require 'spec_helper' describe Springboard::Client::URI do let(:uri) { described_class.parse('/relative/path') } describe "subpath" do it "should return a new URI with the path relative to the receiver" do expect(uri.subpath('other')).to eq(described_class.parse('/relative/path/other')) expect(uri.subpath('/other')).to eq(described_class.parse('/relative/path/other')) uri.subpath(described_class.parse('/other')) == described_class.parse('/relative/path/other') end end describe "parse" do describe "when called with a URI object" do it "should return a cloned URI object" do parsed_uri = described_class.parse(uri) expect(uri.class).to eq(parsed_uri.class) expect(uri.object_id).not_to eq(parsed_uri.object_id) expect(parsed_uri.to_s).to eq(uri.to_s) end end describe "when called with a URI string" do it "should return a URI based on the given string" do uri = described_class.parse('/some_path') expect(uri).to be_a(described_class) expect(uri.to_s).to eq('/some_path') end end end describe "dup" do it "should return a duplicate URI object" do dup_uri = uri.dup expect(uri.class).to eq(dup_uri.class) expect(uri.to_s).to eq(dup_uri.to_s) expect(uri.object_id).not_to eq(dup_uri.object_id) end describe "when mutating the copy" do it "should not affect the original" do dup_uri = uri.dup dup_uri.query_values = {per_page: 1} expect(uri.to_s).to eq('/relative/path') expect(dup_uri.to_s).to eq('/relative/path?per_page=1') end end end describe "==" do it "should consider two URIs parsed from the same string equal" do expect( described_class.parse('') == described_class.parse('') ).to be(true) end it "should consider two URIs parsed from different strings not equal" do expect( described_class.parse('') == described_class.parse('') ).to be(false) expect( described_class.parse('') == described_class.parse('') ).to be(false) end end describe "merge_query_values!" do it "should call springboard_query_values=" do uri.query_values = {'a' => '1'} expect(uri).to receive(:springboard_query_values=).with({'a' => '1', 'b' => '2'}) uri.merge_query_values! 'b' => '2' end it "should merge the given values with the existing query_values" do uri.query_values = {'a' => '1', 'b' => '2'} uri.merge_query_values! 'b' => '20', 'c' => '30' expect(uri.query_values).to eq({'a' => '1', 'b' => '20', 'c' => '30'}) end it "should set the given values if there are no existing query_values" do expect(uri.query_values).to be_nil uri.merge_query_values! 'b' => '20', 'c' => '30' expect(uri.query_values).to eq({'b' => '20', 'c' => '30'}) end end describe "springboard_query_values=" do it "should preserve empty bracket notation for array params" do uri.query = 'sort[]=f1&sort[]=f2' uri.__send__(:springboard_query_values=, uri.query_values) expect(uri.to_s).to eq('/relative/path?sort[]=f1&sort[]=f2') end it "should stringify boolean param values" do uri.__send__(:springboard_query_values=, {:p1 => true, :p2 => false}) expect(uri.to_s).to eq('/relative/path?p1=true&p2=false') end it "should support hash param values" do uri.__send__(:springboard_query_values=, {:a => {:b => {:c => 123}}}) expect(uri.to_s).to eq('/relative/path?a[b][c]=123') end end end