require 'spec_helper' require 'puppet/pops' module Puppet::Pops module Types describe TypeParser do extend RSpec::Matchers::DSL let(:parser) { TypeParser.singleton } let(:types) { TypeFactory } it "rejects a puppet expression" do expect { parser.parse("1 + 1") }.to raise_error(Puppet::ParseError, /The expression <1 \+ 1> is not a valid type specification/) end it "rejects a empty type specification" do expect { parser.parse("") }.to raise_error(Puppet::ParseError, /The expression <> is not a valid type specification/) end it "rejects an invalid type simple type" do expect { parser.parse("notAType") }.to raise_error(Puppet::ParseError, /The expression is not a valid type specification/) end it "rejects an unknown parameterized type" do expect { parser.parse("notAType[Integer]") }.to raise_error(Puppet::ParseError, /The expression is not a valid type specification/) end it "rejects an unknown type parameter" do expect { parser.parse("Array[notAType]") }.to raise_error(Puppet::ParseError, /The expression is not a valid type specification/) end it "rejects an unknown type parameter in a variant" do expect { parser.parse("Variant[Integer,'not a type']") }.to raise_error(Puppet::ParseError, /The expression is not a valid type specification/) end [ 'Any', 'Data', 'CatalogEntry', 'Scalar', 'Undef', 'Numeric', 'Default' ].each do |name| it "does not support parameterizing unparameterized type <#{name}>" do expect { parser.parse("#{name}[Integer]") }.to raise_unparameterized_error_for(name) end end it "parses a simple, unparameterized type into the type object" do expect(the_type_parsed_from(types.any)).to be_the_type(types.any) expect(the_type_parsed_from(types.integer)).to be_the_type(types.integer) expect(the_type_parsed_from(types.float)).to be_the_type(types.float) expect(the_type_parsed_from(types.string)).to be_the_type(types.string) expect(the_type_parsed_from(types.boolean)).to be_the_type(types.boolean) expect(the_type_parsed_from(types.pattern)).to be_the_type(types.pattern) expect(the_type_parsed_from( be_the_type( expect(the_type_parsed_from(types.catalog_entry)).to be_the_type(types.catalog_entry) expect(the_type_parsed_from(types.collection)).to be_the_type(types.collection) expect(the_type_parsed_from(types.tuple)).to be_the_type(types.tuple) expect(the_type_parsed_from(types.struct)).to be_the_type(types.struct) expect(the_type_parsed_from(types.optional)).to be_the_type(types.optional) expect(the_type_parsed_from(types.default)).to be_the_type(types.default) end it "interprets an unparameterized Array as an Array of Any" do expect(parser.parse("Array")).to be_the_type(types.array_of_any) end it "interprets an unparameterized Hash as a Hash of Any, Any" do expect(parser.parse("Hash")).to be_the_type(types.hash_of_any) end it "interprets a parameterized Array[0, 0] as an empty hash with no key and value type" do expect(parser.parse("Array[0, 0]")).to be_the_type(types.array_of(types.default, types.range(0, 0))) end it "interprets a parameterized Hash[0, 0] as an empty hash with no key and value type" do expect(parser.parse("Hash[0, 0]")).to be_the_type(types.hash_of(types.default, types.default, types.range(0, 0))) end it "interprets a parameterized Hash[t] as a Hash of Scalar to t" do expect(parser.parse("Hash[Scalar, Integer]")).to be_the_type(types.hash_of(types.integer)) end it 'interprets an Boolean with a true parameter to represent boolean true' do expect(parser.parse('Boolean[true]')).to be_the_type(types.boolean(true)) end it 'interprets an Boolean with a false parameter to represent boolean false' do expect(parser.parse('Boolean[false]')).to be_the_type(types.boolean(false)) end it 'does not accept non-boolean parameters' do expect{parser.parse('Boolean["false"]')}.to raise_error(/Boolean parameter must be true or false/) end it 'interprets an Integer with one parameter to have unbounded upper range' do expect(parser.parse('Integer[0]')).to eq(parser.parse('Integer[0,default]')) end it 'interprets a Float with one parameter to have unbounded upper range' do expect(parser.parse('Float[0]')).to eq(parser.parse('Float[0,default]')) end it "parses a parameterized type into the type object" do parameterized_array = types.array_of(types.integer) parameterized_hash = types.hash_of(types.integer, types.boolean) expect(the_type_parsed_from(parameterized_array)).to be_the_type(parameterized_array) expect(the_type_parsed_from(parameterized_hash)).to be_the_type(parameterized_hash) end it "parses a size constrained collection using capped range" do parameterized_array = types.array_of(types.integer, types.range(1,2)) parameterized_hash = types.hash_of(types.integer, types.boolean, types.range(1,2)) expect(the_type_parsed_from(parameterized_array)).to be_the_type(parameterized_array) expect(the_type_parsed_from(parameterized_hash)).to be_the_type(parameterized_hash) end it "parses a size constrained collection with open range" do parameterized_array = types.array_of(types.integer, types.range(1, :default)) parameterized_hash = types.hash_of(types.integer, types.boolean, types.range(1, :default)) expect(the_type_parsed_from(parameterized_array)).to be_the_type(parameterized_array) expect(the_type_parsed_from(parameterized_hash)).to be_the_type(parameterized_hash) end it "parses optional type" do opt_t = types.optional(Integer) expect(the_type_parsed_from(opt_t)).to be_the_type(opt_t) end it "parses timespan type" do timespan_t = types.timespan expect(the_type_parsed_from(timespan_t)).to be_the_type(timespan_t) end it "parses timestamp type" do timestamp_t = types.timestamp expect(the_type_parsed_from(timestamp_t)).to be_the_type(timestamp_t) end it "parses tuple type" do tuple_t = types.tuple([Integer, String]) expect(the_type_parsed_from(tuple_t)).to be_the_type(tuple_t) end it "parses tuple type with occurrence constraint" do tuple_t = types.tuple([Integer, String], types.range(2, 5)) expect(the_type_parsed_from(tuple_t)).to be_the_type(tuple_t) end it "parses struct type" do struct_t = types.struct({'a'=>Integer, 'b'=>String}) expect(the_type_parsed_from(struct_t)).to be_the_type(struct_t) end describe "handles parsing of patterns and regexp" do { 'Pattern[/([a-z]+)([1-9]+)/]' => [:pattern, [/([a-z]+)([1-9]+)/]], 'Pattern["([a-z]+)([1-9]+)"]' => [:pattern, [/([a-z]+)([1-9]+)/]], 'Regexp[/([a-z]+)([1-9]+)/]' => [:regexp, [/([a-z]+)([1-9]+)/]], 'Pattern[/x9/, /([a-z]+)([1-9]+)/]' => [:pattern, [/x9/, /([a-z]+)([1-9]+)/]], }.each do |source, type| it "such that the source '#{source}' yields the type #{type.to_s}" do expect(parser.parse(source)).to be_the_type(TypeFactory.send(type[0], *type[1])) end end end it "rejects an collection spec with the wrong number of parameters" do expect { parser.parse("Array[Integer, 1,2,3]") }.to raise_the_parameter_error("Array", "1 to 3", 4) expect { parser.parse("Hash[Integer, Integer, 1,2,3]") }.to raise_the_parameter_error("Hash", "2 to 4", 5) end context 'with scope context and loader' do let!(:scope) { {} } let(:loader) { } before :each do Adapters::LoaderAdapter.expects(:loader_for_model_object).returns loader end it 'interprets anything that is not found by the loader to be a type reference' do loader.expects(:load).with(:type, 'nonesuch').returns nil expect(parser.parse('Nonesuch', scope)).to be_the_type(types.type_reference('Nonesuch')) end it 'interprets anything that is found by the loader to be what the loader found' do loader.expects(:load).with(:type, 'file').returns types.resource('File') expect(parser.parse('File', scope)).to be_the_type(types.resource('File')) end it "parses a resource type with title" do loader.expects(:load).with(:type, 'file').returns types.resource('File') expect(parser.parse("File['/tmp/foo']", scope)).to be_the_type(types.resource('file', '/tmp/foo')) end it "parses a resource type using 'Resource[type]' form" do loader.expects(:load).with(:type, 'file').returns types.resource('File') expect(parser.parse("Resource[File]", scope)).to be_the_type(types.resource('file')) end it "parses a resource type with title using 'Resource[type, title]'" do loader.expects(:load).with(:type, 'file').returns nil expect(parser.parse("Resource[File, '/tmp/foo']", scope)).to be_the_type(types.resource('file', '/tmp/foo')) end it "parses a resource type with title using 'Resource[Type[title]]'" do loader.expects(:load).with(:type, 'nonesuch').returns nil expect(parser.parse("Resource[Nonesuch['fife']]", scope)).to be_the_type(types.resource('nonesuch', 'fife')) end end context 'with loader context' do let(:loader) {, "type_parser_unit_test_loader") } it 'interprets anything that is not found by the loader to be a type reference' do loader.expects(:load).with(:type, 'nonesuch').returns nil expect(parser.parse('Nonesuch', loader)).to be_the_type(types.type_reference('Nonesuch')) end it 'interprets anything that is found by the loader to be what the loader found' do loader.expects(:load).with(:type, 'file').returns types.resource('File') expect(parser.parse('File', loader)).to be_the_type(types.resource('file')) end it "parses a resource type with title" do loader.expects(:load).with(:type, 'file').returns types.resource('File') expect(parser.parse("File['/tmp/foo']", loader)).to be_the_type(types.resource('file', '/tmp/foo')) end it "parses a resource type using 'Resource[type]' form" do loader.expects(:load).with(:type, 'file').returns types.resource('File') expect(parser.parse("Resource[File]", loader)).to be_the_type(types.resource('file')) end it "parses a resource type with title using 'Resource[type, title]'" do loader.expects(:load).with(:type, 'file').returns types.resource('File') expect(parser.parse("Resource[File, '/tmp/foo']", loader)).to be_the_type(types.resource('file', '/tmp/foo')) end end context 'without a scope' do it "interprets anything that is not a built in type to be a type reference" do expect(parser.parse('TestType')).to eq(types.type_reference('TestType')) end it "interprets anything that is not a built in type with parameterers to be type reference with parameters" do expect(parser.parse("TestType['/tmp/foo']")).to eq(types.type_reference("TestType['/tmp/foo']")) end end it "parses a host class type" do expect(parser.parse("Class")).to be_the_type(types.host_class()) end it "parses a parameterized host class type" do expect(parser.parse("Class[foo::bar]")).to be_the_type(types.host_class('foo::bar')) end it 'parses an integer range' do expect(parser.parse("Integer[1,2]")).to be_the_type(types.range(1,2)) end it 'parses a negative integer range' do expect(parser.parse("Integer[-3,-1]")).to be_the_type(types.range(-3,-1)) end it 'parses a float range' do expect(parser.parse("Float[1.0,2.0]")).to be_the_type(types.float_range(1.0,2.0)) end it 'parses a collection size range' do expect(parser.parse("Collection[1,2]")).to be_the_type(types.collection(types.range(1,2))) end it 'parses a timespan type' do expect(parser.parse("Timespan")).to be_the_type(types.timespan) end it 'parses a timespan type with a lower bound' do expect(parser.parse("Timespan[{hours => 3}]")).to be_the_type(types.timespan({'hours' => 3})) end it 'parses a timespan type with an upper bound' do expect(parser.parse("Timespan[default, {hours => 9}]")).to be_the_type(types.timespan(nil, {'hours' => 9})) end it 'parses a timespan type with both lower and upper bounds' do expect(parser.parse("Timespan[{hours => 3}, {hours => 9}]")).to be_the_type(types.timespan({'hours' => 3}, {'hours' => 9})) end it 'parses a timestamp type' do expect(parser.parse("Timestamp")).to be_the_type(types.timestamp) end it 'parses a timestamp type with a lower bound' do expect(parser.parse("Timestamp['2014-12-12T13:14:15 CET']")).to be_the_type(types.timestamp('2014-12-12T13:14:15 CET')) end it 'parses a timestamp type with an upper bound' do expect(parser.parse("Timestamp[default, '2014-12-12T13:14:15 CET']")).to be_the_type(types.timestamp(nil, '2014-12-12T13:14:15 CET')) end it 'parses a timestamp type with both lower and upper bounds' do expect(parser.parse("Timestamp['2014-12-12T13:14:15 CET', '2016-08-23T17:50:00 CET']")).to be_the_type(types.timestamp('2014-12-12T13:14:15 CET', '2016-08-23T17:50:00 CET')) end it 'parses a type type' do expect(parser.parse("Type[Integer]")).to be_the_type(types.type_type(types.integer)) end it 'parses a ruby type' do expect(parser.parse("Runtime[ruby, 'Integer']")).to be_the_type(types.ruby_type('Integer')) end it 'parses a callable type' do t = parser.parse("Callable") expect(t).to be_the_type(types.all_callables()) expect(t.return_type).to be_nil end it 'parses a parameterized callable type' do t = parser.parse("Callable[String, Integer]") expect(t).to be_the_type(types.callable(String, Integer)) expect(t.return_type).to be_nil end it 'parses a parameterized callable type with min/max' do t = parser.parse("Callable[String, Integer, 1, default]") expect(t).to be_the_type(types.callable(String, Integer, 1, :default)) expect(t.return_type).to be_nil end it 'parses a parameterized callable type with block' do t = parser.parse("Callable[String, Callable[Boolean]]") expect(t).to be_the_type(types.callable(String, types.callable(true))) expect(t.return_type).to be_nil end it 'parses a callable with no parameters and return type' do expect(parser.parse("Callable[[],Float]")).to be_the_type(types.callable([],Float)) end it 'parses a parameterized callable type with return type' do expect(parser.parse("Callable[[String, Integer],Float]")).to be_the_type(types.callable([String, Integer],Float)) end it 'parses a parameterized callable type with min/max and return type' do expect(parser.parse("Callable[[String, Integer, 1, default],Float]")).to be_the_type(types.callable([String, Integer, 1, :default], Float)) end it 'parses a parameterized callable type with block and return type' do expect(parser.parse("Callable[[String, Callable[Boolean]],Float]")).to be_the_type(types.callable([String, types.callable(true)], Float)) end it 'parses a parameterized callable type with 0 min/max' do t = parser.parse("Callable[0,0]") expect(t).to be_the_type(types.callable(0,0)) expect(t.param_types.types).to be_empty expect(t.return_type).to be_nil end it 'parses a parameterized callable type with 0 min/max and return_type' do t = parser.parse("Callable[[0,0],Float]") expect(t).to be_the_type(types.callable([0,0],Float)) expect(t.param_types.types).to be_empty expect(t.return_type).to be_the_type(types.float) end it 'parses a parameterized callable type with >0 min/max' do t = parser.parse("Callable[0,1]") expect(t).to be_the_type(types.callable(0,1)) # Contains a Unit type to indicate "called with what you accept" expect(t.param_types.types[0]).to be_the_type( expect(t.return_type).to be_nil end it 'parses a parameterized callable type with >0 min/max and a return type' do t = parser.parse("Callable[[0,1],Float]") expect(t).to be_the_type(types.callable([0,1], Float)) # Contains a Unit type to indicate "called with what you accept" expect(t.param_types.types[0]).to be_the_type( expect(t.return_type).to be_the_type(types.float) end it 'parses all known literals' do t = parser.parse('Nonesuch[{a=>undef,b=>true,c=>false,d=>default,e=>"string",f=>0,g=>1.0,h=>[1,2,3]}]') expect(t).to be_a(PTypeReferenceType) expect(t.type_string).to eql('Nonesuch[{a=>undef,b=>true,c=>false,d=>default,e=>"string",f=>0,g=>1.0,h=>[1,2,3]}]') end it 'parses a parameterized Enum using identifiers' do t = parser.parse('Enum[a, b]') expect(t).to be_a(PEnumType) expect(t.to_s).to eql("Enum['a', 'b']") end it 'parses a parameterized Enum using strings' do t = parser.parse("Enum['a', 'b']") expect(t).to be_a(PEnumType) expect(t.to_s).to eql("Enum['a', 'b']") end it 'rejects a parameterized Enum using type refs' do expect { parser.parse('Enum[A, B]') }.to raise_error(/Enum parameters must be identifiers or strings/) end it 'rejects a parameterized Enum using integers' do expect { parser.parse('Enum[1, 2]') }.to raise_error(/Enum parameters must be identifiers or strings/) end matcher :be_the_type do |type| calc = match do |actual| calc.assignable?(actual, type) && calc.assignable?(type, actual) end failure_message do |actual| "expected #{calc.string(type)}, but was #{calc.string(actual)}" end end def raise_the_parameter_error(type, required, given) raise_error(Puppet::ParseError, /#{type} requires #{required}, #{given} provided/) end def raise_type_error_for(type_name) raise_error(Puppet::ParseError, /Unknown type <#{type_name}>/) end def raise_unparameterized_error_for(type_name) raise_error(Puppet::ParseError, /Not a parameterized type <#{type_name}>/) end def the_type_parsed_from(type) parser.parse(the_type_spec_for(type)) end def the_type_spec_for(type) TypeFormatter.string(type) end end end end