module ActiveRecord class Base class << self def master_configuration(env = nil) env ||= Rails.env # use master db configuration in config/database.yml if present configurations["master_#{env}"] or { c = configurations[env].dup c['database'] += '_master' c }.call end def connect_to_sessions config = configurations[Rails.env || 'development'] self.establish_connection(config) end def connect_to_master self.establish_connection(master_configuration) end def connect_to_organization(org = nil, set_env = false) org_code = org.is_a?(MultiDB::Organization) ? org.code : org org_code ||= ENV['RAILS_ORG'] || 'org1' config = ActiveRecord::Base.configurations[Rails.env] self.establish_connection(config.merge('database' => "#{config['database']}_#{org_code}")) begin ActiveRecord::Base.connection.tables rescue Mysql2::Error Rails.logger.error "Couldn't connect to org db for #{org_code}" return false end ENV['RAILS_ORG'] = org_code if set_env org_code end end end class Migration alias_method :migrate_without_multidb, :migrate def migrate(direction) if ENV['RAILS_ORG'] == 'master' Base.connect_to_master elsif ENV['RAILS_ORG'] == 'sessions' Base.connect_to_sessions else Base.connect_to_organization end migrate_without_multidb(direction) end end class Migrator alias_method :initialize_without_multidb, :initialize def initialize(direction, migrations_paths, target_version = nil) if ENV['RAILS_ORG'] == 'master' Base.connect_to_master elsif ENV['RAILS_ORG'] == 'sessions' Base.connect_to_sessions else Base.connect_to_organization end initialize_without_multidb(direction, migrations_paths, target_version) end class << self def migrations_paths @migrations_paths ||= ['db/migrate'] # just to not break things if someone uses: migration_path = some_string paths = Array.wrap(@migrations_paths) case ENV['RAILS_ORG'] when 'sessions', 'master' { |path| "#{path}/#{ENV['RAILS_ORG']}" } else { |path| "#{path}/org" } end end end end module Tasks module DatabaseTasks alias :create_without_multidb :create def create(*arguments) create_or_drop(:create, arguments) end alias :drop_without_multidb :drop def drop(*arguments) create_or_drop(:drop, arguments) end def create_or_drop(*arguments) create_or_drop = arguments[0] arguments = arguments[1] _config = arguments.shift config_name = ActiveRecord::Base.configurations.invert[_config] is_test = (config_name == 'test') config = _config.dup case ENV['RAILS_ORG'] when nil # set default org database raise "No database name specified in configuration \"#{config_name}\"" unless config['database'] config['database'] += '_org1' when 'sessions' # do nothing when 'master' config = ActiveRecord::Base.master_configuration(is_test ? 'test' : nil) else config['database'] += '_' + ENV['RAILS_ORG'] end arguments.unshift config case create_or_drop when :create then create_without_multidb(*arguments) when :drop then drop_without_multidb(*arguments) end end end class MySQLDatabaseTasks def purge establish_connection configuration connection.recreate_database configuration['database'], creation_options end end end end