# coding: utf-8 require 'spec_helper' describe Launchy::Detect::Runner do before do Launchy.reset_global_options @test_url = "http://example.com/?foo=bar&baz=wibble" end after do Launchy.reset_global_options end it "raises an error when there is an unknown host os" do Launchy.host_os = "foo" lambda{ Launchy::Detect::Runner.detect }.must_raise Launchy::Detect::HostOsFamily::NotFoundError end it "raises an error when there is an unknown ruby engine" do Launchy.ruby_engine = "wibble" lambda{ Launchy::Detect::Runner.detect }.must_raise Launchy::Detect::RubyEngine::NotFoundError end it "raises and error when there is no command found" do runner = Launchy::Detect::Runner.detect lambda{ runner.run( nil, *%w[ arg1 arg2 arg 3] ) }.must_raise Launchy::CommandNotFoundError end # On anything that has fork, use Forkable %w[ linux darwin cygwin ].each do |host_os| %w[ ruby rbx macruby ].each do |engine_name| it "engine '#{engine_name}' on OS '#{host_os}' uses runner Forkable" do Launchy.host_os = host_os Launchy.ruby_engine = engine_name engine = Launchy::Detect::Runner.detect engine.must_be_instance_of Launchy::Detect::Runner::Forkable end end end # Jruby always uses the Jruby runner except on Windows { 'mingw' => Launchy::Detect::Runner::Windows, 'linux' => Launchy::Detect::Runner::Jruby, 'darwin' => Launchy::Detect::Runner::Jruby, 'cygwin' => Launchy::Detect::Runner::Jruby, }.each_pair do |host_os, runner| it "engine 'jruby' on OS '#{host_os}' uses runner #{runner.name}" do Launchy.host_os = host_os Launchy.ruby_engine = 'jruby' engine = Launchy::Detect::Runner.detect engine.must_be_instance_of runner end end # If you are on windows, no matter what engine, you use the windows runner %w[ ruby rbx jruby macruby ].each do |engine_name| it "uses a Windows runner when the engine is '#{engine_name}'" do Launchy.host_os = "mingw" Launchy.ruby_engine = engine_name e = Launchy::Detect::Runner.detect e.must_be_instance_of Launchy::Detect::Runner::Windows end end it "Windows launches use the 'cmd' command" do win = Launchy::Detect::Runner::Windows.new cmd = win.dry_run( "not-really", [ "http://example.com" ] ) cmd.must_equal 'cmd /c not-really http://example.com' end %w[ & | ( ) < > ^ ].each do |reserved_char| it "Windows escapes '#{reserved_char}' in urls" do win = Launchy::Detect::Runner::Windows.new parts = [ 'http://example.com/?foo=bar', 'baz=wibble' ] url = parts.join( reserved_char ) output_url = parts.join( "^#{reserved_char}" ) win.all_args( "not-really", [ url ] ).must_equal [ 'cmd', '/c', 'not-really', output_url ] cmd = win.dry_run( "not-really", [ url ] ) cmd.must_equal "cmd /c not-really #{output_url}" end end it "Jruby doesnot escapes '&' in urls" do jruby = Launchy::Detect::Runner::Jruby.new cmd = jruby.dry_run( "not-really", [ @test_url ]) cmd.must_equal 'not-really http://example.com/?foo=bar&baz=wibble' end it "does not escape %38 items in urls" do l = Launchy::Detect::Runner::Forkable.new cmd = l.dry_run( "not-really", [ "http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E3%81%82" ] ) cmd.must_equal( 'not-really http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E3%81%82' ) end it "can launch a utf8 url" do url = "http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/あ" l = Launchy::Detect::Runner::Forkable.new cmd = l.dry_run( "not-really", [ url ] ) cmd.must_equal( "not-really #{url}" ) end end