module GoogleAppsOauth2 module Atom class Document include Node def initialize(doc, map = {}) @doc = parse(doc) @map = map end def parse(xml) document = Atom::XML::Document.string(xml) Atom::XML::Parser.document(document).parse end # find_values searches @doc and assigns any values # to their corresponding instance variables. This is # useful when we've been given a string of XML and need # internal consistency in the object. # # find_values def find_values @doc.root.each do |entry| intersect = @map.keys & set_instances(intersect, entry) unless intersect.empty? end end # Sets instance variables in the current object based on # values found in the XML document and the mapping specified # in GoogleApps::Atom::MAPS # @param [Array] intersect # @param [LibXML::XML::Node] node # @param [Hash] map # # @visibility public # @return def set_instances(intersect, node) intersect.each do |attribute| instance_variable_set "@#{@map[attribute]}", check_value(node.attributes[attribute]) end end end end end