# ember-rails [![Build Status](https://secure.travis-ci.org/emberjs/ember-rails.png?branch=master)](http://travis-ci.org/emberjs/ember-rails) [![Dependency Status](https://gemnasium.com/emberjs/ember-rails.png)](https://gemnasium.com/emberjs/ember-rails) ember-rails makes developing an [Ember.JS](http://emberjs.com/) application much easier in Rails 3.1+. The following functionalities are included in this gem: - Pre-compiling of your handlebars templates when building your asset pipeline. - Includes development and production copies of Ember, [Ember Data](https://github.com/emberjs/data) and [Handlebars](https://github.com/wycats/handlebars.js). - Includes [ActiveModel::Serializer](https://github.com/rails-api/active_model_serializers) for integration with Ember Data. You can see an example of how to use the gem [here](https://github.com/keithpitt/ember-rails-example). There is also a great tutorial by [Dan Gebhardt](https://twitter.com/#!/dgeb) called "[Beginning Ember.js on Rails](http://www.cerebris.com/blog/2012/01/24/beginning-ember-js-on-rails-part-1/)" which is a great read if you're just starting out with Rails and Ember.js ## Getting started * Add the gem to your application Gemfile: ```ruby gem 'ember-rails' gem 'ember-source', '1.2.0' # or the version you need ``` * Run `bundle install` * Next, generate the application structure: ```shell rails generate ember:bootstrap ``` * Restart your server (if it's running) Notes: To install the latest builds of ember and ember-data. It should be noted that the examples in the [getting started guide](http://emberjs.com/guides/getting-started/) have been designed to use the released version of ember: ```shell rails generate ember:install ``` You'll probably need to clear out your cache after doing this with ```shell rake tmp:clear ``` ## For CoffeeScript support 1. Add coffee-rails to the Gemfile ```ruby gem 'coffee-rails' ``` 2. Run the bootstrap generator in step 4 with an extra flag instead: ```sh rails g ember:bootstrap -g --javascript-engine coffee ``` Note: Ember-rails include some flags options for bootstrap generator: ``` --ember-path or -d # custom ember path --skip-git or -g # skip git keeps --javascript-engine # engine for javascript (js or coffee) --app-name or -n # custom ember app name ``` ## For EmberScript support [EmberScript](http://www.emberscript.com) is a dialect of CoffeeScript with extra support for computed properties (which do not have to be explicitly declared), the `class` / `extends` syntax, and extra syntax to support observers and mixins. To get EmberScript support, make sure you have the following in your Gemfile: ```ruby gem 'ember_script-rails', :github => 'ghempton/ember-script-rails' ``` You can now use the flag `--javascript-engine=em` to specify EmberScript assets in your generators, but all of the generators will default to using an EmberScript variant first. ## Configuration Options The following options are availabe for configuration in your application or environment level config files (`config/application.rb`, `config/environments/development.rb`, etc.): * `config.ember.variant` - Used to determine which Ember variant to use. Valid options: `:development`, `:production`. * `config.ember.app_name` - Used to specify a default application name for all generators. * `config.ember.ember_path` - Used to specify a default custom root path for all generators. * `config.handlebars.precompile` - Used to enable or disable precompilation. Default value: `true`. * `config.handlebars.templates_root` - Set the root path (under `app/assets/javascripts`) for templates to be looked up in. Default value: `"templates"`. * `config.handlebars.templates_path_separator` - The path separator to use for templates. Default value: `'/'`. * `config.handlebars.output_type` - Configures the style of output (options are `:amd` and `:global`). Default value: `:global`. ## Architecture Ember does not require an organized file structure. However, ember-rails allows you to use `rails g ember:bootstrap` to create the following directory structure under `app/assets/javascripts`: controllers/ helpers/ components/ models/ routes/ templates/ templates/components views/ Additionally, it will add the following lines to `app/assets/javascripts/application.js`. By default, it uses the Rails Application's name and creates an `rails_app_name.js` file to setup application namespace and initial requires: //= require handlebars //= require ember //= require ember-data //= require_self //= require rails_app_name RailsAppName = Ember.Application.create(); *Example:* rails g ember:bootstrap insert app/assets/javascripts/application.js create app/assets/javascripts/models create app/assets/javascripts/models/.gitkeep create app/assets/javascripts/controllers create app/assets/javascripts/controllers/.gitkeep create app/assets/javascripts/views create app/assets/javascripts/views/.gitkeep create app/assets/javascripts/helpers create app/assets/javascripts/helpers/.gitkeep create app/assets/javascripts/components create app/assets/javascripts/components/.gitkeep create app/assets/javascripts/templates create app/assets/javascripts/templates/.gitkeep create app/assets/javascripts/templates/components create app/assets/javascripts/templates/components/.gitkeep create app/assets/javascripts/app.js If you want to avoid `.gitkeep` files, use the `skip git` option like this: `rails g ember:bootstrap -g`. Ask Rails to serve HandlebarsJS and pre-compile templates to Ember by putting each template in a dedicated ".js.hjs", ".hbs" or ".handlebars" file (e.g. `app/assets/javascripts/templates/admin_panel.handlebars`) and including the assets in your layout: <%= javascript_include_tag "templates/admin_panel" %> If you want to strip template root from template names, add `templates_root` option to your application configuration block. By default, `templates_root` is `'templates'`. config.handlebars.templates_root = 'ember_templates' If you store templates in a file like `app/assets/javascripts/ember_templates/admin_panel.handlebars` after setting the above config, it will be made available to Ember as the `admin_panel` template. _(Note: you must clear the local sprockets cache after modifying `templates_root`, stored by default in `tmp/cache/assets`)_ Default behavior for ember-rails is to precompile handlebars templates. If you don't want this behavior you can turn it off in your application configuration (or per environment in: `config/environments/development.rb`) block: config.handlebars.precompile = false _(Note: you must clear the local sprockets cache if you disable precompilation, stored by default in `tmp/cache/assets`)_ Bundle all templates together thanks to Sprockets, e.g create `app/assets/javascripts/templates/all.js` with: //= require_tree . Now a single line in the layout loads everything: <%= javascript_include_tag "templates/all" %> If you use Slim or Haml templates, you can use handlebars filter : handlebars: It will be translated as : ### Note about ember components When necessary, ember-rails adheres to a conventional folder structure. To create an ember component you must define the handlebars file *inside* the *components* folder under the templates folder of your project to properly register your handlebars component file. *Example* With the following folder structure: components/ controllers/ helpers/ models/ routes/ templates/ components/ my-component.handlebars views/ and a *my-component.handlebars* file with the following contents

My Component

will produce the following handlebars output You can reference your component inside your other handlebars template files by the handlebars file name: {{ my-component }} ### A note about upgrading ember-rails and components The ember-rails project now includes generators for components. If you have an exisitng project and need to compile component files you will need to include the components folder as part of the asset pipeline. A typical project expects two folders for *components* related code: * `assets/javascripts/components/` to hold the component javascript source * `assets/javascripts/templates/components/` to hold the handlebars templates for your components Your asset pipeline require statements should include reference to both e.g. RailsAppName.js ``` //= require_tree ./templates //= require_tree ./components ``` or RailsAppName.js.coffee ``` #= require_tree ./templates #= require_tree ./components ``` These are automatically generated for you in new projects you when you run the `ember:bootstrap` generator. ## Specifying Different Versions of Ember/Handlebars/Ember-Data By default, ember-rails ships with the latest version of [Ember](https://rubygems.org/gems/ember-source/versions), [Handlebars](https://rubygems.org/gems/handlebars-source/versions), and [Ember-Data](https://rubygems.org/gems/ember-data-source/versions). To specify a different version that'll be used for both template precompilation and serving to the browser, you can specify the desired version of one of the above-linked gems in the Gemfile, e.g.: gem 'ember-source', '1.0.0' You can also specify versions of 'handlebars-source' and 'ember-data-source', but note that an appropriate 'handlebars-source' will be automatically chosen depending on the version of 'ember-source' that's specified. You can also override the specific ember.js, handlebars.js, and ember-data.js files that'll be `require`d by the Asset pipeline by placing these files in `vendor/assets/ember/development` and `vendor/assets/ember/production`, depending on the `config.ember.variant` you've specified in your app's configuration, e.g.: config.ember.variant = :production #config.ember.variant = :development ## Updating Ember If at any point you need to update Ember.js from any of the release channels, you can do that with rails generate ember:install --channel= This will fetch both Ember.js and Ember Data from [http://builds.emberjs.com/](http://builds.emberjs.com/) and copy to the right directory. You can choose between the following channels: * canary - This references the 'master' branch and is not recommended for production use. * beta - This references the 'beta' branch, and will ultimately become the next stable version. It is not recommended for production use. * release - This references the 'stable' branch, and is recommended for production use. When you don't specify a channel, the release channel is used. It is also possible to download a specific tagged release. To do this, use the following syntax: rails generate ember:install --tag=v1.2.0-beta.2 --ember or for ember-data rails generate ember:install --tag=v1.0.0-beta.2 --ember-data ## Note on Patches/Pull Requests 1. Fork the project. 2. Make your feature addition or bug fix. 3. Add tests for it. This is important so I don't break it in a future version unintentionally. 4. Commit, do not mess with rakefile, version, or history. (if you want to have your own version, that is fine but bump version in a commit by itself I can ignore when I pull) 5. Send me a pull request. Bonus points for topic branches.