BUSO Active 343005 343000 LicenciasEspeciales Juegos de Azar 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Liquor SpecialLicenses The business being sold uses/requires a Liquor license. BUSO Active 343006 343000 LicenciasEspeciales Licor 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Liquor 5 Years Or Less SpecialLicenses The business being sold uses/requires a Liquor 5 years or less license. BUSO Active 343007 343000 LicenciasEspeciales Licor 5 Años o Menos 20160621T0000 20150917T0000 1.4.0 20160528T1200 Liquor 5 Years Or More SpecialLicenses The business being sold uses/requires a Liquor 5 years or more license. BUSO Active 343008 343000 LicenciasEspeciales Licor 5 Años o Más 20160621T0000 20150917T0000 1.4.0 20160528T1200 Liquor-Off Sale SpecialLicenses The business being sold uses/requires a Liquor-Off Sale license. BUSO Active 343009 343000 LicenciasEspeciales Venta de Licor 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Liquor-On Sale SpecialLicenses The business being sold uses/requires a Liquor-On Sale license. BUSO Active 343010 343000 LicenciasEspeciales Venta de Licor para Consumo Interno 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 None SpecialLicenses The business being sold uses/requires/has no license. BUSO Active 343011 343000 LicenciasEspeciales Ninguna 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Other SpecialLicenses The business being sold uses/requires an other license. BUSO Active 343012 343000 LicenciasEspeciales Otra 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Professional SpecialLicenses The business being sold uses/requires a Professional license. BUSO Active 343013 343000 LicenciasEspeciales Profesional 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Auction SpecialListingConditions The listing is an auction. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 344001 344000 CondicionesEspecialesDeListado Subasta 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Bankruptcy Property SpecialListingConditions The listed property is currently involved in a bankruptcy. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 344010 344000 CondicionesEspecialesDeListado Propiedad en Quiebra 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 HUD Owned SpecialListingConditions The listed property is owned, and being sold, by the US Department of Housing and Urban Development. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 344002 344000 CondicionesEspecialesDeListado Propiedad de HUD 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 In Foreclosure SpecialListingConditions The listed property is currently in the process of foreclosure. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 344003 344000 CondicionesEspecialesDeListado En Ejecución Hipotecaria 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Notice Of Default SpecialListingConditions There is a notice of default on the listed property. NOD RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 344004 344000 CondicionesEspecialesDeListado Notificación de Incumplimiento 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Probate Listing SpecialListingConditions The listed property is a probate sale. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 344005 344000 CondicionesEspecialesDeListado Listado en Validación Testamentaria 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Real Estate Owned SpecialListingConditions The listed property is currently bank/lender owned. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 344006 344000 CondicionesEspecialesDeListado Propiedad de Bienes Raíces 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Short Sale SpecialListingConditions The listing is a short sale (short pay) and may require bank approval. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 344007 344000 CondicionesEspecialesDeListado Venta al Descubierto 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Standard SpecialListingConditions The listing has none of the other conditions in the Special Listing Conditions field. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 344008 344000 CondicionesEspecialesDeListado Estándar 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Third Party Approval SpecialListingConditions A court or other third party approval is required for the sale to finalize. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 344009 344000 CondicionesEspecialesDeListado Aprobación de Terceros 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 Active StandardStatus The listing is on market and an offer has not been accepted. Active Listing RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 301001 301000 EstadoEstándar Activo 20111109T0000 20111109T0000 20111109T0000 Active Under Contract StandardStatus An offer has been accepted but the listing is still on market. Accepting Backup Offers, Backup Offer, Active With Accepted Offer, Backup, Contingent RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 301002 301000 EstadoEstándar Activo Bajo Contrato 20111109T0000 20111109T0000 20111109T0000 Canceled StandardStatus The listing contract has been terminated. Terminated RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 301007 301000 EstadoEstándar Cancelado 20111109T0000 20111109T0000 20111109T0000 Closed StandardStatus The purchase agreement has been fulfilled or the lease agreement has been executed. Sold, Leased, Rented, Closed Sale RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 301005 301000 EstadoEstándar Cerrado 20111109T0000 20111109T0000 20111109T0000 Coming Soon StandardStatus This is a listing that has not yet been on market but will be on market soon. A listing contract has been executed. Some systems may use Hold or Withdrawn for similar purposes. When all three are in use, Hold expresses a listing that may have been on market but is off market temporarily and is expected to return to market. Withdrawn may have been on market but when used in conjunction with Hold, is not expected to return to market. Coming Soon is different from Hold and Withdrawn as the property, under the current listing contract only, has not been previously on market. Delayed Showings RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 301011 301000 EstadoEstándar A Venir 20160621T0000 20150901T0000 1.4.0 20160528T1200 Delete StandardStatus The listing contract was never valid or other reason for the contract to be nullified. Kill, Zap RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 301008 301000 EstadoEstándar Borrar 20140703T0000 20130808T0000 20140703T0000 Expired StandardStatus The listing contract has expired. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 301006 301000 EstadoEstándar Expirado 20111109T0000 20111109T0000 20111109T0000 Hold StandardStatus A contract exists between the seller and the listing member. The listing may be completely off market, not allowing any showings and/or not taking any further offers. For systems that don't use Hold, Withdrawn is a similar status that may be in use. When both Hold and Withdrawn are in use, Withdrawn may be used to indicate a greater certainty that the listing will not come back on market. Hold Do Not Show, Temp Off Market RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 301010 301000 EstadoEstándar Retenido 20181226T0000 20171221T0000 1.4.0 20181226T0000 Incomplete StandardStatus The listing has not yet be completely entered and is not yet published in the MLS. Draft, Partially Completed RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 301009 301000 EstadoEstándar Incompleto 20140703T0000 20130808T0000 20140703T0000 Pending StandardStatus An offer has been accepted and the listing is no longer on market. Offer Accepted, Under Contract RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 301003 301000 EstadoEstándar Pendiente 20111109T0000 20111109T0000 20111109T0000 Withdrawn StandardStatus The listing has been withdrawn from the market, but a contract still exists between the seller and the listing member. For those systems that use both Hold and Withdrawn, Withdrawn may represent an intention not to bring the listing back on the market. When Hold is not used by the system, Withdrawn does not represent any intention of returning to market or not. Temp Off Market RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 301004 301000 EstadoEstándar Retirado 20150721T0000 20150305T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 AB StateOrProvince The Canadian province in which the listing is located is Alberta. Alberta RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 314053 314000 EstadoOProvincia AB 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 AK StateOrProvince The state in which the listing is located is Alaska. Alaska RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 314001 314000 EstadoOProvincia AK 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 AL StateOrProvince The state in which the listing is located is Alabama. Alabama, Ala. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 314002 314000 EstadoOProvincia AL 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 AR StateOrProvince The state in which the listing is located is Arkansas. Arkansas, Ark. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 314003 314000 EstadoOProvincia AR 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 AZ StateOrProvince The state in which the listing is located is Arizona. Arizona, Ariz. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 314004 314000 EstadoOProvincia AZ 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 BC StateOrProvince The Canadian province in which the listing is located is British Columbia. British Columbia RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 314054 314000 EstadoOProvincia BC 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 CA StateOrProvince The state in which the listing is located is California. California, Calif. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 314005 314000 EstadoOProvincia CA 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 CO StateOrProvince The state in which the listing is located is Colorado. Colorado, Colo. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 314006 314000 EstadoOProvincia CO 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 CT StateOrProvince The state in which the listing is located is Connecticut. Connecticut, Conn. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 314007 314000 EstadoOProvincia CT 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 DC StateOrProvince The federal district in which the listing is located is District of Columbia. District of Columbia, D.C., Washington DC RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 314008 314000 EstadoOProvincia DC 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 DE StateOrProvince The state in which the listing is located is Delaware. Delaware, Del. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 314009 314000 EstadoOProvincia DE 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 FL StateOrProvince The state in which the listing is located is Florida. Florida, Fla. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 314010 314000 EstadoOProvincia FL 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 GA StateOrProvince The state in which the listing is located is Georgia. Georgia, Ga. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 314011 314000 EstadoOProvincia GA 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 HI StateOrProvince The state in which the listing is located is Hawaii. Hawaii RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 314012 314000 EstadoOProvincia HI 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 IA StateOrProvince The state in which the listing is located is Iowa. Iowa RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 314013 314000 EstadoOProvincia IA 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 ID StateOrProvince The state in which the listing is located is Idaho. Idaho RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 314014 314000 EstadoOProvincia ID 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 IL StateOrProvince The state in which the listing is located is Illinois. Illinois, Ill. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 314015 314000 EstadoOProvincia IL 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 IN StateOrProvince The state in which the listing is located is Indiana. Indiana, Ind. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 314016 314000 EstadoOProvincia IN 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 KS StateOrProvince The state in which the listing is located is Kansas. Kansas, Kans. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 314017 314000 EstadoOProvincia KS 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 KY StateOrProvince The state in which the listing is located is Kentucky. Kentucky, Ky. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 314018 314000 EstadoOProvincia KY 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 LA StateOrProvince The state in which the listing is located is Louisiana. Louisiana, La. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 314019 314000 EstadoOProvincia LA 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 MA StateOrProvince The state in which the listing is located is Massachusetts. Massachusetts, Mass. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 314020 314000 EstadoOProvincia MA 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 MB StateOrProvince The Canadian province in which the listing is located is Manitoba. Manitoba RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 314055 314000 EstadoOProvincia MB 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 MD StateOrProvince The state in which the listing is located is Maryland. Maryland, Md. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 314021 314000 EstadoOProvincia MD 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 ME StateOrProvince The state in which the listing is located is Maine. Maine RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 314022 314000 EstadoOProvincia ME 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 MI StateOrProvince The state in which the listing is located is Michigan. Michigan, Mich. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 314023 314000 EstadoOProvincia MI 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 MN StateOrProvince The state in which the listing is located is Minnesota. Minnesota, Minn. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 314024 314000 EstadoOProvincia MN 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 MO StateOrProvince The state in which the listing is located is Missouri. Missouri, Mo. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 314025 314000 EstadoOProvincia MO 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 MS StateOrProvince The state in which the listing is located is Mississippi. Mississippi, Miss. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 314026 314000 EstadoOProvincia MS 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 MT StateOrProvince The state in which the listing is located is Montana. Montana, Mont. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 314027 314000 EstadoOProvincia MT 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 NB StateOrProvince The Canadian province in which the listing is located is New Brunswick. New Brunswick RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 314056 314000 EstadoOProvincia NB 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 NC StateOrProvince The state in which the listing is located is North Carolina. North Carolina, N.C. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 314028 314000 EstadoOProvincia NC 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 ND StateOrProvince The state in which the listing is located is North Dakota. North Dakota, N.&#xa0;Dak. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 314029 314000 EstadoOProvincia ND 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 NE StateOrProvince The state in which the listing is located is Nebraska. Nebraska, Nebr. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 314030 314000 EstadoOProvincia NE 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 NF StateOrProvince The Canadian province in which the listing is located is Newfoundland and Labrador. Newfoundland and Labrador RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 314057 314000 EstadoOProvincia NF 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 NH StateOrProvince The state in which the listing is located is New Hampshire. New Hampshire, N.H. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 314031 314000 EstadoOProvincia NH 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 NJ StateOrProvince The state in which the listing is located is New Jersey. New Jersey, N.J. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 314032 314000 EstadoOProvincia NJ 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 NM StateOrProvince The state in which the listing is located is New Mexico. New Mexico, N.&#xa0;Mex. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 314033 314000 EstadoOProvincia NM 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 NS StateOrProvince The Canadian province in which the listing is located is Nova Scotia. Nova Scotia RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 314058 314000 EstadoOProvincia NS 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 NT StateOrProvince The Canadian territory in which the listing is located is Northwest Territories. Northwest Territories RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 314059 314000 EstadoOProvincia NT 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 NU StateOrProvince The Canadian territory in which the listing is located is Nunavut. Nunavut RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 314060 314000 EstadoOProvincia NU 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 NV StateOrProvince The state in which the listing is located is Nevada. Nevada, Nev. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 314034 314000 EstadoOProvincia NV 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 NY StateOrProvince The state in which the listing is located is New York. New York, N.Y. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 314035 314000 EstadoOProvincia NY 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 OH StateOrProvince The state in which the listing is located is Ohio. Ohio, Ohio RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 314036 314000 EstadoOProvincia OH 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 OK StateOrProvince The state in which the listing is located is Oklahoma. Oklahoma, Okla. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 314037 314000 EstadoOProvincia OK 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 ON StateOrProvince The Canadian province in which the listing is located is Ontario. Ontario RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 314061 314000 EstadoOProvincia ON 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 OR StateOrProvince The state in which the listing is located is Oregon. Oregon, Oreg. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 314038 314000 EstadoOProvincia OR 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 PA StateOrProvince The state in which the listing is located is Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania, Pa. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 314039 314000 EstadoOProvincia PA 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 PE StateOrProvince The Canadian province in which the listing is located is Prince Edward Island. Prince Edward Island RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 314062 314000 EstadoOProvincia PE 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 QC StateOrProvince The Canadian province in which the listing is located is Quebec. Quebec RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 314063 314000 EstadoOProvincia QC 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 RI StateOrProvince The state in which the listing is located is Rhode Island. Rhode Island, R.I. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 314040 314000 EstadoOProvincia RI 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 SC StateOrProvince The state in which the listing is located is South Carolina. South Carolina, S.C. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 314041 314000 EstadoOProvincia SC 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 SD StateOrProvince The state in which the listing is located is South Dakota. South Dakota, S.&#xa0;Dak. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 314042 314000 EstadoOProvincia SD 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 SK StateOrProvince The Canadian province in which the listing is located is Saskatchewan. Saskatchewan RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 314064 314000 EstadoOProvincia SK 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 TN StateOrProvince The state in which the listing is located is Tennessee. Tennessee, Tenn. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 314043 314000 EstadoOProvincia TN 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 TX StateOrProvince The state in which the listing is located is Texas. Texas, Tex. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 314044 314000 EstadoOProvincia TX 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 UT StateOrProvince The state in which the listing is located is Utah. Utah, Utah RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 314045 314000 EstadoOProvincia UT 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 VA StateOrProvince The state in which the listing is located is Virginia. Virginia, Va. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 314046 314000 EstadoOProvincia VA 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 VI StateOrProvince The territory in which the listing is located is Virgin Islands. Virgin Islands RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 314047 314000 EstadoOProvincia VI 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 VT StateOrProvince The state in which the listing is located is Vermont. Vermont, Vt. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 314048 314000 EstadoOProvincia VT 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 WA StateOrProvince The state in which the listing is located is Washington. Washington, Wash. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 314049 314000 EstadoOProvincia WA 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 WI StateOrProvince The state in which the listing is located is Wisconsin. Wisconsin, Wis. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 314050 314000 EstadoOProvincia WI 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 WV StateOrProvince The state in which the listing is located is West Virginia. West Virginia, W.&#xa0;Va. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 314051 314000 EstadoOProvincia WV 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 WY StateOrProvince The state in which the listing is located is Wyoming. Wyoming, Wyo. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 314052 314000 EstadoOProvincia WY 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 YT StateOrProvince The Canadian territory in which the listing is located is Yukon. Yukon RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 314065 314000 EstadoOProvincia YT 20150721T0000 20150122T0000 1.4.0 20150721T0000 E StreetDirection The street suffix or prefix direction is East. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 372001 372000 DirecciónDeCalle E 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 N StreetDirection The street suffix or prefix direction is North. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 372002 372000 DirecciónDeCalle N 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 NE StreetDirection The street suffix or prefix direction is North East. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 372003 372000 DirecciónDeCalle NE 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 NW StreetDirection The street suffix or prefix direction is North West. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 372004 372000 DirecciónDeCalle NO 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 S StreetDirection The street suffix or prefix direction is South. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 372005 372000 DirecciónDeCalle S 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 SE StreetDirection The street suffix or prefix direction is South East. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 372006 372000 DirecciónDeCalle SE 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 SW StreetDirection The street suffix or prefix direction is South West. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 372007 372000 DirecciónDeCalle SO 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 W StreetDirection The street suffix or prefix direction is West. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 372008 372000 DirecciónDeCalle O 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Cabin StructureType A single family residence that may have limited utilities and rooms. RESI RLSE Active 438009 438000 TipoDeEstructura Cabaña 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Dock StructureType A floating or pillar supported structure over water used to park water craft. RESI RLSE LAND Active 438010 438000 TipoDeEstructura Embarcadero 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Duplex StructureType A multi family structure with two independent units sharing a common roof. Twin, Two Units, Side by Side, Side x Side, Duplex SxS, Duplex UxD RESI RLSE RINC Active 438004 438000 TipoDeEstructura Dúplex 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Flex StructureType A commercial property that is designed to be used in different ways. e.g. Office, Retail or Warehouse. COMS COML Active 438016 438000 TipoDeEstructura Flex 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Hotel/Motel StructureType A commercial structure designed to be a hotel or motel. COMS COML Active 438013 438000 TipoDeEstructura Hotel/Motel 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 House StructureType A single family residence on real property either attached or detached from another structure. A house may be modular (aka prefabricated), but not a manufactured home with serial/license number. SFR, Single Family Residence, Home RESI RLSE RINC Active 438001 438000 TipoDeEstructura Casa 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Industrial StructureType A commercial structure designed for industrial use. COMS COML Active 438011 438000 TipoDeEstructura Industrial 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Manufactured House StructureType A factory built house that is transported to the lot. A manufactured home will have a serial/license number, where prefabricated (modular) homes are classified with stick built as "House" in this list. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI Active 438003 438000 TipoDeEstructura Casa Manufacturada 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Mixed Use StructureType The property is designed be used in more than one way. This is typically a combination of residential and commercial space. e.g. a dwelling over a retail space. RESI RLSE RINC COMS COML Active 438008 438000 TipoDeEstructura Uso Mixto 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Multi Family StructureType A structure or complex with 5 or more units that are individual dwellings. RESI RLSE RINC COMS COML Active 438007 438000 TipoDeEstructura Multifamiliar 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 None StructureType The property has no structure. COMS COML LAND Active 438017 438000 TipoDeEstructura Ninguna 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Office StructureType A commercial structure designed to be used as office space. COMS COML Active 438014 438000 TipoDeEstructura Oficina 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Quadruplex StructureType A multi family structure with four independent units sharing a common roof. Fourplex, Four Units RESI RLSE RINC Active 438006 438000 TipoDeEstructura Cuádruplex 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Retail StructureType A commercial structure designed to be used for retail space. COMS COML Active 438015 438000 TipoDeEstructura Venta a Detalle 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Townhouse StructureType A dwelling unit, generally having two or more floors and attached to other similar units via party walls. Townhome, Row House, Terrace, Terraced, Row Home, Brownstone, Condo/Townhouse, Condominium/Townhouse RESI RLSE RINC Active 438002 438000 TipoDeEstructura Casa Urbana 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Triplex StructureType A multi family structure with three independent units sharing a common roof. Three Units RESI RLSE RINC Active 438005 438000 TipoDeEstructura Triple 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Warehouse StructureType A commercial structure designed for warehousing. COMS COML Active 438012 438000 TipoDeEstructura Bodega 20170809T0000 20170502T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Homes.com SyndicateTo The Broker, or Member if permitted by the Broker, is allowing their listings to be sent to Homes.com. Member Office RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 417001 417000 RedifundirA Homes.com 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 ListHub SyndicateTo The Broker, or Member if permitted by the Broker, is allowing their listings to be sent to ListHub.com. Member Office RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 417002 417000 RedifundirA ListHub 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Realtor.com SyndicateTo The Broker, or Member if permitted by the Broker, is allowing their listings to be sent to Realtor.com. Member Office RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 417003 417000 RedifundirA Realtor.com 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Zillow/Trulia SyndicateTo The Broker, or Member if permitted by the Broker, is allowing their listings to be sent to Zillow and Trulia. Member Office RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 417004 417000 RedifundirA Zillow/Trulia 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Personal TaxStatusCurrent The tax is based on personal property. MOBI Active 418001 418000 EstadoActualDeImpuestos Personal 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Personal And Real TaxStatusCurrent The tax is based on both personal and real property. MOBI Active 418002 418000 EstadoActualDeImpuestos Personales y Raíces 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Real TaxStatusCurrent The tax is based on real property. MOBI Active 418003 418000 EstadoActualDeImpuestos Raíces 20170806T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170806T0000 Administration Assistant TeamMemberType The member of a team who assists with administrative tasks. TeamMembers Resource Active 474008 474000 20181226T0000 20181009T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Buyer Agent TeamMemberType A member of the real estate team. TeamMembers Resource Active 474003 474000 20181226T0000 20181009T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Lead Manager TeamMemberType The member of the team who is the lead manager. TeamMembers Resource Active 474010 474000 20181226T0000 20181009T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Listing Agent TeamMemberType The member of a team who lists properties. TeamMembers Resource Active 474005 474000 20181226T0000 20181009T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Marketing Assistant TeamMemberType The member of a team who assists with marketing. TeamMembers Resource Active 474007 474000 20181226T0000 20181009T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Operations Manager TeamMemberType The member of the team who manages operations. TeamMembers Resource Active 474009 474000 20181226T0000 20181009T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Buyer Agent TeamMemberType The member of a team who handles showing events. TeamMembers Resource Active 474004 474000 20181226T0000 20181009T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Team Lead TeamMemberType The leading member of a team. TeamMembers Resource Active 474001 474000 20181226T0000 20181009T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Team Member TeamMemberType A member of the real estate team. TeamMembers Resource Active 474002 474000 20181226T0000 20181009T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Transaction Coordinator TeamMemberType The member of a team who handles transaction details. TeamMembers Resource Active 474006 474000 20181226T0000 20181009T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Active TeamStatus The team is active. Teams Active 387001 387000 EstadoDeEquipo Activo 20170809T0000 20160822T0000 1.5.0 20170809T0000 Inactive TeamStatus The team is not active. Teams Active 387002 387000 EstadoDeEquipo Inactivo 20170809T0000 20160822T0000 1.5.0 20170809T0000 All Utilities TenantPays The tenant pays for all utilities. RLSE RINC COMS COML Active 374001 374000 ArrendatarioPaga Todos los Servicios Públicos 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Association Fees TenantPays The tenant pays for association fees. RLSE RINC COMS COML Active 374002 374000 ArrendatarioPaga Tarifas de Asociación 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Cable TV TenantPays The tenant pays for cable TV. RLSE RINC COMS COML Active 374003 374000 ArrendatarioPaga TV por Cable 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Common Area Maintenance TenantPays The tenant pays for common area maintenance. RLSE RINC COMS COML Active 374004 374000 ArrendatarioPaga Mantenimiento de Áreas Comunes 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Electricity TenantPays The tenant pays for electricity. RLSE RINC COMS COML Active 374005 374000 ArrendatarioPaga Electricidad 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Exterior Maintenance TenantPays The tenant pays for exterior maintenance. RLSE RINC COMS COML Active 374006 374000 ArrendatarioPaga Mantenimiento Exterior 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Gas TenantPays The tenant pays for gas. RLSE RINC COMS COML Active 374007 374000 ArrendatarioPaga Gas 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Grounds Care TenantPays The tenant pays for grounds care. RLSE RINC COMS COML Active 374008 374000 ArrendatarioPaga Cuidado de Jardines 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Hot Water TenantPays The tenant pays for hot water. RLSE RINC COMS COML Active 374009 374000 ArrendatarioPaga Agua Caliente 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 HVAC Maintenance TenantPays The tenant pays for HVAC maintenance. RLSE RINC COMS COML Active 374010 374000 ArrendatarioPaga Mantenimiento de HVAC 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Insurance TenantPays The tenant pays for insurance. RLSE RINC COMS COML Active 374011 374000 ArrendatarioPaga Seguro 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Janitorial Service TenantPays The tenant pays for janitorial service. RLSE RINC COMS COML Active 374012 374000 ArrendatarioPaga Servicio de Conserjería 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Management TenantPays The tenant pays for management. RLSE RINC COMS COML Active 374013 374000 ArrendatarioPaga Administración 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 None TenantPays The tenant pays for no other utilities, services, etc. RLSE RINC COMS COML Active 374014 374000 ArrendatarioPaga Ninguno 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Other TenantPays The tenant pays for items other than those in this list. RLSE RINC COMS COML Active 374015 374000 ArrendatarioPaga Otro 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Other Tax TenantPays The tenant pays for other taxes. RLSE RINC COMS COML Active 374016 374000 ArrendatarioPaga Otros Impuestos 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Parking Fee TenantPays The tenant pays for parking fees. RLSE RINC COMS COML Active 374017 374000 ArrendatarioPaga Tarifa de Estacionamiento 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Pest Control TenantPays The tenant pays for pest control. RLSE RINC COMS COML Active 374018 374000 ArrendatarioPaga Control de Pestes 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Pool Maintenance TenantPays The tenant pays for pool maintenance. RLSE RINC COMS COML Active 374019 374000 ArrendatarioPaga Mantenimiento de Piscina 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Repairs TenantPays The tenant pays for repairs. RLSE RINC COMS COML Active 374020 374000 ArrendatarioPaga Reparaciones 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Roof TenantPays The tenant pays for roof maintenance. RLSE RINC COMS COML Active 374021 374000 ArrendatarioPaga Tejado 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Security TenantPays The tenant pays for security. RLSE RINC COMS COML Active 374022 374000 ArrendatarioPaga Seguridad 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 See Remarks TenantPays See the listing's remarks for details on what they tenant pays for. RLSE RINC COMS COML Active 374023 374000 ArrendatarioPaga Ver Observaciones 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Sewer TenantPays The tenant pays for sewer. RLSE RINC COMS COML Active 374024 374000 ArrendatarioPaga Alcantarillado 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Snow Removal TenantPays The tenant pays for snow removal. RLSE RINC COMS COML Active 374025 374000 ArrendatarioPaga Remoción de Nieve 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Taxes TenantPays The tenant pays for taxes. RLSE RINC COMS COML Active 374026 374000 ArrendatarioPaga Impuestos 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Telephone TenantPays The tenant pays for telephone. RLSE RINC COMS COML Active 374027 374000 ArrendatarioPaga Teléfono 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Trash Collection TenantPays The tenant pays for trash collection. RLSE RINC COMS COML Active 374028 374000 ArrendatarioPaga Recolección de Basura 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Water TenantPays The tenant pays for water. RLSE RINC COMS COML Active 374029 374000 ArrendatarioPaga Agua 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 1 Bedroom UnitTypeType The type of unit is a 1 bedroom. RINC COMS COML Active 419001 419000 TipoDeUnidad 1 Habitación 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 2 Bedroom UnitTypeType The type of unit is a 2 bedroom. RINC COMS COML Active 419002 419000 TipoDeUnidad 2 Habitaciones 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 3 Bedroom UnitTypeType The type of unit is a 3 bedroom. RINC COMS COML Active 419003 419000 TipoDeUnidad 3 Habitaciones 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 4 Bedroom Or More UnitTypeType The type of unit is a 4 or more bedroom. RINC COMS COML Active 419004 419000 TipoDeUnidad 4 Habitaciones o Más 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Apartments UnitTypeType The type of unit is apartments. RINC COMS COML Active 419005 419000 TipoDeUnidad Apartamentos 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Efficiency UnitTypeType The type of unit is an efficiency. RINC COMS COML Active 419006 419000 TipoDeUnidad Eficiencia 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Loft UnitTypeType The type of unit is a loft. RINC COMS COML Active 419007 419000 TipoDeUnidad Loft 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Manager's Unit UnitTypeType The type of unit is a manager's unit. RINC COMS COML Active 419008 419000 TipoDeUnidad Unidad de Administrador 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Penthouse UnitTypeType The type of unit is a penthouse. RINC COMS COML Active 419009 419000 TipoDeUnidad Penthouse 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Studio UnitTypeType The type of unit is a studio. RINC COMS COML Active 419010 419000 TipoDeUnidad Estudio 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Furnished UnitType[type]Furnished The given type of unit comes furnished. RINC COMS COML Active 420001 420000 TipoDeUnidad[tipo]Amueblado Amueblado 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Partially UnitType[type]Furnished The given type of unit comes partially furnished. RINC COMS COML Active 420002 420000 TipoDeUnidad[tipo]Amueblado Parcialmente 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Unfurnished UnitType[type]Furnished The given type of unit comes unfurnished. RINC COMS COML Active 420003 420000 TipoDeUnidad[tipo]Amueblado Sin Amueblar 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 All Units UnitsFurnished All of the units in the listed income property are furnished. RINC Active 421001 421000 UnidadesAmuebladas Todas las Unidades 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 None UnitsFurnished None of the units in the listed income property are furnished. RINC Active 421002 421000 UnidadesAmuebladas Ninguno 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Varies By Unit UnitsFurnished Some of the units in the listing income property are furnished. RINC Active 421003 421000 UnidadesAmuebladas Varía por Unidad 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Cable Available Utilities The property has cable available but is not connected. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 375001 375000 ServiciosPúblicos Cable Disponible 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Cable Connected Utilities Cable service is physically connected, but not necessarily paid. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 375002 375000 ServiciosPúblicos Cable Conectado 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Cable Not Available Utilities Cable is not available in the area of the property. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 375003 375000 ServiciosPúblicos Cable No Disponible 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Electricity Available Utilities Electricity is available from the public utility but not connected. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 375004 375000 ServiciosPúblicos Electricidad Disponible 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Electricity Connected Utilities Electricity from the public utility is available and connected, but not necessarily paid. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 375005 375000 ServiciosPúblicos Electricidad Conectada 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Electricity Not Available Utilities Electricity from the public utility is not available. An independent source of electricity is the only option. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 375006 375000 ServiciosPúblicos Electricidad No Disponible 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Natural Gas Available Utilities Natural gas is available from the public utility but not connected. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 375007 375000 ServiciosPúblicos Gas Natural Disponible 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Natural Gas Connected Utilities Natural gas from the public utility is available and connected, but not necessarily paid. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 375008 375000 ServiciosPúblicos Gas Natural Conectado 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Natural Gas Not Available Utilities Natural gas from the public utility is not available. An independent source of gas is the only option. i.e. propane. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 375009 375000 ServiciosPúblicos Gas Natural No Disponible 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 None Utilities There are no public utilities currently available or connected. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 375010 375000 ServiciosPúblicos Ninguno 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Other Utilities There are utilities other than those listed. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 375011 375000 ServiciosPúblicos Otro 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Phone Available Utilities The property has telephone service available but is not connected. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 375012 375000 ServiciosPúblicos Teléfono Disponible 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Phone Connected Utilities Telephone service is physically connected, but not necessarily paid. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 375013 375000 ServiciosPúblicos Conectado a Teléfono 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Phone Not Available Utilities Telephone service is not available in the area of the property. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 375014 375000 ServiciosPúblicos Teléfono no Disponible 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Propane Utilities The property has a propane system. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 375015 375000 ServiciosPúblicos Propano 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 See Remarks Utilities See remarks for details about the public or other utilities available/installed at the property. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 375016 375000 ServiciosPúblicos Ver Observaciones 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Sewer Available Utilities Sewer service is available from the public utility but not connected. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 375017 375000 ServiciosPúblicos Alcantarillado Disponible 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Sewer Connected Utilities Sewer service from the public utility is available and connected, but not necessarily paid. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 375018 375000 ServiciosPúblicos Alcantarillado Conectado 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Sewer Not Available Utilities Sewer service from the public utility is not available. An independent alternative to sewer is the only option. i.e. septic. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 375019 375000 ServiciosPúblicos Alcantarillado no Disponible 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Underground Utilities Utilities All or some of the utilities are run underground. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 375020 375000 ServiciosPúblicos Servicios Públicos Bajo Tierra 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Water Available Utilities Water service is available from the public utility but not connected. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 375021 375000 ServiciosPúblicos Agua Disponible 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Water Connected Utilities Water service from the public utility is available and connected, but not necessarily paid. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 375022 375000 ServiciosPúblicos Agua Conectada 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Water Not Available Utilities Water service from the public utility is not available. An independent source for water is the only option. i.e. well. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 375023 375000 ServiciosPúblicos Agua No Disponible 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Brush Vegetation The lot has brush. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 422001 422000 Vegetación Eliminar 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Cleared Vegetation The lot has been cleared. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 422002 422000 Vegetación Limpia 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Crop(s) Vegetation There are crops on the lot. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 422003 422000 Vegetación Cultivo(s) 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Grassed Vegetation The lot is grassed. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 422004 422000 Vegetación Con Césped 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Heavily Wooded Vegetation The lot is heavily wooded. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 422005 422000 Vegetación Muy Boscoso 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Natural State Vegetation The lot is in its natural state. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 422006 422000 Vegetación Estado Natural 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Other Vegetation There are other types of vegetation on the lot than those in this list. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 422008 422000 Vegetación Otra 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Partially Wooded Vegetation The lot is partially wooded. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 422009 422000 Vegetación Parcialmente Boscoso 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 See Remarks Vegetation See the Public or Private Remarks for details about the vegetation found on the lot. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 422011 422000 Vegetación Ver Observaciones 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Wooded Vegetation The lot is wooded. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 422012 422000 Vegetación Boscoso 20170809T0000 20161207T0000 1.6.0 20170809T0000 Bay View The property has a bay view. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 466001 466000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Beach View The property has a beach view. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 466002 466000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Bridge(s) View The property has a bridge(s) view. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 466003 466000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Canal View The property has a canal view. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 466004 466000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Canyon View The property has a canyon view. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 466005 466000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 City View The property has a city view. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 466006 466000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 City Lights View The property has a view of the city lights. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 466007 466000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Creek/Stream View The property has a creek/stream view. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 466008 466000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Desert View The property has a desert view. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 466009 466000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Downtown View The property has a downtown view. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 466010 466000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Forest View The property has a forest view. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 466011 466000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Garden View The property has a garden view. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 466012 466000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Golf Course View The property has a view of the golf course. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 466013 466000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Hills View The property has a view of the hills. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 466014 466000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Lake View The property has a lake view. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 466015 466000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Marina View The property has a marina view. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 466016 466000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Meadow View The property has a view of the meadow. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 466017 466000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Mountain(s) View The property has a mountain view. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 466018 466000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Neighborhood View The property has a view of the neighborhood. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 466019 466000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 None View The property has no view. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 466020 466000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Ocean View The property has an ocean view. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 466021 466000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Orchard View The property has a view of the orchard(s). RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 466022 466000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Other View The property has a view other than those in this list. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 466023 466000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Panoramic View The property has a panoramic view. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 466024 466000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Park/Greenbelt View The property has a park/greenbelt view. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 466025 466000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Pasture View The property has a view of the pasture. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 466026 466000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Pond View The property has a view of a pond. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 466027 466000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Pool View The property has a view of the pool. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 466028 466000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Ridge View The property has a view of the ridge. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 466029 466000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 River View The property has a river view. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 466030 466000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Rural View The property has a rural view. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 466031 466000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 See Remarks View See the remarks fields for more information about the view from the property. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 466032 466000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Skyline View The property has a view of the skyline. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 466033 466000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Territorial View The property has a view of the surrounding area. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 466034 466000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Trees/Woods View The property has a view of the trees or woods. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 466035 466000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Valley View The property has a view of the valley. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 466036 466000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Vineyard View The property has a view of the vineyard(s). RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 466037 466000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Water View The property has a water view. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM Active 466038 466000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Cistern WaterSource The property's source of water has/includes a cistern. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 376001 376000 FuenteDeAgua Cisterna 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 None WaterSource The property has no current source of water. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 376002 376000 FuenteDeAgua Ninguna 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Other WaterSource The property has a source of water other than those listed. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 376003 376000 FuenteDeAgua Otra 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Private WaterSource The property's source of water is private. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 376004 376000 FuenteDeAgua Privado 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Public WaterSource The property's source of water is public. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 376005 376000 FuenteDeAgua Público 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 See Remarks WaterSource See the listing's remarks for details on the property's water source. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 376006 376000 FuenteDeAgua Ver Observaciones 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Shared Well WaterSource The property's source of water has/includes a shared well. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 376007 376000 FuenteDeAgua Pozo Compartido 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Spring WaterSource The property's source of water has/includes a spring. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 376008 376000 FuenteDeAgua Manantial 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Well WaterSource The property's source of water has/includes a well. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML Active 376009 376000 FuenteDeAgua Pozo 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Beach Access WaterfrontFeatures The property has access to the beach. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 467001 467000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Beach Front WaterfrontFeatures The property is on the beach front. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 467002 467000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Canal Access WaterfrontFeatures The property has access to the canal(s). RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 467003 467000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Canal Front WaterfrontFeatures The property is located on the canal. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 467004 467000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Creek WaterfrontFeatures The property is either on or near a creek. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 467005 467000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Lagoon WaterfrontFeatures The property is either on or near a lagoon. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 467006 467000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Lake WaterfrontFeatures The property is either on or near a lake. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 467007 467000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Lake Front WaterfrontFeatures The property is on the lake front. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 467008 467000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Lake Privileges WaterfrontFeatures The property includes rights to access the lake. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 467009 467000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Navigable Water WaterfrontFeatures The water wide, slow and deep enough for water vessels. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 467010 467000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Ocean Access WaterfrontFeatures The property has access to the ocean. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 467011 467000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Ocean Front WaterfrontFeatures The property is on the ocean front. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 467012 467000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Pond WaterfrontFeatures The property is on or near a pond. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 467013 467000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 River Access WaterfrontFeatures The property has access to the river. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 467014 467000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 River Front WaterfrontFeatures The property is located on the river front. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 467015 467000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Seawall WaterfrontFeatures The property is protected by a sea wall or barrier. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 467016 467000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Stream WaterfrontFeatures The property is on our near a stream. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 467017 467000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Waterfront WaterfrontFeatures The property is located on the waterfront. RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO Active 467018 467000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Aluminum Frames WindowFeatures The windows have aluminum frames. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 468001 468000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Bay Window(s) WindowFeatures The property has one or more bay windows. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 468002 468000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Blinds WindowFeatures The property has window blinds. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 468003 468000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Display Window(s) WindowFeatures The property has one or more windows that would normally be used to display goods or products. Shop Window, Store Window RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 468004 468000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Double Pane Windows WindowFeatures The property has windows with two panes of glass. Dual Pane Windows RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 468005 468000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Drapes WindowFeatures The property has drapes. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 468006 468000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 ENERGY STAR Qualified Windows WindowFeatures The property has ENERGY STAR Qualified windows. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 468007 468000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Garden Window(s) WindowFeatures The property has one or more garden windows. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 468008 468000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Insulated Windows WindowFeatures The property has insulated windows. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 468009 468000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Low Emissivity Windows WindowFeatures The property has low emissivity windows. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 468010 468000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Plantation Shutters WindowFeatures The property has plantation shutters. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 468011 468000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Screens WindowFeatures The property has screens. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 468012 468000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Shutters WindowFeatures The property has shutters. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 468013 468000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Skylight(s) WindowFeatures The property has skylight(s). RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 468014 468000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Solar Screens WindowFeatures The property has solar screens. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 468015 468000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Storm Window(s) WindowFeatures The property has storm window(s). RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 468016 468000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Tinted Windows WindowFeatures The property has tinted windows. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 468017 468000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Triple Pane Windows WindowFeatures The property has triple pane windows. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 468018 468000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Window Coverings WindowFeatures The property has window coverings. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 468019 468000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Window Treatments WindowFeatures The property has window treatments. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 468020 468000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Wood Frames WindowFeatures The property has wood framed windows. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 468021 468000 20181226T0000 20180421T0000 1.7.0 20181226T0000 Appraiser YearBuiltSource An appraiser provided the year built. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 377001 377000 AñoDeConstrucción Tasador 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Assessor YearBuiltSource The assessor provided the year built. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 377002 377000 AñoDeConstrucción Asesor 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Builder YearBuiltSource The builder provided the year built. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 377003 377000 AñoDeConstrucción Constructor 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Estimated YearBuiltSource The year built is an estimate. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 377004 377000 AñoDeConstrucción Estimado 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Other YearBuiltSource The year built was provided by another party not listed. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 377005 377000 AñoDeConstrucción Otro 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Owner YearBuiltSource The owner provided the year built. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 377006 377000 AñoDeConstrucción Propietario 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 Public Records YearBuiltSource The year built was received from public records. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 377007 377000 AñoDeConstrucción Registros Públicos 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 See Remarks YearBuiltSource See remarks for information about the source of the lot size measurement. RESI RLSE RINC MOBI FARM Active 377008 377000 AñoDeConstrucción Ver Observaciones 20160621T0000 20151209T0000 1.5.0 20160528T1200 ApprovalStatus When an MLS has the ability to set a listing to Draft and/or has facility to allow an agent to input, but their manager to approve the listings before publishing, this field is used for such control. Property Resource Listing Group String List, Single 25 Deprecated Silver 100777 Open <insufficient input to enumerate. Reviewing possible deprecation.> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM COMS COML BUSO 20170117T0000 20120420T0000 1.6.0 20170117T0000 Gas A list of gas-service related features of the property (e.g. Natural Gas, Private LP Tank, None). Note: the previous "Gas" field was renamed to DistanceToGasComments Property Resource Utilities Group String List, Multi 1024 Deprecated Bronze 100862 Open <insufficient input to enumerate. Reviewing possible deprecation.> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM IDX 20170117T0000 20151018T0000 1.6.0 20170117T0000 Gender The contact's gender. Contacts Resource String List, Single 6 Deprecated Silver 150079 Open <recommended for removal by enumerating committee. Pending regular DD committee approval.> <n/a> No 20170117T0000 20170117T0000 1.6.0 20170117T0000 Group A placeholder for media classification such as elevation, exterior, interior, community, view, plan, plat. The purpose is to allow media items to be grouped. Media Resource String List, Single 50 Deprecated Bronze 130017 Open <insufficient input to enumerate. Reviewing possible deprecation.> <n/a> No 20170120T0000 20121212T0000 1.6.0 20170120T0000 Groups Also knows as Tags, Categories, Circles, Contacts Resource String List, Multi 150 Tags, Groups, Categories, Types Deprecated Silver 150081 Open <insufficient input to enumerate. Reviewing possible deprecation.> <n/a> No 20170120T0000 20130521T0000 1.6.0 20170120T0000 TaxExemptions A list of tax exemptions as they relate to the property. Property Resource Tax Group String List, Multi 1024 Deprecated Tax Exemptions = [value] Silver 100751 Open <insufficient input to enumerate. Reviewing possible deprecation.> <n/a> No RESI RINC LAND MOBI FARM 20170117T0000 20111201T0000 1.6.0 20170117T0000 Telephone A list of telephone-service related features of the property (e.g. Installed, Public, Available). Note: the previous "Telephone" field was renamed to DistanceToPhoneServiceComments Property Resource Utilities Group String List, Multi 1024 Deprecated Bronze 100863 Open <insufficient input to enumerate. Reviewing possible deprecation.> <n/a> No RESI RLSE RINC LAND MOBI FARM 20170117T0000 20141018T0900 1.6.0 20170117T0000 Furnished Or Unfurnished Furnished The property may be furnished or left unfurnished at the lessor's request. RLSE Deprecated 361004 361000 Amueblado Amueblado o Sin Amueblar 20180822T0000 20160823T0000 1.7.0 1.6 20180822T0000