# Displays a typical Umlaut response element in typical markup.
# Pass in a ServiceType object for the response using Rails partial
# :object or :collection convention
#optional argument, :locals =>
# :show_source => default false, if true display the source of the link
show_source ||= false
service_response = standard_response_item # passed in via :object or :collection
# passed in in :object or :collection
view_data = service_response.view_data
<% if view_data[:link_supports_ajax_call]
# Generate a hyperlink that will call our standard service action
# due to special class for unobtrusive JS.
<%= link_to(view_data[:display_text],
{:id => "svctype_link_#{service_response.id}",
:target => "_blank",
:class => "ajax_window"}) %>
<% elsif (content = response_content(view_data ))
#collapsible content on page
<%= expand_contract_section(view_data[:display_text], "svc_id_#{service_response.id}") do %>
<%= content %>
<% end %>
<% else
# Ordinary href link.
<%= link_to view_data[:display_text], {:controller=>'link_router', :id=>service_response.id}, 'target'=>"_blank", 'id' => "svctype_link_#{service_response.id}" %>
<% end %>
<% if show_source %>
from <%= view_data[:source] || service_response.service.display_name %>
<% end %>
<% unless view_data[:coverage].blank? %>
<%= view_data[:coverage] %>
<% end
<% unless view_data[:notes].blank? %>
# legacy, the 'notes' field can take raw html, we need to leave it that way for
#now, but it's not great.
<%= view_data[:notes].html_safe %>
<% end %>
<% unless view_data[:authentication].blank? %>
Authentication: <%= view_data[:authentication] %>
<% end %>
<% if (!view_data[:match_reliability].blank?) && view_data[:match_reliability] != ServiceResponse::MatchExact %>
<% unless view_data[:edition_str].blank? %>
Edition information <%= view_data[:edition_str] %>
<% else %>
May be alternate edition.
<% end %>
<% end %>
Debug info: <%= service_response.service.service_id %>
<% unless view_data[:debug_info].blank? %>
; <%= view_data[:debug_info] %>
<% end %>